#our will ignite
hello! it's the fic WIP fairy🧚✨please tell us about what you're working on in as much or as little detail as you want! pass this along to anyone who you admire, anyone who you know needs motivation, or anyone who may not get to talk about their work often🌻spread the love💜and good luck on your wips!💓
hey sweetpea, this is very sweet of you! here's are some that i've been plucking away at recently:
leon/matthew, leon/matthew/oilers, matthew/mitch, matthew/leafs, leon/others: tentative title: our will ignite
magical realism au where mascots are patron gods and players complete tasks for favor in a sorta winner's room with other players and also on their own. E rating. easy 20k probably, depends on how into the world building i go. v obvs inspired by a couple of other fics 😜
“Answer me first,” Matthew cajoles, before Leon can work up to a proper tantrum. “Multi-charm for an assigned Task? In a Rite’s Room?” he pauses, “or out of it. For fun, yunno.” He grins.
“You first,” Leon says, hip nudging Matthew’s leg.
“Yeah,” Matthew says, easily. “Couple of times.”
Twice, but. Once was with 12 of the Leafs players, so he gives himself another couple on the count, for being on the bottom of that pyramid.
leon/matthew: tentative title: hello my old heart
future fic, post another league expansion AU where leon and matthew finally play on the same team together. feat: career ending injuries, falling in love in your thirties, mentoring kids in their 20s, gender happenings and queer contemplative shite, guys being dudes, hockey players being family, etc. E rating. i might be underestimating when i say could be 50k. i'm closing in on 5 already and its just the vaguest outlines.
“What are you doing here?” Leon finally asks, outright.
“Eating breakfast?” Matthew asks, waving a fork around. A piece of egg flies off.
“Why did you waive your NMC?” It was a good fucking deal. A flat-out NMC for five years.
connor/leon/matthew. tentative title: inceptus
inception au. leon and connor are a fixed extraction team in dreamwork. and yet, here matthew is, getting a job offer from just drat. what's a guy to do but ask a few questions. somewhere T-E rating. either 2k or 5-10k depending on if i decide it needs continuing.
It sounds fine. There’s no particular reason for Matthew to think about the last time they worked together; how Drat put his big, bloody hand on Davo’s strained, scruffy neck and chin to tilt Davo’s head up and slide a gun under his chin to shoot Davo out before the kick.
winner's room au following the last oilers/panthers game of 2022, in which matthew is the forfeit for connor and leon sharing their 1st/2nd star win (in which matthew is always the forfeit for them). E. 10k-ish.
Sometimes he’ll huff and puff like the rest of the guys, get rowdy and raunchy and turn it into a joke, ‘ohhh, someone wants a piece of The Cheese,’ with the team, but.
But this is Edmonton.
This is where he’s forfeited the most.
as you can see i've gone uh, all in now that i've committed the hrpf once ✌😅
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amagnificentobsession · 2 months
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We dance like lovers, but laugh like BFF’s. ✨
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fidgetspringer · 3 months
We're going over the wiring the old owner did on the bike, which is very neatly colour coded, but my stepdad is also VERY colour blind, so far it's going a lot like this:
Stepdad: "So this red wire-"
Me: "That one's green but go on."
Him: "So this green wire-"
Him: "This one's orange, right?"
Me: "That's the brown one."
Him: *Pointedly holding up wire*
Me: "Red."
So at least i'm being somewhat useful.
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nonbinarycollector · 7 months
"why suddenly homestuck" KNOW your ROOTS. utdr will ALWAYS stem from homestuck. anyway when i first read hs 33489 years ago i always liked jade and davejade and i am always going to and this will never change
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teathattast · 5 months
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and there's no reason for me to hide it
i wanna love you until we die
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mydinnercult · 4 months
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my dinner 🤤
OUR dinner 🤤
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shostakobitchh · 6 months
If things had gone down a bit differently around the beginning of second year of your au, how do you think it would’ve went down if Ariel stayed and the Dursleys did end up locking her in her room and putting bars on the windows? Especially if Snape was coming that night….
Chaos, probably
Actual footage of Snape talking to the Dursley's:
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Followed by the rescue- just imagine a wand splintering the wood because he's a dramatic motherfucker.
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bklynmusicnerd · 10 months
"Yeah, but in a relationship, any relationship. It's important to let the other person know you appreciate them so that you don't create barriers that delay any hope for reciprocation" - Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls)
I originally wrote this GG quote down because I thought it'd be good for an analysis of Spencer's daddy issues but I feel like there's probably endless discussions about Spencer's trauma going on right now, so I'm repurposing it for some analysis on Trina's repressed trauma and how that coincides with her character archetype of classical heroine.
I think it's important to discuss that Trina's perspective in that argument (possible precursor breakup lol), while far more logical than Spencer, was also just as shaped by her trauma as Spencer's pov was.
I landed on classical heroine as Trina's archetype because it felt the closest to how she's perceived and treated by the characters around her. Trina is characterized as wise beyond her years, deeply empathetic, intelligent, selfless, and brave/proactive.
Whenever characters in Trina's orbit describe her as "special" or "extraordinary", they're typically referring to one of these classical heroine elements she exhibits. It keeps coming back to what Taggert said, she's the daughter of a healer and a strategist but at her core, Trina is a rescuer who leads with her heart and wants to save the world.
