ketocraft · 8 years
starting weight: 210 pounds Current weight: 190 pounds Goal weight: 120 pounds Today, March 26 marks a full month that I have been on a ketogenic diet. On my YouTube channel I talk a lot about how I felt before starting this journey and I can honestly say in a lot of ways it has been a drastic change for me. I have more energy throughout my days, i’m still not a morning person, but I find it’s easier for me to get out of bed in the morning and I don’t feel so tired every day. I’m still not a fan of watching my macros even though I do so practically religiously, but it has really helped me to lose weight. Now I am in the 180s rather than the 200s which is amazing and awesome!! I have actually felt the need to go and work-out! That was a huge change. I don’t think I have ever wanted to work out. Thing is, I had so much energy lately that it just felt natural to start doing so every other day. I like the changes that this diet has helped me make and I don’t see a time that I will ever be off of this diet. I can see my goal weight on the distant horizon, but unlike other times, it does not seem so unachievable. What has really floored me about this diet is that usually on diets I lose little to no weight due to the fact that I have hypothyroidism, but on this diet even without Synthroid, I seem to be losing weight like people with a normal thyroid would (or close to it I think). It takes a huge leap of faith for somebody who is already considered fat, obese, or heavy, to rely on fat to make them skinnier and healthier, but if you’re somebody who is considering this diet I can honestly say it’s a good move to make. Before starting this diet, I considered myself somebody who listens to their body pretty frequently. What I realize however, is that there’s more than just mental analysis and basic physical analysis that one should do to maintain their health. What I mean is, since I’ve been on the ketogenic diet it has made me stop and really listen to the cues my body is giving me. This has made a drastic change to the way that I eat. I would say that if you don’t or have not yet started intermittent fasting and you have been ketogenic for a while, just take a day and really listen to what your body is saying. You might find that you’re eating more often then you need to. I was totally surprised to find out that I was, and how little my body actually needed per day. Again, as I’ve said before, I am nowhere near starving myself. I am however allowing my body to tell me when it is time to eat. I have also learned the importance of keeping hydrated because if you don’t, you will be hungry all the time! Keeping my hydration, electrolytes, and other necessities in check is really paramount on this diet and I find that I’m learning this very quickly. Now I think I can expect more from my body, and my life can expect more from me and that is awesome to feel. One thing I hear a lot of people talk about is mental clarity and after about a month of this diet I wouldn’t say that I have extreme cognizance or mental clarity, but what I will say is that going from feeling sleepy and walking in a dream like state every day to feeling awake and productive every day is definitely a start. If you’re somebody who has never succeeded on a diet, try being ketogenic for a month and I mean really do the diet, don’t half ass it and you will see results, so much so that you will want to keep on going!
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ekycahyashlikha · 6 years
Hari ini ceritanya janjian ketemu si kawan di kajian yang diisi oleh Ust. Beny. Sampe disana kaget, asli. Mayoritas ibu-ibu yang datang kesana pada bawa bayik. Wkwkw. Lucu sih jadi ada selingan kan. Yang biasanya lihat kanan-kiri manggut-manggut ngantuk, hari ini malah kanan kiri bayik semua, kan gue jadi berasa muda ya. Wkwkw.
Ga lama gue duduk, ada seorang ibu bawa dua anak, lelaki semua. (Kata ibunya) Anak yang pertama tahun ini dua tahun umurnya dan anak yang ke dua baru satu bulan tiga hari umurnya. Ga lama ngobrol, si ibu minta tolong buat jagain anaknya karena ia mau sholat dhuha. Okelah gue mau.
Tetiba si anak pertama ngegaruk ubun-ubunnya adiknya, kan gue kaget ya. Tau lah ubun-ubun anak bayik gimana kondisinya. Gue bilang aja sama si anak pertama, "kakak si dede kan kepalanya ga gatel, berarti ga perlu digaruk." Wkwkwk, sebelum kalimat itu keluar dari mulut gue, gue keinget pesan kawan gue yang bilang, "kalau ngelarang anak itu jangan pake kata 'jangan', dan ga boleh ngebentak." Ita okay gue terapin lah ya walaupun gue panik.
Ga lama, si anak pertama ini malah mukul kepala adiknya. Ya gue tambah panik. Butuh waktu lama gue buat ngeluarin nasehatin ini anak biar ga keluar kata, "jangan!"
Alhasil, gue bilang gini, "kan ini kepalanya dede bukan alat musik drum. Kalau alat musik drum baru dipukul-pukul. Kalau kepala dede harusnya disayang-sayang."
