mabelkind-blog · 10 years
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    "My future husband    already exists!        I just haven't met him yet..  I wonder what        he's doing right now..    Probably hanging        around with friends..   dating another girl...  "
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    "  .. As soon as I  meet my future         husband  I  might as well punch him         in the face. "
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theoxtsider-archive · 10 years
He liked it here, miles below the surface of the ocean, far closer to the bottom of the sea than to the sky. He liked the silence it brought and he liked the view. Through clear pieces of glass, spread throughout the buildings and walkways of Rapture, the Outsider could observe countless forms of marine life, including his favorite species whales. But to be honest it wasn't the view or the location at that that had brought him to this ahead of it's time city.
No it was the people who dwelt here that caught his attention; the scientists, the dreamers, the men and women of power. It was the many possibilities they held, possibilities that no matter how they turned out, would prove to be interesting to watch. The future of Rapture, no matter the outcome, was going to be something he would not miss seeing.
So here he was, clad in his standard and fairly out of place outfit, gazing blankly out a window with his hands clasped behind his back. But upon farther examination, it wasn't his outfit that spoke of his differences, but his eyes. It was always his eyes.
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wxnand · 10 years
         (continued from here)
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                  It had been a few weeks since he last had a single shot of ADAM that wasn't meant for his plasmids. As stocks were decreasing and business wasn't doing as well as it used to, Jack realized something about his life was off.
     His mind was eerily clear now---- he could actually think without his train of thought wandering to extremely sordid things, things he didn't dare even dream of before he arrived to Rapture. The city had done more than ruin him -- it had torn him apart, turned inside out and downright violated him, much in the same way he did with Atlas.
                        Maybe it had been an act of some screwed-up revenge.
     Jack honestly didn't blame Atlas. He had used and abused him in the same way Rapture had taken his innocence and twisted its neck until it no longer twitched and screamed in protest. It was nothing compared to what Fontaine had done to him, but Atlas didn't deserve what wrath Jack had left after killing the conman. After all, he was swept up in his plans as much as Jack was, even if it was willingly at first. The younger man wanted to hit himself for only realizing that now. What Atlas did made him nowhere near deserving of whatever 'punishment' Jack's ADAM-crammed self felt like he did.
                        Why did he not believe him when he could? Was he too far gone at that point? Was he too determined to kill Fontaine to care and then too angry thereafter? Questions that not even Jack could answer. The fact seemed so long ago ...
                                     He had given Fontaine too quick a death.                                      But then again, it was out of his hands.
     The way Atlas was looking at him had him hang his head down in shame -- heck, he even dropped to his knees prior to bursting out in tears in front of the Irishman, his tears stinging fresh wounds on his face. ( He had been fighting to distract himself from withdrawal symptoms, that much was clear. ) It was an embarrassing sight, but honestly the boy could not have cared less for his newly appointed title of Rapture's ruler. What he did care about was something far more important to him.
     "It's not like that," the brunet choked out. "It's been a while since---- since I let that stuff into my body. I can actually think now, and it hurts, everything hurts----- what I did to you and, and-- the baby---- Remembering----"
                                   He had to take a deep breath to keep himself from breaking down again. His hands found his temples and massaged them as he shut his eyes. He was visibly shaking -- he didn't want to be alone. Not here. Not now. But he'd give Atlas his freedom if he wanted it. "I know it won't fix what I did, but---- I'm so, so sorry. And I understand you're angry. I won't blame you if you walk out on me anyway. You don't deserve any of this."
                                                      I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry                                                       I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry                                                       sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry                                                       please forgive me I'm so sorry                                                       don't leave me alone I love you
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rosalxnd-blog · 10 years
۞ gently places
send a ۞ if you want to rp with me.
i'm gonna,,,, reply to your open.  i'm gonna do it,,,,,,
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me: atlas just adopted tommy inmyfatherseyes: is it bad that i just thought "oh boy another terrible parental figure for him!" me: i cANNOT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT TO ME.
