masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
No personal blogs allowed
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In light of this morning’s events, I am no longer allowing anonymous asks.
On top of that, any and all personal blogs who follow this blog will be blocked immediately. I will be going through my followers and rooting out every single personal blog and blocking them.
If you are RPing with me through a sideblog attached to a personal blog, let me know so I don’t block you by accident.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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@personal blogs! Stop reblogging my RP posts!
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
New KH III Theory
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Okay, so, as you recall, a while back (back in June after the Frozen trailer), I was trying to come up with theories to explain ‘Aquanort’ or whatever had happened to our favorite blue haired Keyblade Master. One theory that really caught on was this one ,after seeing the extended trailer, I couldn’t help but think most of my theory might have been proven right, or not, who knows, right?
After having a chance to digest the trailer, and think it over (for two days since I didn’t have working internet and therefore couldn’t write this up), and talking things over with a friend. I’ve come up with a few theories about how things might play out for Aqua, Ventus, and Vanitas.
Please note, obviously, I’m not Nomura, what I’m writing is merely a theory and not the actual events of the game. I’m merely proposing the possibilities.
Possibility Number 1
So, in my last theory post, I proposed the idea that, before Riku and Mickey can go into the Realm of Darkness to rescue Aqua, Xehanort sends a Vessel or one of his other selves in ahead of the rescue team in order to get Aqua first.
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The previous theory suggests that Aqua is eventually overpowered by her attackers, and she is taken back to Castle Oblivion in order to change it back into the Land of Departure. Thus making it easier for Xehanort to capture the still comatose Ventus.
Aqua would not allow this, obviously, and renounces ownership of Master Keeper, the only keyblade capable of restoring Castle Oblivion to its proper state. 
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Considering, in the trailer, we see Aqua fighting Xehanort’s heartless, or Guardian, it’s possible the one Xehanort sends to the Realm of Darkness is either Ansem Seeker of Darkness, or Terra (considering all the Xehanorts who appear have been pulled from across time, it’s possible he could pull Terra while he was still in his prime).
Considering Aqua is seen fighting the guardian WITHOUT a keyblade, it’s possible she got rid of Master Keeper the moment she realized she was in for a fight she couldn’t win. She would not risk Ven being taken by Xehanort, even at the cost of her own safety.
If the attacker is Terranort, he would likely find a way to strike at Aqua’s heart, and fill her with ‘Misery and Despair’, likely telling her she’s been abandoned and no one is coming for her. The attacker would then leave her, suggesting they have plans to find Sora and use him as an alternate means of getting to Ventus. Xehanort would hit Aqua where it hurts, her friends, making her fight Terra again, and then having her believe she ultimately failed Ventus too. She failed both her friends, it would be a bitter reality for her. And she’s been in Hell for over a decade, something has to give eventually.
Admittedly, this theory doesn’t make a whole lot of sense now, given what we see in the trailer later on.
Possibility number 2
Same idea as before, Xehanort sends someone to the realm of Darkness to get Aqua (still, likely Terranort), fully expecting to get to Aqua before Riku and Mickey. However...
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Aqua has already gotten rid of Master Keeper at this point. She’s been in the RoD for years, she’s done her best, but even after all that effort, she can feel herself losing to the Darkness. Her light is beginning to flicker out, and she has no idea what will happen if she keeps the key to saving Ventus. So, she gets rid of it at the Dark Meridian, which is how it somehow winds up in the Destiny Isles. Slowly... Aqua begins to change as she continues to wait for the promised rescue.
Changing into a Darkling, a type of Hearltess that is implied to be a fallen Keyblade Master. Her transformation isn’t quite complete though, which is why she still retains her appearance, even if her clothes have started to take on that darkened appearance.
Riku and Mickey run into Aqua first, she’s holding on by a thread, but just enough to remember Mickey and Riku were in the Realm of Darkness with her, that day the door to Darkness was shut, and she had been swept away by the Demon Tide.