Ya tapi mungkin dia belum paham sama yang gue omongin. Jadi mukul kepala adiknya sekali lagi. Panik lagi gue, asli.
Karena bingung harus ngomong apa lagi dan takutnya malah naangis, gue bilang aja, "gini loh kak kalau mau dipukul-pukul." Kata gue sambil ketok-ketokin botol minumnya dia ke lantai.
Eh dia ngikutin gue malahan dengan suara yang kenceng. Wkwkwkw.
Ternyata jagain dua anak itu ribet ya. Padahal cita-cita gue pen punya anak delapsn. Tapi dititipin dua anak sebentaran aja udah riweh.
Apa perlu gue ralat cita-cita gue yang satu itu? Wwkwkw.
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difanf · 2 years
Pulau Belitung
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Someone said "We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape Us" Entah darisiapa ini. But thanks for the experiences, I wish I could go to there again to make another wonderful moments. Disamping nuasanya kayak Hometown ChaChaCha, warga lokalnya mirip juga hahaha sebagian besar mereka tau satu sama lain "Tinggal sebutin aja nama dari kampung mana, pasti tau, mau butuh bantuan ketokin aja salah satu rumah mba" Heran tapi gua malah kagum karena walaupun satu pulau kecil tapi ini ga sekecil satu kelurahan dan kalau di kota besar satu kelurahan belum tentu kenal semua . Kehidupan pertetanggaannya pun dibilang erat banget, karena disini ada apa apa pasti tetangga dulu bukan keluarga, kalau keluarganya jauh ya.. cuman tetangga yang bisa kita panggil.
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Paling recommended untuk backpackeran dan camping samping pantai, pantainya ga ada ombak dan anginnya ga kenceng. Mau menepi di pantai manapun sabi banget.
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Di Batu pelangi
Buat yang mau kesana, recommended banget dah. Tiket pesawat dan penginapannya pun terbilang murah dibanding pantai pulau sebelah timur. Jangan lupa juga harus sewa motor atau mobil ya, karena jaraknya jauh jauh dan ga ada gojek atau grab, untuk pertaminanya pun antri banget karena cuman ada beberapa pertamina, so jangan kaget kalau antri isi bensin bisa 1 jam 😂
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wilujeng-kartika · 3 years
Omelan Ibu
"Nyong.. (panggilan sayang sahabatku untukku).. bapak ibuku hlo ga percaya kalau aku sholat subuh di mess tempat kerja, apalagi kalau aku ngaji, soalnya kalau di rumah aku pasti kesiangan" cerita sahabatku ini
"Padahal ya, di mess aku orang yang bangun paling pagi.. bahkan bangunin mbak2 yang lain, aku ketokin pintunya satu satu" sambung dia.
Entah mengapa, aku kira kita akan menjadi payah ketika di rumah.
"Sama, akupun gitu.. kalau di rumah, bisa semales itu. Padahal kalau di luar aku jadi orang kedua yang bangun waktu sholat tahajud, bahkan yg bangunin temen - temen lain" Giliranku bercerita.
Di tempat rantau, aku sering terngingang ngiang suara ibu. Kalau jam segini, pasti ibu lagi masak, kalau barang numpuk begini, pasti ibu udah nyuruh beresin, kalau ibu pasti cepet ngerjain ini dan itu. Pokoknya jadi inget omelan ibu.
Bu, meskipun anak anakmu kadang terlihat acuh tak acuh dengan omelan ibu, tetep ngomel aja bu. Sesungguhnya kami ini merekam dan mengamalkan saat jauh dari ibu.
"Besok kalau kita punya anak, jangan dimarahin berlebihan kalau dia males malesan di rumah. Bisa jadi dia rajin ketika di luar rumah yaaa... Hehehe 😂" ucap kami berdua berbarengan.
-salam sayang dari Jogjakarta-
19 Mei 2021
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worldof-zedith · 5 years
Setelah berbagai kegagalan dalam hidup, gue jadi prefer idup 'gimana nanti'. Kesannya pesimis sih, tapi gue bukan org ambisius yg semua kudu keturutan. Lebih suka nyari peluang and take it seriously. Daripada meratapi rencana gagal dan nyoba lagi yg kemungkinannya udah ga fifty2.
Karena ketika satu pintu rejeki tidak terbuka, masi ada ribuan pintu yang menanti untuk diketuk. Terbuka alhamdulillah, kalo kaga ya ketokin lagi pintu yg laen.
