#ough i still have another week before i can have wine again though
totally-not-deacon · 9 months
Oh thank god I can use straws again.
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Wait... THAT’S Your Sister
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Characters: Bruce x sister!reader, Tony x reader, pretty much all the Avengers are at least implied if not mentioned specifically
Summary: The team finally gets the chance to meet you, Bruce’s sister, an author. However Tony, not knowing what you look like, is his usual flirtatious self at your party.
Words: 2,781
Warnings: Nothing really. I guess swearing and flirting ? 
AN: The only movie I’ve seen with these characters is the first Avengers movie that came out a few years ago, so I’m basing my characters off of fics I’ve been reading (and loving oh my god) so I apologize if my characters don’t fit the script. For that reason though, I’d really appreciate feedback on the characters!
Tony glimpsed at Bruce before letting himself stare at the excitement on the man’s face as he talked on his cell phone just on the other side of the glass walls of their shared lab space. After Bruce hung up though, Tony quickly focused back on the tabletop in front of him and when the door opened he asked, “What was that about?”
Bruce tucked his phone into his pocket with a smile, “Oh uh, just some news from my sister.”
“You have a sister?!” Tony asked incredulously.
Bruce rolled his eyes, “Yes Tony, I’ve told you this before and no, you don’t get to meet her. Why? Because I don’t want you anywhere near her.”
Bruce seemed to answer all his questions at once so Tony just let out a “hmph” before resuming his loud music.
“No way! That’s amazing!” Bruce said to his cell phone as he walked across the living area towards the kitchen. “I’m so proud of you! ” He exclaims, unable to keep an ear to ear grin off his face.
“What’s got you all worked up, Brucie?” Tony asks, watching his friend enter the kitchen as he sips on his fresh coffee.
Bruce shakes his head with a proud smile on his face, “My sister’s book got picked up by a publisher. She’s gonna be an author. She is an author.”
Steve’s head perks up from the table nearby, “Wait, you have a sister Banner?”
Bruce nods, “I swear I’ve told you about her…. Y/N? Remember?” After Tony still holds his confused expression, Bruce continues, “She’s just not really into the Avengers lifestyle and I mean she has her own life, I’m not trying to interrupt that.”
‘Bruce please, you talk about all these guys like they’re family. It’s only right that I - your actual - family meet all of them.’
‘But Y/N, I thought you didn’t want any of the Avengers lifestyle’ Bruce texts you back.
‘1. I never said that, you declared it and 2. Who knows, they could strike some inspiration into me for a new character in my next book!’
‘Fine. I’ll talk to them about it.’
‘Thanks Brucie, I love you!!’ You texted your big brother.
‘Yeah yeah, love you too, Y/N’ Bruce ended the conversation before heading to the living space and clearing his throat to get the attention of all the Avengers. “Hey guys, uh” he rubs his hands together nervously, “I was hoping you all could do me a favor.” After nods and mumbled affirmations from the team he continues, “There’s this party I’m supposed to go to this weekend in Minnesota and it would mean a lot if you all would come with me.” He flashes a nervous smile across the room.
“Minnesota?” Clint yelped, “In the middle of January? Are you crazy?”
Steve smiles, he sees the desire in Bruce’s eyes for everyone to say yes so he agrees to go and practically demands that all the Avengers do the same.
“Great!” Bruce cheers, “Uh not quite Tony black-tie fancy, but definitely be ready to dress up.”
Upon landing in Minnesota, the team tightens their jackets around themselves and Bruce interrupts their walking when he hold his cell phone to the side, “Uh hey guys I gotta go take care of something, you can get settled at the hotel or go to The Mall of America or… something.” He hustles off from the rest of the team, suitcase still in tow as he speaks into the phone, “Yeah, yeah, yeah Y/N I’m on my way.”
“Y/N,” Tony rolls your name on his tongue, “I’ve heard him talk about a Y/N before…”
“Whatever Tony, I wanna go shopping,” Natasha sasses, pushing past the billionaire headed towards the hotel before the mall.
The Avengers assembled in Tony’s room, since he booked the penthouse, there was plenty of room for them all. “Hey, has anyone seen Banner?” Tony asks his crowd, but everyone shakes their head no so he decides to text his science partner. ‘Bruce where you at man? You’re missing the real party.’
‘...’ Tony waits, ‘Very funny, Tony. I got a room somewhere else, I’ll swing by the hotel tomorrow to get you all before the party.’
“Hmph” Tony lets out, holding his phone up as he reads Bruce’s response to the rest of the team.
“Wait, does anyone know what this party is for?” Clint asks, taking a seat next to Natasha on the plush couch.
Everyone paused before Wanda spoke up, “I think something about a book. I don’t know though, Bruce’s thoughts don’t usually make sense to me anyway” she shrugs.
