#overwatch ff
vacantgodling · 10 months
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::::::::::::::::: CAGE ::::::::::::::::::
read the full fic on ao3!
Sometime closer to dusk when the number of airplanes he could make out crossing the horizon was fewer and fewer, and the lights of Gibraltar’s closest neighboring city La Linea began to kiss the night with her bright lights, Lena came to find him.
Cassidy knew something was wrong by her approach; he barely knew it was her until she was standing right beside him. He always had trouble placing Lena’s footsteps; it was like listening to a dance. Usually he’d hear a step or two, then a smell of electricity indicating a blink forward, then a few more steps after that. He likened it to a horse making jumps and Lena giggled profusely the first time he mentioned it, making it a point to neigh at him whenever she went past—an inside joke between old friends. But hearing each muted step against the cold steel of the walkway he’d perched himself up on for the evening startled him out of his distracted haze, and a frown parked itself on his face before he could look up.
“Cole,” She said softly, and he turned his head, regarding her. She wasn’t wringing her hands, but she may as well have been; they fidgeted at her sides, and her attempts to look unperturbed were valiant. What got her shaken up? Or was it just nerves about how he’d take whatever news she had to bring? Whatever the case, she cleared her throat lightly, then continued.
“I’m not sure you were looking at your comm. But, we’re having a meeting now.” Cassidy shuffled around in his pocket for the communicator, that now that she mentioned it he did feel buzzing a few minutes ago, or was it hours? He always lost track of time up here.
“Shoot, I didn’t mean to keep y’all waiting.” He stood and the communicator tumbled from his pocket and down into the abyss of the inky black night below. With zero hesitation, Lena scrambled over the railing of the walkway and jumped, catching the comm before it hit the ground and rewinding herself in time back to standing next to him. She wiggled the communicator in her hand with a small smile.
“Wouldn’t want to lose that, would you?”
“Lena, you damn near gave me a heart attack!” Cassidy chuckled despite the fear that rabbitted his heart. That was something he had to get used to about being back here; people taking unnecessary risks for the sake of being a helping hand. He shook his head and pocketed the comm, resigning himself to his fate of being the only person with common sense around—perhaps the only one plus Angela. He could see how the light in the good doctor’s eyes had dimmed as of late, not the fault of anyone’s own, but due to the world around them, and the jade of age. Cassidy felt the same when he looked into the mirror and stared at his own demons after every restless night where sleep eluded him.
This morning, even, was no different. He didn’t remember falling asleep the night before, but he didn’t try. Remembering anything at all these days didn’t do anything but dredge up all the old demons that he drank to forget. He couldn’t even say he got a restful sleep, however, it was something, and certainly better than nothing at all. He sat up when the rapping he thought was just in his dream continued and bled into his slowly rising consciousness, and he ran a hand down his face, scratching idly at his bed-beard.
“Jee-sus I’m comin’! Give a man time to open his eyes!” He yelled at the door. The rapping thankfully stopped, but he could almost feel the person’s judgment seeping through the door by the time he managed to find a shirt and amble over to it.
“What, you tha wake up patrol?” He deadpanned, staring into the unnervingly awake face of Fareeha Amari. She gave him a smile, a knowing one that was all too similar to her mother’s for Cassidy’s sleep deprived brain for his liking. She promptly informed him that breakfast would be over in an hour, and he better get a move on if he wanted any of Reinhardt’s sausages. He’d joked with her lightly for a few more moments, before finally shutting the door behind her and letting out a sigh of relief to be alone in darkness once more.
In the present, he just smiled. Lena probably knew it was a bit forced.
“Lead on then, time cadet.” Lena giggled at his joke, but still didn’t blink as they made their way towards the conference room, and that worried him most of all.
A long wave of silence crashed over the meeting room once Winston finished his speech. The second Cassidy stepped in, it felt too close like one foot in the tomb everyone was so damn silent and no one was making eye contact. Said speech was a lot of words, and a lot of guff, but sufficient to say, what he was saying was—
“You mean to tell me,” Cassidy ground out first, his voice like daggers. “That you’re bringing a fucking kinslayer into our midst. And we’re just supposed ta what? Accept that?” The thunderclap of his accusation jolted the room, the tension palpable. For nothing better to say, Winston only coughed and adjusted his glasses, setting them back on his wide nose.
