#petra birthday 2022
captain-natey · 2 years
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Happy bday best AOT girl 🥰❤️‍🩹🍃✨
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sparkywrites25 · 2 years
A Castle for Christmas
Summary: Petra and Levi have HQ to themselves for Christmas
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral | Rivetra
Notes: This is for Rei's 'Happy Birthday Levi' event.
Taglist: @lunar-rainclouds @captain-natey @1wholeheartedly-nii
December 25th 847. The heart of a winter significantly better than the last; when thousands of families were grieving the loss of over 249, 800 people and picking themselves up again after a deplorable harvest. Two years have passed since the fall of Wall Maria. People are looking forward to a better Christmas this year after an improved harvest and “generous” donations from the government, as though they hoped presents could make people forget. But Christmas is a time for turning perspectives inward and holding loved ones close. 
As per tradition, most of the Scout regiment have gone home for a couple of weeks. Some years, Petra may have gone too but her parents are visiting friends in Mitras and Petra would rather spend her time off back at HQ with the captain anyway. Especially once she learned that they would have the old castle to themselves for a week. In the New Year, they would be relocating back to Trost for their main base so the opportunity to enjoy the castle alone with Levi is too irresistible. It’s also totally disconnected that this is her and Levi’s first Christmas as more than just captain and subordinate.
Warmth and the caress of slender fingers are what Petra wakes up to that Christmas morning. With a comfortable hum, snuggling back into the firm body wrapped around her, she lifts her head back in a sleepy smile. “Happy birthday,” she whispers. 
“Season’s greetings,” her lover’s chuckle comes out as a huff but his lips find Petra’s anyway and touch them with a light, loving caress. He follows it up with another kiss, one hand sliding up her shoulder to cup her cheek, holding her face as he bestows kiss after kiss. 
“You could just say Merry Christmas,” Petra chuckles, nuzzling his nose. 
“It’s too early for that level of spirit,” he murmurs against her lips, drawing her into another kiss. 
Petra relaxes into it with a breathy chuckle and a contented sigh. This time Levi holds her closer, prolonging the contact. His other arm moves around her chest, tucking her further into his body, legs entwining with hers. The heat of their embrace sends small soporific waves through Petra but she resists them. This is too perfect right now. 
“Merry Christmas,” Levi whispers against her shoulder. Petra lifts a hand so she can run her fingers through his thin strands of raven hair. 
“Merry Christmas,” she tells him back, kissing his temple. “Mmmm,” she mumbles, turning her face forward again, “this is so cozy.”
“Mmm,” Levi’s agreement rumbles through her shoulder. Petra gathers more covers towards them and feels Levi’s expression shift against her skin. “You cold?” he asks. His hands move around hers and tug more of the quilt over them. 
“No,” Petra assures him, “but you can never be too cozy.” 
“I wouldn’t know.”
“Clearly we need to put that to the test for you today,” Petra smiles and rolls over so she can wrap her arms around Levi as well as the quilt. 
His arms secure the covers around them both then settle around her shoulders, giving her the perfect opportunity to lay her head over his heart. Her body melts against his as his hands move to rub her back, pressing the cloth of her night shirt into her skin. Those motions invite more of the same sleepy sensations that she has to fight. Bringing one hand to her mouth, she covers her yawn.
“Go back to sleep,” Levi urges before kissing her temple. “I’ll still be here.”
“No,” Petra shakes her head. “I’m okay. I’d like to stay awake.” She runs her hands over his loose shirt, leaning in to kiss his lips. “It is Christmas after all.”
Another quiet puff of amusement. “You sound like a child,” he teases. 
Petra inhales, puffing out her cheeks in a way that makes Levi’s lips twitch, and then releases her breath. “One of us should have the Christmas spirit and I have enough for both of us,” she chides him.
“You can say that again.” His lips are shifting like he’s trying to suppress himself. 
Amber eyes gleam knowingly. “We better get you a cup of tea soon, Grumpy.”
“Tch. I’m always grumpy.”
“You can say that again,” she retorts and is met with raised eyebrow. 
“Are you sassing me, Ral?”
“I am indeed, Captain.” She giggles and enjoys the slight colour tint that appears in his cheeks and ears. There’s a spark of surprise, brightening up his grey-blue eyes. 
It fades quickly as he leans in towards her, his stare lowering to her plump, smiling lips before he captures them with his own. He swallows the squeak of surprise and Petra literally feels him smirk as the noise turns to a moan instead. She surrenders to his deepened kiss, angling her head to meet the movements of his lips better. 
;Levi’s fingers tangle in her hair, stroking it with his knuckles brushing up against her scalp which only draws more little moans from her. 
With one arm guiding her waist, Petra is adjusted until she’s lying over his stomach. It’s her turn to smile against his mouth before she pulls back. 
“Ready for your first present?” she grins, reaching one hand to the hem of her shirt.
His eyes are so much darker between the desire burning within them and the dim lighting of the room. His hand moves to stop hers. “I’ll unwrap it,” he murmurs. 
Petra’s chuckle is muffled under his next kiss.
Levi’s “present” rapidly turns into “presents”, followed by a subsequent shower, after which, he sets off for the kitchens to prepare some tea and breakfast. 
Petra would have objected to him being the one to do that today had this not presented her with a good opportunity to fetch her gifts for him as well as prepare the room. She quickly set off to fetch the gifts, hugging herself against the chill as she darted along the nearest hallways, grateful that her room was fairly close to his quarters. 
These days, the castle’s temperatures have fallen so low that the fireplace in Levi’s office needs to be lit immediately. Several logs are thrown on the fire and gradually the room fills with warmth. Pale light fills up the space once the curtains are open and there’s a quiet stillness to the room. She lays out the three parcels on the low table beside the sofa after brushing off any dust and dirt from them. She drapes a blanket across the back of the sofa as well. 
Levi nudges the door open with his foot some time later, maintaining excellent balance of the breakfast tray in his hand. He nods towards his desk and Petra pulls out his chair so he can set everything down and take his seat. Steam wafts out of the tea pot, filling Petra’s nostrils with the familiar aroma of Levi’s favourite black tea. Levi lifts two plates that are covering two others. On each plate a small roll of bread has been cut in half with a little butter drizzled on each piece. Petra is grateful that her stomach doesn’t noisily rumble at the sight of it. 
She moves to close the door, containing the heat inside the room. When she returns to the desk, she smiles upon seeing Levi dragging her chair to sit besides his. He sets to pouring the tea as she joins him. A small plate of plain biscuits sits between their cups. She picks one up and bites into it.
“Tch, you’re supposed to have your bread first.”
“Guess I’m a rebel,” she remarks with a smile and takes another defiant bite, cupping her hand under her chin to catch any crumbs.
Levi’s lips curve as he lifts his cup to his lips to blow on the tea. “Sure you are,” he murmurs. “You make all the Underground shits look like pansies,” he quips. 
She chuckles and swallows, finishing off her biscuit and turning her eyes on the view of the grounds. Thick whiteness has blanketed the ground for many days now. It shows no sign of easing. If anything, the snow clinging to the trees has grown thicker. She observes it all with a happy smile. There’s something so comforting about snow in the countryside, far from cities where it all gets trampled away too easily. She finishes off her biscuit as she stares. 
“Oi,” Levi chides, nudging her with his elbow, “your bread will go cold.”
Petra plucks one of her halves off the plate and bites into it with an approving hum. The bread is still lovingly warm which pairs well with the rising heat of the room and the view of the frozen world outside. It’s a comfortable silence that fills up the room as they eat and drink their tea. The biscuits Levi has chosen are mostly plain with a touch of sweetness about them but they serve very well with the tea. 
