#would defend both of them till I die
4sh-n4 · 5 months
Fiona Gallagher and Debbie Gallagher and their messed up relationship makes me so sick ☹️
They've got a 10 year age difference between them and we know that Monica left for the first time when Fiona was 9, Debbie unborn or still in the womb. That means since Debbie's birth, since even before it, Fiona knew she had to be the one to step up. She had to be the one to take care of everyone. Debbie NEVER got the Fiona that was purely sister, innocent and carefree (to an extent).
She's never going to have the Fiona that Lip and Ian had and she hates it because she's the next oldest. She's the line between 'Sister' Fiona and 'Mom' Fiona (even though Ian hovers on that too). And it's awful, because she was fine with how Fiona was when she was a child, when she didn't understand and all she wanted was someone to take care of her.
Then, as she grew up, she wanted a sister. Not a mom. Fiona barely even knew how to be a mom, considering she barely had one. Especially to a preteen girl. By the time she was that age, she had already been running an entire household. And Lip and Ian didn't have the same problems Debbie did. They didn't deal with periods and boys and school and friends the way Debbie did. Fiona couldn't be a mom to Debbie, but she had also stopped being a sister to her a long time ago.
All that hovering between her two roles, neither of them could manage it. So Debbie drifted to Mandy, and Fiona kept going however she could. Life went on, and their relationship got a little thinner.
Debbie's only actual role model on how to grow up and be a woman was Fiona, who had juggled boyfriends and children and work her entire life. Fiona who had grown up so fast, who'd been taken from her before she even had the chance to get to know her. She wanted to be a Fiona. She wanted to have someone too. So she started getting into boys, into babies. She got pregnant.
Fiona took the mom approach again, they fought. And then they fought again and again and again because neither of them understood each other and because neither of them could be what the other wanted. Fiona couldn't be the sister and Debbie couldn't be the daughter.
All of their trauma, shared and personal, deteriorated their relationship, distorted it, until it was barely recognisable anymore.
When they both grew up a little bit more, when what's done was done and there was nothing to be done about it anymore, they got a little better. Not perfect, not how it used to be, but better. Slightly.
By then, their problem wasn't that Debbie was growing up too fast and Fiona couldn't keep up. It was that Debbie was refusing to grow anymore (understandable to an extent, considering she was a minor) and Fiona wanted her to step up (also understandable to an extent, considering Debbie made the choice to have a child despite everyone saying otherwise- for whatever reasons she did it). To contribute to the house so that even Fiona could build her own life.
They knew that they would be there for each other in those rock bottom moments when life was a 0. But life isn't all 0s, and they couldn't build a relationship in anything above that. THEY LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH. But they both fucked up with each other on multiple occasions. 😭 It was neither of their faults, and Debbie Gallagher is not the awful witch everyone claims she is (though she has done many questionable things).
That's the end of my little relationship analysis 🤗🤗 Please tell me what you think of them and how you see them 🙏🙏
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wygolvillage · 2 years
i will not get in pointless arguments over my favorite video game guy online. i will not get in pointless arguments over my favorite video game guy online. i will not get in pointless arguments over my favorite video game guy online. i will n
#if you dont take into account that albus is just as traumatized by barlowe as shanoa is you are wrong about him ok#and so many of his illogical actions can be traced back to how he responded to his trauma#and i literally discussed this EXACT TOPIC in the ooe section of my video#like. you can criticize his actions but to imply that albus never cared about shanoa *as a person* is fucking stupid and youre going to die#like. are we ignoring the line from pre-amnesia shanoa in that flashback that implied she wouldve done exactly the same thing for him#are we ignoring that so much of what happens after albus's death is driven by shanoas own agency#albus never knew the whole truth. shanoa chose to find it. shanoa chose to raid the castle. shanoa chose to use dominus anyway despite#albus's wishes because she saw saving humanity as more important.#albus had no part in any of those decisions#'ooooeh albus had a big brother complex and cared more about protecting shanoas innocence than her life' im going to kill you#he gave up the only home he ever had he made himself the enemy to everyone who ever cared about him he gave up his life twice#and yes he could have told her. but loyalty towards barlowe had been so engrained in the both of them#even when he found out barlowe lied he was like 'no he would never do that to me' at first. like genuinely#hes scared of the idea of control being taken from him; because it already had been#and his attempts to actually have any control over the situation got the autonomy OVER HIS BODY stolen from him via possession#idk banging my head against the wall. the game is more nuanced about this idea than you think#i am an albus defender till i die. goodnight
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pinkyqil · 2 months
Mapi and r annoying each other basically all the time but when anyone else other than each other push or fights them in the field or off the field , they would be the one to defend each other
A/n:Hi nonny there's already a fic written based of this and a requests I got it called ride or die so here's headcannos instead 💗
Mischievous!r: first in line when it comes to defending mapi and her whole team just because she's young doesn't mean that she'll be taking disrespect from any one online
Mischievous!r: she got tackled so bad it sent both mapi and Ingrid into some type of protective mother mode let's just say the player that did it never wants to be on the same pitch as mapi
Mischievous!r: tackle mapi for fun at training but when it someone else or one of her teammates that do it she send glares towards them or does something petty to them
Mischievous!r: she had a minor discomfort where she couldn't train and play but could still come to practice along with game day when she was passing down the hall she had gotten really jealous of the way mapi and Ingrid treat esmee giving everyone silent treatment for two weeks straight and whenever esmee would try to partner up with her she would make snarky remarks
Mischievous!r: once when they where doing group games r and mapi where on the same team they both were so inseparable that it was the last time they got grouped together.
Mischievous!r: gets mapi to do pranks with her on their teammates but as soon has they get caught she dips and blames it on mapi.for ditching her mapi had given r a suspension from coming to her flat but r would just go to Ingrid's place instead to hang in results of that mapi found out then decided to wait for the day r would sleep over at Ingrid's then used sharpie to draw all over r faces which had caused chaos between r and Ingrid but it was all mapi's plan till this day they both don't know
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kandyzee · 5 months
Something I hate when u try defend Debbie, Mandy, Karen, fiona and even Monica is how someone will always come back with the "Frank was abused and you hate him🤡" like yes I do!! Cause its different.
Debbie, mandy and Karen are all teenage girls who show that they have grown from their actions and are better after! Frank is a old man who has had his whole life to work through his trauma and get better. Frank didn't do something wrong and change for the better (in the space or a couple years) like the girls. He forced Monica to keep fiona and did it YEARS later with Carl too. Frank didn't just 1 or 2 horrible things, he did hundreds.
And can we talk about how Frank is a massive factor to why Debbie, fiona, Monica are the way they are?? Frank didn't break the cycle and he abused his kids and his partner. The other 3 actively try not to do that! Debbie is a fantastic mum she's not perfect, but she would never tell her kid to sleep with an adult or insult and belittle her. LIKE FRANK. Fiona spends her life till she is 28 doing everything for her siblings, sure she makes some mistakes, but she would never hurt them on purpose. LIKE FRANK. Monica is a terrible mother, but she tries to get help. She wants to get better, and who is it that almost always pulls her down?? FRANK.
A lot of what Frank does can be explained by his abuse and I really sympathise with him when we meet his mum. I hate that women. But a tragic childhood is not enough for me to forgive a man who has done the following things
-got his very young son kidnapped over a bar bet.
-used a dying woman for money and slept with her knowing she would likely die
-gave his son a bloody nose over a t shirt
-neglected all his children from fionas birth to his own death
-sexually assaulted his wife
-got a convicted pedophile into Congress
-told his underage daughter to sleep with grown adults so that he could sneak into that adults house to sleep
-broke his mental ill wife out of hospital, with the help or his young children
-tricked his son into thinking he had cancer
-tricked his son into being the bio father of 6(?) Kids
-used another mental ill woman for his own enjoyment
-told his own daughter to be "skins" in a game (meaning to take her shirt off 😃)
-forced his 9yr old daughter to become the main carer of all her siblings
-left his 3 very young children on the side of the road while one of them was extremely ill
-lied about being gay to hundreds of people for personal gain
-used ANOTHER mentally ill woman
-became the sponsor to an addict just so he could live with him and later outed him as gay even tho the man wasn't gay ??
