savage-rhi · 3 months
Magenta 🤬
#my state is complaining about not having enough customers for psilocybin treatments#well as someone that heavily advocated for it to be legalized because of research and science lemme tell you why:#you gatekept your whole client base via outpricing them because you don't want to serve people with medium to low incomes#you only want rich people as your clients when the majority of people who could legitimately benefit from this treatment#are one paycheck away from homelessness or have to choose between an 800-1200 dose or buying groceries for the next month for their families#now look I get it you gotta get your cake and eat it too#but that's no excuse for isolating a large client base just because you're offended that poor people with mental health issues exist#if you want to keep this shit rolling and not have the state overturn anything#make it more accessible to people that truly need it and I'm telling you word of mouth travels fast#you'll get more clients more advocacy and more investment into research#by giving people an opportunity#and making them feel included in the process#thats what yall did when you started the petitions to get lawmakers to take the benefits seriously#so what changed?#what turned you into greedy cunts?#oh yeah money and again you're offended poor people exist#y'all know too folks will just go to a dealer they know and get it for cheaper right?#i mean whats the point in paying 3 to 5k for a special “retreat” where you pay an additional 1k to 2k for 3 doses#when johnny boy down the street can hook you up with 10 doses for 100 bucks and a bag of chips?#and btw guys wtf happened to all that money that was supposed to go to creating state of the art mental health clinics and facilities#when measure 110 got passed that decriminalized drugs?#no one has an answer???#hmmm#it's no wonder we are near dead last in mental health in this country#its like i said in the meeting: you guys love to profit off the suffering of others#magenta#magenta is my vent word
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post-futurism · 1 year
It is kind of wild how Airbnb is no longer the cheaper accommodation option? Like I remember using it back in 2013 and staying in a quiet beach town for something like $100 a night but now the equivalent of that is $400 and there isn't even anything available further out because the quieter areas don't want Airbnb travelers unless they can pay a premium rate.
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kyeterna · 1 year
I am starting to think that being a tourist visiting Greek islands is completely unethical.
In a similar way as buying fast fashion is unethical.
This problem is very prevalent in the islands which is why I am specifically talking about them and not tourism throughout the country (though in specific areas that are tourism heavy the problem still stands).
Very coincidentally, along with Greece's economic protections of the working class collapsing, the new lucrative industry of tourism arose, after the economic crisis. With labour laws becoming more lax to "help the economy" we've seen the rise of seasonal work. What's that you might ask. Young adults with no working experience working in tourist heavy areas in service at restaurants and cafés and what not. Sometimes for 12 hours a day if not more, no benefits, sometimes they don't even provide you with housing, barely any days off. I've had cousins and friends who worked the summer season, it is hell and dehumanising. Especially with how many tourists there just are. Just earlier this month there was a story about how a sea side cafe bar owner had his waiters serve their patrons *in the sea*. THE WAITERS HAD TO WALK INTO THE SEA WITH THE DRINKS TO SERVE THE CUSTOMERS WHO WERE SWIMMING. "But tourists give good tips" AND THAT FIXES THINGS???? YOU THINK THIS MAKES THINGS BETTER??
But it's not just worker exploitation. It's how tourism becomes hostile to the locals themselves. How tourism is actively destroying the local environment. A friend of mine who comes from an island talks about how because of AirBnB locals are outpriced out of their rented homes. How students are kicked out of their apartments as soon as May enters because that's when thr tourism season starts. We gotta rent those apartments to our lovely tourists! How in islands even as big as Crete, every summer the locals have no access to water because it is all used up by hotels and tourists. All greek islands have limited access to drinking water and this is made worse through tourism. But you see you can't have the tourists not use water in abundance! How over the years I have seen my local beach become commercialised. How the public umbrellas crumbled and were replaced by privately owned by a sea side cafe bar umbrellas and sunbeds, making it so you have to pay to have access to that beach. How tourists have no beach etiquette, which ends up littering the area. How businesses' desire to get more tourist customers leaves to natural landmarks just altered beyond recognition, local fauna driven out.