Her darknened thoughts telling her that Mickey and Riku abandoned her.
Specifically Mickey, since she calls him out directly in the Frozen Trailer. But while Riku was largely unaware of Aqua’s presence at the time, in Dark Aqua’s mind, he’s just as responsible for leaving her behind.
Remember, KH I was approximately 10 years after Birth By Sleep, and since there was a time skip between Chain of Memories and KH II, that means Aqua had been lost an additional amount of years. Apart from her meeting with Ansem the Wise, she’s had time to get lost in her thoughts.
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This will be the Aqua boss battle. The player taking control of Riku, the fight ends with Aqua being restored to her previous self. But now is not the time to celebrate, because, immediately following this, Riku Aqua and Mickey are set upon by Terranort.
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They fight valiantly, but then Terra makes his intentions clear that he’s here for Aqua only, and he needs her to reverse what she’s done to the Land of Departure. Of course, Terra doesn’t realize Aqua’s already hidden Master Keeper, having thrown it into the Dark Meridian. Regardless, Terranort believes Aqua can be used to find the key again.
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Realizing they need to get Aqua out of the Realm of Darkness, Mickey and Riku make a sacrifice play. In a way, they intend to make it up to Aqua for not saving her all those years ago, and cast her into the Dark Meridian as a way of getting her away from Terranort. Mickey and Riku intending to stay behind and make one final stand against Terranort while Aqua is sent back to the Realm of Light.
As it so happens, Sora Donald and Goofy just happen to be at the Destiny Isles, which is when Sora finds Master Keeper, but that’s not all he finds.
Seeing something in the water, Sora dives in to see what it is, and that’s when we get this scene.
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Pulling Aqua out of the water, Sora takes her back to the beach and tries to help her recover (perhaps a bit of Sora Dpnald and Goofy style hijinks ensues). Aqua is experiencing sensory overload, feeling the bright sun on her skin and feeling the warmth after being lost for so long. This is no time to celebrate though, as Aqua delivers the dire news that Riku and Mickey stayed behind in the RoD so Aqua could escape. Leaving both of them to believe the pair are lost, for now.
Once Aqua has had time to recover, she decides to take Sora to Castle Oblivion. It is time for her to rescue Ventus. They know Sora carries Ventus’ heart (most likely he learns this when he encounters Vanitas in the Monsters Inc world), and that Sora will be instrumental in reviving Ventus. They also know that, once Aqua restores the Land of Departure, they won’t have much time before Xehanort sends someone to the Chamber of Waking.
After the Castle is restored, that is exactly what happens. Vanitas is immediately drawn to Ventus’ presence. However, Ventus is protected by a barrier, set up by Aqua.
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Sora dives into Ventus’ heart in order to restore him, while Aqua fights off Vanitas in order to buy Sora the time he needs. Aqua is overpowered by Vanitas.
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What happens here can go varying ways. One; Vanitas thinks killing Aqua will make the barrier drop. Two; Vanitas thinks merging with Aqua or controlling her with darkness will make her drop the barrier. Or Three; Ventus wakes up, and sees Vanitas about to kill Aqua, so Ventus steps in to stop him, shattering the barrier in the process.
Possibility Number 3
Last of my possibility theories. This is the ‘Everything that can go wrong, does go wrong’ theory.
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Going back to my previous theory (partially theory 1), Aqua is attacked before Riku and Mickey can reach her, and she is taken to Castle Oblivion. However, she is not taken by Xehanort, she’s taken by Vanitas.
Vanitas makes it seem like he’s working with Xehanort, but he is actually operating his own agenda. Vanitas plans on merging with Ventus again, but he needs Aqua in order to turn Castle Oblivion back into the Land of Departure.
Believing she can outwit Vanitas, Aqua goes along with his little game, her plan is to restore the castle, but then run for the Chamber of Waking before Vanitas can get there.
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This is where Vanitas runs into the same problem he does in Theory 2. Aqua has a barrier set up to protect Ventus in the event someone ever did find the chamber. Thus we get the scene of Vanitas sitting on the throne, wondering what he’s going to do about Ventus.
