#out of all the hobbies and talent I had as a kid. i chose art...
Tagged by my darling @glassangels <3<3<3
1. Are you named after anyone? Im named after a kinks song which is a massive win for me personally. They almost named me rosa after the pixies album (which wouldve made sense bc we do in fact surf) but one of my moms friends was already knitting a sweater with the kinks-name on it and she convinced them to keep it. My middle name is also my paternal grandmas middle name so i guess that counts too
2. When was the last time you cried? No idea tbh. That thing where you lie down on your side and then your eyes start leaking happens to me a lot but a proper sadness-induced cry hasnt happened for months. I will say that sometimes i say something made me cry, and although it technically didnt due to no tears falling, it did make my soul hurt and crying is the closest phrase that expresses that <3
3. Do you have kids? Thank god no
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Soccer, ran track for a bit, ultimate frisbee, swimming, fencing, fighting (mma, kickboxing, cage, etc), equestrianism (im including my brief and unimpressive time vaulting here), did some stuff with a circus briefly (contortionism, aerial arts, lyra), and then the usual outdoorsy shit (surfing, bouldering, hiking, skiing, and since caving is technically a sport, caving). Also danced for a bit (ballet, contemporary, and jazz). Yeah man idk either
5. Do you use sarcasm? Technically yes but its less "sarcasm" and more "inability to express a truth about myself without making it into a joke". A bit of sarcasm when the time calls for it is always fair game though and i will indulge
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? The way they carry themself says a lot about their temperament and emotional state and whatnot so thats typically where my eye is drawn. Second place goes to wherever theyre keeping their valuables on them and how expensively theyre dressed though
7. Eye color? Blue but ive got a bit of yellow central heterochromia so they tend to look green if its bright out
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Kill them <3 scary movies 4ever
9. Any talents? Party trick-wise i did retain some contortionist ability and so thats always a good one to break out. Also can spit water up to 30 ft for tooth gap reasons. I am the type of person whos just naturally good at a lot of things (sorry) so i consider that a talent too
10. Where were you born? The top left corner of the USA, not including alaska
11. Hobbies? Writing, journaling, watching movies, reading, various textile arts, going for walks, playing assorted instruments, and occasionally traditional art (im particularly fond of ballpoint pens and oil pastels). Would say listening to music but thats a job to me and i clock into that shit like i get paid
12. Any pets? Maeve the most anxious dog in the world who i love very much <3
13. Height? 5'8/172 cm
14. Favorite school subject? I was a school hater so it really depended on the teacher... in high school i did have the same teacher for like three years in a row (she taught me english in freshman year, history in sophomore, + health in junior) and she was totally awesome so all those classes were great. Typically the classes i had the most fun in were english and history just bc there was more room for fucking around. In the single semester of college i took i did have crazy amounts of fun in my film class though which i will say was mostly because my professor rocked and i got him on my side early so i could kind of do whatever
15. Dream job? Due to the Issues and also common sense mainly i just wish the government actually took care of people and i wouldnt need to work. But if i have to chose a job than itd be a) writing a book or two that are good enough i could live off the royalties and film rights and whatnot for the rest of my life or b) pulling an enya (dropping some widely beloved and largely incomprehensible music and then disappearing totally from the public eye to live in a castle in the middle of nowhere)
Idk whos already done this so ignore me if you have lol @supersonic1994 @nothingrhymedwithcircus @hauntedwoman @halogenstreetlight @evebabitzgf @serethereal and anyone else who wants to <3<3<3
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noworneverphantom · 1 year
tagged by @bbreaddog <3
Are you named after anyone?
My legal name, no I was not named after anyone. My name that I chose for myself? Oh yes.
I chose my (current) name after a book character I heavily related to, and it's also a name who's meaning has to do with stars, which is perfect because I'm a space nerd.
When was the last time you cried?
Yeah that would be this morning...
Do you have kids?
No. Not really old enough to have kids first of all, and second of all not really interested in having kids
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use sarcasm when I'm really comfortable with someone, but otherwise I'm not really all that sarcastic
What sports do you play/have played?
I used to play soccer. I did that for about 6 or 7 years and then I pretty much aged out of it. Not much opportunity for leisure soccer after you hit high school, especially if your school doesn't offer it. I would have had to go pro and I wasn't that dedicated.
I was also a gymnast for maybe 3 years or so? It was really fun, but I ran into the same issue. Once I hit a certain age, it was either go pro or quit and while I wanted to go pro, it just didn't work with my kind of lifestyle.
I also used to briefly do ballet.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their smile and their laugh.
What's your eye color?
Hazel. But my eyes actually have central heterochromia, which means that the inner part of my eye surrounding my iris is brown, and then it fades out to the outer part of my eyes which are green. I think they're very pretty and other people tend to agree, especially when I'm outside in the sun
Scary movies or happy ending?
Happy ending for sure!! Also scary movies just give me massive anxiety alsdkfal
Any special talents?
no? I don't think I have any special talents but I also tend to have a more negative outlook on myself than everyone else does on me so...
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Honestly, anything creative really. I love drawing, writing, reading, playing music, composing my own music/songs, singing, digital art, crocheting, sewing, embroidering, I could go on but it's late and my mind is blanking. I have a million hobbies though. (thank you adhd)
Do you have pets?
Two dogs who are very annoying (but I love them very much)
How tall are you?
