#otto x reader
written-in-flowers · 2 years
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Disclaimer: These works are completely fictitious and for entertainment purposes only. I do not own any of the characters in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe. 
*Please do not repost/translate/use my stories without permission.
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After Tonight 
The Dragon and the Wolf 
Marks That Bind Us
Words We Cannot Say
Sweet Summer Prince
One Way Out
Carnal Desires
He Knows...
Lady Strong
Open Secrets (xaegon)
More Than That
Fly Away: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ Finale
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Moments in Our Lives
It Can’t Be
Only For a Moment
If It’d Been Us...
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The Young Stag 
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How the Tables Turn
Married to Aegon [Headcannons]
Wrong Time, Wrong Name
A Regrettable Mistake
A Step Up
Molding and Shaping
A Break in the Wheel
Toxic Revenge 
Nameday: The Picnic / The Theatre / Madam Rosetta’s / The Feast
Dad!Aegon Series: an au where Aegon and his sister-wife try navigating through court life and marriage while wrangling in their gaggle of chaotic children. The Dance never takes place. 
Four Becomes Five / Part 2
Morning Chaos
Dragons Need Heat
Two for the Effort of One
The Night Before the Rest of Our Lives 
Gods Weaving Threads 
Night at The Blue Pearl
Caught in the Act 
Lessons are Boring
The Closest You’ll Ever Get
Traditions and Expectations: 1/ 
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Married to Otto [Headcannons]
Daemon!Daughter Series: Keeping Your Innocence / Only Mine / The Bedding 
Targ!Reader Series: Something Unholy / In the Council Room / At a Feast
You’re on Team Black
Rosebud Series: Otto Hightower married a Tyrell much younger than himself. Fully in love, these tales detail their sexual exploits as well as glimpses into their marriage and children. The Dance takes place much later than in the canon timeline. 
Sweet Rosebud
Rosebud Bride  
No True Contest
Nameday Surprise
Otto’s Fixation
It’s Been Too Long
Not Only Two
Sweet Frustration
In the Dunes
Rosebud Headcanons
Otto x Rosebud Children
Dad!Otto Headcanons
At First Glance
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Daemon Targaryen: 
Within the Walls
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witchofhimring · 4 months
HotD ✨Cat edition✨
Note: I keep seeing cat editions of characters in different fandoms. I will be stealing that idea now.😗
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You had been hired to work at a cat café for some extra cash. It sounded like a brilliant idea at first. Being surrounded with adorable little furballs and making money. Great!
Because you were not prepared for the evil you would have to face.
Cat species:
Persian Longhair
Slightly chubby. Long silver fur. Wide blue eyes with luxurious eyelashes. Has an enormous bushy hair used to swat Otto her enemies. Pink nose. A very pretty kitty.
Absolute Princess Complex. She is the most important kitty in the world and you better know that. Feeding time? Her first. Hair not perfect? You better brush it. Many a time she has swatted cats and kittens out of her way. Anything to get that kibble. Her way to get your attention is jumping onto you lap and pawing at you.
She has a more friendly side. When you first met Rhaenyra she was stand offish, looking down at the peasants humans bellow. For weeks you would see her blue eyes looming out from the darkness. At about the three week mark Rhaenyra started to come up to you. A pet here. A pet there. And then she was suddenly all over you. She is actually a very cuddly kitty once she gets to know you. When you have a bad day she will come up and settle on you lap as comfort.
Cat species:
On the smaller end of the size scale. Brownish red fur that is slightly wavy. Huge brown eyes that look into your soul. Face constantly looks like she's sad.
Very shy. It was about two months in when you first caught sight of her. Because she is shy Alicent spends most of her time in the boss's office. She is very peculiar about touching. You have to pet her a certain way or it is bye bye. Does not like to be picked up and it is very rare for her to sit on anyone's lap. Loves personal space. Her bed is hidden away and she shares with no one, except Aemond or Helaena.
Cat species:
Persian longhair
Skinny with long but thin strands of hair. Has a few bald spots. Has narrow watery blue eyes. His whiskers nearly droop to the floor. Owns a stain that drags behind him as he walks.
Sleepy. Boy likes to have his beauty sleep. He's a bit shy but not as much as Alicent. Because of his health he stays in the back room. When you have breaks he will snuggle against you and sleep. Sometimes he's a bit grumpy from the medication. Viserys is a mostly good cat. Not too naughty and enjoys being pampered.
Demon Daemon:
Cat species:
a demon Persian longhair
Thin, lanky. Narrow blue eyes. Large front paws. Tail is slightly crooked and bobs as he walks. Shinny silver fur that he is very vain about.
That cat is evil incarnate. He will look deep into your eyes and bat away a cup of tea right onto the floor. Somehow attracts a gaggle of admirers who thinks him destroying ornate pillows adorable. You know what is also adorable? When you have to fix said pillows.
If he's not destroying property then he plays the "catch me" games. Will rub non stop against you. But the second you bend down to touch him Daemon is gone. Then when you go back to your job he is back again, the crashing of a $40 mug announcing his arrival.
Cat species:
Thin hairs that stick up, crooked whiskers. Has tiny brown eyes that constantly look like they are judging you (because he is). Very thin but large.
Unsettling. Sometimes you questioned if he even was a cat. He slinks around the room and will not let anyone touch him. Spends most of his time on a perch glairing down at the servants little people bellow. Hates Rhaenyra for whatever reason.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
Black kinky hair that is short. Small and light of her feet. Has big brown eyes and enormous ears.
A very sweet girl. Very popular with the customers. Probably one of the few cats that doesn't start fights with the other cats. That being said she is very picky about food. Will stick her nose up at certain kibble if it is not up to her standards. Will not play with toys roughed up by other cats.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
Curly black hair, surprisingly long for a Devon Rex. Wide brown eyes and tiny whiskers.
Pretty friendly. He sometimes likes to follow you around. Prefers adults and will usually go up to someone when they arrive. Doesn't cause any problems.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
Curly and surprisingly poufy hair. Straight whiskers that never seem to bend. Large paws with sharp claws (you once tried to trim his nails and people could hear his wails across the street). Brown eyes.
Vert stern. He acts like the general of a military base. Marches up and down the entrance, eyeing everyone who comes in. Acts as a sort of peace keeper between Otto and Daemon. He does let people pet him but will not be picked up. He will only sit on your lap if you are a frequent customer or employee/boss.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
White curls adorn her body. Her ears are huge and her blue eyes have a water quality to them. Delicate features but do not let that fool you.
You swear if she was a person Rhaenys would be one of those posh ladies that lived in your neighborhood. Prefers the company of ladies and will sit like a little person on a chair. Only likes to be pet on the head. When she thinks no one is looking Rhaenys bats around a little a little pink ball.
Harwin: (Dishonorable mention)
Cat species:
British Shorthair
A heavy set boi. Brown fur and deep brown eyes. A slightly squashed face. A small but surprisingly powerful tail.
A sneaky bad boy that sneaks inside and is the cause of more work (aka the kittens he fathered). Is not one of your cats. Bad boy snuck in an got Rhaenyra pregnant. Kept sneaking in afterwards and boom, suddenly three new kittens. You later discovered that he had been living quite comfortable in Rhaenyra's hidey hole, only coming out when you were not looking. It was only when he decided to come out and steal a customers feather boa that you discovered Harwin, a stream of pink feathers in his wake.
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verysmolnerd · 10 days
Dating post NWH Otto
Been wanting to do a hc collection of Otto related stuff if you’ve seen my previous headcanons. But they’re really not HCs as they are more story oriented. :p
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First of all, dating him appeared to be off the table. In his mind at a least… Even thought he was no longer seen as an enemy of the public, there is so much suspicion that he’s still evil. Like all reformed criminals are.
Not to mention that since he’s a supervillain, he doesn’t get privacy from the daily bugle. Not to mention finding a job that’s willing to hire him. The robotic arms welded to his back and his criminal record is enough evidence of what his previous experiments did to him.
He can only work for Oscorp which also has a reputation of cranking out scientific orientated supervillains. He’s making a living, but the judgement of others becomes more prominent.
It’s hard to tell at some point. Which is harder? Reforming and reconvening into society or fighting off the actuators and Spider-Man at the same time.
He’s pitied by the public eye or alienated entirely. Nobody takes him seriously, even if he’s never killed a person, nor attempted to. He only wanted to finish his work under the influence of his own work.
Then along came you with a company merger when Oscorp was bought by a larger company.
You never interacted with him, you were in a different department and were far too busy to talk to any of the newer Oscorp employees, which includes a lot of the supervillains.
It’s not like you wanted to talk to them. They’re still people, not zoo animals like your colleagues assume they are. So the best way of showing respect in your eyes is to give them the space they needed. If they want to talk to you, then they’d find you.
However, neither of you expected to meet outside of work.
Of all places you’d meet…. a public library. Informal, tired, and bags under your eyes. It’s almost like a college love story, while one partner sacrifices their grades in order to help another graduate with honors.
He was holding a book by Neil deGrasse Tyson and you were holding a three pines book. (Honestly, you though he was Armand with the level of exhaustion you had)
You just stared at each other, Otto even dropped his book. He apologized and then you commented on the book.
So now you’re both sitting in a lounge talking about the type of books you had. Which buds into conversation.
There’s almost a relief in his eyes that you were holding a normal conversation, as if he’s a normal person. He felt seen and purely human only for a moment.
So it’s natural for him to gravitate to you. AKA you see him near your office during work. Whether he needed something, he’d get it from your side of the building just to see you.
You’ve caught him gazing at you from your door window. For a man with four additional arms and eyes, he seemed pretty blind sighted by you and would walk into a water cooler.
So he also starts messaging you via faxes or other mundane office supplies. You���re shocked that he’s using them to lure you into his clutches.
One fax you got was just his phone number. Like that’s anything subtle. Smooth one, Otto. There was also one just asking you out for dinner… you faxed him back.
“Ask me in person and then we’ll talk.” He read aloud. The fact that you’re going to play his silly games is promising on his end. The last person he’s done that to was.. well.. it’s best not to bring up the past… for now.
So when you have him ducking under your door to get in your office with a paper rose (that he folded himself) he’s nervous, and the actuators are giving that away very well. Other than that, he’s very good at hiding emotions.
And now you find yourself sitting across from him at a nice restaurant.
Now that the professionalism line has completely evaporated, you both open up. Otto seems to loosen quite a bit the longer you two were talking.
You ended up closing down the place, and the wait staff were kind enough to remind you that they need to leave.
Then, he ended up spending the night with you. Not wanting to part with you. And you are you to deny that. He intrigues you as you do him.
Then one thing led to another and now you both are sitting on the couch, sharing a bottle of wine.
He trusts you with information that no other human being could have ever known.
Of course he tells you about Rosie. He hesitated at first, but you were quick to reassure him that he could. It was therapeutic almost. To hear about the previous light in his life.
“Oh, you’d love her. She thinks outside of the box. And she always had riddles to tell, never the same ones. She was so smart.”
He’s more vulnerable around you! He trusts you with his life, even though he’s probably protect you more than you can him.
That being, you both move into an apartment and now you’re with him almost every waking moment.
His actuators do a lot of work for him that he doesn’t like doing. The menial tasks that are just awful to him.
He carries you to rooftops to get a view of New York or any other surprise date he’d come up with.
The actuators wrap around you to show his subconscious form of admiration. Sometimes the actuator claws would clamp on your body as a form of kisses or long hugs.
He loves to cook. He knows recipes and often makes the same dinners that Rosie would make him.
You know that woman is happy to see that he’s moved on, the shadows of his past are able to be forgiven.
You also pet his actuators and sometimes use them as an extension to his hands, so you hold hands with his actuators.
He also uses the arms to pick you up for a proper kiss. He’s super affectionate if you haven’t picked that up already.
He loves to read books to you. Sitting on his lap, snuggled up against him as he reads TS Eliot.
You wear his glasses sometimes, you have no idea how he can see. He’s blind pretty much.
He’s wearing his heart on his sleeve around you, and he loves with all his being.
Treat him nicely, he’s already lost someone before and he’ll go to wits end to make sure that doesn’t happen again.