Aqua and Vanitas battle, and Aqua is defeated.
With her unconscious, Vanitas can see the barrier is weakening, but not dissolving. That’s when he gets an idea that was alluded to back in BBS.
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Vanitas merges with Aqua in order to use her body to lower the barrier, and thus we get the form shown above (Aqua’s darkened palette does resemble Vanitas’ armor of darkness). However, not all goes as planned. Before ‘Aquanitas’ can break down the barrier, Xehanort shows up. Having been wise to Vanitas’ scheme the entire time, Xehanort casts ‘Aquanitas’ back into the realm of Darkness, and makes plans to break down the barrier around Ventus himself.
When Riku and Mickey eventually arrive, what they think they’ve found is a corrupted Aqua, but in reality, it is the fusion of Vanitas and Aqua. They battle, and, much like Theory 2, Riku is able to restore Aqua.
Things basically go the same as they do in Theory 2. Terranort attacks the group, Riku and Mickey send Aqua back to the realm of light while they stay behind to fight Terranort and Xehanort’s Guardian, Sora finds Aqua and Master Keeper, and the two make plans to rescue Ventus.
Of these theories, I’m more or less leaning towards number 2. But what do you think? Leave a comment or send an ask, and let’s get this discussion going.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
You know what really doesn't help motivate me to write Eraqus? Going into his tag, or the bbs tag and finding Eraqus hate, or rants about how Eraqus was the real villain of bbs, or how Eraqus was abusive to his students.
Before you ask, I'm not going to follow this post up with a '#eraqusdidnothingwrong' tag, because Eraqus made his share of mistakes in BBS. He's not entirely blameless.
Do I think he was abusive to the wayfinder trio? No. People are quick to say Eraqus is responsible for Terra going down the path he took, because he held Terra back during the mark of mastery exam. Because Terra had darkness in his heart. Because Terra couldn't keep his darkness in check.
Eraqus relationship with Terra isn't abusive, I would however go so far as to say it was more neglectful. Now, some people tend to consider Neglect a form of abuse. Abuse is something you intentionally do. Neglect is unintentional.
There are three points people often bring up against Eraqus. His treatment of Terra, his opinions of light and darkness, and, of course, the major elephant in the room, him trying to kill Ventus.
Going back to his neglecting of Terra, and how people, apparently, call Eraqus' treatment of Terra 'abuse', here's where I feel this is not Abuse, but that Eraqus was neglectful of the big problem surrounding Terra. Eraqus has likely been training Aqua and Terra from a very young age, he's not just their teacher, but their parental figure as well, and he has raised the two of them to be fine keyblade masters. With Terra viewing Eraqus as the father he never had, what boy wouldn't want to make his daddy proud? But with that desire to make Eraqus proud, also comes the doubt that he won't be good enough to make Eraqus proud. Not only does doubt come into play, but maybe also a hint of jealousy towards his fellow student? After all, Aqua excelled in magic while Terra seemed more focused on improving his physical strength. Of course, Eraqus had always been proud of his students, why wouldn't he be? Eraqus either knew about this and chose to do nothing in hopes that Terra would correct it on his own, or Terra was really good at hiding his insecurities to the point that no one noticed, and it allowed the darkness in him to manifest.
Then comes the day you've been waiting for, the mark of mastery exam. The day Terra and Aqua have spent their whole lives preparing for. Eraqus even stated before the sparring match that this wasn't about winning or losing, but it's a sparring match, and Terra is determined to win. Aqua gets a momentary upper hand, and suddenly all those doubts come back and manifest in a little burst of darkness. That right there is an automatic red flag for Eraqus. The mark of mastery is about demonstrating a mastery of one's own heart, and that momentary slip up shows that Terra has not mastered himself yet.
