#our purpose/usage does not need to be yours and it does not require your condoning
bigskydreaming · 4 years
TFW you realize you relate more to a fave character than you ever actually consciously realized, lmao. 
So I was just having a remote therapy session, and we were focusing on just some mental pain management techniques since my stupid metabolism makes most pain meds largely useless and my head has been waging all out warfare on me for the past week and a half, lololol. And we were delving into one of my personal fave rants, which is the fact that so many people - including vaunted medical professionals - just fundamentally don’t seem to get that having a high pain tolerance does not mean you don’t like, FEEL pain unless its really a lot or intense. Its just that you’re hard-wired/trained/geared via stuff like an abusive childhood, lol, to not SHOW or DISPLAY any visible or audible pain cues unless the pain reaches a certain high threshold where its impossible to hold them back.
But particularly over the past four or five years, with my ongoing medical shit, its super obnoxious trying to get your doctors to display a sense of urgency about your condition because they’re just fundamentally not grasping the degree of chronic pain you’re dealing with every day, since, y’know....I can literally be sitting there in the doctor’s chair and conversationally talking about the fact that no, I definitely am currently feeling like, an eight or nine out of ten on the pain scale, please don’t be confused by the fact that I’m literally LOLing as I describe this to you rather than gasping and moaning in a more obvious indication of it. 
Its like, I’m not TRYING to undersell it or anything, its just, when you grow up since the time you’re like five or six years old, knowing damn well that the only appropriate response to someone asking ‘oh am I hurting you’ that won’t earn you MORE pain is a completely casual or cavalier sounding ‘nope, I’m fine, all good here, no problems.’......like, at a certain point in your development, that becomes pretty hard-wired in, like, you can’t shake it just because you consciously WANT to. (Though it is one of the things I’m trying to unlearn and ‘rewire’ in therapy now, via EMDR techniques aimed at like, literally reprogramming my nervous system and how I react to various stimuli. Its.....slow progress, lmao, but I mean there is some progress so its all good).
But point being, when you’re a physically abused kid and your physical abuser doesn’t want to believe or accept that they’re hurting you, and so they tended to just get angrier and MORE dangerous if they thought you were indicating or even just ‘implying’ that they were in fact hurting you.....you get pretty damn good at not showing even the slightest hint of pain or distress unless its literally a level you’ve never experienced before and thus have no practical experience in hiding or distracting yourself from.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t FEEL every bit of it. It doesn’t mean you’ve found a magical off-switch that means you can just mind-over-body yourself from acknowledging or being aware that you are in fact in a shit ton of pain. You just.....have learned the importance of masking it, and found ways to do that by necessity.
Except, even much later in life when you are in a safe place or more control of your situations or surroundings, there’s no easy way to just....stop putting that mask on by default, the second you’re experiencing any type of pain. And so even when dealing with medical professionals, too many of them just don’t GET that their vaunted ‘tell me how much pain you’re in from one to ten’ scale isn’t really the be-all and end-all of pain measurement, because its subjective and arbitrary as HELLLLLLLLL.....and one of the defining parameters for what that pain scale looks like and feels like for YOU, is....your personal history with pain and how you’re ‘comfortable’ displaying evidence of it. (And I know there’s a ton of people and even groups of people who can relate to this for entirely different reasons, I just can only speak to my own of course). 
But its definitely frustrating and invalidating as hell to be in more pain than many people ever experience in their lives, and TRYING to convey that as openly and honestly as you can.....and literally being able to SEE the doubt and dismissal in doctors’ eyes, because all they’re seeing is the visual cues you’re putting out there and which they equate to ‘can’t possibly be in THAT much pain, not if he’s acting this casual about it’.....
And so the frustrating irony is that you end up dismissed as like, a pain ‘lightweight’ who is complaining about an apparent degree of pain that’s barely anything in their ‘professional’ estimation. And thus they’re disinclined to take your requests for heavier or more effective pain medication seriously, or not impressed by your attempts to imbue a greater sense of urgency in their approach to your treatment plan or procedures, etc......when in reality, the only reason you’re showing those cues of not being in that much pain is because you’re MORE used to and familiar with even extremely high degrees of pain than anything a lot of them are accustomed to.
Its invalidating as hell, being treated as though you have no idea what you’re talking about when you say “I am actually in a shit ton of active, ongoing pain, hey thanks, can we maybe do something about this,” when actually, the disconnect comes from you having MORE experience with MORE pain than some of them can even fathom. You just....also have more experience with reasons not to SHOW that pain, if its at all avoidable to any degree whatsoever.
THAT’S what high pain tolerance actually means, and the sheer volume of medical professionals who just flat out don’t get this, or worse, just don’t care or are too proud to reassess their viewpoints on this matter if that carries the implication they don’t actually know as much as they think they do......god, it grates.
(Once, when I was around twenty-three or twenty-four I think, I got caught up in the periphery of a bar fight that resulted in me getting a shard of glass embedded in the back of my forearm. Still have a pretty sizable scar from it. And it absolutely hurt like fuck, but I was conscious as paramedics arrived on scene and when going to the hospital to have it removed and stitched up, and like......kinda cracking jokes about it the whole time because I was uncomfortable as hell and didn’t really know what else to do or how to react, y’know? I mean, I had a few inches of glasses jutting out from the top of my forearm, lol, what the hell are you supposed to do or say about that? There’s not really a protocol, lmao. Problem was, they took one look at me sitting there with this spear of glass sticking out of my arm and making dumb jokes about it like it was no big deal......and they decided this meant I was in shock and kept trying to treat me accordingly. And it was just like.....useless, because lol no I wasn’t in shock, I had none of the physical symptoms of being in shock and benefited from none of their assumptions that I was.....I was just a dude with a shard of glass in his arm that hurt like fuck and I really wanted it out as soon as possible, and I was in full awareness of what had happened and everything I was feeling, I just didn’t know how to convey this in a way that they would believe, because I couldn’t come up with anything to say or do other than laugh about how fucking surreal the whole situation was.)
