#over durge behavior wise
wi1dshxpe · 7 months
durge and orin being siblings has to be the best thing that ever happened to bhaal. i just know their fighting for daddy’s approval would immediately outshine any criticism they had of him. like orin is sad she killed the girl she was seeing because it was getting too serious and goes to durge for support. durge gives a solid twenty seconds of reassurance before lying about how that has never happened to them before. orin backtracks and changes her story because it was actually awesome and poetic, really! durge calls her out. the entire thing turns into a petty verbal slap fight before they can even think about how much it sucks they can’t/aren’t allowed to maintain meaningful relationships. another time durge casually laments they never have time for hobbies. orin says she doesn’t need hobbies, murder is her entire life, durge calls art her hobby, orin calls her art worship, somehow sceleritas ends up stabbed. basically the two of them successfully pivot from a valid complaint to “look dad i love murder, dad, dad, look dad i’m better at murder than my sibling.” every time any crappy aspect of being a bhaalspawn comes up
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autumn-sweet-fae · 6 months
Because I love the pain and horror of a lover becoming irreversibly changed in a disparate grasp for power:
Astarion ascending without Tav/Durge’s help
Mechanically impossible to do in the game, but story wise?
All you need is our bad bitch Minthara in your party, and Cazador KOing or killing Tav/Durge in front of Astarion during the fight.
Astarion is already overwhelmed and not thinking clearly in the moment with his beloved standing beside him in support. For his love to be taken down in front of him, at Cazador’s hands no less?? He’d be demanding the ritual be done, desperate for the power to protect himself and his lover from ever feeling such pain again.
So, while Shadowheart is distracted trying to resurrect/revive their fallen leader, the Night Warden Minthara would step up and help Astarion finish the ritual. She already encourages him to “take the power that he’s owed, whatever the cost”, so she’d be down to use the tabpoles to help him. Especially with all the past experience she has using them on others.
So, the ritual is completed and Astarion as he once was is no more.
And for my Tav, Nyx, a tragedy is set into motion.
Nyx would awaken in that dark dungeon to find the love of his life eternally changed into his own personal nightmare.
As someone who escaped the control of a fey court, who’s both seen and suffered the cost of multiple warlock contracts, this new Astarion would send Nyx right over the edge. Astarion’s sudden disregard for those 7,000 souls, his over inflated ego and controlling behavior, it would all be major tiggers for Nyx.
I’d give Nyx 48 hours before straight up murdering A.Astarion in a fit of fey grief/rage, before turning on Minthara to murder her in vengeance. Nyx would be shattered after it all, but he’d still lead on.
In the end I could see him traveling to Avernus with Karlach and Wyll, with the personal goal to find and rescue as many of the rituals sacrificed souls as he could.
And if he by chance ever finds what’s left of Astarions soul? His soulcoin would become another treasured keep sake for Nyx.
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quacaserous · 2 months
1, 2, and 3! for the durgetash asks :> (for all your durges)
hehe tysm for the asks!! answering these for anyone who’d like to know more abt my murderbabies >:)
1. What’s durges creation myth? Not the ‘and then there was a gore baby’. Give me the details, what did Bhaal actually do for Durge to torment Toril in a few years?
ill be honest i havent thought about this one enough to provide an actual answer so im gonna update this post once i’ve figured it out! 😭
2. Did Bhaal always have a plan for Durge to just eradicate all life or did he have a different plan before his death and revival? What exactly did the lord of murder have in mind when creating that particular spawn?
i’m not sure about cerys and saber tbh but with cassius i think bhaal’s goal was to just have like. a clone/avatar of himself on toril, someone unapologetically murderous and hedonistic and he actually achieved that for a while!! cassius was everything father dearest needed him to be, “the purest bhaalspawn there ever was”. that was until gort came along ofc :) gortash nurtured the ‘tumor’ that was cassius’ own personhood, showing him he need not do everything in his father’s name - he can be his own person, which in turn caused cassius’ fall from grace
3. Was kid Durge a usual child before the Urge awakened, or were there some signs indicating something was off about the kid? How did the environment react to them?
cassius — i’d say out all 3 of my durges cassius would probably take the crown for having the strongest “what the fuck is that thing” vibes lmaoo 😭 even if he didn’t look that much different from a regular tiefling (atleast to the dwarves’ knowledge) he definitely looked like an outcast in his foster family, and acted like one too. he lacked the tight-knit familial bonds that his dwarven foster parents and sister had, and really struggled with things like empathy, selfishness and emotional control. essentially it was like a (cannibalistic) cuckoo bird situation, they took care of this strange tiefling child that someone (sceleritas) dropped on their doorstep one day until he got so unsatiable he killed & ate all of them :,)
cerys — truth be told cerys was already a very impulsive, chaotic child so it would be kind of difficult to tell which parts of her behavior were influenced by bhaal and which were just cerys being cerys. her caretakers hoped she would grow out of it eventually - she wasn’t a bad kid, after all, just a little.. odd :) however, as she got older, her then-harmless antics grew into more alarming stuff, like sleepwalking towards knives, having recurring night terrors, hurting small animals for shits n giggles and so on. it also probably didnt help that she didn’t have the typical coloration of a tiefling, marking her as the black sheep in her community
saber — personality-wise saber was a pretty normal kid for the most part (if a little quiet/withdrawn, but that’s just what she’s like) so there was nothing too out of the ordinary regarding her behavior, but her looks did kind of set her apart from other drow children; saber doesn’t have the dainty, cat-like features typical for an elf, and seemed to loom over other children her age (which hasnt changed, she still towers over most people) so anyone but especially other, actual elves could sense there was something Off yet were unable to put their finger on exactly what it was abt her that creeped them out
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