-brought monica back into his children's life because he wanted money(he tricked her to coming back)
-has used prostitution services
-steals form pretty much everyone
-repeatedly ignored his youngest daughters attemps at closeness
-hes racist
-seduced his daughter in attempts of getting her liver
-ruined his daughters wedding
-given drugs to a baby with down syndrome
-called CPS on his own kids, particularly forcing his young adult daughter to now legally becoming guardian of her 5 siblings
-creating credit cards under his kids names
-used homeless people to create a second family
-handcuffed his wife to a bed so she couldn't get an abortion
-spiked his kids with drugs
-pretending his kids was homeless and begging with him
-showed clear sexual interest in Karen (a teenage girl)
-tried to strangle his daughter
-He advised Carl to use Chuckie to smuggle drugs, and then gave both of them away for police
-He refused to go Carl's parent night at school, but instead went to Karens
-encouraged his son to be a drug dealer
And that's just what I can remember of the top of my head. So yes FUCK FRANK and love my shameless girls
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devine-fem · 5 months
UGH. I just love writing Damian and Jon just talking to each other, I love showing how Jon would say something vs. how Damian says something. I love writing how Damian would feel about something and how Jon would. I love that even if it’s entirely different and from a whole different perspective they still bounce off of each other. I love exploring this dynamic in a non-platonic context where the drama is at a high and they can discuss their strengths, weaknesses and insecurities.
I love how Jon will feel so intensely and not be afraid to show it around Damian vs. Damian feeling even more and holding it in till it bleeds out at his most vulnerable. I love how different they feel about other people than they feel about each other. How yes, they are best friends and just friends but they always have felt differently about each other than they do their other friends AND THAT WITHIN ITSELF IS COMPELLING.
I love how much they feel for each other and how they see themselves in the other’s eyes. How similar and different they are. I love how Jon will float and Damian will freefall. I love how something will pull them both back and then propelled them forward. They way Damian shows Jon how to be a hero and Jon shows Damian how to be a kid. I love how Damian shows Jon what love has been and he stands firm and shows Damian what love can be. I love how Damian would kill for Jon but not die for him, I love how Jon would die for Damian but not kill for him. I love how Jon doesn’t condemn Damian for what he’s done but instead feel responsible for it and try to hold the pain for him. I love how Jon would jump up to defend him. I love how they both are shackled to the same destiny, I love how even if they hated each other they will be together forever because of said destiny. I love how they both feel split between worlds. I love how Damian bleeds but Jon can only hurt. I love how Damian gives Jon exactly what he needs to keep his head on straight and where that takes him. I love how maturity fluxuates between these two because they are both so annoyingly immature. I love how the idea of Damian doing wrong is so false to Jon that he feels like he must of had something to do with it and a lot of the time he does because of literal cosmic reasons.
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sillyromance · 2 months
Since @tinysuzy posted a beautiful list of vore dialog prompts, one line has been stuck in my head, and it refuses to leave. It stands under number 8: “If you want to die, then let me be your grave”.
There are so many controversial emotions fighting inside of me whenever I read this, but the one that overcomes, or rather concludes them all, is a feeling of comfort. It’s kinda illogical, I know. But this phrase always sounds so soft, so soothing to me – because I see it as an apotheosis of acceptance, love and trust. Yes, trust, because both pred and prey need huge amount of trust to bound their lives together till the end of times. I can’t help but put these words in a mouth of someone with deep empathy and compassion, someone who is so generous and selfless in a way that they offer to an abandoned, lost soul their body as a place where the latter would be in safety and peace for eternity, where nobody would ever hurt them again. And as far as it may seem to be just a way for a pred to get an easy meal, I don’t see even a hint of thoughts about gaining anything from a prey or using them here. Furthermore, as a prey myself, I would be deeply touched, realizing that a person cares about me so much that they are ready to spend all their life as one with me. Like… They would take all I have as their own, all my good and bad, all my imperfections – and wouldn’t judge, or laugh, or blame, or try to change me… They would just be there for me, and I would be there for them – forever.
I don’t know man. But reading this every time makes me emotional.
A small writing on this under the cut:
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- If you want to die... then let me be your grave.
She sobs and leans closer to him, feeling his warm, welcoming body embracing her lovingly. She can hear his heart beating softly in his wide chest - and can't get enough of the sound, desperate to be surrounded, shaken by it to the very core of her bones. He brushes her hair, his touch soothing and comforting, and she isn't afraid of anything anymore.
Those nasty people will never get her again. Her friend is here, ready to bring her to safety, to give her shelter and defend her from the cruel world.
His big palm lays on her cheek. She smiles through tears and lets it caress her; as far as his fingers brush against her lips, she kisses them - and gives him one last look, look of deep sadness and deep gratitude.
- Take me in. Please.. - She asks, titling her head down.
And, soundlessly, he obliged, sealing her in his mouth up to her neck.
She isn't scared of pain - there won't be any. At best, it will tingle pleasantly until she get knocked out by heat and lack of oxygen. Powerful, yet gentle swallows make a good job slowly entraping every inch, every small piece of her body inside of her man, sending her closer, closer to her fate. She can already hear his stomach rumbling for her down below, and her smile spreads wider at the thought of answering that eager call of his inhuman nature. His organism wants her inside... Who is she to disobey its will? Besides, it fits her own desires perfectly..
Eventually, from the tight esophagus she is released into a roomier chamber. A stomach. The place where she will lose all her worries and fears along with her flesh.
It's clenching needily around her frame, keeping her right in its centre, demandingly cradling every curve and imperfection she thought everyone would hate, but he... wants. She feels his hands, too, resting on his expanded belly, rubbing at her back and shoulders, reaching to her through the layers of skin and flesh. She isn't alone. He didn't lie saying he would be there. Her love, her home.
Her last resting place...
Enough grief, enough struggles, enough anger. It's over. She notices liquid pooling in and eases herself into it, allowing it to fulfill its purpose and digest her. It feels blissful, to let it go. To let him take her and satisfy his body. As the walls hug her tighter, she fondles them, praying she won't be a challenge for him to claim.
She knows - he isn't the one to take advantage of her vulnerability, to tease, then deny her, to laugh at her weakness and freakiness. No.
He is her savior. Her hiding spot only they two know about. They both win this, for both get what they crave the most and what they deserve: she gets safety, love, protection; he gets nourishment and strength - not the kind of strength to abuse and destroy, but to build and help this world get better. Yet, there is no selfish reasons in the first place. They give things out of their hearts, and receive, minding the value of each gift. It makes this act even more intimate and beautiful.
They are definitely better this way, as a whole, powerful being.
...And she sinks into darkness, to become light in his kind eyes.
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the-l00ker · 5 months
It's clear from the way Helluva Boss is operated that most the scenes that are shown in the trailer are going to be from the next 2 to 3 episodes and we're gonna break some of them down!
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Full Moon:
Is the musical episode that came far the actual episodes we found out that Stolas is planning to give Blitzo an Asmoden-Crystal to truly get an answer as to of the blitzo actually wants him or not
We get confirmation that he does take the crystal from the scene
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So it's evident that they do break up. However I believe that he takes the crystal not because he doesn't want to see Stolas, it's instead because they want nothing to hold them back and no one has leverage over the other.
However I think this makeup will come in a layer episodes, that being Apology Tour. (but that's later stuff ekshdjwkdb)
And I also believe that the mirror shattering scene is right after Blitzo break up with Stolas, because we know from the clips and from previous episodes that he was hopeful that's something good would come out of this.
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I believe this breakup scenario will span though much longer in universe time period like through days.
It's clear that in this scene this will be the scene in which they break up and it's clear buy Blitzo's character and his straightforward attitude that Stolas is not going to get a word in before they break up from Blitzo's resolve
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I believe Blitzo will internalize what stolus has said with Fizz and we'll go on a apology tour.
He will apologise to Bee/Vox, Veroica, Stolas but be unable to apologise to Barbie-wire as she's gone off the grid to avoid him.
Bee/Vox will accept the apology with open arms.
Stolas will ACCEPT IT but more in a "let's start over" with no strings attached.
Veroica will hate him for the rest of his life but won't actively try to avoid him.
Barbie-wire will avoid him for the rest of his life, aka till season 3.
Barbie-wire and Veroica deciding to hate him even after his apology will highlight the fact that his actions still do have consequences and he can't just be handed everything because he's sad.
And this scene is from apology tour, and it's the beginning of the episode.
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I think this isn't internalization of his guilt before he goes on an Apology Tour
He hurt Veroica EMOTIONALLY.
Got Vortex hurt 'physically' as he had to fight for Veroica in the beach episode.
But Stolas is the forefront of his guilt because he hurt him EMOTIONAL and got him hurt PHYSICALLY.
And the Pumpkins are there because it relates back to the Harvest Festival we're Blitzo first had to defend Stolas.
I don't think this prince who is already in deep trouble is going to be singing about his affair partner that he used as an escape from his abusive, manipulative and also problematic as well as probably cheating on him partner- and how it wasn't worth it.
HOWEVER I believe the way Stolas and Blitzo properly make up is AFTER they had to defend each other from Andrealphus because Visago??? Statan, Bee, Ozzie and Fizziroli??? Will defend him.
If be Andrealphus and Mammon VS Visago, Statan, Bee, Ozzie (and Fizz).
