#our houseplant
flowerishness · 2 years
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Most flowering plants follow a pattern: drab foliage - colorful flowers. Obviously, the coleus didn’t get that particular memo and instead, it has small (almost insignificant) flowers and its gorgeous leaves are the big attraction.
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miles from nowhere
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ghosts-cyphera · 8 months
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If I was a cat would you let me sleep at the foot of the bed and then wake you up at 5 am screaming for food?
LMAO if you were a cat I’d haul my ass up from bed at 5 am to feed you, and wouldn’t even get mad if you pushed water glasses off tables or went digging in all my plant pots. I have nothing but unconditional love for my best girl mwah!! 💗
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plantanarchy · 5 months
huh it's almost hort week 3 already how'd that happen
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potpiehead · 5 months
about to start my period feeling like a sad baby animal again
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
NOW I'm thinking about how Angeal and Genesis have canonically argued about houseplants and I'm so _ (:ì」∠)_ over them just being Some Guys with normal human interactions and silly little moments
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perversionsofjustice · 9 months
Ok bear with me, because I'm about to go off on a tangent. Due to my current hyperfixation on all things houseplants, I have recently spent what my partner referred to as a "concerning" amount of money and time tending to/learning about/procuring plants and their related accessories.
Now I'm not saying he's totally wrong in feeling like I might be going off the deep end in my pursuit of dopamine but in my defense, I offer this: YEAH BUT THEY ARE FUN. AND CUTE. AND SHUT UP ITS MY MONEY LEAVE MY PLANT BABIES OUT OF THIS
But seriously, i promised I'd stop buying so much stuff from Amazon, and I did. But then I realized that you can buy all kinds of different plant cuttings and starter plants on Etsy, and I ended up buying a select variety that I really want but don't want to pay $100+ for a plant in a 6 inch pot. Some of these prices for trendy plants are insane! Anyway I'm kind of obsessing over Philodendrons so I got 3 oh-so-trendy starters that were about $20 each:
Philodendron Ring of Fire
Philodendron White Wizard
Philodendron Gloriosum (dark form)
And I also got cuttings of the following for $3.95 each:
N'Joy Pothos
Marble Queen Pothos
Manjula Pothos
I don't know if anybody that follows me is into plants, but I'm really happy about this and again, yeah, I know it's still spending money, but the way I look at it is, I'm SAVING money by getting smaller plants plus I get the enjoyment of watching them grow bigger in a controlled environment! So, you know, I'm not saying it's the most responsible thing to do but listen...have you seen what's happening in the world lately? Shit is depressing and I need to touch leaves sometimes
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thebashfulbotanist · 2 years
i bought this hairy wee barrel cactus out of poundies do you know what species it might be? i don't want it to die lol tysm!!!!!
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Unfortunately, we can't help with this one! There are hundreds of species of cacti, many globular like this one, and probably thousands of cultivars. A lot of plants, cacti included, cannot be successfully identified without a flower. One of us has an Opuntia and an Epiphyllum (which this is clearly not - we can rule those out at least!) that require a little more water than usual when actively growing, but care for different cacti may differ. Generally, you would want to let the soil dry out completely, then give it a deep water, while not allowing any water to collect below the pot. Make sure the soil is well-draining. That advice is no more helpful than what a quick Google search could offer, though!
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steevejr · 9 months
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discarded leaves
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rgbcym · 11 months
good morning I made jam from blackberries from my mum's garden and had it with marscapone cheese on toast for breakfast 👍
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flowerishness · 1 year
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Begonia heracleifolia (Starleaf begonia)
The genus Begonia contains more than 2,000 species and tens of thousands of cultivars. Seven hundred species are classified as rhizomatous begonias and this particular Starleaf begonia is native to Mexico. The original plant has pink flowers and the leaves are not nearly as hairy so this is a cultivar. Begonia heracleifolia was originally identified in 1830 so plant breeders have had plenty of time to experiment. 
Begonia heracleifolia has male and female flowers on the same plant. This one’s a female. Our Starleaf begonia gets the morning sun and then it’s in shade for the rest of the day. Ideally they need three to six hours of sunshine a day, so we have ours growing in optimal conditions. A nice thing about this plant is that it flowers in late winter/early spring and it’s a welcome bit of excitement in the houseplant collection at this time of year.
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bonesblubs · 2 years
hhnghgnghngnh sir,,,ma'am,,,,,your epicness,,,,idk your pronouns but I'm literally in love w your art n you seem like rlly rlly cool person,,,,,,you inspire me sm and it's my first time interacting w someone on Tumblr but HGNGNGNGN I LOVE YOUUUU PLS HAVE A SWELL DAY MAY YOUR PLANTS BE WATERED AND YOUR SKIN CLEAR <<<<3333
GSKSGSKDNDK thank you aaaa!! I’m worse irl I promise gxksgskdfsksgsk <333
I usually use she/they , but any pronouns are okay!!! My skin is turning clear as we speak, translucent in fact; soon all that will be visible are my Bones!!!!!
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wanderingguest · 11 months
+ @quixoticfcrged ( starter call ) muse : A.N.N.A. Dancing with the Devil by Demi Lovato
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"I told you I was fine, but I was lyin'."
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plantanarchy · 1 year
I once again repeat that houseplant focused costumers who go to a greenhouse in May and expect an extensive houseplant collection to the extent that they leave bad reviews on Google are literally braindead
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dilfian · 2 years
ok well. i think its done. join my gc tuals :-)
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W.I.P Jim
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