#otp: you're my angel dust
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Angel Dust: "How come Niffty put ME in the angel kill on sight group and not YOU, toots?!"
Vaggie: "No idea. Maybe she just likes me better?"
Vaggie: "Or uh, likes you better. So much she want's to stab you."
Angel Dust: "Niff- DOWN! Sheesh! Go look to ya right- go get Vag-gay over there!"
Niffty: (giggling) "ANGEL STAB! ANGEL STAB!!!"
Angel Dust: "GEEZE! Like sure my name's Angel an' whatever, but I ain't an angel?? I don't even got the wings for it! YOU look jus' like an extra bitch with your wings and eye so what the fuck! What gives!!"
Vaggie: "Wow... That's, actually a good question, Angel Dust."
Vaggie: "Hey Niffty? Why are you hunting him and not me?"
Niffty: "Charlie told me not to~"
Vaggie: "She told you not to... what?"
Niffty: "Hunt you like an ANGEL! Because of the TRAUMA, right??"
Vaggie: "Uhh, the-"
Niffty: "You're already SUFFERING and if I stabbed YOU for being an angel you'd just feel lame and sad and boooo like you deserved it even though you don't. BLEGH!" (pouts) (sticks out tongue) "Boooooring!"
Vaggie: "Yeah?" (smiling) "Charlie said that, huh."
Niffty: "She's so nice~ She didn't want me to waste my time~"
Vaggie: "Yeah. She. She really is the nicest person ever."
Niffty: (SIGH) "I guess you two match. You're not a very good BAD GIRL are you? Even with having been an exorcist! What a WASTE!"
Charlie: (hugging gf from behind) "I know right? I love hugging her around the middle! She has a very lovely everything!"
Niffty: "NO!!!! NOT WHAT I MEANT!"
Vaggie: "Waste as in wasted bad girl potential, babe, not hug zones."
Charlie: "Oh!"
Niffty: "A tragedy." (heaves sigh) "Oh well..."
Niffty: (turns) (lifts knife) (Grins) "Ohhhh Angellll Dusssst~"
Angel Dust: (SCREAMING)
Vaggie: (softly) "Charlie..?"
Charlie: "I don't think she can really reach him up there... Hm?"
Vaggie: "Thanks. The... the angel thing..."
Charlie: "Shhh." (squeezes) "You are NOT the stabable kind of angel. Even Niffty gets that. See?"
Chaggie: (watches a gleeful knife waving niffty bouncing around under a terrified and dangling angel dust)
Charlie: ".... um."
Vaggie: "Damn she's catching air."
Charlie: "And Angel Dust's grip is a bit less than I thought it'd be. Do you think you should maaaaybe use your pretty angel wings to save him?"
Vaggie: "Fuck no. Let Husk do it."
Charlie: "Husk??? Why would Husk be the one to-"
Vaggie: (pats charlie's hand) "You've got your ships babe and I've got mine."
Charlie: "Oh please- I kow you think Pentious being sweet on Cherri is cute too! I've HEARD you give him tips!"
Vaggie: "Those? Just survival tactics."
Charlie: "More like how to survive liking a girl tactics."
Vaggie: "Well I guess me and you are in the same boat there anyway... Aren't we?"
Charlie: "A ship not a boat and always, Vaggie. Always."
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "So where's his Husk in shining armor?"
Vaggie: "Sloshed armor. I never said it was a good otp, sweetie."
Charlie: "I'll check the bar. You?"
Vaggie: "Will make sure Angel Dust doesn't end the night with more holes than he started with."
Charlie: "I'm gonna miss hugging you the entire time I'm gone~"
Vaggie: "Me too. Hurry or I'll leave our porn star to his fate."
Niffty: "You FIRST!!! MUWAHAHAH!"
Charlie: (slowly letting go) "The things we do for our friends..."
Vaggie: "Hey, look on the bright side. We can have another heartfelt make out session once we're meet back up again."
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sockmeat · 6 months
hmm Angel Dust you say? What if his boyfriend bakes him a cake for his birthday? Or maybe give the spider boy some massages cause god knows he needs some love.
Also hihi, I hope your day is great my friend!
