#overcoming hyper-pigmentation
kbkherbals · 2 years
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tjkelsey-kvb217 · 22 days
Entry 9
REFLECTING - 18x25cm, Mixed Media
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I started with a cork base disc for the canvas and layered the first part of the glue down to build up the bases.
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I created a skeleton start for the snakes body and layered hessian and glue heaps to build up the base of the work and map out possible wound areas on the canvas.
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I finished paper mache for the snakes body covering it, so i could paint it later. I also painted the first layer of skin pigment to see the base more clearer. I also continued layering on glue and hessian fabrics to build up the art adding to the depth and texture of the 'skin'
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This artwork definitely found it's meaning through the process of making because i wasn't entirely sure what to make and just started with materials and my knowledge of grotesque art. By adding the mirror i could make the art about looking inwards on ones self.
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I struggled attaching the head because the sections of head and neck weren't quite fitting together how I'd imagined.
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Finally attached the snakes head and the whole paper mache process was completed
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Painting the snake sculpture a dark shade of green to contrast the skin tone.
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Trying to find the right skin tones similar to my own, with no brown paint was a struggle i faced a few times this semester and managed to overcome again with this art.
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Mapping out where i want to create the wounds with darker paints
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Started adding blood after most of the skin colouring was finished.
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Adding final blood and letting the snake dry overnight to detail the next day.
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In one photo of the art I even managed to catch light within the mirror at this angle and it lights up. Made for a cool affect on the artwork. Another affect on the work was at one point with flash photography I somehow created lines through the mirror.
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The mirror within the art is meant for the audience to look within themselves. With such a horrific base the viewer will think of the worse, and darker sides of themselves.
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Closer Details show the darker colouring within the depth and texture making the 'skin' look older and dirty.
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When painting the final details on the snake I thought about making it more realistic but honestly prefer the contrast between the hyper realism of the skin like base and the cartoonish fake snake sculpture framing the circle of 'flesh'.
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As always the final gruesome piece looks best with darker lights and flash photography.
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Again Siobhan Aideen Kaufman continues to inspire my art, her oil paintings are just so gorgeous and I love that she is still only experimenting with the more horrific art as well.
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'Siren' - oil on 50x70cm canvas, she explains that this piece was inspire by Guillermo and specifically the movie The shape of water.
Her paintings are clearly self portraits as she paints her own tattoos onto the female figures that look like her, they she also paints girls with very similar features like face shape and hair colour.
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14, 18, 31, 47, 50, 57
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? I'm partial to sour gummies as far as candy goes
18. ideal weather? I prefer cool weather, usually with light wind and some sunlight, none of them being overbearing though
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I guess my martial arts uniform, which is really just a tshirt with the studio name on it but hey I wear it to kick ass
47. favorite type of cheese? think I'll choose mozzarella for this one
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? pretty sure the most recent thing was Cunk on Earth, I can't remember laughing that hard at much else
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? The first and biggest one is also my most recent one, this past spring I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called Pemphigus Vulgaris. It's a disorder that basically makes your skin fall off and blister on its own (and because mine was the Vulgaris kind, this includes mucous membranes) and they don't heal on their own without treatment. Fortunately, it's quite treatable and with treatment I'm fully healed up, just with some hyper-pigmentation where the blisters were. Getting through that was very scary and immensely painful, but I'm ok now and know it'll never be that bad again. Second I'd say is bouncing back from dropping out of grad school. I was on track to teach English at a high school level, but I ended up dropping out because it wasn't clicking for me. Now I'm back in school and instead studying marketing/brand management which I'm enjoying a lot more. In fact, I'm getting to experiment with it by planning the online marketing plan for my friend's book. Third, which I'm pretty far removed from now but is still worth saying, is getting out of a really toxic, abusive relationship. Getting away from her was difficult and wasn't exactly straightforward, but I got away and haven't looked back.
Thank you so much! Cheers!
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musinglymuse · 4 years
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This recommendation list focuses on a popular pairing in Check Please! They bicker, they argue, they fight, they smo-- well, no smooching in canon but that’s what fanfiction is for! Nursey and Dex often embody the ‘enemies to friends to lovers’ trope, sparking constant speculation and hundreds of fanfiction.
I’ve compiled some of what I consider excellent fanfics that feature this couple although it does not contain all of my recommendations. They are in no particular order. I plan on creating more recommendation lists down the line, especially for other pairings in this fandom. You can find other fic recs tagged in my blog.
As a reminder, please make sure to check the tags and any warnings before reading. Take care of yourself!
got those wayfarers on by somehowunbroken Canon Divergence // ~8k // PG-13
It's all Bitty's fault. Indirectly. That's his story, and Chowder's sticking to it.
[In which Chowder does his best to matchmake from the other side of the continent over summer break, and is immensely pleased with the results.]
Petals and Thorns by rhysiana Musician / Florist AU // Series // ~17k // PG-13
Goddammit, Will thought as he dodged around a few strategically tall people and turned down a side street. How had he managed to leave the apartment without a hat? He peeked back around the corner. His fans were less than a block behind him, and he really couldn’t deal with them today. Frantically, he studied the shops around him, hoping for somewhere to hide.
Coffee shop? Too easy.
Ah! Nursery Rhymes: Poetic Floral Arrangements. Perfect. No one would ever look for him in there.
can’t change what the seasons bring by growlery Canon Divergence // ~1.7k // PG-13 They get back after winter break, and Dex has done something to his hair, and he was hot before, but now he’s, like, hot and he doesn’t look like a grumpy old man.“New year, new me,” Dex says dryly, and Nursey might be having kind of a crisis about it.
want to be (yours) anyway by shellybelle Canon Divergence // ~39k // PG-13
Dex learns Nursey’s secret halfway through practice on a cold morning in October.
“What the hell,” someone says, interrupting the Dex's shooting drill. “Is that a baby?”
(Or: Nursey has a secret, Dex has a crush, and things get complicated before they get romantic--which isn't to say they don't get romantic at all.)
