jazzforthecaptain · 7 years
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Happy birthday, Sam Winchester! Haven’t made a manip in months. Feels good man.
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scottxlogan · 7 years
Tagged by @srk1o3​
rules: 1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. write 11 questions of your own. 4. tag 11 people (or however many you want)
1.) What’s ur fave time of year +why My favorite time of year is probably summer just because my birthday is in the summer time and it’s the one time of the year that I try to do something really nice for myself. Plus it is nice to get out in the warm weather and explore with hiking outdoors and other fun stuff that the winter time and the snow just doesn’t allow.
2.) Weirdest dream you ever had +ur reaction when u woke up I have to be honest I have weird dreams like all the time so I don’t react to them anymore lol. I dream about Michael Fassbender a lot, which is funny because I like him, but he’s not necessarily my most favorite actor. One of the weirdest dreams I ever had though was I was with my family driving in Florida and our car went under water and totally got buried under it. We survived, but then we were like being chased by this cult of people who were after us for no real reason, but then all of a sudden i wasn’t myself anymore and I was a completely different person with a different gender. It was kind of strange. Like I said I have strange dreams all the time so I’m thinking it’s part of the game for me :)
3.) Which fictional character would u trade places with?+why This won’t make sense to anyone because no one else has read the story, but I’m writing a gay romance novel and if I had to pick a character to trade with I would probably pick one of the guys in my story because even though his life wasn’t super easy for him at all, where he is at in his life is probably where I would like to be simply because he’s in a place where he was able to rise above where he started to find happiness in his life in following his dreams.
4.) If you could be any fruit, what would you be +why.. This is a tough one. I never really gave it any thought before considering that well, I just haven’t. If I had to pick one I’ll go with a banana just because it seems to be a super fruit that can offer a lot of good things to the world around it :)
5.) What is your dream job!!!+why I would love to be a writer simply because I love the idea of creating a character and watching them come to life with their story as it unfolds. Nothing is more exciting than being a part of their evolution and seeing them grow and develop.
6.) What’s ur family heritage like? Unfortunately less structured than most. We are a mix of a lot of cultures rolled into one, so there’s a little bit of everything going on there.
7.) You’re in a gang. What’s the name of the gang? What’s ur gang name/symbol? What’s your ranking in the gang? how did u get involved in this gang? Another tough one. To be honest I’m not really even sure if I can come up with something for this. How about instead of joining a gang I just see if I can just work my way into becoming a part of the X-Men? It sounds like a much more fun way to go.
8.) If you could travel to any time period, which would it be?  I wouldn’t mind traveling to the future and to the past without any real set destination in mind just because I think it would be interesting to see where things end up in the future and then if it’s undesirable you could go back and try to learn from the mistakes of your past.
9.) A movie that reminds you of your childhood?+why Dirty Dancing just because when I was younger my parents had decided that it was a movie that was inappropriate for children. It sounds lame I know, but since they’d seen it and didn’t like it I wasn’t allowed to see it. However, my best friend at the time grew up watching it and loving it, so one day at her house we watched it and like the naive child I was, I ended up ratting myself out for seeing it. The result was that I ended up getting grounded for not listening to what I was told, but now I look back and laugh considering how strict my parents were with me as opposed to my siblings through the years.
10.) When u were a kid what did u think u would be when u grew up? I wanted to be a movie star or a singer. I just loved the idea of getting dressed up and getting into character. It seemed so fun to try on different lives for a while or to entertain a crowd. In fact when I was really little I used to get dressed up and then sing to my favorite songs on the radio for my grandparents. I’m sure my concerts were terrible, but they seemed to love every second of it. Grandparents are great like that lol
11.) What was your favorite class that you have EVER taken, ever?+teacher description   This one is another tough question because if i’m honest with myself my favorite class I ever have taken was an independent study 3d class I did with a professor that let me explore my own level of creativity. I learned so much because I was able to set my own limitations and explore what I wanted to on a creative level and do things that went beyond what we were learning in all the other classes. However, if I had to pick a favorite class of mine it was an advanced Photoshop class that I took not because the class was the greatest, but because the professor at the time encouraged me to join the design program. Before I was in his class I had been going to school to work toward a career in medicine and/or psychology. I loved learning about psychology, but at the time my grandmother died and in the months leading up to her death I spent a lot of time at the hospital watching her fade away. Her rapid health decline was devastating to me not just because we were losing her, but because she was so unhappy at the end of her life. She regretted so many things and it caused me to question my path. Seeing her so unhappy about the choices she made after I’d watched her be super happy growing up made me wonder if I was making the right decisions for my future. Long story short is after she died I ended up with major anxiety that caused me to drop out of school. It wasn’t a decision I was proud of, but as people who have anxiety know when you can’t find the strength to fight an attack it only leaves you feeling isolated and confused. It really took me under for a while where I detached from the world around me including all of the people who were my friends and in that isolation I realized that I needed to make a change to find a better life for myself. With that thought in mind I enrolled in one class because I liked Photoshop enough playing with it on my own and that led to the second Photoshop class where the professor told me that I was in the top 5% of the students he’d ever taught in his years of teaching. He discovered I wasn’t a part of the design program and encouraged me to join, which ultimately helped me find a new reason to keep pushing forward and thinking positive about the future. Wow, that was kind of deep, but I guess that answers the question… 
Here are my questions for everyone else:
1. What is the best decision you’ve ever made in your life thus far and why?
2. If you could meet any person dead or alive throughout history for a one on one conversation over lunch, who would you pick and why?
3. What is your biggest fear and how do you try to cope with it? (If you want to answer or if you don’t that’s ok too)
4. If you had to join a superhero team would it be the X-men, Avengers, Justice League or something else? Why?
5. Which person has influenced you the most in your life?
6. What is the best book that you have ever read?
7. If you had to live the rest of your life without technology what would you do?
8. If you could change one thing about the world around you right now, what would it be?
9. What is the worst movie you have ever seen in your life?
10. What is your life motto?
11. If there was a zombie apocalypse and you could take five people real or fictional with you on your quest for survivial, who would they be and why?
I’m tagging: @fuckscottsummers​, @hughxjackman​, @sheisstrangerthanfiction​, @sgfic​, @mutant-andproud, @honorreid, @morrow-dim, @im-just-a-glitch, @cykerine, @avengingxmen, @sillysupernaturalgirl
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hanorganaas · 7 years
For the crossover: the flash and daredevil
A crossover ship I’d dig: Cisco Ramon x Claire Temple cause Cisco tends to get women out of his leagueA crossover BroTP I’d dig:  Iris West and Karen Page, they will go on investigation missions togetherA crossover Frenemies I think would be inevitable: Cisco and Foggy, they will try to say they get into more shanigans than the otherA crossover badass duo I think would be inevitable: I also Iris West and Karen Page, the laides will fighr crimeA crossover animosity I think would be inevitable: Matt Vs Wally and Barry....cause he will think they are villians
Send me a Crossover
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ozonecologne · 7 years
Hi, I feel super awkward about this but I just donated to your fundraiser. I'm not sure if you need a screenshot of my donation or the email I received. I think this is a really awesome idea, thanks for supporting others wanting to join in on the fun of Gishwhes!
AHHH please don’t feel awkward and thank you so much for donating!!!! Did you want me to make you something specific, or was this an “out of the goodness of your heart” kind of deal? Either way, I love you, you did a good thing today
By the way: I believe you, no need to submit a screenshot. Again, thank you so so much.
Check out my GISHWHES team fundraiser!
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boazpriestly · 7 years
honorreid replied to your post: I need songs about death of a loved one,...
I grieve by Peter Gabriel, supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran , who wants to live forever by Queen, hymn for the missing by Red, yesterdays by Switchfoot
Thank you!
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lynne-monstr · 7 years
@honorreid said:
This all sounds good. The end of lethal weapon is so intense can’t wait to see what you think. Also I have to say last week’s Doctor Who creeped me out a lot can’t say why because spoilers but seriously *shudders*. On a lighter note I was thrilled to see David Suchet again. I’ve missed seeing him when I used to watch Poirot
Ahhhh I’m so excited to see the end of lw! And I’m sure I will be flailing about it here too so you will totally know when I’ve seen it :) And thanks for the dw heads up, I will make sure I have a calming drink in hand when I start the ep!
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terrayoung · 7 years
For the asks: 41, 30, 37
41. top 10 favorite songs
Um, I don’t think I can pick a top ten favorite - my top favorite alone changes quite often. Is just picking 10 I currently really like alright?