Anyway, so circling back to the point, or as much of one as I ever have, so today I was just learning and practicing various mental pain management/coping techniques with my therapist and discussing my issues with doctors and the High Pain Tolerance Quandary. Basically like, I would really truly like to know or learn how to display the ‘expected’ physical and visual/audio cues for being a person who is experiencing a ‘4′ on the pain scale, versus a person who is experiencing a ‘7′ or a ‘10′.....so they can stop fucking treating me like I’m only at a 4 when I’m actually at an 8 or 9, just because I look and sound like a person who really is only at a 4 no matter what they actually CLAIM to be feeling.
Course, easier said than done.
But yeah, so as she was coaching me through various techniques and surveying what I was doing with my body and facial expressions and cues, etc, she pointed out something that I had literally never noticed about myself before, even though once she DID point it out I could recognize that its something I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember, well back before I was ten and no doubt stemming from smack dab in the midst of the worst of my childhood abuse.
So, y’know on Teen Wolf, how Scott and Liam and various others are at times shown digging their claws into their palms and drawing blood to ground themselves with the pain? (And ironically, how I was just talking the other week about photo doubling for a similar such scene with gashes in the character’s palms, lmfao). Well, obviously I don’t have claws, and part of why I’d never really paid much attention to when I was doing it is because even my therapist wasn’t comfortable classifying it as a kind of self-harm or anywhere near punitive enough to carry that kind of weight or associations.....
But like, I’ve always kept my fingernails fairly trimmed but not completely. Like, just enough of an edge to them that at times, particularly when I’m in physical pain or distress already, I’ll just like....dig my fingernails into the pad of other fingertips, and use that little familiar spike of pain to not ground myself but rather distract myself from whatever else I was feeling. Like, she wasn’t comfortable calling it a self-punitive technique because as we got into it, it was clear I was never doing it to CAUSE myself pain....rather, its something I only do when I’m already in pain, usually far more pain than anything that brings up.....but by deliberately doing that and creating a focal awareness around it, even just a largely subconscious one......I’ve apparently long been using that to hook my attention up to a very specific, very manageable sensation/focal point of pain that lets me and my ADHD brain relegate whatever other pain I’m feeling (even if its much much worse) to the back of my mind for at least a little while, as I distract myself by focusing on this more obvious and consciously directed bit of lesser pain. 
And a big part of why I probably never noticed I was doing this, we eventually concluded, is because as a kid I probably came up with it as a kind of survival technique specifically BECAUSE it was something I could do to distract myself/manage my pain covertly, without drawing my abuser’s attention to what I was doing either. And by extension, without the fact that I was doing it at all 'betraying’ that I was in pain or trying to manage or cope with painful sensations in the first place. A lot of other pain management techniques, like even just deep, deliberate breaths, tend to be a lot more obvious and noticeable, and thus would have been counter-productive for my specific purposes. No matter how much they helped me manage whatever physical pain I was feeling, they would have at the same time inevitably drawn attention to the fact that I was trying to do that at all in the first place....and thus only invite more pain. 
Merely digging my fingernails into my fingertip pads, not enough to draw blood or make me cry out or anything like that, but rather just to distract myself and deliberately focus me on a source of pain I could deal with and more easily handle, as well as being ‘low in intensity’ enough that focusing on it didn’t bring any other obvious visual or audio pain cues to the forefront.....that I could do without anyone noticing. And thus this is likely why it came to be my go-to move whenever I was in any kind of pain at all, as just a quick and easy way to wrap my head around my physical sensations and shift focus to something more easily dealt with or managed (even if it didn’t actually dismiss or get rid of whatever other pain I’m feeling entirely). And just the low-key nature of it in general likely being a big part of why it became such an unconscious instinct for me until now, something that barely even registered in my conscious mind as I built up/hard-wired instinctive responses that incorporated it without me having to consciously direct myself to do that.
I mean, its still obviously not an ideal response, especially when I’m long past being stuck in any kind of external situations or need to fall back on that and the covert nature of it. So now its another of those things to just be aware of and work on rewiring on an instinctive level, making it a priority for me to focus on consciously using more helpful and positive methods of pain management.
But it was just interesting to me to have it pointed out as something I’ve been doing all this time, let alone being as unaware of doing it as I’ve apparently been. And its not hard to draw obvious parallels to when characters in media I consume do similar things even if for not quite the same reasons or in quite the same ways. So now I’m just kinda contemplating that and wondering how much even just some degree of unconscious awareness that I do that might have made me more alert to when characters or other people do similar things. Made me more attuned to noticing or even fixating on moments when they do things like that, that I related to even on an entirely subconscious level.
*Shrugs* Anyway, that’s all, like, literally not going anywhere with this, was just unwinding and felt like mapping my way through that all contemplatively, because oh no, inexplicable strangeness, therapy puts me in particularly contemplative headspaces, whodathunkit, lmfao. *Shrugs* Just struck me as particularly interesting, so felt like sharing for anyone else who can relate/see similar parallels themselves.
Or just chalk it up to random anecdotal wtf-ery from your friendly (err, mostly. okay sometimes. FINE ideally, let’s go with that) neighborhood over-sharer. 