Imagine, if you will, that you are in driver's ed., youve spent your entire course working towards getting your license. Your teacher tells you that if you keep at it, you're guaranteed to pass the final exam. Then, after all that build up, you blow a red light on the driving test and your teacher fails you on the spot. The instructor tells you that you did everything else right, but that mistake at the red light is an automatic fail, because that mistake could cost you your life, the lives of the people in your vehicle, and the lives of those around you.
Terra's momentary manifesting of the darkness made from his doubts is the same as you blowing that red light. He didnt keep his heart in check and allowed his doubts to get the better of him. Eraqus even states, after the exam that he would have made Terra a master in a heartbeat, if it were up to him, but he can't so long as Terra can't keep his heart in check. What if Terra gives in again? What if the next time his darkness manifests, someone gets hurt? What if the darkness in his heart proves too strong for Terra to control?
Eraqus gives Terra a second chance, which is sending him off to protect the worlds from the Unversed. However, Eraqus neglects to address the problem of where Terra's darkness came from, and how to overcome it. More than likely, like before, Eraqus trusts that Terra will be able to sort it out himself. As a precaution, he sends Aqua to keep an eye on him, in case his fears are realized and Terra loses control.
He neglects the obvious problem, a problem he may have had a hand in unintentionally making. It's not as though Eraqus began berating Terra and calling him a failure, he gave him another chance, he offered Terra assurance, not harsh remarks.
The one who twisted Eraqus' words and intentions around was Xehanort. He is the one who stoked the dark flames in Terra's heart, told him what he wanted to hear, and also fed him lies to fill in the gaps.
What Eraqus should have done was call an end to the mark of mastery exam, and speak with Terra directly about him manifesting the darkness, find the root of the problem and nip it in the bud. What he did was negligence, he turned a blind eye to a serious problem, but he never abused or berated Terra over it.
What also didn't earn Eraqus any points was sending Aqua off go spy on Terra. What Eraqus did was out of parental concern for one of his students, his child. However, because of Xehanort twisting the truth, Terra saw it as a lack of trust.
Next, let's talk about one of the other strikes against Eraqus that people love to bring up. His feelings about the darkness.
Eraqus is a keyblade master, he has been trained to be one from a young age, just like Terra and Aqua. And one of the duties of a keyblade master is to protect the worlds from the darkness. Now, some claim the Eraqus' bias borders on bigotry (don't ask me how this applies to a metaphysical concept like light and darkness in everyone's hearts, I'm not having this argument today.). Maybe his opinions were made that way by the order of the keyblade wielders, or maybe Eraqus has seen what the darkness can do to a man, considering the path Xehanort went down when he became obsessed with the keyblade war. It's possible that Eraqus took his duty to preserve the light so seriously that it altered perception, that light = good and darkness = bad. We don't know the full story regarding Eraqus' feelings and resentment of the darkness.
We don't know what caused the rift that grew between him and Xehanort. Considering Xehanort's journals have him say he once considered Eraqus a brother. We don't know what pushed Eraqus to go from protecting the worlds to 'let the darkness die!'
We know what happened as a result of the rift. Xehanort left the land of departure, gave Eraqus his scars, and then went to experiment on Ventus. We don't know the root cause. What made Eraqus take the stance he did against the darkness? An overzealous sense of duty? Maybe. He saw what the obsession turned Xehanort into? Possibly. We won't know for sure. It could be answered in KH3.
Eraqus bias towards the darkness and that light is right is a skewed viewpoint. But while Xehanort talks about true balance, let's also remember that this is the same guy who drowned the worlds in darkness, twice. Somewhere along the way, these two friends lost sight of the path.
He is biased though, there's no denying that. Does that really make Eraqus a bad person though? Zealous, yes. Villainous, not really, we all have our personal bias
Finally, we get to the 'killing Ventus' portion of the argument. (I've spent most of the day writing this on my phone while I should be working.)
Let's imagine the scenario. First, your fellow apprentice who you once considered a brother has turned down the dark path and left after you two had a fight. Years later, you find out that friend has been experimenting on a boy and nearly destroyed him and left him a vegetable. You would hope that this mistake would turn Xehanort from the dark path. You agree to take the boy in to help him recover.
