the-young-rosebud · 5 years
@outofthelight || continued from x
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I cut in on you journaling? No, I can come back. I know how important it is to journal.” Rosetta offered, standing up again to walk away
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
@outofthelight / Goodman & Hansen (sounds like a superhero duo lmao)
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She thinks it might have been English that she had with the kid. Evan Hansen, maybe, was what his name is? - Evan Hansen, who stuttered something vaguely about.... trees?...when asked about the most interesting thing he did that summer, during one of those “first day of class” ice breaker sessions that Natalie absolutely despises. 
In truth, though - she’s unsurprised when she turns the corner, about to head to the practice room for her free period, just in time to see the kid go crashing into a locker. Natalie winces - grip tightening momentarily around her backpack strap. It sounds cruel, maybe, but even labeled “Freak” as she is, Natalie’s own notoriety, at least, was the helpful kind. Her reputed “crazy” mother made everyone, including the more unsavory members of the student body, skirt a wide berth around her.  Hansen, however - well. Wasn’t so lucky in his unluckiness.
She shakes her head, inhaling sharply through her nostrils. The whole thing was none of her business, and besides, it’s high school - not like it’s the first time in the history of the universe that someone got slammed into a locker. Not like it’ll be the last. 
Natalie makes it about another two feet down the hall before she curses at the top of her lungs and doubles back, dropping her backpack on the floor as she tosses herself between Hansen and his assailant. She fists a hand into the front of the much taller boy’s shirt, drags him down to eye level and socks him directly in the jaw.
“If I ever catch you shoving him into a locker again, there’s more where that came from, you hear me?” Her voice is steadier than she imagined it would be and - fuck it. Fuck it. She’d been called “freak” enough times. Who cares if she fuels the rumors a little? Blowing her hair out of her face, she swings her backpack wildly back onto her shoulders, crooking her hand at the boy she just - rescued. Since when did she do that, rescue people?  “You, Hansen. Up you get. Grab your stuff. We’re going to get shakes.”  
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musescored · 5 years
@outofthelight​ said: “Please leave the light on.” - outofthelight for Heidi but maybe with kid Evan
      ❝ Okay, Ev, I can't leave the big light on for you all night, honey. It's way too bright, and you probably won't sleep with it on any better than you would with it off. ❞  If his father were here, he'd likely be complaining to her that Evan just needed to toughen up a little, for Heidi to stop coddling him and he'd fall asleep when he got tired enough to, or something equally as dismissive of the problem.      
      Luckily, it's just them for the night, so she's allowed to handle this however she damn well pleases.  ❝ But we could try a night light, see if that helps. How does that sound ? ❞      
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  @outofthelight​ didn’t ask for anything but here you go.
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Bright yellow wellington boots plodded along with satisfying crunching noises through the fresh snow. Matilda couldn’t help the grin on her face with each step, having decided that she would take her time today and enjoy the walk back from the library. Particularly now that she had Evan’s company - which always made things feel an awful lot better. Her rucksack is particularly heavy today, with the slight fear of being snowed in and unable to go back to the library tomorrow. 
It is so full, in fact, that Matilda does fear she’ll almost topple over with the weight of it, something not helped by the slightly slippy, snow covered ground. “Michal broke the trolley I use to carry my books when he used it as a sledge,” she explained, adjusting the straps to try and better balance herself. “I suppose this will make my muscles nice and strong though!”   
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villainsfall · 6 years
@outofthelight  //  cont.
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 connor shrugs pulling his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans. “don’t know, but i guess we’ll find out. we can split ‘em if you want, decide if they’re good together.” it’s a shy, awkward offer, and he regrets it as soon as he says it, biting on his bottom lip.
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awfultm-a-blog · 6 years
@outofthelight ❤️ ‘d the s.c.
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         eyes meet the others and he SMILES. “hey. y’ doin’ alright?? parties don’t exactly seem like your type of thing.” he’s seen this before, people getting DRAGGED out when they don’t want to. 
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pridepities-blog · 5 years
@outofthelight​ / kelly said - nervous dater.
❛ all you cared for was gold. ❜ hands stuff in hoodie pockets as he surveys the reopened apple orchard, the project he wasn’t really allowed to touch. ❛ now it is lost, or so you are told. ❜
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carriietta-blog · 6 years
Picking partners. One of the many dreaded activities that were forced on high-school students. It was easy for some, especially those who fit into a specific “clique”, but Carrie had never been one to fit in with, well, anyone.
It’s worse this time, however. A new school with new faces, judgmental gazes following her every move as she tries her best to find someone while keeping eyes glued to the floor. All she had to do was take a deep breath, pretend they aren’t there...
There’s a boy with his arm in a cast. Carrie had seen him in the hallways a few times and, from what she had noticed, he was almost always alone. For a moment, she hesitates and thinks it over. Was it wrong for her to assume that he might be her best choice because of that reason?
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“Do you... want to be my partner?” She mumbles quickly, eyes still cast down. It was best to just ask and get it out of the way before she did something embarrassing again. While she waits, she wishes the ground would open up and swallow her whole. Rejection she could handle — she was used to that — but the waiting for it to happen was what she struggled with the most.