Paint Me Like One of Your French Canadians by Denois Canon Divergence // ~6k // R
Lardo hooked Dex up with an extra part time job to help make ends meet back in his frog year. Modeling for the art classes was pretty easy money, and the team never had to know. Until Nursey took an art elective and needed a private model to complete his project and pass the class. Nursey's sure that he can keep it professional and friendly....as long as Dex never sees the completed paintings.
up to 104% perfect by winchysteria The Good Place AU // ~34k // NC-17
Will Poindexter and Derek Nurse finally know what happens after you die. You wake up in Hot God's office, you move into a really nice house, and-- you realize that you hate the person who's supposed to be your soulmate? Join a smug poet, a frigid computer nerd, and the rest of the Scooby gang as they ask questions like: what makes two people right for each other? what does it mean to be happy? does heaven get software glitches? and most importantly, why does this computer have a Southern accent?
Welcome! Everything is fine.
The World Only Spins Forward by Liminal_Space_LLC Soulmates AU // ~63k // PG
Dex and Nursey have been at odds for as long as they’ve been friends, but when Dex’s heartbreaking new soulmark has him turning to Nursey for advice, they will discover they have more in common than they ever realized. Together, they will help each other heal their heartache and become closer than they’ve ever been before. As their friendship grows, neither of them is prepared for newer, sweeter feelings to emerge.
However, Nursey has his secrets, and nothing scares him like the possibility of having his heart broken again. That doesn’t stop him from wanting, though, and as their feelings become stronger, both Nursey and Dex find it ever harder to hide them. Meanwhile, the stakes are becoming higher as the team comes closer and closer to the Frozen Four. Can Nursey and Dex overcome their fears to realize the love they feel, or will their anxieties destroy everything they’ve worked for?
starting to get to me by playingforkeeps Buzzfeed Unsolved AU // ~12k // PG-13
“You’ve been dragging us to bumfuck nowhere with that mating call for three years when you hear there’s a sighting. But we’ve never considered: what happens if Bigfoot answers it? That’s the goal, isn’t it? You’ve been after that good, good Bigfoot dick this whole time!”
Dex sputters. “I don’t want to fuck Bigfoot! Jesus, Nurse!” He glances at the others, disbelieving. “Back me up here, guys.”
Silence. Lardo says, “You do own a Bigfoot mating call, dude.”
All Hail the Underdogs by xiaq Boarding School AU // ~76k // PG-13
Lucifer was an angel once.
That’s what Nursey thinks, the first time he sees William Poindexter.
Because the boy is beautiful even though he shouldn’t be. Even though he’s doubtless the kind of person who would punch you in the face if you said the words “you” and “beautiful” to him in the same sentence.
His skin is choked with freckles. It’s potentially more freckle than skin. Not just his face, where his nose and cheekbones are so hyper-pigmented they look tanned, but his collarbones and forearms and knuckles. The close-shaved dark ginger stubble of his hair should make his ears look too big or his mouth too wide but instead it accentuates the long curve of his throat, the cup of velvet skin between the tendons in the back of his neck.
“You’re the new defenseman?” Nursey asks. “William Poindexter?”
And the boy turns around and considers him with what might be contempt but what might just be the way his face looks and says, “Yeah?” like its a challenge.
And Nursey thinks:
Oh no.
In So Many Words by alocalband Canon Divergence // ~17K // R Derek writes a short story. That's his first mistake. His second is getting it published.
bless this mess and call it a home by pepperfield Magical AU // ~27k // PG-13 The thing is, being able to talk to houses doesn't actually preclude them from conspiring to ruin your life. Dex finds this out a little too late. First comes the Dib Flip, then Nursey's bed, and the water heater...the Haus definitely has it in for him. In which Dex has house magic, Haus has Haus magic, and at least one of them is in love with Nursey.
#mine by rispacooper Urban Fantasy AU // ~17k // R Treasure, Will thought with an angry little snort. Nursey called almost everyone on the team treasure. He called Ford treasure. He’d even called Coach Hall treasure once. He did not call Will that. That was probably Will’s fault. Knowing that didn’t make Will feel any better about it.
love you as the plant that never blooms by sugarybowl & wishingonalightningbolt Canon Divergence // ~27k // NC-17 Dex doesn’t roll his eyes, but only because he’s overwhelmed with the thought that he really does have feelings for Nursey. Gooey feelings. Romantic ones. They see each other every day; they’ve been close, there’s been touching, and maybe—maybe it’s not quite as platonic as Dex assumed it was. From watching Ransom and Holster, anyone could get the idea that that’s just what friends do. But… It feels different.
“I like him,” he says, soft, contemplative. “I like when he’s around and it’s frustrating to watch him go. It’s horrible to think he might be upset at me, or that he thinks I lied to him. It’s killing me.”
Dex doesn't know what it is to want. With Nursey, he learns.
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myclinic11 · 3 years
3 Best Skin Treatments Available at Aesthetic Clinics in Selangor, Malaysia
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To keep your skin glowing, young, rejuvenated, and protected from harmful effects of the environment and pollution, you need to provide good nutrition and treatments to the skin timely. Many ladies do try different things to the retail natural quality of their skin. For instance, they use organic skincare products, branded cosmetics, and other home remedies. But, they do not get the intended results for their skin improvement. The reasons why the women do not get their skin perfect after trying several skincare options? The answer is that they do not know their skin requirements, types, and essential treatments, and precautionary steps to keep skin protected from adverse things. However, many women start losing skin quality at growing age and do not know how to treat it effectively.
Aesthetic Skin Clinics in Selangor, Malaysia
Many ladies get chronic skin problems like hyper pigmentation, acne scars, dark spots, allergies, and the rest of the aging symptoms that may ruin the natural quality of human skin. To overcome such skin problems, there are many aesthetic treatments and skincare products are available in the market. But, many people do not know which treatment and skincare items would be suitable for removing their skin issues. If you want to treat skin problems through the right treatments, you should approach the best-known Aesthetic clinic Selangor, Malaysia. In Selangor city, there are many world-class skincare clinics available, which are one-stop places to get high-end skin treatments at affordable charges. Many celebrities and common women do like to get the best treatments for their skin disorders like acne, wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, acne scars, pigmentation, etc., at trusted aesthetic and skin treatment clinics in Selangor, Malaysia.   Here are some vital skin treatments available at the top-notch aesthetic clinics in Selangor, Malaysia at affordable costs:
1. Ultherapy If you want to give tightness to your loose skin without a surgical process, you should go for the best Ultheapy skin treatment. One will get excellent quality Therapy treatment at aesthetic clinics in Selangor, Malaysia at reasonable charges. This therapy involves the use of ultrasound energy to tighten loose skin. It is a non-invasive skin treatment to lift the skin of the neck, cheek, and chin. This therapy is effective in case of loose skin, wrinkles, and skin damage issues and gives good rejuvenation to the skin to look fresh.