“A party’s a party!” Tony exclaims, raising his glass to his lips and tucking his phone away, forgetting about anything but the friends in front of him for the rest of the night.
“Bruce!” You fling your door open, throwing your arms around the curly haired scientist standing in your doorway. “I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too Y/N, but uh can we move this inside? It’s kinda cold…” Bruce’s voice drifts off.
“Sorry,” you giggle, releasing your grip on him and ushering your brother into your house, “I guess I’m just used to the cold now.”
As your brother takes off his jacket and hangs it on the hook, you can’t help but stare at him with love in your eyes. ‘What?” He asks when he notices.
You smile sweetly, snapping out of your trance with a shake of your head, “Nothing, I just missed you big bro.” You envelope him in another hug, a softer one this time.
You pull away, “Let me look at you, Y/N!” Bruce said. As you back away, letting him look at you, his face straightens, “Wow, you’ve gotten old,” he jokes.
You gasp, “Bruce!” You hit his shoulder as you walk towards the kitchen, grabbing a couple glasses and Bruce’s favorite wine. “You’re one to talk, you look like you haven’t slept since I last saw you 3 years ago.”
“Ough,�� Bruce places a hand over his heart while he reached for the wine you offered him. The two of you spent the rest of the night on the couch, catching each other up on the last few years of your lives. Although you told each other the big news, like your book getting signed, there was still so much to talk about that you two were up until nearly 2 am before you showed your brother the guest room and you bid each other goodnight.
You and your new PR specialist (provided by your publisher) scurried to finish the decorations at your house in the morning, leaving the afternoon for you to get into your outfit for the party after whisking Bruce away.
“Bruce there you are!” Natasha remarks, causing the Avengers to turn their heads towards the door of the penthouse as Bruce shut the door behind him.
“Where have you been?” Asked Sam, “Tony was worried about you,” he teases. “Had JARVIS try to track you.”
Just as Tony entered the room with a steaming cup of coffee, Bruce answered, “Well sorry, I wasn’t gonna let him track me to my sister’s house.”
Tony snaps, and he points at Bruce, “Y/N! I knew I remembered that!” He says triumphantly.
“Wait your sister, the author?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, it’s uh, it’s her party we’re going to. Her publisher wanted some big party and she asked me to come.”
Natasha, Wanda and Clint all looked at him with a cute, puppy dog expression and Clint even let out an “Awww.”
Upon entering the home, the Avengers did not cause a stir, which was surprising since that did not happen often. Bruce tried to look for you over the sea of heads wandering through your house and after the team asked what you looked like all he could give was “Uh.. dark hair about,” he holds his hand up to the level of his eye, “This tall.”
Since that clearly didn’t help the team locate someone they had never met, let alone seen a picture of they worked their way to the bar to get their first drink of the night. While there weren’t too many people here, your house was sizably smaller than Tony’s so it seemed more crowded. “Who can have a party in a place like this?” Tony asks, “I would’ve let her use the Tower if she asked.”
Bruce just shakes his head at his friend, still peering over the crowd, trying to locate you. After a while however, he gave up and just focused on having a good time with his friends. By which point Tony had already left the group to try and find a girl for the night.
“Hi there,” Tony interrupts your conversation, causing you to turn towards him with your eyebrows raised.
“Hi,” you greeted quickly before turning back to your conversation with the owner of a local book store, ignoring the vaguely familiar man who interrupted you.
As you turned away from what seems to have been your 100th conversation of the night, he shows up again, extending his hand out to you. “I’m Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist.”
“Ahh,” you nod, smiling. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Stark,” you greet, careful not to give up your identity quite yet.
“Please,” he smirks, “Call me Tony. What can I call you later tonight?” He flirts.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, but let a smooth smirk break out on your lips, “That doesn’t matter, I’m sure I’ll see you later, Tony.” You send him a wink before strutting away, towards the bar to pick up your first drink of the night.
“You know,” Tony begins, leaning up to your side as you stand at the wall, admiring your party. “The ‘Iron’ in ‘Iron Man’ isn’t referring to the suit, it’s referring to something else.”
You scoff and push yourself off the wall, heading into the dense crowd and leaving the billionaire behind with a smirk on his face. “I’ve been looking for a real challenge,” he mumbles to himself.
He comes up to again later in the night, whispering in your ear, “My favorite page number is 69, and I bet I can get you in that position by the end of the night.”
At this one you let out a boisterous laugh and stay there, nearly wheezing, literally crying. “That was so horrible!” You exclaim.
“Well usually I don’t have to chase this hard to get laid,” he shrugs.
“Pft. You’re not getting laid Tony Stark. At least not by me.” You pat his shoulder and walk away again.