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thoughtsofedin · 2 months
ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀʏ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ
ᴀxᴇʟ/ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏᴛᴛᴏ/ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏꜱᴄᴀʀ/ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Set one year before the events of season 2.
They say he’s dying all for love, but that can never be: They say his heart is breaking, mother ­ what is that to me?
In where the brothers find themselves obsessed with their hostess.
This deviates into four different stories. One for each brother and one with all three brothers.
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Oscar carries the suitcase and so he stands in the middle, protected by his two older brothers. Otto's to his right, tired and angry. Axel didn't have time to change after their last mission, he smelled like sweat, like the damp earth he had been thrown into over and over again. There's a bit of blood in his hair, down the back of his neck. The skin beneath his left eye is bruised, the corner of his mouth is torn open.
They're all in horrible shape when Otto knocks on the light blue cottage door, leaving behind a stain that he doesn't care to wipe away. It could be blood or dirt or a mixture of the two. It’s not important. Inside, someone sets something down loudly and Axel notices a woman peek behind the curtain of a window to his right. She doesn't linger and stare, she doesn't gawk and try to hide, pulling the curtains around her and acting as if she hadn’t been seen.
Instead, as if she had been waiting for them, she gives him a light smile and makes her way to the door. They could hear her footsteps as she went. The door in front of them opens and she stands in front of the three brothers. She wears a thick knitted sweater and light blue jeans. An apron a shade darker than the door is wrapped around her.
Otto is impatient, fumbles through his pockets and pulls out the ripped newspaper they had found when they stepped out of the portal. The ad stated that she had a room available for weekly rent. Private bathroom, shared amenities. Meals Included. No pets. He holds it out to her and Oscar smiles. Smiling at people made them feel at ease. But he didn't have any issues disposing of a body if it came to that.
Oscar wonders, as she takes the ad, if perhaps there is something wrong with her. If perhaps she's commission, like them. She doesn't question the blood, the stench, the ominous way they stand there in front of her door ready for her to either run or scream or shut the door in their face. They'd kill her then. Toss her into the lake and take her home as their own until they no longer need it. His smile almost falters, Axel already reaching for his gun. But she opens her mouth, saves herself from almost dying right then and there.
“I only have one room available. The bed’s pretty big, but I don’t think it’s big enough to fit three… are you alright with an airbed?”
Oscar is in the shower, Otto took his first and sits on the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist, he has a flesh wound on his forearm he’s inspecting with a frown. The room is on the second floor, overlooking the garden in the backyard. The airbed is still in the box, placed in the corner of the room. Axel stands by the window, watching you. You’re crouched over, grabbing something from the earth. You had invited them for lunch when you brought over the bed.
Otto had agreed with a grunt, Oscar shooting him a glare. Axel was indifferent. It’d save him the trouble of cooking.
Axel watches as you wipe your hands on your apron, sitting up and stretching before standing and grabbing the basket full of vegetables. Axel turns away when you disappear back into the house.
Oscar leaves the bathroom then, hair wet and dripping against the collar of his shirt. Closing the curtain, Axel turns his attention to his brothers. They had yet to receive a proper mission from the higher ups. All they were given was a set of coordinates for the suitcase. He didn't know where in the timeline they were. He didn't care enough to ask.
"She seems stupid." Oscar says, dropping his towel on the floor. Otto, who had always hated any sort of mess, hisses and tells him to pick it up. Oscar ignores him.
"Stupid is good. Stupid won’t ask questions. Won't meddle." Axel says, picking up his brother's damp towel and setting it over the back of a wooden chair. Oscar was spoiled, it was too late to ask him to change.
Oscar sits on the windowsill, frowning. "Not yet."
"I'm going to shower." he says, slipping into the bathroom. It's bright, there are no curtains to draw close in here. The thick foliage outside tells him that no one will see him. He undresses, the water still cold when he steps in.
There's a knot on the back of his head, tender to the touch. Above that, near his ear he finds a wound, coagulated blood knotting his hair. He scrubs at it until the pain has him clenching his teeth and his eyesight doubles. The water runs red then pink then clear. He stands there for a little longer, muscles tensing from the cold.
When he steps out, dressed in only his slacks he finds Otto alone in the room. There’s a tray on top of the dresser and Axel inspects it. He finds a bowl of dark berries, garnished with a mint leaf. Besides it there’s half a loaf of bread, sliced and steaming with a tiny ramekin of butter. There are three cups of lemonade as well.
“The girl left it for us.” Otto says, patching a tear on his coat. “Oscar wasn’t happy about it.”
Axel picks up a glass and sniffs it before taking a small sip. He never really cared for sweetened drinks, so he sets it back and instead goes for the loaf of bread, sinking his teeth into a slice.
“Is that why he left?” he asks after swallowing; the next slice he grabs he slathers with butter.
“Says we should have killed her.” Otto sets down his coat, annoyance in his eyes as he looks at his brother.
“There’s no reason to.” Though it’s still not fully off the table. He tosses Otto the last of the bread.
"Äta. It's good."
Otto sinks his teeth into the bread. "Do you think she's commission?"
"No." People from the commission didn't settle down and buy homes they couldn't fully afford.
Satisfied, Otto goes back to his mending. Axel slips his boots on, then his shirt. He takes a single glass of lemonade and sets it on the table. Otto would drink it. Oscar was out there throwing a fit; he wasn't going to save him one.
Axel takes the tray and heads downstairs to talk to the girl.
He finds you in the kitchen, the scent of rosemary thick in the air. Something sizzles in a pan off to the side. The window in front of the sink is open, cool air wafting in. You're humming something he doesn't know. He sets the tray down roughly, startling you.
If he had known that you had been cutting something, perhaps he would have been a bit gentler. But what's done is done. The knife clatters to the ground as you turn around, blood weeping from your palm.
He doesn't say anything. Just watches as you grab a towel and wrap your hand in it. "Shoot, sorry." you apologize as if it was you that had startled him and he that had cut himself.  It's amusing, in a way.
He takes a few steps towards you and whatever it seems you were about to say gets caught in your throat as he bends down in front of you and grabs the knife by the blade. He holds it out to you, so close that if he wanted to, he could have sunk the blade between your ribs.
It would have put an end to Oscar's tantrum.
He lets you grab the knife, unmoving. You place it in the sink, taking a step to the side. "Thanks, um...?"
He doesn't want to tell you his name. Not yet at least.
"My brother," he starts, holding his hand at Oscar's height. "Have you seen him?"
"Oh, uh." You seem to think for a second, your fingers tightening around your cut. "He stepped out. Didn't really seem to be in a good mood."
"He's never in a good mood." Axel says, holding his hand out. It wasn't exactly guilt that he felt, but you had cut your hand because of him. He could, at the very least, see if you needed stitches.
"Oh no," you say after a moment, having realized what he was silently asking for. "It's fine. It's not so bad."
Axel doesn't say anything, simply looks at the way the towel darkened with your blood. He's been stabbed plenty of times, among other things, he knows that small cuts don't bleed like that. He reaches for you, gently tears your hands away from the towel.
You startle under his touch, but let him peel your fingers away, taking the towel with you. "Good." he tells you and it’s almost a praise.
"I really think it’s fine," you say quietly, watching him. "It's just a scratch."
He hums, tracing the edges of your wound with his index finger, ignoring you.
"It's not too deep," he says after a moment. You wouldn't need stitches. "Where are your bandages?"
"In the bathroom, I can go get them." you try to pull your hand away, but he holds it in place.
"Sit. I will bandage it for you." there's no room for disagreement in his demand and you seem to be smart enough to understand, slipping your hand away and sitting in a chair across the island.
'Good,' he thought. He did not like to repeat himself.
He finds the bathroom easily enough, finds the first aid kit tucked inside the cabinet underneath the sink like you told him it'd be at. He takes the whole thing back into the kitchen.
You must have turned the stove off while he was gone, the sizzling settling down to a few unruly pops.
Setting the kit down, you open your hand. The bleeding had stopped, and you seemed to have washed the wound. It would make this easier. He stands across from you, slowly opening the kit and pulling out disinfectant, gauze, and antibiotic ointment.
He had done similar for his brothers, countless times. But this was the first time he had taken to bandaging up a random stranger.
"Ouch." you hiss when he sprays the disinfectant into your cut, almost pulling your hand away. He shoots you a look of annoyance, gripping your wrist.
"Don't move."
"Sorry," you apologize again. "It startled me."
He rips open the tiny sachet of ointment and squeezes it against the length of your cut before using his thumb to smear it directly into the wound. The gauze comes next, and he wraps it around your hand three times before tucking the end in place.
"Thank you." Your voice is soft as you take your hand back and inspect his work.
Axel doesn't respond, setting back the rest of the gauze and disinfectant and closing the red box.
"Did you come here to work the farm?" you suddenly ask as he was about to head back to the bathroom.
"The farm?" he repeats.
"Yeah. Adler is always hiring hands, but he can't keep them for long. I've been trying to wrack my head around why anyone would come this far north and it’s the only thing that makes sense."
You stand, pushing the chair back in and he gets out of your way. “There’s not much this town offers; Adler’s farm just happens to be the biggest one so it’s always looking for people.”
Axel pauses, watching as you discard the bloody towel in the trash before turning back to face him. “Not that it’s any of my business, of course. I’m just happy someone finally found the ad.”
“Aren’t you worried? Sharing your home with three strange men?” Axel takes a step towards you, but you don’t flinch or step away, just frown at him.
“A bit, you did show up at my house covered in bruised and bloodied. But isn’t slaughter work messy? As long as you don’t track blood or mud, or anything weird inside, I don’t see the reason to be wary.”
He’s almost tempted to laugh, to tell you that you were wrong, so very, very wrong. But he doesn’t, instead he takes a step back. “We’ll try our best to keep things clean.”
 Its all he says, walking out of the kitchen.
“She is not as stupid as you thought.” Otto says to Oscar, who had returned just in time to find his brothers out in the garden. You were still in the kitchen, flitting between the stove and the table, setting plates and glasses for them. You had told them that lunch would be ready in the hour.
Otto had thought that it was odd that you had not questioned their disheveled state and had accepted them so fast, but when Axel came back and told him that you were under the impression that they were working as butchers in the local slaughterhouse, it all began to make sense.
You must have truly been desperate, to let them in without a single cautionary pause. But even if you seemed aloof and unintelligent, you were clearly watching them as much as they were watching you.
Oscar, who had managed to settle his anger, sat to the side, listening. “We do not have to stay here,” he says bitterly. “I checked- there’s a motel we can stay at. It’ll be more private.” He did not understand Otto’s obsession with only staying in homes shared by other people. Nor did he care to find out.
“No.” Axel says, squinting from the sun. “This is fine. Moving will raise questions.”
Oscar bites the side of his mouth, Axel was already in a bad mood, telling him that those questions would be easily avoided with premeditated murder would probably make him snap.
"The house is nice." Otto says, as if that was the most important factor. And maybe it was to him.
Oscar's anger flares but he keeps his composure.
"She's wary, but we don't have to worry about her delving into our business." Axel reassures them. Even with the sun in his eyes, he had been watching you through the window. You seemed preoccupied with whatever you were cooking. Not once had you looked back at them. He watches as you open the oven and pull something out.
“She is kind hearted.” Otto suddenly says, catching Axel’s eyes. “She does not see the very danger she is in.”
“Is she in any danger?” Axel asks, trying to gauge his brother’s thoughts.
“No,” Otto turns to look at you, the glare across the window making it hard. “Not yet.”
Out of all three of them, Otto was, by loose definition, the kindest of them all. He did not kill unless necessarily. Did not hurt unless he was forced to. He had been a cry baby as a child, and perhaps he still was. Axel wasn’t stupid, he knew that Otto longed for more than they did.
If they had all gone down a different path, where would Otto be right now? Where would he?
Oscar grunts, uncaring of the way his older brothers talk about you. He did not see the interest there, the gentleness his brothers seemed to carry in their hearts. You were a liability. You were bound to grow curious of them; you would put your nose where it did not belong and then Oscar would be able to show them that he had been correct all along. Maybe then they would start listening to him more.
As if summoned, you open the door to the backyard and step outside. The sun stuns you and you blink and frown, trying to get used to the brightness. Giving up, you bring your hand up to shield your vision from the sun.