Tall enough that I'm almost average height
Favorite subject in school?
I adore art classes. But a good english class is also the best thing ever, especially if we get to write essays all year long
Dream job?
Ugh that's a tough one. I can never stick with something for too long because I get bored and want more stimulation, I want constant change. So any job that can provide me that would probably be amazing. I would say something art related, but only if it meant I wouldn't grow to hate creating art. Maybe something where I can feel like I have a purpose, where I can really help people and make a strong impact on their lives?
No pressure tags: @sadmushroomgoblin @dragons-in-spaceee @sunny-sol @timetravellingkitty @chillychive
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paeonia-horse · 6 months
Oversharing with 15 answers to 15 questions! Tagged by @crayonurchin
Are you named after anyone? Nah, I picked my own name cos I wanted something neutral-ish on account of I suck at gender.
When was the last time you cried? I watched through the entirety of Cowboy Bebop recently and there are several bits in it that always make me tear up.
Do you have kids? No, and no plans for any.
What sports do you play/have you played? Nothing in a decade or more, unless walking counts (and I don't do nearly as much of that as I should)
Do you use sarcasm? Entirely too much in person, but not so much in writing where it is harder to discern.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Demeanour and vibe.
What is your eye color? Dull green.
Scary movies or happy endings? I mostly prefer movies with a happy ending, though a good scare now and then is fun.
Any talents? I can bake a potato in 20 minutes using nothing but the power of my mind and also the microwave.
Where were you born? Somewhere in, around, or near Glasgow. No more specific than that.
What are your hobbies? Dithering about in video games, and sometimes when the mood takes me, i draw a horse critter or two.
Do you have any pets? If the local pigeons count then yes, a whole flock of semi-feral pets. Otherwise no.
How tall are you? 5' 3", aka a bit of a shortarse.
Favorite subject in school? Honestly of all the thing I done in school, tech drawing and home economics were the most fun subjects, I wish I had pursued them once I could pick my own subjects for the year instead of choosing more science and computing related things that just burnt me out in the end.
Dream job? I want to live on a boat somewhere quiet and make art of some sort for a living, but I don't have a boat, or any real skill with art. Might be working on the boat side of things, but I have no mojo to work on the art side of things, so this is probably just a pipe dream really.
Tagging @themarvelhorse, @smrtz, @dracini, @azuki-beans and @strawberrydakry cos I've seen y'all in my activity recently and I appreciate y'all for sticking around!
If you do chose to do this, remember to throw in some red herrings to confound any online identity thieves looking for identifiable information.
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read-and-write- · 8 months
Get to know me, double edition
Two tag games running around at the same time so I'm copying some people and doing both at the same time, and for the people who tagged me in one, this is your tag for the other.
Thanks to @myheartalivewrites @happiness-of-the-pursuit @littlemisskittentoes @heybuddy-drabbles @suseagull04 @14carrotghoul for tagging me in this! I finally did it!
There's two versions of this so this is a double tag game, reduce, reuse, recycle and all that, answers under the cut
First Set
Last song: María La Curandera - Natalia Lafourcade
Last film: I can't remember which basically tells you everything you need to know about how many movies I actually watch
Currently reading: Gideon the Ninth bt Tamsyn Muir, and I'm rereading Loveless by Alice Oseman because I want to anotate the physical book that i got half a year ago
Currently watching: Interview with the Vampire, I'm in episode 6 and seriously considering just putting all my tbr aside to read the novel
Currently consuming: Chocolate Ice Cream and a cheese sandwich (✨girl dinner✨)
Currently craving: This specific fries with pulled pork and cream cheese and BBQ sauce from this specific place that are bomb every single time.
Next Set
1. Were you named after anyone?
My great-grandfather, Manuel
2. When was the last time you cried?
On friday my cat needed to get surgery done, needless to say I cried more than once during that day.
3. Do you have kids?
i am just a baby (no)
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did Artistic Roller Skating for a long time, branched out to Figure Skating for like two months but tropical country couldn't keep up and went back to my roots until around two years ago when I started having Adult Schedules for Work. I have also done Gymnastics.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, and also suffer the "everything I say sounds serious" sindrome
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Hair generally, if we are speaking in Spanish, accent.
7. What’s your eye color?
Brown that leans to black.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I am a coward and proud.
9. Any talents?
I am very good at knowing things, I am a fun fact girlie, if you have a random question ask me because 8 times out of 10 I have the answer, if I don't just give me 2 minutes and I'll have it.
And I also sing.
10. Where were you born?
Medellín ✨en la playa con la oriental✨ if this means something to you seamos amiguitos
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, singing, spending my money in silly little gadgets, walking around a mall just looking (o lolear, my mom would call it)
12. Do you have any pets?
My soulmate, best friend and child, a cat named Iglesia.
13. How tall are you?
1,56m or for my american friends 5'1
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Spanish, Art and Philosohpy, long ago the four nations lived together in harmony-
I was indeed a humanities nerd.
15. Dream job?
Right now? mantenida, now if I had to chose and ignore if it's possible or not I'd love to work in the production crew of Doctor Who or any other big fiction TV Show, turning your hyperfixations into profit and all that.
