#oulo bozado
captain-natey · 2 years
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Happy bday best AOT girl 🥰❤️‍🩹🍃✨
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Me, after rewatching AoT 1x21
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Levi's legendary Special Operations Squad made of Eld, Gunther, Petra, and Oulo will never be forgotten!!!
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Oulo? More like OwO
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crxypxychotxc · 7 years
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[ It suppose to be “she” ] 
<(_ _<(_ _<(_ _)>_ _)>_ _)>
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fruitpunchninja101 · 6 years
Perks of Coincidences (Ch.4 ) Characters: Hanji Zoe x Levi Genre: Humor / Romance
Check out Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
Hange should've been home two hours ago but she got distracted when she wandered into the university library.She happily tapped her feet against the floor as she plowed through piles books about history and weaponry used in early mesopotamian warfare.Strained from reading,she removed her glasses to massage the inner corners of her eyes.As she was pushing her glasses back to place,her eyes wandered off to the windows.
The orange tint of sunset swirled with the impending dark night sky,the tall buildings of the city seemed like hands reaching out to heavens.Its a breathtaking scene.
The brunette pulled her phone out of her pocket and traced a prominent crack across her screen.She needs to be more responsible with her belongings she thought.
Hange took a photo of the scenery from her seat,but her first shot was a bit blurry.She stood up,moved closer to the window and took another shot.Still no good.Finally, the brunette opened the windows,stuck her arms out and took another photo.Much better.But the angle was a bit off so once again,she stuck her arms out and snapped a photo.
Suddenly,her phone vibrated prompting her that she got a new text message.Startled, her phone slipped out of her hands."Motherfucker!"Hange exclaimed.She immediately slapped a hand over her mouth when she realized how loud she was.A bunch of students quietly studying on their desks perked her heads up and stared at her.The librarian let out a loud shush to which the brunette mouthed an apology.The librarian only responded with a scowl.Hange chuckled a little at that,she inexplicably remembered a short raven haired man who wears a similar scowl plastered on his face.
The brunette propped her hands by the window sill,half of her body leaned out as she frustratingly searched for the device that plopped over a fountain downstairs."I should probably get that."She huffed.
Her scandalous attempt to fish her phone out of the fountain left her dripping wet when she arrived home.When she got out of her car,she immediately spotted a teal bike parked on the yard.She placed her hands on her hips."Huh..I guess missed the little guy."
As soon as she opened the front door,Rico and Nanaba turned their heads towards her.They are slumped on the floor eating cereals while watching reruns of the The Bachelor which they insist that they only watch ironically,secretly denying that they actually love the show.Hange threw her bag on the floor and crashed on the sofa.
"Rough day at work?"Nanaba inquired as she put a spoonful of cereals on her mouth,eyes glued on the brunette.
"Not really"
"Are you sure?You are dripping from your waist down.That pretty much screams rough day at work in my book."Rico added.
"Oh this?...I dropped my phone at the school fountain today."Hange pulled the ruined device out of her pocket and waved it in front of her friends."How many times do I have to remind you to be more careful with your stuff!"Her blonde friend reprimanded her to which the brunette replied with an apologetic smile as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen.
"Speaking of phones!Did you receive any interesting texts today?"Rico asked wanting to know if her little plan worked.
"Not really"The brunette opened one of the cupboards and contemplated whether she should eat lucky charms or that weird healthy whole grain cereal she bought at the farmers market.
"Tsk"Rico whispered to herself,slightly shaking her head."By the way,he ring guy returned your bike earlier."she added.
"Yeah,I saw it parked outside."Hange reached for the healthy cereal when she remembered her heaving breath when she climbed towards the rooftop earlier.She poured milk over her food ,wallked up to her friends then settled on the floor as she ate her bland and miserable cereals.
"Big bro?You called me?"Isabel poked her head on Levis door and found him standing at the other end of the room staring at two coats laying on his bed."Whats that for?"The redhead entered the room and closed the door behind her.
"Im attending a gala with Erwin this weekend.Which one is better,midnight blue or a classic black?"Levi spoke plainly.His arms are folded across his chest contemplating.