#that last bit is just to head off the usual 'friendly concerned advice giving anons' I tend to get after posts like these#plz stop doing that#i know i over-share its not a secret and I do it with full knowledge and intent because I feel like it#it suits my purposes#my purposes do not have to be your purposes nor do they require your approval#if it makes you uncomfortable thats where the beauty of tumblr being a largely opt-in experience comes from#there's the door#i can understand the confusion - its not actually a big blinking EXIT sign but rather an 'unfollow' button#its really that simple lmfao stop being so concerned with what Im doing particularly in posts where Im not even interacting with anyone#and for the love of god please stop assuming that everyone on tumblr is TRYING to post from a state of being on#an emotional plateau of zen#nah - some of us literally use the medium to vent and unpack stuff we dont have a ton of room to vent about or unpack in our offline lives#and like the relative(ish) anonymous nature of it combined with the potential for at least some kind of validation via#like-minded or experiencing individuals in a pseudo-communal setting#our purpose/usage does not need to be yours and it does not require your condoning#and I would just like to suggest that maybe people who put a ton of emphasis on telling others (like survivors) to do a better job of#curating what content they experience/are exposed to online#might be well served to put a little more focus on curating what content YOU experience if you find yourself uncomfortable with particular#posting habits#there's a bajillion other people out there to follow#you dont need to be here if you dont actually want to be or arent actually comfortable being here#BUT I DIGRESS
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rylanqlya844 · 4 years
The Ultimate Glossary of Terms About cbd suisse
Overall research into the health ramifications of medical cannabis has been of poor and it is definitely not clear whether it is usually a useful treatment for just about any condition, or whether harms outweight any benefit.
A 2014 review stated that the variations in ratio of CBD-to-THC in botanical and pharmaceutical preparations determines the therapeutic vs psychoactive results (CBD attenuates THC's psychoactive results 15 ) of cannabis products. Some doctors are worried about mental health effects - with fears that patients could become reliant on the cannabis items prescribed, or that prescribed cannabis products will be offered on the black marketplace. ("Khiron" or the "Firm") (TSXV: KHRN), (OTCQX: KHRNF), (Frankfurt: A2JMZC), a vertically integrated cannabis leader with core functions in Latin America and Europe, announced today that it provides received import licenses and all necessary authorizations from the Directorate General of Drug Supplies and Drugs (DIGEMID) for the import and commercialization of complete spectrum, high-CBD medical cannabis items from Khiron Colombia into Peru.
For more information on state medical marijuana laws, go to the National Conference of State Legislatures website or contact your state's Department of Health insurance and Human Services to learn more about the laws regarding medical marijuana where you live. Another drug, Sativex, a mixture of THC and CBD that is administered by oral spray, has been investigated in medical trials for treating pain in sufferers with advanced tumor and for dealing with spasticity in those with multiple sclerosis. THE MEALS and Drug Administration hasn't approved marijuana for just about any medical condition, yet a growing number of states are legalizing its make use of for the treatment and management of specific medical conditions.
The first half of the book, meanwhile, has an in-depth consider the pharmacology of both CBD and THC, types of how cannabis has been used by numerous cultures for medicinal or ritualistic purposes, and an in depth timeline that follows the annals of cannabis regulations in the United States through the 20th century. Aside from concentrating on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the intoxicating compound in cannabis and typically the center point of medical marijuana programs, the authors also examine the relevant technology on many other cannabinoids within the plant, especially cannabidiol (CBD). HUD offers declared that medical marijuana is considered federally illegal, no matter state laws, and considered utilization of an illegal drug.
Project 21 aims to monitor the health outcomes of 20,000 patients in cannabis-based medicinal products to determine their basic safety and efficacy. I'm proud to say our employees could effectively compete in any health care realm but are focused on bringing safe effective and reliable medicinal products produced from cannabis to the marketplaces we serve. The healthcare plan that legalized medical marijuana in the State of Arizona was Proposition 203, which passed in 2010 2010.
Public health ramifications of medical marijuana legalization in colorado. At the same time, Dr. Jesse said, We didn't want patients who were legally using marijuana to end up being administratively denied usage of pain management programs.” Read the rest of this entry » Medical cannabis will be available in Germany quickly, with the center-right coalition getting ready to make groundbreaking changes to drug laws and regulations, a government wellness spokeswoman said this week.
Californians have recently re-elected their past Governor and Attorney General Jerry Brown, who offers always supported medical marijuana, and has even introduced legislation to enhance the legal position of sufferers with prescriptions for cannabis. 2 weeks ago, medicinal marijuana users celebrated 15 years of Proposition 215, regulations legalizing therapeutic utilization of cannabis in California. A report in 2005 by the University of Bath in England noted that "some extracts from cannabis, referred to as cannabinoids, closely resemble molecules that happen naturally in our body, and by developing treatments that target this system, we can help the body recover from a few of the effects of these diseases." Although the University doesn't condone or support the utilization of medical marijuana, they are focusing on more study to narrow down the real ramifications of cannabinoids on Crohn's disease.
(OTCBB: - Information) a pioneering U.S. biotech business developing pharmaceutical cannabis (marijuana derivative) products, is very happy to announce that numerous patients are https://cbdbro.ch reporting that Cannabis Science extract remedies are killing cancer cells. Medical researchers usually focus on the health effects of two specifically: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Because California will not require doctors to report instances including medical marijuana, no reliable data exist for just how many minors have been authorized to receive it. But Dr. Jean Talleyrand, who founded MediCann, a network in Oakland of 20 treatment centers who authorize individuals to use the drug, said his staff members had treated as many as 50 patients age range 14 to 18 who had A.D.H.D. Bay Region doctors have been at the forefront of the fierce debate about medical marijuana, winning tolerance for people with grave illnesses like terminal malignancy and AIDS.
Mayo Clinic: Mayo Clinic Q and A: Treatment with medical cannabis,” Marijuana,” What are the benefits of CBD - and could it be safe to use?” Arthritis rheumatoid.” If you are the best medical marijuana individual that complies with all state and county laws about the possession and creation of cannabis you have nothing to fear from authorities. Certainly, the medical marijuana laws and regulations exist in individual states only and there are no federal government laws allowing the utilization and creation of cannabis for medicinal reasons.