2. Pico Sure Laser Treatment This skin treatment is useful for improving natural glow, elasticity, and improves the quality of the skin. With growing age, skin quality gets down and its elasticity gets fade too. This skin treatment restores the energy and strength to your skin through Pico Sure laser equipment, which emits laser light that uses the wavelength of 755 nm to give enforce energy to the skin. However, it helps in providing complete rejuvenation to the skin as well as the energy that will also lead to melanin production in the skin. This skin treatment uses Pico Sure laser equipment that is used by the skin specialists to treat the patients. You will also get the effective and affordable Pico Sure laser treatment at the best skin clinics in Selangor, Malaysia at an affordable cost.
3. Dual Yellow Laser It is another vital laser therapy that uses laser technology that works positively on skin issues and removes its flaws from scratch. This laser skin therapy involves the use of laser equipment that emits yellow and green lights that focuses on the targeted area on the skin. The yellow light works effectively on skin issues and heal them positively without burning skin. The lights provide good warmness, energy, and rejuvenation to the skin to keep it tight and fresh. This dual yellow treatment is effective for skin of chin, neck, cheek, back, arms, and legs too. You will also get this skin treatment at low charges at aesthetic clinics in Malaysia. Thus above are some widely known skin treatments available at the top-notch aesthetic clinics in Selangor, Malaysia at reasonable charges.
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bulknaturals · 2 years
Discover the Amazing Benefits of Dead Sea Mud!
Do you want to improve your skin quality or overcome health issues using natural remedies or ingredients? If yes, you should try Dead Sea Mud, which is effective in many skin problems in humans. Dead Sea Mud is actually a saltwater lake, located in the Middle-East region of Israel at West and Jordan to the East. The water and mud of the lake are full of essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These minerals are useful for human skin to treat many issues like dullness, wrinkles, allergies, and body pains too. Thus, the Dead Sea Mud is good for human health and skin quality.
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Also read for Natural Oils That Help With Hyper Pigmentation
Dead Sea Mud helps to give relief to humans from varied body pains and skin problems too. Some of the major benefits of this Dead Sea Mud are as follows:
1. Reduces the Skin Flaws
Many dermatologists and skincare professionals do use Dead Sea Mud to cure varied skin flaws like wrinkles, fine lines, dullness, dryness, patchiness, and inflammations too. It is so because the mud is full of useful minerals like magnesium, zinc, and potassium, which are effective to reduce many skin problems as mentioned above. Hence, skincare experts do use this mud to improve skin quality.
2. Skin Hydration and Cleansing
Dead Sea Mud is effective to keep your skin hydrated all the time. Moreover, it works as a natural skin cleanser and works well in many skin conditions like eczema, acne, pigmentation, etc. Hence, you can use this natural mud remedy to treat many skin problems and maintain its elasticity too.
3. Use in Skincare Products
Dead Sea Mud is also beneficial in developing natural skincare products too. You will find varied types of skin soaps and creams which include a good quantity of Dead Sea Mud. Besides, this mud gets utilized in developing skincare products like mascara, face packs, and some makeup items too.
4. Useful in Treating Back Pain
In some cases, Dead Sea Mud has given good results to relieve back pain patients too. The mud is effective to heal the excessive pain in back muscles and tissues. It helps in regulating blood flow in back muscles to reduce the pain.
5. Acne Treatment Symptoms
This sea mud gives good results in acne problems. The mud clears out the pores of the skin and absorbs excess heat from the skin to keep it cool. Also, it works as an antibacterial agent that helps kill bacteria that causes acne and other skin issues. Thus, above are some significant benefits of using Dead Sea Mud for skin treatments.
Apart from that, you will also find other natural ingredient-made products that are useful in varied skin problems. For instance, you can use Moor Mud made creams and skincare products which are also reliable to reduce many skin issues in humans.
Also read for
· What are the Benefits of Silk Peptides for Hair Strengthening?
· The Benefits of High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid
REFERENCE URL: https://bit.ly/3qD0oXA
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vaneshaayurveda · 3 years
Manjishtha - Properties, Health Benefits and Usage | Vanesha
Manjisjtha is a Herbal Dietary Supplement Astringent, Thermogenic, Antidysenteric,  Galactopurifier, Rejuvenating and Anthelmintic activities. Also, Purchase online Ayurvedic Manjishtha Tablets at low prices. Herbal Manjishtha Tablets helps to overcome skin hyper pigmentation, dry skin, inflammation, and itchiness.
for more details reach us at:- https://vanesha.in/products/vanesha-manjishtha
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indiapevonia · 3 years
How Plant Cells In Your Skin Care Cosmetics Work?
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Usage of animals in cosmetics has always been in controversy. But when the cosmetic brands switched to ‘cruelty-free’ agenda, great interest was shown in dermatology research. Indulging in plant-based technology helps in producing exquisite cosmetic products. All efforts for new cosmetic products are emphasized on plant stem cells to overcome the crummy PR and ethical concerns correlated with human or animal sources.
There are many cosmetic companies that promise to make efficient use of stem cell technology, but professional cosmetic brands comprise stem cells procured and extracted and not live cells. It assures to give you smooth and firmer skin than before due to the existence of antioxidants and active extracts.
The white plant stem cells embody amino acids and other proteins that have a positive effect on the skin. It tackles skin issues like acne, sun damage, scarring, hyper-pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, saggy skin, loss of elasticity, dry skin and uneven skin tone.
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weightwatch · 4 years
Health Care Review
The concept of Health is somewhat difficult to understand. When we say a person is healthy, it means to the lay man that the person is normally doing his activities and does not outwardly show any signs of any disease in him. However, for the medical man at walk in clinic Thunder Bay it denotes the conformity to certain standards like physical measurements, biochemical norms and rates, physiological standards, etc. Even these standards vary with race, rest, exercise, food, habits, starvation, climate, altitude, latitude, etc. It has been extremely difficult for scientists concerned with human biology to lay definite criteria for health and define the term Health in a specific manner.
From the history of medicine we know that there have been various systems of medicine or healing arts evolved in different parts of the world during different civilizations. But in no system has there been a clear-cut definition of health.
