#terrayoung answers
terrayoung · 2 years
Top Songs 2022: 5, 27, 32, 87
5. There’s Nothing Holding Me Back by Taron Egerton, Tori Kelly; from Sing 2. I first saw this movie this year, so a few of the songs from it are on my top 100.
27. Never Going Back by The Score. Think I found it through a character playlist - idk which one, though.
32. On My Way by Phil Collins; from Brother Bear. Such an underrated movie - I highly recommend it.
87. Zero by Imagine Dragons; from Wreck-It Ralph 2. Also a good movie, saw it a ways back and still like this song from it.
Thanks for asking!
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badgerhuan · 6 years
You're welcome for the asks! And it's okay that it took a while for them to be answered - better late than never! Plus, I totally understand how crazy life can get sometimes.
ahhhh thank you so much
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jewishgarygreen · 7 years
Leonard Snart + touch, please?
Lisa always said he was like a cat. “You only wanna be touched on your terms, Lenny. Nobody’s allowed, except when you want them to. And then only for a little while, and then you hiss and bite.”
“I don’t hiss, Lisa.”
“Whatever you say, brother dear.”
But it’s true. Even with past lovers, Leonard’s never been much of a cuddler. 
It all changes when human puppy dog Ray Palmer bounds past the perimeter. (Lisa bursts out laughing when she meets Raymond for the first time, because, “Really, Lenny? A cat and a dog? How cliche!”) 
Raymond doesn’t push Leonard into anything, but slowly eases him in instead. A brush of Raymond’s fingertips against his arm turns into a hand on his shoulder, then their fingers tangled together, then an arm around his waist. 
Sitting next to each other on the bridge turns into Raymond inviting him to drape his legs over his own, turns into leaning Leonard back against him on the couch and running fingers over his coarse, cropped hair. 
It turns into bodies wrapped around each other, curled up against each other, holding each other through the night instead of retreating to separate spaces. It turns into a craving, and once Leonard has tasted it, he can’t stop--can’t stop touching Raymond, can’t stop seeking out touch from the people he trusts. 
The people he loves. 
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portiialin · 7 years
my greatest fear is failure
for every ‘⭐’ i get, i will post a fact about myself
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philcoulsonismyhero · 7 years
Ray Palmer for the character meme?
First impression
“Oh no, you’re great, why are you an Arrow character, I don’t want to end up watching Arrow.” And then he got transferred to Legends of Tomorrow, and everything was wonderful.
Impression now
He’s great, and I love him a lot. I’m always a sucker for characters that are just earnestly, relentlessly Good, and Ray is definitely of that type. Every time I don’t think I could love him any more, he goes and does something selfless and heroic (or dorky and adorable) and I’m proven wrong.
Favourite moment
I have many, but I particularly liked his interactions with Martin in the zombie episode. What excellent nerds. Also, the great many times that Ray has tried to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the team make me emotional.
Idea for a story
I really enjoyed the whole ‘Ray and Eobard have to work together’ plot in Moon Shot, and I was really hoping that we’d get to see more of that relationship. So, consider: an AU in which they don’t defeat the Legion quite as quickly, and Ray and Eobard meet another few times and somehow they always have to work together, or at least there’s some reason why Eobard can’t just kill Ray. And they end up developing a weird sort of begrudging pseudo-friendship, in that they’re still enemies, but there’s certain things they can’t help but like about each other.
Also, I kind of want to write about canon!Ray meeting E0!Ray, and his reaction to the fact that his alternate self is best friends with the Reverse Flash’s alternate self. That would be fun.
Unpopular opinion
I doubt it’s an unpopular opinion, but Ray deserved better than how his relationship with Kendra ended.
Favourite relationship
I wish we’d seen more of his friendship with Cisco, because they were great. I’ve also really enjoyed his odd friendship with Mick, and I love when he and Martin are nerds together.
Favourite headcanon
He’s autistic and he knows it, and so do the rest of the team. They’re all pretty great about it, although there was a little bit of a learning curve. Ray and Martin (who’s also autistic) sometimes find themselves hanging out and commiserating about the trials and tribulations of time travelling while autistic.