Time goes by, Ventus recovers, forms a bond with Terra and Aqua. Much like Aqua and Terra, you come to think of Ventus as one of the family.
Okay, so the mark of mastery exam didn't go as planned. Aqua was the only one who ascended to the rank of master, Terra is showing signs of darkness, and now Ventus has run off for reasons unknown.
It's possible Eraqus had Aqua sending back reports regarding Terra's current state, and her reports haven't been very good. Citing the number of worlds Terra visited where he reportedly helped cause chaos. Things aren't looking good for Terra, and Ven still hasn't come home.
Suddenly, Ventus comes home, and he's not happy. He's learned the truth of his origins, and what Xehanort did to him. He knows he's a component to forge the x-blade, and you realize Xehanort never abandoned his ambitions, merely put them on hold.
What do you do? Track down Xehanort and try to stop him directly? No one knows where he is. Find the boy in the mask who is made of Ventus' darkness? Finding him is as hard as finding Xehanort. You have only one option to prevent the creation of the x-blade... and that's to kill your student.
To your surprise, Ventus seems willing to go along with it. He doesn't want to be used as a tool to hurt Terra and Aqua. You can even hear the regret in Eraqus' voice when he says 'you must exist no more.'
It's possible, that if Terra hadn't intervened, things might have gone differently, Eraqus might have stopped himself. Much as he wants to prevent another keyblade war, can he really bring himself to kill one of his students? One of his children? He probably would have stopped himself, and tried to find another way.
The problem is that an already tense situation is thrown into chaos by the arrival of Terra, who has grown stronger with the darkness. One of your students is key to a madman's plan to cause a universe ending catastrophe, and another has given into a chaotic force that brings only corruption. You are now enraged, and blinded by your own grief and inability to see the writing on the wall.
He neglected Terra and he caused this, he didn't stop the spread of Terra's darkness and allowed him to fall into Xehanort's hands, and now he's trying to fight Eraqus with that dark power.
The situation has spun out of control, Ventus has been blown away to who knows where, and Terra and Eraqus are at each others throats. It's exactly how Xehanort wants it to go.
And of course, we all know how it ends for Eraqus.
From the dialogue, and the fact that Eraqus and Terra quickly lost control of the situation, and the dialogue from Eraqus, you can tell he doesn't want to do this. He doesn't want to hurt Ventus, he doesn't want to fight Terra. He is torn. Torn between his duty as a keyblade master and his duty as a teacher and caregiver. No matter how the situation plays out, no one benefits from it... except one guy, Xehanort.
Eraqus is by no means a perfect character, he's made mistakes, so have a number of the other characters. He is neglectful, he is biased, but he is not abusive, and he is not the villain here.
As I said before, I'm not going to tag this with a '#eraqusdidnothingwrong' tag. I will however, tag this with a #stoptheEraqushate tag. I'm sick of seeing posts showing up in the various KH tags talking about how Eraqus is the real villain, and dragging him through the mud. Especially posts that claim they aren't Eraqus hate, but they don't like the character and still tag their posts as Eraqus hate.
Eraqus is human, he makes mistakes, he has his imperfections.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone... hey! Put that rock down!
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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So I was trying to come up with new theories and thoughts about KH III, particularly for the wayfinder characters. This is mainly targeted at Ventus and Aqua’s roles in the game. I’m still theorizing about Terra.
(under read more to trim post size)
Now, keep in mind, I’m not Nomura, I can’t say this is exactly what will happen and this is nothing more than speculation/theory. I’ve noticed Nomura likes to throw twists at people.
Okay, so, Aquanort. I was in denial about it before, but I’ve kinda sorta started to accept it.
Why did this happen to her?
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Back in DDD, we know that Master Xehanort was beginning to assemble the 13 vessels (the ‘Council of Norts’ as I like to call them), most of which were made up of alternate versions of himself, along with some Norted members of Organization XIII (namely Braig and Isa).