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It's clear things don't go Andrealphus' way simply because he's seen attacking Stolas and Blitzo, which I assume he summoned them after the trial. Only intending to summon Stolas with the intent on killing him because the trial did not go his way but ended up accidentally summoning both of them as Blitzo was trying to make up for past mistakes in Apology Tour.
And the reason why Stolas will not die here is because Andrealphus didn't count and accidentally summoning both of them.
Andrealphus obviously once Stolas' position as a prince instead of a Marquis (or whatever he is), and it's doing this ploy to get his position.
Mammon is after Blitzo because he along with Ozzie were the people to try and convince him to quit. Which costed Mammon alot of money.
When we see the Fizz bots attack Moxxie and Millie I think those were sent out with the intent of catching Blitzo, but he wasn't there in the van on the mission doing whatever they were doing, because he was too busy making up with Stolas in Apology Tour. YES I THINK TRIAL WILL LOWKEY SPAN OVER 2 EPISODES BECAUSE IT'S IMPORTANT-
They will loose.
Bee will defend them because she's seen there situation and seemed like one of the most empathetic rulers. And she's also dating a hellhound so we will be a bit hypocritical if she went against them.
Ozzie will defend them because he's also dating and imp and he's also getting away with it so why can't Blitzo?
And then the kicker. I think Satan well also defend Stolas and Blitzo. This is because Imps are primarily from the Wrath-ring and it would be an insult on his people if he didn't defend them. Despite Blitzo not being born in the Wrath-ring.
I also believe that Satan will see as a noble regard of strengths that both are defying the odds so we'll let it be.
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khthonkiss · 6 months
i am a calypso defender and a caleo fan till the day i die i just cannot fathom hating her for such shallow reasons??
“she cursed annabeth” ok even if this was intentional (which. lol it wasn’t) so fucking what?? do you think calypso could plan on annie encountering the monsters you only see in TARTARUS??? where NO DEMIGOD has ever been?? or survived??
“she’s abusive/mean to leo” shes been isolated for thousands of years, forced to experience heartbreak after heartbreak only to return to her loneliness, god forbid this trauma doesn’t manifest in a way that makes her the nicest person in the world?? she finally has freedom, she’s able to explore the world and make friends she knows wont leave her and so god forbid she doesn’t prioritize leo in every situation? it’s unhealthy, sure, but since when has any trauma victim (or victims, since leo is also horrifically traumatized) been able to function normally after they escape their situation?! she’s on her guard, everyone she’s ever loved has left her and i believe this means she pushes people away. she needs patience, and leo is willing to give her that. he came back for her, he died for her, he is the first person to show such devotion towards her and i think they deserve each other even if they both mutually need to heal. plus, rick has always been a fan of the bickering couple trope, and even if his writing has flaws it is so clear he was not writing her to be abusive, he was writing them both to be a bickering couple using the same formula he did with percabeth and solangelo
and don’t get me started on the age gap 😭😭 “thousands of years she’s a pedophile” IF SHES IMMORTAL 😭😭😭 THEN THOUSANDS OF YEARS MEANS NOTHING TO HER 😭😭 ITS ABOUT RELATIVITY you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me you think calypso is a pedophile for not conforming to human age and maturity development like. it was clearly written to be so her development was, relative to human aging, around leo’s age. and when she left the island and is no longer immortal, NOW she conforms to human aging laws, and will continue to age normally alongside leo 😭
ship whoever you want, i’ll never tell someone i dislike valgrace if i see them enjoying the pairing but 99% of the time hatred towards calypso (or any of the other pjo girls) is shallow attempts at covering misogyny. i think the pjo fandom has a serious problem with misogyny and dare i say it lesbophobia (cough. piper haters/bisexual truthers. i mean. what who said that) and rick knew caleo would be to powerful as a doomed yuri couple </3 lesbian caleo you will forever be famous to me
but srsly i think it’s unfair to use any argument against calypso that can be debunked using context (how rick intended for the characters to be written) and i don’t think calypso deserves half of the hate she receives
why do you have to justify not shipping something by hating it? why is there so much hatred within the fandom? it’s really upsetting
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fancyfeathers · 29 days
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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The day Albert is arrested is the same day Andrei becomes the new Earl Moriarty. The night of William’s death and the manor is set ablaze by Albert, all the children and the darlings of William, Louis, and Albert get out when they are told to and gave to watch the life they knew burn up into ashes, but when Albert comes out to make sure they all are okay before having them taken to somewhere safe until the chaos is over, they are gone. Eloise and Andrei predicted this may happen with this last plan, so they packed suitcases in the garden shed so that when it was time to watch the flames rise they could run and not look back but no one knew where they went and Albert feared that his darling and family may have perished in the fire.
So when Albert stands in Mycroft’s office before he is to be imprisoned he asks Mycroft to look for his children and before Mycroft can even respond a new set of footsteps enters the room. Both Albert Mycroft look to see Andrei, dressed in fine clothes like an adult, clearly no longer a child. Albert immediately asks his eldest where are his sisters and cousins and Andrei tells him that they were staying with the young gentleman Eloise had been courting, but not like it mattered because none of them could sleep.
“I suppose as you know with your father’s arrest you shall become the new Earl Moriarty, and the Moriartys shall be treated the same it does the Holmes- as families who must shoulder the weight of sins and crimes-“
“No, I refuse to let that be the case.”
Andrei had never interrupted anyone before, let alone Mycroft. Andrei was livid at Mycroft’s statement and Albert was shocked that his sone would speak in such a way.
“When Eloise was six she had tried to stop her father and then Madeline as well, I eventually realized as well what was going on and so did Marguerite and Hyacinth. We know what they did to our mothers and it disgusts me, but we tried to stop them from damning themselves anyway because we believed that no one deserves to die. We lost our childhoods because of their obsession, possession, and a false sense of justice, so if you think I shall let myself or my current or future in bear the weight of their sins, you are sorely mistaken because none of us will do such a thing.”
“What has gotten into you, Andrei-“
“Lord Moriarty.”
“Excuse me?”
“Lord Moriarty, that is my title, father. The one I received today when your crimes have been brought before the crown. I am Lord Andrei Nicholas Moriarty from this day on, do lean to respect that seeing as you were not able to respect mother for all the years you were married- no… married is the wrong term, held her captive is a better description, do you not think?”
Albert is clearly taken aback by his son’s new behavior and just watches as he looks back at Mycroft again.
“I simply came here to tell you that none of my kin who caused the crimes against this nation shall bear the weight of what has happened. I vow to you that I shall not let these sins stain my name any further, I will work to restore my family’s honor by moving forward by giving us all a new start. If one should try to drag us down with what our fathers have done then I shall make sure personally that their plans will fail and defend those I consider my family till my dying breath, and no I do not consider my father family any longer, he is as dead to me as my uncle who died in that river last night. Now if you would excuse me, I have other things I need to tend to.”
Andrei leaves and Mycroft and Albert just sit there in the silence left behind. Then that was the last time Albert heard from Andrei for years, any of his children for that matter. Mycroft would write to Albert in his captivity and tell him of what he had heard his children and nieces were up to…
Eloise had become a well respected detective much like Sherlock Holmes and even took on a case all the way in the city of Venice, Italy, during their famous Carnival of Venice. Also hearing she is to become a Duchess when she married her betrothed who has recently become a Duke in his own father’s retirement.
Madeline he heard was now a professional fencer and had also begun teaching at a women’s university, becoming a professor just like her father, though Madeline taught science and not mathematics.
Marguerite was traveling Europe with her mother, Albert’s darling, even getting to meet many famous and noble people throughout the nations they have seen, getting to have tea with the Grand Duchess of Russia when visiting Moscow.
Hyacinth’s life was much the same due to her condition, living with Andrei in their townhouse in Mayfair, though since she was becoming of age she had received many new suitors who had which never been allowed before due to the overprotectiveness of her father and uncles. And apparently she rather fancied this one future Marquess.
Then there was Andrei, he was told about Andrei the most. Mycroft sent him clips of newspaper articles that were about him, the new bill he helped to have passed, the new charity he was funding, the opera house he had rebuilt. Andrei never cared for the public opinion, he just cared about doing the right thing and punishing the wrong. Andrei kept his word in rebuilding his name, people saw him as strong for overcoming all the hardships in his life. It was like Whitley all over again, but unlike Whitley, Andrei never lost hope even in the darkest of times and learned how to properly protect the people he loves.
The one thing that Mycroft does not tell Albert is what he does not know. Andrei, Eloise, and Eloise’s Fiancé, Nathaniel Briar, are beginning to form a network, an organization dedicated to stamping out illegal acts in the underworld that may affect the current society, refusing to let anything like what happened before happen again (sort of like the Aristocrats of Evil from Black Butler). Now while Mycroft and the MI6 may not be aware of this organization yet, they will be because of the threat it may pose to the MI6 soon enough.