Surprising everyone—especially Cassidy—Genji was the one who answered. His voice was even, if strained, a hiss of synthetics on metal and the whole damn reason Cassidy was near shaking out of his skin with barely contained—if contained at all—rage. “I asked Hanzo to come. He—“
“You asked him?!” Cassidy leapt out of his seat, a full on growl on his lips and his expression twisted up into a sneer. “After what that sunuvabitch did to you?! You invited him to come here like it’s a fucking tea party for Chrissake?!”
“He is seeking redemption.” Genji said tersely. His hands clenched and unclenched on the table. Cassidy had no doubts that if the ninja was holding anything, he would’ve snapped it in half. “What better place than here?”
“Oh redemption.” Cassidy crooned mockingly. “He can have his little mosey with redemption so long as it ain’t within fifty fucking miles of ya! Who’s ta say he won’t finish the damn job?”
It spoke volumes that no one in the room told Cassidy to calm down, or to stop. Not a single person in the room said a damn word. If Genji tried to catch anyone’s eyes for support, for backup, they all turned their gazes away; downcast to the table or out of the windows. Even Winston didn’t really meet Genji’s face plate; but for the sake of his position, the gorilla took in a breath and tried. “Cassidy—“
“Don’t ya damn well tell me ta calm down Winston, ya know we’re all thinking it!” He felt like he was spitting coals down on an open fire and Genji was dancing on them. He hopped to his next foot, his next point.
“So you mean to tell me, that if Reyes showed up here today,” Genji’s synth was crawling with venom and agitation, and something violent seized in Cassidy’s chest so much that he wouldn’t be surprised if he had a stroke. “Asking to redeem himself that you yourself would push him away?”
“I’d shoot that sun’bitch myself.” Cassidy heaved, ragged, animalistic. “‘Cuz I ain’t that fucking deluded to put none of y’all in danger.”
“If you are so concerned about danger.” Genji spit. “Then the only one here who is in any sort of danger is me.”
“And why tha hell should we let ya—“
“I accept that danger willingly.” Genji’s synth finally grated on its edges; not dissimilar to how it used to whenever Cole got on his nerves back in Blackwatch, and hell, them spitting fire at one another like this was not an unusual sight back then. But Cassidy hadn’t yelled at Genji like this since the time the man almost got himself blown up on account of his own bitter, misguided pride—no, death wish, to go out in a blaze of unwarranted glory. Cassidy had grabbed Genji by his wires that day and shook him senseless, hollering at him until his voice went hoarse and he was near purple in the face.
They never argued again after that.
At least, not until now. And Cassidy swore himself then that he would never go back to how things were, yet it’d only been a month and he was shouting down his closest friend like he was a child with no sense. Hard to convince himself that he wasn’t.
“Well I’ll be tha first one ta tell ya, that one false move and I’m shootin’ the fucker.”
“Maybe that is why I have decided to bring him here.” Genji hissed. “So that if you are truly correct and he does still want me dead that I will not have to face him alone.”
More silence shuddered through the room, a whistling, eerie silence like wind in barren trees. Cassidy looked towards Angela, and her jaw was hard set and looking out towards the door. There was no way Genji got this cleared with her, he knew it. Maybe that was the source of the dark look in her eyes for the past few days. It was like Genji was taking all the sun and shine and joy they had begun to bring back to this old ruin and shut it out with rain.
Seeming to have nothing else to say, Genji left for the door. He didn’t bother to close it behind it, just left it hanging and forlorn. If Cassidy looked closer at the knob, he saw how tightly Genji had gripped it, so much so that the metal was bent.
None of them bothered to go after him.
Fareeha finally spoke up.
“I still think this is a rash decision.” Her voice was authoritative, and fierce; the wisdom of her mother shining in her eyes just like it had the morning before, like it had since he first saw her when he came to find her after the recall. “We cannot be sure where his loyalties lie. We’re a small enough team as it is; one traitor could break us.”
“I told Genji that this is a trial run.” Winston reluctantly said. Cassidy was still standing, itching for a smoke, a beer, to punch a good hole in the wall, hell, something. Anything to take the edge off of the coals of white hot anger burning underneath his skin. “You’re right Fareeha. We are a small team. We need all the help that we can get. We could be picky.” Winston paused for affect—or to collect himself. Cassidy couldn’t tell. “But if we don’t take a chance—“
“A chance!” Cole barked, a startled, disbelieving laugh.