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candyforsendy · 7 years
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Cay, Vi, Wi, Le, Ris. Kangen bangeeet sama kaliaaan! Hampir 24 jam selalu barengan. Mulai dari bangun tidur, ketokin kamar yg belom bangun, minjem ini itu, berebut giliran mandi, berangkat ke kampus ditelat-telatin, beli sarapan sari roti kalo ngga gorengan, nunggu angkot gratis atau odong-odong sampe ka parebut sama orang lain, lari-larian ke kelas, tidur di kelas, hereuy di kelas bareng anak-anak cowok, saling titip absen kalo salah satu dari kita gak masuk, jalan kaki dari fapet sampe gerlam kalo udah sore dan gak ada angkot gratis, godain apis, ke kandang sampe malem, begadang nugas, main ke kosan orang lain sampe lewat jam 12 malem, selalu bingung kalo nyari makan malem (bosen katanya, tapi sekarang di nangor udah banyak bgt yg jualan makanan), makan di lamongan, jalan-jalan ke jatos. Intinya banyak banget kenangan-kenangan gila yang udah dilakuin bareng kalian. I really miss those moments 😭😭😭 I really miss you, guyssss😭😭😭😭
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yumfs · 6 years
Baju Olahraga
“Itu punya kamu?”
Anak perempuan yang hampir menangis itu mengangkat kepalanya. Ia terkesiap menatap anak lelaki yang berbicara padanya.
Si anak perempuan mengangguk pelan. “Malu tapi kalo harus minta ke mereka. Bisa jadi bahan ledekan sampe lulus”
“Oke, tunggu ya” si anak lelaki berjalan ke depan kelas menghampiri para troublemaker kelas 5A. “Balikin dong, itu baju gue”
“Oh punya elu. Sori broo kita lempar-lempar. Nih ambil” si pentolan geng menyerahkan baju olahraga ke si anak lelaki. Mereka lantas asik dengan permainan baru lagi.
Ketika tak ada yang memperhatikan, si anak lelaki kembali menghampiri bangku anak perempuan. Mengembalikan baju olahraga yang tadi dia selamatkan.
“Nih. Besok-besok hati-hati ya kalo masukin baju ke tas”
“Tadi buru-buru tau gara-gara anak cowok udah pada ketokin pintu kelas. Kirain udah masuk bajunya” anak perempuan beralasan. “Makasih ya” ia menunduk. Malu atas kecerobohannya.
“Kalo ada apa-apa lagi bilang aku aja, jangan nangis.”
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ekacurly · 7 years
See You When I See You, Dahai & Crew
Today is my last day on this site. Aku sedih banget. Menyalami semua orang rasanya pengen nangis. Gak kuat aku. Terakhir aku pengen pamitan sama om jo & geng. Udah ta ketokin keras2 pintunya, tapi ga ada yg keluar. Sekalinya, setelah ku WA ternyata mreka lagi kakan sate di tanjung. Eyuhhhh. Mana sakit banget lagi tangan ku ketok pintunya. But, i'm so sad. Di WA om Jo, di WA Mas Rizqi, di BBM Mas Rizqi, di WA Mas Reza. Hikkssss... Tapi harus kuat!! See you when I see you Dahai & crew. Thanks for everything!! Tanjung, 100517
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ketocraft · 8 years
FROM FAT BOMBS TO F BOMBS: The story of my first keto failure.
When you are doing keto on a budget, it’s really important to make sure that you’re always prepared for things because you can’t always run out and buy a #ketokrate or some sort of service such as those. So many times, those of us on a tight budget have to resort to making our own snacks. Of course, I realize that many people make their own ketogenic snack foods. For someone on a budget however, it’s very important that the snacks come out good, because many of us don’t have the resources to waste. This is pretty much my situation. So this week I’m going to be spending a few days out of town with my family who are not ketogenic. I decided that to keep myself composed I’d implement a back up system should I need something sweet, I decided to make my own fat bombs. This is only my second week of being ketogenic, but the recipe seemed easy to make and I have had pretty good success so far, so I couldn’t see any reason this couldn’t work… I should’ve looked a little harder.