In the oxford dictionary health means the state of being free from sickness, injury or disease, bodily conditions; something indicating good bodily condition. A few decades ago this meaning was conveyed in the definition of health but recently the World Health Organization have considered it necessary to give a direction towards the achievement of a robust and happy and active bodily and mental condition capable of continuous productive ability and, therefore, have defined health as follows:
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO---1948) it will be seen that even after having this definition it will be difficult to conceptualise and standardise positive health with specific clear-cut attributes and criteria for measurement. A person may be enjoying mental equanimity and enthusiasm for doing anything. He may also be physically able to do any amount of work, but he may be having some minor dysfunction or deficiency or even a mild infection causing a very minor disturbance which however does not upset his normal activities.
For example, Hyper pigmentation on the skin or lack of pigmentation on the skin; angular stomatitis due to B complex deficiency; a ring-worm patch on the skin, etc. In these conditions strictly speaking the person cannot be called 'health' but for outward purpose he will appear healthy and he will also be fully active. Similarly, under the mental component there are ever so many stresses and strains that an individual is exposed to and depending on his own mental make-up he is either able to overcome the strain or suffers from worry and depression. If in spite of his worry he is able to function normally others may take him to be healthy, whereas the worry may normally be making him mentally unsound.
Social well-being is very much related to the mental adjustment of the individual to others around him in the family or in the community. Sometimes it may so happen that a person may find it had to adjust with his group and may, therefore, be under a mental strain. But he may be doing his work normally from which others would judge him to be healthy. It is only if he reaches a break-point and behaves either in a withdrawn manner or becomes aggressive that his mental condition will become manifest to be seen and experienced by others.
We have, therefore, to understand that the term health is not an abstract thing but a relative concept. In it we see a continuum of freedom from sickness to better health and positive health. When we say positive health we refer to a condition in which the body has sufficient reserve nutrition and resistant factors to prevent the invasion of the body by any micro-organism or by the deprivation of any nutritional factors causing a deficiency pathology and, therefore, completely free from disease.
Disease is a little less difficult to define than Health. It denotes the condition of the human body in which something has gone wrong and has upset the Norman functions of the body including the mind. As in health there is also a continuum from a predisposition or premonition of illness which may or may not be experienced or noticed even by the individual concerned, to a definite condition of illness manifested by signs or symptoms and impairment of body functions.
This continuum may further extend from mild sickness to severe sickness and death or recovery from sickness back to a debilitated condition and later to a normal condition.
As has been pointed out in the previous paragraphs the normally of health of person may shift towards positive health depending on the improvement of health by wholesome food, wholesome water proper living conditions, proper work atmosphere, good personal hygiene, etc., or the deterioration of health due to faulty or inadequate food, infection through food, water or air, skin or due to external injuries, accident etc.
For maintenance of good health the following things are essential:
1. Adequate quantities of proper nutrition 2. Adequate quantities of safe drinking water 3. Proper shelter with adequate ventilation and lighting 4. Proper clothing 5. Proper work, exercise and rest and recreation 6. Proper social conditions for a harmonious existence and work 7. Proper security from fear of any kind 8. Proper sexual behavior 9. Personal hygiene 10. Provision and utilization of health services.
Disease can be due to say one or more of the following causes:
1. Genetic traits 2. Congenital deformity or malformation 3. Cancer 4. Malnutrition 5. Poisons
The above are the direct causes.
The science of epidemiology employs various methods and approaches to explore, investigate, identify and establish the cause of disease as against maintenance of health in the individual, in the community and in a geographical area. Modern epidemiology has revealed a multiple causation theory for most of the diseases. The direct or immediate causes may be congenital, traumatic, infection or cancerous growth, etc. But besides these direct causes, many indirect and predisposing causes have been described,
For example, tuberculosis is caused by the tubercule bacilli, called myco bacterium tuberculosis, this is the direct cause. The other causes which predispose a person to the infection by tubercule bacillus may be overcrowding, poor nutrition, bad ventilation, heavy work, fatigue, etc. It may be appreciated that these causes are socio-economic causes. The economic factors arising out of poor means of livelihood, inadequate food, etc., are also inter-related with human and social factors like bad ways of living, customs, habits, beliefs, superstitions, etc. Taking another example, malnutrition may be due to either lack of availability of nutritious food in adequate quantities or the wrong practices of preparation of food in which nutrients may be wasted. The economic factors may be the cause for non-accessibility and the social factors may be the cause of wastage of nutrition even after the food stuffs are available or on the contrary over eating and addiction to alcohol, etc., causing metabolic disorder. In the rural countryside we have a lot of locally available food resources but the habits may be such that the people do not know what can be eaten and how, for deriving nutrition.
The human and social factors are very predominant determinants in any society or community. In affluent countries many of the metabolic diseases like obesity, heart diseases, diseases due to air pollution, etc., are on the increase due to social customs. In the poor countries the large number of communicable diseases and nutritional deficiencies are due to poor sanitation, poor hygiene and low and faulty intake of food. These are again in turn due to economic and social factors.
Study of human behavior is extremely important in public health and in any community oriented programme. The mere opening and establishment of hospitals or clinics or treatment centers by any government or voluntary agencies does not immediately ensure that all the people will use the facilities whenever they fall sick. For a person to seek treatment for a particular illness from a doctor or an institution the following stages of human behavior are expected to take place.
Social psychology has a very prominent place as a diagnostic tool in the beginning of the programme and also as a tool of evaluation where the programme is under progress or at its termination. For example, in the control of Cholera or any gastro enteric infection, it will be futile to introduce any sanitation programme unless the people know the causative factor and the mode of transmission of infection. There may be need to improve the water supply, provide proper excreta disposal, food hygiene and personal hygiene. All these things involve a scientific awareness of the reasoning behind each measure or practice and a change of behavior accordingly.
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moremoneytips · 4 years
The Best Way To Overcome Problematic Skin
New Post has been published on https://innersoulhealthandbeautyreviews.com/the-best-way-to-overcome-problematic-skin-7/
The Best Way To Overcome Problematic Skin
Taking good care of your skin today is going to benefit you not only now, but for many years to come. It has been proven that proper skin care can keep you looking youthful, long after those who do not take care of their skin. Follow the tips in this article to gain healthy skin.