Isabel walked around the bed and stood beside Levi to get a better look at the clothes laying on the bed.She crossed her arms over her chest imitating her big brother and let out a contemplative hum"Go for the midnight blue,everyone will probably wear a black tux."
Levi looked at her on the corner of his eye slightly adoring her niece fighting a smile that crept up his face."Okay."He deadpanned.
Isabel sat on Levi's bed as she watched the raven haired man pick up the black tux and started to store it carefully back on the cabinet. "So...hows it going with the bike lady?"
"Nothing is going on."
"Really?She didnt reply to your text?"
Levi paused briefly.He is certain he didnt tell Isabel anything and now he's confused as to how she figured out that he texted Hange the other day."I didnt-"
"Shh!Dont lie to me.I found this on your pocket when I washed clothes yesterday."She held a crumpled up a piece of post it and tossed it on the bed.
"Why are you hoarding trash from the laundry?And besides,That could be anyones number."
"Yes but I checked your phone earlier and..."
"Why the fuck are you snooping on my stuff?"
"Oh please!Your phone password is 1234.You're practically begging me to snoop on you"Isabel grabbed one of Levi's pillows and hugged it.
"I just thanked her like you said.No big deal."Levi deadpanned as he opened a drawer full of neckties folded neatly.
"Do you think youll see her again?"
"How do you know?"
Levi turned to look at her niece and gestured her to go near him.As soon as she did, Levi ruffled her hair."I just do.Now,enough with this bike lady nonsense and help me pick a tie"
The brunette just got out of the shower and now shes laying lazily on her bed wearing nothing but a bath towel wrpapped around her torso.Her dripping hair was splayed all over her bed as she stared unto the ceiling absentmindedly .
Hange's usual Saturday nights are spent inside her lab writing theories and performing light experiments.But unfortunately for her,professors are required to attend the annual university summer gala.Not that she minded events like these,but her teaching job has robbed her a huge chunk of time and she missed her experiments.The sound of beakers clinking against the tiled table,the smell of her chemicals reacting against one another, heck!she even missed the occasional explosions.
She was pulled out of her reverie when her eyes caught sight of the clock placed on her bedside table and realized that shes already an hour late.She frustratingly stood up,toweled off her hair and put an actual effort to tie it up nicely.She wore an off white cape jumpsuit and even decided to go the extra mile and grabbed an unused lipstick on her drawer she got from Nanaba a few months back."Not bad Hange."She mentioned to herself as she checked her appearance through the mirror.
"Looking sharp."Nanaba whispered quietly.Her ear was pressed against Rico's door.
"What are you doing there?"Hange's brows furrowed across her forhead as she closed her bedroom door behind her.
The blonde held a finger signaling Hange to shut up."I'm listening..."
"To what?" Hange came closer and placed her head against Rico's door but all she heard was her muffled voice."Who's she talking to?"
"Coconut's on the phone with Ian."
"Oh!Are they getting back together?"Her voice came out louder because of excitement.
"Ssshhhh!Not sure,but I'll fill you in when you get home."
"Okiedokie!..Im off!"She waved her friend goodbye and headed out the door.
The brunette never had trouble talking to anyone.Minutes after she arrived shes already aquatinted to a bunch of professors from different departments.One in particular is Petra Ral,accompanied by Oulo Bozado from the business department.They spent a good amount of time talking about each other's respective fields.
She can see Petra was a bit squeamish about her detailed explanation on how they harvest human organs and make artificial versions of it.While Oulo only snickerd at her and told her how strange she is.Good thing Petra came to her defense and hit Olou's side with her elbow.The impact was powerful enough for him to accidentally bite his tongue.The poor man excused himself to check his injury in the mens room.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side."Hange chuckled as she gulped the last of her champagne.
"I'm sorry about Oulo.Dont mind him,I dont know why he acts like that...probably because his man crush is attending tonights ball."
"Man crush?"Hange placed her empty champagne glass on a tray carried by a passing server.
"Oh!theres this man who gave a talk about product rebranding last week.You should have seen him.Hes so good at what he does even though he had a really..."Petra paused to carefully pick her next word "colorful manner of speaking" she continued."Oluo immediately gravitated towards him.Since that,Hes been hopelessly imitating him.Its really embarrassing."