“Lunch is ready, if you’re hungry.” She sounds hopeful that they’d join her, and that joy manages to irritate Oscar even more. She should just leave them alone. But he is hungry, and his anger wasn’t enough to turn down a warm meal. Not when the last time he ate a proper meal was becoming a blurry memory.
Otto is the first to stand, the corners of his mouth raising in an attempt at a smile.
Otto might be the kindest, but out of all three, he had always fit a scowl better. He was tall and imposing, the scar across his eye adding to his unapproachable looks. The smile comes out rather chagrin, but you smile back at him, nonetheless.
“Thank you.” Otto says gently, following you inside. Axel and Oscar linger outside, the oldest brother sighing and sending a silent warning to Oscar to behave. He’d hate to spend his afternoon cleaning after his mess. Oscar stands and leaves him there.
Inside, a table full of food awaits them. While you had rolled the blinds up, you kept the curtains drawn shut, sunlight filtering in through the cream-colored linen softly. On the table, there’s a basket of bread cut into squares, a roasted chicken sliced for ease. There are potatoes, covered in rosemary and butter. Around that, many other dishes of various sizes are filled with greens or vegetables and sauces. Otto finds that most of it, he can’t identify. Not that it mattered, his mouth watered at it all.
The bread from earlier had only reminded him how hungry he had truly been.
He watches your tongue swipe along the length of your bottom lip as you wring your hands together. “I’m looking at it now, and I definitely got overexcited.” She mumbles, Otto almost not hearing her. “I haven’t cooked for anyone in a long time, I hope it’s not too much.”
Axel is the one to answer you, pulling out a chair and taking a seat. “It’s not often we have someone that wants to cook us such a feast.”
You smile, a warmth spreading across your face. “Then I’m glad I made so much.” You move to sit next to Axel, Otto taking the one on your left.
“Is she eating with us?” Oscar asks his brothers instead of you, pulling out his own chair. He did not want her there. Sitting across from him.
“Oh,” you say, your smile faltering. “Is that weird? I can just-”
Otto cuts you off, shooting a glare at him. “Yes. She is feeding us. Why should she not eat with us?”
“No, it’s okay, really. I don’t mind eating somewhere else.” You try to plead, inching away.
“Sit.” Otto and Axel say at the same time, Otto pulling your chair for you. “Oscar did not mean anything by it.” Otto continues, drumming his fingers on the wood of the chair.
You look unsure, but Axel nods his head towards the chair before picking up the bottle of wine and inspecting it. “We will not eat without you, isn’t that correct?”
Otto hums in agreement.
After a single beat of silence, you take your seat, fingers brushing against Otto’s knuckles as he tries to move out of the way. His skin is warm, calloused, and you catch the indent of a scar between his index and middle finger.
He pushes you in and takes his seat. Oscar tries not to look at you, reaching for the potatoes.
“I wasn’t sure what you would like,” you say softly, watching as Axel plucks her wine glass from its place and fills it halfway. He fills all of theirs.
“We are not picky,” he says, grabbing the bowl of potatoes from his brother and putting some on his plate before handing them to you. “Though I think you’re going to spoil them, I’ve never made anything as elaborate as this.”
Oscar scoffs, spearing a piece of chicken.
“You like to cook?” you ask, sitting up in your seat.
“Yes,” Otto answers for him. “He’s always taken to the kitchen.”
“I had a good teacher.” Is all Axel says, taking a long sip of his wine. He did not like talking about his mother. None of them did.
“I did not take you for a cook.” you say with a smile.
“Looks are rather deceiving, aren’t they?”
You laugh, licking your lips. “So, where did you all come from?”
Otto wonders, as he chews on a bite of meat, if perhaps for you, meals were eaten in conversation.
“We’re from Sweden.” He answers anyway, not missing the way Oscar looks at him, as if he had just told you that they were assassins who traveled through time.
Your eyes seem to brighten at that. “Oh um...Det trevligt att träffa dig." You say quietly, stumbling over the accent.
Otto is startled, unsure if he heard correctly. “Pratar du Svenska?”
You laugh, shaking your head. “No. Not really. That’s all I know. I had a feeling you were Swedish.”
“Is it that obvious?” Axel asks, watching you bring a bite of food to your mouth.
“Mm.” she covers her mouth with the tips of her fingers, swallowing. “If you know what to look for.”
"Vilken intressant händelseutveckling, tycker du inte det? Hon pratar svenska...lite" Otto tells his brothers, watching as you frown, trying to decipher what he’s said. You look between all brothers, Oscar finding her bewilderment amusing.
"Prata inte på svenska framför henne, Otto. Titta så förvirrad hon ser ut." Axel replies, the corners of his lips curling towards a smile, replying in Swedish even after telling his brother to stop.
“I feel like you’re talking about me.” You interject, setting your fork down.
"They are." Oscar says nonchalantly, reaching for more meat.
"It took us by surprise. We don't really meet many people who speak it." Axel clarifies, finishing his wine.
"What did you say?" you ask. But instead of an answer, Axel simply shakes his head, his smile never leaving his face. He would not tell you. Part of him liked the way you seemed to squirm in your seat. Unsure of what to say, who to look at.
“Where did you learn?” Otto asks instead, pulling your attention back to him.
“I want to go to Sweden one day. Figured I should learn the language first, so I picked up a language book from the library. I don’t think I ever returned it.”
"But all you can say is 'Nice to meet you'? It doesn't seem like you're really interested in it." Oscar pushes his plate away, finished.
"It's not that. I haven't given up on it...It's not exactly the easiest language to teach yourself..." you pause, frowning at the youngest brother. “It’s just been a slow process.”
"What if I were to teach you some more?" Otto offers before he can stop himself. The thought of teaching you, of having more to offer the world than just his mercenary skills… he could not help himself.
The offer manages to surprise both Oscar and Axel, though Axel does a better job of hiding his emotions. Oscar slams his hands on the table, pushing his chair back.
"Du slösar bort din tid på den dumma tjejen! Vi kommer inte att vara här länge!" he says bitterly, shooting you a glare.
"Tillräckligt." Axel says with a warning.
Throwing his napkin onto his plate, Oscar turns and heads upstairs, the anger palpable in the air.
“Did I do something wrong?” You ask, the tension making you wring your fingers again.
“No… Oscar’s a bit overprotective.” Otto doesn’t do anything to hide the annoyance in his voice, wiping his mouth.
You don’t say anything, your eyes glued to the stairs even after Oscar’s disappeared into their shared room.
"Don't worry about him. He's always been a spoiled brat." Axel is calm as he refills his glass before offering her some more. Oscar was right, not about storming out like a scolded child, but about how they weren't going to be here for long. It wasn't good for Otto to try to form a bridge between himself and you. Not when it could be as soon as tomorrow that the Commission sends them their mission. They'd take care of it and move on. They never stayed in one place for too long. Trying to plant roots would only come back to haunt them in the end.
He finishes his wine in one swallow. “Otto, do you mind helping her clean up? I should go check on Oscar.”
You turn to look at him, blinking a few times. “No, it’s okay, I don’t need the help.”
“It’s alright.” Otto says, already gathering dishes towards him.
Axel stands, smiling at you. “Lunch was lovely. Thank you.” With that, he stands and makes his way upstairs.
Otto watches after him, a silence falling between you and him.
You sip at the wine, looking over everything left on the table.
“So,” you say after the silence grows to be unbearable. “Are you the oldest?”
“Hmm? Oh no, Axel is.”
“Axel.” You repeat. “Maybe I should have asked for your names earlier.” Setting the glass down you stand up, grabbing your plate and walking over to the garbage can. Otto follows you.
“We have not asked for your name either, so don’t feel bad.”
Realizing, you tell him your name, scraping the food off of the plate and setting it in the sink before holding your hand out for his.
“Oscar, Otto and Axel… söta namn.”
“Cute?” He asks, tilting his head in confusion.
Feeling your cheeks grow warm, you freeze. “Did I say cute? I meant to say nice. I think they’re really interesting names.”
Otto chuckles, grabbing the rest of the plates from the table and hands them to you. “Your Swedish is really horrible.”
“Oh god, this is really embarrassing. Can we act like I didn’t just say that?” you take the plates, your face hot.
Laughing, Otto shakes his head. “You think we have cute names. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He’s teasing you and for some reason it just feels normal. Right now, in this moment, Otto didn’t feel like a stranger in his own skin, nothing more but a man who only knew how to kill and harm.
He did not know you, but in this tiny little moment, he felt like he was no longer missing anything.
You groan, shaking your head. “Please? I might die of embarrassment.”
He only smiles in return, corking the bottle of wine and placing it in the fridge. “If it helps,” Otto says softly, making you turn your head to look at him. “I also think your name is cute.”
For a moment, you look startled but then you huff and turn around, laughing. “You’re making fun of me!”
Otto doesn’t tell you that he meant it. Instead, he asks you what to do next.
You show him where the dirty linen goes, and he helps you put the leftovers into containers that line the fridge. It felt rather…domestic. As if this was where he belonged. After wiping the table and taking out the garbage, Otto stands beside you, drying the dishes as you hand them to him.
“Do you think Oscar is feeling better?” you suddenly ask.
He felt guilty that for a second, he wondered who Oscar was. “He’s…” he pauses, trying to figure out how to best explain it. “Oscar sometimes forgets that the world is a lot bigger than us.”
You nod, handing him a cup. “I’m sorry again, if I did anything to upset him. I probably should have just let you eat alone instead of forcing myself into the group.”
Setting the cup down, Otto shakes his head. “You don’t have to apologize.”
“I know but I just feel like it… like I said, it’s been so long since I’ve had any company at all that I kind of forgot that while yes, you guys are company, you are also renting out a room. I’ll give you your space from now on.”
“Why is it that you’re out here all alone?”
“It’s a long story.” you say, and Otto doesn’t push for more. “Anyways, thank you for helping me.” Your smile returns, as you rinse off the sink.
“Ingen orsak.” He replies, drying his hands.
“Is that my first Swedish lesson?”
He chuckles. “Ja. It can be.”
“I’m guessing that means you’re welcome?”
“It’s more like ‘no problem’.” He clarifies.
“Ingen orsak.” You repeat slowly, rolling the words over your tongue. “I’ll have to go write that down before I forget.”
Pushing his hair from his face Otto finds himself smiling at you. At the way you seemed so excited over something so simple.
“I should probably go check on my brothers.” The reluctance in his voice goes unnoticed by you.
“Oh.” Otto wonders if he’s imagining the way you seemed to deflate slightly. “Yeah of course. I’m sorry for keeping you.”
He wants to tell you that he would rather stay down here with you for a bit longer, but he doesn’t, a flash of hot guilt making him keep his mouth shut. He has to remind himself that this wasn’t permanent. That while it was nice, none of this was meant for him.
You tell him that dinner will be ready at 7 and he heads up to the room.
When Oscar comes back downstairs, he has a swollen lip. It’s slight, not really noticeable unless someone was looking for it. But he could feel it when he swiped his tongue against it. Axel had been mad at him, at his outburst at the dining table. But he hadn’t hit him until Oscar threw the first punch, calling him a traitor.
He was mad that his brothers seemed so interested in you. How many had they killed already? Why were they so against adding one more body to that list? You didn’t know them. You talked too much, input yourself where you didn’t belong.
They’ve only been here for half a day and already you were worming your way where you didn’t belong. When Axel had slapped him across the face, Oscar had thought about finding you and slitting your throat. He almost had, but Axel had noticed and told him that killing you wouldn’t solve anything.
‘You want to kill her because she was kind to you?’ he had said with a scoff, pulling a dagger from his boot and offering it to him. ‘Then go ahead and do it. See how that will do nothing to fix whatever anger you are so insistent on carrying inside of you.’
He almost took the knife. But stopped and slapped it away. Part of him knew that he was being irrational. That his brothers weren’t stupid. That the conversations didn’t mean anything. Humans were social creatures by default. Of course, it did not help that you were physically attractive. That you looked at them with interest instead of judgement. For heaven’s sake, even if you had butchered every single word, you had spoken to them in their own language, greeting them in your home as if you were old friends.
Part of him knew that you weren’t going to steal his brothers away from him. But that part was miniscule in comparison to the worry that he carried inside of him that told him that maybe, just maybe, it had been a mistake coming here after all.