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𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -- 𝐂𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 (𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍)
(𝐰𝐜): 710
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Angel comes home from work, you greet him with his favorite cake
(𝐀/𝐍): Helloooo my day has been going good :) I hope yours has as well!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Reader's still a hunk, some sexual talk, felt a little crazy and wrote some scenario (don't get too excited it's like 5 paragraphs), gave angel's bedroom a table so they wouldn't sleep on the food lol
♡ Charlie had already organized a birthday celebration, but you wanted to make a more intimate celebration for Angel after that one
♡ Charlie's plan was similar to every other event she's planned, it had a lot of group activities, corny decorations, and a cake
♡ While you knew Angel would appreciate it all the same, you wanted to shower him with attention meant specifically for him, not just made for him and the general public (the hotel)
♡ So while the others buzzed around to get his party ready while he was away at work, you did your own thing
♡ The very first thing you did was pick up a custom sleep gown you got for him. You knew he'd love it because it was pink, dramatic, and had a tasteful amount of fluff on the edges of the sleeves and skirt. You also got a pair of babydoll lingerie that matched with it
♡ (^ Talking ab the one in that meme that's like "your otp" and one is a grandpa gown with a candle and the other one is an extravagant pink one but I can't find the image for the live of me)
♡ Then, you went to the local bakery and picked up Angel's favorite dessert, tiramisu, and some strawberries with chocolate dip
♡ You knew Angel would have had his fill of decoration and attention by time he got to your gifts, so you decided to let your gifts speak for themselves
♡ The celebration itself went well, just as expected
♡ Angel was pleasantly surprised with the party, he had a blast playing the games Charlie planned and getting drunk with his beloved boyfriend and friends
♡ The whole time he was hanging off you, whispering in your ears and asking what you were going to do to him later for his gift
♡ Of course, you'd just give him a kiss and tell him he'll have to wait and see. You couldn't just spoil the surprise!
♡ It kept him on his toes until the party finally ended and he practically hauled you to his room
Angel sprints up the stairs and through the hallways like a desperate man, completely forgetting about his fatigue. "Slow down!" You laugh, but he doesn't listen. No man could've possibly felt as much excitement as he was in that moment.
You're almost blown away he was going so fast, but alas, you catch Angel before he reaches his room and slow him down. He opens the door with a bated breath and coos at the display.
His bed is made as it usually is, but displayed on it is a serving of tiramisu, a plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries, and two pink articles of clothing. Fat Nuggets greets Angel with his usual enthusiasm.
"Baby," Angel whispers, letting of your hand and scooping Nuggets into his arms to look at the array of items closer. For a moment, he stares in awe. He only breaks his ogling when you wrap your arms around him. "All this for little ol' me?" He teases, bringing a hand up to your face.
"Of course," you hum. "Who else, if not my gorgeous boyfriend?" You peck his lips and hand him one of the strawberries. He bites into it with a delighted (and slightly exaggerated) moan, subtly eyeing you, though he could barely keep his eyes open. He wavered where he stood while he finished the strawberry.
Snickering, you come out from behind him, taking Nuggets out of his arms and setting him down and moving his gifts to the small table in one fell swoop. As you are, Angel scoops the tiramisu into his mouth and slides under his mountain of blankets. Almost demanding, he lifts his hoard and slaps the mattress next to him, cheeks puffed as if he was a squirrel. "I'm coming, I'm coming," you hurry yourself under and scoop your boyfriend into your arms.
Angel sighs, melting into your chest the second you make contact. "You're so good t'me," he mumbles. You smile adoringly and rub circles into his back, paying close attention to his more tense areas. It doesn't take long for Angel to fall asleep and begin snoring.
"Goodnight," you kiss his forehead.
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Can you do Alastor please 🥺
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: The radio filter on his voice! I'm a sucker for characters with artificial voice filters like that. And his disdain for "frivolous television technology" is amusing.
I recently rewatched the first episode of Hazbin Hotel with my dad, and he liked Alastor's radio filter too. (Yes, my dad watched some of Hazbin Hotel. And he decided it was "a bit too out there" for him.)