Tony meets the Avengers in a slightly quieter corner of the house with a smile while he shakes his head softly.
“Where’s your girl for the night?” Sam asks Tony.
“I found a challenge tonight, boys,” Tony divulged, making most of the people in the room groan. “She’s gorgeous, she’s got this hot green dress on that looks so damn soft and her hair is perfect.” Before anyone can comment however, a voice comes over the speakers that had previously been playing music.
“Hi everyone,” you greet, watching as your guests flow from the outskirts to the center of your living area while you stand in the hallway overlooking your first floor as you speak. “I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight and supporting me and my new novel, The Discovery. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful evening so far but before we continue the festivities I have a few people I must thank.”
“Oh shit…” Tony mumbles, realizing that he had been flirting with you, Bruce’s sister all night. He quickly looked around for Bruce, finding him nowhere nearby, luckily.
“First, of course I have to thank my new publisher not only for accepting my work but for helping me put together this amazing party,” you pause, allowing room for applause. “Also, I would be remissed if I didn’t thank my brother, who always believed in me, even more than I did in myself. It’s clear Bruce got the science and math skills in the family, leaving me with the much less-profitable skills of English and history.” The audience laughs as you look out for Bruce, finally finding him and making eye contact. “Really, Bruce, thank you so much for your never-ending support for me. Even after you got a job in the lab of none other than the oh-so humble Tony Stark,” you smirk, “You didn’t leave me behind. Thank you Bruce,” you raise your glass to your brother, resulting in applause. “Alright, that’s it for the announcements! Thanks again everyone, enjoy the rest of the night!”
With that you make your way back down to the lower level, finding Bruce waiting for you at the bottom of the stair case. He wraps you in a tight hug, “I’m so proud of you Y/N. You know I’ll always believe in you.”
“Thanks Bruce,” you smile into his hug. “Did you bring them?” You ask.
Bruce sighs but smiles too, “Yeah I did. I apologize in advance for Tony.”
You laugh, “I’m sure he won’t be a problem.” Before Bruce can question what you mean, you reach the group of superheros that came to Minnesota with your brother.
“Guys,” Bruce announces, “This is my sister and famous author, Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Bruce stop,” you blush, extending your hand to each Avenger individually, “You can just call me Y/N.” Once your hand reaches Tony, you attempt to hide the smug smile on your lip, but your brother catches on.
“Oh no, what’s that look, Y/N?” He asks.
“Oh nothing, brother dear,” you assure him sweetly, before moving towards the middle of the group you chat with them all.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” Steve questions, “Why not Y/N Banner?”
You smile, “Although Bruce Banner may not be as famous as his alter ego, I didn’t want that effecting my book sales at all, so I legally changed to my mom’s maiden name when I started writing.”
As you laugh with your brother’s family Natasha asks you a question that you had expected to hear much earlier, “I don’t mean to be rude, but why are we here?”
You laugh and respond, “That’s a fair question. My brother and I,” you look over your shoulder to see him in deep conversation with Tony, “Haven’t seen each other for 3 years, but we try to keep in touch.” You smile, remembering all the times he got so excited talking to you on the phone, “And whenever he told me about you guys I could just hear the love in his voice for all of you. You’re like family to him.” The Avengers around you grow quiet and take a moment to look up at your older brother. “I figured, as his sister, that it was about time I met the people he lives with, works with and fights with just so I know for sure that he’s in good hands.”
After glancing at your brother and receiving a small wave in return, you sigh. “Well, I guess I better get back to playing hostess. It was great meeting you all, make sure to see me before you leave! Maybe we can all get breakfast tomorrow.” You exit the room of superheroes, patting your brother’s back lovingly as you pass behind him. While behind your brother’s back you shoot Tony a wink and giggle when his eyes widen before taking on an almost predatory stare.
“Dude what is your problem?” Bruce asks Tony, trying to find where Tony’s eyes had drifted to.
“Oh uh nothing,” Tony attempts.
But Bruce’s eyes land on his sister. He quickly turns back to Tony. “No,” is all he says at first.
“What do you mean no? What are you talking about?” Tony tries to ignore the green spark in his friend’s eye. “No, you are not getting with my sister, Tony!” Bruce raises his voice.
Tony puts his hands up defensively, “I didn’t even know it was your sister, man!” He tries to reason.
“Tony…” Bruce fumes.
“What I,” Tony pauses and takes a heavy breath, “Nothing’s gonna happen now that I know. I promise,” he holds out his pinky finger.
Bruce looks from the extended pinky promise to Tony, and back again, before huffing and turning to join the crowd.
Tony exhales heavily, “That was a close one,” Natasha remarks.
Tony just glares at her for a moment before heading towards the bar to get another drink.
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