Avoid scratching dry skin. Though it might itch, scratching dry skin only exacerbates the problem. Apply lotion to moisturize the area. If necessary, you can even apply anti-itch creams that are specially formulated for dry skin. Applying products containing shea butter to dry patches of skin can also do wonders.
To help relieve itchy skin that can happen in winter, keep your skin moisturized. Indoor heat can dry your skin, making the itch worse. Use the lightest moisturizer that gives relief, so that you aren’t feeling greasy and clogging your skin, which can make skin problems worse. Avoid hot baths and showers until the condition improves.
If your lips look chapped, do not lick them or moisturize them. What look like dry lips could be an infection caused by fungus. Apply a cream containing antibiotics on your lips regularly to stop the infection. If you have chapped lips, licking them is only going to make them dryer. Use a chap stick instead.
Although you should normally pick skin care products for your skin type, you may have been buying the wrong products for so long that your skin has become denatured. So, in order to truly know what your skin type is, sometimes you have to go back to square one. Start with a simple routine, a gentle, non-drying cleanser morning and night, toner if your skin is truly oily, and a moisturizer (again, unless you have very oily skin). After a couple of weeks of this normalizing routine, you should be in a much better position to evaluate your true skin type and can buy products that meet your skin’s true needs.
If you want to prevent a scratch or cut from scarring, apply an anti-bacterial cream every day and stay out of the sun. Anti-bacterial creams help the wound heal faster. Shielding your skin from the sun prevents hyper-pigmentation, which can make the scar even harder to erase later.
If you have facial blemishes, one of the things you can do is to make sure you dry your face with a clean towel. Otherwise, you’ll be transferring all of the dirt and germs from the used towel onto your clean face, filling your pores up with bacteria! If you use a washcloth, it too, needs to be as fresh as possible.
Around the age of 30, people generally will develop lines around their eyes. The delicate skin around the eyes needs moisture and volume and you can get this from an eye cream. When you are looking for an eye cream, get one with one of the following ingredients: retinoids, peptides or antioxidants.
Finding the right skin care regimen is going to help you with your skin care needs. Hopefully, the information in this article will help you to get the results that you seek. This is the first step to caring for your skin. Apply these tips to your skin care regimen and you should be pleased.
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Phyllanthus emblica - Amla
Phyllanthus emblica - Amla
Amla (or Amlaka, Amlaki, or other variants) is one of the most frequently used of the Ayurvedic herbs; it is the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica, also called Emblica officinalis.
Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry.
It is created from powdered dried fruit of the Indian Gooseberry tree.
The amla fruit is high in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and gallic acid.
The fruit is  made up with about 80% water, and has great medicinal value.
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                                              Amla Fruits .
Taking Amla internally is a great natural remedy for many health conditions.
The main indications in ayurvedic trearments are:
Digestive system disorders: dyspepsia, gastritis, hyper acidity, constipation, colic, colitis, hemorrhoids.
Bleeding disorders: bleeding hemorrhoids, hematuria, menorrhagia, bleeding gums, ulcerative colitis.
Metabolic disorders: anemia, diabetes, gout.
Lung disorders: cough, asthma.
Aging disorders: osteoporosis, premature graying of hear, weak vision.
Neurasthenia: fatigue, mental disorders, vertigo, palpitations.
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Amla Tablets
Dosages : -  1 - 2 tablets twice a day or
as prescribed by Physician
Amla is one of the purest forms of natural Vitamin C Which is 20 times  higher than oranges.
Amla helps in digestion, normal liver function and the immune system.
Amla is packed with antioxidants and helps combat free radicals responsible for ageing and cell degeneration. According to Ayurveda, Alma balances the tridoshas, purifies and rejuvenates the body.
It has excellent blood purifying and digestive properties.
Amla is one of the best rejuvenating agents.
Tumblr media
                                                        Amla Juice
Following are The health benefit of
Phyllanthus emblica - Amla
1) Amla is Immuno Stimulant : Amla is rich in antibacterial qualities; it helps the body fight better against infection and also builds up  immunity, which makes more resistant to diseases.
2) Amla is Hepatoprotective : - Useful in  liver disorder , Amla is excellent live tonic
3) Amla is Anti-Diabetes :- Amla stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Thus it reduces blood sugar in diabetic patients. Amla is helpful in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar level. Amla is rich in chromium, which makes it very beneficial for diabetics.
4 ) Amla is Dermo - protective :- Amla is useful in treating skin diseases. it has sheet virya in potency. It inhibits pitta and thus helps in getting relief from all the skin disorders caused by pitta . Amla helps to clear pimples and acne. amla will help remove dead skin cells with it’s natural astringent properties, as well as  tone, tighten, and reduce redness in skin.
5 ) Amla in infertility :- Amla supports the reproductive systems of both men and women and can help overcome difficulty in conceiving.Amla revitalizes the semen. It helps in improving quality of sperms due to its sweet vipaka property.
6 )Amla is Analgesic :- Amla acts as an anti-inflammatory agent thereby suppressing swelling and pain.
7 ) Amla Anti - microbial : -  Amla is rich in antibacterial qualities, it helps the body fight better against infection and also builds up immunity, which makes  more resistant to diseases.
8 ) Amla is Cardio protective :- Amla strengthens heart muscles.
9 ) Amla is Pro Hair care : - Amla  Nourishing, thickening & darkening hair.It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens the roots of hair, maintains color.Amla powder prevents dandruff It will clear the lices from the hair
10 ) Amla is Bone Protective : - Amla  slows the activity of osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone.
11 ) Amla is Anti - aging :  - Amla prevents health related hyperlipidaemia through attenuating oxidative stress in the ageing process.
12 ) Amla is Anti - tussive : - Amla helps in chronic cough, tuberculosis and allergic asthma .
13 ) Amla is Gastro protective : -  Due to its strong, cooling and laxative properties Amla is useful for remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. The dried Amla fruit is astringent and useful in cases of diarrhea and dysentery.Amla helps to get relief for gastric syndrome and hyperchlorhydria (burning sensation in abdomen).
14 ) Amla is Anti - pyretic : - Amla used in Fever control.
15 ) Amla is Brain Tonic : - Amla is good for Brain. Amla  revitalizes the brain. Amla helps to improve memory.
