#our jimin received an award
aricastmblr · 8 months
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Padre de Jimin desde su cuenta oficial de su cafetería compartió fotos de jimin de su ceremonia de finalización de su entrenamiento de cinco semanas - ceremonia de graduación del campo de entrenamiento de Jimin 17 ene. 2024
magnate_official_ instagram e instagram stories sale j.m jimin
안녕하세요 ZM-illennial(메그네이트)입니다 다들 우산 챙기셨나요? 곧 비가 내릴것 처럼 흐린 날씨입니다 비 소식을 기다리시던 분들에게는 반가움이 걱정하시던 분들에게는 위로를 전하며 촉촉한 하루가 되시길 바랍니다
길다면 길고 짧다면 짧은 5주간의 수료식을 마쳤습니다 아미 여러분들의 응원과 꾸준하게 보내주시는 관심과 사랑 덕분입니다 1년 5개월이 라는 시간이 어떻게 보면 길지만 짧은 시간 일 수도 있습니다 봄 여름 가을 겨울 사계절을 보내다보면 곁으로 와 있을것 같습니다 아미 여러분들이 큰 힘이 되었습니다 진심으로 감사드립니다 . . . Hello, I'm ZM-illennial Did you all bring your umbrellas? Like it's going to rain soon It's cloudy. For those who were waiting for the news of the rain, I'd like to send my comfort to those who were worried, and I hope you have a moist day
If it's long, if it's short, it's a five-week completion ceremony It's over. Thanks to ARMY's support and love, 1 year and 5 months can be a long time, but it can be a short time. Spring rain, rainy rain, showers, and heavy rain will be next to you ARMY gave me a lot of strength I heartily thank you. . . . こんにちは。ZM-illennial(メグネイト)です 皆さん、傘は持ってきましたか? もうすぐ雨が降りそうです 曇天です 雨の便りを待っていた方々には嬉しさが心配された方々には慰労を伝えながらしっとりとした一日になることを願います
長いといえば長く、短いといえば短い5週間の修了式を 終えました ARMYの皆さんの応援と、 地道に送ってくださる関心と愛のおかげです 1年5ヶ月という時間がある意味長いですが、短い時間かもしれません 春雨、梅雨、夕立、大雨、この雨を何度か送るとそばに来ていると思います ARMYの皆さんが大きな力になりました 誠にありがとうございます
zm_illennial_official instagram e instagram stories sale j.m jimin
안녕하세요 ZM-illennial(메그네이트)입니다 다들 우산 챙기셨나요? 곧 비가 내릴것 처럼 흐린 날씨입니다 비 소식을 기다리시던 분들에게는 반가움이 걱정하시던 분들에게는 위로를 전하며 촉촉한 하루가 되시길 바랍니다
길다면 길고 짧다면 짧은 5주간의 수료식을 마쳤습니다 아미 여러분들의 응원과 꾸준하게 보내주시는 관심과 사랑 덕분입니다 1년 5개월이 라는 시간이 어떻게 보면 길지만 짧은 시간 일 수도 있습니다 봄 여름 가을 겨울 사계절을 보내다보면 곁으로 와 있을것 같습니다 아미 여러분들이 큰 힘이 되었습니다 진심으로 감사드립니다 . . . Hello, I'm ZM-illennial Did you all bring your umbrellas? Like it's going to rain soon It's cloudy. For those who were waiting for the news of the rain, I'd like to send my comfort to those who were worried, and I hope you have a moist day
If it's long, if it's short, it's a five-week completion ceremony It's over. Thanks to ARMY's support and love, 1 year and 5 months can be a long time, but it can be a short time. Spring rain, rainy rain, showers, and heavy rain will be next to you ARMY gave me a lot of strength I heartily thank you. . . . こんにちは。ZM-illennial(メグネイト)です 皆さん、傘は持ってきましたか? もうすぐ雨が降りそうです 曇天です 雨の便りを待っていた方々には嬉しさが心配された方々には慰労を伝えながらしっとりとした一日になることを願います
長いといえば長く、短いといえば短い5週間の修了式を 終えました ARMYの皆さんの応援と、 地道に送ってくださる関心と愛のおかげです 1年5ヶ月という時間がある意味長いですが、短い時間かもしれません 春雨、梅雨、夕立、大雨、この雨を何度か送るとそばに来ていると思います ARMYの皆さんが大きな力になりました 誠にありがとうございます
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Nuestro Jimin se graduó en primer lugar.
Jimin sostiene el Honor del "Más Ejemplar" (The Most Exemplary Trainee)con un ramo. Jimin ganó el HONOR DE EJEMPLAR con el elogio del Jefe de DIVISIÓN.
Este reconocimiento se otorga al alumno con las calificaciones generales más altas de todas las evaluaciones.
El soldado Jimin Jungkook está asignado a uno de los batallones de la brigada de artillería de la 5.ª División de Infantería.
Jimin Jungkook se han convertido oficialmente en soldados.
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bangtanhoneys · 9 months
The Grammy Awards - Part Three.
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Part 2
It was amazing how quickly the South Korean government could move when it needed to. The news had arrived on the President’s desk the moment the Grammy’s had ended in Los Angeles, 17 hours behind them. It was all over other various media sites as Seoul and the rest of the nation were waking up to the news that BTS had secured two Grammy wins with their female member, Grace Chu. 
She had won 7 Rings - Record of the Year and In My Head - Album of the Year, with Bang-PD & PDogg also receiving their own Grammy’s as producers of the album. It was a huge accomplishment considering BTS had been up for similar awards so many times and had walked home empty handed every time. The fact that they had been even nominated was a huge accomplishment but now they could hold their heads up high and say their female member had won it for them. 
The military had given Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi & Namjoon an extra day of leave after the news had arrived so they could be part of Grace’s welcome home party. The government had been quick to act - a hero’s welcome home for opening the door to the rest of the world of idols and K-Pop that a Grammy could be won. 
Of course, some said it was because her song was in English and that she was British had a hand in it. Her citizenship was always a bone of contention amongst some Koreans that she had never given up her British identity, preferring to be dual. And there were the anti-fans who thought their groups deserved it more than she did, that she hadn’t done any hard work, hadn’t done any of the lyrics (although Grace had her name on every song credit) and it just continued as the news was pumped around. 
No one cared though. 
It came down to one simple thing: Grace Chu had won two Grammys in a single night, for an album she had worked her bum off for with two of the men that had always been number one supporters of her solo career. 
HYBE were already making plans to open a special display for the awards, her costumes, and her dress and hype it up even more. 
For Grace, it had been a blur. From the moment her name had been called for the first award, then the second, and then backstage where everyone had congratulated her and there were sooo many celebrities clambering to get a photo with her, and the boys were on the phone sending their congratulations and by the time they got back to the hotel with a police escort, Grace had simply asked: “What the hell has just happened?”
There was champagne, expensive bottles of it, being popped and her father had drunk at least one bottle on his own. Her mother had been calling Korea, telling their friends and family about the night and Sejin had been updating HYBE, Big Hit and the boys with what was going on. 
Grace sat down next to Bang-PD and he reached over, putting his hand on her knee to pat it. “Hell of a night?” he asked, laughing. 
“You could say that again,” she gently laughed and ran a hand over her face. She was more than ready to get the makeup off, get the dress off and have a long shower then crawl into bed. All the stress of the night had melted away the moment the hotel door opened.
“I’m proud of you though, Hea. You work exceedingly hard, double that of the boys and yet you never wanted anything at the end of the day. You simply go with the flow and if it happens, it happens. But look at what happened tonight - your performance and two awards in your name.”
“Our name,” Grace corrected with a grin. “Our name, PD-nim. You, me and PDogg. We each get our own in three months.”
“Three months?” he asked, looking horrified. “Hang on, I need to make some calls.”
She guessed he hadn’t heard that part when they had gone backstage to do photos and they had taken the awards off them, explaining that these were simply props and they would receive the actual ones in the post in three months. 
Sejin sat down next to her and let out a large breath, running a hand over his face, through his hair and slipped his glasses off. “Wonder if they're doing room service right now?” he asked, wiping the corner of his eye.
“I could do with a big greasy burger with extra pickles and a cola,” Grace sighed. If there was going to be a cheat day, now would be it. 
Bang-PD came back just as room service was bringing in trays of burgers and fries and cola, complimentary from the hotel for what she had won tonight. “Perfect timing,” he said as he swiped his own burger and took a seat next to his artist and her manager. 
“So, want to hear some good news?”
Grace and Sejin turned to look at him, eyebrows raised with matching expressions as their mouths were taking a bite out of their burgers. It made Bang-PD laugh and he waved a hand, letting them carry on eating.
“I spoke to the Grammys, we can pick up the awards on the way to the airport. They are going to rush-order them as it were. Took a bit of talking but we did it and the President has been on the phone.”
“President of South Korea?” both Grace and Sejin asked.
“That one. He’s got the information of our flight tomorrow and we’re landing in Incheon around 5:30pm so he’s going to roll out the red carpet as it were. It’s going to be a big hero’s welcome - press, photos, a little bit of a speech, and the boys are going to be there. They're off but they’ve been asked to come in their military dress for the day.”
“Jin is going to hate that,” Grace laughed as she threw the extra pickles in her mouth. “So is Yoongi.”