I don’t really have any big mixing bowls, so I decided to mix everything in a sauce pan with the spout thinking it would be easier to pour everything into the molds. I started with a low heat while everything softened and everything started to blend together nicely. Then I started to add the cocoa powder and well, that’s where everything went haywire. I started noticing my mixture getting lumpy and unsettled. I took it off of the very low heat, and just started to mix and mix and mix by hand (by which I mean a spoon not a mixer). When I thought it had started to smooth, I begin the process of putting the recipe into my molds. As soon as I poured the first row I noticed to my horror that the ingredients were separated completely. Some cups had cream cheese some did not. Some were just butter somewhere just coconut oil. How in the blue hell did this happen! I realize that baking is not my forte, but seriously! What the ever loving shit! So now I have 7.2 molds filled with Ahhhhh hardening in my refrigerator because I just don’t know what to do with them now. The only thing I can think to do is to soften them and remix them, but I don’t see that turning out any better. Oy! Apparently the keto snack gods were not with me.
Everyone fails, I realize that we try things and sometimes we fail. That’s not what’s bothering me. I think I’m more hung up over wasting the resources such as a weeks worth of butter and possibly more of cream cheese. I know I will somehow find a way to use everything I destroyed, but it’s just the principle of the thing that’s got me annoyed.
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gituajadotcom-blog · 8 years
11 Penemuan Aneh Dan Konyol Di Dunia Yang Bikin Gagal Paham
New Post has been published on http://gituaja.com/11-penemuan-aneh-dan-konyol-di-dunia-yang-bikin-gagal-paham/
11 Penemuan Aneh Dan Konyol Di Dunia Yang Bikin Gagal Paham
Di zaman dunia modern begini banyak sekali penemuan aneh yang bikin kita kagum, namun ada juga beberapa penemuan yang justru bikin kita geleng-geleng kepala karena keanehan dan kegunaan dari barang tersebut. Gitu Aja mau kasih liat ke kalian penemuan apa aja yang bikin gagal paham!
1. Tissue toilet portable
Alat ini ga penting sih kayanya kalo menurut gw, selain ribet juga bikin malu aja haha bawa-bawa tissue diatas kepala. Dikala kita lagi sakit flu dan sering harus bersin dan buang ingus, biasanya kita cukup bawa tissue di kantong atau tas khan beres.
2. Pelindung Kepala Saat Tidur Di Kereta
Pernah ngantuk saat bepergian naik bus atau kereta? Di Jepang ada loh helm khusus buat kepala lw biar ga terantuk atau kejedot atau mungkin nempel ke pundak orang lain. berguna sih…
3. Kipas Angin Buat Makan Mie
Siapa yang suka kipas-kipas mie sebelum dimakan? ini alat di taro disumpit, pakai baterai. Hmm ribet ga sih…
4. Sweater Buat Dipake Berdua
Yaaa couple sih, ga gini juga kali…hahah sweater ini bisa muat untuk berdua, kalo pake ini kayanya susah buat jalan-jalan, malah kaya badut kelihatan nya xD
5. Sandal LED
Kalau lw suka kebelet pipis tengah malem dan harus ke toilet, dan lampu dirumah udah pada mati…ga usah khawatir kaki kejedot meja lagi.
6. Stik Drum Buat Masak
Berguna banget ini barang untuk anak band yang suka masak. Sambil bikin makanan bisa ketok ketokin panci hahaha
7. Kupluk Jenggot
Ya elah, saking pengen nya berjenggot…ampe dibuatin kupluk model begini. Tapi fungsi sebenernya buat menehan suhu dingin loh, jadi ya berguna kok…
8. Bantal Jones
Yang jomblo kini ga usah khawatir, ada bantal untuk nemenin lw tidur nih…jadi ada yang peluk peluk kalo lagi ngantuk dan sendirian.
9. Lap Pel Bayi
Nah ini yang bikin gagal paham, ya kali anak nya di jadiin lap pel hahah orang tua cem mana ini yang beli beginian >_<
10. Pelingung Cipratan Mie
Kalo ini buat yang takut kotor pas lagi makan mie, biar ngga kecipratan kuah nya ya pake gituan deh kepalanya, biar muka nya kaya kembang lagi merekah XD
11. Legging Bulu Kaki
Buat cewek yang suka ngerasa risih sama cowok kegatelan, boleh nih pake legging model bulu kaki lebat begini.