He wanted the commission to send them their mission already so they could move on. He wanted you to fade into the back of his mind until you were forgotten.
It scared him how easy it would be for you to destroy what they had. It wasn’t anger that he carried in his heart, but fear. Fear that one day he would lose his brothers just like he lost his mother, and he would be all alone.
Downstairs he finds himself alone, the setting sun casting shadows across the house. He had heard you leave, the rumbling of your car as you drove off making him sigh in relief. Otto had found a room where you kept some books and had made himself comfortable in it, flipping through vintage books that caught his attention.
Axel had kicked him out of the room, telling him that he had given him a migraine and he wanted to sleep it off. Oscar gladly left.
But down here, in the silence and darkness, there was nothing to do. He could go back upstairs and join Otto, but his brother was still upset with him, so it was best if he didn’t.
He finds himself heading back outside, past the tiny patio they had sat at and into the garden. He was careful not to step on anything, mother had always gotten mad at him when he had destroyed her crops, accident or not.
He almost keeps going into the forest that seems to line the back of your house but stops when he hears a meow from behind him. He turns to find a fat Russian blue digging her paws into the carrots. The cat looks up at him and rolls over itself, stretching her paws towards him and meows again, inviting him over.
Oscar complies, carefully making his way over and bending down. He holds his hand out and the cat leans over and presses its forehead onto it. Automatically, everything that had been bothering him is pushed aside as he smiles and coos at the cat, scratching it between the ears.
He’s always had a soft spot for animals. Gently, he picks it up and presses it against his chest. “Are you here to keep me company?” he asks it gently, taking its meow as a yes.
“Come then.” he makes his way back to the patio, wondering if his brothers would let him sneak a cat inside. Not that he cared if you kicked them out because of it.
Taking a seat, Oscar runs his hand alongside the back of the cat, letting it stretch and get comfortable on his lap.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, rubbing its tail. It’s kind of funny how he waits for an answer.
“No?” he presses, smile growing. “Did you steal enough from the garden that your belly is full? Is that why you’re so fat?” he pokes it on the stomach.
The cat meows, swatting his hand away as if it didn’t like him talking about its weight. Carefully, Oscar squeezes its paw, shaking it. The cat kicks him and he lets go.
He must have been really distracted, the sound of the door opening startling him and the cat, who froze with his finger in its mouth.
He should have known that it was you.
When you push open the door and step outside, his smile falters and he almost let’s go of the cat.
“Oh,” you say, startled. “I didn’t think anyone was out here.”
He doesn’t say anything, glancing down at the takeout box in your hands. You look down at it as well.
“Oh. I got a bit busy, so I didn’t have enough time to make dinner and offering leftovers seemed a little rude, so I picked up some takeout.” You rambled, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “I wasn’t sure if you guys liked Chinese food, so I got you pizza instead. You like pizza, right?”
Oscar doesn’t answer you. It was so obvious that you were uncomfortable being near him and that irritated him. Sure, he liked that he made you want to run as far away from him as possible but at the same time, why was it that out of all the three of them, he had to be the unapproachable one?
On his lap the cat meows, almost slipping from his arms as it stretches. He’s quick to shift it around. Right now, he did not want to be alone with you.
“Oh shoot,” you say once you notice the cat. “She got out again.”
“Is she your cat?” Oscar asks.
“No. She belongs to a neighbor. Though she’s always running away and destroying my garden. Isn’t that right, Maple?”
The cat meows at her name, her tail shooting straight up and Oscar starts to let go of her, but you shake your head.
“Please don’t. I’m really allergic to cats.”
It makes sense why you keep your distance, and Oscar almost sighs, relieved that it wasn’t him that you were worried about.
Maple yawns, her tail swaying side to side and Oscar scratches at her chin, stealing her attention from you.
“She really likes you,” you say softly, closing the door behind you. You linger at the door for a second before taking a deep breath and making your way towards the seat next to his, a small round table separating you two. “Have you always been this good with animals?”
Oscar sighs, letting Maple get comfortable in his lap once more.  He didn’t feel like making small talk with you. But he forces himself to anyways. “I guess.”
You set your food on the table and Maple perks up, sniffing the air. “Did you have pets growing up?”
“No, we didn’t have the space. Though our village was full of strays.” He pauses, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. You seemed so interested in what he had to say that he almost felt embarrassed. “I would always go feed them scraps after dinner… It drove mother mad.” He finds himself smiling lightly, remembering the way his mother would scold him only to give in and let him keep doing it. “They used to follow me home some nights and then I’d sneak them inside.”
He could almost remember how he’d keep them under his bed, in a cardboard box that he had cut holes out of and lined with old clothes that no longer fit him. But it only ever lasted so long, the cats would start whining for food and then Axel or Otto would find them and set them free.
You laugh softly at his story, bringing one leg up on the chair. “My sister used to do the same thing with anything she could get her hands on. Though one time she was so scared that she would get caught that she put a garden mouse in my bed. Imagine my horror when I wake up in the middle of a bed to find it crawling all over me.” You shiver as if the memory still haunts you. “I think I refused to sleep in our room for like a month.”
Oscar can’t help the tiny smile that curls his lips as he listens to your story.
You glance over at him and raise your brows. “Are you smiling at my childhood trauma?” you tease. “I’m glad you find it so amusing.”
“Are you and your sister close?” he asks, changing the topic.
Your smile falls and you lean back in your chair. “We were.” You mumble quietly.
“Did something happen?” he presses, wondering why you looked as if you had suddenly been kicked in the ribs.
“She…” you inhale loudly, looking up at the sky for a second. “She passed away last year. Traffic accident.”
A silence falls between them, and even Maple keeps her mouth shut, looking up at him as if she was telling him ‘Nice going idiot.’
“I-” he starts but you cut him off, shaking your head. You didn’t want to talk about it.
“It’s alright. Life’s unfair sometimes.” There’s a bitterness to your voice that softens into sadness by the time you’re finished talking.
He doesn’t know what to say, though he understands completely. He still carried the pain of losing his mother with him. He scratches Maple between the eyes.
If he were to lose his brothers, would he be able to get up every morning, like you seemed to do?
“I’m sorry, by the way.” You whisper into the silence, pulling him from his thoughts. “I didn’t mean to upset you earlier.”
He’s suddenly reminded of his outburst, of Axel slapping him across the face. He runs his tongue over the bump on his lip, sighing.
“For a long time it’s just been my brothers and I ever since…” he trails off, frowning. He didn’t know why he was telling you all this, but now that he’s started there’s no way to stop. “Seeing them talk to you…” he grows frustrated at the lack of words that could explain what he was feeling.
Maple, sensing his frustration, jumps from his lap and stretches before curling herself around his boots. He misses her already.
“I get it,” you say. “At least I think I do. Otto said something earlier, that sometimes you forget that the world is a lot bigger than just the three of you… But that’s not it, is it? It’s not that you forget, its just that for you, your brothers are your world.”
“You act like you know what you’re saying.” He says bitterly, looking away from you.
You laugh lightly, and his frustration rises and falls into the pit of his stomach. “It’s okay, you don’t have to agree with me.”
“I don’t.” he lies and it’s so obvious that he’s lying that he feels a warmth crawl up his throat.
“Just know that I get it. For a long time, it was just my sister and I against the world. Our parents…” you shrug, and Oscar is almost tempted to tell you to keep going, to tell him more. And it’s like you hear his thoughts because you do.
 You, unlike him, have the words that he doesn’t.
“They weren’t good parents. My mom left when I was young, and my dad was an alcoholic who couldn’t keep a job long enough to put dinner on the table. I hated him. I still do, some days. For everything he put my sister through. For not being a father when we needed him most, but life’s a little unfair like that isn’t it?” you shrug, resting your chin on your knee and looking at the ground in front of you. “I had my sister though. She made the pain bearable. She made me realize that while the world was cruel, it didn’t mean that everyone was.”
“Sorry,” you say suddenly, laughing. “That’s such a mood kill. Just, I get it, okay? I know what you’re worried about, and I can assure you, its not going to happen.”
He wonders if you’re truly aware of what it was that he was afraid of. Did you know that it was you that he was worried about? That you’d show them, show him, that the world outside had enough space for them all?
He’s the youngest, the one they took care of… If someone else were to come into their lives, would he even be important to them anymore? Would they no longer care about him? Could he live a life where it wasn’t just Oscar, Otto and Axel against the world?
Did they see what it was that you were doing to them? Oscar felt as if someone had turned a stagnant hourglass over and he was running out of time, the ground before him holding him in place as his brothers moved forward.
It might not be you that caused the foundation to break and his world as he knew it to change, but by leaving you alive did they realize how much of a catalyst you could be? The commission had taken them in when they had nothing, but would you be the one to lift the veil over their eyes and show them that they could be so much more? That they deserved so much more than just endless death and running?
Why did it seem that he was the only one who saw just how much of a threat you posed?
It was irrational of course, but isn’t fear odd like that?
Oscar looks over at you, what little light filtered from the stars above shining on you and yet making it hard to see clearly. Your eyes were still on the ground, your food forgotten between them. You don’t seem to notice that he’s staring, and he wonders if perhaps you too have lost yourself in your thoughts.
He watches in silence as you lift your head to look up at the sky and he stops himself from following suit, from wondering what the stars looked like in your eyes.
You turn to look at him suddenly, smiling gently and something vile comes to his mind in that moment;
Would his brothers forgive him if he found someone more important than them?
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danceofthexdragons · 9 months
Literally the attention to detail from Daddy Otto towards his grandkids; encouraging Helaena, knowing before Aemond even stands up at the dinner table the drama he's about to wreak, knowing what a clown/manwhore Aegon is, he knows them inside and out. He knows their ticks, he knew Aemond was about to flip his switch and instead of demanding he stop he let him have his moment. I think Otto legit has so much love for his family, despite the hate he gets from fandom. He doesn't pull the I'm your Grandpa Senior Leige of the King you are under my duress card. He isn't as demanding with them as he was with Ali. He isn't as impatient. He indulges their personalities, I bet they go to him if they ever need to talk. I bet they purge their teen drama on him. I bet he has inside jokes with each of them. He's obviously fond of watching them grow up. A part of that is his own guilt, I'm sure, at not showing Alicent enough affection and the responsibility he bears that for Ali not having her mother. Clearly in contrast to Viserys who doesn't know the names of his kids, or their count. (except Aegon...) Otto is so proud of his grandbabies, and he has no qualms picking up the slack Viserys has always left behind because he loves being a grouchy patriarch grandpa.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐃 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
・Wakes up as soon as you do
・She usually can’t get to sleep until after you do, so when you’re awake, her body can sense it 
・ Immediately asks you what’s wrong 
・She doesn’t tell you to get over it, she genuinely wants to hear what bothered you most about the nightmare 
・Telling her about your nightmare: the white men who seemed to be made of ice. Their blue eyes, the decaying people. A babe who was alive, but ... not in the human sense
・Instinctively, she moves her body toward you, reaching out to pull you close 
・Hates that she can’t get rid of your unease 
・Hums lightly to get you back to sleep
・Is usually awake most nights, her thoughts running wild
・She knows when you’re having a bad dream, and she always wakes you up from it
・Hushes you and pushes the hair from your face 
・ “Nightmare, only a nightmare” she reassures you
・ “It felt so real, they were so cold-” She interrupts you with a kiss to your forehead
・ “It’s okay, it’s only a dream”
・Holds you until you fall asleep 
・And then her mind starts racing again
・Always the big spoon 
・Likes to hold you so he can smell you 
・Shakes you awake when you’re having a bad dream
・And he wants to hear every detail about it, because he’s had similar dreams as well
・Asks if you want to go back to sleep, or do you want a ride on Caraxes? 
・Will hold you until you fall asleep, or get both of you ready to go riding
・He’s a light sleeper. He has to have the room pitch black for him to fall asleep
・So when you awoke with the images of white walkers in your head, not knowing who or what they are, you panicked 
・The room was so dark that you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face
・Your breathing began to quicken and you couldn’t control it 
・You flung yourself out of bed, your intention to find a source of light 
・You found the window and saw one of the dragons flying through the night sky. You calmed a bit
・And then you felt a hand on your shoulder
・ “It’s just me,” the deep voice said slowly 
・He hugged you from behind, doing his best to ground you once again
・He sleeps so close to you that he can almost hear your heartbeat quicken in your chest. 