“From what I’ve heard, they're planning their own celebration dinner for you, us, and their families. So be warned,” Bang-PD said as he reached over to wipe some sauce from her chin.
“You always look after me,” Grace grinned as she took a napkin and wiped at her chin anyway.
“You are his favourite after all,” Sejin mentioned. 
Their flight was leaving Los Angeles at 10:50am so everyone said their goodnights and went to bed. The next morning, it was a bit of a hurry to get the crew moving though Grace’s parents had opted to stay an extra day to avoid the chaos that would be awaiting them when they got home. 
The airport was chaotic anyway and they had managed to get to the first class lounge without much issue even though there were plenty of people with cameras and phones out. The Grammy Awards, which had arrived three hours ago as promised, were locked in a large briefcase which went on with Bang-PD and a bodyguard and had to have special clearance. 
For Grace, it was still a bit of a blur. She hadn’t fully processed what had happened and she hadn’t fully realised the magnitude of winning such an award was going to bring to her, the boys, the company and the country. 
BTS had always talked about how the goal was a Grammy and though they didn’t need one to know their success, it would have been nice to point at it and say ‘We won that.’ No one had ever talked about what winning one would actually mean in the grander sense of things - it opened the doors for other artists out of South Korea to put forward for an award. That anything was now possible thanks to Grace opening up that opportunity. 
When she settled in her seat and they had taken off, she had sent a message to the group chat with the boys, unsure if any of them would be awake or active with the time difference.
‘On the flight home - it’s a 14-hour flight so I’ll see you at whatever time that is.’
Unsurprisingly, it was Yoongi who answered.
‘We have to wear our military dress uniforms. I hate you so much.’
Grace grinned and took a screenshot of the moment when her name flashed up on the screen when she had won her first Grammy and sent it over with the message: ‘Not my fault I won.’
He sent back a grumpy looking selfie but Grace knew underneath all that he was happy and excited and proud.
They were an hour away from landing when Sejin came over to her seat.
“So this is roughly how it’s going to happen - everyone is going off the plane first and us last. And then we’re going through like we normally do but they’ve laid out a red carpet and they're going to have military personnel lining the carpet. When we get to the doors, it’s the usual cameras, photos, bow and wave. There’s going to be a small stage with Bang-PD and we’ll have one Grammy out so they can take photos, answer a few questions and then finish.”
“All this because of the Grammys,” Grace groaned and rubbed her eyes. “They're making it sound like I won every championship in every sport for South Korea. Rather than it just being a music award.”
“They did this when Son Heung-min won his Golden Boot and they did this when the Parasite director, Bong Jun Ho came home after winning an Emmy,” Sejin reminded her. 
“God help them when someone wins an award worth winning then,” Grace yawned as she stretched up her arms and started getting herself ready. 
Her make up artist did a quick job of covering any eye bags and making her presentable, brushing out her long hair that had been tied up in a messy bun for the flight. It felt too much for something so little.
But then Grace had always been good at downplaying anything. 
Even something as big as this. 
She felt the nerves twist when the last passenger was off as was the rest of the team, leaving only Sejin, Bang-PD and three bodyguards left on the plane with Grace. The pilot bowed at her when she passed and thanked her for her contributions, to which she bowed back and thanked him for keeping her safe. 
As predicted, there was a red carpet from where she stepped off the plane to the long hallway which would take her to arrivals. Her bags were already collected by the team that had got off before her. 
Letting out a deep breath, Grace glanced towards Bang-PD who winked at her and gave her a gentle push forward so she would be the first one out of the doors with two bodyguards flanking her. 
She bowed in thanks to those military personnel who lined the hallway for her and she could hear the noise the closer she got towards the doors though they had been closed and blocked off by military and police. 
The moment they parted and the doors opened, the noise became overwhelming. Screams from fans, from the general public to ARMY, to the press as they all tried to get a picture as she stood there, bowing in thanks.
A hand on her back from Sejin gently pushed her towards a stand that was put up with a podium with a microphone on it, the backdrop a mix of big names like HYBE, Big Hit Entertainment, the Blue House, Korea Air and the Grammys. There Bang-PD pulled out one of the Grammys and handed it to her and for the first time, she could feel the proper weight of it.
The prop had been lighter, for obvious reasons, but this felt heavy with its full metal and she could see her name engraved on the plaque at the bottom - both in Korean and English. 
Then the questions started.
Was she happy to be back home? 100%.
What did she think of her performance?  She was very happy with it and happy it went to plan, there were no hiccups. 
Did she wish the boys had been with her? Of course.
What did she think of the Grammys now she had won it?
The question made her pause and out of the corner of her eye, she could see her boys lined up at the side but at the back so they weren’t in the crowd. They were all watching but waved the moment she looked over. 
“It’s a grand prize for a lot of hard work that myself, Bang-PD and PDogg have put into this. But I still think I’m undeserving of this when I know for a fact that Bangtan Sonyeondan is more deserving of it as a group rather than me as a solo artist. However, I’m proud and I’m proud that I’ve opened the door for others and that this brings honour to my family and to my country that I’ve called home since I was a child.”
It seemed the appropriate response as the crowd cheered and she stepped back, handing the award to Bang-PD so he could answer his questions. 
She kept her eyes on the boys though. 
One lot of people pleasing to get through with photos and then she could be out of here, back at HYBE with her people and onto the next thing. 
She was out in record time with a police escort driving her from the airport to the company building, the Grammy briefcase now with her rather than Bang-PD who had gone to see the President of Korea himself. 
That’s all she needed to hear.
Her arms were trapped to her side as Jungkook rushed over, now in a t-shirt and shorts, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close. Jimin and Taehyung soon followed, Hobi followed straight after that with excited yells and finally, they were joined by Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin. 
“Thank god,” she sighed and leaned all her weight on her muscle bunny who happily accepted it. It felt good to be home, it felt good to be with her boys again. There was no need for more words even as the seven talked around her, mentioning the press conference. 
“Hang on,” Grace laughed as she pulled away. “Let me go and wash my face and wake up. That was a long flight and I don’t even know what time it is.”
They pulled away enough for her to grab the briefcase and hand it over to Namjoon, who blinked rapidly at her. “You can deal with that,” she said and headed off to the bathroom, with Seokjin following.
“This is going to look really weird if someone comes in,” Grace grinned as she watched him glance at the door as it closed behind him. She splashed cold water on her face and scrubbed at the make-up, splashing more water on her face.
Seokjin handed over a towel and leaned against the radiator, shrugging. “I’m sure the boys are betting on what we’re actually doing but I just wanted to say hello and I’m proud of you.”
The make up was off which made her skin felt a hundred times better and it felt like she could breathe for once as she used the towel to dry away the droplets. When it was all done, she walked over to her boyfriend and rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“I wished you had been with me,” she sighed.
“I know but your parents had a blast from the sounds of it and the night was meant to be about you and you only. Not me, not the rest of the guys, though wait till you hear the stories from when they were at mine - you’ll laugh your socks off,” he laughed and gave her a good squeeze, taking hold of her hand. “I’m very proud of you though.”
“Our time will come,” Grace nodded and smiled at the forehead kiss. “All eight of us.”
Her boyfriend dragged her back to the room where the rest of the boys were looking at the Grammy award, Namjoon holding one and Jimin holding the other.
“It doesn’t look like much, does it?” Taehyung mentioned. “All the prep, stress and everything else for something so small.”
“So what’s going to happen when they introduce us now? Is it going to be BTS with two time Grammy awarded singer, Grace Chu?” Yoongi asked, grinning over at his sister who glared at him and then gave him a good push on the other shoulder.
“Shut up. It doesn’t change anything, not for me anyway,” Grace sat down and shrugged. “If anything it’s more work because they’ll expect another album from me.”
“I’m going to say this now,” Namjoon started as he placed the award on the table. “We’re all very proud of you and we were watching with big smiles on our faces, though the outfit and dance moves need to be talked about. But regardless, she’s BTS. If anything, she’s become more important than me because everyone will want to see her more than us.”
Namjoon got a disgruntled look from his female member and he grinned in return. “Sorry noona, it’s time for you to step up to the plate now. I’ve done my job.”
“What job? I trained you, don’t forget,” Grace pointed out then pointed at each boy in return, especially Seokjin. “Don’t start getting all lackadaisical now. ARMY is waiting for us and you’ve all got months to go before some of you are back.”
“Yeah we need SK1,” Jungkook pointed out.
“Exactly,” Grace agreed. 
“Anyway,” Hobi clapped his hands as he stood, distracting Seokjin from trying to strangle the youngest. “Let’s go and celebrate! Noona deserves to be wined and dined. And then sleepover?”
“Yeah Jin-hyung has plenty of space,” Jimin agreed as he helped lock up the Grammy award. 
“I do?” the man in question asked just as Jungkook said, “Yeah he does. We can all sleep on the couch.”
Big Hit would later upload two photos from the boys to Grace - one with all of them together at the dinner, the Grammy Awards in the centre of the table and the second photo from Jungkook, taking a selfie with all of them fast asleep in the background. 
The perfect welcome home for the two-time award winning singer, Grace Chu. 
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
So I'm being reported...?