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ladyorpheus · 7 years
Rules: Answer the twenty questions and then tag twenty followers you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @ice-tigress
Name: Meghan
Nicknames: Meg, Meggie, Megs (I don’t really have a set one, but I generally respond to all. In fandom I’m generally LadyO)
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 5′7″
Orientation: Demi/ace
Ethnicity:  Irish, Irish, more Irish, and randomly...French Canadian?
Favourite fruit: Kiwi
Favourite season: Autumn. Specifically Late Autumn when it stops being hot forever (or at least until spring)
Favourite book: Ugh this is both my favorite and least favorite question. How to pick just one??? 
Favourite flower: Daisies
Favourite color: Purple
Favourite animal: Tigers
Coffee, tea or hot cocco: Hot chocolate!!!! <3 Also fruity teas
Average sleep hours: six or seven
Cat or dog person: Honestly both. I have cats though.
Favourite fictional characters: Yuuri Katsuki, Sansa Stark, Hermione Granger, Kieren Walker, Stiles Stilinski, Leonard Snart, so many others I’m probably forgetting at the moment.
Dream trip: Back to Ireland/England (and never come back)
When did you make this blog: 2011? I think.
How many followers: 212 
I tried to tag so new recent peeps to mix it up.
@sionedxd @sunfloweralibis @troubled-fetal-position @theoriginalicreamqueen @ace-spacepup @airyalmost @asexual-fandom-queen @myexistanceisanactofrebellion @phynali @salamandertoast @snargle21 @handsofhulk @lotusvalkyrie @tabihe @emirrii @heyhollyheywhat @kieren-fucking-walker @greymantledlady @terrayoung @i-want-to-believe1701
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mommabearclarke · 7 years
Tagged by: @terrayoung
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Lily
Nickname: Lils
Zodiac Sign: Aqaurius
Height: 1.65m
Ethnicity: White
Orientation: Bisexual
Favourite Fruit(s): Strawberry
Favourite Season: Summer
Favourite Book(s): Harry Poter, The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, Murder on the Orient Express, Rebel of the Sands
Favourite Flower(s): Tulips
Favourite Animal(s): Cats and dogs
Favourite Beverage: Water,  coca cola, citrus lemonade with sparkly water
Average Hours of Sleep: 6-7?
Favourite Fictional Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Killian Jones, Emma Swan, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Natasha Romanoff, and more
Number of Blankets You Sleep with: 1 of course
Dream Trip: Damn. I’d like to go to Prague again. I also want to see the rest of the world. I want a world travel tbh. I’d love to go to Cardiff, Edinbrugh, Dublin, basically everywhere in the UK except London (well London too but I’ve been there three times already).
Blog Created: March 27, 2013 (unbelievable)
Number of Followers: 3564 (but active ones? maybe 5)
I tag @harpermacintyre, @the-ships-to-rule-them-all, @bellammys, @stardustjvn, @alexandargideonlightwood, @alec-magnvs, @clrkegrffins, @khaleesiwanheda, @frxmtheasheswewillrise, @beliamyblakes, @royalblakes, @chaoticbellamy, @starryeyedbellamy, @bel-ami-blake, @beronicakissed, @bellsblake, @niylah, @bellamythology, @rhysand, @kalaawolfgang, @aleclightwqqd, @freckledbell, @cabeswaterblakes, @emmashappybegining, @commanderclarke & @bellarkeskebab
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terrayoung · 3 years
okay but in the first episode of the reboot when Sophie says "I'm just here for the art" I'm wondering if she means the actual exhibits or The Art Of The Con because she HAS to know that by engaging with Harry she's getting herself wrapped up in something
Huh - I never thought of that! Neat idea!
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terrayoung · 5 years
Dan Fielding for the character ask.
-favorite thing about them
He can be absolutely hilarious and turn on a dime into heartbreaking. Underneath the outer jerk coating, he’s got a heart of gold - not that he’d ever willingly admit to it. And he’s very good at his job.
And how the writers often utilize the fact that he’s a jerk to say “if Dan approves of this, it means it’s not a Good Thing to do, so don’t do it”.
-least favorite thing about them
While he has a heart of gold underneath it all, he is very much a jerk, occasionally bordering on cruel.