Least favourite thing about them: His design, I think. Yes, the creepy smile that never leaves his face is a nice touch, but that bob? It does nothing for me.
Favourite line: It's a close tie between, "Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell!" and, "Well, my dear, I haven't been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show! The proper medium to express oneself! But you insisted on this ... noisy picture box advertisement. So I had a little fun with it."
brOTP: I like his friendships with Mimzy and Rosie. The fact that he and Mimzy knew each other when they were alive is really interesting. And I can see how he and Rosie would bond over their shared fondness for cannibalism.
Plus, I just think it's funny that Alastor has been building this platonic girl gang around him. He's asexual, but also a chick magnet.
OTP: I don't really have one for Alastor. He's definitely ace, and he might be aro too, and I have yet to see a character that's made me go, "Ooh, I'd love to see what would happen if they were in a romantic relationship with Alastor."
But if I had to pick an OTP ... maybe RadioRose? Two cannibalistic Overlords causing chaos together? That would be pretty neat.
Actually, what about RadioStatic? The fact that the normally cool and collected Vox can be made to completely malfunction because of Alastor has piqued my interest. Maybe they were dating years ago, and then something went wrong. Or maybe they had a business partnership, and Vox wanted it to become something more, and Alastor just wasn't feeling it. Yes, Vox has Valentino now, but maybe there's a part of him that still pines for Alastor - which would be ironic, considering that Alastor has little to no interest in him.
nOTP: Charlastor. I prefer them having a "twisted mentor and innocent mentee" relationship, rather than a romantic one. Given that Alastor has positioned himself as a father figure to Charlie (albeit just to annoy Lucifer), it would be weird to think of them dating.
Random headcanon: Alastor has zero artistic ability. He once tried to paint portraits of the Hazbin Hotel staff and residents as part of an art therapy exercise, but they all look cursed. Or like cats. Or like cursed cats.
Unpopular opinion: Sorry, Alastor stans, I can't get on the hype train with this guy. Not yet, anyway.
I like characters that have a mixture of the known and the mysterious - that is, you know enough about them from the canon material that there are traits you can identify and latch onto, but there are also some things left up to interpretation for you to muse over.
Right now, Alastor's just a bit too mysterious for me. Is he going to be an ally? Is he going to be an enemy? I can't decide whether I like him because I don't know enough about him.
By contrast, I already know lots about Angel Dust, and I like what I've seen so far. And there are still things I don't know about him, such as how he met Valentino, that I can speculate on, which I find fun. That's why Angel is my blorbo and Alastor isn't.
Song I associate with them: "Love ka?" (a.k.a. "Rabuka") by Hiiragi Kirai and Ado. Particularly this Yokune Ruko cover. I see it as a RadioStatic song, because the lyrics are about sharks (Vox likes sharks, doesn't he?) and about bugs (which would fit with Vox glitching out).
The ending lyrics translate as, "These putrid 'love you,' 'love you,' 'love yous' have already fallen to the ground and died out. If you don't like what you found within your reach, maybe you should stop looking." That sounds like something Alastor would say to Vox.
Favourite picture of them:
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redhairedgirl95 · 7 months
Tag game: Tag nine (9) people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @imhereformr (thank youuuuuu)
Three Ships:
Stella/Brandon (Winx Club): They've been my OTP since I first saw them on TV in 2004. I've been unable to "not" think about them since then, and then I turned to Tumblr Winx and to Ao3 Winx ... and that got me into writing multi-chaptered Brella centric fics, so ... yeah, I love them.
Stella is all the things I've always wanted to be as a little girl: charming, exceptionally beautiful inside and out, loyal to the core ...
Brandon is just the best guy. THE BEST.
And I love them. Forever
Rogue/Gambit (XMen): The untouchable woman and the sluttiest (affectionate) man to ever walk the Earth? How could one not love them!!! Though their interactions are almost always tainted by miscommunication and consequent angst (which I love, yet seeing them just being happy would be better), they are meant for each other. Also, they've been living in my mind rent-free for a long time. And should live in yours too!
Angel Dust/Husk (Hazbin Hotel): This is a new one, but it's meant to stay. I've only recently hopped on the train of Hazbin Hotel and I've fallen in love with those two poor non-owner of their souls. They make me suffer, laugh, and cry. I LOVE THEM AND WILL PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS.