OKAY now tagging some people, no pressure y'all, if you have already done it I apologize @raysletters @ssmtskw @rmd-writes @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys @firenati0n @anincompletelist
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julesthepsychic · 8 months
15 questions for 15 friends!!
thank you to @leorajames for tagging me!!
1. are you named after anyone?
my full name has my grandma's name in it and my middle name is my mom's name, and i hate my full name so that's why i go by jules
2. when was the last time you cried?
january 3, 2024 when i watched the whale (brendan fraser) with my roommates. we all cried it was a very good movie. i might have cried since then bc i cry a lot but i don't remember
3. do you have kids?
no and i never want any i will be a cool aunt to my friends kids
4. what sports do/have you played?
none. actually i played soccer for like a week in preschool but that's it
5. do you use sarcasm?
sometimes but not really
6. what is the first thing you notice about people?
vibes/energy,, i might not always say it but i have met friends of friends with bad vibes and don't know how to say anything so i don't say anything
7. what's your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
scary movie with a happy ending!!
9. any talents?
i'm good at art (or so i've been told), i can scream well, i kill on kazoo, and i can sort of play violin! the person who tagged me in this and i were in orchestra together
10. where were you born?
pennsylvania baybey
11. what are your hobbies?
art, music,, just spending time with my friends doing whatever, hiking is fun too but sometimes i run out of breath too quickly
12. do you have any pets?
my parents have 2 dogs, simba and gypsy rose (my mom named her, i know this is a slur but it's also just her name and i can't do anything about that. also my mom doesn't care about gypsy rose blanchard even though i explained to her what she did.) i had a hamster for a few years but she died in November of 2022, rip buttons <3
13. how tall are you?
5'6". 5'10" in my demonias
14. favorite subject in school?
orchestra, i was never great at violin but i loved to play and my orchestra directors were so cool (JB is a real one). i also loved art classes whenever i was able to take those bc i was good at it and my teachers always approved of my art :3 i felt bad for the kids who weren't good at art bc the one art teacher made fun of their art, and as a preteen that would hurt a lot
15. dream job?
probably full time makeup artist. my mom crushed my dreams of being a makeup artist when i was younger, so i chose a different career path. but yeah, i'd love that
if you're tagged don't feel like you have to do this!! :) i'm just tagging mutuals
@kxbi @againstpollutions @emovhs @lilmartinscorsese @a-star-that-fell @viiperfang @dingdingdingwehavealoser @baskinsilence @electricgf @finagle-a-bagel @entropicstatic @arathibasin @4stardusts @omgwhythough @paperkingd0m
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mygwenchan · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
I've been tagged by the lovely @visualtaehyun - Thank you, baby 😘
1) Are you named after anyone?
Nope~ My dad was the one who picked my irl name (had I been a boy, my mom would've been the one to pick it, since my parents had that kind of arrangement). He chose a name with same first syllable as my older sister's, so the names would sound nice together :) (kind of like what a lot of Thai parents do when they have more than one kid)
2) When was the last time you cried?
I actually have no idea 😳
So must've been a while.
3) Do you have kids?
No. And I don't want to have any
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
I wanted to write "none", but actually I used to play in a local basketball team for a while when I was like 16/17. Did some archery as well :) Other than that, I'm mostly a couch potato lol
5) Do you use sarcasm?
6) What's the first thing you notice about people?
I usually don't notice shit cause my thoughts are all over the place XD Hmm... maybe if they stand too close to me? I need my 2m personal space bubble around me, thank you very much
7) What's your eye color?
Gray-blue (or red when the allergies hit lol)
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
Both sound good! But only if it's scary as in classical ghost story without gore and jump scares
9) Any talents?
I'm stubborn as hell, especially when people tell me I can't do the thing. Bitch, watch me! I'll do the thing and I'll excel! And I might be a shorty, but if anyone dares to threaten my loved ones, I'll turn into a pure force of nature. Other than that, I'm pretty good at crafting and upcycling :)
10) Where were you born?
I'm nordisch by nature, baby~ Born in an old Hansestadt at the Baltic coast 🌊
11) What are your hobbies?
Watching BLs and sometimes writing meta about it. And I've recently gotten into making book nooks, I also like to sew (not really clothes, but small things) and I'm trying to learn how to play the piano. I'd also consider art history and archaeology a hobby of mine. I like to learn interesting facts about the every day life of normal folks from the past
12) Do you have any pets?
I have over 200 plants, do those count? And there are some wild animals that visit me every now and then (a red and a black squirrel and lots of birbs, plus the occasional neighbor's cat)
13) How tall are you?
My passport says 1,61cm, but that's a lie... I'm only 1,58cm 😅
14) What was your favorite subject in school?
I've always liked biology and art. Though for some reason that I can't recall now, I still chose german and physics as my advanced courses. Fun fact: I didn't like history in school, but ended up studying archaeology lol. But well, it was mostly because my history teachers sucked, not so much because of the subject itself.
15) What is your dream job?
Not having to work at all 😔 Idk, I never really had a dream job or a career path I wanted to take. Mostly because my interests tend to shift every couple of years or so and I don't like to get stuck with the same thing forever. Right now I'm working as an e-commerce and online marketing manager for a small nerd company. I'm pretty much my own boss and can decide when and on what I want to work, which is great. Recently we've started building a new online shop and I've been helping out with that, which can be pretty interesting actually.