-favorite line
It’s a bit of a long one, so buckle in. This is from Wheels of Justice pt. 2, by the way:
Dan: You had a couple of bad nights. Is that any reason to just quit, throw it all away?Harry: It wasn’t “a couple of bad nights”, Dan! A kid got shot! Now you tell me, that if I go back, that’s not gonna happen again.Dan: It will happen again. Eventually. We can only do what the law will allow us to do - that’s it.Harry: That ain’t good enough for me.Dan: Oh, of course, I understand - you want to change a little water into wine, cure a few blind men here and there -Harry: Dan, I can’t go back. I can’t do it. It’s too hard.Dan: Maybe it is. I wouldn’t know. Maybe, all of those people you helped when they really needed it don’t make up for the few that you couldn’t. I’ll give your… “respects” to the downtrodden and the oppressed, I’m sure they’ll understand.Harry: You’re not playing fair, Dan.Dan: You were good, Harry! Very good. You were impartial. You were fair. Patient. Compassionate. Understanding. And I admired you.Harry: *Stunned silence*Dan: That’s really hitting below the belt, isn’t it? *pause* Ciao, baby.
Him and Roz. They snark together, roll their eyes at the others’ idealism together, can be honest/open about their feelings (good and bad) together - what more do you need?
Dan/Harry, though the ot3 of Dan/Harry/Christine comes close. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other - I have a whole gifset series about how much they touch! - and Dan is the most open/most often open about his feelings around Harry. And in exchange, Harry seems to feel like he doesn’t have to keep his “class clown” persona/attitude up all the time - it is an actual part of his personality, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes he puts it on even when he’s not emotionally up for it.
They have some of the best scenes together - like the one I quoted above - including one where Harry canonically tells Dan he loves him after Dan’s in a coma (the first time). And it’s clear that Dan wants to say it back, even though his allergy to feelings/admitting to feelings prevents him. 
Dan/anyone in the main cast besides Harry and Christine, I guess. Some days I’m on the fence over Dan/Roz, though.
-random headcanon
He’s greybiromantic and bisexual - the former inspired by his “I can’t give” speech in the aforementioned coma episode. It just screams “greyro who doesn’t know they’re greyro and doesn’t understand why they don’t seem to have a “normal” relationship/feelings” to me. He once pretended to love Barry Manilow to rile Harry up one day. Instead of attending the floor-wide Valentine’s Day party, he and Roz bail to go out drinking - platonically - together as they’re both sick of the holiday.
He’s attracted to both Harry and Christine from the moment he met them, but it takes a while for him to admit to himself that he’s in love with them - around Wheels of Justice for Harry, not sure about Christine. They don’t all get together until sometime after the show ends.
-unpopular opinion
This fandom is so tiny that I don’t think there are popular/unpopular opinions, but here goes - while I ship Dan and Christine, I don’t like how the last season handled them. I think Dan’s side of things should’ve had a much slower build.
-song i associate with them
What Do I Need With Love? from Thoroughly Modern Millie, as it’s about a womanizer trying and failing to deny the fact that he’s fallen in love with someone. 
-favorite picture of them
I... don’t really have one, I’m afraid.
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terrayoung · 5 years
Anaya jiwe for the ask meme
-favorite thing about them
Very cool and confident in who she is. Beautiful - esp./mainly as Dread Pirate Jiwe - and kickass. 
-least favorite thing about them
That she, too, fell victim to the “destiny is all” bullshit trope and wasn’t able to choose her own future. And that’s more on the writers than her as a character.
-favorite line
The one where she’s like “You’re right - it is fun to be the bad guy. Not that I think you’re a bad guy.” cos she’s always been very good at seeing through Mick’s BS and reminding him that he’s a better person than he pretends to be.
Zari and Sara - and Ray when I’m not shipping them. And while I’m not sure if they would’ve gotten along, I think her interacting with Charlie would be interesting.
Vixenwave, definitely. Vixencoldwave for my ot3, though.
Zari. I really headcanon Zari as aroace, so I don’t ship them romantically. They’d be cool in a qpp, though.
-random headcanon
Tells her kids stories about her time on the Waverider, though she frames them as fairy tales. Keeps an eye out for when her former teammates are born, and anonymously sends their families a “congratulations” card around then. She writes Nate letters every week, telling her family to pass them on to him once the timeline catches up if she’s no longer around by then. 