・Aemond’s sapphire eye twinkled in the moonlight - you always liked to sleep with the window open
・He sat up and cupped your face lightly. He was never the type to sleep deeply. Maybe he inherited it from his grandfather
・ “Wake up,” he said firmly but gently. Your face contorted in horror as the vision unfolded in your head. 
・ “Wake up!” He demanded, now verging on panic. 
・Your eyes flung open right as the sword struck, warmth flooded your cold chest as you looked upon Aemond 
・ “I’m here, you’re safe,” he repeated the words a few times, and held you tight against his chest 
・ “Aemond-” 
・ “I’m here, and I’ll kill any of those nightmarish creatures” 
・His solid body took up most of the bed
・You gasped awake, not realising that you had been clutching onto Harwin in your sleep. He hadn’t noticed either, since he was still snoring 
・Tears welled in your eyes, as those things took hold of your every thought. 
・You wiggled yourself closer to Harwin, wrapping your legs around his, as if he could bring your thoughts back into this room
・ “Harwin?” You whispered, nudging him slightly 
・ “Hmm? Mmm I ‘noring again?” He mumbled, rolling over, practically on top of you now 
・ “No, bad dream” 
・He awoke more then, grabbed you and pulled you close 
・ “You know I’ll always keep you ‘afe” he grumbled, nuzzling his face into your neck
291 notes · View notes
Types of hotd men as yandere
characters : Viserys, Corlys, Otto and Larys
warnings : obsession, implied murder, gaslighting, abuse of power, incarceration,
Info : Oh man the dilfs where one is none well what can i say lords of a house come and save me…even larys our snake like clubfoot
video gif by me
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Viserys (compelling) : The King of the Kingdoms Viserys was a man who enjoyed throwing parties, organizing tournaments and making peace.
He was happiest when his family and people were well…and his beloved wife. Aemma Arryn, his first wife, who had once been the only one in his life to make him happy with Rhaenyra, was now over.
His little Rhaenyra soon grown up with Lady Alicent in the gardens for hours he had to realize that it was time to marry again. He was the king every party tried to turn his daughters to him but the king had his violet eyes on a lady for a long time. A lady-in-waiting to his former wife, a flower at court who held back until the dragon approached her.
Viserys beneath all the friendly smiles, the jokes and his fascination with his true home of Valyria was one thing above all…a man with power and a man with power was everything in his world.
He was the blood of the dragon, the head of the family and even without a dragon, as king he had the influence he needed. She was his and with his peaceful smile he had married her that long spring in King's Landing.
Had flattered her with gentleness, vulnerability and gifts…even though she never had a choice. Had publicly executed any voices that dared to call his wife a "mistake" and the age of peace wavered, his allies became uncertain and his small council had more to discuss. But despite everything, he didn't care, for the first time he became his half-grandfather Maelor Targaryen.
He took a new dragon Vermithor and for his wife the dragoness Dreamfyre, ,,I know it may seem intimidating darling but now you belong to me she will accept you" he encouraged her as he stood behind her his one hand placed on her side never gently always with a certain pressure, a pressure that let her know he would not let her go. His other hand placed on hers gently and warmly as he instructed her to touch Dreamfyre's snout.
They would fly through the air together like Jahaerys and Alysanne they would fulfill the dragon dreams and she would not die with a dragon by both their sides she would have a son and he would keep his wife in the flesh….er would not make the same mistake again. Her prayers for him to come to the realization that she was not a Targaryen were ignored with a kiss, a warning look or a raise of his voice.
,,Forgive me, darling, but you see once you're sitting up it's not so bad, is it?" he asked as she sat on Dreamfyre, completely stiff and afraid, giving him a forced smile that satisfied him. ,,No-no it's…wonderful so beautiful" she replied and held on tightly to the harness of the dragoness who seemed confused and didn't know why a non-dragonblood was sitting on her.
But all this seemed to be just the beginning of the forced dragon excursions, during which she hid her deadly fear under smiles and gratitude. The parties and games all for her to make her happy. She was not Aemma, no, she was something he could make her into. His perfect Targaryen wife who would fulfill his dragon dreams and he would do anything to keep her happy with fire and blood.
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Corlys (Taking) : The Sea Serpent a legendary merchant, sailor with the blood of ancient Valyria and two dragons in his family. A man who honored the wealth and influence of the Hightower family and one of the lords and men of the small council.
He was one of the king's most important and powerful allies and had blood that once belonged on the throne. But above all, he is also a legendary sailor and the old tradition of sailors is not only dedicated to the sea but also to the women he met on the voyage, who he kept in inns or simply took.
Adventure and exotic animals were the sailor's domain, but one day they had been at sea for two years. The sea serpent longed for a woman, his crew longed for the warm embrace of a woman and perhaps it was in a moment of alcohol or frustration that they headed for the next best island and pulled off a heist, a heist in which he got himself a mermaid.
Her voice softly pouring him a beer minutes before, now yelling at him to let her go as he grabbed her and took her onto his ship. The captain had finally found the pearl on his journey and he would use this beauty for more than just the night. ,,Let me go back to my home!" she protested, trying to get the door of his cabin open, his sweetie had not yet realized that the ship had been at sea again for hours.
A smile escaped him as he approached her and saw her practically throw herself against the door before the wood gave way and she fell to the deck in front of his crew. ,,Mermaid, I told you this was your home now," he reminded her as he pulled her up by the arm so she could see the sea, the wood of the ship and his crew.
From then on, she was initially his, locked up like a fish in a box in his cabin, serving him. But after a few days he let her on deck and gave her small tasks to do, keeping her at work so that she didn't have to think about home.
At night he made her happy by taking her at his own pleasure, making it clear to the crew that she was his. He tried to teach her his passion for sailing on smaller ships and took her ashore with him, even if she ran in next to him. ,,Pearls and shells for a beautiful woman of the water" he praised her and bought her a glittering necklace of the ocean which he put on her.
His hand gripped her chin firmly and demanded a kiss in thanks…in the end she would do what he wanted her to do, he was in charge of her.
At the end of the journey he saw how nervous and energized she became his pretty mermaid probably thought he would take her home. ,,You are now a woman of the water and a woman of the household Velaryon my love" he shattered her hopes as he saw tears running down her cheeks salty as the sea which he brushed away and pulled her to him his fingers playing with the necklace.
The necklace with pearls and shells a sign that she was his, his concubine as soon as they returned to Driftmark. He would deal with Rhaenys and his children had to accept it, but a sea serpent would find a way to wrap itself around his favorite.
To sneak up to her at night and make her feel like she had never left his boat. ,,I have taken you and you are mine…never forget that" he had said to her that night and gently stroked her cheek, the same thing he now did every night knowing that she could do nothing but nod, agree with him and hide behind her "savior" when the wrath of the water dragons and the princess came crashing down on her. Because he always had a hand on her…a protective hand for his property.
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Otto (paranoid) : Otto Hightower a man of pride, influence and an old rich house of trade with the great rock tower at Oldtwon. The brother of the head of the house the hand of King Viserys and with his children Alicent and Gwayne with whom he pursued his own plans that would come to pass in time.
But since the death of Jaehaerys, the leech had attached itself to the new King Viserys, influencing him, drilling him and replacing his own tokens with the green of the Hightower. The green of the House of Hightower took over more and more slowly but surely…until the day he lost his beloved wife.
His lady wife dead, he had loved her, enjoyed her love, had children…but despite her death after his grief and after seeing that damned grin from the rugged Prince Daemon, the leech felt the Targaryen's poisoned blood for the first time.
Leading his daughter to Viserys, taking his own son to the city to keep an eye on Dameon while the lord himself resorted to a game that would bring him both influence and a woman he had seen long before.
Since trading with the Baratheons his grandchildren were related to the Baratheons, Ser Otto had taken himself a wife of the house. The blue eyes and the black hair the blood of the stag flowed through her and since his marriage he felt something.
What was at first a mere plaything that could be moved now became something he was afraid to lose. I will vow to the gods to protect you my lady," he had told her as he had draped the cloak around her, his hand on hers and kissed her.
She was pretty was the prettiest of the house prettier than the princesses, prettier than the queens she was prettier even than his first wife…she was his and he would not let him lose her in the upcoming fight for the throne for which the foundations had already been laid with the birth and the years after Aegon's birth his first grandson.
With that came the first dispute and another and another and at the latest when Daemon returned from the Stepstones and his violet dragon eyes settled on the new wife of the Hand, Otto felt his hand on hers.
Jealousy was more poisonous than any poison he had ever used. It was jealousy that kept him awake at night when he lay next to his beloved doe, his fingers gently playing with strands of her hair, the color green adorning her clothing.
Before the king and the law, she was his, "But what if she isn't? What if something happens?" he asked the questions and watched as she continued to grind fiddly while he lost himself more and more in the spiral in which she was seduced by the Targaryen prince night after night.
Dameon was the greatest enemy to himself and his family and the prince was known to stop at nothing. Especially not when the war was brewing and Otto saw what this conflict was capable of when not only Harrenhal burned but Daemon killed Vaemond in front of everyone and Otto stood in defense of his wife.
,,It's done enough dear this is for love and your safety…I will not lose what is mine" he said as he practically fled with her to Oldtown she was taken to the tower and even though the rooms were large and the tower encouraged exploration it was her insecurity that clung to the stone as Otto became more paranoid and insecure.
Doubling the guards was just a way of keeping her safe, every meal had to be tasted and he was the only one with the golden key to her room. He graced her with his presence as often as he could, but in his dark eyes, once soaked with love, there was nothing but obsession and paranoia.
His hands held hers painfully as she looked up at him on the bed and he made sure that no one was here, that there was no flame burning that he hadn't lit himself. ,,You are safe here with me in this tower and no dragon or prince will change that I will not allow you to be taken from me by him" he murmured but his gaze seemed to pass through her as he turned with hatred towards the first prince of the realm.
His beloved wife was his and no one would come near her in his paranoid existence no one would harm her as long as his beloved just stayed here even if the dragon fire broke over them she was his and he would rather raise the sword against himself and her than let Dameon even near her for was this not the duty of a man to his beloved wife?
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Larys (controlling) : House Strong whose then head held the hand of the king for a time, the firstborn son a legendary knight and a member of the Golden Capes with the zwietegbornene son in the shadow Larys Strong or Clubfoot as he was called by his enemies and any others who hoped to hurt him, a nickname he was long accustomed to in his role as advisor to the queen and someone who had his insects everywhere to see and hear.
But most of all, he was slowly getting what he wanted…the deaths of some for his own advancement, the advancement of his own house, and the king of whom he knew that with his connections he could get even more of what he wanted.
The death of his brother and father in the tragic fire made Larys Strong the Lord Strong of his house and the castle the only man with the crest and the one who could now assert that right undisturbed. And so it was that he continued to stay in hiding at the side of the Queen of the Witches, assisting her with the little nasty things and killing his insects off the corpses.
While for all the others he remained the ignorant one with the clubfoot while he realized that the party of the blacks wanted his head soon but for that they had to get it first which is why the lord stayed around the castle…until he found her in his vaults as Lord Confessor and Master of the Whisperers. He found a pretty butterfly in his cells between his cages.
,,A sight I don't often see, what beauty has strayed here, deceiver?" he asked as he stood in front of the cell, a knowing smile tugging at his lips. He knew he was a lady-in-waiting of Rhaenyra who had helped her "queen" to escape and was captured. So why shouldn't a cripple put something beautiful at his side?
Why shouldn't he also show what a lord had the power to do? Because he had her life in his hands and she had no choice when he came into the cell, his torturers beside him ready to use the hot iron rods on her.
It didn't take much more than two fingers for her to land the golden brooch of her queen's dragon next to her severed body parts and she swore herself to him. ,,You will see I am not a man of cruelty my butterfly…I can be gentle but you know that" he murmured to her as she came into his chambers with bandages wrapped around her two stumps but he had already provided replacements.