Trina's desire (or maybe even compulsion 👀) to save shapes every single one of her relationships. All classical heroine descriptions come down to the core elements of bravery and sacrifice. First thing about Trina that Spencer falls in love with? Her bravery when she chases him out of the gallery. What Trina was actually doing at the gallery? Prioritizing checking on Ava over her graduation party because she wanted to make sure she was okay. Sacrifice. I'm zeroing in on these two qualities for Trina's archetype because they speak to how Spencer perceives Trina (both the good and the bad of that) and they speak to what Trina convinces herself she's obligated to do for the people she cares about. Trina's idea of love is rooted in sacrifice. It's something that keeps coming up for her. She always goes back to utilitarianism, the greater good.
She puts her desires/needs last, especially if she thinks doing so will make the people she loves happy. She absolutely views that as a method of saving people. It also often becomes a method of avoiding the reality that the trauma she experiences impacts her. For Trina, her trauma is an inconvenience, a nuisance, a burden. Her default is to be the steady and stable presence for others.
The second Spencer framed this entire demon spawn situation as "protecting his baby brother" and started flipping out over his inability to do so, Trina went into sacrifice mode for him. She decided that she could endure retriggering herself with the entire Esme situation and how helpless she felt during her drugging and framing, if it meant "saving" Spencer and his demon spawn brother. She told Spencer she was "fine" and she convinced herself the hurt was "worth it" for Spencer's happiness.
This is the part of Trina's perspective that Spencer still can't see. Their relationship just devolved into the similar dynamics of their friendship, where Trina compromised herself to make Spencer happy again and again while she felt increasingly vulnerable and unprotected. The pedestal of heroine is a dangerous thing, and this is often the consequence of embracing the "rescuer" role in a relationship. One's vulnerability/fallibility over time is not considered or remembered.
Trina's slip of "finally" that set Spencer off wasn't just an insensitive mess up, it was a culmination of her biting her tongue until it bled for months about how Spencer's coparenting obsession was hurting her. Spencer is, in general, terrible at recognizing Trina's trauma because he's so myopic about his own but also because Trina has a tendency to push this narrative that it doesn't affect her. She is always "fine" because the people around her need her to be "fine."
Trina is going through her own arc of learning to come to terms with her vulnerability, her fallibility, in accordance with her strength. That it's okay to not always be the steady one, that it's okay to follow her heart, make mistakes and need people. And Spencer was supposed to help her with that.
He was supposed to be one of the few people that she could fall apart around and count on to stay by her side. So as much as Spencer feels betrayed by Trina not being the perfect support system and listening ear in that moment, Trina also felt betrayed by Spencer implying that he would discard her if he needed to.
He once again made her question her faith in him and probably regret every moment she was vulnerable around him. She grew to a point where she admitted she needed him in her life and Spencer turned around and tried to weaponize that in a moment of anger. Spencer lashing out basically sent the message to Trina that she can't count on reciprocity from him. That she can't trust him with her heart after all. She still loves him, but you could see the walls go up again by the end of that conversation.
And this is all coming at a time when Cyrus is also back and retriggering her as well. Her recurring, visceral refusal to be positioned as a "victim" again likely also applies to anything regarding the sociopathic mooch. She will never just be Spencer's ex to Trina. She will always be the girl who drugged her and tried to destroy her life. I think that, plus Trina's concerns about defending herself against Cyrus, have led to Trina reaching her emotional limits on sacrificing for her relationship.
All her triggers coming at her at once forced Trina into self-preservation mode. As much as we love that Spencer genuinely looks up to and respects Trina when she's in classical heroine mode, it's a catch-22 because that same reverence leads Spencer to not process her vulnerability and need for support seriously.
He's been sending a message to her that he's not a consistent safe space for her, he's volatile, he doesn't live up to his words to her, and Trina is reacting to that as much as Spencer is reacting to his own grievances with Nik. Yes, she has classical heroine tendencies, but she's still vulnerable and affected by her traumas. Right now, she is in a moment where she wants to feel safe, and unfortunately, Spencer is not making her feel safe in their relationship.
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oursparkspod · 8 months
why we don't have an ep today
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asocial-skye · 1 year
i know anidala isn't that type of couple, but if george lucas gave us a single scene of anakin and padme doing her taxes, i would have been ready to burn for their love. i already do that, but it would have been been better.
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: March 10
“Don't Worry Baby" by Lorrie Morgan feat. the Beach Boys
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lunaetis · 3 months
▸▸ [ @msftsn ( corvo ) || changli one-liner call ]
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─「长离」─  " was it a nightmare ? " her fingers gently tread through his silvery locks in a soothing manner, not moving too much so that his head could rest comfortably on her lap. her voice was tender, almost like a lull. " you were mumbling and wincing in your sleep. did you see something unpleasant ? "
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shostakobitchh · 10 months
me, remembering that sirius will be attacking the fat lady soon:
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spottedenchants · 1 year
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ehehe beau in common vs beau in undercommon
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softfuzzyships · 10 months
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the guys are out. Yes. YES. THE GUYS ARE OUT
anyway. ask them anything, they’ll figure it out. play nice together lads
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oursparkspod · 3 months
WE'RE BACK BABY! Today, join us as we dive into the undercity of Towashi in Monster of the Week!
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