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THURSDAY, May 28, 2020 (HealthDay News) - Lots of people are using medical marijuana to treat their arthritis and additional muscle aches and pains, often without consulting their doctor, a new study reviews. Kevin Fox is normally a activist for the legalization of marijuana and seeks to greatly help people utilize the medicinal herb according to the legal limitations of the law. To get a medical marijuana card in California or anywhere else, you only will need to have an approved cause or condition, see a doctor that is certified to recommend the use of cannabis, and find someone that is legally authorized to "source" you(it really is illegal to benefit from the sale of marijuana, so collectives and dispensaries only accept "donations" in exchange for their products).
However, if people were to read the state laws and do proper analysis, they would know that state laws offer a safe legal haven for individuals who seek to use cannabis for its medical benefits and so are therefore protected by the state if indeed they follow Most PROPER STEPS. Marijuana has been known as weed, pot, or any additional name with a poor connotation because of the effects it has on a person's brain (see Marijuana Meets Guy ). Around the late 1970s, however, the phrase Medical Marijuana” became progressively utilized around the country as marijuana began gaining a reputation as an alternative medication (See Sociable Implications of Marijuana ). As more folks began supporting the use of medical Cannabis, scientists started deeper exploring what it really does for our bodies. As increasingly more states legalize marijuana for medicinal use to qualified patients, one of the questions asked "Can be medical marijuana addictive?" With opiate medicines being highly addictive if abused with significant dangers of overdose and withdrawal, it is necessary to either confirm marijuana having addictive characteristics or even to refute the notion.
While every state has laws and regulations dictating the use of medical marijuana , a lot more than two thirds of U.S. claims and the District of Columbia have in fact legalized it for procedures and more are considering bills to do the same.
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vjdarkworld · 7 years
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Score: Must-Play, anyone who loves videogames should play this as soon as possible.
// Read my Reviewing system for Context of Score
Nier Automata is Yoko Taro’s first game to ever get both critical and commercial success which he has earned it rightfully. For why I believe Automata is a masterpiece is because of the ending. As everything in the game builds up to one gameplay moment. And that gameplay moment is an emotional climax all because of a well crafted journey. Yes the game’s story is told through cutscenes, dialogue, music, etc, but when the climax of the story is GAMEPLAY it just reminds me why we play videogames in the first place. 
The Good:
Nier References
Art Direction
The Bad:
Unoptimized port for PC
Little support for PC version
The Best:
The Ending
Meaningful Sidequests
The Good:
This is a PlatinumGames game, so of course the gameplay is good. When it originally announced that Yoko Taro would be helming a Nier sequel with PlatinumGames it was an instant "hype" moment because the original Nier had quite simple gameplay. Pitting PlatinumGames expertise with fluid combo oriented hack n slashes with Yoko Taro's crazy storytelling and it was a match made in GAMERRRRRR Heaven. But how did they deliver?
Well they did deliver, in the context of this game. This is an RPG, so the game is story based. Thus, PlatinumGames decided to make this the most simple out of their hack n slash titles. Basically you can spam dodge and attack buttons and mostly cruise through the main story IF you really want to. But the combo system does actually have a little depth to it, and you can pull of some fun wacky stuff once you know some tricks.
Even a recurring simple minigame that will happen a lot throughout a playthrough was fine by me. Some people were bother by it, but it's an easy enough mini game that does have a major story payoff in the end so it's all worth it.
And to cap it off, the way that abilities and special attacks are unlocked is pretty unique. Effectively you’re doing ability item management, which has some limitations but it's a fun way to make it thematic with robots.
Which I think is why the gameplay is so good regardless of its weak points is because it was all made within the theme of androids. I'm not going to mention every cute detail but I will finish off talking about gameplay with one controversial design choice: no autosaves. Instead you manually have to save at save stations. Maybe it's because I have played all the From Software Soul's games but it didn't annoy me. Really the save points are frequent in Automata that it doesn't effect it that much. And just like in Souls games, the save points have a thematic purpose of "saving your data" to the in-universe network. Basically the manual save is there as a meta-element. And again there's many other examples of this but this is Yoko Taro's strong suits, metaphorical gameplay.
Nier References:
Nier Automata is part of a strange series that spans two different games. In fact, here's the series order:
Drakengard 3 -> Drakengard 1 -> Nier Gestalt / Nier Replicant -> Nier Automata.
Yeah, that's pretty wild. So it's understandable that you may be worried about going into Nier Automata without a clue of what's going on due to ~Lore~ reasons. "Do I really need to watch a Let's Play on Youtube of some niche game, or worse LPs of all the niche games??" Worry not, as you absolutely don't need to... well right away atleast.
To break it down, no you don't need to play the Drakengard as all the references to it are just cute references. 
Yes there are characters and side quests that are deeply connected to OG Nier, but they have no bearing on the main story being told. They are supplementary knowledge that helps both boost the main story and help provide additional emotional moments IF you have played Nier. But again, understanding what happens with the main characters is all self-contained within this game.
Now do I recommend playing OG Nier? Yes, in fact I believe that is another Must-Play game, but I specifically recommend PLAYING it. Watching a let's play on youtube will not do it justice.
To summarize, if you play Nier Automata without playing OG Nier you will be perfectly fine. You will be confused at first, but that is intentional and all will be revealed by end of the story. But, once you beat this game, you will probably get the urge to play the first game and THAT'S when you play it. Don't spoil the first Nier's experience, ya can wait it out.
Art Direction:
From the characters, to enemies, and locations the vibe is clearly of apocalypse, but there is almost a level of cuteness to it all strangely enough.