Both plates are soon cleared and put aside for now. As Levi refills their tea, Petra retrieves the parcels and brings them over, balancing them on her lap once she’s sat. 
“Happy birthday,” she tells him with heated cheeks, handing him the topmost parcel which is a dark box with a blue ribbon wrapped neatly around it. 
Levi puts his tea aside and his careful fingers untie the ribbon. “Thank you,” he tells her quietly, his eyes lifting to hers for a moment before he lifts the lid and peers into the box. He rises to his feet and brings the soft black material out of the box, holding it up against him, eyes growing as he takes it in. “Petra,” he pauses, “you really didn’t have to,” he murmurs as he marvels at the coat and slips his arms into the sleeves. The fabric hugs him well and Petra’s own cheeks warm up as she watches him button it up and hold out his arms to stretch out the material. “It’s a perfect fit too,” Levi realizes. His eyes find hers again while he unbuttons the coat. “How did you…?”
Petra blushes. “Um, well, uh…” she gives an uneasy laugh and turns away from him,  back to her new cup of tea. “I measured yours while you were in a meeting. I was cleaning your office anyway and so it was a good opportunity.” 
A small huff of laughter accompanies the press of her lover’s hand on the back of her head. “Sneaky. If that was anyone else but you…” Levi warns, rubbing her head. “But…” he brings his hand away so he can remove the coat and fold it, “this is incredibly generous on its own. You didn’t have to get me anything else.”
“I wanted to,” Petra insists, waiting for him to put the box aside on the low table. Once he’s returned, she hands him a smaller box, this one beige with brown trimming. “This is also a birthday present.”
Levi quietly admires the black and white woolen scarf (knitted by Petra’s mother, as Petra insists that she had all the knitting prowess of a titan) and the sleek black gloves that accompanied them. Once they are back in the box, his hands find Petra’s waist and he draws her in for a kiss. 
Reaching up to cup his face, Petra returns the kiss, her eyes slowly closing as she melts into his arms, pulling him gently into another kiss before he can pull away. She sighs against his mouth as he caresses her hair with one hand and the back of her neck with the other. 
The need to breathe wins out and Petra, still dazed from said kiss, is slow in reaching for the third parcel. As a result, she is halted by the appearance of a thin green box, with a black lid and thin ribbon, under her nose. 
Levi leans in to kiss her forehead. “Happy Christmas, Petra.” He nudges her nose with his, drawing another smile out of her. 
It takes more than a few seconds for her to refocus on the present but when she manages to, her fingers lift the lid and she goes very still at the sight of the ticket lying inside. The title across it reads RIVERSIDE SECRETS. A play currently running in Stohess about an undercover group working to save the monarchy from corrupt advisors. Back home her friends have teased her interest in such a thing yet here is Levi actually giving her the chance to see it. Her vision begins to water. 
“Hey.” Levi’s hands touch her wrist. “You okay?”
“More than,” Petra smiles up at him. “I can’t believe you got me this. This is… I never thought…” Speech just will not cooperate. “Thank you.”
Levi leans in so his forehead touches hers then his lips find hers again briefly. “You should go and enjoy such things while you can, Petra.” He nuzzles her nose again. “I bought a ticket myself… if you don’t object to me joining you.”
Petra pecks his lips. “Of course I don’t object. I’d love to go with you.”
“It sounds interesting,” Levi muses “Not like those romances everyone in Mitras goes on about; kings having affairs with stable girls or some shit like that.”
“I’ve read the book it’s based on,” Petra remarks. “It’s really thrilling. Apparently they took some liberties so I’d be interested in seeing what they do differently.”
“As long as they don’t turn it into a trashy romance, I don’t care what they do.”
Petra giggles and kisses him again. “Thank you.” She reaches, once more, for his final present but instead Levi presses another present into her hand, a small, soft green bag. She raises her eyes to him. “I’m sure the ticket cost enough! You didn’t have to-” Her objection is swiftly cut off by Levi’s slender finger pressing on her lips. 
“You’re one to talk with my new clothes,” he points out with a nod to the third parcel. “Anyway, this is just a little thing.” He withdraws to pick up his tea.
Petra withdraws a green, delicate hair clip. It’s shaped like a bird taking off, wings and neck outstretched, like it’s headed for something far greater. Petra strokes the wings softly. “That’s lovely,” she murmurs. 
Levi looks away although his cheeks are a little flushed. “Thought that might look nice when we go to the theatre,” he mutters. 
The temptation was there to tease him and Petra consider trying her luck but she decides to be kind. She tucks the clip back in the bag and puts it aside. “Thank you,” she tells him once again. “I can’t wait to wear it.” 
She picks up his final present. This final box is significantly larger than the one containing the gloves and a similar size to the coat’s box. 
Levi lowers his cup with a slightly incredulous look. “What the hell have you bought me?” he gently scoffs, taking the box to his side of the desk. 
;Petra retrieves her own cup again. “Just take a look,” she tells him with a grin. “And Merry Christmas,” she adds.
It’s Levi’s turn to go still once he opens the box and takes a look inside. He runs his hand along the beautifully crafted wooden box with a glass cover so he can gaze down at the jars of various coloured liquids securely separated in wooden squares. “Are these… cleaning liquids?” he asks with a reverence that would probably seem strange to those who didn’t know him.
“Yeah. The set is from this family business in Ehrmich. Some friends of my dad recommended it. They had all kinds of scents. I tried to choose the ones I knew you’d like but if you like these, I’ll give you the address. You can customize your own set.” 
Levi continues to gaze upon the box and his lips do more than twitch into a curve this time. They shift into a satisfied smile. “They look very promising, Petra, thank you,” he says, at last moving his gaze from the present to her. “You’ve been more than generous.” He places the box aside and reaches for one of her hands, which she gladly slides into his. “I appreciate it.”
“I’m only giving you what you deserve,” she assures him, squeezing his fingers and bringing their clasped hands to her lips. “And you can’t convince me otherwise,” she adds with a defiant raise of her chin.
Levi lets his fingers stroke her lips. “I can see that.”
There is a little more snowfall late morning but by the time early afternoon comes round, the weather has settled down. The wind has disappeared and there is a delicate feel to the air as Levi and Petra venture outside. The quiet is disconcerting, Petra thinks as she tucks her peach coat around her. One of her hands, dressed in a cream glove, is firmly clutched in Levi’s dark glove. 
The absence of their comrades and superior officers allows them the liberty for such open contact outside Levi’s quarters. Although they’ve broken no rules with their relationship, Levi is a private man and Petra couldn’t care much less for creating gossip. She would rather avoid accusations as to why the captain really chose her to join his squad last January. There would always be at least one person wondering that. Has it really been nearly a year since the Special Operations Squad was formed? she muses as she and Levi leave the stone path circling the castle and venture towards the woods instead.
It’s been an interesting year, she thinks, smiling sideways at the captain as he stares ahead although his gaze sometimes flicks up to the trees with the heaviest snow gathered on them. Whenever he and Petra’s path wanders close to coming underneath one of them, he steers them away. The protective instinct only invites Petra to smile more. Her free hand clasps his arm and his attention snaps to her, alarm in his eyes just for a millisecond. 
She leans her head against his shoulder, giving him a smile. She can feel some of the tension leaves him but her heart aches for him. To be so alert all the time must be so exhausting for him and yet he still has his sleep troubles. When will the world give him a break? Why doesn’t he get to have fun and forget about things for a while?