I came back from a 2 hour PET scan to find I'm being mass reported for "hating JK" and "spreading mis-info."
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Let me just tell you something right now. I don't state things willy-nilly; I do my best to find credible sources. This is the best source I can find on the rules around combined streams:
Spotify can link the tracks if there are matches to audio fingerprinting, artist names, track names, and ISRC codes.. [...] Tracks that are linked will subsequently share a play count.
So as far as I can tell, Seven tracks that share an ISRC are being combined in counts on Spotify. However, if anyone gets better info from Spotify, PLEASE let me know and I will of course update and work to spread the new info!
And, look, I may not be going berserk like I did for Face, but I stream, buy, and vote for Jungkook and all the tannies--of course JK and Taehyung, too. It's what Jimin would want, and it's what I feel is right.
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I'm OT7; I will never hate on any of our boys. I hope my character and my actions always speak for themselves, but if I lose my Twitter account--which I also use to vote for all 7 for awards, by the way--perhaps that's a sign from the universe that the environment there is too toxic to stay anyway.
No matter what happens, I'll still be supporting BTS to the best of my ability.
Love, Roo
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lokisasylum · 5 months
A ballet teacher that worked with RM last year while working on his album shared some tea that includes RM confirming that "Yes, Jimin has an album coming soon."
Now, as I was dicussing with some pjms moots. There's a particular line on this interview where the teacher says how RM was "thinking about where he would be in Jan (regarding the fandom and his own comeback). And as we know the entirety of the Maknae Line (RM included) enlisted in December together.
What this tells us and if we put our minds together...
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Is that A) Maybe RM's album was supposed to drop in January but due to enlistment it got pushed back, and then we also had v & jh who released a single and album individually. Now RM's new album is near the end of May, so if Jimin's album is after his...
B) We know that SOMEONE is dropping SOMETHING near FESTA so I doubt its near this, but we also have "Angel Pt.1"'s Anniversary in June. And we know July is OUT of the question because its that other song's anniversary and 🛴 said he would make "something huge for him" prolly another version/collab with the same big amount of payola.
In addition Jin is coming back this summer, but since those who come back from MS have to go through a "healing period", I don't think they'll drop his album right away.
So a summer album from Jimin is very far fetched, HOWEVER there IS a possibility of a SINGLE. Since Ayo The Producer already hinted that in 2024 they had something else to drop with him after the success of "Closer Than This". And we know since last year there was that rumored "Bebe Rehxa collab", and there's also the one with One Republic. So ANY of these 2 or 3 could drop this year.
I could take a wild guess and say "oh, on JIMTOBER", but too close to "end of years" is a risk for the album not being eligible for End Of Year Awards (especially now that huge Korean anti account returned with the sole purpose of ensuring that only jk receives/secures nominations for these awards).
C) I remember reading last month the same account that predicted back in 2021 that Jimin would be the first member to reach No.1 on Hot100 with his first solo project/album. Now predicting something BIG for Jimin in 2025, and it has to do with a "SOLO music video" that would attract more and more audience for his solo projects.
But here's another thing, if we go back to the recent BB from DDAY, where SG asked Jimin "be there in August cause we gotta perform TM", this was the day that maknae line went together to see his concert. And backstage after being told this, Jimin answered with "I'm done with my album".
So if Jimin's second album has been DONE since... maybe late July (give or take). And THEN he went BLONDE to record SOMETHING in Budapest, and the feverdream that is those damn hot springs.
One of these 2 things will drop this year, and the other next year.
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fromtenthousandfeet · 3 months
"...[Jimin's success] which makes everyone's peaches burn..."
Well, what a lovely--and satisfying--image.
Thank you for sharing posts like these from Twitter for those of us who don't use/avoid it. (like me!)
I don't know about other platforms, but I've noticed this is how the discussions go down on Reddit:
A. Person brags about JK's dominance. Everywhere, including SK and the U.S. Shades Jimin's success, because of the freefall after the #1 or because Spotify isn't a reliable indicator or because JK has gp name recognition.
B. 2nd person points out that JK did receive a lot more promo than anyone else, particularly Jimin. Lists all the things Jimin did NOT receive.
A. 1st person (pre-SGMB) That was Jimin's CHOICE. He wanted a traditional SK roll-out. He was on Beat Coin, so that proves they received the same amount of promotion!
1st person (post-SGMB) But it got more promotion than NGL! And Scooter had NOTHING to do with Seven! (He has a BB award that says otherwise.) Taylor Swift gets SO MUCH more promotion! (huh?) OMG, you are an akgae!
I think the scandal surrounding NJ, the company mismanaging the launch of RM's album, and then obviously doing next to nothing to promote MUSE has broken a dam. No BTS fan or solo needs to take this sh*t anymore. I can guarantee you that I won't.
The enemy here is not any single member. The enemy is the guy who built a freaking empire off their hard work, their sacrifice, and their talent. The petty little man who uses them as a cash cow to fund his projects and thinks they can be easily replicated with the right "formula."
Furthermore, we need to ask ourselves why Jungkook fans are so insistent that we disbelieve the evidence of our own eyes and instead parrot their claims that JK didn't receive any special help from anyone--least of all Scooter! Why do they defend the company so hard? Why are they so dismissive of the other members--particularly Jimin--as to deny them a fair shot?
We get accused of being akgaes against one member. But aren't they akgaes against ALL the members?
#JiminStrong #Jimin
It's a pity the term gaslighting is used so frequently and freely, to the point of being meaningless. But what's going on with pushing JK's solo career so hard, combined with the absolute insistence by JJKs that he hasn't received every possible advantage to succeed is gaslighting. And the fact that both the company and fans engage in this gaslighting with equal glee is enough to make a person mad. If you've ever been on the receiving end of gaslighting/narcissistic abuse, then you know what I'm talking about.
This is a good video about gaslighting, even though it's a bit long. Recognizing the signs of gaslighting can save you so much pain (don't ask me how I know!), Many of the behaviors she describes will sound familiar.
There's tons of evidence to show that Jimin has stood out from the start - Gallup polls, brand reputation rankings, solo songs charting on US Spotify charts, and so on. The proof is everywhere, and yet fans are told that it was and always will be Jungkook who is the superstar. Gaslighting is a tactic used by narcissists and cult leaders to control people. Usually the best and only true solution to this abuse is to have no contact with the abuser. The second best thing, as she mentions in the video, is to find supportive people who haven't been swayed by the abuser - people who still understand reality.
This platform is a place to find people who haven't fallen for the lies. And increasingly, as we see on Twitter and other platforms, more people are waking up to Jimin's unequal treatment and saying so publicly. I think you're right that we're seeing a critical mass of PJMs and few ARMYs standing up for what's right. Or maybe I'm delusional because I've got damn near every JJK blocked on Twitter.
If anyone feels compelled to engage with JJK gaslighters, the less said the better because no amount of evidence will sway them. One word response like "incorrect" or "no" are more effective than long explanations.
We know HYBE uses a number of techniques to gaslight fans into believing Jungkook is miles above the other six members, but it's strange how many fans are equally committed to denying reality and tearing solo fans of the others members down. The armchair psychologist in me thinks this has to do with a group of people who have low self esteem and get a vicarious boost of confidence from Jungkook's supposed success/dominance. People with a good self image/mental health aren't going to spend their days on the internet trolling others and insisting that Jungkook is second coming of Michael Jackson.
At some point we need to talk about how Big Hit has actively cultivated codependency within the fan base and how they use that to milk fans out of their time and money. I really want to dig into this more, because it's unfair to BTS fans and to the members themselves.
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jimin-bangtan · 19 days
Jimin's MUSE EP - 1 billion Spotify streams!
Congratulations to Jimin...AGAIN!⭐🌟
I also want to congratulate and thank the fans who supported MUSE and Jimin. Everyone who purchased albums and songs, participated in streaming parties, streamed on your own, requested radio play, sent positive comments to Jimin and each other, sent reminders for voting and streaming, you are so appreciated. Even if you couldn't buy a CD packet or songs, or even stream songs due to your circumstances, your positive energy and comments are part of the teamwork that makes the dream work.
The above words are the same thanks I posted when Jimin's 1st solo album, FACE, reached 1 billion streams. With his 2nd solo album, MUSE, just reaching 1 billion streams too, the exact same sentiments still apply and then some. Among other tremendous accomplishments, Jimin is the first KPop soloist to have TWO albums achieve this goal, with his 2nd being the fastest to do so. Once again, congratulations to Jimin's fans for all of their perseverance, organization, and energy.
What is different this time is that because of Jimin's hardworking and devoted fans, the company finally realized that Jimin should receive a company-backed promotion. The hard work you all did allowed new fans to find Jimin and his talent. The hard work allowed the company to be shamed by the public appearance of neglecting their very own successful, popular, and talented artist - not to mention perhaps finally realizing or admitting that they were losing out on potential, untapped profits. In addition, the hard work allowed Jimin's 2nd solo album, MUSE, to soar to even greater heights.
In hindsight, the company is now pulling out Jimin-focused pop-ups and exhibitions that even look as though some time and attention were paid to them. The exhibition sounds like an expansion of his small (but quality) documentary that they put solely on Weverse and was filmed mainly by Jimin and the small SGMB production team. Among other items, it is said that evidence of his writing contributions, as well as awards & recognition, will be on display at the event.