-unpopular opinion
Honestly, I think it’s the fact that I don’t ship her with Zari. Additionally, Nate/Amaya was more of a nahtp for the most part until their heartbreaking goodbye.
-song i associate with them
That Man by Caro Emerald cos I first heard it in a Peggy Carter playlist, and the two characters are enough alike that it now reminds me of Amaya as well.
-favorite picture of them
Tumblr media
Like I said, this was a LOOK.
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terrayoung · 5 years
tag meme
I was tagged by @sophiainspace! It’s a ‘song title for every letter of my url’ meme. I’m gonna do a similar twist to theirs (adding a ship that the song reminds me of), but expanding it to include shows/characters as well, if applicable.
t - Tell That Devil by Jill Andrews; Wynonna Earp cos it’s the show’s theme song.
e - Everyday Superhero by Smash Mouth; all of the Legends characters, but also the movie Zoom as that’s where I first heard the song
r - Run by Delta Rae; Barry Allen (The Flash), though in a darker AU than canon
r - Running Up That Hill by Placebo; Bones, as that’s where I first heard it, but mainly Warehouse 13 due to an absolutely heartbreaking scene
a - All the Rowboats by Regina Spektor; James MacPherson (Warehouse 13)
y - You’ll be in My Heart by Phil Collins; pretty much every found family relationship ever
o - One Day More by the Les Miserables Cast; iZombie due to a really funny scene and sorta Good Omens due to a really good fic where Crowley is in a genderswapped cast of the musical
u - Us by Regina Spektor; Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), I think
n - New Soul by Yael Naiim; newly regenerated Doctors (Doctor Who), especially Thirteen
g - Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips; mainly the show Leverage because of (quite possibly) my most favorite fanvid ever
...Tagging anyone who wants to do this, I suppose!
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terrayoung · 6 years
Is your icon an aro/ace flag with ted danson?
Yep! The image is a screencap of him playing Michael on the show The Good Place. I requested it cos Michael gives off serious aroace vibes.
Here’s a link to the post w/ it and a few other icons done by the amazing @jeremy-bearimyy.
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terrayoung · 7 years
Vixencoldwave for the ship meme
Thanks for the ask!
-Who worries about how they will look when they’re older
None of them, really. Mick’s a touch concerned about how Amaya will look next to him and Len when they’re older cos of the age gap between them, but it’s more about people being mean to Amaya for being with someone noticeably older than thinking he won’t look good.
-Who makes the mix tapes/cd’s
Leonard “not great at expressing his feelings verbally” Snart. He prefers doing things to show he cares to talking about it. Amaya ends up helping Len make the ones for Mick so she can experience all of the music they grew up with that’s after her time.
-Clings to the other during scary movies
Amaya for just about every kind of horror movie, Mick for anything involving clowns. Mick covers up his scaredness by comforting Amaya or bickering over something small with Len, while Amaya doesn’t have any shame about being scared and openly seeks comfort with either Mick or Len.
(Len’s the one who really likes scary movies.)
-Gets into the shower with the other randomly
Once Len gets more comfortable with Amaya seeing his scars, it’s all of them depending on how they feel. If any of them (for whatever reason) doesn’t want anyone to join them, they put up a sign on the door or let the others know. Otherwise they have free reign. 
-Flashes the other when they walk by after taking a shower alone
Mick. Mick has no shame about being naked in front of anyone. In Crisis on Earth X, if it weren’t for Lily he would’ve been fine walking around Stein’s house naked. It’s part he just doesn’t care, part he has trouble picking up the sexual aspect of it due to being ace, and part not understanding the social taboo of it due to being autistic.
-Initiates hand holding while the other is driving
Len, usually. Mick always drives, and Amaya’s worried about if it’ll mess with Mick’s ability to drive properly.
It’s one of the few times Len’ll initiate physical contact out in public/outside.
-Secretly tries to touch the other in naughty places during public/family events
I headcanon all three of them as somewhere on the asexual spectrum, so none of them do this. Mick might pretend to depending on if he wants to get a rise out of their host or not, but that’s about it.