Ok, that's it about me. Now let's learn something new about you guys~
I'm tagging @boysslove @scarefox @blmpff @lukaherehelp @pinkkop @sparklyeyedhimbo @fleursyoongi @bunni-bun @howlingmusketeers @7777-deactivated @vegasandhishedgehog @dekaydk @shouyou910 @asdfghjklmpff @bl-bam-beyond
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itsbowbi · 3 months
tagged by @penglue
Are you named after anyone?
A saint I think. Or my parents just liked the name and came up with that reason after.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry a lot I think I cried watching the new Godzilla movie because I'm easy and a sucker. Like CRIED cried? I think my birthday but it was actually a pretty great night.
Do you have kids?
Hell no.
What sports do you play?
None. Too busy and tired. Been thinking about finding a baseball league or something to play in because I miss it. I was a terrible hitter tho. I'm in better shape now and I learned about my fucked up eyeballs so maybe I'd be better.
Do you use sarcasm?
I don't think so. I have a very cynical sense of humor but sarcasm to me just comes off as being mean. Pretty sure I avoid it almost always.
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Looks? I mean literally first thing I notice is what they look like. And yeah I usually decide if I think they're hot right then but that doesn't change much about how I treat them. Otherwise just general vibes I guess. Sense of humor, manners, etc. Ooh I guess I really notice if someone is being at all superior or condescending. I fucking hate that immediately.
Eye colour?
Baby blues.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but I definitely watch horror movies more often. I think it's funny when movies get the super happy ending like Wayne's World, which seems to be happening more and more often in the movies I watch. I do think I've been avoiding dramas because they can be draining to watch and I don't feel like putting myself through that sitting here alone in my room. And bad horror movies are easily the best thing to watch with friends.
Any talents?
I'm very good at guessing people's middle name. Also I have insane memory when it comes to movies. You can name like one small detail about a movie you can't quite remember and I can probably name it. Good at trivia too.
Where were you born?
Bay Area. Zero memory of California since we left when I was a baby.
Uuggghhh this is where I really start to feel like a nolife degen. Video games mostly. I'm decent at overwatch. Have a quitar but haven't had the energy or motivation to practice in a while. I really want to pick it up again. Just got an iPad with the stylus so that's been fun getting back into art. People say I can draw good so that's cool. Also I technically got my first commission since my buddy gave me $10 to recreate a doodle I made for him at work in a full piece because he loves it so much. Gotta get around to that soon.
Any pets?
My leopard gecko Heybaby! I love her. Also my mom has 2 cats that I still consider mine and I love visiting them. Yoyo and Mimi.
Favourite school subject?
I guess history. I think history has better stories in it than any fiction so I love reading about it and listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Chose that as my major in college since I didn't know what to do with my life and it was the one subject I was able to tolerate. That was a very bad decision and I honestly should've never gone to college or just gone to a community college while I figured out what to actually do. Still waiting on that last part.
Dream job?
I really don't have a realistic one. I have hated every job I've ever had and any work that was assigned to me in school or therapy or whatever instantly made me hate it. I have crazy fantasies about what I could still do with my life but most of them involve doing little to no actual work. Like being a streamer. But I guess I'll go with what I would've said 20 years ago and say baseball player or rock star.
GET TAGGED @conkedcrete @spylarman (or don't sorry to bother u)
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pastafossa · 1 year
Thanks you so much @teigo-the-explorer for the tag! This makes a good break from work and/or chapter writing!
Are you named after anyone: I am not! Though fam did intentionally choose a name that couldn’t be shortened to a nickname or rhymed with anything.
when was the last time you cried? Yesterday when I was editing a sad section of my TRT outline to make it MORE sad, RIP me and all of you when we hit that point
do you have kids? Nope and I’ve gone so far as to have my tubes incinerated
do you use sarcasm a lot: NEVER
what's the first thing you notice about people? Whether they have a dog. But if you mean on their person, usually if they have a cool shirt! Bodywise: eyes.
what's your eye colour: Blue-green!
scary movies or happy endings: I like them both but if I HAD to choose I’d go happy endings
any special talents: According to my woodcarving teacher, I’m excellent at carving! I managed to carve 5 projects in a week on my first go, including a couple of the more difficult projects he’d set out for more experienced carvers. FINALLY, A VISUAL ART I’M GOOD AT. I’m also really good at just eyeballing a wall and figuring out how a bunch of hung frames will look good without having to draw it out!
where were you born? Los Angeles! It’s one reason I chose it for Ciro and Jane’s history in TRT - it meant I had to do less research since I was familiar with the area. I already knew a lot of landmarks, geography, culture, weather/environment, and speech patterns.
what are your hobbies?: woodcarving, reading, writing, video games, cooking, traveling whenever I can, movies and tv!
have any pets?: I do! 3 cats, 1 dog, and 1 snake!
what sports do you play/have played?: Oh god I tried a lot of them and my skills are... very much elsewhere. When I was a kid I tried soccer (fast but bad at kicking), ballet (teacher told my parents I had a future in the performing arts, just not dance), baseball (can’t hit a ball to save my life). I did have some success with horseback riding though! I did some trail and a little barrel racing for about ten years, and it is by far the most advanced I ever got with a sport.
how tall are you?: 5′5-5′6 depending on my anxiety level
favourite subject in school?: English, I loved English class. 