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ketocraft · 8 years
Good day keto kin!! Today is Sunday, March 5 and this marks one full week that I have been ketogenic. In this past week I have enjoyed my life for the most part more than I have in at least 2 1/2 years. I've had more energy, more fun in the kitchen, and have been more happy than I have been in a very long time. I recently found out that my total weight loss so far has been 13.8 pounds. I don't believe that all of this was from the diet, but I believe at least 10.8 pounds may have been. I find I have more motivation to do things, and most days I wake up fairly early. I think it's still new, so I still have to get used to this change. My macros have been pretty on point, though it's been hard getting my protein in check. I find that I must not be drinking enough water because all of the sudden my lips got really really chap, and my skin feels very dry. I wonder how much water one is supposed to consume while on a ketogenic diet? Perhaps maybe I'm not getting enough electrolytes? Also, yesterday was a bit strange because it was a very emotional day. I do not suffer from any sort of clinical depression or anything like that, but it was a very sad day. The only thing that I could fathom, was that I know a few people who are not having such a good time right now, and I was hurting for them. But it begin to bring me down I think. I knew it wasn't anything to do specifically with me, but it was a hard day nonetheless. I did however have a very nice evening as I attended astronomy night in the park, and my grandmother won a telescope! Everything pretty much stayed in good shape macros wise, I didn't crave anything I shouldn't be eating, so that was good I guess, right? So now I have quite a few questions, and I need to go searching for their answers. I am really enjoying documenting this journey, because not only does it keep me accountable, it's a video and written diary of my life from fat to thin. And just so you know, I mean fat as in not being clinically skinny. I am loving this Ketogenic lifestyle, and really enjoying this journey. So far I have had no cravings for things I shouldn't eat, because I have had ideas to stop them before they start. Creating the keto friendly chocolate mousse was amazing! That is such an easy go to dish! I had a craving for sweets kick up, and when it did, I beat it down with that chocolate mousse and was so satisfied! I am really loving this! Until next time keto kin...
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ketocraft · 8 years
So I'm in my third week of keto now, and I'm just reflecting on this diet/lifestyle change and how things have progressed. I find that ever since I started really listening to my body, I've started to allow things to naturally happen. It's funny because I'm both not noticing the changes and noticing the changes at the same time. What I mean is, something will happen and I will notice that it's happening, but I won't really get the impact that it has happened until it has already happened. I'm sure that confused the hell out of most of you, so if you're still reading, I will clarify. So the first thing that I did was get the different types of distinctions as I spoke about in "OF WANTINGS, CRAVINGS, WILL, & DESIRE". All of these little distinctions that you never really noticed because you're so busy cramming things into your mouth and not paying attention at all to what you're eating. So the first thing that I did was notice whether or not I was mouth hungry or tummy hungry or any other kinds of hungry a person could be. Yes, I have decided there are multiple types of hungry. So once I started playing with that notion, I started seeing how far I can push myself before eating. First it was a couple of hours longer in between meal times, then I started using bulletproof coffee to push it back even more, and now I can go a whole day eating one meal, and one bullet proof coffee, or only one meal at all that day. Then today I noticed that the last thing I ate was at 9 PM last night and it is 9:20 PM and I still have not eaten nor am I very hungry. So now I guess I'm naturally 24 hour fasting. It has taken a lot of slowing down, and really listening to my body. I think listening to your body for some people like me, took a little bit of practice and a little bit of patience, but it happened pretty rapidly and now apparently I am capable of a 24 hour fast. Which to me, is crazy! Not so much that I've never fasted before, but that I don't even notice that I'm doing it and I'm not hungry I still feel satisfied from the meal the night before. This, is new. The next thing where I have naturally progressed onto in this ketogenic lifestyle is workingout. While doing a workout is nothing new to me, I haven't done anything in regard to exercise in about two years. I would test myself every once in a while with a long walk or something, but I haven't really tried to see if I'm in shape or anything like that. On Tuesday, I went to run some errands, and when I came home I found I had a lot of energy still. Probably the bulletproof coffee to be honest, but nonetheless I had the energy. Next thing you know I'm outside in my front yard music blasting in my headphones and spinning poi dancing around in my field like nobody's business which is something I haven't done in years. Today, which is Wednesday, I worked out again! I wasn't going to but I just found myself in my living room with my mini Hula hoop having fun and apparently getting some exercise in. I've never developed a workout regiment, nor do I plan on starting a workout regiment per se, but if naturally my body decides to go there then there I will be. So all of these newfangled changes have me thinking about the way that I have naturally progressed on this diet. It seems like I'm just letting things happen and they all seem to be positive things. Working out yesterday finally made the scale move and it hadn't moved for about a week. So I guess this diet really works well with my body, and I'm really happy about that. I haven't been recording much on YouTube lately because I've been too busy not eating! I need to get back to making videos though, those awesome 17 people might wonder what happened to me. :-) The best thing I can tell people who are just coming to this diet is to slow down. Slow down and listen to your body, because when you start to do that you'll find out how little you actually need. I know that for some people it's really hard to feel any kind of growling in their stomach, but if you just have some patience with yourself you'll see that your body is capable of some amazing things! Now let me be clear about something, I am not by any means starving myself. Just look at my Instagram (shameless plug: Keto Craft (or you can search) CultOfSpin) same thing). What I am doing is testing my stomach. So let me explain that a little bit, I don't want to get to in-depth I'll probably write a blog on this at some point, but in short what I'm doing is the equivalent to asking a child if they really don't have to go to the bathroom before you leave the house. So initially I hear a slight growl in my stomach and I wait about five minutes and if it gets worse I eat and if it goes away I don't. I'm in an experimental phase with this diet right now, but it's not a dangerous one by any means. I'm not a crash dieting type. My body is affording me the ability to really get to know it so I am taking that time. Kind of like getting to know yourself all over again not from a mental standpoint but from a physical one. Like, this is what hungry feels like, this is what digesting feels like, this is what happens when XY&Z happens. You clear out all the crap so the new things can begin. I hope that makes sense anyway. Well my phone is about to die, so that is it for now. TTYL!