First Ship:
Hermione/Ron (Harry Potter): I don't know if it's the first, but it's definitely the first I've written about! They complete one another <3
Last Song:
Addict from Hazbin Hotel (from before Hazbin Hotel)
I can't stop listening to Hazbin songs (and I don't want to) and this is so ICONIC.
This is the mantra, this is my life you're playing with now till the end of the night
Surrounded by fire, the passion ignites, a hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva high
Last Movie:
I'm not much for movies, series are more my jam, but, when I watch a movie, I prefer doing so at the cinema. The last on eI watched was Poor Creatures and ... sorry, I didn't like it :(
Currently Reading:
many things. the last one I started was Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson on Audible. I've only listened for half an hour. We'll see how it goes.
Currently Watching:
many thingsssssssssss. I'm trying to finish Echo, The Crown and Community. But I guess I'll rewatch Hazbin Hotel.
Currently Drinking:
Peach juice.
Currently Craving:
Inspiration for my fics <3
Tagging: nine people are too manyyyyyyyyy @stellasolaris @justlikemagix @brellasblog @prostoartist @crazy-queen-winx @moonstream-05 @dragonfly0808 @shiningclown69 @charmixpower
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theroompet · 7 months
Yeah so I've become obsessed over Hazbin Hotel, maybe as much as Helluva Boss. I really didn't think I'd love some of the characters as much as I'd do.
I've always loved Angel Dust since the pilot and imaged I'd have him has a favourite in the show, but little did I know Lucifer would snatch me on his debut.
Another character that stole my second favourite, who I'd never figured out why people were obsessed over is Alastor.
Sorry Angel Dust, but you're top 3.
Another character I didn't expect to like Husk. I love the relationship dynamic he developed with Angel is perfect.
I thought at best they'd be best buddies and knew they'd be the OTP of every shipper out there, but the leak that it's a slow burn romantic relationship, eh I ship that.
Honestly my otp is Alastor/Lucifer, I can't help myself when it comes to love/hate relationships haha *sweats*
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trcnquilities-blog · 8 years
( @lovclikewar. )
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after the night of waking up cuddled in rami’s embrace, more relaxed than she ever had been in her life and, for once, not bothered at all at having to get up cat had done the one thing that she did best - she had panicked. it’d been almost two weeks of her coming and going out of the apartment almost silently, leaving rami food to eat ( that boy was a mess and would burn water ) and she still hadn’t figured out why her stomach did somersaults just from hearing his name or catching a glimpse of him before she ended up scurrying back to her room. closest friends to them had just laughed and waved her off when she asked about it, her own mother had just patted her cheek and sent her on her way. now...it was time. time to own up to being standoffish and pushing him away for no reason. “llama...?” cat called quietly as she entered their house and headed towards his room. “rami? i’m sorry for being mean...i brought you cookies?” 
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lunatriense · 2 years
So I did a stupid thing. I got an anon ask for Purrha 30… aaaaand I mixed up what 29 and 30 were as prompts 😣
Very sorry Purrha anon. I'll do 30 still, but for now, here's 29 as a bonus.
One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Pyrrha looks back to the tower whence she's just come. She and Blake have spent many nights together since initiation looking out over the campus to that very tower and the moon and stars beyond. She's held Blake as she cried in its shadow, lamenting her past misdeeds; try as she might, Pyrrha has never been able to help her see that whatever she may have done, she's still a wonderful, beautiful person, inside and out. She's smiled and cuddled with her girlfriend, watching moonlit clouds lazily drift past its spire; she didn't know Blake purred until then.
Now there's a monster in that tower, a monster only she can vanquish… if even she can. She turns to face Blake, who's frantically trying to call everyone she thinks can help. Her ears are flat against her head, almost vanished in her hair. No one's answering… no one's coming. She knows what she has to do.
Pyrrha moves closer to Blake, cutting her off mid-sentence with a deep kiss as she tries to report the leak of success. Blake is stunned momentarily. "Pyrrha?"