1. Put a Little Love in Your Heart - “Duet” Superflash crossover episode
2. Super Friend - “Duet” Superflash crossover episode
3. Love Will Keep Us Together - Captain and Tenille
4. Just Like Fire - P!nk
5. For Your Entertainment - Adam Labert
6. Wait For It - Hamilton the musical
7. Take What You Got - Kinky Boots the musical
8. God Help the Outcasts - Hunchback of Notre Dame the musical (specifically Ciara Renee’s version)
9. You’re Welcome - Moana
10. We Know the Way - Moana
30. whats your favorite candle scent? 
Lilac, for sure. It’s my favorite scent in general, really.
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? 
Yes. And Inkheart by Cornelia Funke - it’s technically the first part of a trilogy, but I ignore the second two because I’m really not a fan of them. My favorite series is Akiko by Mark Crilley. I’d recommend both of them. 
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hereeatthiskitten · 7 years
Star fruit, kiwi, papaya :)
star fruit:   favorite sea creature?
jellyfish! preferably glowy onesoctopuses are super-awesome but also a bit frightening in reality. kiwi:    what’s something that fascinates you?        god. uh. really good meta about my favorite characters/tv shows. lego MOCs that i can’t build but i can steal ideas from. food access and how it works (and doesn’t). the linguistics of the internet and memes. how people organize things and set up their spaces differently from each other. a lot of things? like, a realllllly lot. papaya:  what song describes your aesthetic?i don’t know what my aesthetic is in song terms, but if i extend it to videos it’s probably Everything Is Awesome (the end credits of The Lego Movie version, not the official video version) or Falling to Pieces? that last one is my aesthetic from 20 years ago, anyway, but it probably hasn’t changed       
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fairy-changeling · 8 years
I just saw it was your birthday. Happy birthday!! 🎁🎊🎈🎉🎂
Thank you!
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luffysfakebeard · 8 years
Happy Birthday!!🎈🎁🎉🎊🎂
thank you so much!!
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kalinara · 8 years
Finn (Star Wars), & Rip (LoT)
For Finn:
OTP: I’m a FinnRey girl.  I love their dynamic.  The mutual attraction and the way they clearly enjoy each other’s company.  I love the way they kept congratulating each other and cheering after escaping Jakku in the Falcon.  I loved how she immediately understood and forgave his lie, and how he fought so hard to go back and save her.  They are adorable.
BroTP:  Since I lean FinnRey, I have Stormpilot as a BroTP.  I love their dynamic too.  I loved how Finn saved Poe, and asked for his help rather than demanded it.  I loved how Poe asked Finn if it was okay, before he gave him a nickname.  I loved their escape together and their reunion after Takodana.  I don’t ship them romantically, but I love their bond.
OT3:  I suppose Poe/Finn/Rey with the caveat that we haven’t really seen Poe and Rey interact.  But I would be very okay with the idea of them sharing Finn, as long as he’s on board with it.
NoTP: Basically Finn/Anyone from the First Order.  Even if I were leaning that way for a Darkship, I think I’d be put off by the way so much of that fanbase treats Finn.  No thanks.
For Rip:
OTP:  Time Hex and Time Canary in different ways.
I tend to see Time Hex as an OTP very similar to Duncan and Amanda from Highlander.  (Now here’s a comparison that dates me!)  I don’t really see them as each other’s happy ending.  They come from different worlds, or times, and both of them have lives that they’re not really willing to leave for one another.  However, they still love each other, and when they happen to cross paths, assuming both are single at the time, well...let’s just say the crew will have to fend for themselves for a night or two.
In contrast, I would enjoy Time Canary as an OTP similar to how I see Riker and Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation.  Because the funny thing about TNG is that if you watch it with the assumption that Riker and Troi are together but in an open, polyamorous relationship, very little of the story actually changes.  They are still friends who support each other, confide in each other, lean on each other.  They still encourage one another’s independent relationships.  They just happen to love each other as well.  Ideally, that’s my favorite imagining of Time Canary: a sort of open polyamory where they always stay along side each other.
BroTP:  Hmm.  I think my favorite Rip BroTP is actually with Jax.  It’s fairly subtle in season one, but there was always an indication that Rip was fond of Jax and saw a lot of potential in him.  He was the one that appointed Jax to be the ship’s mechanic, which gave him a role beyond half of Firestorm.  He clearly worried about him, lowkey, like we saw when he reminded Jax to be careful in 1958.  He shot a man for him too.  :-)  And Out of Time showed us that they’d continued this sort of odd tutor-student (I wouldn’t really call Rip a mentor per se) relationship in the six months between.  And it’s fitting that the primary conflict in Turncoat is Jax vs. Broken!Rip.