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undyinglegends-blog · 6 years
@outofthelight liked for a dreamwalker!
Having dozens and dozens of people staring at you was a common fear, and as a result, a common nigtmare, Shikha found, was being stuck in the middle of a crowd with everyone's eyes on you. The poor boy whose dream they had entered wasn't taking the spotlight well--his anxiety rattled their bones as it hung in the air like lightning was about to strike.
They conjured a flute and began to play--not they knew how to play the flute, but that didn't matter. The tune just needed to sound nice and soothing. Something to hopefully calm the boy's nerves, as well as take some eyes off of him.
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lefthandcd · 6 years
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   “ i get it. m’kind of used to being on my own when i’m at home. ” well, not entirely alone. tyrone was there - after all. though fortunately the puppet was silently drooping by jason’s side, leaving him some peace. ‘ my mom works. i don’t really see her too much ‘less i go to church after school. but what about your school? you got anyone else to sign your cast? ” 
@outofthelight SC.
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the-young-rosebud · 5 years
@outofthelight || continued from x
Rosetta chuckled a little as she rubbed her face lightly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to blurt that out. Sleep deprivation makes me really honest.” She admitted, mindlessly doodling to keep herself awake.
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dcarhcarts · 6 years
@outofthelight || continued from (x)
“You don’t bother me.” Zoe’s brows knit together at the implication, fingers worrying at the edge of her shirt. She wants to reach out to him - but in consideration of the fact that Evan seems always ready to bolt at one wrong word or movement, she doesn’t. “Besides - I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know.” She bites her lip, shoulders scrunching in a shrug as she sits down next to him gingerly instead. “I mean - of course, it’s alright if you don’t want to tell me - you don’t have to.” Zoe pauses, smiles almost in spite of herself as she considers what she wants to say, and plunges on hurriedly. “I just care about - you. Is all. And you always seem like you’re holding back something you want to say. I just - wondered what it might be.” 
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pseudoschizo · 7 years
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It was cold. Was it supposed to be cold, Connor wondered, the world hazy around its edges, nothing feeling real or right. He felt twisted, as though his body was fighting against something, some sort of tension that he couldn’t quite decipher in a world where he couldn’t quite see or hear or feel --                        Was this hell?  Surely nothing good would feel like this. Once the world finally came into focus, the first thing he saw was the high school down the block, perfectly in view of the park bench he had laid down on right before - -                                                Oh yeah, Connor Murphy was definitely in hell, he decided.  Cautiously, he began to move and began to explore, coming to grips with whatever state he was in. Footsteps that left no footprint led to his house because surely that was the Grand Central Station of Purgatory. Everything was still familiar, he realized, as though he expected things to feel so far away when he had only been dead - - how long? He didn’t know. Everything was familiar. Except for a person at the table he had never seen before. Evan Hansen, sitting only feet away from his sister, weaving some tale out of thin air about the cherished time he spent with Connor. Fury didn’t feel as strong on the other side, Connor decided, but it sure as fuck was still there.  "What a lovely fucking performance. I nominate Hansen for Oscar nominee.” He spat, standing with legs apart in front of his counter, suddenly wishing he was real enough to make Hansen hear him. “I can’t even fucking die without being turned into a joke?”
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 || @outofthelight
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“Evan! EvanEvanEvanEv-” Matilda did not stop excitedly calling out his name until she stopped squarely (and quite out of breath) in front of him, almost toppling over after the sheer speed at which she’d bolted towards him. As it happened, the little girl found the concept of company - particularly the company of Evan - very exciting indeed when she hadn’t had the opportunity to speak to anyone all day. 
“I have six books about trees and I need you to help me pick one to read first. I also have a book about birds but I’m already halfway through that. Did you know that chickens have over 200 distinct noises they make to communicate?”
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villainsfall · 6 years
❛ LET’S CHANGE THE SUBJECT! ❜ - outofthelight. I don't know the verse or the context, but yeah this feels like about how Evan tries to get out of conversations
god can’t hear you !!  //  accepting !!
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                                “oh.”  hands fiddle nervously with the zipper on his hoodie, an awkward laugh escaping him. “yeah, sure, sorry i didn’t mean to bore you or something…we can talk about whatever you want.”
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          evan   fucking   hansen      .      probably   the   last   person   connor   wanted   to   see   since   he   got   back   from   the   hospital      .      anger   was   quick   to   flush   his   face      ,      but   he’s   biting   down   his   tongue      .      it’s   not   the   letter  he’s   pissed   about   anymore      ,      but   this   fucking   ridiculous   connor   project      .       CONNOR   MURPHY   DIDN’T   WANT  TO   BE   FOUND      .      &      now   even   people   who   didn’t   know   the   existence   of   connor   murphy   now   knew   him   as   the   missing   kid   found   at   the   park   passed   out   with   a   suicide   attempt      .      he   was   reduced   to   a   fucking   goddamn   joke      .      lips   pressed   thinly   he   remains   standing   in   front  of   evan      &      head’s   buzzing   with   just   what   the   fuck   to   say   to   him      .
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