“Cassidy.” Lena chided, gently. “Winston’s spent a lot of time thinking about this. Who knows?” She said softly. “Maybe he’ll be different than we thought…?”
“You don’t sound too sure o’ that neither.” But he did quiet down. He didn’t sit though. Winston went on to explain that Hanzo Shimada, Genji’s fucking murderer, would be arriving on base within the next 48 hours. He was currently en route; refusing to disclose how he would be making it to Gibraltar, just that he would. And that alone already set alarm sirens wailing in Cole’s mind but he bit down on his cigar so hard he broke the filter just to keep from making more of a scene. Winston told them all to be respectful. Not friendly; but respectful as you would be with a coworker since Hanzo was. Would be. Then, he dismissed them.
No one tried to follow after him when he stormed off. No one tried to reason with him. They knew that since the bull was riled up they’d have to give him time to cool. He’d cool off. He ain’t never been good at being professional so he reasoned with himself he would just avoid the elder Shimada—at least until he caught the bastard slipping. Then he’d off him, and fuck whatever Genji had to say about it.
He swore it on the rosary beads he kept stashed in the back of his nightstand. He wasn’t religious (never was and couldn’t be after all the hellfire and brimstone he’d been through), but they were all he had left of his mama and he swore on them when just a promise wasn’t strong enough.
He wasn’t going to lose anyone else to something he could prevent.
Never again.
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luphorics · 1 month
while i enjoy and can be critical of overwatch, the doomposting about its current state is just. not helping at all?
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orbitalwings · 11 months
Overwatch fanbase stop being gross about Tracer for 5 minutes (Impossible Difficulty)
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fernifox · 9 months
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These are the Christmas gifts I made for my family! I made some handmade pins. I am unstoppable now >:] They we’re fun to make but I had some issues here and there while trying to make them. (My brother loves jjba, my mom loves bleach, and my dad is a Hanzo main and plays mtg) I tried to make the characters shaped in fun ways,,,
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mercyofficial · 1 year
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oh it’s so over
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thek1ngtalks · 2 years
Just read about 300k words in about 12 hours, feeling like God this is stroking my ego so badly rn
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hey-khara · 1 year
When the Sombra rework comes out, I find myself a little threatened by her. The Virus ability sounds fun af.
But.... Then you have the Roadhog rework mid-season. And remember WAAAAAY BACK in Overwatch 1 when they fucked with Roadhog's healing and he had the crowd healing ability???
I'm hopeful that it's coming back. Junker Queen has a bit of crowd healing, so I think they could potentially bring it back. If that's the case, Junker Buff for the win.
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bob-does-something · 2 years
The first post I ever want to go on here is that I made 4/5 team members rage quit on the other team as a solo tank on my last win needed, guaranteeing me to level up to Silver. ✌🏼
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simbic · 3 months
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Barracks? Barracks.
This lot ffs
Game crashed three times while i was trying to do this, you wanna talk about rage. I play overwatch regularly (if you play pls add me ok), i know rage
So completed:
Peasant/Yeoman Hovels
Forest (for foraging)
Village Green
Foundling House. I'm tempted to redo this but...im SO DONE
Left to go:
Beach (foraging/saltwater fishing)
Gentry manor, which is like half done already. I lost steam in the middle of it and just...left it to go build everything else. Ill probably start the whole thing over.
Prison, because I've had sims commit adultery in the past and it made me so mad. There was also the violence issue (the teenage boy who kept showing up everywhere and making enemies with every teenage girl he met, including his own sister, and frequently getting his ass kicked), so...yeah.
For outcasts...idk yet. Leaning toward a traveling caravan like @mortia had in hers way back. i intend for two orphans with room for two more because one of the last times i did this, i had an entire family die of plague. the last surviving family member was an infant. highly entertaining at the time. I'll have three soldiers in the barracks. I think that's doable. i just don't want to manage too many of them.
Hedge Tavern (send help)
Legitimately did not understand how everyone else's games are so peaceful and organized, and then i remember some people have religion, and others do storytelling. I don't know if everyone plans out the (highly addictive) stories in their BACCs, but if you do, bless you. I have the attention span of a toddler. ADHD etc
surprised that this held my attention for this long before something else distracts my absentminded ass.