dream job?: Due to health problems I’m a little limited in what I can do. If I was healthy, zoologist/marine biologist. As I am, author!
first ship: Oh god, uuuuh let me think. Loosely was probably April x Casey in TMNT since that was my favorite movie as a kid. First active ship that I openly rooted for... maybe Rogue and Gambit from X-Men TAS, like damn I was a kid but I WANTED them together SO FUCKING BAD like why is she hooked on fucking Scott (i hated scott) when she has Gambit RIGHT THERE, RIGHT FUCKING THERE GIRL.
three ships: Since most everyone knows my Marvel ships, I’ll step outside it and go with - Troi x Worf (Star Trek: TNG), Cecil x Carlos (most wholesome ship ever courtesy Welcome to Nightvale), and Leslie Knope x Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation)
last (current) song: Flu Game by Fall Out Boy not me playing this album on loop since it came out last week
last movie: San Andreas, don’t judge me
currently reading: Re-reading Taggerung by Brian Jacques, which is my favorite Redwall book and the first Redwall book I ever picked up! I was at a book fair and came around a corner and saw this FUCKING BADASS PIRATE OTTER??? WITH A KNIFE??? AND TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS, IT WAS SO COOL I PICKED IT UP WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE SUMMARY CAUSE WHO CARES, PIRATE OTTER PIRATE OTTER TINY PASTA WANTS TO READ ABOUT PIRATE OTTERSSSSSSSS SERIOUSLY LOOK AT THIS COVER AND TELL ME YOU WOULDN’T READ THIS
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currently watching: The Mandalorian, shiny space husband make brain go brrrrrr
currently consuming: Just water LOL 
currently craving: SUNSHINE BUT IT IS CLOUDY
I'm tagging
@wonderlandmind4 @shadeblade16​ @intricate-melody​ @softasawhisper​ and anyone else who wants to do this!
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maxkels · 11 months
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* ◟ : 〔 TESSA THOMPSON, CIS WOMAN + SHE / HER 〕 MAXINE KELLY , some say you’re a FORTY YEAR OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both HARD-WORKING and JUDGEMENTAL, one can’t help but think of I LIKE THAT by JANELLE MONAE when you walk by. are you still an ASSOCIATE, TATTOO ARTIST AND PIERCER for THE DEAD HAND, YAMI INK, even with your reputation as THE SONGBIRD? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and LETTTERMAN JACKETS THAT SMELL OF TOBACCO , NEEDLES PIERCING VIRGIN SKIN, EYES THAT HOLD A BOTTOMLESS GUILT, although we can’t help but think of KARLACH (BG3) + BRIENNE OF TARTH (GAME OF THRONES) + SEKHMET (EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
FULL NAME: Maxine Bernice Kelly NICKNAME(S): Max AGE: Forty GENDER: Cis-Female PRONOUNS: She/Her BIRTHPLACE: Harlem, Manhattan OCCUPATION: Tattoo Artist & Body Piercer, Underground fighter GANG AFFILIATION: Associate of The Dead Hand FC: Tessa Thompson
HAIR COLOUR: Black EYE COLOUR: Brown HEIGHT: 5”5 PIERCINGS?:Both ears & nipples, tongue. TATTOOS: Full sleeve on left arm that spans her shoulder blade also. Behind her left ear, on her right hip and underbust.
POSITIVE: Focused, Loyal, Grounded NEGATIVE: Critical, Pessimistic, Indelicate
death tw
Maxine was destined to get involved with the seedy underbelly of NYC. While her mom worked nights, her dad took her to his job ; from a baby she’d been in a car seat while he beat people up for money, sold drugs, engaged in routine intimidation of local businessmen and politicians. It was a job the man was good at, so why stop doing it now? Why not let Maxine know that this was really how the world really worked. There were only two types of people; the strong and the weak. He asked Maxine, one day while doing her maths homework, what type do you want to grow into?
She chose to be strong.
It was the answer her father wanted, if he couldn’t have a son then Maxine would become one. She signed up for boxing, track, MMA, started to routinely bully kids for their money or lunches - when she got a little older, it transitioned into selling cigarettes and providing some of the meaner kids with needed backup when other schools came for events, or just turned up at lunch for a brawl. Thanks to her dads name, Maxine also got into underground fighting rings, lying about her age so she could take down women twice her age. The money got split, and she’d go get her hair done with it or buy some new sneakers. Questions were asked about her bruises of course but, the girl did so much sport there had to be accidents. Sometimes on the quad she got into fights but not so much anymore. There was an opportunity talked about; the Olympics. Maxine could get onto their training programme, maybe even the squad with a few years under their wing, groomed into a professional athlete. The teenager couldn’t wait to get out from Harlem, move onto better things. What made it better was that her father seemed to approve of this to - they’d have to work on Maxine’s discipline.
But, there was a secret the young girl couldn’t tell him. That was, that Maxine had discovered a secret talent, a hobby she enjoyed more than beating others up, than revealing in violence. Art. In secret, she worked on a portfolio. It was a backup, she told herself, just in case everything fell through, an apprenticeship in Portland. Except, when two opportunities came knocking at the same time, Maxine knew which one she’d prefer. Her father of course intercepted both, confronting Maxine about which opportunity would really get her out of their shitty neighborhood, and allow her to make a life for herself. All her life, she’d done what he wanted and in a fit of rage, she smacked her dad.