"I love you." She carefully guides Blake back toward the rocket locker. She'll never agree to it… Pyrrha will have to move fast, catch her by surprise, but she can't let her dearest die here.
"I love you too, but-." Blake's ears prick up and her eyes fill with suspicious concern; she's noticed that something is amiss. "What're you doing?"
"What I must. I'm sorry." The locker is further than she'd like, but it's now or never. She lunges forward to shove Blake into it.
And finds her arms trapped in stone.
"You were going to go up there!?" Blake's voice, like her eyes, are both hurt and angry as she glances to the tower and back. "To fight her alone!?"
Pyrrha struggles to free herself from the Blake-statue, but her arms are trapped nearly to the shoulder and it's fused to the stone of the courtyard. "Blake, please, you have to let me go! I'm the only one that can do this!"
The words hit Blake like a slap. "You can't! You know you can't!! If you were at your best, then maybe, but now? Like this!?"
"She has to be stopped!! Maybe I can't win, but I can delay her long enough for reinforcements to arrive."
"By dying!?" Tears flow from Blake's eyes now, and she trembles with fear, with anger, that Pyrrha would throw her life away like this.
"If that's what it takes, then yes. Blake, please, you have to let me go." Tears roll down Pyrrha's cheeks as well.
Blake takes a deeper, steadying breath. "You're right. She has to be stopped, and if that means dying then that's what a huntress does."
Tension bleeds out of Pyrrha's posture, a sad smile coming to her. "Thank you."
"So I'll go and stop her."
Pyrrha's eyes go wide and the colour drains from her. "W-what?? No, you ca-!"
"She brought the White Fang here, Pyrrha. She brought him here. This is my fight, my penance, not yours."
"Blake, no, don't do this!! You don't owe any penance!!" Pyrrha struggles with all her might against the statue, and it finally begins to crack.
Blake empties an entire magazine of earth dust rounds on the statue to strengthen and thicken it. "I do, and I'm not letting you pay it for me. This is no place for an angel to fall." She smiles to Pyrrha, steps closer and kisses her, then touches her forehead to her girlfriend's. "I love you Pyrrha. Remember that, okay?" She lifts her hand to caress Pyrrha's cheek, looking meaningfully into her eyes.
"Blake…" Pyrrha finds her voice failing, little sobs rising to steal it from her. She can only give a shaky nod and watch Blake, as if in slow-motion, back away, her fingers trailing down to Pyrrha's arm, then away entirely, before turning to run to the tower and vanish as she runs and leaps up to the top.
She wakes with a start to find Ruby kneeling over her with a worried look. "Are you okay?"
"Ruby. I…" She unconsciously touches the ribbon tied around her arm, the ribbon Blake had surreptitiously tied there before she'd run up the tower, that she'd once worn as a bow to cover her ears. "Yes, I'm fine."
Ruby's scepticism is plain to see, and why shouldn't she be sceptical? Pyrrha has had nightmares like this every night since leaving Patch. Her smile has been empty since that terrible day at Beacon; she doesn't think she'll ever truly smile again.
Pyrrha pushes herself up to sit and sighs heavily. "Why don't you get some sleep? I'll take over the watch."
Ruby frowns. "Are you sure? You have another two hours to go."
"I'm sure. I won't be getting any more rest anyway." She offers a thin smile.
Ruby holds her gaze for a moment, then slowly nods. "Okay, if you're sure." She moves to her sleeping bag and starts to crawl in as Pyrrha retrieves her weapons.
"Hey, Pyrrha?"
Pyrrha looks back to Ruby.
"She wouldn't want you to suffer forever. She'd want you to be happy…"
Pyrrha's breath catches. She presses her lips together to try to silence the cry she feels rising in her. "I know…," she finally manages faintly, sniffling a little and nodding.
Ruby nods back, then settles in to sleep with the soft sound of Pyrrha's sobs as her lullaby.
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feliciohno · 3 years
If you're taking non Hetalia characters, could you do Angel Dust?
of course of course! just so yall know! this isnt souly a hetalia blog at least not anymore a while back i decided to keep more adult content and content for adult media on this blog and the more family friendly stuff on my other so you can talk about other shows with me here than just hetalia!