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At this point, Xehanort already had 12 of the 13, with ‘one spot’ left to fill. The spot that was, initially planned for Sora. One of the elements here is the ‘Recusant Sigil’, aka Xehanort’s mark.
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Which basically means anyone who has an ‘X’ on their clothes or their design is usually a Xehanort target to be one of his vessels.
Obviously, the attempt to turn Sora into a vessel failed.
But there is another, someone sleeping deep inside Castle Oblivion who would make another fine candidate to become the thirteenth vessel.
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That’s right, Ventus. And just like the other Nort targets, he has a big ol’ X on his clothes (the straps that he, Aqua, and Terra all wore). That, or Xehanort just plans to merge him with Vanitas again.
The only challenge facing Xehanort, is finding him, since a certain Keyblade Master locked him away, and is responsible for Castle Oblivion being the impossible maze that it is.
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As such, he turns to Aqua. Since she is the current wielder of Eraqus’ keyblade, it stands to reason that only that particular keyblade can restore Castle Oblivion to the Land of Departure, and thus give him a clear shot at Ventus.
He knows Aqua is still in the Realm of Darkness, but rather than wait for Sora, Riku, and Mickey to make a bid to rescue her, he intends to retrieve her himself. It’s faster that way.
Either Xehanort sends his younger self, or a vessel to the Realm of Darkness. Since we haven’t seen Saix in any of the recent trailers, he might have sent him, but seeing as Xehanort likes to send people in pairs, he might have a Xehanort (either old or young) accompany him. Of course, it could also be my DemyxNort theory ^^.
This is obviously not a rescue mission, this is a retrieval mission, they need Aqua for her keyblade and nothing more.
However, the Realm of Darkness is vast, Aqua could be anywhere inside. So, rather than pursue her, Xehanort and the Vessel simply choose to wait her out. After all, there’s no time in the Realm of Darkness, they can wait for her for all eternity, and since Xehanort has the benefit of Time Travel, they can simply travel back in time once they’ve found her.
They’ll wait for Aqua to come to them.
There’s a scene in A Fragmentary Passage, which shows Aqua arriving at the Dark Meridian, where she encounters a figure in a black hood.
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At first, I thought this was a reference to one of the bonus scenes in Kingdom Hearts; Birth By Sleep, where Aqua encounters what remains of Ansem the Wise, shortly after the events of Kingdom Hearts II.
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However, looking at the FP scene now, and how it plays alongside the scene of Yen Sid, Riku, and Mickey devising their plan to go save Aqua, this leads me to believe that this encounter with the hooded figure in FP, and the one with Ansem the Wise, are two different scenes.
Aqua goes to the Dark Meridian again, having declared herself to be the ‘light to guide any who fall into darkness’ at the end of FP, sensing a new presence there. She sees the man in the coat and thinks it’s merely Ansem again. Only for the figure to stand up and reveal itself to be Xehanort (or the vessel).
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Aqua battles the pair, but with two against one, she’s clearly outmatched by Xehanort’s growing power and the accompanying Vessel. Aqua is eventually overpowered, and the two restrain her in order to bring her back to Castle Oblivion. Aqua is brought back to the Castle, and it’s at this point that Aqua makes a daring gamble, she renounces ownership of Master’s Keeper, and throws the keyblade through a portal. She has no idea where it will end up, just as long as it stays out of Xehanort’s reach.
Outraged, Xehanort either makes her a vessel, or infuses her heart with Darkness out of spite, and then sends her back to the Realm of Darkness in order to, A) punish her further, since she is now corrupted by Xehanort, she is more susceptible to the Realm’s dark influences, and B) ambush whoever comes to the Realm of Darkness to rescue her.
This is why, when Mickey and Riku find her, Aqua is covered from head to toe in a dark haze, before the stunning reveal.