I hope what we are seeing is that the company realizes that they miscalculated and underestimated Jimin's popularity, talent, potential, power - and fanbase. Sadly, they did much of the same to most of the remaining members as well. I hope we are seeing them in the process of reassessing their plans to what seemed like inequitable distribution of support and that we're seeing them begin to fairly invest in all 7 members who invested their bodies and lives believing in a company that they built with their own blood, sweat, & tears.
Jimin proved once again that his hard work, versatility, and creative instincts are the driving force of his success as well as the motivation of his fans' who put forth tremendous energy & effort for him. While the company makes our job difficult, Jimin makes it oh, so easy. He produces quality material and is a quality human being who inspires people to love and appreciate him and his work.
Please keep up the great work, and continue to support Jimin as earnestly as you have, so he can truly feel the full appreciation and love many people feel for him and his projects.
I REPEAT from the last 1 Billion celebration post: Park Jimin rocks! 🌟 And so do his fans! ✨
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cr2: @akookminsupporter
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 11 months
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day 315/548 of seokjin’s military service
this selca was posted on 161117, the day after the Asia Artist Awards (where they won best artist and best icon), with the caption:
It's our first time getting two awards at once. Thank you so much for letting us receive them, and congratulations (to you, ARMYs) on receiving them. #AAA #JIMIN #OurARMYsGotAwards #TheyEvenGotTwo
(trans cr: Teekay @ bts-trans)
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 14- Look Forward To White Day
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Chapter Summary: BTS and Jen are interviewed about their new album, Skool Luv Affair. Jen gets caught in the K-Pop news after getting filmed doing something in public. She celebrates Valentine's Day and J-Hope's birthday with BTS
Words: 6,000+
Genre: FLUFF!
A/N: I am so sorry for the lack of gifs. Before hand I had so many for these chapters. Including for the performances but now I don't have them anymore.
With fans outside in their jackets taking a bunch of photos and videos with their cameras, BTS were sitting in the studio of Wide News with the two MCs. Jen sat in between V and Suga in the back row.
"It's D-1 to Valentine's right? We've fulfilled nationwide teenage girls' and boys' wishes in advance!" The MCs greet. "With flowery visuals, we're here with the 7 boys and our lovely lady of BTS, hello!"
"2, 3, bang-tan!" Rapmon quickly announced.
"Hello, we're BTS!" They greet and bow.
"You've become more impacting really how long has it been?" The female MC questioned
"4 months?" Rapmon answered
"It's been 4 months?" The MCs look on in surprise. "It feels as though it's been 4 years! We missed you all so much. Since our viewers have missed you guys a lot as well, please do your self-introductions individually!"
The guys all turned to Jennie as she smiled and brought her mic to her mouth. "Hey, it's your girl, Jennie! Miss Bangtan with the most adorable smiles in the group." She threw a peace sign.
"Jennie, what are your plans for Valentine's Day?" The male MC asked with a smile.
"Do you have a date? Is there something we should know? Who is he? What time is he picking you up? Is he treating you nicely?" Jin bombarded her with questions, earning laughter in response from everyone.
"No, no date. I'm not quite ready for dating." She shook her head.
"Good answer. We must protect our munchkin at all costs!" J-Hope shouted, earning some chuckles.
"You guys are very protective of Miss Bangtan, aren't you?" The male MC watched on.
"Yes, we are. I hope she lets us know when she does get a boyfriend." Rapmon answered.
"Yeah, I want to personally introduce myself to whoever the lucky guy is." Jimin cracked his knuckles.
"Oh dear..." She giggled nervously.
"Jennie is very lucky to have guys like you around. This is really cute. So Jennie, please tell us your plans for Valentine's Day." The female MC beamed
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"Ah, right. Okay, so I found out about White Day and Valentine's Day here in South Korea. So I'm excited to give the guys a little something special. I hope they look forward to it." She answered.
"Ooh, what is it!?" V eagerly asked
"Yeah, I wanna know!" Jimin added
"It's a surprise! She can't tell you guys, now!" The male MC playfully scolded
"Whatever it is, we'll make sure to do something bigger, on White Day for you." Suga guaranteed
"Can't wait." She replied as they continued with the introductions.
"It's been about five months since you were last here, right? When you were here at Open Studio for the first time, do you perhaps remember the goals that you talked about, last time?" The male MC asked.
"We mentioned hoping to get the Best New Artist award," Rapmon answered
"And how did that turn out?"
"It's a great honor that we've actually received four Best New Artist awards."
"Wow, congratulations on this." He applauded with everyone. "Bangtan achieved their goal!"
"Now since it's your first comeback album after your Best New Artist awards, the anticipations must have escalated! Let's have you introduce your album, please." The female MC gestured.
"With our title track, Boy In Luv, it's an album titled Skool Luv Affair. It's our second mini album and all the members have individually participated in the production. It's an album that discusses the love stories that go on among the teens." Rapmon explained
"In our previous album, we participated in the lyrics writing and track composing. And in this album, we have Suga hyung who personally produced 2 tracks." Jungkook said as a chorus of oohs and whoas were heard while Suga happily raised his hand.
"From what I know, there's Bang Sihyuk-ssi in your company. Suga-ssi, you managed to do that?" The male MC asked in awe.
"Tracks that I produced during my trainee times having made into our album it's really-it's such an honor and right now as well I'm shaking," Suga answered, feeling humbled.
"I know how that feels. There are really skillful and cool people above in the management but when our members do it themselves, there's really no words to describe but I like it to death!" The male MC pointed out. "Do introduce us to the title and subjects of those tracks!"
"The tracks I've produced are titled 'JUMP' and 'Tomorrow'. JUMP is a rather upbeat hip hop track while Tomorrow is a healing song especially for those in their 10s/20s, it's a song with more emotional depth." Suga explained.
"Tomorrow is my absolute favorite song on the album!" Jennie spoke with a big smile.
"Don't you also want to tell them your big news?" Rapmon gestured to her with a knowing smile.
"Ah...sure. I play the guitar for tomorrow in the album." She revealed. "I hope you all enjoy it."
"Wow~ I've heard you play the guitar. How was it?" The female MC asked.
"I really enjoyed working on it. It was a little hard at first but as I continued listening to the lyrics, I got a bit emotional. It's been a while since I played the electric guitar. I was more into the acoustic but it worked out very well after a couple of jam sessions in the studio."
"You'll hear the emotion in her playing," Suga added.
"The opportunity to play the guitar for one of our songs is a huge privilege and I'm really happy with the result."
"You will be surprised at her playing. I had to stare at her for a few moments, questioning if that was really her playing. I was really caught off guard. She plays well." He praised.
"Thank YOU for letting me play for your song."
"What was the facial expression and what did you say?" Jimin laughed as Suga dropped his jaw, staring at the camera in confusion.
"J-Jennie? How did you do that?" Suga stuttered, repeating what he said when he first heard her play as another roar of laughter surrounded the studio.
"And something that everyone knows about BTS, their lyrics aim to reach out to people in their 10s/20s. I heard that this album is to reach out to those schooling. Is that true?" The female MC asked.
"That's right. Well in our debut album, we sang, 'Hey kid what's your dream' where we talked about our dreams. In our second album we talked about 'happiness' and here in our 3rd album we talk about 'love'. We thought that especially for those in their late 10s, instead of dreams they'd be most concerned on the issue of love and with that we came up with the subject of a three part school series." Rapmon replied.
"Ah, I see. All right we're with BTS right now, they've got a really suitable theme/subject. Let's have them talk about this 1 by 1. Real men's and woman's love story, I wonder what this is about."
"Our title track Real Man, Boy in Luv is packed with overflowing love. A really manly stage performance as well as a manly song, you'll be able to listen to it in just a while's time!" J-Hope explained.
"And throughout the manliness of the song, you'll also see the girl's perspective. She thinks the guy is cute, but she tries to ignore the feelings a bit." Jennie added
"Ah...but it seems like you weren't able to resist Jimin's charms in the Music Video, is that right?" The male MC teased.
"...Yes." She answered after a pause and looked away while everyone chuckled at her reaction.
"Everything about it is manly with a dash of girlishness from the girl's perspective. Be it the song or the choreography, all of it." The male MC commented as they watched the Music video. "Firstly they're students but seems like those students who are rather street smart with great popularity, and they dance well too! And I've watched the MV as well as the photos. It's the love of real men towards a single girl, right?"
"During the filming, did any of the members slip and fall?" The female MC asked
"Ah yes, J-Hope. Hobie fell." Suga answered. "He started early in the day in his best condition but as it went later into the night, he started making mistakes and all."
"It was only in that moment really, I'm alright now!" J-Hope grinned sheepishly
"Was it because you felt pressured? Or you caught the flu or was it simply because you wanted to rest?" The male MC joked, making everyone laugh.
"No, no!" J-Hope tried to explain.
"That wasn't why?"
"It's not like that." He explained that he went to the clinic and was back and running the next day.
"We ended very early!" Jimin added
"Thanks to him," Rapmon commented.
"Well, this time round we've heard that you have a dance intended to shake up ladies' hearts." The male MC mentioned. "And Miss Bangtan has something in mind to shake up the guys' hearts. The name of the dance is called King Kong Dance?"