Our government has over relied on tourism to rebuild its economy. When covid happened this showed how vulnerable an economy is if it relies on tourism alone. It feels like even our government treats us more like a tourist attraction than an actual nation. Obviously the issue is capitalism. Some might say it's unregulated capitalism. Whatever. The whole tourism industry was set up so that its vulnerable workers cannot even organise nor fight back. They are only contracted to work 3-4 months a year after all.
If you ever decide to visit Greece for vacation, I don't know, maybe think about all this.
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noneedtofearorhope · 4 months
living with a normie 'progressive' has been a trip. watching in real time the slip into rather outright fascist shit. pro-border, pro-sweeps, anti-legalization/decrim, etc. but it's ok! because at least its not mean ol trump, right? love is love (unless you're one of those freaks)!
dont really want to keep living here, but don't feel like there is much else. everything is so expensive, and even if i find a new roomie who claims to have progressive values and whatnot, whats to say they aren't also going down the same road, or that they're just an asshole or some less political red flag. i feel like eventually landlord is going to keep raising rent to the point that i'll have less to lose by making a jump like that. idk about til then tho. also not like i want to be outpriced from where i live. ugh
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gotthatfroginme · 13 hours
the thing about being born inside the pocket of the world that exists as a blank space in the heads of the rest of the world is that i remember the years when we didn't really have much. it was still 'a lot' compared to the 'little' our parents had to endure with the bans on music and export such as clothes and household items but it wasn't much. clothes was bought haggling middle eastern women at the local bazaar out in the open, trying it on meant doint it on the street and it wasn't washed if it was new at all, those bazaars propped up at most convenient places because there were no regulations over it and they were just trying to get some money by any means to send back home. food was, of course, seasonal, alcohol was brewed locally by men who didn't know what they were doing inside their garages for friends and themselves, leading to poisoning often and the poverty made you count every grain against the currency in your pocket and the tech was so expensive it was barely obtainable. i remember feeling shocked listening to lewis hamilton expressing how poor they were because his choice for the birthday gift was between the new helmet and a ps2. because for the first time i could easily weigh his understanding of poverty against our and ps2 for us was an extreme luxury item. a monotool that doesn't do anything but plays very expensive games on disks. i only knew one family in the entire town that happened to own one along with 2 games, it was a big deal. we didn't have nintendo consoles or games or half of the things i hear americans or europeans talking about, calling it absolute staples of their childhood. we were kind of lost to tend to ourselves, made to peer in-between cracks at the rest of the world, until the laws and regulations upon human lives went nicer, towards the ways of exchange with the outside rather than shielding and hiding ourselves from it. we sort of started getting stuff by the virtue of abundance of it at the bigger cities in the country. by 2009 life looked the best it ever did, but maybe it feels so because i was barely an adult. i remember buying my first gaming console in 2012, it was a nintendo 3ds, the only one at the store left and i still own it and it still works to this day. it was a big deal for me, partially because i sold my only possession to scramble the money, partially because i never got new year or birthday presents from my parents, but my mom waged lending me the rest of the needed money against my university fund that my father has been contributing to by paying alimony. i held that account and only i could withdraw from it but didn't dare touch it but my mom wanted a new car. being a child means you get to agree to do stupid things for your parents so it wasn't a big deal. those 150 bucks felt like all the money in the world and the games were expensive but my friend gave me one as celebration and for the first time i could connect with my friends who experienced it as children, i could touch something i could never hope to before. i remember spending 2 entire days playing the newest ace attorney game, sitting on the floor of my room you could scale in two steps one side and five another, i was absolutely ecstatic. looking back to it i'm kind of jealous. these days we got the taste of it, you know, how it is to not feel left lagging behind everyone else but it does creep back. some things feel like they're slowly going back bit by bit. getting slowly outpriced and difficult to get if possible at all. there's no shame in buying secondhand clothes or not having brand stores, fast food chains and coffee shops, it's very normal to shop against your wallet and the thing is: for someone out there a sign of poverty will be not being able to afford both a helmet and a ps5
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yeetbean · 3 months
the fact that weve all accepted that your rent will get higher when you renew your lease as if that isnt the most fucked up thing ever. the apartment hasnt changed or gotten better. the pay u make hasnt gotten better. theyre just fucking you bc they can. oh you found a place you really like living? go fuck yourself give us all your money and then some. move every few years bc you cant afford not to. you cant ever be a good enough tennant that they wont outprice you. we should kill landlords
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thepowerisyouth · 6 months
My husband and I are a bit late to the party on some of these skills but we have been completely outpriced from groceries, especially lately without reliable income.