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Aqua is either ‘Norted’ or corrupted, not to be one of Xehanort’s thirteen pure dark warriors, but as punishment for derailing his plans to convert Ventus. Hence why Aqua is not wearing the signature Organization XIII cloak, and has been corrupted by darkness. 
It’s a waste of a vessel, in Xehanort’s mind, but at the very least, he can delight in the thought of Aqua having to watch in horror as she has no control over her body while she fights her friends and is consumed by Darkness. There is another possibility for how this plays out, but I’ll get to that later.
As for Master Keeper, when Aqua casts it aside, it teleports to the Destiny Isles, where Sora just happens to be, before he gets his KH III wardrobe change. As such, he brings Master Keeper to Yen Sid and asks about it.
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At this point, Riku and Mickey have already gone into the Realm of Darkness for Aqua’s rescue mission, so it’s too late for Yen Sid to warn them about the trap Xehanort has left for them. Yen Sid simply holds onto Master Keeper for the time being, while Sora goes around to the other worlds to build up his powers and find the Seven Pure Lights.
This is a means to build up Sora’s powers for another rescue mission.
Of course, Sora eventually becomes more fixated on finding Roxas, but Yen Sid insists that Sora goes to find another ally first.
As such, Sora, Donald, and Goofy are sent to Castle Oblivion, in order to recover Ventus.
They use Master Keeper, and Sora’s connection to Ventus, to find the Chamber of Waking, however, Xehanort is wise to their presence, and sends Vanitas to snatch up Ventus the moment Sora finds him.
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Meanwhile, Aqua battles Riku and Mickey in the Dark Realm, the battle causes the destruction of Riku’s keyblade Way to Dawn, but, surprisingly, Riku forms a new Keyblade.
Riku uses his power to unlock Aqua’s heart and purge Xehanort from her, freeing her from the Darkness. Worn out from the whole ordeal, Aqua collapses. Thus, with the first hurtle complete, Riku and Mickey make plans to escape the realm of Darkness. Probably in the same manner Sora and Riku did in KH II.
Meanwhile, Sora faces off with Vanitas, having just found the Chamber of Waking, and doing everything they can to prevent Vanitas from leaving with the still sleeping Ventus. Sora initially mistakes Ventus for Roxas, because, you know, the hair.
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But then Sora begins to react to being so close to Ventus, and suddenly, Ventus wakes up. Ventus’ heart leaves Sora and goes back into his body, and suddenly, it’s now Sora and Ventus vs Vanitas. The trio battle, and repel Vanitas, but now the other members of the Council of Norts begin showing up in order to capture Ventus.
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Yen Sid planned for the possibility that Xehanort would find Sora and Ventus, and so Lea and Kairi are sent in as an escape route with a Star Shard. Like before, Lea mistakes Ventus for Roxas. Ventus is so confused.
They return to the Mysterious Tower, where, as it happens, Riku and Mickey have recently returned with Aqua, who is now resting.
Sora goes back to his original mission to find Roxas while Kairi and Lea return to their Keyblade training. Ventus forms a sort of kinship with Riku, mostly because he senses that Riku is Terra’s successor.
They don’t tell Ventus about Lingering Will, not just yet anyway, because they can’t risk him running off to find it. There’s the possibility that Xehanort is aware of Lingering Will (thinking it might have originally been destroyed after BBS, but we know that’s not true), and believes that, if Ventus runs off to find Lingering Will, he can send a vessel to snatch up Ventus when he does.
There’s also the risk that if Ventus were to awaken the Lingering Will, it might attack him like it did Sora.
Aqua wakes up, and Yen Sid brings her up to speed, hearing the pair talking, Mickey rushes off to grab Ventus and bring him to Aqua’s room, where the two have a tearful reunion, hugs, laughs, Dearly Beloved playing in the background, etc. Knowing they still need to prepare for the final battle with Xehanort, Aqua agrees to aide in training Kairi and Lea to use their Keyblades, as well as tutor Ven.
That’s my main theory, for now anyway, I’ll probably expand more on this later.