(Also I did some post timeskip sketches of Andrei and Marguerite. I didn’t do too much with Andrei from his previous design besides giving him a green carnation on his left lapel. Then Marguerite I gave her less modest clothing for the time because she is either at the beach in France on her travels with her mother or coming back from a sniper job after being recruited into the organization that Andrei is making and all those heavy petticoats and hard to breath and stiff blouses makes it hard to shoot.)
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vitanithepure · 1 year
A penny for your thoughts on Gale x all other companions ships!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the ask Anon! I'll even give them away for free! :D
Okay, so all of them... in no particular order and with very mild spoilers:
Gale x Lae'zel 💜
Oooh, l like the idea! I often talk about Gale being patient, but for this one to work I think it's Lae'zel who would need much of it. They have a super fast and solid friendship foundation (much to my surprise, but I absolutely love it!), but they also have some extremely different views on physicality so Lae'zel would need to maintain her interest beyond that for it to work. I see it as a solid relationship, lots of eye-rolling and shared curiosity - acting like an old married couple from the get-go. 
Gale x Shadowheart 💜
I kind of see it? But two things need to happen for it to work for me. Gale would need to tone that curiosity down, because Shadowheart starts off as a very private person, so him poking and prodding about both her and/or that mysterious artifact she's carrying would only raise her hackles. And as for Shadowheart - she needs to drop Shar down the drain. I don't see a place in her heart for anyone while still being a worshiper, and Gale is also too much of a man of faith to get involved with a cleric of Shar. Otherwise I see them as a super sweet couple, spending their life quietly, never far from each other, always walking hand in hand. 
Gale x Astarion 💜💔
I can't be normal about them and it's all @malewife-mansplain-magus's fault 😭Do I see it working? Yes! Do both of them need to put a lot of work into it? Of course. There is no easy start for that relationship I can think of. Astarion will always be a brat at the very beginning, but I believe Gale would quickly catch on his posturing and wait it out. And in the end both of them want the same thing, even if they don't know it at first. And I'm willing to die on this hill. Do I also believe they could work as a "bad" couple? Both at their absolute worst? Yes, in a very toxic, irredeemable way. For some time. 
Gale x Wyll 💜
Sweetness overload from the beginning to the very end. No problematic behavior here, just respect, love and devotion. I'm still thinking about @galedekarios's gifset, it lives absolutely rent-free in my head and I swear it's the stuff dreams are made of. I see it working no matter the decision Wyll makes when it comes to his pact, Gale will be there and make use of that mind of his to come up with solutions, and Wyll will be their defender till his dying breath. Classic Disney experience. 
Gale x Karlach 💜💔
Ah, the "I got a thing growing in my chest and it's not my heart" duo! I can't come up with a reason this wouldn't work. Those two are shaped to fit with literally anyone willing to give them a chance. This would be the adorable instance of the lovable and quirky extrovert adopting the quiet and dorky introvert. It's hard to imagine Karlach's enthusiasm not infecting Gale in the most positive ways, that is exactly what he needs, and I'll be damned if Gale wouldn't fight for her, to convince her to give him time to take care of her problem, like they found a way to solve his. Potential for heartbreak though? Over 9000 😭
Gale x Halsin 💔
That's...tough. On the outside one would think they are a perfect match, both are kind, reserved, willing to go out of their comfort zones to help others. And at first I think that would work. Halsin would genuinely care for Gale, but seeing how Halsin's romance pans out… no, I don't think it would survive. Gale is in it for the long run, I don't see it working "long distance" so to speak, and Halsin obviously needs some space from time to time. 
Gale x Jaheira 💔
Hm… truth be told I don't see Jaheira in the market for love anymore. I didn't see her back in BG2 and I don't see it now. For me, she is forever Khalid's soulmate and I can't see her giving her all to anyone else. I also don't think Gale would be interested in, again, being someone's second choice. Even though I know they are both capable of looking past it, I don't think they would be 100% happy.
Gale x Minsc 💛
I have never been more on the fence about a ship than here. It's a big yes and a big no. It would be an amazing thing, differences can bring people together and there are enough of them here to last a lifetime, but on the other hand… Minsc is not out here for romantic or physical aspects of love! He loves life, he loves kicking evil's butt! He loves Boo and he loves protecting the weak! He is here for all the platonic things life has to offer and I love it for him!
Gale x Minthara 💔
No, I don't see it happening the way the game goes. For Gale to meet Minthara he would need to go through betraying the people at the Grove, and we know what his reaction to that is. I don't see it going forward from being resentful towards her, and I don't see her possessing the patience to wait him out, she would have zero incentive to do it too. There is just not enough to build up that relationship in those circumstances.
Thank you again for the ask and please, if anyone wants to talk about anything BG3 related, feel free! As much as I found I love talking about it, I want to hear all your thoughts as well!
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 11 months
Initial reaction to episode 8:
Full spoilers. Don't read if you haven't watched. But don't be afraid to comment if you agree or disagree.
Izzy got 1 week (at most) of a life where he felt like he could be himself.
That's it.
This man lost so fucking much, clearly his family, his past crews, himself. So the show said, hey. Let's spend ALL season showing him he is loved, then tell the audience this is a good ending because hey, now Ed can be himself for no loose ends.
I know we might get zombie izzy. I know buttons is probably a deus ex machina(yes, I gasped SO FUCKING HARD when the seagul landed), but I am fucking livid.
I'm sorry this is negative right off the bat. I cried yeah, but it was at Izzy apologizing for not letting Ed grow. The 1 final sin he hadn't been punished for. He apologized and lost limbs for the British thing. That was IT. The only thing Izzy haters had against him. And here we are.
Now that izzy is dead, their old Unicorn, the NEW Revenge can go live on.
Ex-fucking'scuse me?
The worst part is I knew he'd get hurt with that speech.
Congrats, izzy, you got 'woman in the fridged'-ed. Your death now ends Ed's problems without him needing to solve them. Ed doesn't need to work on rebuilding relationships because there's nothing left. Stedes is not mad at Ed, so no hard conversations there, and the crew he hurt is gone now. Izzys gone. All wrapped up in a nice little bow.
I knew. But I thought I'd be wrong. That Ed would get help. That izzy would apologize, lay their dying, and suddenly be alright via bird or someone would do SOMETHING. But no. I got to see Izzy die. In a fucking comedy show.
A comedy show about love and family and community and self acceptance. That kills of its 1 character this season who had a self realization arc outside of a romance.
Season 3 will be about either 1.) Stede and Ed being hunted and needing to fake their deaths or 2.) The crew of the 'new revenge' going on adventures. Or 3.) Zombie izzy getting the fuck out of there and finding love.
Now:I am in denial.
Con came out, mainly because of this community and this role. If he knew his character was dying, I don't think he'd have gone to cons/tied himself in with this community to the extent he has. You know? Like... if my role i got a ton of praise for was about to be offed, id smile at conventions, but already emotionally start distancing myself from the community. UNLESS-We know Jenkins would tell him the fate of his character, so...idk.
More ranting but-
I feel like we got more time watching Ed be silly than mourning his friend of potentially decades. I hate the fish plot. We already knew he had adhd and that this was a whim. 'Ed going out, catching dinner, getting kicked back' could have just been 'Ed rows out while the ship's blow up'. They didn't need Ed and stede to fight in episode 7, stede could have just gotten into a fight trying to defend Ed at the bar, maybe eds too drunk idk. Episode 7 was written like that just to have a cliffhanger resolved in the next episode. It's just...
I loved every fucking izzy scene and both love/hate that we get a flash of the shot that kills him. It's real, yeah. Izzy dies here because he was still originally in that pirate drama he made up in his head. Izzy dies a normal death. Ed asked if he needed help so many times. But izzy didn't want it.
Izzy hands wanted to die this entire time. He wanted it. That's how I'm interpreting this bullshit. He still tied himself to blackbeard, and wanted to die with him.
Maybe that's romantic, but I think it's gross and a mishandling of his character. If izzy believed that i wish we got to see it as the audience, Especially how some forms of suicidality can be expressed by 'one last hurah'.. But they didn't. All that, and the show wants us to believe he's moving on up to episode 7, until now we know izzy was jealous this whole time??? So this izzy was just izzy waiting until Ed was accepted by the crew to die. Till Ed didn't need him to be his punching bag anymore. When Ed healed he saw no point in living. 🙃 that a character who was suicidal's good ending is offing themselves when they aren't 'needed'?
Maybe izzy will come back, totally himself, ready to try to live a happy life. But I have very little fucking faith.