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ketocraft · 8 years
Simple Keto Chocolate Mousse
Sorry guys, I’ve promised this to you days ago, but here it is. Here is the video where I actually make the chocolate mousse. The instructions are wildly simple! 1 Cup of heavy whipping cream 1Tbs natural unsweetened Hershey’s cocoa 5-8 drops of Stevia, vanilla cremee
I did this in a magic bullet in roughly 8 seconds. You however can use anything that has a flat blade. Or a vita mix. Start with heavy cream and then add the remaining ingredients. Whip until cream is nice and thick. Once your moose is created, spoon in to serving bowls, and place in the refrigerator for an hour to chill. This is great to prepare before dinner for an after dinner dessert! You can play with the sizes as you see fit. That’s why I love this recipe because it is so versatile! Want to make more moose? Add more cream. Want to make it a less dark chocolate taste? At approximately a half a tablespoon of the Coco. I love this recipe, and I hope you guys will too. Enjoy!
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ketocraft · 8 years
At the end of my video I show you the macros for this recipe, but I don’t think that MFP does the macros properly in regards to the chicken. Everything else is correct though, the serving size is 4 ounces and so three breasts of chicken would make roughly about six servings. I hope you guys enjoy this recipe if you try it out, please let me know in the comments. Keto fried chicken Crust ingredients: 1 ½ ounce pork rinds 1cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1tsp turmeric 1tbs Red chili pepper Salt and pepper to taste
Marinade ingredients: 1tbs Heavy cream 1 egg 11/2tbs cream cheese 1tbs lemon juice 1tbs butter 1tsp turmeric Salt, pepper to taste 1/2cups Parmesan cheese
Marinade directions: In a large mixing bowl, mix one egg, cream, cream cheese, lemon juice, and butter until fully incorporated.
Crust directions: Finely crush 1 ½ ounces pork rinds until roughly the consistency of flour. Place in medium size mixing bowl and add remaining ingredients. Stir until fully incorporated.
Cooking Directions: Approximately a half an hour before cooking, remove chicken from refrigerator and place in marinade. Allowed chicken to rest until it acclimates to room temperature. Preheat skillet on medium heat with bacon fat. When skillet begins to sizzle, remove from marinade, roll in the crest, and apply to iron skillet. Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes, and then on the other side for 13 minutes and enjoy! Note: If you are cooking on a electric stove: Cook on side one for 5 minutes at medium then reduce heat to medium low. After 10 minutes is over, flip chicken and cook for the remaining 13 minutes on medium.
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ketocraft · 8 years
Before I started to go keto I asked a lot of people where were some good places to get deals because I knew I would be doing this on a budget and I needed to get the best for my money. Many people recommended Aldie, so after much anticipation I finally have gone on my first ALDI trip and here is my keto grocery haul. There is also a nifty little keto cartoon in the beginning.😊
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ketocraft · 8 years
Of Ketones & Headphones
Today is high energy day number two for me. I’m three days into keto and I am starting to feel that energy. Went to bed on time last night and even though I woke up like five times (afraid I’d miss my alarm) I am still awake and not groggy. Made a BPC out of yesterday’s"F. Bombs" and it was great!! Shocking!! Though music is usually my fuel, I feel like fat is starting to be, but music is definitely the chaser. I love Trance on the train. I believe that is the story of my life in summation. 😊 Hope you are all having (or had) a wonderful day!
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