16 ) Amla is Nephroprotective : - Taking Amla powder with radish helps in checking stone in the bladder by breaking the stones and throwing it out with urine.
17 ) Amla is useful in Obesity : - Amla helps to boost protein metabolism. As amla enhances metabolism, it helps you lose weight faster.
Regular use of  Amla  in any form fruits,Juice,Tablets,Or Powder with regular yoga practice, meditation can significantly improve Fitness & lifestyle.
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bosch-reyhana · 4 years
For just $25.43 Derma Micro Needle Roller with Free Antioxidant Peptide Serum TITANIUM Micro Needles Mi-Roll Derma Rolling System is FDA& KFDA apporved, safe, non-ablative, non-surgical, less invasive treatment solution to various problematic skin conditions, such as aging (Wrinkles, Lines, Stretch marks), scarring(acne, post surgical injury, burns) and hyper pigmentation. Equipped with sterilized high strength medical TITANIUM micro needles perforate the skin creating micro-channels to increase infiltration and absorbency of topical treatments by 75%~90%. Antioxidant Peptide Serum This potent blend of peptides and antioxidants helps to slow down environmental and intrinsic aging and lessens the appearance of existing damage such as wrinkles, dullness, and sun damage. MATRIXYL 3000+ HYLURONIC ACID SERUM Matrixyl 3000 is a powerful anti-aging skincare ingredient which is a commonly used as a retinol replacement. It contains natural collagen, More Info The micro needles penetrate the skin to increase the production of collagen in the dermal layer. Collagen is protein and major component of tissue and cell structure, with responsibility for skin strength and elasticity. Design with precision, this skin penetration technology creates deeper microneedle channels to further allow serums, gels, medications, or other form of skin treatment to infiltrate deeper into the skin layers for optimal absorption and effectiveness, thus increasing cell membrance and DNA regeneration. Micro needle therapy technology is a safe procedure to benefit cosmetic indications and rejuvenate your skin by overcoming the epidermal barrier, increase effectiveness of topical skin treatment medications, while preserving the outer skin layer with fast recuperative power. Clinical studies have shown microneedle therapy to be more effective than ablative treatments like laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and micro dermabrasion. The creation of micro-channels within the dermal layers has shown to ...
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digitalsparks · 4 years
How to Cure Acne and What Is the Best Remedy ?
Smooth, clean and healthy skin is one of the main criteria for beauty. Some people have good skin by nature, but most of us have at least once in our lives encountered what is delicately called “imperfections” in advertising. Everyone knows how just one small pimple can affect self-esteem. And there are dozens of such inflammations and they do not want to disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to treat acne. But how to cure acne?
Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands are necessary for our skin, thanks to their activity, it always remains hydrated, and the secret of the sebaceous glands protects the skin from the external environment. But sometimes this system crashes. The ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged with dead cells, the gland becomes inflamed and a comedone or painful pimple appears.
Acne is a common problem. In one form or another, acne occurs in 60-80% of young people and girls aged 12 to 24 years. However, acne can also appear in adults.
How to Cure Acne and Get Rid of It?
Often, the cause of acne is a change in the hormonal background. Therefore, acne is a common sign of puberty. But it’s not just hormones that are responsible for acne. Stress, an unbalanced diet, and taking certain medications can trigger the appearance of a rash. These factors alone do not lead to acne, but they can be the trigger if you have a predisposition to acne.
It is not so difficult to cure acne, although it takes a long time. Today, cosmetologists have everything necessary to get rid of this skin disease. However, many people prefer to self-medicate, which often only makes the situation worse.
It is necessary to understand some of the myths associated with this disease.
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Myth # 1. Sun Baths Help Against Acne.
This theory is true, but only partially. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the skin does become a little drier. But sunburn increases the number of dead cells on the surface of the skin, they clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands and acne eventually becomes even more. Tan is a great way to get rid of a couple of small pimples and get a few dozen large ones in a week. To avoid unpleasant consequences, a couple of days after taking a sun bath, you should plan a scrub or mild peeling.
Myth # 2. Acne Can Be Cured by Frequent Washing.
We have to disappoint purists and perfectionists: in the fight against acne on the face, too frequent “wet cleaning” can cause harm. Repeated washing and peels injure the skin and destroy its healthy microflora. Micro-cracks appear on the dry skin, which get bacteria. Weakened, it cannot resist these microorganisms, and its condition worsens. Wash with acne should not be more than twice a day, using delicate products that do not have an aggressive effect on the problem skin.
Myth # 3. Blackheads need to be removed manually before they become large.
This is what more than one generation of teenagers and their parents did, which they probably later regretted. The fact is that when a pimple is squeezed out, only part of it comes to the surface, and the remaining contents in the skin provoke the appearance of deep inflammation. In addition, this method injures the skin and the sebaceous gland channel. This prevents the secret from coming out, so rashes on the site of the destroyed pimple will occur again and again. The result is acne and scars, which are expensive and unpleasant to remove.
Facial cleansing (mechanical or hardware) is recommended to trust professional cosmetologists and dermatologists. This procedure requires thorough septic treatment of the hands, disinfection of tools (for example, UNO spoons, loops, Vidal needles), ultrasound and contact devices for cleaning the pores.
Acne Treatment
Most often, acne appears on the face, chest and back — where there are a lot of sebaceous glands and the pores are the widest. Acne is a disease that should be treated by a specialist. The method of treating acne depends on the severity of the disease. So, cosmetologists distinguish three forms of acne:
Light: no more than ten closed or open blackheads without signs of inflammation;
Average: 10 to 40 acne elements with minor signs of inflammation;
Severe: more than 40 inflamed acne elements.
A mild form of acne is well treated with external remedies — gels, special creams and ointments. In moderate to severe forms, drugs for local therapy are combined with medications that need to be taken orally. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed that can destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation, and if the problem is a hormonal imbalance, hormones. Taking such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, since both antibiotics and hormonal drugs have a serious impact on the body as a whole.
After the acne disappears, you will need a course of cosmetic procedures to return the skin to a healthy color and smoothness. Acne often leaves scars and spots of hyper-pigmentation. Laser therapy and other modern cosmetic procedures are able to cope with them.