She was his, his to dominate and control was something he had always had in one way or another and he would not give that up. By putting on the golden finger prostheses with the symbol of butterflies and insects, it was just a small sign that she was his. The clothes that were once black with dragon symbols turned green and matched his color.
He raised his hand from the walking stick to use it to play with a strand of her hair. ,,Nothing is more beautiful than seeing you," she greeted him when they met, whether at lunch, in the morning or in the garden. He saw her tense up, her wince when he ran his hand over her golden prostheses and kissed her.
But it didn't matter, he didn't have the blood of hundreds on him to stop using her. Nothing happened without his command, his look or his word.
The pretty butterfly lady always walked beside him and a meaningless smile graced her lips, her eyes mostly focused on the colorful flowers, especially the black and red colors that signified Rhaenyra's former existence. But apart from that she was his and Larys put this on show with clothes, gestures and alliances…but there was one thing above all that he would not miss.
One look was enough and his pretty butterfly gave him a kiss and for him it was pure love, love that he had never experienced and it felt like he could laugh at all those who had laughed at him so far.
He had the title of Lord, he had lands and he had his wife who was his in every sense of the word and he would kill anyone in the shadows who would take his darling from his control.
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b1ueoff1ine · 1 year
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Otto Octavius FanFiction
Otto x Avenger!Reader
Summary: After a mission goes haywire, your boyfriend saves you and nurses you back to health.
Warnings: Age Gap. Y/N being hurt. Fluff. (Let me know if I missed any!)
A/N: here have this short fluffy fic :)
"Oh shit-" You get cut off as a brute tackles you to the floor. Your strength is nothing compared to his.
Your head gets slammed into the ground- an instant concussion. While you try to fight back, the brute practically body slams you and you get knocked unconscious.
When you wake, your boyfriend sits in front of you on a hospital bed.
You attempt to sit up, but the pain is too much so you stay lying down.
"Easy now, you took quite the hit." Otto says.
"My head..." you groan. "What- what happened?"
"That brute you were fighting? All locked up. Couldn't touch me at all." Otto smiled.
"Otto, that's my job- not yours."
He patted your leg. "Dont even worry about it. You're safe, that's all that matters."
You smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed you passionately. When he stopped, he was smiling at you with fond eyes.
"I better go, I'm needed in the labs."
"Where are we, Otto?" You asked, noticing no windows.
"In Octavius Industries. You didn't know there were hospital rooms?" He replied, standing up.
"No, I didn't. Hmph." You said, wondering. "Oh-" you said, remembering something. "I need to get to the tower- my roommate is probably most likely wondering where the hell I am."
"Not yet- you took quite the hit to the head. Why don't you let me go tell the Avengers you wont be there for a bit?" Otto asked sympathetically.
You nodded, then slept the rest of the day.
When you woke next, Otto was at your side with a glass of water and painkillers.
"My savior." You smile.
You took them gratefully and after a few minutes they take effect. They make you drowsy and sleepy, though you can't sleep. You had only just woken up after all.
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written-in-flowers · 14 days
Can we have more Otto Hightower x Rosebud smut or is that off the table? Cause that would be devastating to my mental health 🥲
Absolutely not! Rosebud x Otto is my favorite smut series lol I'd never stop writing for them!
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Pairing: otto x fem!reader
Tags: pretty vanilla compared to what they normally do lol creampie, foreplay, fingering, sex while standing, doggystyle position, both of them being absolutely horny for each other. clothed male/naked female sex, sex with clothes on(?)
A Quick One
He came up behind you when you'd stripped for your bath. You turned to greet him, but that familiar dark glint in his eyes made you pause. Warmth built up in your cheeks as he removed his cloak and approached you.
"Lady Wife," he said in his deep voice, the implication sitting right behind his low tone.
"Lord Husband," you replied, giving a playful curtsy even when fully nude.
His eyes swept over your naked form in front of the fireplace. The slight evening chill made your nipples harden, and the sight of him coming closer aroused you. Lifting your chin to meet his eyes, the smooth leather of his gloves sent shivers down to your core. Otto said nothing as he placed a chaste kiss on your lips, his beard and mustache tickling your mouth briefly. You held back the whimper in your throat from the light touch alone.
"You look beautiful this evening, love," he said, kissing you again. "Enchanting."
"Because I'm nude?" you grinned, putting your hands on his chest. Finger tracing the hand brooch on his breast, you forced yourself to keep from brushing into him right away. You felt tempted to push your breasts against him, so you could feel the smooth fabric on your sensitive nipples.
"It's when I find you the most beautiful," he smirked.
He pulled you into his arms. You trembled when his gloved hands smoothed over your waist and hips to your bottom, where he gave both cheeks a squeeze. Seeing the reaction, Otto continued groping them as he kissed you deeply. It had been too long since your husband touched you this way. With your son, his duties as Hand of the King, and general court life, moments with Otto became scarce as of late. Locking your lips with his, you slid your tongue into his mouth. Your arousal burned the longer he groped and kissed you; you gently pushed yourself to his clothed body, the mixture of fabrics sparking more sensitivity.
"I've missed you," you whispered, breaking from his lips and sliding your hands up his neck, "I've been so lonely without you."
"Forgive me, darling," he breathed, cupping one of your breasts. You whined at the thumb grazing your nipple. "It was not by my doing but-"
"-But The King's," you finished for him. "Must he always keep your from me?"
He chuckled in the next kiss. Bringing you away from the tub, Otto guided you over to the bed. Excitement flourished in your stomach once your knees hit the edge. You turned around so your body molded perfectly to his, and gave his hands further access to you. He didn't remove a stitch of clothing. Not even his gloves. You whimpered when he slid his hands up your sides to your tits.
"I am his Hand, Rosebud," he groaned in your ear. Grabbing both of them, the black leather of his gloves teased your naked breasts. "It is my duty to serve His Grace and the realm."
"And me?" you pouted, grinding into his groin. The slightest bit of hardness had you pushing against them. "I am part of the realm, am I not?"
He pressed a kiss to your neck, beard prickling your bare skin, and laughed. "You are."
"Which means you must serve me as well, does it not?"
"It does." He pinched both of your nipples, whining with you when you sqiurmed in his arms. "How may I serve you, Lady Hightower?"
You turned your head, craning your neck to reach his ear. He lowered it further to press kisses to the curve of your throat. "I'd like you to fuck me," you said, the filth from your lips making him groan, "Hard. Fill me with more of your cum, and get me pregnant again."
"As you wish, my lady."
He continued squeezing your breasts with one hand as he slipped the other between your thighs. The cool leather against your heat had you whining once again. You felt the padded fingers swirl around your throbbing clitoris, deftly touching all the spots that made you weak in his hands. Middle finger rubbing up and down your swelling clit, you could feel your entrance already clenching. Each time his fingers came slightly close, it tightened in hopes of catching them. You moaned louder when those fingers rubbed you from side to side rapidly, keeping the brushes light and quick over your dampening sex. His fingers thicker due to the gloves, Otto only slid one finger inside you. Propping one leg on the bed, you kept hold of him as he fingered you in gentle pumps at first.
"My sweet Rosebud," he moaned when you reached a hand behind you for his cock. His length already pressed into his trousers, making a large bulge you cupped easily. "Always so eager for me," he stuffed his finger further inside you and making you arch your back, "Ever since we met."
"It's hard to control it sometimes," you confessed. Expertly, you untied his breeches and pulled them down just enough to withdraw him. Having his hard length in your hand only aroused you further. "Is it wrong for a wife to want to please her husband?"
"Not at all," he moaned, pushing forward into your hand in time with his finger.
The two of you touched for a while longer before he bent you over the bed. Your body already so accustomed to his size, you took it easily. Gripping the bed sheets, keeping your legs spread apart, you stayed still as Otto feverishly pounded into you. As always, one of his hands cupped your breast to pinch your nipple while you rubbed your aching clitoris for him. You made your fingers go in time with his thrusts, the need for an orgasm becoming hotter and hotter.
You both came quicker than usual. All the tension built up over time exploded into a hard, body-quaking orgasm that had you muffling your cries. He kept himself deep inside you for several minutes, doing his usual routine of pushing his seed further. Cedric already growing into a toddler, you'd told Otto you wished for another and he gladly agreed. When he finally pulled out, you stood up on aching and wobbly knees.
"Let's bathe together," he said in your ear, and you knew he was far from done with you.
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albijulen · 2 years
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verysmolnerd · 4 days
Doc ock visiting a doctor
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He hasn’t been to one in years. For good reason too. Last time he was there, a team of doctors that joked about his dismay attempted to cut off his metal appendages.
It took some convincing on everyone’s part: Norman, Harry, and even Peter. He needed to go, not for just a checkup, but an analysis on his spine and skin.
They offered to come with him, they had done their dues and gone to one on their own times. They’re distrusting of regular doctors too, some of them are unsure or too confident. They’re either afraid of the process or too confident to use it at all.
However, his newfound family has reassured him that there’s now a doctor that specialized into scientific accidents. How such a thing came to be, he’s not so sure. But the world is ever changing, he supposed.
According to Norman, the doctor assigned to him is also his own. A trusted professional that spent years of study, even being the Osborn’s personal doctor before the messes started to happen.
So, now he sits in a waiting room. He wasn’t one to be nervous, but his foot is tapping and the actuators are worming around the small room. Granted, this office is tucked away, it’s a smaller floor in Oscorp’s one of many buildings.
There wasn’t anyone else in the room, but he can’t help but feeling that the empty space in the room is judging him. Mocking his every move, warning him that he could be trapped just like he was before.
The door separating the lobby from the office opens. “Otto Octavius?” His head goes up to the name, like a deer in headlights he looks at he doctor.
You’re calm, patient with him. So he’s a bit nervous when walking over to you, however, the only way to know is how his actuators are acting.
You do the general checkup on him: height, weight, etc. without really saying a word, it was obvious that the former doctor was nervous, you’d rather not spook him. So you moved slowly.
The X-Ray was also calm. He fully expected to see your expression worsen when you saw how warped his spine is. It was a little funny, his nasal laugh brought you out of your panic.
That’s when he started to talk to you, “I know my weight isn’t flattering, but I swear to you, it’s all adamatium.” You shake your head, the traces of a smile show on your face, “Well, you’d be perfectly healthy for your age. Save for your metalic friends over here.”
Otto nodded, it’s to be expected, Rosie really cleaned him up after college. He started to develop healthy habits for the longest time and still do them in her absence.
However, you know you frightened him when you said, “I can get those off you. If you’d like.” He went stiff, which was what you expected.. but the why is the matter to you.
You had to wrack your brain for a moment, but you made sure to wait for his answer while you tried to find then source of the issue.
You vaguely remember seeing a hospital being designed by a patient, along with the public announcement of a bunch of doctors found dead. You can only assume that they took this situation unprofessionally… it’s disappointing seeing how many doctors on their high horses.
“Do you have a process?” Otto asked, his expression unreadable. The actuators fully trained on you. “I’m glad you asked,” you clasp your hands, “Vibrainium magnetized saw. It’s quick and painless I can either remove each tentacle at their bases, so the waistband remains.”
You take a deep breath before introducing the alternative “Or I can remove the needles in your back with open surgery on your back, which is a little more complicated, so you would be sedated for a few hours.”
Otto was speechless, blinking rapidly. Which made you reassure him, “We’re going at your own pace here, don’t worry about making a decision. Just know that you are in good hands.”
“No,” he glances at his failed project, “I want to.” You smile, “What way would you like them removed?”
When Otto returned to the lobby, Norman was there, sitting cross-legged on a sofa. “How was it?”
“Hopeful.” He says, his thumb resting on the card detailing his next visit.
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brwnicons · 1 year
Otto x Male Reader
PT. 1 Here
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☆ Hope you like it! Please, tell me if you find any mistake ☆
"God, Otto, how can you be so soft?" You groaned, your words muffled as your face was buried on his wide chest. It was like lying on a warm pillow that had its own heartbeats and that eventually raised or lowered.
He answered with a loud belly laugh, his body moving with it and so it was your face "Soft? You're laying beside a supervillain, boy. I don't think soft is a very accurate word."
You lifted your sight to look at him, raising an eyebrow as questioning his words
"Supervillain, right? Oh, I am so scared" You joked after you raised your hand to grasp a metal claw that happened to be passing next to you. You started to caress gently the metal pieces while looking into the doctor's eyes.