-Asks weird questions in the middle of the night
All of them, to varying degrees. Mick talks in his sleep every so often, so he’ll do it unconsciously. So far Len and Amaya have managed to avoid waking him up with their laughter. Amaya sometimes asks random questions about historical events after her time. If neither Mick nor Len know the answer, they promise to look it up when they wake up. And when Len thinks they’re both asleep he’ll ask them about if this is really real because he can’t believe that he gets to be this happy, why are they bothering to be with someone like him, what’s going to happen when Amaya has to go back to the 40s, etc. If Amaya or Mick hear him they won’t say anything - they know they won’t be able to convince him of any positive answers this late at night. Instead, they just pull him closer and/or press a kiss to the nearest available patch of skin.
-Asks “what are you thinking about?”
Mick or Amaya, usually. Mick because he’s not the greatest at detecting people’s feelings and is trying to figure it out, Amaya generally asks as a subtle way to figure out what’s wrong w/ Len and/or Mick.
-Always has to be touching the other, (if either of them do)
Unless Len’s “casually” brushing up against Mick and Amaya whenever he walks past them counts, none of them do. Len’s not super fond of PDA - wherein “PDA” is as general as hugs and kisses that aren’t pecks. Mick and Amaya respect that with him, and don’t always “have” to touch each other. 
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terrayoung · 7 years
that character ask game you reblogged how bout mick rory and amaya :0 (i just cant wait for legends to come back??)
Thanks for the ask! Apologies for the wait - college is crazy busy atm.
-favorite thing about them
Not really sure… maybe the fact that he never gives up? Like, he’s been through a lot of shit, but even with his borderline suicidal phase in season 2, he still keeps going. 
And he’s funny. 
-least favorite thing about them
Well, all the murdering/hurting people in cold blood that he did before his character development started would have to be my pick. 
-favorite line
Don’t remember the exact words, so I’m kinda paraphrasing… “Everyone shut up. I still got one chapter left.” It’s one of my favorites because I have never related more to Mick than in that moment. 
I like him and Jax, Sara, and Stein (when he wasn’t insulting Mick) - they all had interesting dynamics together.
Coldwave. All the way. Atomwave’s a close second, and my favorite polyship is Vixencoldwave. 
Honestly, I don’t have any. There are ships I don’t ship that involve Mick, but I don’t have strong feelings towards them that the term ‘nOTP’ would suggest. They’re more ‘nahTPs’ than anything else. And there’s too many of those to name. 
-random headcanon
Mick’s mom had a special recipe for chocolate chip cookies that Mick never memorized because he could just read it out of her cookbook. But said cookbook was lost forever when the house burned down and Mick’s been trying to recreate the recipe ever since. He’s not sure what he’d do if he got it right, and he’s not sure if he’ll ever know if he got it right since it’s been roughly thirty years since he last tasted them. 
(Everyone Mick has let taste the attempted batches appreciate his efforts - they’re always really good.)
(If Mick gets the chance - that is, if the Waverider lands in the right time and place - he might break into his house to take a picture of the recipe. It’s been several decades but he still wants as many connections to his family as possible.)
-unpopular opinion
I don’t know what’s popular and what’s not, but if I had to guess something that might count - I don’t think Mick’s a good guy or a hero. He’s definitely not as bad as he was on Flash, but I still wouldn’t call him a hero. Anti-hero/anti-villain maybe. 
It’s like, if morality is a spectrum, with black being the worst person ever and white being the best, Mick’s journey on Legends would be him going from a darker grey to a lighter grey. But still closer to grey than white. 
-song i associate with them
Honestly, anything to do with fire, but particularly “Things We Lost to the Fire” by Bastille for his reflecting on what he did to his family moments.
-favorite picture of them
I don’t have one, really. Sorry about that.
-favorite thing about them
Maybe that she’s tough and in touch with her emotions. A lot of female characters are written as stereotypes - tough without emotion or “weak” with too much emotion (not that that’s bad in real people, it’s just that too many of those in characters gets annoying) - but Amaya’s well-balanced. 
-least favorite thing about them
Nothing, really? I mean, whenever I watch that early season 2 episode where she says Ray isn’t a hero without his suit I get annoyed, but I don’t hold it against her otherwise/long-term/outside that episode. I’m getting a bit annoyed by her flip-flopping between wanting to stay in 1942 or not, but that’s on the writers/plot, not Amaya.