Our android protagonists, and the group they’re in called Yorha, are decked out in futuristic style gothic lolita fashion. The enemies almost look like the smartphone brand Android's mascot. With a round head, an oval body, dainty arms/legs, and tiny eyes they look quite innocent.
While there's the obvious ruined city, abandoned factory, and barren desert locations for a "post-apocalypse distant future" setting there's actually some surprise appearances. To not give too much away, two standout areas would be a 2001 A Space Odyssey rotating spacestation and a cheery amusement park.
All in all, the art direction is pretty nice. But, I need to address the elephant in the room. The 2B "controversy", specifically her butt.
Alright some context needs to be given to understand this stupidity, so bear with me. This timeline will explain it all, for the Western World specifically:
NieR Gestalt releases to little fanfare. It doesn't have much critical or commercial success, but it does get a cult following.
NieR Automata gets announced at E3 to little fanfare. The diehard fans are hyped beyond belief, but everyone else doesn't care. Though everyone is amused by Yoko Taro's antics with the emil mask.
A puzzle platformer on Steam gets greenlight and released by the name of Haydee. The title is the name of the games TITular protagonist, a robot that for some reason has huge breasts and butt. It gains a major following, spawning lots of pornography being made of this character.
NieR Automata's free demo releases on PSN. Because of the people going off of (and getting off on) the previous robot girl, people all of a sudden are extremely horny towards 2B (even though they didn't care about her for 2 years up until this point) A lot of pornography is created of 2B, most notable is a screenshot edit that starts the "controversy". An upskirt screenshot of 2B climbing a ladder is edited so that she has an asshole visible. People thought it was a real screenshot and went even more ballistic. Even after confirmed fake, people stayed horny for her.
NieR Automata releases. This time, because everyone regardless if they were horny or not, has seen the protagonist 2B all over the internet. Since everyone is hyped over 2B (and not because of the cult-classic series), NieR Automata has both critical and commercial success.
Alright, now that you are caught up, I can confirm that.... yes, 2B is cute. Yes, she has a butt. But, there's barely any fanservice of her in the game. If you’re not going up a ladder, you basically have to glitch the camera to be able to see under her skirt, and even then she pushes your camera controls away. If you detonate as her you will see her in the leotard but uhh Wonder Woman shows more skin than 2B so I honestly have no idea why some people are so pissed off at her. Some people even refuse to play the game cus of her which is really silly.....
I'm going to leave off on that for now. I will come back to that later, but let's finally get to The Bad.
The Bad:
Unoptimized PC Port:
You’re going to need a graphics card leading on the high end side if you want to see the pretty graphics.
Also, FAR mod is required if you want optimization. You’re going to need to look that up before playing.
Now I do put this in the bad category, and many people want to boycott PlatinumGames and Nier Automata for this unoptimized port, but that's going too FAR (get it). I'm going to give the context as to why this happened:
While I didn't play the PS4 version, I have heard reports of poor framerates at certain points. This leads to the revelation... this game was really only made optimized for PS4 Pro. Which I think it still lags there but not too much.
Anyways, so Square Enix decides that since Nier Automata is part of a niche franchise they might as well put it on Steam to get a quick extra bucks. So they have a quick port job happen by who knows what and boom it's on Steam.
So basically, the major problem here is Square Enix. It almost seems like they don't respect the game. No amount of "boycotting" by random people on Steam of a masterpiece game will make the company retract their thought process. SE has their FFXIV money printer, there is no incentive for them to fix a niche game. It's sad but true. And in fact, not buying the game proves their point that only FFXIV will make them money.
Now I don't condone a bad port job, this is why it's in the bad but.... the game is still perfectly playable even if you put all the grafix as low as possible, which is what I did. The only times the game crashed was when I tried to max out the graphics and resolution beyond what my PC could handle and made my GPU be at 100% usage for too long.
Little Patch Support:
This goes off of the other point. There's only been a couple of stealth patches for the DLC release, but nothing addressing the optimization. Again, it's sad that Square Enix isn't treating the game with the respect it has earned.
The Best
As the old saying goes, film is 70% audio and 30% visual. Of course that is an exaggeration, but it's trying to get across how important a soundtrack can be to making a movie iconic.
Now why am I talking about all that? Well. OG Nier had such a beautiful OST that it could be the sole reason why it got such a cult following.
Automata is no different, the music here is simply breathtaking. But listening to the OST alone doesn't do it justice, as the music is contextualized within the game perfectly. Every area has such a distinct song that I can FEEL that area when I hear the song out of the game. And without saying spoilers, the credits song makes me FEEL the ending all over again. Hell, even when I heard a song from the first Nier in this game I almost cried for real.
The music just compliments the moments within the game so well, that the music MAKES the game. And that playing the game makes the music more emotional. If you love music in games, or music in general, you gotta play Nier Automata.
As you probably know already, Yoko Taro is an odd fellow. You can lump him with other japanese videogame auteur directors ala Kojima and Kamiya. But what makes Yoko Taro different from Kojima's wacky metaphors is his consistency.
Right from Drakengard 1 Yoko-san established his auteur theme: Violence in Videogames. He explains that for a videogame protagonist to slaughter thousands of people, he has to be a crazy psychopath. The enemies in that game beg and plead to not kill. But, after 9/11 his view changed. So, in the first Nier he went with a different concept. That someone can discriminately kill without remorse if they believe their cause is Righteous. I can't say how this is achieved as spoiler, but you get the picture. Automata continues the violence theme off of the Nier idea.
There's other themes, but that's the main one.
The Ending:
The True ending is quite possibly why I think the game is a masterpiece. The entire game is building up to this climax.