"Yes, many people started calling it King Kong Dance after watching our music video."
"We've prepared talk subjects that are compatible with Bangtan!" The male MC said.
"That's right, you can see here with me, that we've prepared this 2014 Bangtan Executive election." The female MC said, revealing the board next to her.
"The games can be participated by 3 people."
"Now we'll start by choosing the first one, 'Chief of Broadcast' and before we choose the mission, we have to choose the running candidates for the title. Perhaps is there anyone who has confidence in this title?"
"We need three people~"
"I'll try!" Jimin raised his hand
"I want to try it too," Jin spoke up.
"Jungkook too?" The male MC asked, looking at him raising his hand
"Yes!" He replied
'Find the King of Diction.' Was the first mission
After the three of them do Rock, Paper, Scissors, Jungkook gets to choose last while Jimin chooses first. Picking the first option which had two stars, the female MC tears off to cover to reveal the statement.
"This statement has to be said in five seconds time! If you get it wrong, you have to do it again. The most important thing is speed! Because if you get it wrong, you'll have to start again. So it's vital to be fast!" The MCs advised. "Start!"
"The natural fruit beverage Jung Hyung Don likes is the Lime fruit beverage or Pomegranate fruit?" Jimin read successfully before the time ran out.
"The 'seok-ryu' sounded a bit more like 'seo-gyu' so there's a bit of danger there but if you did about this level..." The male MC turned to the female MC.
"Pass." The male MC agreed.
"Aye~ great job, Jimin!" Jennie high fived him.
Jin picked the one with the three stars as the female MC ripped off the cover.
"Ah, he's doomed. It's really tough!" J-Hope laughed.
Once he got the OK to start, Jin began to fumble with the words, "Do the ingredients of milk contain higher-content than iron-content-"
"Wrong wrong!" The MCs yelled.
"Do it again! Since we have to have it accurate, let's do it again~" The female MC exclaimed.
"Do the ingredients of milk contain higher calcium content than iron content? Or is there higher iron content than calcium content?" He managed to say it before the time but failed to pronounce it.
V raised his hand to volunteer when the MCs asked if anyone else wanted to try. "Do the ingredients of milk contain higher calcium content, more than-" He started muffling, stumbling over his words.
"AHHAHAHAHA!" Jennie laughed out loud.
"Aye! That won't do!" The female MC playfully scolded
"Please read what's written there!" Jin said
Next, it was Jungkook's turn as the female MC tears off the last tag. Suga cackled evilly while they read the statement. "Jungkook, start!" The male MC gestured
"The office supply and the office supply building, the office supply building's iron gates and-" Jungkook sighed as he stopped.
"Ah, do it again!"
"Aye, it's difficult."
"Once more, that ended too fast. Since this is really difficult, we'll reset the time for you."
Starting again, Jungkook quickly read the statement, "The office supply and the office supply building, the office supply building's iron gates and the office supply iron gate's twin-" He paused. "Ah...it's really difficult~"
"It's seriously difficult, right?"
In the end, Jimin managed to get the chief of broadcast, getting a badge on his arm. The next challenge was the future chief of love, picking three candidates, The MCs chose J-Hope, Suga and V.
'Why do you shake up my heart, Bangtan'
"The member that delivers the loveliest confession of love will be the winner!" The female MC announced.
But before they start, Jimin decides to do a voice impression of Taeyang, putting a shoestring on his head and a black cap on to mimic his hat with dreads. 
"When Taeyang Sunbaenim has interviews!" Suga chuckled.
Jimin started impersonating him well, "This time...it's a hairstyle that many girls fancy...while watching Animal Kingdom, I saw the looks there and thought I should try this hairstyle." Everyone laughed in response. 
After they pulled themselves together, V, Suga, and J-Hope got their cards, J-Hope revealed his card first and it said 'Having difficulties with Seoul talk dialect, transfer student version'
Romantic music came on in the background while J-Hope started his confession. 
"Ah, for me up till now...it's still a bit..how do I say it...I'm still fluent in Seoul talk. But after hanging out with you for quite a while, it's been really nice hanging out with you and ah-dda I love you-ing." He grinned, making the MCs whoa.
"You did well!" They praised
"Now we'll have the others vote with their like/dislike cards. 1, 2, 3!" The male MC announced
Jennie puts up the pink thumbs up sign for J-Hope and so do the others except for V and Rapmon. 
Next up was V as he revealed his paper. "You who came from the stars' Exchange student version." He read
"Why did you come? Why did you come here?" V sighed. "You say you like Jimin, but you like me, too, what is this?"
"NG!" The male MC shouted, making everyone laugh. Jennie giggled at V's confused expression.
"I'm sorry but V there's the board there. The guy's waiting with a ring prepared. Please just do the given lines."
"Ah! I'm supposed to read those lines and do it?" V questioned, finally understanding, while there was a commotion.
"Wait for me, I've prepared a ring! I'll put it on for you soon..." V read in a strong voice, making everyone laugh in their seats.
"Wait a minute was that a satori acting?" The MC questioned before telling him if it was a good job. When it was time to vote, everyone but Suga gave V a thumbs up. "Suga, how come you didn't like it?"
"I'm a real avid viewer of that drama and as a viewer, I really didn't like it. I think he completely wrecked Kim Soo Hyun's acting." He replied in a blunt tone. 
When he opened his paper, the paper read 'Love unhealthy real man version'
When they said to start, Suga confidently said, "Keep your fourth finger empty because I'll be proposing to you."
Everyone cringed at the cheesiness, groaning and yelling. The guys quickly put a thumbs down. Giggling, Jennie raised the thumbs up sign. 
"Ah~ only Jennie seems to like it!" The male MC laughed.
"She's lying. Give me this." V took her sign and turned it into a thumbs down, making her laugh
"Right now the dislikes are unanimous." The male MC laughed. "Suga! You prepared something really cool and nice but why do they dislike it so much?"
"I guess they're just people who don't know about romance." He replied with a shrug.
V was the winner with the highest points and won the chief of love, getting a badge. They were out of time and weren't able to do the last challenge. 
"Even though I only got to vote today, it's been really fun." Rapmon mentions. "Just watching with Jennie has been really fun."
"Oh yeah, I had a good laugh. Hopefully next time Rapmon and I can do one of the challenges." She adds.
'Melon Premiere Live'
For the performance, Jennie wore black shredded jeans, a white tank top and a leather jacket. Her hair was straight with loose curls as she sported a snapback on her head, wearing it backward. 
With a microphone in hand, Jennie jumped up in the air with the guys, singing, "Let's jump!"
Soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo da gachi pump it up!
"Lets jump!" She sang, jumping again with the guys.
soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up
(Lets jump!)
(Lets jump!)
jeongsin butjabeo
"Lets jump!" She pointed to the crowd.
soneul haneullo deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up
Everybody say
(Lets jump!)
kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo
(Lets jump!)
modu soneul wiro
(Lets jump!)
geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro
Lets jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!
(Lets jump!)
Taking Rapmon's position, she jumped with the guys before dipping low while sing-rapping in a lower octave. "Kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo~"
(Lets jump!)
"Modu soneul wiro~" She rocked side to side with the guys
(Lets jump!)
"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~" She nodded her head back and forth to the beat.
Lets jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!
eoril jeok kkumkkwowatdeon hieoro
yeongungi doegopaseo jeompeuhaetdeon
ttaewaneun dalli baero
keojyeobeorin kiwa heulleobeorin sigan
neon eoreuni doeeogajiman I wanna rewind
10sal kkomaengiga kkumkkwowasseotdeon meotjin
yeongungmanhwa jujegareul bulleowasseotdeon
geu ttaero doragagopa nungamgo sorichyeo
hajiman byeonhan geon eobtji hyeonsireun geudaero
V! nuga nareul magado
naui gal gireul gandago
insaeng han bangirago
"Leggo!" She shouted with the guys.
dan harureul sarado
huhoeneun jeoldaero eopdago
han beon ttwieobojago
Let's jump!
Pumping up her chest up and down with the guys as they chant, (Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!)
(Lets jump!)
"Soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo da gachi pump it up!" She sang out.
(Lets jump!)
soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up
(Let's jump!)
(Lets jump!)
jeongsin butjabeo
(Lets jump!)
"soneul haneullo deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up!"
Everybody say
(Let's jump!)
kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo
(Let's jump!)
modu soneul wiro
(Let's jump!)
geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro
Let's jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!
(Let's jump!)
"Kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo~"
(Let's jump!)
"Modu soneul wiro~"
(Let's jump!)
"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~"
Let's jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!
nae insaengi bakkwin 2007nyeon
tto geureoke norae bureunjido 7nyeon
sonyeodeul mamui killer
But gakkeum nan dapdaphaetdeon
geu ttaero doraga
hayan baekji gatatdeon
nae jasingwa daemyeonhae
geu mannami tto dareun nareul kkaewonae
ja pomnage mudaereul olla
modu da nollage jump like Jordan
geudaero doraga sunyeongan
bangguseok jarie bakhyeoitdeon teuraempollineul
kkeonae deuneorbeun gongteoreul ttwinora
jeompeu hanbeonimyeon geu hwanhui,
modu gajil deut haetdeon neowa
sunsuhaetdeon kkumdeullo nal sunoha
eoreuni doego sipdeon nae eorin nareun
maeiri gippeumeuro gadeuk chasseosseo
So can I be the one, juss can i be the one
that i.. stop
"Let's jump!"
soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo da gachi pump it up
(Let's jump!)
soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up
"Let's jump!"
