#overwhelmed by the majority of boys in their house ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“ beaten by the patriarchy yet again guys /j
4sh-n4 ยท 5 months
Fiona Gallagher and Debbie Gallagher and their messed up relationship makes me so sick โ˜น๏ธ
They've got a 10 year age difference between them and we know that Monica left for the first time when Fiona was 9, Debbie unborn or still in the womb. That means since Debbie's birth, since even before it, Fiona knew she had to be the one to step up. She had to be the one to take care of everyone. Debbie NEVER got the Fiona that was purely sister, innocent and carefree (to an extent).
She's never going to have the Fiona that Lip and Ian had and she hates it because she's the next oldest. She's the line between 'Sister' Fiona and 'Mom' Fiona (even though Ian hovers on that too). And it's awful, because she was fine with how Fiona was when she was a child, when she didn't understand and all she wanted was someone to take care of her.
Then, as she grew up, she wanted a sister. Not a mom. Fiona barely even knew how to be a mom, considering she barely had one. Especially to a preteen girl. By the time she was that age, she had already been running an entire household. And Lip and Ian didn't have the same problems Debbie did. They didn't deal with periods and boys and school and friends the way Debbie did. Fiona couldn't be a mom to Debbie, but she had also stopped being a sister to her a long time ago.
All that hovering between her two roles, neither of them could manage it. So Debbie drifted to Mandy, and Fiona kept going however she could. Life went on, and their relationship got a little thinner.
Debbie's only actual role model on how to grow up and be a woman was Fiona, who had juggled boyfriends and children and work her entire life. Fiona who had grown up so fast, who'd been taken from her before she even had the chance to get to know her. She wanted to be a Fiona. She wanted to have someone too. So she started getting into boys, into babies. She got pregnant.
Fiona took the mom approach again, they fought. And then they fought again and again and again because neither of them understood each other and because neither of them could be what the other wanted. Fiona couldn't be the sister and Debbie couldn't be the daughter.
All of their trauma, shared and personal, deteriorated their relationship, distorted it, until it was barely recognisable anymore.
When they both grew up a little bit more, when what's done was done and there was nothing to be done about it anymore, they got a little better. Not perfect, not how it used to be, but better. Slightly.
By then, their problem wasn't that Debbie was growing up too fast and Fiona couldn't keep up. It was that Debbie was refusing to grow anymore (understandable to an extent, considering she was a minor) and Fiona wanted her to step up (also understandable to an extent, considering Debbie made the choice to have a child despite everyone saying otherwise- for whatever reasons she did it). To contribute to the house so that even Fiona could build her own life.
They knew that they would be there for each other in those rock bottom moments when life was a 0. But life isn't all 0s, and they couldn't build a relationship in anything above that. THEY LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH. But they both fucked up with each other on multiple occasions. ๐Ÿ˜ญ It was neither of their faults, and Debbie Gallagher is not the awful witch everyone claims she is (though she has done many questionable things).
That's the end of my little relationship analysis ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— Please tell me what you think of them and how you see them ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
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