Pictured is:
1) the two of us finally buying the metal pans and other supplies and re-igniting a bakers' fire in our hearts for some fresh bread. Came out wonderfully (Kyle has made bread a lot as a teen luckily. Ive only done it twice before, so his experience was key to not fucking it up when we only followed the back of the bag) I looked back on the recipe and receipts later-- and was a little high on the price I quoted to my snap friends. Probably more like $3 worth of the flour, and $1 or less of the other ingredients. Wear & tear is a real cost tho especially with shitty-made kitchen products nowadays. Plus like... $0.20 of dish detergent or something that shits expensive and the pans are huge and numerous for bread making.
2) MICROGREENS. Hopefully Kyle makes posts about them because theres plenty to say. Yummy. Roughly $1.0-$1.5 "cost per tray". ~$1.1 worth of seeds, and idk a tiny amount of cheap, water soluable nutrients that probably cost $0.2-$0.3 for what we used up. Plus old plastic trays needing reuse. Plus about 10 days. Pictured is one "trays worth", which offered some delicious pea shoot nutrition to our dinner. Just about the right portion for 2 of us. We probably could have eaten more the first time but wouldnt do so every day for sure. We have like 6 different types plants we are/going to work on, so again watch @angelnachos for some other posts on that progress
EDIT 1) Kyle told me to not forget the growing medium in the cost. "Hydroton" was about $15 for 2 lbs + shipping (we shipped with other stuff, but it can be found locally in hydroponic supply stores). It covered maybe ~6 "trays worth", and are reusable. You just boil them between uses. They seem quite tough but only time will tell the exact wear & tear cost there. When I discover it-- I can create the proper depreciation schedule; and then toss that schedule in the garbage because accounting sucks and microgreens are cool
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stromer · 10 months
just as an fyi… if canucks truly cannot lock down ethan bear and get outpriced in the bear sweepstakes im never watching the game of hockey ever again and this blog will be deleted
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mercurialbadger · 2 years
I was just going to mute this post and continue on, but your response was rather earnest contrasted to....
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.... Yeah.
So, you see, I am a researcher, rather active one, working closely with prominent, diligent and otherwise excellent researchers in various fields, including ecology.
I don't do it directly, but there's always cross-pollination of fields and nobody knows where a productive collaboration might emerge.
So, I am in a position to judge closely, and if you read our "About" you will get that I am a qualified judge.
I am also fucking pissed.
First, people that do not work with biological engineering - be it synbio or ecosystem engineering - have no sense of scale how obligatory entangled biosystems are.
The stability of a given geobiocenosis depends on a myriad of factors, and no matter how much you disturb it, it won't change its primary productivity or total carbon content because even if you destroy 100 factors there'll be 999999900 factors keeping it in the equilibrium and the self reproducing nature of biological systems will le Chatelier these 100 factors right in your face.
It means that if you see mass carbon, diversity, productivity loss, you are not looking at the old biogeocenosis, the point of equilibrium changed and the succession is On.
Second, degrowth psyop (I mean, it is, unashamedly, people who write in favor do not hide their BP/Shell/Mercator affiliations) uses false metaphors, which create the illusion of choice and control for people. To use one of these, you can turn an elephant into a snail, but that would require shooting an elephant, processing it into the soil, and then growing lettuce to feed a hatchling of the snail egg, and this process is omitted when people oppose making an elephant leaner.
To make a less metaphorical statement of the same point:
- capitalism is efficient through concentration, and if you attack concentration itself, consumption which sits in the denominator will skyrocket, killing everyone to death;
- the existing material base is what we have, it is what we are, ape is incidental, as Iris wrote, so we cannot remove it without backing up, and backing up will mean 30-70 years of double the current growth;
And, last but not least, degrowth outright lies in the level of saturation of human life with commodities, many people don't have even a hundred books at home, nutrition values of food decrease rapidly, health becomes outpriced, the world is already dead!