(Let's jump!)
jeongsin butjabeo
"Let's jump!"
soneul haneullo deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up
Let's jump & down,
uriga wasseo we are BTS
Beat down! junbiga dwaesseumyeon
soneul nopi deureo
eoril jeok kkumkkudeon geotgwaneun dareujiman
biroso mannatji urin yeongung jimangsaeng raeppeo
ijen mudae wiro jump!
uriga chasedae hieoro
cheoreopgiman haetdeon yeongung jimangsaeng
ilgobi mandeureoganeun jump sound
teuraempollin daesin naega ttwieoya haneun
goseun mudae wi, michin deusi up down
ije malman malgo nalgaereul dal ttaeya
gal ttaekkaji dallinda let's get it started
du eokkaereul pigo rock your body
meorissogeul biugo let's go party
(Let's jump!)
kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo
(Let's jump!)
modu soneul wiro
(Let's jump!)
geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro
(Let's jump!)
"kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo~"
(Let's jump!)
"modu soneul wiro~"
(Let's jump!)
"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~"
(Let's jump!)
"Kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo!" Rapmon and Jen say together.
(Let's jump!)
"modu soneul wiro~"
(Let's jump!)
"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~"
"Yeah eh eh eh aye~" Jungkook and Jimin end the same in harmony
After getting settled, the members are seated on stage in front of the crowd. "Let's hear if the members have a song they like." The interviewer announced
"I like that song, a dialect song, Where you from. I don't have much part in this song since I don't use dialect but I wrote an amazing bridge." Rapmon answered.
"Can we hear a bit?" He asked. The crowd started screaming when he started to sing part of his verse.
"Next, which songs did you guys make?"
"Suga joined in the making of the song Jump." J-Hope revealed
"The song you just heard is a song produced a long time ago. Four years ago when I was still a trainee, I made it with Rap Monster." Suga answered. "I'm really glad that it got to be on the album. I think our name is on the credit for every song. We worked really hard so please love it."
"You guys must be proud. I'm excited too. You guys wrote something before coming in here, right?" The interviewer reveals all the questions that the fans have written on various post-it notes.
"Jin, did you succeed in making muscles?" Read the question
"I've been working really hard for the past two months. But I don't have muscles yet. I don't get them easily but I have a little. Our members now do." He replied.
"Is this why you wore destroyed jeans? To show your leg muscles?" The interviewer teased him as Jin showed off his black ripped jeans. "Next question, Jennie, are you playing the guitar in any of the songs?"
"As a matter of fact, I am. I play the electric guitar in Tomorrow. The song was also made by Suga. I'm really happy about that." She answered happily.
"Yes, we worked really hard on it. We hope you enjoy the song." Suga added.
Next question was 'Who is the most far from being a manly man?'
Mostly everyone, including Jennie pointed to V while everyone laughed. "I'm a man with great imaginations." V answered
"He is still very naïve, more like a cute guy." Suga added.
"Gwiyomi?" The interviewer questioned.
"Show them!" Suga let out a laugh.
"Gwi...yomi?" V said in a weird voice.
For their last performance, the guys meet up on stage, some walking down the steps to greet each other in their school uniforms.
But as soon as Jennie walks down the steps in her school uniform, the crowd gets louder when the guys stop and stare as she walks by, paying them no mind. 
Afterward, they all get in position for Boy In Luv.
doegopa neoui oppa
neoui sarangi nan neomu gopa
doegopa neoui oppa
neol gatgo mal geoya dugo bwa
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde
appan daeche eoddeohge
hante gobaekhan geonji
rado sseoya doelleonji
ni apeseo nan meonji
gwaenhi tiktikdaego
ssikssikdaego jingjingdaege dwae
naneun jinjihande
jjijilhage sibina geolge dwae
mwonde singyeong sseuyeo
da keun nal aero mandeureo
geokkuro dwijibeulkkyeo,
inyeoneul yeonineuro
daehakggajido neorang gandamyeon
cham jal gal geot gata
ganadaramabasaa hakunamatata!
ddokgateun peuropil sajin
wae jakku hwaginhalkka
geureohdago chakgakhajima
swiun namja anya
andal nasseo na andal nasseo
niga mwonde?
neoman jallasseo?
wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo
neo ije geuman hol' up hol' up
ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
Say what you want
Say what you want
niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
Say what you want
Say what you want
niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde
Strutting around the stage, she started to ponder. "He's so good looking and he wants me. He thinks I don't notice him watching as my face is stuck in the books." She glanced back at the guys watching her. "I wonder how many times my name was written in his notebook. He told me 'I'll have you, just watch.' I called it a bluff. Let me just ignore him, he'll go away soon enough. At least that's what I thought. He wants to be my oppa. Shall I call him oppa? What should I do? Why is my face getting so hot from his intense stares? He always catches me when I try to flee. He's persistent. Is this what mom felt for dad?"
Rushing up to her, Suga started to dance and rap in her face while she looked annoyed and tried to ignore him.
geoteuron bad bad girl,
sogeun deo bad bad girl
na gateun namjal nohchimyeon
huhoehage doel geol
mesinjeo hwaginhaenohgo
nureuji anhneun neoui haengwi
"il" jari eobseo jimgwa dongsie sokman
Shoving him back a bit, she shook her head. "A bad bad boy on the outside, an even more bad bad boy on the inside. I don't want a boy, I want a man. Me regretting losing a guy like you? It's the other way around. Fall back a little bit." She turned around, only to get her hand grabbed and spun around to face him, earning a few loud screams.
taji nebigeisyeonina salkka bwa
(ppareum ppareum ppareum) eopilharyeogo
gyesok nan (adung badung badung)
jinsim? (I got 'em) dwissim? (I got 'em)
naega yuilhage gajji mothan geon
neoui (areum areum daum)
i naega eoddeohge
byeonhamyeon doegetni, hol' up
mildang? eojang?
geureon geo nan jal molleo
daesin apeumyeon
irilgu malgo nal bulleo
niga ullamyeon ureo,
useuramyeon useo, gureuramyeon gulleo
andal nasseo na andal nasseo
niga mwonde?
neoman jallasseo?
wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo
neo ije geuman hol' up hol' up
ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
Say what you want
Say what you want
niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
Say what you want
Say what you want
niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
As the lights dim and Jennie stands in the middle, crossing her arms, Jungkook walks over to her with a hand over his heart. 
"Doegopa neoui oppa." He sang with a smile as she turned around. He took out the rose in his pocket and handed it to her as she started to smile. "Neoreul hyanghan naui maeumeul wae molla."
"Nareul moreun cheokhaedo chagaun cheokhaedo." Jin came up to her, singing to her with a smile as she returned his smile.
Jimin grabbed her hand and twirled her around before lifting up her chin with a smile while singing, "Neol mireonaejin mothagesseo."
doegopa neoui oppa
neoui namjaga doel geoya dugo bwa
naui maeumi nege datorok
jigeum dallyeogal geoya
ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone(nohchigi jeone)
Say what you want
Say what you want
niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
Say what you want
Say what you want
niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
After their schedule was done for the day, Jennie went to the store to continue buying some last minute items for the guys. Buying various candy and cupcake mixes, she planned on making the guys cupcakes.
After leaving the supermarket, she decided to head to a local game store to buy the latest video game she could trash Jungkook in. Walking to the PlayStation section, she decided to grab Battlefield 4 since he's been talking about it for a while.
"Man...I really want it..." A girl sighed as she looked at the new Nintendo 2DS along with the Pokemon X and Y game.
"Honey, I can't afford that, right now. I told you this before we went inside." Her mom replied.
Jennie looked up to see the girl looking sad while checking out the 2DS. Pondering, she wanted to approach her and offer to buy it for her. She had saved a lot of money thanks to her mom stressing to save and spend wisely. Spending over 100 dollars on the game system won't be too bad.
Should she approach her?
The worst they can say is no.
"Excuse me," Jen's soft voice caught their attention. 
The girl, who looked around the age of 13 gasped loudly, covering her mouth. "It's Jennie! From BTS!"
"You know me?" Jennie asked out loud in surprise.
"Know you? I love you!"
"Oh my! Hello! It's very nice to meet you. My daughter is a huge fan of yours. How lucky are we to have bumped into you today," Her mother smiled while Jennie bowed to her politely.
"I'm not just a huge fan, she's my bias!" Her daughter said loud and proud.
'I'm not just a huge fan, she's my bias!'
'She's my bias!'
'I'm...her bias...? Me?' Jennie thought slowly, taken aback at her sudden outburst. She couldn't believe this little girl looked up to her and named her as her favorite in BTS. Smiling gratefully, she happily replied with a thank you.
"Can I please take a picture with you? Please?"
"Of course!" She happily bent down a little and threw up a peace sign while the girl took a selfie with a large grin on her face. Turning to the girl's mother, Jennie explained why she approached them. "I don't mean to bother you but I couldn't help but notice your daughter wanting the Nintendo 2DS. I would like to buy it for her. If it's all right with you."