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How to Cure Acne Using Home Remedies
Mild forms of acne can be overcome without resorting to the use of medications. Pharmacies and stores sell many types of gels, lotions and creams designed to solve this skin problem. As a rule, such products contain benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, oxides and salts of sulfur and zinc. The chemicals included in such products have different degrees of effectiveness and may have undesirable side effects. For example, the use of resorcinol, which until relatively recently was the main anti-heat “weapon”, is now in doubt. A number of products use the antimicrobial action of benzoyl peroxide. Among the time-tested cosmetic ingredients, we can note sulfur and zinc, which are actively used, for example, by LIBREDERM. The manufacturer has developed a special collection of products based on sulfur and organic zinc salts – “Seracin”.
Sulfur and zinc reduce the intensity of fat production by skin pores, suppress the development of bacteria, and have a local anti-inflammatory effect. Additional “helpers” in the composition of funds from the collection “Seracin” – azelaic acid, brown algae extract, Centella asiatica, burdock root and others.
A special series against acne and blackheads from LIBREDERM is represented by means for washing and cleansing the skin (gel, foam, scrub, lotion, tonic), as well as creams, masks and patches for basic care, moisturizing and matting the skin. Special attention should be paid to the new seracin products with an additional component — azelaic acid. So, the night cream “Azelain-Forte Antiakne” with 5% azelaic acid in the composition helps to reduce excess sebum production, inflammation and growth of abnormal melanocytes, that is, reduces the risk of acne and traces of them. The cream can noticeably improve the condition of problem oily skin.
If regular use of hygiene cosmetics becomes a habit, then such a problem as acne can soon be forgotten — the skin will be pleased with its cleanliness, even tone and healthy appearance.
Specific Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is prescribed when the relationship between the clinical manifestations of acne and the work of the immune system. Weakened protective functions of the body can affect the reproduction of bacteria that provoke the disease. Inadequate work of the immune system can also cause the development of the disease.
For the treatment of acne and acne rashes on the face, drugs belonging to the group of cytokines or cytomedines are often used.
Using these tips and prevention can help you to cure acne. If you like this article please share it to your friends and loved ones who want to know how to cure acne through simple behavioral changes and natural remedies.
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How to Cure Acne and What Is the Best Remedy ?
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The post How to Cure Acne and What Is the Best Remedy ? appeared first on Acne Vulgaris.
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adamandevelaser · 4 years
Remove skin Pigmentation with best Acne Treatment
Have you issues with a dumb Pigmentation Removal Revesby that makes you look older than you are? Tones and color can change with the time as a consequence of overexposure to the sun, acne scars or old age, but a variety of pigment removal procedures can be useful in few short treatments to help you achieve bright and younger-looking skin. The pigment found within the skin cells gives our skin a natural colour. Occasionally, though, too much pigmentation exists on our bodies. Most people want to get rid of the pigment for cosmetic use when this happens. The reason many women have issues with their pigmentation of their faces is that they believe the issue can be overcome with great creams or lotions. Yet the truth is that the solution to age spots, sun spots, and face spots is a proprietary, state-of-the-art treatment for pigmentation! This technique involves no scrubbing or peeling, and it is completely quick and clean. This also has a range of added benefits, including wrinkle reduction and less sagging skin. How do treatments for Pigmentation Removal Revesby work? A highly focused laser is directed toward your skin's surface, reaching the top and middle layers. Beautiful, clear skin in this day and age isn't just for the rich and famous. One can have even complexion simply by using quality treatments for Pigmentation Removal Revesby that operate by sloughing off pigmented skin and exposing the underlying vibrancy. Effective Ways of Getting Rid of Acne Acne is a skin condition common to males and females alike. The skin disorder usually occurs on the neck, arms, shoulders and back, with almost everyone in their lifetime having some sort of acne. As a result, many people were looking for the best cure for acne. If you have acne, moderate or serious, then you shouldn't take it lightly. As various forms of acne, acne medication are also numerous and are ready to help you relieve this problem. Discovering the best Acne Treatment Revesby will help you overcome both the emotional and physical harm that acne sometimes brings into your life. Acne Treatment Revesby may include antibiotics, hormone treatment and oral retinoid. Such drugs should cure the acne issue because they generally combat the bacteria from inside and outside the body. Oral antibiotics, such as erythromycin, tetracycline, or trimethoprim, are used to extract your skin's comedones to stop its growth. Please note, it is safer to use hormone therapy along with it to achieve better outcomes for women using these treatments. As women who have acne due to ovarian or adrenal hyper-androgenism may experience hirsutism, excessive sebum secretion that normally gets worse before menstruation. Choosing one of the top doctors will help you find the best Acne Treatment Revesby and will completely remove acne. To sum up, if you're looking for any genuinely successful acne remedies, the only thing you can do for yourself is to visit a doctor who can quickly recommend a suitable treatment for you.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
This genius tutorial will teach you how to banish dark circles once and for all
This genius tutorial will teach you how to banish dark circles once and for all
From the late nights that turn into all-nighters to the 5am wake-up calls to kick off a hectic day, the sleep struggle is real.
Luckily for those who don’t have the luxury of endless lie-ins, we’ve called upon the experts to reveal the tricks of the trade on the best ways not only to conceal your dark circles, but also treat them.
GLAMOUR UK enlisted blogger Katie Snooks to share her top tips for covering up dark circles. Here, she shares her handy hacks – from using a cold spoon, to the best concealer hacks she knows – in a simple video.
Now you’ve watched Katie’s tutorial, here’s our expert-approved guide to banishing the bags and cheating eight hours sleep.
The best way of overcoming something is to understand its causes. “Dark circles can be caused by multiple different factors,” explains Dr Maryam Zamani, Oculoplastic Surgeon and Aesthetic Doctor and creator of MZ Skin. “When there is volume loss, it can be called tear troughs, which is inevitable as a part of the normal ageing process.  If it is caused by pigmentation, it is called hyperpigmentation.”
“There is some genetic component to dark circles, too.  Some ethnicities, such as Asian and south east Asians, can have hereditary hyperpigmentation and some individuals have a family history of puffy lower eyelids from fat prolapse,” she explains.
A-Z Of Skincare: Everything you need to know for flawless, healthy skin
We all know retinol for its impressive anti-ageing abilities, but according to clinical facialist Kate Kerr, the marvel ingredient can also be a godsend when it comes to treating dark circles.