This is my point which all of the extant data sources unambiguously support, and I am good at finding adversarial evidence to my views.
I am sorry, but for humanity to exist, old nature made by humans 12000 years ago has to burn, and this blog is mostly my pain of the plan 12 years in the making to save at least someone
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teaspoon-of-salt · 2 years
ngl i do have a profound sadness for all the crafts and traditional production methods that are dying out because they're outpriced by cheaper and faster alternatives. the "slow" way of producing high quality leather, traditional jewelry items, cultural clothing, etc. being only pursued by the few who are deeply passionate about these crafts and are able to afford to learn+perfect their skill and the initial investment of all the materials and equipment. so many of these things you can no longer find someone to learn from.
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cuminjuice · 2 years
when it comes to all these streaming services popping up I have three wolves inside me. one is annoyed that what was supposed to open up more possibilities is now the only option available as it's killing tv. one is kind of fascinated and thrilled at how these different companies are trying to outprice each other. and the third one just won't watch anything they can't buy on dvd anymore.
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jonnytanna · 2 years
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Dirty Laundry 04 - 27 November 2022 hosted by KEIV, Athens with Hyperlink Athens, ThunderCage, mcg21xoxo, BSMNT, Underground Flower, Galerie A.M.180, Harlesden High Street, SUB, PLAGUE, KEIV. *You Win White People, Saapo’s Gaaahn* is a site specific installation in High Street Harlesden, near St Mary’s road in an abandoned Saapo’s caribbean takeaway. The takeaway was the most generous joint on the street. One time, a customer bought a patty and the cashier took it, tapped it on the marble worktop and it wouldn’t crumble ‘I can’t serve you this, as I wouldn’t eat it’. A store with ethics lost to rapid gentrification happening across the city of London. Three artists, Joe Cool, Andre Morgan and Amanda Ali, with only one residing in Harlesden have taken up residence in the space to express their thoughts of the death of a young black owned business outpriced by a greedy landlord who’s only raised the rent for the place to be rented by a sellout estate agent named ‘Victoria’. Reactions to how useless the police are in the neighbourhood, Los Angeles gang related graffiti and anti-gentrification imprints exist on the wall, marking it’s territory, you may have bought the joint but our colourful presence will always haunt it. All the works were made with spray paint and ink markers 1. Joe Cool 2pac on the blue side circa 1994 Airbrush and pro markers on glass 2. ACAB Grafitti compilation, 2022 Spray paint, pro markers and pig's blood 3. Joe Cool Nutty Loc vs the filth, 2002 Ink Marker (shown at Dirty Laundry with various video works by the 3 artists) 4. Joe Cool Memories of ICG, 2022 Ink Marker 5. Joe Cool Black Starbucks, 2022 6. Andre Morgan You may have bought the joint, but our colorful presence will always haunt it, Long Live Freddie 2022 7. DJ Pooh Deadly Threat - Nowhere to Hide (Unreleased Remix), 1996 8. Saapo's interiors 9. RIP Leah 10. Saapo's as we remember it on Craven Park/High Street, Harlesden *You Win White People, Saapo’s Gaaahn* curated by Harlesden High Street and its peoples Dirty Laundry is curated by Torre Alain, Gözde Filinta and Marian Luft. Extra special thanks to Ece Cangüden (at Saapo's) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnGcE49oyUo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ugh, transplants who think it’s cute the cities we grew up and want to live in are now dirty, full of drug addicts, and outprice the middle class are abominable
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harveen1 · 4 months
Since OnlyFans gained recognition as a lucrative platform for online content creators, celebrities from various fields have eagerly launched their own accounts on the popular subscription service, earning millions in the process. In a LA Times article it showed ‘The London-based company gained significant celebrity attention when actor Bella Thorne joined in August 2020 and quickly revealed she had made $2 million in less than two weeks.Staff, L. a. T. (2023, September 1). Celebs you might not have realised are on OnlyFans - Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-09-01/onlyfans-celebrities
However, longtime users were upset by her arrival, arguing that she and other celebrities were outpricing the competition with their fame and taking opportunities away from those who rely on subscriptions as their sole income source. A campaign website called project mona house made an article about how onlyfans is not as safe as it seems. The article stated, ‘Despite the site emphasising safety and empowerment for its users, OnlyFans is not the secure and exploitation-free platform it claims to be. 