Every sidequest, all the confusion is finally explained (albiet maybe too quickly). But that's just one of many twists. In which the final sequence has so many false finishes that I truly believed where the ending that the final moment caught me off guard. This last finale is what justifies getting through the entire game, regardless if you don't like hack n slash games. The trick done too is so simple that it being the emotional climax in my opinion proves it’s a masterpiece.
Meaningful Sidequests:
When going through the game, understanding what is going on is confusing. Hell even the prologue is confusing. This is intentional, because information is being kept from you. While The Truth is only revealed at the end, nearly all side-quests foreshadow the ending.
The side-quests are special in that each one has some type of twist to it. They all seem like some ordinary RPG fetch quest, but there's always a twist. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's sad, but they can catch you off guard.
But as I was saying, the twists of these side-quests don't stop there, as once you beat the game and know The Truth you will have a epiphany if you think back to side quests you have done. They give hints to the Truth, sometimes the events in the side-quests mirror what was revealed. It's quite awesome how well this was put together.
This is all most likely cus Yoko Taro creates stories backwards, starting with the ending and going to the start. And also why the ending is so good.
I've seen some people say they think the "twist" of the game is "practicable"... but considering the entire game is hinting at it, hiding in plain sight, I would say no... foreshadowing isn't practicability, it's good storytelling plain and simple.
I already talked about the controversy with 2B being cute and having a butt, but(t) to wind down I want to address something as my final point. The thing is I don't know if Yoko Taro is a puppet master genius, or how intentional was this but.... people's obsessive hype over 2B has a payoff as a moment within the game.
To give a little context, the lady from the previous Nier, Kaine was extremely scantily clad with purpose. It being to challenge body norms, and people fell hook line in sinker. People said she was way too sexy and only eye candy, and even barring the amazing character arc she has, there is a part of her body that's really only hinted at within the game. I won't spoil it, so Let me go back to 2B.
Now 2B is cute, and everyone loves how 2B looks or wanting to be knee-jerk contrarian cus of the annoying horny people. Here's the thing, this is addressed in the game. This obsessive of 2B is reflected back at the player in one moment. I have no idea if Yoko Taro knew there would be this fervor over the games protagonist but mannnnn,
I think we all got played, hook line and sinker. Ya got us good Yoko Taro.
Details of Playthrough
I played on PC, bought on Steam. FAR mod used as well. I had a pretty low/midrange spec going in, so i had to play everything on low at 900p, also using FAR mod to turn off lighting effects. Still, I had framerate drops at certain areas. Game crashed if I played on higher settings, but keeping it on low stopped that.
My Specs (at the time of playthrough):
CPU: i5-2400
GPU: Radeon R9 270 Sapphire
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airoasis · 5 years
Zero Waste is not recycling more, but less | Bea Johnson | TEDxM?nster
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/zero-waste-is-not-recycling-more-but-less-bea-johnson-tedxmunster/
Zero Waste is not recycling more, but less | Bea Johnson | TEDxM?nster
Translator: Maria Boura Reviewer: Peter van de Ven lift your hand for those who suppose that we must recycle more. Well, i don’t. My query used to be a trick. My identify is Bea Johnson, i’m the author of Zero Waste dwelling, and due to the fact 2008 my family of four produces one jar of waste per yr. Now, when humans find out that I reside a 0 waste subculture, they love to inform me that they too recycle the whole thing. And the city of San Francisco, which has a purpose of zero waste for 2020, tells us that recycling and composting as so much as possible is a approach to gain zero waste.I do not agree at all. Recycling will not be a approach to our waste obstacle. Recycling requires vigour to method, nevertheless it also lacks regulations to coordinate the efforts of manufacturers, patrons, municipalities, and recyclers across the globe. Recycling depends on manner too many variables to make it a dependable answer. What we put in our recycling bin is out of our control. What occurs to it’s uncertain. My city, for instance, recycles, accepts all varieties of plastics. However there may be simplest a marketplace for very few of them. And the few that have the hazard of being recycled are turned into a product with a purpose to now not be recyclable. Once they take a plastic container and turn it into plastic lumber, that lumber is now not recyclable. It is going to end up in a landfill, or worse, the incinerator, where the resource will be misplaced perpetually. For my family, zero waste shouldn’t be about recycling more, it’s truly about recycling much less via preventing waste from coming into our house within the first position. Recycling for us is a last inn. Actually, zero recycling is a intention.Now, doing away with disposables from your existence in contemporary society seems undoubtedly unimaginable. But, we did just pleasant without all these products no longer see you later ago. Disposability is a cutting-edge concept, anything that was once invented with the aid of the manufacturers and their robust marketers out of monetary greed. Now, they promise us time savings in our existence, in an effort to be more productive. However do not the products that they promote rather prevent effectivity? They ought to be purchased, discarded. Bought, discarded. Purchased, discarded. What a waste of time and cash that’s! However how do you stop that endless cycle? We discover that taking out disposables is truly really easy.My loved ones has been equipped to attain it in three steps. Quantity one: to easily get rid of single-use from our lives. There’s a reusable substitute for each single disposable item out there. Rediscovering them was once an epiphany for our household. We have been equipped to eliminate paper towels, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, freezer baggage, disposable pens. And yes, even band-aids, menstrual products, floss, Q-pointers. I’d have never proposal that I would live without these merchandise. Do I pass over them at present? No longer one bit.Fairly the contrary, without a doubt. I not must go to the shop to purchase those matters; I not ought to put them in my vehicle; I no longer need to raise them 36 steps to my front door; I no longer must store them. And then, I no longer ought to sort them. My children no longer need to take all these materials all the way down to the curb to be recycled. And my husband is particularly completely satisfied with the economic savings. They’ve allowed us some lovely strong loved ones hobbies. Now, the trick in adopting reusables is to maintain an open