“A retinol eye serum is necessary to help stabilise the melanocytes – the dark pigment-forming cells in the skin that contribute to dark circles – to prevent hyperpigmentation. It also thickens the dermis, improves texture, smooths lines and wrinkles and hides purple skin tone. I use ZO Skin Health Olluminate Intense Eye Repair.”
Caffeine doesn’t just help us to feel more awake, it can help us to look more awake, too. “Caffeine or bark extract can help with pigmentation caused by vasculature and that is why they work.  Hydration can also impact the skin, hydrated skin is plump and therefore creates more volume, making dark circles less noticeable,” says Dr Zamani.
A vitamin-rich skincare regime is always a good idea, but there are certain vitamins that can be beneficial to the skin around your eyes.
“I always recommend a serum that is rich in Vitamin C for clients with dark circles. It offers powerful antioxidant protection that fights free-radical damage caused by stress and can result in hyper-pigmentation,” says Kerr.
How to get to sleep: tricks and tips from Team GLAMOUR
She also recommends a daily dose of Vitamin K-infused skincare like Cernor XO Cream to help reduce the appearance of dark circles caused by leaky and collapsed blood vessels.
Filler isn’t just good for the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge. In fact, it can be a safe and effective treatment when in the hands of a qualified and knowledgable professional.
“The fat pads under our eyes shrink over time leading to a loss of volume, which creates a hollow and a shadow under the eye,” explains Kerr. “If this is the cause of your dark circles, the only way to treat this is by a little bit of filler injected under the eye.”
According to Kerr, the filler lifts the skin and slightly diminishes the shadow-causing hollow. “Plus, filler will help to hide any purple skin tone due to leaky blood vessels. Dark undereye circles can be caused by factors including hyper-pigmentation, leaky blood vessels or loss of volume,” adds Kerr.
Ten things anyone considering getting fillers needs to know
According to MAC Senior Artist, Debbie Finnegan, a bit of brightening goes a long way when it comes to covering dark circles. “If you have subtle under eye discolouration and need just a touch of brightening, try adding a highlighter like MAC Prep + Prime Highlighter to your normal skin routine. Apply a few dots starting from the inner corner of the eye right next to the tear duct; this is usually the deepest area and needs the most brightening. Pat the product in lightly using a ring finger or a flat brush, letting the product disappear approximately half way out from the lower eye.”
Yellow tones will counterbalance the blue-hue of under eye bags so opt for a designanted colour correcting product like Vichy’s new Dermablend Colour Corrector in Apricot, or Finnegan suggests a makeup palette that contains a range of shades. “Choose a palette with cool and warm shades of concealer so you can address all skin concerns easily and effectively,” she says. “Apply the colour correcting shades first, and add a touch of concealer to mask it.”
While a makeup brush can provide precision, it’s a good idea to ditch the bristles when it comes to concealing dark circles. “The warmth of fingertips helps to heat and melt the concealing product, helping it to blend seamlessly into the skin,” says Finnegan.
A setting powder helps to keep your bags concealed all day long without the need for touch-ups. We recommend using a Beauty Blender for ease, as it fits the contours of the eyes so perfectly, and a loose, transparent powder like Too Faced Born This Way Setting Powder.
Feeling awake yet?
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Dermapen Microneedling for Effective Acne Scars Treatment in Dubai
Most people suffer from acne. For most of us, the removal of this common skin condition is natural over time. For others, acne remains as a form of skin disease, called acne scars. Although a good number of acne scars treatment in Dubai or elsewhere exists to help overcome the skin condition that includes the traditional dermabrasion to advanced techniques.
A person suffering from acne scars find their self-esteem and confidence undermined years after the acne is gone. Whether you are suffering from adult acne or the acne scar is due to hormonal teenage years, Dermapen microneedling remains as a great option to remove this skin condition. This effective treatment involves the use of a revolutionary mechanized device called Dermapen that is used towards rejuvenating the skin.
How Dermapen Treatment Work?
Microneedling involves the use of Dermapen for the creation of thousands of minuscule needle punctures in the skin’s outer layer to promote production and regeneration of collagen. This procedure is commonly called collagen induction therapy (CIT). The Dermapen device precisely controls the creation of tiny pricks to achieve the specific depth, pattern, spacing, and frequency. The formation of punctures in the skin physically breaks up the uneven and fibrous tissues of the scars and encourages the growth of new tissues. In addition, the blood supply on the treated area is improved to generate a healthier skin and also a healthy base for the formation of new skin. Other than removing both pitted and non-pitted acne scars, microneedling has shown to improve the fine lines, freckles, stretch marks, and sunspots.
Roughly an hour before the start of microneedling, an application of a numbing cream on the skin is made to reduce any possible discomfort. A skin care professional then moves the Dermapen over the skin, while puncturing the impacted area. The resultant healing leads to the creating of new blood vessels with an increased flow of blood to the treated area.
The size of the treated area determines the length of the procedure. A single session for smaller skin patches can take up to 10 minutes, while the larger ones could take up to an hour and a half. Proper results could be found by undergoing a minimum of three sessions, with a recovery time of four to six weeks in between.
After completion of the procedure, the patient might feel a mild redness and tingling sensation in the treated area. The application of cream makes the treatment comfortable. Results could be found within a period of four to six weeks. To get the best results in microneedling, a minimum of five sessions are preferable.
What Makes Dermapen Different?
Although there are various non-invasive procedures available like laser treatments to treat different skin conditions, i.e., stretch marks, skin tones, and scars, the fact remains that not everyone’s skin is suitable for laser treatments, like those with dark skins. The good thing about Dermapen microneedling is that the treatment could be used on every skin type, and it is effective in removal of a wide array of skin problems like brown spots, age spots, hyper-pigmentation, wrinkles, deep acne scars, and stretch marks. Moreover, Dermapen remains as a safer and effective procedure compared to traditional methods like micro-needling rollers. Development in technology has made stimulation of skin’s surface in a safe manner to improve the production of collagen and help in rejuvenation of elastin.
It is possible to adjust the settings of Dermapen that make it possible to personalize the use of the device to each patient’s requirements. The needles of Dermapen pierce the skin at 90-degree angles that make absorption of various skin care products effective while lessening the downtime.
For those who are looking for centers offering acne scars treatment in Dubai using Dermapen or other available treatments to determine if this method is suitable for them to treat acne scars that is left from severe breakouts, consult a Skin specialist of Wellbeing Medical Centre.
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