#ough grinds my gears
sunflowerdales · 1 year
Anyway eldest sibling woe is me stories are annoying and tired :)
When you've been on the receiving end for years of an older/eldest sibling acting like they basically raised you when you literally were babies/kids together and the sun shines out their asshole while you get overlooked unless it's to be a scapegoat, and then any time you express your annoyance at that being called a brat and hearing them lecture you about how hard they have it claiming to do roles in the family that were actually ones you did while they got the credit, it's very tiresome
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also (on the recent techno post ) that techno is finally *able* to do these things
hes comfortable enough to not hoard supplies and keep using what he has as protection or as a back up plan or as a “just in case”
hes able to indulge in hobbies again. he feels safe enough to make useless things :3
things that maybe wont protect him. or that he cant use as a weapon, but that he can just make for the fun of it
he can just make them to make them, because it brings him joy :3
OUGH! Radio, my heart is broken-
The people around him (the people who actually care about him and know him well enough to see more than a weapon) are able to use Techno's hobbies as a metric of how well he's doing.
Techno doesn't have time for that stuff during Pogtopia. He's gearing up for the revolution, anything he's crafting is a direct service to the war. He farms potatoes endlessly, a repetitive motion that doesn't take much creativity. He's in survival brain mode for most of that time, grinding and working.
After Nov 16th, Phil goes to the Arctic to visit Techno and help him build the cabin. And he sees all these little projects Techno has been working on. And he hears how fondly his old friend speaks about retirement and becoming a better person. They make Techno's storage space big enough - to fit his arsenal, yes. But also to fit all the random stuff inside Techno picks up for his hobbies. He's jumpy, Phil remarks. But he thinks that in time, Techno will be okay.
Then the execution happens and suddenly all Techno's half-finished creative pursuits gather dust as he sets out on his new mission. Maybe he tries a few times to pick stuff up again and find that peacefulness he so briefly got during retirement, but Techno's on edge and his cabin doesn't feel safe anymore. He feels hunted down and threatened. He's once again preparing for war. Tommy owns a few items from this time, those hapless attempts. A very uneven scarf and a few pages of sheet music that Techno composed and which remind Tommy of Wilbur in an odd sense. He loses some of them in the explosions of L'Manburg.
When Phil moves into the commune post-doomsday, he watches Techno slowly, slowly start up again. The same as retirement and then following through with it. The befriending of Ranboo and Niki and the forming of the Syndicate are accompanied by Techno getting ever more into different activities. Some, he only seems passionate about for a week. And then three months later he comes back to them. But he's always doing something. Techno asks Niki for baking lessons on occasion. All the Syndicate members have Techno's handmade knickknacks all throughout their houses and are always wearing something he made for them.
While Techno is in prison, on days when Phil misses him the most, he sometimes messes around with some of Techno's hobby supplies. He makes a few small gifts for Techno, to give him when he gets back.
There's another lull after Ranboo dies. It's not the same as before though. Techno's not refraining from partaking in his hobbies because he's busy with other stuff. Rather, he's doing nothing. He sleeps a lot. He eats barely. He sits outside with the hounds. He only regains some of his energy when the plans with Tubbo work out and he starts preparing for an altercation with Sam.
Techno doesn't immediately return to his old self after that - his happier self. But one day, when Michael is over at Techno's, he picks up a small wooden figurine from the shelf. A little toy soldier Techno made once. Techno watches him play with it and smiles.
And a week later when Michael has a whole carved wooden army to play with, Phil knows that's a good sign.
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the-kipsabian · 2 days
annoyed that the closest grocery store isnt accepting my orders on the app anymore for whatever reason (i think its the summer workers but also if you dont have this service available anymore please disable it its grinding my gears so badly) so i have to order from another which means cheaper prices but longer delivery times and more delivery expenses
sucks to have bad chronic pain days in this weather i guess so im incapable of leaving the apartment ough
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justsomeoneunordinary · 5 months
fanfic pet peeve that i can do nothing abt but just silently grind my teeth in frustration: when in anime fandoms the writers/or just the fandom on tumblr in general uses western-style order of the names instead of putting the family name first
i already hate that in anime dub (or even sub which is so stupid bc we can HEAR it's the other way around) they change it bc they assume kids are too dumb to understand that the family name comes first (newsflash: they're not. the kids would understand it pretty quick and just accept it actually)
but ough when adults in fandom do it? grinds my gears so hard. you know better damnit, why do you do it like this!!!
every time i read madara uchiha or tobirama senju i just sit here and shake in annoyance bc like. no. you are wrong
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thefastestqueeralive · 9 months
28, 46, 62, 90
Thank you!!🫶
28. What type of music do you like?
I listen to a lot of rock and heavy metal but honestly I like most music. I enjoy anything from classical to screamo. I’m pretty easy really heh
46. What is your personality type?
I’m a bundle of pure, unfiltered anxiety but I can get really excitable about certain things (i.e. my current hyper-fixations). I have been called ✨quirky✨ but I think they were being polite and trying to avoid using the word insane…
62. Are you a good singer?
Haha noooooooo, I used to be alright-ish, nothing special but I could hold a note. Then I started HRT and lemme tell you, T did not do my singing any favours, but hey I got a “manly” voice out of it 😂
90. What makes you angry?
Ough a few things really grind my gears, one of those being when restaurants advertise their food as vegan/vegetarian friendly yet cook it in the same fryers they use for meat/fish. I was actually ranting about this earlier today to my nanna so it’s fresh in my mind hehe
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weapon-ish · 5 months
ough actually no ms applebees is grinding my gears rn it's really upsetting
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starswallowingsea · 3 years
Honestly may have the energy to finally get my Adele up to 200 soon
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