Fave thing about them
honestly his like backstory and stuff like his family life and the stuff he went through idk hes just a very flushed out character and one i very much connect with and love a lot
Least fave thing about them
so like? his original version had him as bisexual and then they changed him to be gay and like obvi nothing wrong with that but as a bisexual idk man low key wish he was still canonically bi (tho thats why fanfic exists jiougyfguhjio)
Fave line
"he looks like a strawberry pimp" something about that is very funny i like that angel isnt outwardly fearful of alastor unlike seemingly a lot of other characters are angel tends to try and keep face
def him and cherry like pls their fuckin besties man waaahhhh
a tie between alastor and charlie ngl i love the dynamics of both ships ugh so good so good
Random headcanon
where some sinners keep up with the times in hell angel doesnt man the only disney movie hes ever seen was snow white and like dude barely listens to music that isnt fucking like bing crosby or the ink spots or some shit like that hell even alastor is probably more caught up than angel and that man still fucking uses old ass radios lmao
Unpopular opinion
angel isnt homophobic because different queer people are gonna want different things in their queer rep because we are not all the same people in this community angel was not made for the "haha funny gay man" trope and also he was made by and his continuously written by queer creators its okay if his depiction makes you personally uncomfortable but some queer people may heavily identify and love his character much like myself and i think theres a huge fundamental difference between insulting an entire community and being actively malicious to them than just? making a character that yeah some people might not vibe with or hell maybe even hate! and thats fine! we dont all have the same opinions on stuff! me and the autistic brother of my coworker most likely dont have the same opinions on autistic rep and shit so like! its fine! why is this such a bfd! anyways (also I’m not trying to say the show is without faults and that maybe his character could be handled a bit more delicately however I think calling him just a homophobic stereotype as if that’s the only thing he is is just dumb and completely missing like seven different points here)
Song I associate with them
man i have like a whole playlist for him its really hard but uuhhh some of my faves are Roxanne by The Police, Just a Gigolo by Bing Crosby, and Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer
Fave picture
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SO I’m going with this (obvi credit goes to viv) only cause back when the sinners and demons and stuff were apart of the Zoophobia storyline apparently there was a thing where they had this like feral form or whatever and god idk man I really want that in hazbin like I REALLY hope they bring that shit back UGH
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luffysfakebeard · 7 years
hi!! i don't know if you're taking prompts (so if you're not, ignore this!!) but i saw a text post a trillion years ago that was like "imagine your otp meeting in a 7am lecture and one of them is pouring redbull into their coffee and looks straight at the other and says 'im going to die' and just drinks the whole thing" and ever since i started watching skam this reminded me of something isak would definitely do. aaaanywayyy, i love your fics, keep writing and being awesome!
The Study Buddy; 2070 words[AO3]
It was Even’s firm belief that whoever scheduled a guest speakerat 7.15AM on a Monday deserved to have hellfire rain down upon them.  Hewasn’t even sure why he said he’d go; when one of his lecturer’s the previousThursday had told the class that there was a speaker on Monday that they mightfind interesting Even had made a note of it even though it was optional.
Maybe he was losing his mind.  He had chosen to go to a 7.15 talk.
He couldn’t even remember what the lecturer had said it was about; just that it could be interestingand might help some of them gain some insight for their film projects.  That had probably been what pushed him to go,because as much as Even loves his eight hours of sleep he wanted his film to beperfect more.
When Even walked into the lecture hall at almost 7.10 there wereabout a dozen students scattered around, which was honestly more than he wasexpecting to see.  He chose a seatsomewhere in the middle and slumped down, quickly biting the inside of hischeek to silence the whine he wanted to let out.
The plastic chair was Baltic.  Despite it being mid-November – in Norway– he was pretty sure that the heating wasn’t on yet.  The pipes were creaking and groaning, though,and he realised that the heating was probably only just coming on now to get upto a pleasant temperature at 8AM when normal lecture times start.
Great.  The guy in here after me will probably betoasty warm while I’ll be a fucking ice sculpture, Even thought sullenly. He was pretty sure he could feel his lips pushing into a grumpy pout asthe cold from the chair seeped through his clothes and bit at his skin.