"For being so dangerous" you emphasized the adjetive with a dramatical hand gesture "You haven't harmed me once, why don't you hurt me right now? I've got your pretty evil tiny gripper right here". The claw chirped confused, first at you and then at the Otto, why would it hurt you?
He sighed, "How could I ever hurt you, my dear boy?" He allowed his proudness walls fall a little. Just for you, just because the comfort of the situation, comfort you helped him achieve. "You're the most precious thing I have"
Ah, what a pity that he noticed too soon how cheesy he was being.
"But... that doesn't mean I'm not able to do horrible things!" He excused himself, "I have terrorized thousands, I have made a hell out of their lives and I do not regret any of it! This city fears me, boy." He continued while slowly raising, his face getting closer and closer to your impassive one, his bare teeth exposed as a primal show of intimidation and his eyes were piercing yours with false rage.
You couldn't help it at his efforts and giggled soundly at how he tried to intimidate you; you had seen him in the most embarrassing situations, you had shared the cutest moments with him and, damn, you just saw him overestimulated under your body, turned into a shaky mess. "Easy there, scary man" you snickered while giving him little pats on his shoulder.
It was physically impossible for him to hurt you or for you to feel intimidated by him, you both knew it, but you just looved to mess around with him about it.
"Sorry, I just can't see you as evil, you're too cute!" you said between giggles, still caressing the claw, just to end up leaving a little peck on top of it.
Otto sighed heavily in defeat and laid back again, closing his eyes, but he didn't try to take the actuator out from your grasp. You lied beside him and looked sweetly in his eyes.
"You know, I still think you're a pretty intimidating supervillain" you said while hugging his claw gently as if it were some kind of plush.
He didn't respond, but you saw how his eyes softened.
He really didn't have had a good streak lately, spiderman always dismantling his plans or taking his hostages out of him without too much effort. In addition, his experiments were not going as planned and his lab was full of scattered scrap and broken gadgets because of his tantrums.
"Also, I think you're an amazing scientist"
"I know" he dryly answered, his brow slightly furrowing. You looked back at the claw between your hands "Sometimes I don't think you really do" you muttered softly.
He turned his head to you with a serious expression, watching how you peacefully traced the pieces of his metal limb. He remained silent but passed and arm around your shoulders, holding you closer. You silently accommodated your head on top of his chest, letting his hand caress your face while your arms still clasped his claw.
"Thanks, for everything" he finally whispered, closing his eyes and nuzzling into you, you smiled softly and reciprocated his gentle love.
"Uhm... I know you like my actuators but, please, let it go -I can feel them and you're really turning me on with all those pettings"
"Oops, sorry. My bad." you snorted as you let his artificial limb free, which chirped sadly but moved away from you to return with the others.
"Although can't believe you have energy for another round, old man"
He ignored your comment and only bothered to roll his eyes. You remained silent and after a few minutes of him playing with your hair and you drawing circles on his chest, an idea popped I your mind and you were eager to share it.
"So" you started hesitantly, breaking the silent atmosphere "You wanna eat out of something? Unless you already have a date with spiderman, or the lab, of course" you said without looking at him. "I think my plan of helping you relax has succeed, so I declare you a free man now."
"I guess I could take the entire day off, did you have something on mind?"
Your face light up and you were fast to nod at his question "Well, since I can't go to a restaurant with my dear boyfriend because he is the most wanted villain in all of the United States and he has, you know, four gigantic metallic claws on his back" You started, earning a roll of eyes and a frown of his brow, "what do you think about a roof date?" You finally looked at him, your eyes shining like little pleading suns.
He just couldn't resist that sight and you knew it too well. Also, he had to admit that it had been a while since you guys got out and the idea of relaxing with you on top of a skyscraper, covered by bright stars, laying on some soft blanket while eating something or just chatting was really something tempting.
"I like the idea. You can go get ready as I go to buy some food, any preference?"
You immediately jumped off the bed and glared at him. You poked his chest "Don't even think of crossing that door before I come back to pick you up, old man. This is your relaxing day and you're not allowed to set foot outside unless it's for a relaxing purpose."
He pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat as he sighed deeply. "Alright, just stop speaking so loud already, boy -you're going to give me a headache"
You giggled and softly kissed his nose before heading out of the bedroom, "I've left your favourite shampoo next to the shower! Also, clean clothes are folded above the drawers in the closet in case you want to use them!"
He muttered a low "thanks you" you weren't able to heard though he knew it wasn't necessary either.
It was only when Otto found himself alone on your shared bed that he felt the unpleasant sensation of a dry, sticky fluid between his legs and the before forgotten back pain. He pulled back the sheets with a disgusted face and headed to the bathroom. It was true, his favourite shampoo was laying on the sink along a yellow post it with a heart on it.
Otto took it off so it wouldn't get wet and made sure to keep it safe. He never said it but he loved your little notes, even the silly little ones with animal fun facts or terrible knock knock jokes.
He got into the shower and turned on the hot water, instantly relaxing and the contact it made with his sore skin. His claws chirped excited as they played with the drops and the soap and Otto finally felt fully peaceful at the lack of their usual, violent thoughts. Though, since he started his relationship with you, he had to admit that his actuators had calmed down and now they even had pretty thoughts about you.
However, he made sure to accept your suggestion and relaxed, trying his best to push the usual million thoughts he would have to the back of his mind. His body welcomed the sensation instantly.
After his shower he did as you said and looked in his closet, where he found the black turtleneck sweater and the dark pants he was wearing just before your...encounter. They were both clean and smelled as if cologne had been sprinkled on them. God, how long had you been awaken before him? He was getting embarrased just at the thought of you watching him sleep —something he was sure you had done more than a few times—.
He took the same sweater since he knew it was your favorite but chose another pair of pants. He wiped his small sunglasses before putting them on and made sure to give himself a quick comb. He even decided to give his actuators a little wipe so they could be all shiny and pretty.
All done! All he would need to do then was to wait for you in the living room, so he took a science magazine that was on the coffee table and gave it a look to kill some time.
It wasn't long until you appeared in the front door, a wide grin painted on your face as you showed him bags of snacks.
"I'm here Otto- Oh! You really are stunning" You complimented when you saw his outfit as he got up and approached you. The red that crept to his cheeks because of the unexpected compliment making him even cuter.
"Thank you..." He scratched his neck, "Are you ready to leave?"
"In a minute, I still need to get dressed up all fancy for you", you giggled and winked at him as you let him pick the bags you were carrying, "Why don't you get some blankets meanwhile? I won't be long" and so, you rushed to your room without waiting for an answer.
With the help of his actuators, Otto gathered some blankets and waited for you to return. When you did, dressed up in your favourite outfit as a sweet smell of cologne left your clothes, Otto couldn't help but blush a dark red.
You giggled softly and kissed his cheek before extending your arm and offering it for him for take, just like an old, corny couple. And so, an actuator put on him his dark fedora, that could half-hid his blush too, and you took a jacket for the night's cold.
"Shall we?" Otto asked while opening the door as his actuators beeped and screeched excitedly around. You giggled at his manners and their difference with his actuators' personality and nodded at his question, already taking a step out of the house,
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danceofthexdragons · 1 year
Say what you want about Otto but whenever he confronted Daemon or Rhae Rhae he was the very definition of calm cool and unaffected. He didn't bat an eyelash in 1X02. He didn't so much as flinch when Daemon and his men drew swords. He didn't move an inch when Rhaenyra swung by on dragon. Ice. Otto had on a fucking Cheshire cat smile. The man is a fucking G. He controls the fucking goings on in the Kingdom in his bare palm. No one can smite this man down. Viserys pandered to Rhae Rhae and look what happened. You remove Otto from the game you incur the wrath of every and any deity old and new. Dragons where? Otto doesn't need to skulk around on a giant lizard to make a point.
Not just that it is so fucking obvious Otto loves his grandkids. I bet he listens to their woes and knows all of their tics and knows which one is a night owl (Aemond) which one sneaks into the kitchens for a after dinner snack (Aegon) and which one is always found basking in the garden as soon as the sun comes up (Helaena).
"All of you, sheath the fucking steel" I'm going to say this from now on whenever there's drama in the fandom 😂🤣
I will marry this man. He is the one dilf to end all dilfs. Viserys wishes he was half the man Otto is.
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You were standing in a club with your friends, they were all just hammered, you weren't a drinker though, so you were just sipping on a soda and listening to the music.
One of your friends started talking to someone and when you weren't looking they all left you, they were the ones who had the car, and who had brought you here.. 
You started feeling people's eyes on you, you didn't look like you belonged there, everyone was dressed all slutty and had barely any clothes on, while you only had on a sweater and some comfy pants, they said they were going to a movie, not a club.
You felt a set of eyes on you, but it didn't feel like judging eyes, it felt like the eyes otto used to look at you with.. But with everyone looking at you it made you feel uncomfortable, so you left.
Once you got outside and had started walking to go anywhere, a man came and stopped you from walking, that's when you realized, you were in the sketchy part of town.
“Well well well.. Look what the cat dragged in, what are you doing all by yourself?”
“Is there something I can help you with sir..”
“I don't know” he grabbed you by your hair and and quickly dragged you into an alleyway and pinned you against the wall slamming your head against the brick wall your vision went black for a minute and you could hear your own heart beat tho you could hear nothing but that.
Suddenly the man let go of you and you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and you were pressed against a large figure, slightly your eyes opened and a blurry figure was against you then everything went black and you fell unconscious.
When you awoke you were in a bed, it was so comfy you didn't want to move, there was even a heated blanket wrapped around you, a sharp pain struck the back of your head suddenly and as you reached back to feel the damage a hand gently grabbed yours.
“Hey slow down darling..” you did a little gasp and your eyes dashed open and you met otto's gaze, his dark brown eyes were looking right back at yours.
“Otto!” you shouted as you sat up and hugged him tight “i thought you died! Y-you fell into the river!” you started checking him all over as he stopped you “ you have cuts on your face!”
“Darling please.. You have a head wound! It's not okay for you to be up and moving around! Im okay tho, im here, those are from me protecting you.. Now please, relax..”
“How can I relax when you have been gone for so long! I watched you save spiderman! Then go under!” you were tearing up and otto whipped your tears as his medal arms laid you down and he removed his jacket and placed it over you 
“I will tell you everything that happened later” he crawled into the bed with you “now please, rest.. I wont leave your side until you wake up, that sound okay?” he placed a kiss on your temple then moved it to your lips and held it there for a moment before you snuggled up to him
“I've got you.. I'm so sorry I left.. But I'm here now and I'm going to protect you.. For as long as i'm alive”
You smiled as you listened to him talk and drifted back into your resting sleep, happy to know your husband was back in your arms.
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witchthewriter · 10 months
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𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛
Personalised story for @leniabranch. Pairing: Otto Hightower x Lenia Branch Word Count: 3k Warnings: Pure smut, don't read if you're under 18!
The room was filled with warm candlelight, making the glow seep into your skin, through your flesh and into your bones. It heated you, along with the wine you had been sipping on throughout the night.
You were hot-blooded, you could say and anticipating the oncoming events. You had daydreamed about this for years, and it was finally coming true.
Your senses were high. As if you could feel every shift in temperature, feel every movement, hear the shuffle of feet and deep intake of breath.  So, when the chamber door shut, it felt like something deep inside you had as well. And yet, at the same time … something in you opened wide and waiting.
The Hand’s chambers had been deep cleaned by the servants, making sure there wasn’t anything that would make it unseemly.
Books had been put back on shelves, and the fireplace was crackling merrily. Inviting, that was the perfect word for the room. The bed was immaculately made, with crisp bed sheets. Without thinking, you ran and jumped onto the bed. It wasn’t just Otto’s anymore.
It now belonged to you too.
She was a sight to behold, my wife. Her long dark hair and twinkling eyes made it hard for me not to drop to my knees in front of her. To hold her hand to my cheek and thank her. To thank her for choosing me, for loving me.
I was never a brilliant knight, but I earned my place nonetheless. It was all about strategizing, about anticipating; about putting yourself in your opponents shoes. And I rose to my station, it wasn’t given easily. My father made that plain to see.