Getting personal: but izzy was my fucking guy. I related to his struggle to be seen/heard/taken seriously. To be liked or seen as worthy of time and attention. A character who was trying his best for the people he cared about. Who had valid concerns and was talked down to. Who craved belonging. Enough that he's desperate for scraps of friendship. A person who was feared but never understood.
To give him 'love' by a community and then have him die TWO DAYS LATER-
I hate it. I genuinely hate it. Fucking hell. Especially how quickly everyone moved on. Izzy would have been wrecked or at least shaken up if his crew died yet. WE'RE MAKING JOKES RIGHT AFTER HES BEEN BURIED. ON TOP OF HIS FRESH GRAVE. I hate that izzy got buried on the land (in general. Bro should have been buried at sea) especiallg the labd ed and stede now get to peacefully live on. I hate that con was fucking smiling, the calmest most authentic he could and ATE that fucking scene.
The thing that gets me is izzy is the cliffhanger. But at the same time, Buttons' turning into a bird represented change and acceptance. Think, we had Buttons' turning scene, the song 'seaguls', then izzy standing on deck reading the note. There's a real chance this is implying that izzy is free now.
I don't hate the show. I don't, but i fucking hate THIS. Con did Such an amazing job. But I hate that I won't know. That izzy being alive will be confirmed in a year when con accidentally posts something revealing he's on set, or Jenkins on Twitter telling us he's dead, us not believing him, then we watch all of s3 and cons not there. That I could spend the next 2 years of my life writing about a character who won't get mentioned again.
THEY COULD HAVE CONFIRMED IT IN THE END CREDITS. SOMETHING. Ground shaking, some hint early in the season about rebirth and brining back the dead or have the sword fall. Idk. SOMETHING.
I'm just.... not doing great. I'm 'excited' to watch it again :/ but fucking hell. I don't know if I want to. I still have a fic to post that I started pre season 2, but after that I might need time. I just...Izzy wasn't me, duh, but he was, you know?
Izzy didn't deserve death for being harsh, or fucking up, or living. The fact his redemption happens after they sand down izzys rough edges feels gross. Like. "Here you go audience He's 'good' now, NOW feel sad about his death!"
And I'm sorry. But fuck that. I have so many mutuals who say they didn't like how quickly izzy became soft. This fucking hurts.
Because izzy has been a dead man walking for years. Ever since Ed and he grew into whatever this is. He could have been given a chance. He wasn't. All because our protagonists are Ed and Stede. WHO I ACTUALLY LIKED THIS EPISODE. But I can't think about that because I just see Ed finally treating Izzy like an EQUAL as he's fucking dying. I was always okay with the idea of Izzy dying. But not like this.
So yeah...sorry if this is rambling, had a shit day before I watched the ep and the ep didn't fucking help! But here's to all us izzy fans hoping for a better s3 for him (my guess now is izzy is actually dead, I have absolutely 0 faith he'll come back, as izzys death was framed as a positive thing for Ed. Yes the framing is there. Izzys body is safe under Ed and Stedes watch and not drowning. But still. 0 faith. If we dont get s3, then izzy is just dead and everyone moved on the SAME DAY)
Side note- I hate the only mention of Izzys given name 'Israel' was by Ricky. Fucking...okay. add that to the pile
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 9 months
Really long headcanon post for the stuff that I’ve posted on Wattpad :3
-Mans is my height, 5'6, and he hates being bullied about being the shortest of his brothers lmao
-Is twins with New Jersey, though Jersey makes fun of him cuz he's five minutes younger
-he has reddish brown shoulder-length wavy hair and hazel eyes
-mf is built like the Dwayne Johnson though he's just missing the height
-this man acts all tough until the cramps come along. Then he's dead.
-doctor of the statehouse, along with Texas. He deals with sickness/illness whilst Texas deals with injuries. Though he can do both cuz we love that.
-tried learning how to make flower crowns cuz NY would always make them for everyone when they were younger. He tried his best, and he's actually kinda okay at it, so him and any will just hang out and make flower crowns.
-^he has put a spell on every single flower crown that he's ever given or received so that they never shrivel up and die
-OCD, autism, and ADHD
-loves rock, metal, and punk music. Especially FFDP (THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING THAT FRICKIN' GOOD LIKE WHAT-)
-friends with the OG13 (no dip Sherlock-), Maine, Texas, and Louisiana.
-^the moment he met New York, he was filled with the urge to take him away from England immediately. He does pick favorite brothers btw. And it's New York.
-sharp lil canines like he's a friggin vampire smh
-he is a squishy boy and we love that <3 it just makes him better for cuddling
-he's not short, not tall, he's only 5'8.
-he's a pathetic loser tbh but we still love him
-sippi loves stuffed animals, but his favorite is a teddy bear that was given to him by New York (fun fact, teddy bears were invented in Brooklyn, and were named after the president that refused to shoot a bear!).
-he named it Mr. Cuddles, and it is the most beat up stuffed animal that he owns (as in, its ear had to be sewn back on, one of its eyes has been replaced by a button, and it has random stitches and patches all over) but he still loves it and cherishes it to this day.
-friends with (omg he has friends????) Texas, Louisiana, Florida, New York, South Carolina and Georgia
-yes yes he is but a cuddly marshmallow. Until you hurt someone he loves. Then you're dead.
-he SCREAMS whenever there's a bug. Strangely though, he likes ants, moths, and butterflies.
-mans is colorblind
-he doesn't like his squishy-ness and has tried to starve himself on numerous occasions :(
-I think that the fact that he's been owned by 3 different countries is grounds to give him abandonment issues right? Okay.
-if it weren't for his friends just simply existing, he would've been long gone by now. (same tho- I mean what?)
-I'm not gonna say he's hurt himself before, but I'm not gonna say he hasn't either 👁️👁️
-bro thinks that anybody he gets close to is gonna leave him :[
-if he gets hurt, he's not gonna bother telling anyone cuz he doesn't wanna feel like a failure for not being able to defend himself
-this man is T A L L- he's 6'5 (not as tall as Alaska though so HA-)
-I imagine him to be very slim and fit, but he has a tiny bit of pudge around his lower stomach and hips and thighs.
-he LOVES animals so, so much. More than humans tbh.
-he has a horse (Ranger), 5 dogs (Rosco, Daisy, Cassy, Billie, and Maria. Rosco and Cassy are German Shepherds, Daisy and Billie are heelers, and Maria is a demonic chihuahua), 3 cats (Mittens, Sassy, and Milo), and 2 snakes (Spot and Harvey).
-^thats just at the statehouse. Back home, he has an animal sanctuary where he takes care of animals, takes them in, nurses them back to health, ect... It's very adorable and I love it.
-speaking of animals, he cannot, I repeat, CANNOT keep it together if an animal dies or gets hurt in a movie. Homeward Bound? Mans was not okay. Hachi? He wasn't ballin', he was bawling 😔.
-he still wears a binder cuz he doesn't trust the doctors to perform top surgery on him.
-ADHD for DAYS- don't give him an energy drink unless you want a 6'5 chihuahua on cocaine to be following you around.
-ADHD, autism, ocd, depression, anxiety, and ptsd. Idk if daddy issues counts, but he has those for sure.
-this bitch has fallen off of so many things that he no longer takes fall damage
-Mexico was such an asshole to poor Texas...... I wanna skin him alive :)
-Texas CANNOT handle someone raising their hand or voice at him. He can't. He will flinch and/or cry. Which he hates. Cuz he's supposed to have this reputation as the big strong Lone Star State.
-he has SH scars on his wrists, sides, and thighs. They vary from blade marks, to cigarette burns, to even scratches.
-he hates all of his scars so, so much and sees them as nothing but a sign of his weakness and inability to defend himself.
-Texas is also kinda insecure about the little bit of pudge on his lower belly, hips, and thighs. What makes it worse is that he can't really help it. Especially the stomach pudge cuz that's just where his uterus is. Does he know this? Yes. Is he still insecure? Yes.
-he often binds too long or forgets that he has his binder on until it's too late and there is severe bruising and even minor bleeding underneath the band. Along with breathing difficulties.
-^to make the breathing difficulties thing worse, he has asthma :)
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
First time watching Voltron: Legendary Defender and documenting my thoughts
This is Season 4
S1-2 | S3 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 |
<this one is going to be shorter, as I have only recently finished this season, and the grief is still fresh (lol), so the thoughts are only just starting to simmer. strap your asses in>
Pre-Season 4 Thoughts
-> Keith joining the blades is going to be a huge plot device, I feel
-> PLEASE for the love of CHRIST let that poor little girl find her brother and father. If they are dead dreamworks better be ready to catch these hands
->I’ve heard people claim this is the “last good season”, but i stay strong 💪 and will watch till the end
->wouldn’t the paladin switch not make sense now? Cus shiro is back as the black paladin and it makes no sense for Lance to be red like it originally had? If anything, he should’ve gone back to blue, and Allura to red, because Allura is very accepting/encouraging of shiro’s role as leader. I guess they didn’t wanna do it all over again. But I digress 🤷‍♀️
->im gonna miss my Pookie (🤍❤️🤍)
->do they do this every two seasons?? Have an epic battle where they have a big preparation and say it’ll 100% end the war but it doesn’t and something crazy happens after they win and it sets up the next season??