Hange took note of the twinkle on Petra's eyes and her endearing smile."Well theres nothing wrong about having a little inspiration.Besides,It seems like he left a pretty good impression to you.He must be one heck of an extraordinary man."
"He is."Petra replied,a blush dusted her cheeks as she tucked a piece of her hair to her ears.
"Oh!Theres Eld and Gunther!I'll have to head over there and say hi.Thank you for your time Miss Zoe"Petra excused herself.The brunette smiled at her and started looking around the room.She doesn't know anyone.She took a deep breath and decided to roam around the fancy ballroom.
Levi was never a fan of grand gatherings and meaningless chatter.Unfourtunately, this is what the whole night is about.He gave a talk at the university a the week prior and Erwin insisted that hes technically part of the university family and he's required to attend tonight's festivities .He didnt really put up a fight against him and complied to his request.He knows his friend is only concerned of his lack of interest to go out and socialize.
Unfourtunately for him,Erwin has to leave him and mingle with potential school donors and now he's was stuck with this guy whos babbling about how vaccination isnt real and Levi is starting get pissed off.True he's not an expert on the subject but he knows people like these are fools for ignoring facts and believing down right outrageous conspiracy theories.He knows needs to get away from this bastard before his patience runs out.
The raven haired man immediately turned around and scurried away the first chance he found and bumped with a short shaved haired kid who served champagne."Sorry sir" the kid apologized.Levi lifted his palm gesturing that its fine and started to look for a secluded place to pass time to get away from all the needless socializing.He walked towards an open balcony and was greeted by a person standing on the ledge.
Levi froze.
Images of his mom standing on the ledge just before she jumped flashed before his eyes.His heart almost jumped out on his chest when this person tripped on their own toes and started to lose balance.Levi immediately grabbed the persons wrist and pulled with such force that they both stumbled on the floor.
"What the hell are you-"He turned to the person he pulled,and a pair of familiar pair brown orbs met his stare."Oh!For fucks sake!"Levi rolled his eyes as he pushed himself to stand and brushed the dust on his pants.
"H-Hey!Long time no s-!"Hange was scratching the back of her head when Levi angrily walked towards her and grabbed her by the collar"What the hell are you thinking?Do you have some kind of a death wish?If you're so eager to kill yourself,do it in the comfort of your own home!Not here where you can traumatize some guests."He was shaking but he tried to keep his composure.
Hange cocked her head on the side and stared at him naively."Uhh..we're at the second floor"
"What?"Levi said in almost a whisper as he knit his brows together.
"If I want to kill myself,jumping from the second floor wont do it"The brunette replied innocently.Levi is wondering if she grasped the fact that she almost fell off the balcony.It is true that she wont die from that fall but she should at least have some idea of the injury she'd be subjected to.He took a deep breath and decided to let it go.
"Tch" Levi loosened his grip on her collar and walked towards the balcony.He propped his elbows at the ledge and stared at the empty garden below them.
Hange pushed herself off the floor and started brushing off the dirt from her pants "I knew I shouldnt have worn white" she mumbled to herself.As soon as shes up,she settled beside Levi and leaned her back against the ledge facing the open balcony door. "What brings you here?"She started.Still sounding enthusiastic despite the fact that Levi grabbed her agressively moments ago.
Levi didnt answer.He thought that maybe if he just ignore her she'll go away.The brunette scooched a little closer to him and he can almost feel her ridiculous smile.Its as if she's waiting for him to say something.Levi is determined not to talk to her,but shes not backing down.He turned his head at the brunette and he was right,she was already looking at him beaming a bright grin.Levi scoffed and returned his gaze back on the horizon.
"I wasn't planning on jumping,I just want to see the entirety of the garden from up here...But I did get out of balance and you did saved me from a few broken bones so...thank you"
The raven haired man gave her a small nod and hummed in approval,still bent on not talking to her.
"You know,we should really stop meeting like this."Hange chuckled."If I didnt know better you might be stalking me."she added.
Okay,thats just too ridiculous he needed to say something.
"As if."Levi scoffed.