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cewyll · 10 years
ourxvoice replied to your post:i am here for a moment to talk about a cool thing...
a daisy who doesnt try to kill booker. one who listens to him. one who almsot gets kileld by the rich white man instead, causing liz to kill said white man, having her survive and them be buddies
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theoxtsider-archive · 10 years
gently places url and runs
Reason why you follow them : Mainly because tumblr kept recommending them to me and when I went to check out their blog I saw how awesome this Atlas was and just had to follow them.
A thing you like about their character : The way he is written makes him likable but at the same time despicable if that makes sense. 
Do you interact? Why/why not? : We tend to interact more OOC currently, but that’s cause I owe them a really overdo starter that is rotting in my drafts. 
Writing uh / okay / likable / awesome / perfect / GOD LIKE Characteruh / okay / likable / awesome / perfect / GOD LIKETheme uh / okay / likable / awesome / perfect / GOD LIKE Mun uh / okay / likable / awesome / perfect / GOD LIKE
We should… Talk OOC / Plot / Roleplay / Became bffs. Plots I’d be interested in doing: Anything at this point XD
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rexinvio-archive · 10 years
ourxvoice replied to your post:Big MT or “Big Mountain” is based upon the...
i CannOT eVEN
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sassinalass-blog · 10 years
fingers through your hair (tiny yell)
Bright green eyes fluttered open. Where was she? A shiver ran down her spine. It was cold here. Right. That was because there was no sunlight. Just endless expanses of ocean. The woman wondered absently if this was the same thing that would have happened if they had chosen to emigrate somewhere else. Rapture was going to be a new start, but was it worth being stuck in the front hall, waiting to figure out where they could afford to go?
"Hey Atlas."
She smiled up at him, rolling her head to glance at the dark haired man.
He smiled back, running his hand through her red curls. They would be in their new home soon. Just had to be patient.
"Go back t’ sleep Darlin’."
With a soft smile Moira did what he’d asked. It wasn’t hard to do when he was the only warmth under the ocean and his hand had yet to stop petting her.
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afraid-of-g-od-blog · 10 years
Starter for ourxvoice (closed)
(( I don't know what kind of starter you want to do, like what genre, so I'm just going to create a starter and we can wing it until we know what kind of roleplay we want to do :3 ))
Footsteps. That was all the man could hear upon waking up from his slumber. Where was he? This wasn't Columbia as the city was under water. The thought of being underwater made Booker feel on edge as the thought of living down here for the rest of his life was unthinkable. There had to be a way out somehow. But, whose footsteps was he hearing? Hopefully someone who could help. 
Taking a few cautious steps forward, he felt as if he was about to collapse from the stress that was occurring from the shock that was happening in his mind. This just baffled him and he could not find an answer within his mind as to why he was here. Why he was taken from Columbia down to Rapture in the first place. He sped up the pace and now stood by a window, staring out into the city. The city was beautiful, he had to admit. But living underwater just wasn't his thing.
The footsteps started to get louder as he could see someone come into view. Raising his shotgun, the only weapon he had on him except for his skyhook which was pretty much useless, to point towards the 'intruder's' direction. "Who are you? Come on out!" He snarled as in trying to sound threatening but he wasn't doing much of a good job.
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silliestdame-blog · 10 years
ourxvoice liked for a starter
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Diane hadn't hesitated to run up to him, despite the nerves that fluttered in her stomach when she did so. At least, in the end, she was considerate enough to leave space between the two of them. But just looking at him filled her with so much enthusiasm -- that's why she was so jittery... right? -- and, for a brief moment, at least, she forgot to keep herself from looking like a complete fool in front of him. However could she help it? She was excited.
     "We did it; everyone you wanted gone       in this area is taken care of. It's all clear       now."
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octopluss · 10 years
Burgers zoo is in Arnhem so it's p close!! MAYB v maybe I could convince my parents to go there.., this,., weekend if ud like
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wxnand · 10 years
ourxvoice replied to your photoset:(( hhhhappy halloween ))
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