Another large gasp escaped the girl's lips while her mother looked surprised at her offer. "If it's all right with you, then sure." Turning to her daughter she asked her, "Now what do you say to this kind young lady?"
"Thank you so much!" The girl hugged her tightly, earning a whoa from Jennie. Laughing, she hugged her back.
"Don't just hug her without her permission!" Her mother scolded. "I apologize for her bad manners."
"No, no, it's perfectly fine. I love hugs. Now let's get this 2DS for you." She picked up the Pokemon game and 2DS, taking it to the counter. After paying for everything, she handed the girl the bag after taking out Battlefield 1 to put in her purse. "Here you are! I hope you enjoy the game."
With tears of joy flowing down the girl's cheeks, she embraced Jennie again. "Thank you so much, Jennie. I will cherish this forever!"
"Thank you for doing this for my daughter. You are such a kind soul."
"The smile on people's faces makes my day. All I ask is that you please continue to support BTS."
"Of course!" The girl promised.
After Jennie went back to the dorm, hiding the cupcake mix and other ingredients from the members, she checked their shared Twitter account. 
"What in the world...?" She murmured.
'Jennie from BTS shows generosity as she buys a fan a Nintendo 2DS and Pokemon game' on ALLKPOP and other K-Media sites.
Jennie was dumbfounded. Who filmed her? She didn't even notice she was being filmed. Sometimes she forgot that she was actually known in South Korea. She was overwhelmed by the nice comments about how generous and kind she was to do that for someone.
"Jennie! YOU WENT TO GAMESTOP WITHOUT ME!?" Jungkook yelled as she let out a sigh.
"I guess he read the article." She said and decided to take the game out. "Get the game set up. It's time to trash you." She tossed the game at him as he gaped at it.
"You got the game!? For us?! Seriously!? This is great!"
When it was finally Valentine's Day, Jen managed to convince the guys to go out for lunch, while she got ready for the day. She chose to bake heart shaped vanilla cupcakes. Finally mixing the ingredients together and putting them in the pan, she set the two pans in the oven.
While waiting for them to bake, she chose to make a Twitter video, "Happy Valentine's Day, ARMY! Please spend the day with your loved ones. This day isn't just about dating, show your love for your friends and family, too! I love you all! Stay warm and have an awesome day!" She shot up a finger heart with a sweet smile.
After baking 36 cupcakes and decorating them, she placed them on three stands to stack them neatly on the living room table.
"It smells so good~" She took one off the stand and bit into it. "And it's so good. I hope they like it."
Ten minutes later, the guys finally arrived back from lunch. "Jennie! We're back!" Namjoon called out.
"Happy Valentine's Day~!" Her voice was heard as they walked to the kitchen. There she was presenting the stack of baked cupcakes for them. Hobi, Jimin and Tae screamed in excitement as she let out a laugh. "I didn't want to buy any baked goods so I wanted to bake something from the heart. I hope you like it."
"Like it? This is awesome!" Namjoon exclaimed.
Hobi pulled her in for a bear hug and she started to laugh. 
Snapping a picture on the stacked cupcakes while Jen was talking to the guys, Yoongi tweets, 'She is SO going to get spoiled on White Day...#Suga'
"Before you all dig in, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being such great friends and helping me grow as a performer here in South Korea. Enjoy these cupcakes made with love!" She said in a genuine tone.
"That's it...bring it in. Group hug, everyone. This is amazing." Namjoon pulled her in for a hug.
"Thank you Jennie~" They thank her as they hug her tightly.
Once they dug in, their satisfied sighs were more than enough for Jennie to know that they liked it.
"Jennie. I want you to look forward to White Day. We're going to go over the top for you." Jin guaranteed.
"Really? Guys, you're so sweet. You don't need to do that. I'll be fine."
"No, no, no, you will be hooked up on White Day. How dare you say you don't want anything after what you've done? No refusing." Yoongi demanded
"All right, all right. I'll look forward to it." She let out another laugh.
On Hobi's birthday, gathering for a meeting to monitor the showcase, Jennie sat in between Jin and Rapmon as they focused on the showcase and their performance for Boy In Luv, but all of a sudden the monitor started to glitch as they looked confused. But then Jin started to smile when his birthday message to J-Hope began to play.
"Hope, a big happy birthday to you~. You must want to see your family during your birthday but since the members are here for you, I hope you're still as happy." Jin said in the video, making J-Hope laugh loudly. "And again, happy birthday, Hope."
"When did you film this?" J-Hope asked with a bright smile.
Next up appearing was Suga on the screen. "J-Hope~ for your 21st birthday, a serious congratulations. Let's keep making good songs, even in 2014, let's just have good songs come in our way. Congrats again."
"Hope! Happy birthday~!" Jen's bright voice was heard in the video as she waved to the camera. "Your munchkin wishes you an awesome birthday! You're always helping me with my dancing and you always brighten up my day. Thank you for always being there for me. You're such a kind soul and your positive energy is so contagious. Haha, you are definitely our sunshine in the group. I wish you many more birthdays to come. I love you~!"
Next up was Rapmon in the video. "Hope! Happy birthday! It's already your 4th birthday that we are celebrating together. Again, happy birthday. Always be the J-Hope that is happy and dances well. I love you."
"Hey, you there! Happy birthday." V said on the video, making J-Hope laugh again. "I always see you as positive and hopeful hope. This video message, the members birthday message, I am imagining you crying and weeping over this surprising birthday message. Hyung, again, happy birthday! I love you!"
"It's Jungkook and Jimin. Hope hyung, happy birthday!" Jimin said as he clapped with Jungkook. "Congrats on your 21st birthday, hyung. To be honest, there are many things I look up to you. Not just your healing image in the dorm. Thanks to you, the group is always so lively and in a good mood. You also keep the house clean. I think that you are a really good brother. I sometimes have these thoughts that since you're older now, I feel like we need to be more like an adult now."
"That's right." Jungkook agreed. "I am becoming more of an adult now, I will listen to your words more. I sincerely wish you a happy birthday."
"Sorry, we couldn't prepare a birthday present. Us youngsters are in lack of money." Jimin laughed. 
"We love you."
"I hope you would let loose on us sometimes," Jimin mentioned, making everyone laugh. "We will try to listen to you more. We love you hyung, Bye~"
Everyone bursted out in laughter when they saw the manager on the screen. 
The manager started laughing at first in the video. "To our beloved J-Hope, it's nice to see you livening up the mood in the team and always full of hope. Although I've never said this in front of you, you know it right? I really love you. Happy birthday~. This year too, let's continue to support each other. Let's run to the top!"
As soon as Hobi's father came on the screen for a video message, he started to tear up. "Son, it's your father. You're doing well, right? I'm really sorry I can't say a proper happy birthday on your 21st birthday."
Jennie turned to see Hobi starting to cry as tears started to appear in her eyes.
"Me and your mom are thankful to have a son like you. Happy birthday again to our lovely son." His father said while Jennie started fanning her eyes to stop her tears. "Your second mini album, seeing that you've worked hard on it, I'll be praying that good results will come. Also, over everything else, I hope for you to be in good health. Don't forget that, if you stay healthy, anything can be done. I hope you do well in the future. Once again, happy birthday my son~. My son, I love you. J-Hope, all the best. BTS, all the best."
Next was his mom and sister as they greeted him. "Hoseok it's your mom and sister here. Congrats on your 21st birthday. And your new mini album just recently came out as much as you've worked hard on it, I hope for good results. And take good care of your health. Though I'm not beside you physically, through this video I hope it gives you strength."
"I also hope you enjoy your birthday! Bye! Happy birthday! Always stay healthy, all the best to Bangtan."
After the video was over, Jimin walked in with the candle lit cake as everyone sang. "Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you! To our beloved Hoseok hyung~ Happy birthday to you!"
"Woo~" everyone cheered as he blew out the candles.
Jin handed Hobi a tissue to wipe his tears while Jimin sat down, behind him. 
"Seeing Hoseok hyung crying is kinda surreal," Jimin admitted, looking surprised.
"I was surprised when Hoseok cried," Jin added.
"I totally didn't expect this," Hobi said as he tried to pull himself together. "Ah...what to do."
"What do you mean what to do? Because of you, everyone is crying now."
"When will you cry again if it's not today? Cry as much as you like." Jimin smiled.
"I didn't expect this. Thank you." He sniffed.
As they stand up, they cut the cake. 
"Truthfully, when the members' faces came out I felt the tears coming. Even when the manager came out, the tears were threatening to fall. But when my father's face suddenly came out, I couldn't hold it and I just burst into tears. Seriously...Big Hit is seriously the best." Hobi said, making everyone laugh.
"Big hit, Bangtan and our ARMYs, I love you all! Thank you!" he said to the camera while everyone clapped
"It feels like we won an award or something. It feels like we're in an award ceremony." Jimin laughed while Hobi started hugging the members.
"Leader, you're the best." Hobi shook hands with Namjoon. "Thank you, Munchkin." He goes to hug her after she gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek and then goes to hug Jimin. "Thank you. It was the best birthday I've spent."
"Jungkook you had like five! Share!" Jimin tried to snatch one of Jen's cupcakes from him. 