He went down, smacking his head open on the fireplace as he did so.
The decision was made for her then. The young woman covered it up, said she came home and found him like that. His line of work meant that he had plenty of enemies, nobody suspected Maxine. She moved out to Portland, taking up an apprenticeship for a tattoo studio and attending a local arts programme. America held too much pain, though, and after befriending a Japanese student, she would go to Kyoto to train under masters of the tattoo craft. Getting involved with low-level Yakuza only seemed to be a natural progression, especially after she stopped a local underboss from getting murdered at night on the streets. The fighting she’d left behind only followed her.
Years later, Maxine followed some members back to America, taking up shop at Yami Ink and still serving the Dead Hand even in another country.
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leporidetum · 1 year
Tagged by @theowlreblogs.
Some questions and answers below the cut. (some questions are personal, don’t worry about it or just skip it. I chose to answer them in a weird way, haha)
tagging ( ´▽`) @potted-cilantro @detournementarc @mambapools
Were you named after anyone?
No. (I was named after a weapon)
When was the last time you cried?
Going back home a few months ago and getting over something traumatizing... ; ;`
Do you have kids?
No... (Unless you count the little ones in my head “kids”)
Do you use sarcasm?
Yeah. When I’m angry. :)
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Height and expression... (Speech if they talked)
What’s your eye colour?
Black-ish brown.
Scary movies or happy endings?
These two are technically not mutually exclusive… (But, recently leaning towards scary movies...!)
Any special talents?
... Mimicking animal noises / voicing over characters when I play games (tbf it’s more self-entertainment than talent)
Where were you born?
Somewhere where a type of sea worm is commonly found on the local menu and is considered a delicacy :) (I don’t like them myself, I don’t really put invertebrates in my mouth)
What are your hobbies?
Drawing, listening to music, making toyhou.se HTML templates, watching CallofCthulhu TTRPG replays, cranking random generators, playing games, spacing out.
Have any pets?
Not anymore… I had turtles once ;v;`
What sports do/have you played?
Swimming, volleyball and badminton… very casually when I was younger. The only physical activity I’m still actively maintaining now is walking (running from building to building) ˊ_>ˋ
How tall are you?
164 cm (~5.3 ft)
Favorite subject at school?
Biology, computer science, anthropology, art
Dream Job?
The archivist of all winters, across space and time. (as in a job I want to have in a dream haha)
That’s all~ Thanks for tagging me!! ✦
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15 Questions: Character Edition
Tagged by @words-after-midnight! Using this for OCs as well as writers is a fun idea.
Going with everyone's favorite repentant bloodborn and fish dad, Renato (who just got some lovely new art):
Tumblr media
(Thank you again to @/littlestpersimmon for taking the commission! I love the background and fish details especially. Go check out more of Caleb's beautiful art and his comics if you're not familiar with them already!)
1. Are you named after anyone? My given name came from my Portuguese great grandmother on the Dimas side of the family, my father's side. I chose "Renato" as a teenager because the meaning (reborn) applied to both my transition and future as a bloodborn. Anyway, it shares the first letter and same number of syllables with the old one, so I also just liked how it sounded.
2. When was the last time you cried? I...honestly can't remember. Really. I'm not trying to sound tough or cool or anything. I must've cried when I was still a child of course, before the break. I can recall afterwards, though, watching the harbor get farther and farther away as my family fled the destruction on a ship. My eyes were completely dry. I still felt...still feel despair, anger, sadness. But after the world changed, I did too. Crying just seemed like a waste of water. It wouldn't get me anything, so my body just...didn't bother with tears.
*shifts, visibly nervous* But I think...I think I'd like to cry again someday? Is that a strange thing to say? Nevermind--forget it. Next question.
3. Do you have kids? No, but I have the next best thing. *opens wallet with photos* The goldfish is Tesoro--Tes, for short. They can roll a tiny football into a mini net. Ah, they're so talented! Then there's Beija, the pleco. She's nocturnal like me, but rather shy. And of course I can't forget the Venerable Order of Lady Guppies: Sisters Dolores, Joan, Hildegard, Leonella, Mary Celeste, Teresa, and Abbess Malfada. They're named after nuns since there aren't any male guppies in the tank and, well, you get the idea.
4. Do you use sarcasm? Occasionally, to make a point maybe. I prefer saying something outrageous with a serious face, though. I've gotten quite good at it over the years.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? It's going to sound terrible...it is terrible, but true. I try to see if they have a weapon, and assess their vulnerable points, gauge which would be best to strike first. You know...to incapacitate. Or kill, if need be. It's ingrained into you as part of becoming an Aquila. But I'm sure you don't want to listen to such a dark subject.
6. What's your eye color? *sighs* They're blue-green, or aquamarine, or sea-green, or whatever you want to call them. I honestly don't find them that special. The way dark brown or black eyes shine is much more appealing, in my opinion.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Hm. I'm just as likely to be annoying and complain about either one being unrealistic. I think the execution and style is what matters to me, not the category.
8. Any special talents? Winning people's trust. Being deserving of it... that's another matter. I've been told I pick up languages rather quickly, at least as far as basic conversation goes. Of course I grew up being a strong swimmer and diver.
9. Where were you born? On the Pacific, in a ship's medical bay, while my mother was accompanying my father to the States. That meant I was a default Brazilian citizen, although both my parents had dual citizenship.