"Oh!I got an idea!Since you saved me,I guess I owe you one.How about I treat you to lunch tomorrow?
"No."He answered almost instantly.
"You cant refuse."Hange pouted.
"I can and I am."
"Oh dont be such a sourpuss!Its a thank you lunch."She pressed.
"No" She knows she had to change her approach or else this man will only keep on saying no all night. "I know you live at 52nd street.I could easily hunt you down and drag you out of your house."
"Thats your game plan?"He turned his head to face her."Do you intend to knock on every fucking door on my street hoping that I pop out eventually?"
"That's not a bad idea."
Levi only rolled his eyes at her."Drop it four eyes.Don't make me say it again."
"Make you say what?No?"
"No...I mean yes..."He paused briefly trying to remember if he should say yes or no.Damn this woman is testing his patience.
"So you're saying yes?"
"No!...Oh Jesus!You're not gonna quit are you?"
"Not a chance short stack."
He exhaled."Fuck you."
"Fuck you too."Hange laughed.Levi cant tell why the hell does she seem to have fun.
"Dont laugh,that was meant to offend you."
"No its not.Its meant to discourage me but thats never gonna happen.So just say yes.Please?"Levi caught sight of Hange's ridiculously big bright pleading puppy dog eyes.Too bad for her that shit wont work on him.Levi turned away from her and did not answer.Hes back to plan A,Ignore her and hope that she goes away.
"Hmmm?Silent treatment huh?They say silence means yes...is that a yes on lunch?"
"Just shut up and leave me alone."
"If you say yes,Ill do just that"
He knows he's going to regret this.But all he needs is to be left alone and he cant understand why this woman is not intimidated or at least put off by him.He huffed a deep breath."Okay."
"Great!"Hange put her hands together."Pick me up tomorrow at noon."
"You still remember where I live right?"
"Why the hell would I pick you up?"
"Because I dont know where you live.Do you expect me to knock on every door on 52nd street hoping you pop out eventually?That's pretty creepy dont you think?"
This clever motherfucker just used his words against him.Levi was about to retaliate but its too late,the brunette was already on her merry way back to the ballroom.He took a deep breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to ease an incoming headache.
A few quiet minutes passed and Levi knows he has to eventually come out of his hiding spot.He walked out of the balcony and was greeted Petra.She's not bad company he thought.Shes smart,reserved,softspoken even and not bad on the eyes.Petra was going on about the contributions of Charlotte Bronte to modern feminism while his eyes roamed around the room.
He spotted Erwin speaking with an old potbellied man trying to entice him to donate for the school.As if feeling his stare,the blond glanced his way and gave Levi one of his clever knowing smile.Erwin was constantly encouraging him to go on a date with Petra and his friend was obviously pleased to see them together.He simply scoffed and rolled his eyes at him.
"Um is there a problem?"Petra asked.
"Nothing,I was just..."He gestured at Erwin and she turned at the man.The blond raised his glass at Petra giving her smile which the woman happily returned. "Dont mind him,Carry on.."He called her attention. And so she did. Levi's eyes continued to wander around the ballroom.Then,his stare drifted to Hange sitting in a bar drinking with a familiar looking man whose back was turned on him.Petra stopped her discussion and followed the raven haired mans gaze.
"Is that Djel Sannes?Whats he doing with Miss Zoe?"Petra asked.
"Im sure that chatty woman is talking his ear off"Oluo appeared out of nowhere joining in the conversation."Hi sir I hope you remember me I was facilitating the talk you gave last week."Olou offered his hand and Levi gave it a firm shake "Olou Bozado"Levi mentioned.Olou almost cried when he heard his full name uttered by Levi.His celebration was cut short when he felt Petra's elbow hit his rib. "Have some respect!That 'chatty woman' has a PhD in Bioengineering and a masters in chemical and mechanical engineering.That woman's remarkable!"
"No wonder shes gone mad."Oluo said with a sigh.
Petra huffed a deep breath and started lecturing him.