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->^genuinely cried so hard during this scene. would’ve cried more if I wasn’t recovering from the initial shock.
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->^cried during this one too, but it was happy tears. I could actually just do a whole reaction post to this episode alone. (if you want me to js say so in the rbs/replies)
->the callback to s1! “color-coded of course, because what are we? animals?” AHHH! I’m going insane I love these siblings sooooo much
->okay I’ll stop gushing over them now
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->^only valid reaction to meeting Allura. Homegirl is beauty incarnate
->okay. ive calmed down. i am normal and can be trusted to simply watch a show.
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->^Get his ass, Zarkon. I needed his smug ass to be humbled so bad. Only time I will agree w Zarkon fr.
->i do NOT like Lotor. Can you guys tell already??
->bro I SWEAR shiro looks different. there’s just something about him. the hair gets a pass cus how good of a haircut can you give yourself in space, yk? but that nose scar is definitely a different shade #notmyrodrickshiro
->^Just. That entire episode. It’s getting a whole post actually I need to yap about it.
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->^her armor is colored in a way which makes it look both pink and red while making it look like a trick of the light in a way to symbolize that she is acting as keith yet while being a paladin herself and that being unknown in the public eye and showing how they have to cover that up, any suspicion being thrown as a trick of the light. Oh vld animators ily 🫶
->on another note tho why do they always draw lance and shiro to have 30 pounds of ass. what.
->loved when those lesbians decided to take down lotor. Queen shit 💋 we stan 🙇‍♀️🙏
->Lotor is so stupid and pathetic and annoyingly smug and sus and admiral-zhao-y and I hate him but he’s SOOO FREAKING HOT and I can’t hate him completely because he’s so attractive but that just makes me wanna hate him more. He’s a walking red flag but the flag is heart-shaped and honestly idk what to do w that.
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->^WHAT. stop. honestly that’s the real reason he was banned from the empire my ass would not want that fucking FREAK within a 30 light year radius of me either
-> while s3 was the klance season, s4 is apparently the allurance season, they have a lot of sweet moments. (granted all started by lance but still, you can almost see allura swooning)
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->^pookie. what are you doing… pookie.. no. stop. i don’t like where this is going…
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->^oh thank fuck for Lotor.
->^^wait what. why Lotor.
->^^^heartbreaking: worst person you know doesn’t something good for once.
->he definitely wants something out of this. I don’t trust him.
These are thoughts I’ve had compiled for some time now. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “laura’s first vld”
I finished this season on 06/30/24. I am on S5E3 as of today (07/06/24)
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pyrrhicraven · 3 months
Can we see Shredder and Splinter arguing / Shredder defending Raph from Splinter?
A powerful fist slammed into his fathers face, Raph turned to look to see who was defending him and wasn't really that suprised to see Saki with an enraged look on his face.
"You would be so cowardly to attack someone who you called son!" Splinter looked murderous as he stared at them from the floor, Raph felt panic welling up in him, his father had just tried to hurt him-Saki had saved him...That clearly showed who cared about him more, that his father, his teacher, didn't care enough to not raise a hand to him.
His brothers all shouted, the fight that had been happening nearly suspended when the two leaders came to blows, this wasn't good. He didn't know what to do-he loved his father but it was clear to him now that Splinter had other goals than protecting his hot headed son.
"Whatever you told my son is a lie and we both know it, know what kind of monster you really are Oroku." Shredder stood to his full hight and made a sound-something bothered him. Probably about the lying, yeah they both had to some degree, but he'd learned a great deal about the man he was suppose to hate, the man he'd fallen in love with and who he was certain was just as in love with him...
"At least I'm not a monster that would hit my own child." He'd been in that situation with Splinters father, the man who raised him after slaugtering his actual father. Saki had been an outcast-the odd man out and Raph understood that to some degree himself. He'd always been the one in trouble, had been taught that his anger was something to be ashamed of. Saki had taught him there was no shame in anger so long as you controlled it rather than it controlling you.
"Fuck you." Splinter spat out and Saki let out a bitter laugh, dark eyes full of fire.
"You wish." Saki snarled and that caught Raph off guard because what? What the hell did that mean? Was it just an insult or was there something more to that? They had a long history after all-but Splinter had married a woman-Saki had loved her, or had at least thought it was love.
Then they fell. Did, did Saki really love him or? But why would he doubt someone who had spoken nothing but the truth up to this point, who wouldn't utter any words of affection unless they were true?
"You thought you could have everything but then you realized how wrong you were Yoshi. Tang Shen would have never accepted another into your relationship let alone me-I was a dumb brat back then, it's no suprise she turned me down and chose you."
Oh. Oh what the fuck? His father had pined for Saki? What was this then-payback for whatever Splinter did when he was told no? Raph felt sick suddenly, yeah that could be the case couldn't it?
"You just wanted her, but you couldn't forget either." Raph glanced at Saki who sighed, anger still in his eyes.
"I never wanted you, and I never will. I admit to being a hard man to love but it was always easy for me to hide my own feelings-except for Raphael, he dragged out everything I thought I could ignore. I love him and that won't change till the day I die." Raph's heart pounded in his chest because... Because that sounded like Saki wanted to spend the rest of his life with Raph.
"You'll never really be with him. He'll chose his brothers over you." He would have before, but he'd spent too much time with Saki to say that without second thoughts.
"They would choose you over me Splinter. So no I don't think I would choose them over him." Saki's eyes shifted to him and Raph couldn't look him in the eye, more than aware that he just stated his loyalty.
"Then come with me, leave them behind and start over." Raph felt tears gathering in the corners of his eyes because that really was for the best wasn't it...
"Take me home." Saki nodded turning away from Splinter and whistling for his men to move. Raph watched his father for a moment then turned away, heart broken but determined to start a new life with Saki.
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ellsieee · 1 year
This is my last rambling Unintentional Love Story post and I feel a bit sad that I have to say goodbye until season 2. I think it's going to be a while before another series captures my heart like this one. The last series before ULS that caused this level of brainrot was Word of Honor and that was two years ago. 😅
Taejoon and Wonyoung's story wrapped up beautifully. It brought all the warm fuzzies and I couldn't have asked for a more satisfying ending.
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I like the contrast here, with Wonyoung feeling helpless, thinking they're really over, and Taejoon smiling because he realizes that Wonyoung is jealous and that they're definitely getting back together.
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Istg Taejoon is being a little gremlin here. That smile on his face makes me think he knows that the way he responded makes it seem like he wants Wonyoung to disappear.
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The way pulls Wonyoung into the hug with strength, but then gently cradles his neck during the hug made me sigh with happiness.
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I've seen a lot of discussion about the dead fish kissing in ULS and I wanted to address it. I'm not going to pretend they didn't serve us multiple servings of dead fish. I get the criticism, we shouldn't be getting dead fish anymore in 2023 and I too, could have done without the dead fish close ups. However, I stand by my earlier statements that the dead fishes do not detract from the series. Despite the poor kissing skills, all the emotions are there, and isn't that what makes a series great?
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The zoomed out shot of them kissing made my toes curl. I love the way that Taejoon is gripping Wonyoung's hands, not letting him go. It's these moments and feelings that resonate with me rather than the actual kissing. Would better kissing or getting rid of the dead fish close ups have improved the series? Probably yes, but only a little. Does it ruin the series as some claim? Absolutely not. I will defend this series till I die.
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I loved Wonyoung's tear here. He's just so overcome with emotion and I was too while watching. His love is finally reciprocated again. I'm so happy for them.
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YASSSS. Finally. I squealed with joy. Wonyoung's smile is everything. 🥰❤️
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Melted into a big puddle of goo again. This is one of my favorite scenes. The way Wonyoung and Taejoon move their arms to hold each other closer, along with Taejoon's patented neck hold had me screaming into my pillow again. 😅
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Love Donghee Taejoon bestie energy. Love that grabbing each other by the scruff is their way of communicating. No way is Taejoon going to let Donghee kiss Wonyoung! 🤭
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I loved Wonyoung's piss off, I'm not scared of you look to Inho and daddy Taejoon's charging in to protect his boy.
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THAT FLEX!! Wonyoung holding hands with Taejoon and then giving Inho that hmpf, loser glance as he is led away shows how confident he is now. Love it.