I do have a specific thing planned out that i'm pretty excited about though.
anyway more spam
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hello goodbye!!
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 13 Recs: It's about the Yearning
Week 13's theme was "It's about the yearning," or fics with an emphasis on pining, mutual or otherwise.
Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
Not Rated
This Year by CommonNonsense [8,835 words] Reccer comment: "extra cute, deliciously drawn out stuck-together-in-a-cabin pining"
The holidays are not kind to those on their own. Hanzo, at least, has never been overly invested in this time of year--but McCree, as he often does, changes things, and when a mission sees them snowed in together on Christmas Eve, there is no way to avoid it.
General Audiences
It Ain't Easy by KittenzCaboodle [29,426 words]
It’s St. Patrick’s day and Hanzo does not have a green shirt to wear.
This is not ideal.
On his quest to borrow one and properly join in on the planned celebration at the base, both he and Cole reminisce about how life has changed since Hanzo joined Overwatch. -
Fic written for YeeHan Week 2022!
Teen and Up
Dreamlike by mataglap [4,063 words] Reccer comment: "I FOUND IT!! there's a surprising amount of dream kiss fics"
Hanzo is used to bad dreams, and he never would have expected that a good dream would end up haunting him the most.
Flowers Like Ashes by NoirSongbird [8,266 words] Reccer comment: "Hanahaki, rated teen! There be angst 👀"
The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. Hanzo Shimada is desperately in love with Jesse McCree -- the flower petals he coughs up whenever McCree so much as looks his way are plenty of evidence of that. It is unfortunate, then, that McCree utterly despises him.
Hiraeth by robocryptid [11,947 words]
After discovering that the mercenary Reaper is his old commander and mentor, Cole takes some time to get his head on straight. Hanzo refuses to let him do it alone.
Or: the author gives Cole Cassidy the kind of feelgood, big emotions, rite-of-passage road trip usually imagined for American teenagers, except this time it's for two grown-ass vigilante murder dudes.
Just Once by Vimeddiee [2,534 words]
Cole dreams that he’s kissing someone.
Sweet Dreams by Dracoduceus [5,134 words]
Hanzo’s dreams started to leak into reality and it becomes harder and harder to deal with, especially with his unresolved feeling toward Cassidy.
Tell Me by Akiko_Natsuko [27,728 words] Reccer comment: "pretty okay ff with past blackwatch Cass/Scion Hanzo"
They had me years before, a fling that had ended without names being exchanged and with an unspoken farewell. Hanzo had never expected to find the Cowboy again, let alone on the day he joined Overwatch. And he was unprepared for the fact that the man that he had never managed to forget, was unable to recognise him the day he finally gave Cassidy his name.
Unaddressed by robocryptid [11,100 words] Reccer comment: "the first chapter is amazing"
He gave twelve years of his life to the original Overwatch. He’s seen dozens of MIA cases, investigated more than a few of them himself. It’s not new. It’s just that now the organization’s so small; it makes it feel a lot more personal.
Winston gave the order. He can’t argue with the logic that he’s the one whose background best fits this particular task. But it was Genji asking him directly — trusting him with this in a way he knows it’s hard for Genji to trust — that made him agree to it.
So he rummages through Hanzo’s desk in search of anything that could help.
Undisclosed Desires by Calardes [12,751 words]
An unexpected dream forced Hanzo to reassess his relationship with a certain cowboy.
Now he could think of little else but how much he wanted to kiss him.
Wake-up Call by fishpoets [2,149 words] Reccer comment: "Love realization"
Falling in love is deceptively simple. Admitting it is trickier.
All the Little Pieces by KittenzCaboodle [57,890 words]
Cole Cassidy had not known peace ever since Hanzo Shimada had been thrust into his life, but - with some "time" - realizes that maybe it's not so bad having him around.
In fact, maybe it was always meant to be.