10. What are your hobbies? Looking after my fish, making a nuisance of myself, finding what little pleasures I can take. I'm starting to realize just how much of my identity was tied to being an Aquila, honestly. Without that...well, I suppose I'll just have to test things out and see what sticks.
11. Have you any pets? Oh, do you want to watch all my videos of Tes and the others? [A/N: I advise you to decline. There are a lot of fish videos.]
12. What sports do you/have you played? I practice various styles of fighting and marksmanship, but that's survival rather than friendly competition. I never had a real opportunity to play any, given the world descended into chaos when I was ten. I mean, Ollie and I used to play a game where we'd dare each other to touch sharks while scavenging. Does that count?
13. How tall are you? 5'5". Many of the deadliest predators are smaller than their prey.
14. Favorite subject in school? I only attended about five years of Catholic school. My parents found me tutors for various subjects after the Break happened. I did fine with math, reading, science, all of that, but I preferred learning and honing skills. Spear fishing, sailing, foraging, those sorts of things I could use in a practical sense.
15. Dream job? *grins* Indolent concubine of a lofty noble or conquering warlord (gender neutral). Perhaps if things work out with these supposed merfolk they'll have some openings available.
Dysthanasia Taglist: @thecyrulik @thatndginger @space-writes @sunset-a-story @scoundrelwithboba
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todayiwrotenothing · 5 months
taggd by @pintsizeninja 😊
(cat walked on the laptop)
I don't think so, my parents just had two random names they liked and they chose the wrong one. I fixed the mistake by changing my name to their rejected option when I was in my early 20s.
Very recently. For Reita💛. Still difficult to believe he's gone.
No, I completely lack any parental instincts and don't want to have children.
I've never found one I liked. I dislike almost all forms of exercise, as they range from torture to tedium, and as a result I am deeply unfit and I really need to do something about that as middle age is tough on the old meatsack.
Yep yep.
Probably clothes/style? I have mild faceblindness so nothing in that region stands out to me until I've looked at someone a lot. (Incidentally, my faceblindness is why I wondered if I was demisexual for a while. Turns out to figure out if I'm attracted to someone, I just need a while to get acquainted with their face. Definitely not demi.)
Scary movies!!! I am a horror fiend.
Hmmmmm. Reasonably good at: making weird art, doing certain impressions, making people laugh, singing, procrastinating.
Video games and horror and sci-fi and art and craft and constantly obsessively listening to music.
I have a one year old ginger and white cat called Callisto. She is the ultimate chaos gremlin.
In school it was probably physics. I've studied physics, maths, astronomy, biology, chemistry, and palaeontology at uni. If I had the money to be a perpetual student I'd go for art and graphic design next.
I have spent a lot of time trying and not quite managing to be a scientist (see previous question), and now the state of academia in the UK is so wretched that I no longer want to. Dream job in a wondrous fantasy land where everything is great: computational palaeontologist or rockstar-artist-author-layabout.
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damelucyjo · 1 year
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me @modern-day-classic 😘
were you named after anyone?
Lucy is my maternal great-grandmother's middle name. It was initially my middle name too, but once I was born they swapped my names around.
when was the last time you cried?
Yesterday? I cry all the time 😂
do you have kids?
No, but I have 3 nephews who all feel like my kids. I've always known I want kids, but any time I spend with them lets me know now is not the time! 😂 But all 3 are autistic, so they can be a lot to deal with sometimes, especially all together.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sarcasm? Me? Never.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
To physically look at, I'd say their eyes. But I always pay attention to how people are with others.
what's your eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
Both? I love scary movies (I'm one of the weird ones, apparently) But who doesn't love a happy ending!
any special talents?
I'm fairly decent at art? Which is considered a talent I guess. I'm drawing all the time. & I'm hypermobile, which is just how my body was made, but being able to do flexible things can also be considered a talent too?
where were you born?
St Albans as the town I live in doesn't have a hospital for people to give birth in. But I've lived my whole life in this place, which is just outside of London.
what are your hobbies?
The before mentioned art. Also reading and watching TV 😂
have any pets?
My little old man Dexter, a Jack Russel.
what sports do you play/have you played?
I don't do anything any more because I'm old and broken, but I did Irish dancing for about 18 years before I had to stop. Throughout school, I did netball, basketball, rounders, football, lacrosse, dance, badminton, and cross-country.
how tall are you?
5'4.5" (and the half is important! 😂) or around 164 cm.
favorite subject in school?
Art, drama/theatre & history. The 3 subjects I chose for my GCSEs, and I couldn't choose between them.
dream job?