They were back in the dorm, eagerly munching on the last of the cupcakes. Meanwhile, Jennie was on the couch in the living room, watching TV, laughing to herself at their fighting.
"Hyung! Give it back! That was mine!" Jungkook shouted.
"Too bad~ hahaha!"
As she continued to watch Running Man on TV, her attention was interrupted when her phone dinged. Looking down she saw Jungkook's text.
JK: Can you bake for me?
Amused, she looks up and turns her head to meet his gaze.
Jen: Lol, sure Kookie.
JK: Only me?
Jen: Just you?? What about the other guys?
JK: I don't want them to hog my best friend's baking
Looking up again in amusement and surprise at his statement, she raised a brow at him. But the look on his face showed that he wasn't necessarily kidding around.
Jen: How about this, I'll bake you your own batch when I bake again.
JK: I like the sound of that. :)
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jmdbjk · 2 years
What a nice gift today
Many thanks to whoever made the decision to gift us today’s Bangtan episode...
I present to you...Yoongi’s hair:
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Jin knows what the deal is... real-time is the real deal.
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Jungkookie focusing on self-improvement... he is determined to get that left hand up-to-speed for drumming. 
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My wishlist for the future Bangtan: them playing instruments on stage while performing a song...not all of them have to be playing an instrument but at least Yoongi on guitar, JK on drums...it would be such a different vibe and dynamic for them. They did it a few times when JK played drums briefly during songs, but I mean a REAL new song that they purposely mean to perform while playing instruments. That’s my wish. Of course along with all my other wishes of them coming out of their service healthy and ready to come back to us. Let’s begin manifesting. We have two and half years to make it so.
Jimin and Jungkook’s giddy laughter while being silly backstage trying to release some pent-up energy:
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Jikook just jikooking as usual. Already saw someone complaining because this episode did not focus on any other pairs...what do you want? for the others to fake it? When the chemistry is real, it’s always there...can’t hide it, IT’S ALWAYS THERE... 
Much deserved and I know they felt our love while receiving these awards. 
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You can take the boy out of Busan but you can’t take the Busan out of the boys:
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I love them to pieces...
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maddie1105 · 1 year
Our beloved Jimin receives:
✨The Melon Hall of Fame 'Millions Album' Plaque (FACE)
✨Melon Weekly Top Artist Award for the 4th week of March (Set Me Free Pt.2)
✨Melon Weekly Top Artist Award for the 5th week of March (Like Crazy)
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marengogo · 2 years
7 Nation Army - Part 2: Time to FACE the Music.
Serendipity - by BTS  [Love Yourself 結 ‘Answer’]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Without understanding the implications to the following statement, we all were VERY excited at the mere idea of getting even just a single song from Park Jimin. Like 1 song was really just enough. 
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Eventually, towards the end of this particular BTS FESTA dinner (2022) we realised that we were actually gonna get a full album. LIKE A WHOLE JIMIN ALBUM. It wasn’t certain, they didn't say it out loud, but the feeling was there. WE ALL FELT FELT LIKE PJM1 WAS FINALLY COMING. 
So then, let’s see a little picture-summary of ALL that our boy has been up to in order to bring him all the way to today excluding any whole-BTS, or Jikook, related content, such as the Busan concert, FACT Awards, etc…:
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Among some of the previous pictures that happened today, we’ve also been blessed enough with receiving a BEHIND THE SCENES OF FACE:
The above collection of pictures started August 2022, but we all know he must have started way before May, from his conversation in BTS FESTA 2022, meaning that this young man has been grinding NON STOP for so long. Those of us who seem to have understood his character, had no doubt we would, thus well in advance, I’d just like to thank you, Park Jimin for:
ALL your hard work
WANTING to share something that feels very personal with us
I was actually telling @ejassy how excited, but at the same time scared, I am for this album. It feels so deep, so heavy and though I am so grateful he feels he can trust us with his emotions, I am trying to brace myself. In all honesty, I am still trying to process it all and I wish March 24, 2023 were tomorrow. YET, Regardless of me wanting this album to come soon, once again:
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Very Anxiously yours, 
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Woah I asked about a bare minimum thing and you lost it ?????????
I've made more than 40+ accounts for TMA, voted everyday. I already made 30 accounts for MAMA and I've 30 more to make. I haven't purchased a single copy of face as I don't have any fund but I'll once I'm able to. I used to report accounts but took a break because it started affecting my mental health, still I report the very problematic accounts. I've joined multiple streaming parties on stationhead. I stream LC Pl+FACE+ThisisJimin pl EVERY OTHER DAY SINCE IT WAS RELEASED. I'm on gc of my country which we use for everything not exclusively for streaming. I'm friends with few pjms on Twitter who gave me 30+ emails to vote on tma. My spotify stats are filled with Jimin songs and I've 15+ spotify accounts all exclusively for Jimin. Yes I ship Jikook but I wholeheartedly believe JK is NOT a match for Jimin because jimin is 10x better than him in everyway.
I hope I answered all your dummy questions.
Still I think, not even saying a thankyou to fans is indeed rude af. He should've attended the show in person to receive the award his fans gave him, but he didn't..so another thing he could've done was to sent a thankyou video, didn't do that either. Next option was to post a pic of him holding award. And I'm not even asking that.. BUT A VERY BARE MINIMUM 'THANKYOU'. Just to know he knows and acknowledges our hardwork. And it's not just us supporting a random man who don't give a shit about us. If this was happening irl, you WILL call that person toxic.
These are just words. Instead of coming to my blog to insult me, show your blog name and send me actual evidence and all that stuff I asked for since all this convo is about demanding things.
And I already told you what to do if you don't like what Jimin does:
"It's best that you leave him and you find another celebrity that feeds your ego because Jimin is not asking for your support and he doesn't need it."
I'm not here to coddle you because you don't feel Jimin's acknowledgement. He's an artist, not your bff. He's already gone through enough shit because of his haters to still have to put up with shit because of his so called "fans".
Move on if you don't appreciate him as he is.
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
We did it!!! TMA for JIMIN!!!!!!!!
While 2/3rds the fandom was gossiping about JK, the other third were VOTING OUR ASSES OFF
I am so proud and also so fucking tired. We have been fighting for this award for days. It started w/ 0T7 accounts telling us Jimin didn't deserve the award, it should go to Suga! WTF OT7 never want to choose Jimin for anything.
They are JEALOUS of PJMs. We WORK for him because he works his ass off for us.
Please let him attend to receive it in person. I need to see him get this award.
Pjms defeated LWY ajhumass. That guy is every fandoms nightmare on them voting polls. Last year Jimin lost to him two awards for with you. This just proves that this year Jimin gained a lot of solo stans. And we're a force to be reckon with
And I think he'll attend, him and Tae since they are going to receive individual awards and maybe accept wards on the groups behalf.
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jimin-updates · 1 year
Congratulations, Jimin!
And a huge thank you to all the fans who worked so hard to win Jimin this much-deserved award. 🥰
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Now we just have to cross our fingers and hope he is going to attend the awards and accept in person!
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What a lovely gift for him to receive right before his birthday. And while you’re celebrating, please make sure to stream! We still have goals to reach for other year-end awards and Jimtober!
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seoul-bros · 2 years
Jimin wins M Countdown
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Jimin is really appreciative of our efforts.
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#We received the ARMY Award also translated as #Our ARMY won an Award
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Hobi approves!
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Post Date: 23/03/2023
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tanniefiles · 5 months
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JIMIN 140101
Did everyone end their 2013 well? ㅎㅎ it felt like it was over quite quickly "Is it your first time ever experiencing such a fast-paced year?" It really is ㅋㅋ Let’s see let’s see~~~ If we were to look at this one year..
Firstly, the first day of this year was 1st of January, where we spent it together with our members! We skated and played games, spent a day of fun just among ourselves, and made promises that even after debut we’d work hard ㅋㅋㅋ It’s cute thinking about it now ㅎㅎ Also our first showcase on 12th of June that we practiced to death before our debut, where we got to meet everybody for the first time! How nervous were we on that day.. thinking about it now too ㅠㅠㅎㅎ
Also after that we had No More Dream, N.O album promotions and had many things happen in between~~ And the event performances after that, worrying about what we should start talking about at the fanmeeting, and the fansigns that we were more nervous for than performances, but more than anything else receiving the Best New Artist Award that was our target since debut, I can’t start to explain how happy I was ㅋㅋㅋㅋ to be honest even now it seems like a dream And events in Japan, Thailand and China, and even now getting to perform at the end-of-year Gayo Daejeons… How did all our ARMYs spend the year? For me really, meeting our members and ARMY has allowed me to make memories and have experiences I’ll never forget in my entire life. Where would I get such experiences. I’m really always thankful for you all letting me make such precious memories. If I had known that the year would pass this fast, shouldn’t I have shown more aegyo?ㅋㅋㅋ 2014!! I have two requests to ask from our ARMY! One would be to always be by our side. And next would be to really look forward to this year. We’ll present a really grown side of us.
To all the ARMYs who’ve loved Bangtan we’re really always thankful and we love you Do look out for us next year too~^^
Hope you receive a lot of New Year’s blessings. (bows..) Wah~~ I’m an adult~~ Where shall I go at dawn~~?^^
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