His free hand moves to cover hers and she snuggles into his arm all the more. Her gaze drops behind them, where their footsteps have broken through the pure snow.
“Oi, watch where you’re walking,” Levi tells her, giving her arm a squeeze. 
Petra chuckles, reminded of how often her mother would say the thing to her as a child whenever she tried to watch their footsteps behind them. Moments later, she and her cousin Nifa would break out into a snowball fight. Peaceful, uninterrupted snowy walks were a rare thing in their family. But they were pretty fun though.
She stops in her tracks, inviting another concerned look from her captain. 
“What is it now?”
Petra withdraws her hands from his with a thoughtful look. “This walk just won’t do. It needs livening up and there’s no one else around.”
“I’m not freezing my fucking balls off doing that out here, Petra.”
Crimson colours her face at once. “Not that!” Although it does bring to mind certain images from this morning and she has to push them out of her head at once. She steps backwards once then again, lowering to the ground to grab a handful of snow in her hands.
Realization settles over Levi’s face and his brows furrow. “Don’t you fucking dare. You’re not getting shitty snow over this new coat.”
“It’s not shitty snow!” Petra complains as she pats the snow into a ball. “And I bought you cleaning supplies too!”
“Tch, you want me to use some of them up on the first day?” Levi scowls and is walking backwards, away from her. “Good luck trying to hit me.”
Petra grins as she begins her pursuit. “Oh well I like a challenge.” She calls back to him, arm swinging back to take aim. 
However, despite her aim, his movements don’t speed up that much. He takes longer strides, moving behind the trees whenever Petra moves into a position where she has a straight shot. Not to be deterred, she quickens her own pace but Levi is far more agile with his turns and shielding himself behind trees and bushes even without increasing his speed. Yet she’s dashing about trying to find an opening that he’s closing before she can lob the ball. They venture further and further into the forest. 
“Having trouble?” he taunts after about ten minutes of this cat and mouse. By which point the snowball is weakening in her hand. 
“Don’t be like this,” Petra pants, leaning against a tree, her expression pinched with frustration. “You can clean your coat. I’m giving you something fun to do.”
“I shouldn’t need to clean it after three hours, Petra.” Although she can practically hear his eye-roll, she can also hear some amusement within his voice. “Although, maybe I’ve got nothing to worry about with the success you’re clearly enjoying.” Petra exhales and glares four or five trees ahead where he’s now leaning against a trunk, lips playing up in a smirk. 
She huffs. “Try and get me then. Even the score.”
“Evening the score implies that you’re the one enjoying victory here,” her lover muses. “Unless you’ve achieved great heights of delusion, you know otherwise.”
Petra grumbles and tosses the snowball anyway. 
As predicted, Levi moves into a low crouch and the snowball crashed into the side of the tree instead. However the spray of snow flies in most directions and Petra hears a familiar hiss. The kind of distaste that usually only comes when the captain’s come across some pretty shoddy cleaning work. 
“Right,” Levi speaks slowly, “if you insist on dancing this dance then commit and have no regrets about it,” he announces, stepping out from behind the tree. Some of the snow has ended up on his shoulder. 
Despite his warning tone, Petra giggles. Her laughter dies out when she sees the snowball in Levi’s hand. Shit. 
“You brought this on yourself, Petra,” Levi declares. 
It’s her turn to run. Although she doesn’t make it past the sixth tree before Levi’s snowball hits her in the ass. She stumbles forward and uses the momentum to grab some snow off the ground and begin packing it together. By which time, another snowball is hitting her in the side. She yelps and darts behind a tree. Still, a third snowball flies into her chest and she looks up to see Levi’s dark hair whip away ahead of her. 
He barely gives her any time to try and refuel. Snowball after snowball decorate her coat over the next ten minutes. In all that time, she’s landed no full hits on him.
Crouching down behind a tree, she starts on making multiple snowballs rapidly. All the while glancing over her shoulder, wondering when Levi’s next one will hit. 
Nothing happens. 
Of course that only heightens her nerves as she stands up with her new collection of snowballs. She walks among the trees but Levi is nowhere to be seen in any direction. She lowers her gaze to the ground, following the footsteps in the last direction she saw him in. His tracks lead away from the others left by their game. However it’s only after a few minutes when the tracks suddenly end and the truth begins to sink down on her. 
Oh damn. 
Cold hits the back of her head and Petra yelps, dropping one of her snowballs, just as another one hits, and then a third. Spinning round, she’s met with a blur of black as Levi leaps down from the tree and knocks the rest of her snowballs out of her hands.
“As your captain, I should be concerned that you walked right into that,” he remarked with a raised eyebrow. 
“You-” Petra’s answer cuts short as Levi’s hands take her hips and bring her into a kiss. 
Soft but cold lips move against hers, chasing the competitiveness away and luring her into the minimal warmth of his embrace and the heat of his mouth. Her hands slide up his arms. If he minds her getting slow on the sleeves, he shows no response, kissing her harder instead. 
As her hands reach his shoulders, Petra recognizes one little victory for her at least. Levi’s arms don’t feel as tense now and she swears she can feel him smiling or smirking against her lips. Not such shitty snow after all then, eh? 
When the need to breathe returns, he pulls away just enough to take in breaths, his nose nudging against Petra’s. 
“You’re kinda scary with snowballs, Captain,” she mock-pouts. Even so, she slides her arms fully around his neck. “You seemed to like that though.”
“It wasn’t bad. You’re still going to have to help clean the coat. Since it’s your fault it got soiled.”
“Soiled? Hardly any of it went on you!”
He nods down to his arms and Petra is reminded of the trail she just left there. “Okay, okay,” she agrees, leaning up to kiss his lips once more which he returns. “Later though?” she suggests, lifting her eyes to the bright afternoon light. “Maybe we could walk a little more first?”
“Sure,” he smiled and pulled her into a tight embrace. 
Petra happily snuggled into him. “Happy birthday, Levi.”
