#over bola
rakkuntoast · 11 months
honestly i hope after this all of team bolas members cannot get out of the trauma bond pack bond deep rooted co-dependency they just built in this event
they themselves admitted the only way they can function is if they're together, you can totally spin this into something more
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dailyslmccl · 1 month
Some ideas:
1. All of team bolas
2. Slime but as one of the slimes from slime rancher (ur pick)
3. Slime with succulents
Have a good day :3
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[#194] i'm not drawing 8 people in detail so take the roughest possible sketch of the roughest possible team
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team bolas' victim complex makes sooooo much sense from like a character standpoint and it drives me crazy. i don't think they ever left day one. i think in their heads, they're still burning themselves in that bonfire. half their players were inactive, they had a clear pvp disadvantage, and they kept getting killed by other teams. it was them against the world on day one. their only solace was each other when they felt helpless and they're carrying that with them to drive them forward. they still call themselves victims because if they win, then it's a pleasant surprise, and if they lose, that's just how it is with team bolas, right? it's better to have no hope at all in the first place than to feel the crushing weight of having your hopes dashed.
day one was hell. their friends killed them repeatedly without mercy, they had barely anything while other teams built their bases, and they were bottom of the leaderboard. they've come to expect tragedy, even after their multiple victories, after they've come to regard one another as family, after they've worked so, so hard to be one of the last teams standing and actually made it. they never left that bonfire.
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royalarchivist · 10 months
Etoiles: Oh, finally we had a funny moment in Purgatory, let's go. Oh, let's go! One week of wait to have a funny moment.
Roier always knows the best way to diffuse a tense situation.
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malevolententity · 11 months
no because m still confused at everyone saying this is a bad/boring event. Every Single Server Wide Event these past 6 months have been very lore and riddle focused, with a minor focus on pve during those lore events. it felt unbalanced. the admins have stated before that they want to do events for all playstyles. this is our First Time getting a proper server wide event for a different play style.
the pvp guys need their enrichment too. there is still lore and riddles in this event but thats the minor focus! and thats okay! sometimes other playstyles need to be accommodated and have a place where everyone knows its gonna happen! main island has a gentlemans agreement to not go stupid go crazy between the islanders and that makes it boring for the pvpers. sure they Can set up their own little scuffles with rules but theres something fun about The Hunt that you cant do on main island.
the pvp guys dont get to show off a lot in events. a lot of them dont participate in the lore events point blank OR they get assigned to pve clean up duty while the loreheads get to learn secrets. if you arent able to find entertainment in this event its okay to stop watching for two weeks! ur fellow fans will keep you updated on here/twitter/discord.
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I actually do appreciate all the suffering team red has went through because the total whiplash of seeing like another team's fanart where they look somewhat kept together and with bandanas to represent their team colors compared to team red who looked like they just chewed off their straight jacket restraints, absolutely disheveled the only thing representing their colors is how soaked in blood they are is fantastic
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zeb-z · 10 months
also can I just say. the difference between the joy of fit and bagi having a full day with blue, getting acquainted with the base, reuniting with their loved ones, all relieved to have more materials and more of a team - and then the absolute misery of etoiles and roier, moving the few valuable possessions red has to a new base that got immediately discovered anyway, losing all their gear, getting it back, then burning it themselves before killing eachother, is just so fucking funny. the new blues had freshman orientation while the new reds had a trial by fire canon event
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storyofmychoices · 8 months
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Lost & Found
I can't thank the always wonderful @cashweasel enough for this incredible art! This gorgeous art is inspired by my rewrite of Mal and Daenarya's emotional reunion which completely disregards PBs canon. Mal Volari is not going to be so calm and casual when the love of his life returns. There are weak knees and tears! He is a beautiful mess and Lou completely captured this here!
Snippet of this scene from "The Quest for Daenarya" which takes place outside Mal's Orphanage below the cut.
(for context, right before this scene the orphans told Mal they found Daenarya, he thinks they are playing pretend and trying to cheer him up but he goes along with them anyway)
He closed his eyes, shaking away her memory. He couldn't do this. Not now. He could break down later. But not while the children were there. He counted his breaths and shook the tears away, knowing that when he opened his eyes, the vision of her would be gone. 
But she wasn't.
Her glistening eyes met his own as she stood locked with his gaze. "Mal." 
She rushed forward, throwing her arms around his neck. She buried her face in him. 
It took him a moment longer to return the gesture. He half expected her to melt away if he touched her, but she didn't. His arms enveloped her as he pulled her closer. 