And yet, something happened that I hadn’t foreseen.
A love.
And then a new love.
I had no intention of marrying again, my first wife was the love of my life. The one who knew me better than anyone else. She did her duty and bore me children. That was her; dutiful, pleasant, dignified and … obedient.
Lenia reminds me of her some days, but on others; she’s the complete opposite of my first wife.
And I will be forever grateful to the gods who granted me this happiness. For now I had a second chance, a love that would be my last.
If Lenia is to be my last love, I will die a happy man.
Lenia Bran-Hightower, standing before me in her wedding gown and I … I haven’t seen anything as beautiful as this woman.
But there’s one issue. I want her gown off. Now.
   The way he walked toward you was invigorating.
You could feel…this heavy tension. Like you had never touched one another and this was the last time you would. Even though it wasn’t true, there was a frenzied look in Otto’s eyes that made your blood run hot.
    “May I?” His voice was husky and heavy.
It took you a moment to realise what he meant.
Your dress.
Nodding, you held out a hand and he took it.
Both hands clasped your outstretched one, one gliding up your arm making goosebumps in their wake. The other held you so softly. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your palm. Then your wrist, then your forearm, and up until he was face to face with you.
     “Wife,” he whispered, and clasped one hand behind your head, the other around your neck and kissed you deeply.
He was so warm and wanting.
His hands didn’t stay in the same place. They started to roam, and he became more and more curious.
Otto’s hands were tender at first, undressing you slowly and carefully. The dress took some time to get off, but … it was purposeful. Otto wanted to prolong this as much as possible. The first time with his wife. The first time on your wedding night. He wanted to make you remember it.
With the undoing of each strap, button, and string, he kissed the exposed flesh. The white-coloured silk night dress that Sanah had gotten for you, was completely forgotten.
Moving your hair away from your neck, he kissed the pale skin there. His lips were warm and sent a flush throughout your whole body. Like lightning striking a tree. Tingles spread throughout your heated body. This felt borderline torturous. Your core was wet and waiting, and every attempt you made at touching yourself was stopped.
   “Hmmm,” you let out a sigh, and felt Otto’s lips turn into a smile.
Then he let the dress lower, and kissed your shoulder, when your white gown dropped to the floor, his body pressed firmly against your back and could feel the growing hardness pressing against your behind.
  Otto had left your underpants on. The only piece of clothing on you. And you knew it was soaked through.
 But once he saw your near-naked form, it was like an animal to food.
Otto turned you around, so you were firmly against his front and his mouth was on yours. One hand was tangled in your hair, and the other was groping your ass, pushing you toward him. You halted the deep kiss because you didn’t want to feel his clothes any longer.
Taking a step back from him, you started undoing the many clasps and buttons on his attire. Nearly as much as yours, if not more, you sighed in frustration, and he let out a chuckle.
   “Here,” he said gruffly. Knowing exactly how to undo his clothes.
Once his own body was stark of any clothes, there was an instinctual pull from your body to his. Your eyes took in every part of his naked body.
  The hair on his chest, the broad shoulders, the slight muscle that he still retained, the v shape that pointed down to his … cock.
    A large, girthy and hard cock.
The wetness between your thighs seemed to seep down your leg at the sight.
  Your nipples were so hard you started to touch them. To ease the pain. Just like with your core, it was starting to hurt. The desire was overwhelming.
“Ah, stop that,” he growled, and stalked over to you. His eyes growing darker and darker as he got closer to you. A shiver ran down your back and your knees nearly gave out.
                 You knew he was going to fuck you all night.
His mouth kissed every part of your body. Soft lips matched with a rough beard, kissing behind your ear, your neck and finally, god, finally, your chest. You sighed in relief as his mouth suckled you. The sensation was otherworldly, and one that you decided you would never get used to.
Laying you on your back, Otto knelt at the edge of the bed and let your naked body get comfortable. The now wrinkled sheets were so soft against your bare back. This is what a cloud feels like, you decided in a split second. But your attention wasn’t gone for long.
With peaked nipples, you watched as Otto nudged your legs apart, his face moving closer and closer to the core of you. His lips, tongue, and hands, moved from the bottom of your feet, trailing your legs, knees, and thighs.
Without breaking eye contact, he moved your thighs far apart and then licked the wet silk fabric that covered your sex.
Propped up on your forearms, you watched as he slowly, god, ever so fucking slowly swiped a finger over your wet underwear and admired it. You were so wet that your fluid was dripping down his fingers, and he hadn’t even touched your bare cunt yet.
   “Otto-“ you groaned and moved your hips forward.
“Wait, my pet,” he was so close to your core that you could feel his breath there.
You let out a whine and it was like a siren’s call.
  Otto stroked his nose up and down your silk covered cunt, smelling you, letting you know that he was ready to do the most filthy things to you.
Fingers, he started with his fingers first. Dipping each in, making you sob with anticipation.
    “Just fuck me!” You cried out, but he didn’t move from his spot on the floor.
His tongue was next, swiping the folds, lapping up every part of that between your legs. You couldn’t help but run your fingers through his hair and grip tight. Otto didn’t seem to mind. In fact, it made him even more eager to keep you waiting.
At times you pushed his tongue in further by driving his face forward. Whenever you did this, Otto laughed. He knew the tension he was building. It was purposeful.
And then he slipped two fingers inside you and started sucking at that one sweet spot every woman has. Your clit throbbed with the action, and tears streaked your face.
  Otto pumped his fingers in and out. You moaned, and cried, “harder!”
He obeyed and got up. His cock, precum already covering the tip, rubbed against your folds. Teasing, teasing, continuously teasing. But you knew you would get your revenge.
When he slowly entered you, a gasp emitted from your throat. Instinctually, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and he was completely inside of you.
You felt so full. For a moment he let you feel the whole size of him, to let you get used to him. Bending over you, his face buried itself in the crook of your neck and rested there as his hips pumped in and out.
It was slow at first, then before you knew it, he was fucking you so hard and fast that you couldn’t help the noises that came from your mouth.
     “Louder,” he groaned, and moved the hair from your face.
“Fuck!” You yelled as he went particularly deep. The moans were unending, but you could feel your orgasm building.
It was like an orchestra, suspense, anticipation, tension, it was all building inside of you. And then you said it, “I’m – I’m going to-“ and nodded.
Squeezing around his waist and pushing yourself down onto him, you came.
You breathed in and out, quickly. It was one of the best orgasms you had ever had. Better than when you were by yourself. Better than the first time with Otto. He was holding back before.
    When Otto came, the noises he made were heavenly. You didn’t think he could make those type of sounds; deep and needy. A noise specifically emitting the feelings he had felt for years. A yearning that was finally reached.
When he finished inside you, then slid himself out, you smiled at him. He mirrored it. Both of you were flushed. Exhausted from the lead up to the wedding, the ceremony, the reception and this. You were shattered.
  The world was still dark. The stars still shone and you looked at your husband for what would happen next.
  You could go again and again but you saw a slight weariness to Otto and you didn’t want to push him. With a little rest, you knew exactly what you wanted to do next.
You feel asleep in his arms. Both of you naked and covered in each other. It was only a few hours of sleep before you awoke. At first you didn’t know where you were, but the fire and the arms helped you figure it out.
   For a few moments, you watched Otto sleep. His face was much younger in slumber, the worries of the world were far away in his dreamworld.
You smiled, contented.
And then figured out what your husband was dreaming about.
    His cock had hardened in sleep, and you gasped.
“Touch it,” he mumbled, slowly opening his eyes. Butterflies erupted in your stomach.
   “Well, I certainly do want to return the favour,” you said with an innocent tone to your voice.
 Shifting on the bed, Otto sat against the headboard, while you laid on your stomach, in front of his crotch.
His swollen cock was heavy in your hands. You had no idea how to do this, but you had overheard many things throughout your life. And … sucking cock was supposedly one of men’s favourite things.
Your hands gripped the long cock of your husband and gently moved upwards and down, and he groaned with the movement. Otto’s eyes closed and, his hands gripped the soiled sheets.
Then you licked the tip, which had a clear liquid almost like your own wetness. An idea popped into your head, and you moved your fingers to swipe some of your own and smoothed it over his dick.
He watched as you did so, and tears nearly ran down his cheeks.
   “Gods,” was all he could say, and then his hips moved so his cock was closer to your face.
Running  your tongue from the base of his cock to the tip, you felt your husband shudder. You smirked, knowing this was going to be the perfect reprisal.
You kept licking him, ever so lightly. Knowing it was driving him insane. Serves him right.
You didn’t need your hands to keep his cock upright, it was hard enough on its own. So one hand cupped his balls, while the other traced the tip of his cock and smoothed the liquid over your lips.
   “Be reasonable,” he uttered, a gleam in his eye as you looked at him.
“Absolutely not,” you replied and then opened your mouth wide.
     You gagged on his cock, spit sticking to the girthy phallus. The grip he had on the sheets had moved to your head, and he was doing his best not to move your head further downward and fuck your mouth.
But he let you lead.
Let you make the decisions, no matter how irritating it was becoming.
  You made sure to hold eye contact with him while his dick was in your mouth. Your other hand still massaging his balls, and like a warning, he growled at you.
“Fuck,” he said it like a threat and a shiver ran down your spine.
   “Okay, I will.”
Getting up, you sat right ontop of his cock and let it slide inside of you.
   “Like this?” You said and cocked your head to the side, letting your body move in a fluid motion. Your nipples were hard, and Otto moved to attend to them, but you denied him.
     “No,” you said and clasped his hands together and moved down hard on his cock.
He smirked, and you wanted to fuck that smirk right off his fucking face.
Your blood was hot, so hot that you moved with a fierce ferocity. Bucking forwards and backwards, your tits bouncing with the movement, inches from your husbands face. He grumbled a string of swear words, and you smiled.
“Don’t make me wait," he pleaded.
     “Please,” you commanded.
“Don’t make me wait, please-“ He cried out, his hands nearly breaking free of your grip. He could have easily done so, but he wanted to play along. Now, now he was ready to take over. But you didn’t want him to. So, he wouldn’t.
  You grinned at the submission, it was all you needed and let him release. Both his hands grabbed at your tits, his fingers pinching and pulling. Making you groan very, loudly.
Surely the whole castle would hear the both of you. In fact, some had. And they shared knowing smiles to one another. A man and his bride.
I couldn’t have asked for more than this. She was, is, perfect.
I wanted to memorise every curve of her body, every part of her flesh. Lenia was a gift that I would cherish until my dying breath.
Now asleep, I cradled her in my arms. I hadn’t held a woman like this since my wife.
I had slept alone for those years. Not interested in the flesh of a random woman. Not like so many other men in King’s Landing.
Man and woman need to be wed before lying together. And I had broken that oath. At least I am now wed to her.
Shifting in her sleep, she moved closer to my chest. Reaching out, I stroked her hair and smiled down at her.
I made another oath right then. That nothing bad would ever happen to her. That I would protect her always, no matter what happened between us. Lenia was a star amongst these people, and I had to make sure she would thrive.
Stroking her hair, her shoulder, her arm, I couldn’t help but admire her skin. The freckles and moles that littered here and there.
I would know this body. Know it better than my own.
You watched as your husband left the warmth of the bed and stoked the fire, making sure the flames were burning well and surely. His bare body made you blush. Made you remember everything you had done together. The way you had both moaned in delight. It made you a tad embarrassed. But why should you be? He was your husband. It was … exactly what everyone else did. Everywhere in the world.  
   “Are you hungry?” Early light was seeping through the windows, and you couldn’t believe how quickly the time had passed. You had napped in between fucking, touching and making each other moan.
You were going to say no, but your gurgling stomach betrayed you. All this movement had taken it out of you.
   “I’ll see to it,” Otto replied with a chuckle. He put on a fresh pair of pants and a white shirt, then a long robe. Even now, with his hair mussed, he looked so handsome. So…regal.
     “Husband?” You called out and sat up in bed, loving that you were able to say the word to the man you loved.
“Yes, wife?” Otto said with a hand on the doorhandle. He smiled at you, a ghost of the same smirk he wore all night.
    “Don’t take too long,” you said sweetly, and then let the sheets which covered your body, drop.
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