ketocraft · 8 years
So I'm in my third week of keto now, and I'm just reflecting on this diet/lifestyle change and how things have progressed. I find that ever since I started really listening to my body, I've started to allow things to naturally happen. It's funny because I'm both not noticing the changes and noticing the changes at the same time. What I mean is, something will happen and I will notice that it's happening, but I won't really get the impact that it has happened until it has already happened. I'm sure that confused the hell out of most of you, so if you're still reading, I will clarify. So the first thing that I did was get the different types of distinctions as I spoke about in "OF WANTINGS, CRAVINGS, WILL, & DESIRE". All of these little distinctions that you never really noticed because you're so busy cramming things into your mouth and not paying attention at all to what you're eating. So the first thing that I did was notice whether or not I was mouth hungry or tummy hungry or any other kinds of hungry a person could be. Yes, I have decided there are multiple types of hungry. So once I started playing with that notion, I started seeing how far I can push myself before eating. First it was a couple of hours longer in between meal times, then I started using bulletproof coffee to push it back even more, and now I can go a whole day eating one meal, and one bullet proof coffee, or only one meal at all that day. Then today I noticed that the last thing I ate was at 9 PM last night and it is 9:20 PM and I still have not eaten nor am I very hungry. So now I guess I'm naturally 24 hour fasting. It has taken a lot of slowing down, and really listening to my body. I think listening to your body for some people like me, took a little bit of practice and a little bit of patience, but it happened pretty rapidly and now apparently I am capable of a 24 hour fast. Which to me, is crazy! Not so much that I've never fasted before, but that I don't even notice that I'm doing it and I'm not hungry I still feel satisfied from the meal the night before. This, is new. The next thing where I have naturally progressed onto in this ketogenic lifestyle is workingout. While doing a workout is nothing new to me, I haven't done anything in regard to exercise in about two years. I would test myself every once in a while with a long walk or something, but I haven't really tried to see if I'm in shape or anything like that. On Tuesday, I went to run some errands, and when I came home I found I had a lot of energy still. Probably the bulletproof coffee to be honest, but nonetheless I had the energy. Next thing you know I'm outside in my front yard music blasting in my headphones and spinning poi dancing around in my field like nobody's business which is something I haven't done in years. Today, which is Wednesday, I worked out again! I wasn't going to but I just found myself in my living room with my mini Hula hoop having fun and apparently getting some exercise in. I've never developed a workout regiment, nor do I plan on starting a workout regiment per se, but if naturally my body decides to go there then there I will be. So all of these newfangled changes have me thinking about the way that I have naturally progressed on this diet. It seems like I'm just letting things happen and they all seem to be positive things. Working out yesterday finally made the scale move and it hadn't moved for about a week. So I guess this diet really works well with my body, and I'm really happy about that. I haven't been recording much on YouTube lately because I've been too busy not eating! I need to get back to making videos though, those awesome 17 people might wonder what happened to me. :-) The best thing I can tell people who are just coming to this diet is to slow down. Slow down and listen to your body, because when you start to do that you'll find out how little you actually need. I know that for some people it's really hard to feel any kind of growling in their stomach, but if you just have some patience with yourself you'll see that your body is capable of some amazing things! Now let me be clear about something, I am not by any means starving myself. Just look at my Instagram (shameless plug: Keto Craft (or you can search) CultOfSpin) same thing). What I am doing is testing my stomach. So let me explain that a little bit, I don't want to get to in-depth I'll probably write a blog on this at some point, but in short what I'm doing is the equivalent to asking a child if they really don't have to go to the bathroom before you leave the house. So initially I hear a slight growl in my stomach and I wait about five minutes and if it gets worse I eat and if it goes away I don't. I'm in an experimental phase with this diet right now, but it's not a dangerous one by any means. I'm not a crash dieting type. My body is affording me the ability to really get to know it so I am taking that time. Kind of like getting to know yourself all over again not from a mental standpoint but from a physical one. Like, this is what hungry feels like, this is what digesting feels like, this is what happens when XY&Z happens. You clear out all the crap so the new things can begin. I hope that makes sense anyway. Well my phone is about to die, so that is it for now. TTYL!
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