He put his travel mug down on the floor and struggled out of hismittens – it was cold, alright? and everyoneknows that mittens are warmer than gloves Even will defend his mittens with hisdying breath – and was just getting his notepad out when he saw him.
Him being a completely frazzled looking student – maybe a year ortwo Even’s junior – stumbling through the door. He looked like he was wearing about ten layers underneath his huge coat,and Even could see snow caught in the fold of his beanie.  Like most of the students there the boy camein armed with coffee; his hands – which looked snug as fuck in a pair of mittens, Even noticed – were clutching onto alarge take away cup from the nearby coffee shop as if it was the only thingtethering him to reality.
Even picked up his travel mug and took a sip as he watched theboy stumble into a seat and flop down onto it like a dead fish.  And wow, Even had thought he was bad at mornings.  There were probably corpses that woke upbetter than this kid.
Although he doubted any corpse was as pretty as this boy.
Even felt blessed to have seen such a pretty face.  He didn’t feel quite so salty about this bloody early morning guest speaker now.
He watched with interest as the boy set his coffee downreluctantly and wiggled some layers off. Even counted a coat, a scarf, the mittens, and a bulky jumper before theboy decided that was quite enough outwear to remove.  The boy was left in a big hoodie that Evenwas sure was soft as fuck to the touch and probably concealed three more shirts underneath.
The angel clearly felt the cold.
Even empathised.  His asswas already numb from his stupid frozen chair and he’d barely been in it twominutes.  He took another pull from hiscoffee to try to warm himself up from the inside out before the speaker showedup and he’d be expected to concentrate and take notes and all that bullshitrequired of students.
And, okay, the thing is…Evendidn’t mean to watch the kid.  It’s just that he was sat directly in Even’s line of sight and hisface was so pretty that Even just couldn’t bring himself to look around at theother bland exhausted faces in the room or pretend to try to read the leaflets onthe pin board.
So when the guy proceeded to pull a huge can of Red Bull out of his snow dusted backpack it wasn’t likeEven could look away.  He watched as theguy popped the lid off his take away cup and immediately the smell of strongcoffee permeated the air.
Even perked up a little just from the smell.  He drank a little bit more of his own coffee,but what the boy did next made Even freeze in place.
Even watched in horror as the kid cracked open the Red Bull,took a few long pulls from his coffee to make room in the mug, and then pouredthe entirety of the energy drink into his coffee.  He put the lid back on his cup and swirled itaround a little.
It was then that the boy glanced around.
And, of course, he caught Even staring straight at him with a horrifiedlook in his eyes and his lips still around his travel mug.
“I’m probably gonna die. But who wants to live at this time in the morning anyway?” The kidshrugged.  And then, in what Even couldonly assume was a power move to assert his dominance, the kid drank the entirecontents of the large cup while maintaining eye contact with Even who was stillparalysed with shock.
It was only when the kid finished his poisonous concoction andturned his back on Even that Even regained control over his body.  He lowered his mug away from his mouth, forsome reason put off the idea of caffeine completely.  He wasn’t a massive caffeine consumer ingeneral; he was pretty sure his skin was buzzing just from watching that kid neck so much caffeine at once.
It was one of the most disgusting things Even had ever seen.
He’d worked as a barista throughout secondary school and knew hewas a bit of a coffee snob because of it, but the kid’s blatant disregard forhis coffee offended some part of Even purely on principle.
But fuck if he couldn’t stop thinking about it or watching thatboy.  The guest speaker came in and Evenbarely noticed.  All of his attention wason the caffeine addict a few rows ahead of him.
Much to his surprise, the kid didn’t drop dead of a massive heartattack.  In fact, the kid was morefocused than Even was; he was watching the speaker and taking notes and noddinga little every now and then.
Even, on the other hand, wasn’t listening to a thing the speakerwas saying because he was transfixed by a curl of golden hair that had escapedfrom under the back of the boy’s beanie.
Curiosity was killing him.