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SO CUTE. I love the handhold with interlocking fingers. 🫠 I have not read the manhwa, but apparently Wonyoung is the one who buys the rings, so he could be checking Taejoon's ring size here. 🥰
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Has any other kbl had this much handholding? I really like this shot because for whatever reason I see a heart in the empty space between them.
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They are the cutest couple. Love how Wonyoung snuggles Taejoon. Taejoon loves Wonyoung's cutesy side just like me. Matching pjs should be cringe but it's freakin cute when they do it.
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Oooo Wonyoung's got lines! 😊 I'm so glad that Taejoon was able to leave his baggage behind enough to be able to say that without feeling like Wonyoung is only trying to take advantage of him.
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I'm so happy they released the behind the scenes so we can have both POVs of this hug. Wonyoung looks so happy. I'm smiling like an idiot again.
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I love that we got to see Wonyoung standing up to vice manager Jung. Demanding an apology! You get him Wonyoung! But also, when did Jung find out that Taejoon and Wonyoung were dating? When did he find out they broke up? Did Taejoon tell him? 🤔
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A picturesque ending. 🥰❤️🫠 I do wish we got a bit of back story on the rings, but it doesn't matter. They're going to live happily ever after, I know it.
It's really over. 😭 I will miss this series so much. It's my favorite kbl ever for now.
In case anyone is interested and missed the other spazz posts: [Ep 1-4] [Ep 5-6] [Ep 7] [Ep 8] [Ep 9]
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szasfuckingwife · 2 years
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WARNINGS: violence, childhood trauma, unhealthy child-parent relationship, implied smut
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7 years ago..
“Yes, Yoshida-San…my daughter was mistaken. Yes…Yes I know.. I apologise.”
In your bedroom, you hear all of it. Every detail of him and Yoshida’s conversation. You heard how he described you: disgusting, disrespectful and a whore. Your mother sat next to you consoling you quietly as you sob into your hands.
Her soft hands brush against your skin, but it doesn’t feel like she even wants to do that. Because you got both of your parents another ¥1,000,000 in debt.
“My parents have done nothing wrong! Yet you fuckers think it’s okay to keep threatening them, leave them the fuck alone”, you remember screaming at him. If you knew you would land yourself in this predicament, you would have never opened your mouth.
A sharp slap echoes through the house and you and your mother flinch at the sound. It was all your fault, what they were doing to your father, to your daddy.
Another punch, another kick emits from downstairs, “You’re lucky I don’t add another two fucking million!”
A thick silence could be heard, however the only thing you could hear clearly was the racing pattern of your mother’s heartbeat.
“Now where’s your pretty little wife.”
You hear your mother gasp and you look at her with nothing but sorrow in your eyes. A scuffle of hurried footsteps climb up the stairs as your father pleads for the both of your lives.
The door if your bedroom shoots open and you see him again, Yoshida. His eyes are hollow and sharp with a faded flesh colour line going through one. Jet black hair is gelled behind his two ears, not a strand out of place. He carried a sneer about with him as he did his gun. Meaning you dug yourself too deep.
Swiftly, your mother pulls you away from your bed and close to the window. Nearly 6 tall men walk into your room following Yoshida, all shooting a threatening glare at you.
“Ah, well if it isn’t the rude little bitch that spoke to me yesterday…” He smirked whilst signalling to his men to grab the both of you.
You try to fight the guys off but to no avail. Helplessly, you watch your mother get detained as if she were a dog, the unapologetic way they shoved her to the ground enraged you.
Yoshida began to pace slowly around your bedroom, not failing to notice the photograph of your family on the wall. “I somewhat respect you, little girl. Instead of your shitty dad, which was who i expected, you took the initiative to defend your family.”
“Please, forgive us, Yoshida-san!” The sound of your mothers raspy voice pricked tears in your eyes. “Please forgive us!”
A low chuckle left his lips as he barked orders to bring your father up here. The tears that formed in your eyes were now running down your cheeks, your mother sobs loudly.
“Sir-” Your father’s voice breaks, “Sir, I’m begging you-”
“Shut up, Yamada!” Yoshida roars and you flinch at the sound, “You know what I need to do. And It’s all your fault!”
Your father cries louder, pleading for Yoshida to stop. But his begs fell onto deaf ears as Yoshida pulled out a knife.
The beating of your heart stopped when you see the silver blade of his, reflecting the intimate lighting of your room.
“Who’s it gonna be, hm?” Yoshida grabs your father’s face and forcibly makes him look at you and your mother, “Who?”
His eyes grow wider as he looks at the both of you. The woman he promised to love till death do them part or the girl that he and his wife promised to cherish and protect until they die.
“Yamada, pick!” Yoshida violently slaps the back of your father’s head.
You see the desperation in his face and the blankness in his eye that frightened you, “I-I can’t…I-”
“Come on, Yamada!” Yoshida howled, clenching his jaw and gripping onto his blade, “You put them into this, you were selfish and you did this to them.”
Your father’s eyes were locked onto the ground before Yoshida forced him to look up at both you and your mother by grabbing his face. “Who’s it gonna be, hm? Trophy wife, house wife who gave you a kid or the brat that you raised that got you into this mess.”
All voices turn silent as you stare at Yoshida, his cavalier attitude to the situation he created terrified you. Especially when he made a decision for your father, tossing him towards yourself.
“Hey..” Yoshida spoke to one of his henchmen, you figured. “Lay her hand flat on the floor.”
Then, it sunk in. Yoshida pointed at you.
The terror of your mother’s screams echoed in your head as you swore the earth was moving slowly.
“Cut her pinky.” Yoshida demanded. You finally heard your mother’s weak protests whilst you father stares at the blade Yoshida gave to him in utter shock, clearly showing his lack of skill with such things. “Cut it off nice and fast so she doesn’t hurt too much.”
Weak, feeble and puny, all words anyone would use to describe your father at this moment as he shakily grabbed the knife as two men flattened your hand against the floor.
“Yamada, cut my pinky off, I beg you-” Your mother begged when one of his men struck your mother across her face.
Your father kneeled before you, mirroring you. Snot and tears ran down his face as he looked you in the eye. He was reminded of the little girl he raised, how he took you to school, how he cuddled you after a scary nightmare, how he loves you, “Don’t make me do it! P-please, Yoshida-san, I beg of you, Have m-mercy on me and my family. I beg of you!”
Yoshida bent down and whispered into his ear, “Fucking do it now.”
It was final; your father must do it. You stared into his eyes nodding that it was okay.
‘I love you, daddy.’
Suddenly, Yoshida snatched the knife out of your father’s hand with a loud chuckle. “You haven’t got the balls, Yamada. You go lookin’ for a loan only to leave it up to your two girls to pick up the mess.”
Yoshida whistled, gesturing to his men that their work here was done. They let go of you and your mother and left your room.
“Yamada, you’ve got until the end of the month. If I don’t see that ¥1,000,000, I’ll kill you, and your wife. I’ll keep your daughter. She’ll be of some use to us.”
All that was left in the room was the sound of your mother’s sobs and the heavy breathing of your father, all you do is stare blankly and pray that this is a nightmare.
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Ran is a horny guy. He loves sex, kissing, teasing role play. You name it, he’s done it. Which is why he finds himself in this position.
Handcuffed to the bed and dressed in nothing but his boxers, waiting for a sweet nurse to walk in the door and-
“Mr Haitani?” He hears Saki say in a sweet voice. She walks through the door and Ran swears he’s the luckiest man on earth at that moment.
Saki, in a sexy white nurse outfit, stethoscope, nurse hat and everything. Ran’s mind went fuzzy just by looking at her, she was truly the most attractive girl he’s ever seen.
“I heard you needed some hospitality?” She smirked as she walked up to him. Saki sat next to Ran on the bed as he laid there helpless with an aching boner underneath his underwear.
Ran grinned up at her. “Yes, nurse. I need a cure”
She chuckles at the embarrassment of both of their words. Ran aches to grip her thigh when she straddles him, grinding on his crotch.
“And I’m happy to give it to you, Ran..” Saki inched her lips closer to him, aching to taste him.
But then, a loud ring cane from Rans phone. The older Haitani groaned loudly and asked Saki who was ringing him.
“Hanma.” Saki answers followed by an even louder groan from Ran. “Should I answer-” “Nah, leave it, probably irrelevant.”
Saki shrugs her shoulders before putting his phone away. And then, with a quick sigh, Saki resumed her movements on Ran.
A loud groan left Ran’s lips as Saki kissed up his sensitive neck, Ran loved it though, “Fuck, Nurse, y-you’re a natural-”
Ran wanted to grab the nearest gun and shoot his phone when he heard another ring. He laid there cursing at whoever decided to be interrupting his roleplay.
“It’s Hanma again-” “Just answer it!” Saki gave Ran a small sneer due to his tone and did as he said.