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youre-ackermine · 6 months
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Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin // Attack on Titan
Fanfiction, headcanons & moodboards posted here on Tumblr
Fanfiction & headcanons posted on AO3
English is not my usual language
Posted: 03/30/2024 || Last update: 06/09/2024
©2022/2024 youre-ackermine || Do not use or repost my works || Do not translate without permission
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Under the Mistletoe • Tumblr // AO3
Don't you dare! • Tumblr // AO3
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
Sunburst • Tumblr // AO3
Belated Birthday • Tumblr // AO3
Echo • Tumblr // AO3 • for @dont-f-with-moogles
Dumbstruck • Tumblr // AO3
Night Out • Tumblr // AO3
Flushing • Tumblr // AO3
Lips like Sugar • Tumblr // AO3 • fanart by wolfstar13_ on Instagram
Troublée (part one) • Tumblr // AO3
Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Rivetra)
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Erwin Smith (Eruri)
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Miche Zacharias (Rivamike)
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Erurihan)
[coming soon]
Hange Zoe x Pieck Finger (Pikuhan)
Behind the Scenes • Tumblr // AO3
Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Eruhan)
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Reader
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Miche Zacharias (Mikeeru/Erumike)
[coming soon]
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Levi Ackerman
Levi's Birthday 2023 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
Postwar!Levihan Valentine's Day 2024 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Our First Christmas + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Sunday Walk • Tumblr // AO3 • inspired by @ashh-ketchup 's fanart
Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Eruhan)
[coming soon]
Jean Kirstein x Reader
Jean Kirstein x Fem!Reader Valentine's Day 2024 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Historia Reiss x Ymir (Yumihisu)
Yumihisu Band AU + headcanons • Tumblr // AO3
Tumblr media
Levi Ackerman
Love Bites (NSFW) with @leviismybby • Tumblr // AO3
Levi's Fingers (NSFW) • Tumblr // AO3
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Levi Ackerman / Levi Week 2023 Event
for @leviweek2023
Day 1 Tea Shop
Day 2 Underground City
Day 3 Affection and Fondness
Day 4 Dad / Family
Day 5 Vampire AU // No Name Band
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Levi Ackerman x Reader
TattooArtist!Levi for @stellar-smth || fanfiction Under your Skin
Postwar!Levi fanfiction inspo "Mursa" for @sixpennydame || fanfiction North Star
Postwar!Levi fanfiction inspo "Postwar Fort Salta" for @sixpennydame || fanfiction North Star
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
No Name #1
No Name #2 [coming soon]
Postwar!Levihan Valentine's Day 2024 + headcanons
Our First Christmas + headcanons
Student!Levihan for @smol-lydia || fanfiction I Wanna Make a Couple Bad Decisions (with you)
Scouts!Levihan for @this-is-krikkit
Valentine's Day 2023
Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Rivetra)
Rivetra for @love4-bunny
Levi Ackerman x Farlan Church (Levifar)
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Reader
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Miche Zacharias (Mikeeru/Erumike)
[coming soon]
Eren Jaeger x Mikasa Ackerman (Eremika)
[coming soon]
Jean Kirstein x Reader
Jean x Fem!Reader Valentine's Day 2024 + headcanons
Historia Reiss x Ymir (Yumihisu)
Yumihisu Band AU + headcanons
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Header & dividers: @youre-ackermine || Do not use without credit 💟
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tiaramania · 2 years
Tiara Highlights of 2022
2022 was the year of the tiara debut with three future queens and a bunch of other people wearing their first tiara. All of my highlight picks are first tiaras and this isn't even all of them! You can check out all of the tiaras (or at least the ones I was able to find pictures of) worn during 2022 here.
Princess Fadzilah of Brunei's Wedding
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Princess Fadzilah wore two of Queen Saleha's tiaras for her wedding to Abdullah Al-Hashimi in January. Both of them are massive so I'm impressed with how well she wore them for her first time wearing a tiara. Princess Fadzilah wearing the blue and pink diamond toppers but not the diamond heart made me realize that Queen Saleha's Diamond Tiara and Queen Saleha's Diamond Heart Tiara have been the same tiara all along. Also, there was a royal wedding cat who attempted to steal the show.
Tommy Dorfman at the Met Gala
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The Met Gala usually provides us with a few tiara sightings and this year had even more because of the 'Gilded Glamour' theme. While many of the attendees wore bigger or more impressive tiaras, even one made specifically for the event, I keep being drawn to Tommy Dorfman wearing a Regency Era, green paste, hair-comb from Fred Leighton. This is the perfect way to wear a tiara to a fashion event. It's simple and stunning and by wearing it backwards but still placed impeccably it provides just that bit of quirkiness to make it stand out. It's different in an interesting way not just for the sake of being different. Special mention should go to Léna Mahfouf who also wore a tiara very well at an event where we saw a lot of bad ones.
Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway's First Tiara
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The pandemic caused a bit of a backup in newly of age princesses wearing their first tiara so Princess Ingrid Alexandra's postponed 18th birthday celebrations provided not just her but also two other future queens their first opportunity to wear a tiara. The birthday girl wore a pearl and diamond tiara by Boucheron that belonged to her great-great-grandmother and was left to her by her great-aunt. I thought the Norwegian royal family did a great job of emphasizing the historical and emotional connection of Princess Ingrid Alexandra wearing the tiara and of course she looked great in it.
Princess Elisabeth of Belgium's First Tiara
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The biggest surprise in Norway was actually from Princess Elisabeth of Belgium, the Duchess of Brabant. She wore a new to the family tiara that is most likely one that was once owned by the Vestey family. The Belgian royals don't have a large jewelry collection and very rarely add new pieces so it was totally unexpected but very welcome.
Princess Catharina Amalia of the Netherlands' First Tiara
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Princess Catharina Amalia, the Princess of Orange, choose the Star Button Tiara for her first tiara outing. It was the one worn by her mother, Queen Maxima, on her wedding day so a very sentimental choice that she wore beautifully. Princess Catharina Amalia has spoken more than once about her love of tiaras so I'm very interested to see her explore the large Dutch collection in the future.
Sultanah Nur Diana Petra of Kelantan's First Tiara
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This summer Nur Diana was elevated to the rank of Sultanah or Queen of Kelantan and in November we finally saw her in her first tiara. She choose Queen Zainab's Diamond Tiara which features the state emblem of Kelantan. I think she'll wear this one the most in the future but hopefully she wears some of the other tiaras belonging to the Kelantan royal family too.
Le Bal
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There are usually tiaras at Le Bal des Débutantes in Paris every year but this year the official jeweler was an antique/estate jeweler with a huge collection of historical items instead of a contemporary jeweler which made the event so much more exciting. Six of the attendees wore a tiara or aigrette for the first time. In the top row are Leah Isadora Behn, Archduchess Sophia of Habsburg-Lorraine, and Wenhao Cai and the bottom row are Bristol Fales Hill, Princess Hélène of Orleans, and Princess Inayatinder Kaur of Patiala.
What was your favorite tiara moment of 2022?
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Rei's Event: Happy Birthday Levi 2022
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Yes, I am back with this event again!!! Last year's Happy Birthday Levi was such a success, and I knew I had to do it again this year!
Similar to last year's format, one Levi-related post will be made per day starting from 25 November, and ending on his birthday on 25 December, like an advent calendar!
The theme for this event would be ‘Sweet like Sugar’. Unlike last year, this year's event will be strictly sfw only! Fics, artwork, headcanons, drabbles, moodboards, anything featuring Levi is welcomed! You can also do reader inserts, self-inserts/self-ship, anything! You can do more than one work too!
The tag I’ll be using for this event is #rei’s event: happy birthday Levi 2022. So if you do not want to get spammed, you may block this tag!
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Status: CLOSED (0/31 slots available)
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1. Anyone 16 and above can join in this event! You don't have to be following me to join in.
2. I welcome any sort of work as long as Levi is the main character. Levi x reader, Levi x character, Levi x oc, Levi x you etc are all welcomed!
3. This is a SFW-only fluff event. Angst is allowed as long as it's hurt/comfort, or there's a happy ending. Likewise, suggestive themes are okay as long as it is still fluffy with no form of smut involved. Please be reminded again that no (major) character death, no dark content, and no nsfw will be allowed.
4. The first few posts should be ready by 25 November. If you are unable to finish before then, let me know so that I can delay your post to a later date.
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How to join:
1. Send me an ask or a dm to let me know what content you will be doing for Levi. Let me know which date you want to post your creation by checking the list of available dates below the cut. Multiple posts are allowed!
2. If your preferred date is taken, I will let you know ASAP and you can choose another date accordingly.
3. Reblog this post once I’ve added you to the master list to acknowledge your participation.
4. Let me know early if you are unable to meet the dateline too!
5. Tag me (@levi-supreme) in your finished work and remember to mention it’s for Rei’s ‘Happy Birthday Levi’ event! Remember to also use my event tag #rei’s event: happy birthday Levi 2022!
Thank you for the support, and let’s all celebrate Levi’s birthday together again this year ❤
The master list for this event can be found here!