Levi did not weigh in with their conversation.Hes preoccupied trying to figure out whos the man shes talking to. He crossed his arms on his chest as he watched Hange flail her arms around as she talked to the man in front of her.Shes evidently upset.Her brows furrowed and he can practically hear her screaming at that man.People who are in their general direction are starting to stare at her.Then,a sudden realization hit him.The man shes talking to is the same man who was spouting nonsense about vaccination.
Hange cant believe what shes hearing.True shes not a physician but as a scientist,she had enough with people who dismiss proven ideas backed up by years of careful research.
"I mean,vaccinations are just a scam .Its total bullshit if you ask me.Thats why I never vaccinated my kids."
Thats when Hange lost it.Its one thing to be ignore someones studies but not vaccinating your own kid is just down right negligence on her books.
"THATS IT!"Hange grabbed the man by the collar and hoisted him up."How dare you put your childs life in dangerYou think you're so clever?Do you have a medical degree?"
Shes brimming with anger.Shes ready to throttle the man off the bar when she felt a firm grasp on her wrists.She turned her head furiosly and saw Erwin Smith staring as if telling her to calm down.The blond turned his head towards Sannes.
"I have to apologize for Miss Zoe's actions Mr.Sannes.I believe she already had too much to drink."
"No I dont!And dont speak on my behalf!this fucking moro..."Next thing she knows shes being dragged out by Levi out of the ballroom.
"Hey!Let me go!"
"Don't say anything shitty glasses...you're only going to make matters worse"He grumbled as he forcibly tugged Hange.
Levi dragged her at the lobby.Hange was pacing back and forth in front of him mumbling angrily as he sat on a sofa.
"What kind of idiot bastard doesnt vaccinate his kids?!"She turned to him"Do you know who he is huh?He is a potential board member for the school!If his donations go through,He'll have a say on every decision the school makes!If that kind of idiot changes the curriculum built around his idiocy..."
"You need to calm the fuck down.Nothing's happned yet."Levi crossed his legs and placed his arms along the backrest of the sofa.He kept his blank facial expression.
"Calm the fuck down?CALM THE FUCK DOWN?How can I calm th-"
"Hange"Erwin emerged from the corner and called for her.
The brunette hastily walked towards the man and grabbed both his hands"Erwin!Please tell me were not taking that idiots money."
"The school needed his resources.You should know that.I'm sorry."
"B-but we cant have people like him influencing the university's decisions.He is an idiot." "Theres nothing we can do.Hes donating $250,000 and the school can really use that for our scholarship funds.Not unless you find a new donor who can top that amount of money...I cant help you"Erwin gave her hand a firm squeeze as some form of apology and walked away.
"I'll do it."
Erwin stopped on his tracks.
"I'll double his price.Just get him out of the university."
"Hange,were talking about 500,000 dollars.How can yo-"
"I'll figure something out.Just get that man out of the school.I dont want him contributing to university decisions for our future generation.Do we have a deal?"Her eyes are brimming with determination.
Erwin took hanges hand ."Okay,but you need to promise to practice more restraint next time.We don't want to scare our future donors"
"Yeah,sorry about that."Her eyes binked and shes are back to their usual jovial state.Seeing that the whole situation has cooled down,Levi placed his hands and his lap and pushed himself out of the sofa."If were done here, Im going back inside." The blond gestured hange to come with them but the brunette crossed her hands in front of her. "I should probably head home.You gentlemen enjoy the rest of your night."Hange made a silly little curtsy and started walking away. # "Thank you for helping me with her earlier.Hange has always been far too intense for her own good."Erwin placed a hand on Levi's shoulder.
"Its fine.Shes a feisty little shit,But you have to hand it to her, her heart is in the right place."Levi mentioned in a bored tone.
Erwin's head turned to look at his friend's face "Did you just complimented her?"
"You got a problem with that?" Levi raised a brow at his blond friend.He didnt wait for his reply and started to walk away missing Erwin's knowing smirk.
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snkconspiracytheories · 10 years
I feel like there's only one character that actually has a chance of being back after we assume he's dead. Oluo, he was only kicked from Annie and (maybe) he only suffered some damage while unconscious with his eyes open. His body wasn't seen in the carriages (when the survey corps rallied up all the bodies they could). Oluo is most likely dead but I always felt he has the most chance of being brought back
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