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As for that other possibility I mentioned earlier with Aquanort, there’s the possibility that, despite possibly being a vessel of Xehanort, Aqua isn’t fighting on his side.
After all, we’ve seen Riku give into his darkness, and still fight on Sora’s side, so why can’t Aqua? It’s either that, or she’s on neither side, because, if Xehanort is possessing her, she’d see herself as a liability to Sora’s group, and would not want to hinder him until they can find a way to free her from Xehanort’s corruption. She’d be an ally, but not part of the main group, operating on her own, again, much like Riku did for a while.
Another possibility, that might make Aquanort nothing more than a Red Herring, is that Aqua is supposed to be one of the seven pure lights.
Nomura hasn’t outright stated that Aqua is a vessel of Xehanort, only that she has ‘fallen to darkness’, of course, since the game has not been released, he can’t say much without giving away major plot details. So, ‘fallen to darkness’ could still mean Norted. But if the darkness can be released from her heart, and only the light remains, that would make Aqua a possible pure light candidate.
After all, Nomura has also stated that the seven pure lights in KH III are all going to be women. Now, this could just be Kairi and the Disney Princesses all over again, but so far, the only Princesses that we’ve seen in the trailers so far, have been Rapunzel, Elsa, and Anna. That doesn’t mean the others aren’t going to return in this game, but the idea that maybe the seven pure lights include Kairi, Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, and maybe Aqua, opens up that possibility and fills at least five of seven slots.
So maybe Xion and Namine are the remaining two...?
Another theory for another time, I guess.
So what do you think? This is just a theory after all, and I’m all for online debates and hearing other people’s theories. We can always talk here, in the messenger, or through asks.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
Sorry about disappearing, I'm at work right now but I will try to be on tonight
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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Okay, so the internet at my house is still broken. A technician was supposed to come look at it today, but they apparently never showed up. I’m currently at a coffee shop. (yay, more walking, like I don’t do enough of that already -_-)
I hope it’ll be fixed by this weekend, then I can post my theories about the trailer and KH 3 in more detail. until now, I’ll refer to one of my old ones.
sorry guys.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
The real reason why Ventus, Terra, and Aqua’s keyblade armor don’t have capes in BBS.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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Thinking about it... I really need to work on fixing my reputation as the completely psychotic eraqus
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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It’s midnight and I gotta be up for work in less than four hours. so I’m calling it quits now.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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I apologize for the length of that rant, I honestly thought I had put it under read more.
ALso when I went to look over it, I noticed all those typos (I did it on my phone and my fat fingers keep pushing the N button whenever I wanna press space, also, autocorrect is a pain when it comes to writing Eraqus and Xehanort)
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
Shipping and stuff
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I know I’ve got it written on my rules page, but since I still get asks about it from time to time.
I don’t ship Eraqus with anyone.
I have no ships for him and I’m really not interested in shipping him with anyone. This blog is also a smut free zone, I don’t see Eraqus as the type who would actively seek sex.
He never sought out a romantic partner, and never had any children of his own. He does, however, consider the Wayfinder Trio to be like his own children, besides being their mentor, he does his best to be their father figure as well.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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Okay, so obviously, I have my internet back! I’m going to work on that write up now.
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
(( She pulls out the color contacts and laughs "HAHA GOT YOU GOOD DIDN'T I??? HAHAHAha but no really I have crippling depression now." ))
My next thought was going to be the ‘you’re too late’ would be followed with Riku pulling out a Snickers.
Riku; I mean, you haven’t eaten in, like, THIRTEEN years. You’re not you when you’re hungry.
Aqua; *noms the snickers*
Riku; Better?
Aqua; Better!
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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Since the M!A only lasts until tonight.
-||[ STARTER CALL ]||-
Who wants to interact with Fem!Eraqus
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masterxsquare-blog · 6 years
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Being turned into a woman has given Eraqus the ferocity of an angered Momma Bear!
50% of the reason being because he no longer has his mustache
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