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D-30 | 25 November // @levi-supreme // selfship fic (Levi x Rei) // posting on @reikoackerman
D-29 | 26 November // @postwarlevi // fic (Levi x fem!reader feat. 104th cadets)
D-28 | 27 November // @levi-supreme // drabble (Levi x gender neutral!reader)
D-27 | 28 November // @levi-supreme // selfship art (Levi and Rei)
D-26 | 29 November // @postwarlevi // fic (Levi x gender neutral!reader)
D-25 | 30 November // @youre-ackermine // drabble (Levi x fem!Hange)
D-24 | 01 December // @sparkywrites25 // fic (Levi x Petra)
D-23 | 02 December // @levi-supreme // moodboard (statistics professor Levi)
D-22 | 03 December // @levi-supreme // selfship post (Levi and I's four kids) // posting on @reikoackerman
D-21 | 04 December// @barbossa2319 // drabble (Levi x gender neutral!reader)
D-20 | 05 December // @jayteacups // fic (Levi x gender neutral!reader)
D-19 | 06 December // @postwarlevi // fic (Levi x fem!reader)
D-18 | 07 December // @levi-supreme // drabble (Levi x gender neutral!reader)
D-17 | 08 December // @postwarlevi // fic (Levi x fem!reader feat. 104th cadets)
D-16 | 09 December // @barbossa2319 // drabble (Levi x gender neutral!reader)
D-15 | 10 December // @sparkywrites25 // fic (fem!Levi x Petra)
D-14 | 11 December // @levi-supreme // fic (Levi x fem!reader)
D-13 | 12 December // @mootheskinnycowsblog // fic (Levi x fem!reader)
D-12 | 13 December // @we-are-so-close // fic (Levi x reader)
D-11 | 14 December // @jayteacups // drabble (Levi x gender neutral!reader)
D-10 | 15 December // @jayteacups // drabble (Levi x fem!reader)
D-9 | 16 December // @sparkywrites25 // fic (Levi x fem!reader)
D-8 | 17 December // @nelapanela94 // fic (Levi x fem!reader)
D-7 | 18 December // @ack3rlady // art (Levi)
D-6 | 19 December // @youre-ackermine // moodboard (Levi)
D-5 | 20 December // @barbossa2319 // fic (Levi x fem!reader)
D-4 | 21 December // @nneuwiller // fic (Levi x Mikasa)
D-3 | 22 December // @mootheskinnycowsblog // art (Levi)
D-2 | 23 December // @starstruckkittensweets // fic (Levi x fem!OC)
D-1 | 24 December // @sparkywrites25 // fic (Levi x fem!reader)
D-day | 25 December // @levi-supreme // selfship fic (Levi x Rei feat. our four kids) // posting on @reikoackerman
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meikuree · 2 years
shingeki no kyojin fic recs: hange zoë edition
in no particular order, here are some fics about hange zoë i’ve enjoyed reading. most of them are canonverse oneshots, ranging from 1k to 4k words in length, with an equal distribution of genfic and relationship-focused fic.
this list was compiled in Aug/Sep 2022, and I admittedly don’t keep up with snk fic often now, so anyone’s welcome to add self-recs or other recs in reblogs that you’ve enjoyed.
gen, pre-canon, missing scenes
Downriver by Lady_Bluebird (Levi & Hange | Gen | M rating | 1.2k) Hange patches Levi up in the woods after Zeke’s attack on him. M rated for graphic descriptions of violence and injury (it’s otherwise platonic, and centred on their professional relationship). a gritty, realistic look at their situation on the eve of the Rumbling.
knock down drag out by Senri (Levi & Hange | Gen | T rating | 1.6k) post-Wall Maria, Levi and Hange have a confrontation about Levi’s decision to give the serum to Armin. an excellent missing scene that builds on mere hints of Hange’s ambivalence about their involuntary promotion to Commander in canon to give them the airtime they deserve. we get to see exactly why and how being Commander’s a poisoned chalice for Hange, not to mention Hange’s resentment over the serum affair and Erwin’s death. Hange’s a principled person, but has their rough spots too; this fic showcases that well with nuance.
Zugzwang by Minos_forlorn (Pieck & Hange | Gen | G rating | 1.3k) Hange plays a game of chess with Pieck, while she’s captured and under their care in Paradis. a great look at these two connecting with each other outside of the circumstances within the manga, with good character insight into both of them.
Hanji's Notebook by lightningwaltz (Gen | T Rating | 4k) a pre-canon look at hange’s backstory, told through excerpts from their notebook/journal. it’s written in first person POV, but don’t let that faze you: this fic nails Hange’s idiosyncratic but reflective thought process, which is an impressive feat. the worldbuilding & deeper scythe into the lives of the Survey Corps’s members is wonderful too!
relationship-focused fics
Acceptable Cost by gogollescent (Erwin/Hange | Other | T rating | 1.5k) a short fic centred around a birthday celebration for Erwin, that offers a peek into Hange’s wonderful camaraderie with their comrades, and Hange’s life + outlook in the Survey Corps before the start of the manga. the characterisation is wonderfully sharp and insightful. although it’s tagged Erwin/Hange, imo this can pass as Gen until the last few sections.
alike by soapyheels (Hange/Pieck | Other | T rating | 2k) short and well-written bittersweet look at Pieck’s post-canon situation as she reflects on some Rumbling interactions with Hange, featuring a deeper conversation than what we got in canon. beyond Hange’s role, I really liked the notes about Pieck’s inner conflict, and how Pieck was able to build bridges with an enemy commander, and the hopeful note this ended on.
Lose the Ballads by Anonymous (Hange/Petra, Other | T rating | 1k) Petra can carry her own weight and whatever the Corps has to throw at her, including Hanji Zoë. a short fic charting Petra’s first meeting with Hange and a subsequent (implied) relationship. excellent Hange voice and characterisation, with sharp and resonant prose too; I’m in love with the version of Hange presented here, whirlwind-like but principled and with hidden depths.      
And debauchee of dew by tselinoyarsk (snowlikeash) (Hange/Petra, F/F | T rating | 1k) Hanji learns not to just drink any little thing on Petra's drafting desk, else she be preyed upon. a short but fun interaction between petra and hange, featuring fun dialogue.
to end this off:
for my recs, please pretend I’m holding up a big stadium sign for all these saying “THIS FIC IS REALLY GOOD!!! you should be reading it!!” most of these fics are from criminally underrated authors, so the usual bromide applies: if you enjoy any of them, consider leaving kudos or a comment!
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
A few more photos and a video from yesterday in Asia Tour 2022-2023, the final performance in South Korea (Jinju, 04 June 2023).
Anneka Dacres as Demeter, who is leaving the cast, posts pictures before and during the show.
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Brad Little as Old Deuteronomy has a distraction when getting ready, with Katie Hutton as Rumpleteazer and Billy Mahoney as Mungojerrie being horrible Cats.
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It is also both Gabrielle Parker's (Jemima and cover Victoria) and Petra Ilse Dam's (Bombalurina) birthday today!
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Katie Hutton as Rumpleteazer, Taryn Donna as Cassandra, Meghan Peploe-Williams as Tantomile, and Saverio Pescucci as Admetus wish them a great day.
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YouTube Music created a selection of songs I listened to the most in the different seasons of 2022, and omg it’s so easy to track my obsession this way:) I tend to imagine a scene or a dance to almost every song I’m listening to, and of course, it’s always related to the characters I’m obsessing over at this moment.