The more he looked at the boy, the more he wanted to know.  Did he have no taste buds?  How tired do you have to be to combine coffeeand Red Bull?  What makes you even consider combining those things?  What was his name?  What was he studying that could be relevantto the guest speaker?  Why had Even notnoticed him around when he looked like an angel?  How had he not blinked once while he made eyecontact with Even and drank that monstrosity?
Even needed answers,dammit!
It was only when the boy slouched down to grab his backpack andthen stood up that Even realised the talk was over.
And he hadn’t heard a single word of it.
At that moment he realised a few things in quick succession.
1.      He got up at 6AM to listen to a guest speaker and instead ogledthe back of a pretty boy’s head for 90 minutes
2.      He had nothing to show for the last 90 minutes of his life.  No notes, no photos of the board on hisphone, nothing.
3.      He needed to do something fastto make it look like he’d actually been paying attention to that talk becausethe boy was looking over his shoulder and Even still had his blank notebook onhis lap.
4.      Impossibly, the boy looked even prettier from the front.
Even slammed his notebook shut and practically threw it into hisbag, almost knocking his half full travel mug over in his haste.  He grabbed the mug as it wobbled beforegetting to his feet, swinging his backpack over one shoulder and stretching hisback.  An hour and a half in the chairfrom hell hadn’t done him any favours he thought as his spine cracked andpopped.
He chanced a glance over at the boy as he finished his stretchand was surprised to find amused hazel eyes staring directly at him.
“Yes?” Even quirked an eyebrow.
“You know I could feel you staring holes through my skull thewhole time, right?” The boy raised an eyebrow right back.
Even had no idea how to respond to that.
“Aren’t you going to ask my name or something?” The boy promptedand Even’s brain finally caught up with him.
“I normally ask interesting people out for coffee, but I thinkyou’ve had enough caffeine for a week.” He replied smoothly.  Satisfaction welled up in his chest at thepink blush that dusted the boy’s pale cheeks.
“So is this you notasking me out?” There was definitely a little tinge of disappointment in theboy’s voice, Even was sure of it.
“This is me saying that if you have any more caffeine you willprobably die.  How about breakfastinstead?” Even smiled his best smile.  Hewasn’t blind; he knew he ticked a lot of the boxes of ‘how to be good lookingin the west’ and he wasn’t afraid to use that to his advantage if the situationcalled for it.
And getting to know a cute boy definitely called for it.
“Breakfast sounds good.” The kid smirked.  “You probably owe me a meal after all thatstaring.” He added casually as he turned away and walked towards the door.
“You started it!” Even protested as he followed him out into thecrisp cool morning.
“You were already staring at me when I looked around actually.”The boy looked so fucking smug.  Theworst part was that Even couldn’t even argue, because it was true.
He had been looking at the kid since he walked through the door.
“Are you going to tell me your name or what?” Even huffed.  He knew he sounded grumpy, like a sore loser,but the kid just laughed.
“Isak.  I’m Isak.  And you? What name should I be putting on my sexual harassment report?” Isakteased.
“Seriously?  It was earlyand I was tired and there was a pretty boy, I just sort of zoned out and youwere right in front of me.” Even grumbled. He was still turning the name over in his head; desperate to roll itaround his mouth and see how it tasted.
“Do you stare at allthe pretty boys for an hour and a half?”
“Only the reallypretty ones.” Even winked, taking pleasure in the way Isak flushed all the wayup to the tips of his ears.  He hadn’tput his beanie back on and snow was drifting into his hair.  He looked like a renaissance painting.
“Come on then, I’ve told you my name.  Who are you, huh?” Isak prompted and Evenshot a cheeky grin over at him.
“Even.  Even Bech Næsheim.  Your future boyfriend.”
“Wow.” Isak snorted.  “Ican’t tell if my heart’s beating so fast from the caffeine or from your totallyromantic introduction.” He rolled his hazel eyes and Even swore he fell alittle bit in love with this sassy boy there and then.
“Hey, if you have a heart attack at breakfast we’ll probably getit for free.” Even winked.
“I can already feel my heart outside of my body; let’s not jinxit, hmm?”
“I still can’t believe you drank that in one go.” Even shook hishead in disbelief, pushing the café door open and letting Isak in.
“I call it the Study Buddy.”
“You’ve done that more than once?!”
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