Foxhole Dreaming by fishpoets [18,569 words] Reccer comment: "And there was only one bed"
After Hanzo and McCree are ambushed on an undercover mission and McCree is injured, they need to hide out in a secret bunker that McCree knows of while they wait to be rescued. The prospect of a few days in close-quarters alone with McCree wouldn't be a problem, except for one thing: Hanzo's feelings for the gunslinger don't stop at friendship.
i could love you (for the rest of my life) by fwop [3,494 words] Reccer comment: "Oh. *Oh*"
“--if you had just listened to me for once, instead of running off--”
He’s gesturing wildly with his hands, more expression on his face than Jesse ever thought he’d see, more expression than Hanzo would ever like to show (if he had his way). He probably hasn’t even realized what he looks like right now. Instead, he’s doing his level best to cuss Jesse from one end to the other. He’s spittin’ mad.
Source of Light by YourAverageJoke [WIP; 10,745 words] Reccer comment: "unfinished but still sweet"
Hanzo wonders if perhaps he had realized it before. Cassidy has been a constant in his life lately, a steady presence he isn’t even ashamed to admit he’s more than a little fond of. It certainly explains how he ended up here; it had seemed natural, after having sat on his bed for hours, staring into the cold, dark abyss of insomnia, to seek out his favourite source of light, especially after he had spent almost two weeks in its constant glow.
Sharing a bed trope with a small twist, some insecurities, lots of sap, and a happy ending.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by KittenzCaboodle [34,828 words] Reccer comment: "18+ and one of my favorites"
The man first in line for the Shimada throne was the last picture that Cole had been given to memorize. Hanzo Shimada. They had said it was unlikely that he would be sent, as he was too important for such menial tasks, but he was the next likely candidate according to Genji.
He gazed longingly towards the door, aching to step outside and get a fresh breath of the cool night air. As he silently grumbled about the sweat rolling down his back, the bodies grinding against each other in the club making the place hot and steamy in all the wrong ways, he saw him.
Of all the people in the world, Hanzo Shimada, the worst possible person, had just walked through the door and was putting their entire Blackwatch mission at risk.
Somehow, Cole had to distract him long enough to for Genji to get out, and he was willing to do whatever it takes, even if he was caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.
But when the Devil buys you dinner and is one of the nicest people you've ever met, then things get confusing.
Crossing Stars by ceasefire [3,488 words] Reccer comment: "Young angsty yeehan has my heart forever"
Hanzo Shimada sneaks out to meet his lover with the help of his brother. Unfortunately, it seems that this will be the last time that they will see one another, and Hanzo decides to throw caution to the wind and do what he really wants for a change.
Not That I'm Complaining by robocryptid [28,981 words] Reccer comment: "I've only read this about a hundred million times, no big uwu"
An AU in which both Shimadas join Blackwatch, and Cole Cassidy falls in love dick first. Approximately 50/50 porn to feelings.
Tell Me Yer Name by kylar [23,161 words] Reccer comment: "YOUNG ANGSTY YEEHAN HAS MY HEART FOREVER"
Hanzo escapes the castle for a breath of fresh air following a particularly difficult day with the clan, and finds one in a mysterious, handsome American cowboy that instantly earns Hanzo's attention. Hanzo knows from subtle clues that his presence in Hanamura could mean trouble for his clan and himself, but that doesn't stop him from carrying on a secret affair with the charming cowboy. It's just a fling though, and he knows it will end eventually. He'll be able to put the cowboy behind him and continue on with his responsibilities and duties to the Shimada Clan. Little does he know, it won't be that easy, and the cowboy's short presence in his life will have a dramatic and devastating impact on everything that is to follow their little affair.
to lie down with dogs by motorghost [65,540 words] Reccer comment: "This is one of my favorite fics in this fandom. I really like the character dynamic here."
Hanzo and Cole are on a top-secret reconnaissance mission in the industrialized wasteland of post-Crisis North Dakota, hunkered down in a factory ill-fit for human occupation. Cole seems fine with the situation, but Hanzo's doubts extend far beyond their little room.
To Share (Cake) is to Care by spinel [4,679 words] Reccer comment: "funny pining with an extra hilarious dose of obliviousness"
“Howdy, Hanzo.” McCree smiles sunnily. “I'm guessin' Athena didn't give you a heads up. My quarters—all of Wing 3's quarters are flooded. Angela's with Genji, Lena's in Angela's room, Lúcio and Hana are in the break room, Torbjörn and Reinhardt both snore like you wouldn't believe, Zenyatta's in Genji's room, and Athena won't let me use the training room for a nap.”