So, my winter favorite:
🎶 Starset - My Demons
For me, it’s really the theme song for Rivamika (and the melody also fits so well for fighting scenes). Like, just look at the lyrics:
Take me high and I’ll sing
You make everything okay
We are one and the same
You take all of the pain away
… and this part: 💔
I need your help, I can’t fight this forever
I know you’re watching, I can feel you out there
My spring favorite:
🎶 Sia - Unstoppable
No words needed, it’s just a perfect song to describe Mikasa. I feel like almost every line suits her character so much.
My summer favorite:
🎶 Dua Lipa - Physical
Idk I just got very caught up in a few lines of this song, and I think they are kinda perfect to describe Levi and Mikasa’s dynamic:
Common love isn’t for us
We created something phenomenal
I think they really did, because their dynamic is just on another level 😭
And my autumn favorite:
🎶 Sam Smith & Kim Petras - Unholy
Not much to say in particular, just a good music to practice different dance styles (and dancing is quite a big part of my life, so yeah).
But we can all imagine Mikasa trying to make a surprise for Levi’s birthday by doing a dance to this song. And while she would be dancing, he would need to sit on the chair (maybe with his hands tied up behind his back) and she would be doing some very unholy things with her gorgeous hips and long legs (and the dance should totally end with her dancing on his lap, driving him absolutely crazy) 😏
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bree-t · 2 years
2022 was an eventful and challenging year in many ways:
-B and I struggled to find our groove as a married couple and committed to breaking our negative cycles and patterns together.
-We celebrated my dad’s 70th birthday (69 but 70 according to the Chinese calendar)
-I went roller skating with my nieces
-We hosted and celebrated LNY with yummy food and roasted marshmallows in the backyard.
-We went to an immersive art exhibit.
-I hung with my sister friends: painted with Lily and Catherine, visited Leslie, Nicole and Maya.
-Brent took me to see Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith for my belated birthday.
-celebrated Lily’s birthday with an escape room and brunch
-took my parents to the Ruth Bancroft Botanical Garden
-hosted my parents for lots of visits and meals
-picnicked by Lake Merritt with coworker friends
-had a board game day with the Lambs
-hosted Megan’s baby shower in SD with Diana
-volunteered to pack meals for Ukraine
-traveled to Cancun to celebrate Michael and Edison’s wedding and love with the UCSD fam
-road-tripped to visit Jordan and Nicole (and Maya and the pets!) in Sac
-celebrated Andrew and Bryce’s wedding in LA
-caught up with LA friends/fam: Andrew and Kyle and Garrett
-had a bbq girls date with my sister and nieces
-went to the AAPI Community Festival with Catherine and met the directors of Turning Red
-hosted the first in-person orientation and social events since the pandemic
-supported Aunt Carole’s garden club plant sale
-saw Mount Westmore (and probably caught covid there!)
-saw Oh Wonder with Lily
-met Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul!
-traveled to Bergen, Norway with Catherine and saw the fjords! (Also learned what a fjord is lol)
-traveled to Stockholm, Sweden to launch a Global Internships program and finally meet Sabrina and faculty I had been working with for years for the first time!
-reconnected with Gerald in Stockholm of all places!
-Brent got in a car accident but got a new suv (bigger for more cargo!)
-We saw and met Earth, Wind, and Fire and Santana.. from the 3rd row!!
-celebrated Jiten and Preeti’s wedding with UCSD residents and friends
-celebrated Fourth of July with Andrew, Kyle, Adrienne, Chris, and Brent - lots of wine and kbbq of course
-traveled to the Middle East for the first time, and explored Jordan and Israel (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa)
-explored Wadi Rum and Petra
-launched a new program in Haifa, Israel - a project that I started years ago
-celebrated Bobby and Perry’s colorful Toshiba themed wedding in Monterey
-celebrated our one year wedding anniversary!
-celebrated Brent’s birthday in SF with the stranger things experience and a seafood dinner
-danced the night away at the Backstreet Boys concert
-relived my youth at a throwback concert with Nelly, Ja Rule, Ashanti, and Lloyd
-went to a Giants game for Victor’s 70th birthday
-volunteered to host Comedy Night for Cal freshman - for the first time since the pandemic
-caught up with Global Glimpse Brent over Indian food
-hosted Madison and Leah for a sleepover: and played lots of animal crossing and games
-saw Jazz is Dead in SF
-saw Kendrick Lamar!
-spent Labor Day in Mendocino: eating bomb seafood, picnicking at the winery, and walking to see the seals
-celebrated Catherine’s birthday at Rupaul’s Werk the World Tour
-celebrated Maya’s 6th birthday
-drag brunch with coworkers and friends
-family trip to Groveland and Yosemite to hike, eat, and drink
-taught a freshman seminar class - in-person!
-hiked Muir Woods with Alyssa, Clark, and Brent and had bomb Puerto Rican food after
-saw Lupe Fiasco in SF
-presented at the Diversity Abroad Conference in SF
-presented at FORUM CIGL in Milan, Italy
-traveled to Lake Como, Bellagio, and Verona in Italy and Lugano, Switzerland with Lily.
-celebrated Scott and Kristen’s wedding
-celebrated Kenzie’s 3rd birthday
-celebrated my 34th birthday with Jose in Arnold
-finally took my parents to HOPR!
-hosted the fam for thanksgiving hot pot
-celebrated thanksgiving dinner with the Costas
-saw Clue at the Lescher Center for Performance Arts with Brent’s parents
-saw Bow Wow, Lloyd, and other throw back artists
-went to Disneyland and California Adventure, and got to stay at the Grand Californian Hotel!
-took a day trip to Petaluma to reset and reinvest in our relationship
-ate and drank our way through a cheese advent calendar with Adrienne and Josephine
-watched my nieces perform in their annual Hoike
-celebrated a quiet Christmas with our little family
-visited my parents in LA for a couple days, managed cancelled flights and rented a car to get home
-celebrated a belated Christmas with Brent’s parents, Sharon, and aunt Carole
-and ended the year with a flood garage!
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diazzvso · 2 years
okay, so time for a proper introduction post !
(dni list is at the bottom)
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My name is devin, i have many nicknames so feel free to call me pretty much whatever you’d like, i’m not very picky. Anyways, i’m mexican, ftm (pronouns are he/him), and so painfully gay.
My main interest right now is thg/tbosas and scream.
Here are some of my show and movie interests.
The walking dead, proud and also sad to say i’ve been apart of the fandom since season two. proud because the experience was something else, sad because…the experience was something else😭. I love all of them so much but my top favorite characters are Michonne, Abraham, Rosita, and Gabriel.
The maze runner, god i got into that series the beginning of 2022 and let me tell you…those movies were all i could think about until late july. I’ve also started reading the books (i finally got the full series for my birthday!!) and while i’m still on book one, i know things from the other books and i’m so excited but scared at the same time. I ship newtmas, die hard newtmas stan, i cannot lie. My fav characters are Newt, Minho, Brenda, and Teresa.
The black phone, there will always be a special place in my heart for that movie.
Jane the virgin, DUDE IT’S SO…i’m currently rewatching it and i’m in season three. Abuela and Petra are my favs, i cannot lie. Also it’s kinda helping my spanish so at least there’s that.
Orange is the new black. I’m on season two and my god😭
Now my other interests…
Sharks. Sharks have been my fav thing since fifth grade. My favorite sharks are great whites, lemon sharks, and nurse sharks. I’m still learning, of course everyone is always learning but what i mean is i’m still somehow new to the scene. I actually plan on going to university for marine biology.