intellect to the possible choices, and give yourself a while to get adjusted to them.Men are mainly addicted to paper towels. It’ll take them some time to get used to making use of rags alternatively. The 2nd step is to purchase with out packaging. You can do that via purchasing secondhand, on the grounds that certainly used objects do not are available in packaging. However which you could also try this through purchasing your consumables, like food, in bulk, making use of your possess containers, like glass jars and material baggage. Now you could tell me, "well, I do not have bulk where I reside." when you undertake a 0 waste tradition, you accumulate a selective imaginative and prescient. And also you understand that bulk is all over. In my view, when I enter a supermarket, I now not see what’s packaged, I simplest see what is available to me unpackaged. However I’ve created a bulk locator to aid men and women to find bulk areas near them. It’s on my website, zerowastehome.Com.It facets to hundreds of locations international, and it lets individuals that to find those areas share them with the Zero Waste group. The fine news is, bulk is exploding correct now. My publication has stimulated the opening of countless unpackaged outlets in the course of the world. Like Unverpackt Kiel, which was Germany’s first bulk store. After which Natrlich Unverpackt, in Mnster itself. Now, if you plan on bringing your own jar, to get it filled with cheese on the typical supermarket takes a little of guts.The trick there may be quite simply not to seem the staff in the eyes. (Laughter) so you arrive there along with your jar, and you say, "hello, may I please have 500 grams of – well, this brie proper right here, in here?" Act as in case you’ve accomplished this your whole lifestyles, I promise, they’ll now not refuse you. The 1/3 step is to effortlessly discontinue accepting freebies.Considering that consuming doesn’t simply occur by way of the act of purchasing, it additionally happens through the act of accepting matters which might be handed out to us. And on this society, well, we are the ambitions of lots of those freebies. Trade cards, for example. I’ve located that in ninety nine% of the circumstances when any person tried to present me a trade card, I’ve already had a contact with the man or woman. If I name a plumber to my residence, and the first thing he does after I open my entrance door is to hand me his business card, there is no factor in accepting it. Without doubt, if he’s at my front door, well, he has my deal with. If he has my tackle, I’ve given it to him; we’ve got already been in touch. There is not any purpose to accept this contact information printed on just a little piece of cardboard. Now, on this society, announcing "no" to things which might be exceeded out to you would seem strange. It could even be authorized as impolite. However the trick right here is to be armed with a number of sentences. "that is quite satisfactory of you, but no, thanks." My youngest son says, "No, i’m excellent." My eldest teenager, he’s even more minimal, he says, "No, thanks." we have a lot to be taught from our teens.Accepting is condoning, just as purchasing is vote casting. Every time we make a determination, we’ve got the vigour to support a practice that is both sustainable, or one that is not. Whenever we purchase or take delivery of disposables, good, it is a method for us to perpetuate no longer most effective this unresolved recycling process, but additionally all the practices that the materials entail. Do you know that BPA, contained and launched by some plastics into food, has been linked to cancers and smaller penises in toddlers? Yes, I just said that. (Laughter) Now, that means that whilst you buy that plastic packaging, you no longer best condone the depletion of typical resources and that unresolved recycling approach, but in addition the usage of toxic materials.Sincerely, an international full of small penises. But you additionally condone the usage of taxpayer cash to control waste, as a substitute of funding more useful packages, like colleges, libraries, transportation infrastructure, land conservation. And on a private degree, good, every time you spend your money purchasing something that’s disposable, you use it, then throw it away; it’s literally throwing your money away. Or a portion of that go back and forth you’ve gotten continually wanted to take, or that retreat you’ve invariably desired to head on. On the other hand, when you do away with single-use out of your existence, when you purchase without packaging, and also you discontinue accepting freebies, then you vote for a healthier, more sustainable, unpackaged world for our youngsters. But better but, you’ll be able to discover a better you. You’ll be able to free your self from the fictional wishes that the marketers have created in our society.You are going to now not spend time and money purchasing and taking away gadgets, however focal point on what issues most. You’ll have time to spend with acquaintances, with loved ones, a hobby; you can have cash to fund your desires. Lift your hand should you consider that we should recycle much less, and are living more. Thanks. (Applause) .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Zero Waste is not recycling more, but less | Bea Johnson | TEDxM?nster
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/zero-waste-is-not-recycling-more-but-less-bea-johnson-tedxmunster/
Zero Waste is not recycling more, but less | Bea Johnson | TEDxM?nster
Translator: Maria Boura Reviewer: Peter van de Ven lift your hand for those who suppose that we must recycle more. Well, i don’t. My query used to be a trick. My identify is Bea Johnson, i’m the author of Zero Waste dwelling, and due to the fact 2008 my family of four produces one jar of waste per yr. Now, when humans find out that I reside a 0 waste subculture, they love to inform me that they too recycle the whole thing. And the city of San Francisco, which has a purpose of zero waste for 2020, tells us that recycling and composting as so much as possible is a approach to gain zero waste.I do not agree at all. Recycling will not be a approach to our waste obstacle. Recycling requires vigour to method, nevertheless it also lacks regulations to coordinate the efforts of manufacturers, patrons, municipalities, and recyclers across the globe. Recycling depends on manner too many variables to make it a dependable answer. What we put in our recycling bin is out of our control. What occurs to it’s uncertain. My city, for instance, recycles, accepts all varieties of plastics. However there may be simplest a marketplace for very few of them. And the few that have the hazard of being recycled are turned into a product with a purpose to now not be recyclable. Once they take a plastic container and turn it into plastic lumber, that lumber is now not recyclable. It is going to end up in a landfill, or worse, the incinerator, where the resource will be misplaced perpetually. For my family, zero waste shouldn’t be about recycling more, it’s truly about recycling much less via preventing waste from coming into our house within the first position. Recycling