Its platform makes it harder for law enforcement to investigate criminal activity, acts as an “e-pimp” by taking money away from individuals in the commercial sex trade, and can be found in many stories of exploitation, abuse, and trafficking.’Bogart, A. (2024, February 2). OnlyFans: Empowering or Exploitative? Project Mona’s House. https://www.projectmonashouse.com/post/onlyfans-empowering-or-exploitative
This informative article shows women shouldn't be shamed for their job as creators on the platform, but to be aware of the industry and how the sex industry is malicious towards women and don't care for their well being.This critical commentary argues that the increasing presence of celebrities and influencers on OF, known as celebritization, undermines the success of sex workers. Specifically, celebrity Bella Thorne’s involvement with the platform overshadowed smaller creators and sex workers, leading to changes in platform restrictions that further hindered sex workers’ ability to earn income. More research is needed to explore online sexual labour, the treatment of sex workers (both traditional and online), and the laws governing online sexual labour.
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drake-the-incubus · 5 months
Capitalism is a fucking plague and I have no idea how I’m meant to survive under it currently.
Like, the only methods for me to survive seem to be heavily risking my financial stability so I can make money, even though I don’t have the ability to do anything.
I will burn out so quickly getting a job, I don’t even function in my own home. Four phone calls and being on hold for one hour made me nearly sleep and I have no energy.
I can’t go to uni, I just can’t afford to live while going.
I can’t market myself on the internet in a way that makes people want to donate to me.
Donations aren’t stable and the second I don’t make enough it’s bad.
Every benefit or assistance to income is barred or could take ages for approval.
Disability doesn’t account for bills, let alone anything else.
I can’t file my taxes because now I need to log into my CRA account that I don’t have access to and calling isn’t accessible for me.
I just want food. I just want to be able to afford my bills, food and something a little extra each month.
I’d like to be able to afford three meals a day, laundry soap, dish soap, cat food, cat litter or any monthly expense without fucking worrying.
I shouldn’t dread buying shampoo and body wash.
I shouldn’t fear getting a prescription because “what if you can’t afford it” or seeing specialists for my myriad of issues I just want help for.
I want to afford therapy which I have needed for over a decade now, to address how I might function better.
Capitalism is fucking killing me and outpricing me and as a disabled person I’m just so tired.
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thepowerisyouth · 8 months
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How do I explain to capitalism that I am an informed customer who can very well tell that I am not going to finish a whole box salad in 4 days, and that I am also informed enough to grab the less expired one at the back, which I KNOW would be less wasteful for me to grab the less expired one, since I know I cannot finish that older salad in time
When I worked in produce we threw out old bagged salads all the damn time & it was because everyone knew to reach in the back and grab the newest one.
An inherently wasteful feature of capitalism is not understanding its audience and adapting. Capitalism hasnt realized yet that it has outpriced people from buying its own products by making it more expensive to have a family sized household, LIKE MAKING $ PER UNIT PRICES NOT EVEN SO A PERSON FACES AN INCENTIVE DEBATE ABOUT 2 DIFFERENT FORMS OF WASTE
God capitalism is a literal financial bubble doomed to fail hard.
Which is a good & bad thing. Looking back most social welfare programs are instituted during a depression, in a concept known as "Keynesian Economics"
I just think its really important we all stop accepting bandaid issues to the unnaturally extreme, manic/depressive cycling of capitalism
If my previous argument wasnt quite enough to convince anyone, let me add in the issue of OVERSUPPLY, which is being grossly ramped up in a situation like this, where Kroger does not know why the produce clerks throw away bag salads. They just see loss figures from thrown away goods & sales figures and keep ordering from producers in excess
Lastly. Lastly. Last part of this long rant.
And every argument against corporate theft I see online reports only the $ figure of shrinkage as proof.
This is a big deal. I'm pointing out that the oversupply problem is being blame-shifted to theft, which just isn't true at all
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