I love to paint, my brain and body like to make it difficult but i do love it. I’m currently working on a painting for my mother. It was supposed to be a wedding gift, but now it’s going to be a very late one. At least i’ve taken my time on it though.
Music, music is part of my life line istg. I love Novo Amor, Tom rosenthal, I prevail, ICP, lana del rey, AC/DC, Queen, Frankie Valli and the four seasons, and tomo. I grew up with “older parents” so there will always be love for 60’s-80’s music. Of course there are others, but yk.
Despite my firm belief that tiktok is a hellish place to be, it’s like i live there. I have an editing account, he’s been through many phases. Of course, what i edit most as of right now is the black phone - especially vance. Editing takes up so much of my time, but that’s going to change once i start this damn factory job.
Pro-shippers are an immediate no, and anyone who “thirsts” or defends the grabber. Along with that, if you’re sexualizing children and such, consider that a very hard no, as well.
Homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. are not welcome here and never will be. I want my account to be as safe as possible. I will not tolerate any of the above toward myself or others.
I don’t care too much on how old you are, unless you’re pushing thirty five or are thirteen and under. I’m seventeen.
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sparkywrites25 · 2 years
Mine Forever
Summary: Petra has a question for Levi.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral | Rivetra
Notes: This is for Rei's "Happy Birthday Levi" event
Taglist: @lunar-rainclouds @captain-natey @1wholeheartedly-nii @levi-supreme
“I’ll admit,” Levi remarked thoughtfully, her watchful eyes following the snowfall beyond the window, “coming here wasn’t a bad call.”
Beyond the windows, the pines were blanketed by thick snow and the sky shone pink in the late afternoon sunset. The sounds of the wind were dying down at last and the thick logs of the cabin walls kept most of the chill out. Any that made it inside was swallowed up by the flames that danced in the fireplace. A small mirror occupied the centre of the mantlepiece, reflecting the image of the couple on the sofa, arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders, hands rubbing at each other’s chests. 
Petra smiled, leaning her face into her lover’s temple, nosing Levi’s silky, dark hair. “Told you we’d be warm enough,” she murmured, kissing her cheek. “And your paperwork will keep until Wednesday.”
“I’m not thinking about that,” Levi answered, lifting her hand from Petra’s heart to move some stray ginger hairs away from her face. 
“You’re always thinking about that,” Petra teased, her hand taking hold of her girlfriend’s wrist and bringing it to her lips. 
A smirk played on Levi’s lips as she nudged Petra’s chin with her fingers. “Not right now,” she whispered, her hand cupping Petra’s cheek as she leaned in to kiss her lips. It was a short kiss, leaving a warm, sweet tingle once it was over, their noses still bumping gently. 
Between the warmth of the fire and Levi’s touch, Petra’s face had flushed beautifully. So Levi kissed her again, deeper and longer. She felt her lover melt into this kiss, leaning into Levi’s chest and tilting her head up, allowing Levi to cup her cheek more fully, her thumb brushing her jaw. 
It had taken a great deal of persuasion to get the captain to agree to actually use some of her leave especially during the winter. It was just enough time away for a break; a couple of days in the heart of Wall Rose’s countryside. Away from “shitty crowds”, Levi had commented with quiet approval when she and Petra had arrived and set their horses up in the stable next door. Now, a couple of hours had passed and the aches from long hours of riding had disappeared along with winter’s chill. 
Petra’s hands explored her girlfriend’s shoulders, rubbing out any remaining tension from them while they kissed. Levi relaxed into her arms, making her insides flush with pride that she could do this, make her captain feel good. 
They broke away from the kiss to breathe and Levi nuzzled Petra’s cheek, her breath blowing hot against it. “You’re so beautiful,” she told her, pressing her lips there. “So gorgeous,” she added along with another kiss. 
Trembling under her touch, Petra’s hands moved to rub at Levi’s waist as her lips found her lover’s again, briefly. “You’re the exquisite one,” she argued between kisses. 
Levi shook her head gently as she pulled back an inch or so. “You’re not gonna win this debate,” she assured Petra, kissing her over and over, leaning forward, chest pressing Petra down until she lay beneath her, limbs entwined. Pale fingers skimmed down Petra’s side and thigh, making the younger woman sigh into the kisses. The glow from the fire transformed the smaller woman’s hair into gold. Levi stared at her in captivated adoration for many seconds, causing Petra’s smile to turn bashful.
Levi blinked and moved in for another kiss, this time deepening it. 
Petra’s arms wrapped around her, as love flooded through her all over again, hitting her chest like a pillow; soft but it still took her breath away. The fading light of sunset framed Levi like heavenly rays and Petra’s breath caught in her throat. Words, usually her friend, failed to come and so she reached up to cup her lover’s face. 
She was so lucky, Petra knew well enough, to have these days with Levi, to hold her like this. To be wrapped up in their own world for a while. A haven away from the cruelty of the world. There were so many reasons to be afraid, to be cautious of pursuing happiness when you were a Scout and your life was in significantly more peril. But that only made it all the more important to do what you wanted, while you could. 
I can’t wait.
All her thoughts of the perfect setting, the ideal time and the best build up, vanished from Petra’s mind as she gazed up lovingly at her captain, her lover, her friend. 
“I love you,” she breathed, stroking the shadows under Levi’s eyes. “I love you, captain.”
Levi’s eyes carried a myriad of emotions as she gazed down at Petra who could read the same uncertainty, amazement, love and disbelief that radiated from them. They lingered there for just a moment before she lowered her forehead to Petra’s, her eyes closing. “Love you too,” she breathed. “Fuck, I love you.” Her hands rubbed up and down Petra’s sides as she leaned in for yet another ,kiss which Petra happily returned. 
“Marry me then,” Petra whispered. 
Everything stilled at once. The flames seemed to freeze; silence fell over the room except for the thumping of Petra’s increasingly nervous heart. 
Above her, Levi’s eyes were rounder than she’d ever seen them. The blue in the grey was particularly prominent in the firelight and her jaw had dropped just a little. Petra might even have called her adorable if she wasn’t so invested in the raven-haired woman’s response. 
The silence continued and anxiety crept into Petra’s chest. Her brain tried to force it down. It’s a big question. Give her time. 
“Are you serious?” Levi whispered. “You really want that with me?” The confusion was painted so vividly on her face that Petra’s heart hurt to see it. 
Is it really so unthinkable that I should love you and want to make this commitment to you?
“Yes,” Petra cupped her girlfriend’s face, fingers caressing them, holding her gaze as her own filled with all the love, the adoration and patience that she could summon. “Yes,” she said with more emphasis. “Why wouldn’t I? I love you. I’ve always wanted to marry someone I love and… Captain, that’s you.”
Levi watched her face thoughtfully, pursing her lips. Her cheeks grew pinker but it was difficult to tell if the warmth there was down to her blushing or the heat of the fire. “I didn’t- I haven’t really- I’ve never cared about all that official shit. It’s really just a fancy document.”
It took some serious effort for Petra to bite back her disappointment. So that’s a no? She doesn’t believe in marriage then? Even though there was always the possibility that Levi might refuse, Petra had allowed herself that dangerous emotion, had let it bloom inside her and lead her imagination lead her off down mesmerizing trails full of images of their wedding: saying their vows, kissing Levi for the first time and retiring into each other’s arms that night. But those images were fading now.
“You can say no,” Petra whispered, shame filling her cheeks and, regrettably, her voice. “It was just an idea.”