I wish we got to see more of this dynamic on camera, rather than off screen or in hiatus, but I do enjoy the glimpses that we see.
OT3   OT8/9:  Honestly, I think Rip Hunter is in love with his entire damn team.  (Except Nate and Amaya, but that’s only because he doesn’t know them yet.)  I’m not necessarily saying it’s romantic love, but well, I’m not necessarily saying it’s not either.  
To me, season one of Legends of Tomorrow is essentially a love story.  It’s about this white hot bundle of rage who recruited a bunch of assholes to shiv some guy and quickly grew attached to each and every one of them (granted, some sooner than others.)  And by the end, they basically became his reason for living.  There’s a reason he tried to abandon them all after Snart’s death (only for us to see him wearing the T-shirt of catatonic despair, the next time we see him), and why he decided that these people, who at the best of time are bulls stampeding through a temporal china shop, would be the best people to help him police the timeline.
Every goodbye message is basically a love letter to them, and I bet all of our asses that Phil’s script is too.
NoTP:  God, I have so many fucked up darkships for Rip that I’m not sure I have a NoTP.   Maybe Gideon, if we’re talking romantically.  I’ve always thought she had a very maternal demeanor toward him and as fucked up as he is, I don’t really want to pair Rip with his cyber-mom.
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jazzforthecaptain · 7 years
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Field Work
A Veterinarian Sastiel AU, written by Jazzforthecaptain (Cuda on Ao3)
Rating: M
Pairings: Sam/Castiel; Charlie/Dorothy
Sam and Dean Winchester finally have a good thing going in the Mississippi River valley, caring for a veritable flood of pets and livestock for Charlie Bradbury's rural veterinarian clinic. But as a busy spring calving season drives Dean to the brink of exhaustion, Charlie calls in some unexpected backup... and really, who needs stability anyway?
Next Chapter >>
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luminousfinn · 8 years
For the wip: Blue
Heh, warning kinky stuff ahead. (Seriously it’s the only time I used blue in any of my wips? Here. I suck at descriptions.) 
Xander Cage/Xiang (from Return of Xander Cage.)
Xander walks into the hotel room to find Xiang leaning back against the desk, dressed in navy blue T-shirt and jeans, his left hand playing with a pair of handcuffs and stops dead just inside the door.
With a supreme act of will Xander manages to tear his eyes away from the hand and the handcuff, and up to Xiang's face. The man is wearing his usual cocky smile.
"What are those for?" Xander is surprised at how calm his voice sounds, the rest of him feel anything but calm. His usual state around Xiang, not that he objects.
"I thought we could have some fun." Xiang's grin widens and Xander's pulse speeds up further.
Send me a word and if it’s in my WIP, I’ll post a snippet!
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hanorganaas · 7 years
Daisies, poppy flowers
Daisies: What is your favorite quote?
Stay Afraid but Do it anyway - Carrie Fisher X3
Poppy flowers: What are your favorite flowers?
Roses, sunflowers, Irises, tulips 
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ozonecologne · 7 years
honorreid replied to your post: “12.17 coda”
Dean not wanting to think dangerous thoughts as to why Cas might not be picking up, is very him. With so much going Cas' absence has to be weighing on him. Especially as the last time they talked Cas said he had a lead on Kelly and now they have Kelly but Cas is nowhere to be found. Dean probably doesn't believe in coincidence of those two events happening without there being some sort connection. All that to say I think you conveyed his worry and stress very well!
Thank you, I’m glad! Poor guy worries too much! (Though in this instance, he’s probably right to worry). I still think that one of the best lines from this season so far has been, “I’m not angry, I’m worried.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say that before so bluntly and honestly. The Dean/Cas dynamic this season has been GREAT and I’m so happy to play around with it like this.
fineillgettheapp replied to your post: “12.17 coda”
Wow this was really good! I feel like this could have 100 percent happened. Prayers hurting the baby, that's so clever! Terrible of course, even if it's satan's kid, but still, I really thought that was a great idea.
I’m glad you thought that was clever!! I wish the idea of Kelly being unholy simply by virtue of having Lucifer’s child inside her was explored more in canon. That has the potential to be really interesting. I’d love to put Kelly in a church for a minute, seeking solace and answers and protection, and see what comes of it. 
Thank both of y’all for reading and for leaving me little notes!! I love getting commentary!!
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lynne-monstr · 8 years
I just saw it was your birthday. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day. :D
Thanks! I did! And it involved skipping out on work to go for brunch, which are two activities I can always get behind!
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