“Ran.” Shuji’s voice spoke on the other line.
Ran groaned, “Shuji, what do you want? ‘M kinda busy.”
Suddenly, Hanma’s cackle shot through the phone, as if it were something similar to a witch. “What? Busy fucking around with Saki? C’mon..”
Saki, surprised, covered her mouth to hide her gasp. “Look, yeah, she’s here, now you gonna tell me what’s up?” Ran spat out, ignoring Saki’s glares.
“I need to speak to her.”
Whatever was left of Ran’s unamused face, twisted into an jealous frown. The unknowingness of what Shuji wanted go speak to Saki -out of all people- was eating him alive.
Just as Ran decided to protest, his favourite nurse snatched the phone back, “Shuji? What do you need?”
Hanma sighed. It was unlike him to ask something so sappy like this. Besides, it’s not due to any romantic feelings. Of course not, he met you about a week ago. Shuji just simply missed the feeling of getting his dick wet by a pretty girl that was all for him.
That’s all.
“What does [Y/N] like?” Saki almost giggled at the question as she walked out the room, ignoring Ran’s whines.
“Why?”, She replied, “Tryna date her or something? You do know she’d never date guys like you right? She hates Yakuza.”
A strong sigh could be heard from the phone, “But she’s fine fucking them?”
“You guys pay well.”
An involuntary laugh poured out from Shuji as he continued to drive and speak, “Just wanna get to know her…I can do that, right?”
Saki loved you; she loved everything about you. How you stuck up for her, and the other girls. How you kept her secrets. How you guys would have frequent pyjama nights.
Not only did she love you, she respected you. Why would she tell some guy your interests? There’s nothing good to come out from this.
But, it’s like she said before, Yakuza pay well.
“I’m not gonna repeat this, so, listen,” Saki began as Shuji chukled once more, “She loves food. Any food, any cuisine she’ll eat.”
Hanma nodded, “Right.”
“But don’t take her to some fast food joint. She’s better than that…What else..? Oh! Take her shopping!” Saki smiled as she remembered the talk you two had about how boring both your closets were becoming.
“Alright…alright..” Shuji replied, “I’ll leave you to finish whatever shit you guys were doing before I called. Kiss your boyfriend for me.”
A sharp groan erupted from Saki, “He’s not my fucking boyfr-”
And with a tap of his finger, Shuji ended the call, ready to muster up his plan to impress you.
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You’d be lying if you said you’ve never thought about being in love, having kids, the whole deal. Two kids, white picket fence, maybe a dog, cookies on the weekends, barbecues every holiday.
Sounds amazing when you think about it. ‘True’ simplicity.
You remember days of home after Yoshida, how your father never was the same. The blood shadow of his still remained on the wooden floor of your bedroom, maybe his tears are still there.
He never spoke again. You couldn’t remember the last time you heard your mother’s honey sounding voice call ‘Yamada!’ for dinner. If Yoshida’s ugly face never showed up at your front door step, they would’ve been happy.
One kid, no white picket fence, no dogs; but it would’ve been pure joy to spend one more time with your mother and father together.
“Mom..” you began, “You know I can’t come…I’ve got work.”
You hear her shattered sigh on the other line. In your mind, you try to picture the woman that birthed you, how she’d look after all these years. “You always have work, [Y/N].”
Her displeased tone annoyed you; she just doesn’t understand.
“You know your father’s been asking about you.”
Suddenly, your blood runs cold, the stars stop moving along with the earth, and a cold sweat starts forming on your forehead.
The lost relationship you had with your dad was also one you had forgotten, and content in doing so. After Yoshida, your relationship was never the same. And he never acted like a father since.
So why should you act like a daughter?
“What’s he been askin’?” You reply nonchalantly. Quickly, and correctly, your mother detects the thoughtlessness in your monotone voice.
She stays silent for a moment, “You should come and see for yourself, [Y/N]. You don’t think he misses you? It’s been four years since he’s seen you in person. He misses his daughter.”
You could feel a small tear brimming in your eye. But you refused to let it fall. Again, you had forgotten your relationship with that man, and you were content with that fact.
“And the only time I see you is when I travel to Chiba to cook for you.” She adds smugly, “We are getting old, [Y/N]. One day, you’ll have to look after us-”
“Mom, I’ve got to go.” You say quickly as you hang up. As soon as the small ‘beep’ sounded, you felt even worse than you did before. If only life didn’t go to shit.
If only.
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Hanma Shuji was not a nervous guy. But here he was, hesitating to knock on your door. The mahogany door was taunting him as he stood there speechless.
A bouquet of wine-red Roses in one hand and a tight fist in the other, as he finally knocked on your door.
“One sec!” Hanma smiled at your sweet voice and waited patiently. A few seconds later, your radiating face welcomed him in. Shuji scanned the inside of your house and saw the messy countertop, mail scattered on the table and coffee mugs piled up.
He looked at you: uncombed hair with a blank face, drowning in the bagginess of your hoodie and joggers.
“Oh, it’s you.” You folded your arms, “How do you even know I live here?”
Shuji stood with his plaid suit and his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose ; you’ve never seen him look so smart. “Lets say, your friend, Saki , has been a great help for me.”
Rage clouds your mind as you swear to yourself that you’ll confront her about that later, “What do you want from me, Hanma?”
Shuji’s smirk dropped ever so slightly at the use of his last name but continued nevertheless, “You’re coming out with me to dinner.”
You’re quick to notice that it’s not a plea, it’s a command. Typical of men like him. “I’m fine staying at my home tonight.” You say, slowly closing the door on him.
But just then, he blocks the door from closing with his foot deepening his sadistic yet sexy smirk, “Good thing I’m a great cook.”
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Like a child, you sit on your couch, cursing at yourself that you even let this happened. Because before you is the man that probably killed thousands of men for a living cooking a simple Udon meal.
He’s humming to yourself, in your kitchen, using your ingredients.
“Is it ready yet?” You groan.
He chuckles, “You’re not the patient type, I’ve gathered.”
“Well, a complete stranger is in my kitchen cooking me a meal. I’m not exactly going to stay calm.” Shuji chuckles once more at your snappiness.
“Except, I’m not a stranger. I’ve seen all of you, just like you’ve seen all of me.” He says matter of factly. Shuji sighs as if he’s the one carrying all the wisdom.
“Okay, but that’s not a very good poi-” “And you know where I work, and…obviously, I know where you work. Oh! And also, I know where you live now.”
He finally places your meal in front of you as you sit by the table.
It smells good, looks good. But you know firsthand that appearance isn’t anything, the man opposite you being testimony to that.
After much hesitation, you slurp a good amount of Udon to please Hanma. And much to your surprise, it tasted amazing. A sudden explosion of spice hit your tongue, and in a way, reminded you of Shuji. You’re unsure if you’ve seen his ‘spice’ or if it’s actually beneath his words.
“How is it?” he eyes you, noting your every expression.
He sees the small smile that you hide : he doesn’t want you to. “I mean…I definitely judged you way to quick. Tastes fine. But, I guess I’ll just see in an hour or two if I die from poisoning.” You say. A hearty laugh escapes the lips of the man you once thought was emotionless. You like his laugh; it’s raspy and coarse but so warm.
“And why would I poison you out of everyone, hm..? You’re my favourite-” “Favourite what?”
Shuji looked at you blankly as you interrupted him; the feeling of regret slowly creeping up his spine. “I’m your favourite what? Whore? Hole to fuck..?”
Suddenly, you feel his hand on the top of yours as he strokes your soft hand with the pad of his thumb. “Calm down..I was gonna say you’re my favourite girl.”
“For the moment.”
“No!” You both laugh as he moves the bowls of Udon to the side. Once his golden eyes meet yours, it’s like everything else melted away. “I’m hoping that one day, one special day in the future, you’ll be my favourite girl in the world.”
You shouldn’t be this intimate with him; holding his hand like you’re a married couple, like he knew you. He’s Hanma Shuji, some people drop their heads when he walks by. Or go out of their way to impress the shit out of him. Or plead by his feet that they’ll repay him back…Like your father.
Following those thoughts, you pull your hand away. “Well, that’s just not possible.”
“Is it?” Shuji says as he stands and moves closer to you. His rough hands meet your soft cheek. You shy away from his prolonged gaze but you know if you look up, he’d be staring right into your eyes.
“So, that’s why you came here…to fuck?” You question, a small giggle follows. “All that shit about cooking when all you really wanted to do was get in my pants?”
Hanma doesn’t answer, instead he pulls your seat out from under the table and spins you around, facing him. “Actually, you’re wrong. You see, I was going to just cook and leave but seeing you all smiley and shit got me worked up, I won’t lie.”
Men, you thought, so confusing.
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