It takes a moment, but then Hanzo's eyes narrow. “Athena told you I had a futon.”
And that's it for the Week 13 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a recommendation.
If you happen to find a fic you love using this rec list, be sure to leave the author kudos and a comment! Even "I found this fic because someone recced it" is a lovely thing to say.
Come back next time for Week 14: "Mermaid for Each Other," celebrating MerMay with mermaid and other sea creature fics.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 12 recs here, or check the full list of past and future themes here.
Curious about the icon and some of the fic titles? This rec blog supports #EndOTWRacism, a fan campaign asking the AO3 to make good on its 2020 promises to address racist harassment on the site. Fans of color deserve to feel safe and welcome in fan spaces. To learn more, please visit @end-otw-racism and read their Call to Action.
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vacantgodling · 8 months
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chapter 17 is up!
we’re so close to the end this is actually craxy
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(not the heavymedic canon anon, just a separate dude who's unfortunately a bit pedantic about things)
Well I mean, it's technically from an announcement on the website, thats where the "nothing can stop heavy and Medic's love" image came from. You most likely know about that, I just wanted to point it out for anyone not aware of the context
Frankly, I don't count it as canon proper myself. It's an easy to miss thing. I legitimately consider the Beaux and Arrows achievement to be more canon confirmation than that is, the one Heavy & Medic specific achievement where the icon is a broken heart too. And that's really not much if I'm honest. Red Oktoberfest is semi-canon at the very best if you stretch
Like I get why folks want it to be canon, and it is canon in my heart, but we don't need it to be to resonate with it. Canon queer Rep would be awesome, but we're expecting a lot from a game that's been all but abandoned for six years from a company that can't count to three
While the game does suffer from Valve basically abandoning it...they still had years to confirm it. They have had over a DECADE to get a move on. And given how popular the "Miss Pauling is gay" tweet turned out to be, Valve has to be aware of how much people want gay rep in tf2. Valve HAS to be aware or how much people ADORE the Heavymedic ship. Heavy is the mascot for tf2, ffs.
They've had years to do something before abandoning the game, and the best they can do is the Beax and Arrows achievement.
It's not expecting a lot. It's expecting the bare minimum.
For all the faults Overwatch had, it managed to confirm a canon gay ship with Tracer and her gf within its first years. That's more than Valve can do in the 11 years before they cut support for tf2.
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cosmererambles · 24 days
Everytime I launch battle.net, it has fucking pop ups.
For the love of God I KNOW WW has launched. I DO NOT CARE about Overwatch! I GIVE LESS OF A FUCK ABOUT CALL OF DUTY! Just please let me save my place and open it to play WoW like it did for like, the first decade of me having the fucking launcher. Ffs.
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wombywoo · 1 year
Soooo you’ve done a lot of RDR and FF art and now pumping away with the quality CoD content. What video game franchise is next do you think?
My vote would be overwatch just so I can lose my mind over how you’d draw my cyborg ninja hot boi Genji.
haha, I really couldn't tell ya tbh 😁 certain fandoms just sneak up on me, lol
you wanna know the funny thing though-- I don't even play video games 😂 I usually just watch playthroughs or watch my husband or my sister play stuff, as I have absolutely zero gamer skills whatsoever xD I've tried a few times and it's pitiful 💀
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runicmagitek · 10 months
stole this from @wingsyouburn because why not! Not going to tag anyone, but if you'd like to fill this out yourself, consider yourself tagged!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 384 :')
What's your total AO3 word count? 1,836,435
What fandoms do you write for? Yes.