“No.” Levi’s hand moved to cup Petra’s cheek and Petra’s chest sank at once as she lowered her forehead to Petra’s, their noses bumping gently. Levi’s face contorted into a painful grimace. “No! That’s not-” she bowed her head a little. “I’m not saying no to that. I’m-” She released an annoyed huff. “I just never thought anyone would want that with me. I’m not exactly marriage material.”
Petra’s chest unclenched and some of the tension that had swept through her muscles began to ease off. She continued to stroke her captain’s cheek. “What is marriage material?” she whispered, lip shifting into a tiny smile. “Do you love me?”
Levi’s lips touched hers without hesitation. “I do love you. More than anything. This isn’t about- never doubt that, please.” Petra could hear some anxiety there. 
“I don’t. I just think maybe you’re over-thinking what marriage material means. All I need is for you to love me and for us to look after each other.” Petra moved one hand to cup the back of Levi’s neck. “That’s literally all I want from you.”
“It’s really that simple to you?”
“Yeah. But I know marriage isn’t something everyone wants,” Petra told her. Levi’s insistence that this wasn’t a rejection hadn’t completely settled the growing feeling in Petra’s chest; that she was beginning to wish that she’d just left the whole matter alone now. That she hadn’t potentially ruined their little break. “So please don’t feel-”
“It’s not— I don’t feel obliged,” Levi assured her with another kiss. “I love you. I just want you to be sure. That you want me for that long.”
“Levi… I want you forever,” Petra promised, arms looping around her neck. “Just you.” Propping herself up on her elbows, she met her lover in a kiss.
Levi returned it, drawing it out with a gentle increase of pressure, her hands moving to squeeze Petra’s waist. “Ask me again,” she murmured. 
Petra bit her lip with a smile, her hands returning to cup Levi’s cheeks. She took a deep breath and pecked her lover’s lips. “Marry me,” she whispered then kissed her again. “Marry me.” Another kiss. “Marry me.” This time she giggled quietly into the kiss. “Marry me.”
A smile began to spread over Levi’s face between the kisses and multiple proposals. Petra swore she heard a small huff of laughter before her lover finally answered. 
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tgnite14 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Petra McNairy from Fire Emblem: Three Houses on September 7th! (Re-Uploaded for Tumblr) (Drawing #1 of September and Drawing #38 of 2022) (Drawn on September 7th. Re-Uploaded on December 18th.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmVGN1-jHfXVXkQ4Aq4EbuB1nYswt0oovZwxhk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The adventures of 2022
I can’t not begin to explain about all the events that have taken place since March. Although I will because that is the point of this post LOL. Where do begin?
Let’s start with the fun stuff like the many other concerts I attended. I went to LA pride were I finally saw Christina Aguilera!!!! Who brought up Kim Petras, and Paris Hilton on stage! Let’s just say that it was well money spent. I also saw Avril Lavigne!!! I can’t believe it that I finally was able to see my child hood idles! 
My birthday was so amazing! Sami and I went to big bear, rented a cabin, and just was in nature. It was so great to get out of the city and just be in nature and away from life. I hate the idea of being 32 but I feel like 31 was such a great year filled with a lot of great memories. I really wanted 31 to be a great year and I feel like I accomplished that. 
I can’ t believe I am about to write about school but in a positive way! That spring semester I was taking history class and I had to write all these essays and it was terrible but I did it! I got a B in the class. In the summer I had taken an art film class. Basically I had to watch two films every week. I had to write two essays which was terrifying BUT I was successful at it. I ended up getting an A in the course AND was like legit mad that the course was over. I really did enjoy that course a lot. I wish a lot of my other classes were set up the same way. 
This semester I am taking an English class but in person and I am taking a math class but that one is online. I am actually enjoying myself this semester. It definitely has its challenging and I am of course procrastinating assignments but I am working on my self to now do that as much or as hard. 
Although great things have been happened. I almost lost Salem. He had urinary blockage and required medical treatment that cost what feels like a million dollars but he is better now and doing better. I’ve been feeding him his special foods and I’ve only been giving him filtered water. 
I was to finish this year out strong. This year is the year of self. Self-care, Self-love, Self-Respect, and Self-reliant. I’ve done vast improvements in how I view myself, my surroundings, and what I have aligned for myself in the future. 
Goals that I was to success to finish out 2022. I want to have a morning, getting home, and night routine! I don’t have any. I’ve been struggling. I want to work even better at planning things. I feel like when it comes to work and school I have no problem showing up but when it comes to anything else I take like 5 million years to show up and I think that really says alot about myself. I want to start something that helps my soul and my peace of mind and I should up like how I do for school and work. 
2023, I want it to be the year of adventure. To take the learnings that I’ve gain, take the things that I’ve manifested for and life them out in 2023. Something that I’ve notice I’ve been lacking. I haven’t been feeling like myself lately. I’ve been doing these great things but something keeps pulling to think back to times like when I was younger and surround by friends and trips and back to when I used to do Make Up videos. I miss the creative, go getting self I used to be. I feel like I’ve been working on myself and manifest things that it’s time that I start to feel again and go live again. idk. it’s weird and hard for me to explain but my future self who reads this will understand and hopefully isn’t having this problem.
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levi-supreme · 2 years
I'd like to be greedy and request a fourth date please. I'd like to do a fem!levi x petra piece so may I take 10th December please?
Hi Sparky!!!!!!! Oh yes definitely yes!!!!! Don't worry, be as greedy as you like!! I would be more than happy to see you joining with more pieces too!!!!! <3
Thank you so much for joining with so many works, I really appreciate it! 😭💞
Rei's event: Happy Birthday Levi 2022 (status: Open!!)
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sleeperswakewriting · 3 years
Someone To Say
Rating: M
Summary: Born with a face that only a mother could love, Levi resigned himself to be Petra's best friend, no matter how in love with her he was. It doesn’t matter they made a vow to marry one another when they were children, or that joining the Survey Corps meant a short life for him.
Enter Erwin Smith, a charismatic man whose horizons stretched further than what Levi or Petra could imagine. He has his heart set on the Scouts, on Petra, and a friendship with Levi.
What could go wrong?
[Based on the 2022 movie, Cyrano!]
Read it here!
fic is complete, 2 chapter updates every day to Friday!
Happy belated birthday @heybeybey ily 😘 🎂 🎉
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thran-duils · 3 years
my winter 2022 playlist has just been blowing UP because everyone is releasing singles and albums and FUCK. it’s so good. not everything on the playlist was released in 2022 but a lot of it was. it’s just when i happened to hear it. i try to not repeat songs from the same album but.... 2 chainz got a pass
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please put me in a medically induced coma -- carolesdaughter
orange -- julianna joy, ariza
the beginning of the end -- (crosses)
gaslight -- softcult
rule of nines -- spiritbox
little bother -- king princess, foushee
shinigami eyes -- grimes
call me little sunshine -- ghost
johnny p’s caddy -- benny the butcher, j. cole
like you love me -- luna vexa
lose you to love me -- andromida, halflives
soft drink -- cherry glazerr
pop music -- 2 chainz, moneybagg yo, beatking
in maidjan -- heilung
kingmen ghostwriter -- 2 chainz, lil baby
bite me -- avril lavigne
xxx -- kim petras
new moon -- mo
magic -- vince staples, mustard
joder -- kenia os, snow the product
mansion world -- deadsy
king -- florence + the machine
fascination -- the birthday massacre
skinnydipped -- banks
come back -- blvck ceiling
rotting -- polica
freaks -- nez, moodymann, gangsta boo
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