for us is a last inn. Actually, zero recycling is a intention.Now, doing away with disposables from your existence in contemporary society seems undoubtedly unimaginable. But, we did just pleasant without all these products no longer see you later ago. Disposability is a cutting-edge concept, anything that was once invented with the aid of the manufacturers and their robust marketers out of monetary greed. Now, they promise us time savings in our existence, in an effort to be more productive. However do not the products that they promote rather prevent effectivity? They ought to be purchased, discarded. Bought, discarded. Purchased, discarded. What a waste of time and cash that’s! However how do you stop that endless cycle? We discover that taking out disposables is truly really easy.My loved ones has been equipped to attain it in three steps. Quantity one: to easily get rid of single-use from our lives. There’s a reusable substitute for each single disposable item out there. Rediscovering them was once an epiphany for our household. We have been equipped to eliminate paper towels, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, freezer baggage, disposable pens. And yes, even band-aids, menstrual products, floss, Q-pointers. I’d have never proposal that I would live without these merchandise. Do I pass over them at present? No longer one bit.Fairly the contrary, without a doubt. I not must go to the shop to purchase those matters; I not ought to put them in my vehicle; I no longer need to raise them 36 steps to my front door; I no longer must store them. And then, I no longer ought to sort them. My children no longer need to take all these materials all the way down to the curb to be recycled. And my husband is particularly completely satisfied with the economic savings. They’ve allowed us some lovely strong loved ones hobbies. Now, the trick in adopting reusables is to maintain an open intellect to the possible choices, and give yourself a while to get adjusted to them.Men are mainly addicted to paper towels. It’ll take them some time to get used to making use of rags alternatively. The 2nd step is to purchase with out packaging. You can do that via purchasing secondhand, on the grounds that certainly used objects do not are available in packaging. However which you could also try this through purchasing your consumables, like food, in bulk, making use of your possess containers, like glass jars and material baggage. Now you could tell me, "well, I do not have bulk where I reside." when you undertake a 0 waste tradition, you accumulate a selective imaginative and prescient. And also you understand that bulk is all over. In my view, when I enter a supermarket, I now not see what’s packaged, I simplest see what is available to me unpackaged. However I’ve created a bulk locator to aid men and women to find bulk areas near them. It’s on my website, zerowastehome.Com.It facets to hundreds of locations international, and it lets individuals that to find those areas share them with the Zero Waste group. The fine news is, bulk is exploding correct now. My publication has stimulated the opening of countless unpackaged outlets in the course of the world. Like Unverpackt Kiel, which was Germany’s first bulk store. After which Natrlich Unverpackt, in Mnster itself. Now, if you plan on bringing your own jar, to get it filled with cheese on the typical supermarket takes a little of guts.The trick there may be quite simply not to seem the staff in the eyes. (Laughter) so you arrive there along with your jar, and you say, "hello, may I please have 500 grams of – well, this brie proper right here, in here?" Act as in case you’ve accomplished this your whole lifestyles, I promise, they’ll now not refuse you. The 1/3 step is to effortlessly discontinue accepting freebies.Considering that consuming doesn’t simply occur by way of the act of purchasing, it additionally happens through the act of accepting matters which might be handed out to us. And on this society, well, we are the ambitions of lots of those freebies. Trade cards, for example. I’ve located that in ninety nine% of the circumstances when any person tried to present me a trade card, I’ve already had a contact with the man or woman. If I name a plumber to my residence, and the first thing he does after I open my entrance door is to hand me his business card, there is no factor in accepting it. Without doubt, if he’s at my front door, well, he has my deal with. If he has my tackle, I’ve given it to him; we’ve got already been in touch. There is not any purpose to accept this contact information printed on just a little piece of cardboard. Now, on this society, announcing "no" to things which might be exceeded out to you would seem strange. It could even be authorized as impolite. However the trick right here is to be armed with a number of sentences. "that is quite satisfactory of you, but no, thanks." My youngest son says, "No, i’m excellent." My eldest teenager, he’s even more minimal, he says, "No, thanks." we have a lot to be taught from our teens.Accepting is condoning, just as purchasing is vote casting. Every time we make a determination, we’ve got the vigour to support a practice that is both sustainable, or one that is not. Whenever we purchase or take delivery of disposables, good, it is a method for us to perpetuate no longer most effective this unresolved recycling process, but additionally all the practices that the materials entail. Do you know that BPA, contained and launched by some plastics into food, has been linked to cancers and smaller penises in toddlers? Yes, I just said that. (Laughter) Now, that means that whilst you buy that plastic packaging, you no longer best condone the depletion of typical resources and that unresolved recycling approach, but in addition the usage of toxic materials.Sincerely, an international full of small penises. But you additionally condone the usage of taxpayer cash to control waste, as a substitute of funding more useful packages, like colleges, libraries, transportation infrastructure, land conservation. And on a private degree, good, every time you spend your money purchasing something that’s disposable, you use it, then throw it away; it’s literally throwing your money away. Or a portion of that go back and forth you’ve gotten continually wanted to take, or that retreat you’ve invariably desired to head on. On the other hand, when you do away with single-use out of your existence, when you purchase without packaging, and also you discontinue accepting freebies, then you vote for a healthier, more sustainable, unpackaged world for our youngsters. But better but, you’ll be able to discover a better you. You’ll be able to free your self from the fictional wishes that the marketers have created in our society.You are going to now not spend time and money purchasing and taking away gadgets, however focal point on what issues most. You’ll have time to spend with acquaintances, with loved ones, a hobby; you can have cash to fund your desires. Lift your hand should you consider that we should recycle much less, and are living more. Thanks. (Applause) .
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