Ok but real answer? Current active ones are FF, Fire Emblem, and 13 Sentinels. I'll bounce around tho, depending on what inspires me. Like I always dip in and out of any video game fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) Sweet Dreams (Witch from Mercury, sulemio) 2) Finally, Beautiful Stranger (FFVII, aerti) 3) Wings of Valor and Compassion (Overwatch, pharmercy) 4) Give Them Something to Talk About (TLOU2, Dina/Ellie) 5) No Safety in Desire (BotW, Urbosa/Zelda)
It does please me that my top fics are all femslash HSKDJAJD
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I definitely try my best to!! Unless it's very rude or makes me uncomfortable in some way, then I either don't comment on those specific bits or just ignore it altogether. I've had a handful of people make very backhanded remarks and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's really awkward when an absolute stranger treats me with too much familiarity just bc we share the same ship.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Limbo? It does not have a happy ending and ends on a very horrifying note. What Becomes of Practice also comes to mind, seeing that the main character goes through hell and ends up dying, though IS reunited with her father in the afterlife 😭
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? God I really don't know. I'm more of an angst writer, so a lot of those happy endings are prefaced with a lot of pain lolsob so I feel pretty much any of my angst with a happy ending fics can qualify for this!! Tho I have received a ton of comments about how fluffy and cozy Finally, Beautiful Stranger's ending was, so I'll pick that one!!
Do you get hate on fics? Not regularly, but it has happened. I've gotten "ew this is gross" remarks on just writing about gay people. I've gotten weird comments about a brief nightmare scene in a fix-it fic, despite tagging for it, bc "she's suffered enough, why would you do this". And more recently, I've gotten some "this doesn't make sense, why would this character ever be depressed/angry" bc I guess female characters who are conveyed as bubbly in the source material aren't allowed to experience any range emotion outside of that and shame on me for wanting to explore darker themes, like recovering from trauma and depression. Bonus points when the male pov character does way more fucked up stuff and no readers call him out on it (sorry, I'm still very bitter about this)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hell yeah! All my smut, even my attempts at pwp, always incorporate feelings and more often than not gain a plot along the way. I can't help it. I love the build-up and tension leading to the main event. I need to give my readers blue balls, I guess fjlahdskdh
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not really. I'm more of an AU person than anything. Even going through my fics, the only proper crossover I've written was If You Had Life Eternal, but even that is like, reimagining Warcraft characters in the Diablo universe and that's kinda it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? SADLY YES >:/ thankfully, it was removed from FFN, but I really hated that someone copy-pasted my fic and just changed the character names to fit their ship.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have!! Several times!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. The closest I've come is like, sharing ideas on a single continuity with someone else and then writing it out on my own. I do like collaborative stuff with people I trust, but I don't want to co-write anything lolsob
What's your all-time favorite ship? EVER????? It varies from fandom to fandom, even year to year. Celes/Setzer will always have a special place in my heart, even if I don't write for them as often anymore. But right now, keinatsu is dominating my life and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? God, so many. I have my one Setzer fic that I posted the first chapter, managed to write the second one two years later, and then…. did fuck all with it. Also remembering the Darill/Maria/Setzer longfic I wrote and even did an initial editing pass, but that's now rotting on my laptop. It got a bit too personal at one point and I don't know if I'll ever share it :/ oh and that one Overwatch longfic I got 80k~ into and then abandoned bc the fandom was shitty and I didn't want to invest any more time in it
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, describing scenery, evoking all kinds of emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses? jfc I'm incapable of shutting up and keeping things short
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I guess it depends? Like I used French in Darkness/Starlight for Jidoorian and the only times Setzer spoke in that was when he was open about his feelings, but didn't want Celes to know. But if the reader translated those parts, they could get more insight as to where his headspace was at. But normally, I would want things written out in a way that's understandable to the audience. If there's a phrase or whatever in a different language, I try to italicize it, but that's it.
First fandom you wrote for? Vividly remember writing about my self-insert OC in a post-canon FFVII/Sailor Moon crossover that lived in spiral-bound notebooks at the age of 11. But the first fandom I actually posted something for online was Metal Gear Solid back in like… 2001???? It was forever ago lolsob
Favorite fic you've ever written? This changes over time, but I'm still very proud of What Leads You Here. I put a lot of work into it and am so happy I could share it with the fandom and even happier that a ton of folks enjoyed it!!
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furryprovocateur · 3 months
21:  A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving?
27:  A popular game that you just can’t get into.
28:  Do you still buy physical games?
21: danganronpa v3 🙈 but also FFXII i played briefly in high school and couldn't get into and thought sucked huge shit. then i replayed it as an adult and adored it. it's my favorite FF now 🙊
27: overwatch. why? because i've never played it. but real talk off the top of my head majora's mask. i got to snowhead then just stopped because i wasn't enjoying it like at all. i'll come back to it eventually.
28: absolutely. i'm a collector and physical copies will be the death of me
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