Is it a cop out to say something I love? I'd give absolutely anything to go back to my old job of working in a playground with kids. No two days were the same, I got to do art all the time, and I got paid to play! The dream, honestly!!
tagging: *goes into the following section to find people because I barely interact with anyone on here and am terrible with usernames 🫣)
@wadderz @fangirl-corey @wiigy @waddingham @sunflowerromcom @writtenndust @theultimateclare @queerhydrangea @queerofdenial @biscuitboxpink @mytwodaves @broadwayfreak5357 @sarahtarth @atearsarahjane @rahleeyah
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ohheyitsjustbear · 1 year
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @mandalorianmercenary and @blueedana thank you lovelies 😘
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope, apparently I'm named after a noise 🙄 but I prefer my middle initials AJ
2. When was the last time you cried? October last year when I had to say goodbye to my Australian family and come back home
3. Do you have kids? Nope, maybe one day
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me?! Sarcasm?!? Noooo, never
5. What is the first thing you notice about a person? Eyes and shoes
6. What is your eye colour? Boring brown
7. Scary movie or happy ending? Scary movies all day ery day
8. Any special talents? I can curl my tongue and wriggle my nose 😂 I can also kind of pop out the knuckles of my ring fingers
9. Where were you born? A place in a town in a country
10. What are your hobbies? Photography, gaming, I dabble in a couple instruments, being a needy slut on tumblr 😅
11. Do you have any pets? A doggo called Zuko! I chose the name and no one else has understood the reference
12. What sports do you/have you played? I used to be pretty good at hockey but now I get winded walking up a small hill 😂
13. How tall are you? 5’7
14. Favourite subject in school? Art, history and drama
15. Dream job? Photographer or rockstar
Tagging @blushingbunn @this-blank-canvas @silentacquiescence @sins-nd-bliss @written-with-lust @avery-grace-lives @bewitchingbimbo @its-simply-rose and anyone else who's sees this cos I can't remember names 😂
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thavron · 8 months
Thank you for the tag @eviebane
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Since I did the whole therapy thing my emotions have been extremely all over the place. Crying daily at the moment. Also feeling the happiest I have in a long time. It's a strange duality.
3. Do you have kids?
Not that i know of. Hopefully not. I have a God daughter, and two nephews.
4. What sports do you play / have you played?
Netball at school. Ice/Roller Hockey at university. I was big time into martial arts from about aged 13-19, and I'm a black tag in Tae Kwon Do. Also won a fair few competitions. Buggered my knees though playing hockey so had to give it all up.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm not great at eye contact so probably hair colour or body language.
7. What's your eye colour?
Green/Grey. One of my eyes has an orange splodge. it's weird.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Can I ask for both? I love horror movies, especially violent slasher movies. But I'm also a big romantic that loves a happy ending. I have layers.
9. Any talents?
I think the only natural talent I have is rhythm. I took to playing the drums like a duck to water. Everything else I've worked at. I'm an artist professionally, but like I have no natural artistic talent. I had to practice a lot to be as good as I am. It actually kind of annoys me when people look at my art and call me talented, because you're looking at thousands of hours of practice. I didn't wake up one morning able to do that. Same with writing. I love writing. I'm not great at it though, but I am better than I used to be.
10. Where were you born?
West Midlands, England. I'm not giving you my postcode.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, playing computer games, photography, looking longingly at the sky and yearning for a life not yet lived.
12. Do you have any pets?
I live with a demon called Ben. She looks remarkably like a cat.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
Always liked the sciences. Started to enjoy religious studies at about 15 and so chose to study Philosophy and Ethics for A level as well as Biology, Chemistry and Physics. I guess I'm just sort of fascinated by the world and how it all works. I did not enjoy Chemistry at degree level though so dropped out to become an artist. You can imagine how that conversation went with my parents...
15. Dream job?
I actually have my dream job. I actually work for the studio I dreamed of working at too. I have even ticked off a few of the dream franchises I wanted to work on. I am very lucky.
No pressure tags
@lumiereandcogsworth and anyone who wants to do it really :)
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moondust-bard · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thank you to @tananaphone for the tag!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Sort of? My government name never felt it belonged to me, so I chose a new one. I named myself after the moon and after one of my favorite characters.
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago, I think. I was very frustrated. I only ever cry when I’m mad.
3. Do you have kids?
I’m a single mother of four… cats. No human offspring.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use it a normal amount of time, I think? My mom brings it out in me. She likes to ask ridiculous questions at inopportune times.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
If we’re meeting in person, I notice the way a voice sounds first. If it’s an online meeting, I notice the way someone talks— the words they use, the way they form sentences differently from other people, the regional or cultural slang they prefer.
6. What’s your eye color?
Somewhere between blue and purple, according to my family and friends. Like a frosty periwinkle, I guess? I can’t really see my own eyes
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Neither! I love a hopeful ending the characters had to fight to achieve.
8. Any special talents?
I can text with my nose
9. Where were you born?
The south of the United States
10. What are your hobbies?
I enjoy herbalism, sketching, chalk pastels, reading tarot, baking, stage acting, writing, making digital art for my writing projects, reading, revamping thrifted items, various crafts, befriending feral cats— anything that lets my brain relax and engages my creative side is a yes from me
11. Have you any pets?
I have four indoor cats: Emily, my eldest and fluffiest, will be eighteen in March; Madrigal, my cinnamon sugar princess, will be four in June; her littermate, the rascal prince, Galileo, will also be four in June; and Puck, the naughty baby, will be a year in March. I could talk about my monster children all day.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
ABSOLUTELY NONE 😂 could you imagine? I’d be awful in every sport that exists or has existed ever
13. How tall are you?
5’4, but everyone who has met me says I look taller
14. Favorite subject in school?
I was a theatre kid. If we’re talking the basics, English was my jam
15. Dream job?
I’d love to be a lot of things. The goal is to be one of those multi-talented, dynamic creatives. I’d love to write for the stage, tv, sell my books, and have a hand in directing my written work.
I am tagging
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