-favorite line
Nothing stands out to me, sorry. There are a lot of lines I’ve enjoyed - particularly those during her interactions with Mick - but nothing stands out as a favorite.
Her and Zari, Sara (when I’m not shipping them), the members of the JSA, and I think her and Kendra would get along well.
Vixenwave, for sure. And, like Mick, my favorite polyship is Vixencoldwave. 
None, really, same as Mick. I’m getting a bit annoyed by how popular her and Zari is considering I don’t ship them, but it’s far from a nOTP. 
-random headcanon
A few small ones: She has absolutely horrible handwriting, hates neon-colored anything, refuses to take a side in the Star Trek vs. Star Wars debates that go on periodically (and actually prefers Stargate to both of them), is slightly afraid of thunderstorms, and leaned towards not wanting to have kids before learning about Mari
-unpopular opinion
As touched upon above, I… don’t ship her and Zari. No offense to those that do, but I’ve started headcanoning Zari as aroace so I don’t ship them myself. I think they’d work well as qpps, but I don’t see any romantic feelings being involved.
(Plus, regardless of my feelings about the situation, I’m pretty sure she’ll end up with Nate/Nate will be Mari and Kuasa’s grandfather because the show’s as subtle as an atom bomb regarding them and the Arrowverse as a whole is really bad at subverting destiny.)
-song i associate with them
Ever since I saw this one post from @misscrazyfangirl321 about her singing it to Mick, one of the first that comes to mind is Just Like Fire by P!nk
-favorite picture of them 
Again, like Mick, I don’t have one. I do think my favorite outfit of hers is that red dress she wore back in the beginning of season 2, if that helps. 
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terrayoung · 7 years
Winn Scgott for 002 of the ask meme!
Apologies for the wait! Things have been super crazy lately cos of Christmas.
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
-How I feel about this character:
I love him - he’s kind and funny and really cares about his friends and chosen family.
-All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Here we go. Kara, James, Lyra, Lena, Lucy at one point, and a one-sided crush (on his part) on Barry.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Alex, probably. They’ve grown to be like brother and sister over the course of the show and it’s very sweet and hilarious.
-My unpopular opinion about this character:
I... don’t think I have one? I don’t pay much attention to the main tag cos it’s been mostly negative since season 2. So if I have an unpopular opinion, I don’t know that it’s unpopular.
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish they’d done more with his dad/his past beyond that one episode. Like, they should’ve brought his dad back for another episode, gone into what happened to his mom, and so on. 
I also want to know what the hell happened to Lyra. Like, as horrible as the whole Kara/James breaking up thing was, at least there was a scene about it. Lyra just seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth. 
-my OTP:
I’d say Kara/James/Winn. They really bounce off each other well, really care about each other, and a decent chunk of it was actually canon.
-my cross over ship:
Winn totally had a crush on Barry back in the first Superflash crossover. And he and Cisco could be cute if they ever met. (C’mon, shows, let them meet already.)
-a headcanon fact:
He’s autistic. Winn is definitely, 100% sure, autistic. 
And - going by his actor - he’s an amazing singer. He’s kinda self-conscious about it and is kinda sick of anyone who hears him always asking him to sing for them. So he never outright tells the team, but they all eventually find out somehow. 
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terrayoung · 7 years
Gif sets questions: 1 & 49
Thank you so much for sending this in! And I apologize greatly for the delay - finals ate up all of my free time for the last week.
What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made 
Just gotta go for the hard one, huh? ;). Is it okay if I just pick 3 of my favorites and not put them in any order? Cos I think that’s the best I can do.
1: ‘they choose to’ partly for being the one with the most notes
2: ‘The Flash + Eobard Thawne making sly jokes/references to his being from the future’ because I loved this running joke so freaking much
3: ‘all my grief says the same thing’ because Coldwave’s one of my favorite losf ships and I’m proud of how I worked to find the perfect scenes to fit the lines of the poem
How much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing
Quite a lot, really. I started out knowing nothing and using imgflip.com to looking up stuff/figuring it out and using Instagiffer. I mean, just look at the differences between my first gifset and my latest gifset.
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