As Mal held Daenarya in his arms, the world around him seemed to blur and fade away. The sensation of her presence, her warmth, her breath against his neck, was almost too much to bear. His knees grew weak, and for a moment, he feared he might collapse under the weight of his emotions. Everything he had felt during their time apart, the grief, the longing, the guilt, all of it surged to the surface in this one overwhelming moment of reunion. He clung to her as if she were his lifeline as if letting go would mean losing her all over again. She was his rock, his hope, and his strength. If it was not for her, he wouldn't be standing now. 
"Is it really you?" His words were a broken cry in her ear.
"It's me." She clung to him, refusing to let go. "It's me."
Her hands cradled his face as she met his gaze once more. She needed to see him. "It doesn't matter right now." Her thumb brushed over the coarse hair of his beard. "I'm here now. That's all that matters. I'm here." 
Unable to contain his overwhelming emotions any longer, Mal gently pulled Daenarya closer, his lips seeking hers in a tender, passionate kiss. It was a kiss filled with longing and love. A kiss that spoke of all the time they had spent apart and all the moments they had yearned for this reunion. All the pain and sorrow of the past year melted away, leaving only the pure, unbridled joy of their love. The world around them could have crumbled, and they wouldn't have noticed. For at this moment, it was only the two of them. 
continue reading here 💜
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[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 1 + Beyond] [Mal’s Orphanage]
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 2 AU]
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listen. yes it's pretty frustrating but i think it's so funny how they had aerin be an official LI, made his route fuck so hard even previous haters wanted to fuck him, and then had him dip in the same chapter that he had sex with MC for the first time. and then he's just been gone like it never happened for 9 chapters and counting. like i know ill get death threats for this but i genuinely think this was one of choices' funniest moves. what was going through their minds. 10/10 no notes
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zoeywades-spouse · 9 months
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Me opening up Choices now that Blades has ended
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ashalsdream · 10 months
I love how close Roier and Etoiles got during the first week of purgatory, like they were unstoppable together. Etoiles would offer to train Roier only for Roier to turn around and beat him. Etoiles was the first person to see Roier for how he truly is - a warrior. He just hides behind the clown mask so people underestimate him.
But Etoiles knows now.
When they're separated into the different teams, Etoiles is worried he will actually have to go against Roier and if he loses? No one would understand but they're together again and they continue this relationship as if theyve known each other their entire lives but this time Etoiles actually gets to see him truly happy. See the way Cellbit makes him happy and how they both include him now. Etoiles is a part of their family and he's there to stay.
After purgatory is when things are different, the reality of them being apart. Etoiles doesn't belong in their home - he isn't a part of their real family. He doesn't understand why its so hard for him to return back to normal like everyone else.
He hangs out with Phil as he did before, sits on the wall and watches him and Chayanne tend the field while Tallulah works on her music. But he feels empty, he feels alone. He misses them.
He's never felt this way, he's never felt this longing. He just wants to go back. Not to purgatory. But to having Cellbit and Roier so readily accepting him and making him a part of their family.
He misses seeing Roier look at him after he killed something with the proudest smile. He misses Cellbit asking for his advice on a tactic move.
He misses being included.
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man. i've been diamond-mining bad-to-mediocre books for so long that i've forgotten how good pb can be when they actually put their minds to it
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alaritheaurora · 4 months
Made Mer pod Bolas for mermay. Love my silly guys
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Mostly blue is Carre. Green and grey is Phil. Red/brown is Cellbit. Big yellow guy is Foolish. Turquoise/grey/purple one is Jaiden. The yellow and red one sleeping on Foolish is Baghera, and next to her is Charlie.
Closeups under cut
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yawp-dead-poet · 4 months
Made this a while back cuz he's the love of my life
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Please his long hair has GOT TO come back😭😭
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pusangkambing · 10 months
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Wolf in sacrificial lamb's clothing...
Alternates under the cut!
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storyofmychoices · 6 months
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I am so in love with this art of Mal and Daenarya by the always lovely @wisejazz. Look at how peaceful they are! Look at how relaxed they look! They're both safe... finally! sdjkfl I love this for them!
I had hoped to write a fic to go with it but I haven't been in the headspace for that and I wanted to share before ending the @choicesmonthlychallenge Flower theme so here is the art and I still hope to write a drabble when I feel up to it!
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 1 + Beyond] [Mal’s Orphanage]
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 2 AU]
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