#owen and claire
amelia-mariee · 7 months
Is there any kind of active Jurassic park/world fandom on here? I feel like there should be and I've seen some good fanart but im not really seeing any blogs that are kinda centered around it like with other fandoms. If that is you, please step forward, i am fixating all alone. This is like the tumblr equivalent of me sending out smoke signals here
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shania-twain · 8 months
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maisiesbike · 9 months
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Jurassic franchise as tumblr/twitter quotes
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ivy-plays · 8 months
We'll be alright Ch.4
Summery:Summary: you've been married to Owen Grady as well as training a pack of velocsrapters at the New Jurassic World for two years now. So what happens when the two of you are asked to check on the paddock for a new dinosaur only for things to go sideways and send the entire park into chaos?
Warnings: blood, death, cussing, mentions of alcohol
Paring: Owen Grady x wife!reader
Previous: Ch.3
An: heyyyyyyyyy. Guess who finally was able to write the next chapter after two months.🙃 . I'm sorry for such a long wait but my life has been really hectic lately with my job and senior year and just life in general ( I hate saying that because it's the #1 writer's excuse, but it's true lol) . Anyway! I hope you all like this chapter and I hope it was worth the long ass wait.
"Owen. " I whisper out, my voice shaking as I grab onto my husbands sleeve.
"It's in the cage! It's in the cage with you!"
"Abby what is it?" He asks as he turns around and as he does his eyes lock onto what I'm seeing.
A large white dinosaur,much larger than the t-Rex, emerges from the trees; its head hung low. Looking right at us " Run!" Owen calls out as he takes me by the hand as we begin running as fast as we can for the gate. The muscles in my legs are burning and my heart is beating rapidly with adrenaline and fear. When we got to the gait Owen hurriedly shoved me through first before following right behind me. I keep running until I'm a good 20 feet from the paddock and I watch in horror as the extremely pissed off idomanous rex begins to break and pry its way through the gap left in the gate. "Oh God" I murmur under my breath as I stand frozen where I stand.
"come on, we gotta go!" Owens voice makes me come back to my senses as the two of us began to run again but we didn't get far when the gates gave way. I drop to the ground, the sharp gravel digging into my knees and hands as I crawl under a van and Owen is quick to follow. I watch as he rolls onto his back before pulling me on top of him.
"close your mouth and eyes" he whispers as he pushes my head into the crook of his neck before I hear his pocket knife flick open. The smell of brake fluid fills my nose as Owen covers us in it , the thick liquid soaking and staining our clothes. My breath hitches and I tighten my grip on the man beneath me as loud and terrified screams fill my ears before abruptly being cut off. I'm holding my breath, and my body is completely frozen in fear when I suddenly feel a large wave of warm air blow over us. Something that should not be happening under a van. I have to stifle the whimper that falls from my lips. Owen, now taking his turn to tighten his grip on me, strong arms wrapping me in a cacoon of safety. We both hold our breath as the dinosaur nudged the van with its nose before letting out a huff of disinterest and stomping off somewhere, most likely looking for her next kill. I let out a choked and shaky breath as I felt Owen relax slightly beneath me.
"What the fuck just happened?" I eventually whisper out as I pull back to look my husband in the eyes. In his usual tranquil green eyes swam anger and something I haven't seen in a long time. Fear.
Once we gathered our bearings the two of us eventually made it back to the main building of the park. I watched as Owen barged through the doors of the central control room, me hot on his heels as we shoved past a security guard who tried to keep us out .
"What the hell happened out there?"
"sir" the security guard barked as he tried to grab Owen by the arm but he just yanked his arm away.
" There are thermal cameras all over that Paddock! She did NOT just disappear." I argue as Claire walks up to us , the rest of the control room watching the exchange.
"It must have been some technical malfunction." Claire tried to argue, but her voice sounded just as unsure as her words.
" Were you not paying attention?" Owen speaks up once more, his anger evident," she marked up that wall as a distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped."
I folded my arms across my chest, nails digging into the skin of my palms as I tried to not let my irritation get the best of me. Arguing and standing around isn't going to solve anything.
"Hold on . We're talking about an animal here " Claire huffs out, clearly annoyed about Owens and I's presence here.
" A highly intelligent animal" I retort, my pointed look meeting her own.
"400 meters to the beacon" I catch someone saying before my eyes snap up to the giant screen in the room, and I can't believe what I'm seeing.
"You're going after her with non lethals?" I grit out , my patience and composure running very thin with those who are in charge of this damn park.
Claire , who is now also watching the screen with her back towards us, continues to argue with us." We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it" she says , her voice laced with a very matter of fact tone.
"Those men are gonna die-"
"300 meeters to the beacon"
"You need to call this mission off right now." I can hear Owen bark out from beside me as my eyes continue to watch the group of men trudge through the jungle with nothing but tranquilizers and tasers.
"They're right on top of it"
" Call it off right now "
"You are not in control here!"
The argument between Claire and my husband stops as the captain of asset containment picks up a chunk of skin and muscle from the jungle floor.
"What is that?" I ask as I try to examine the blinking object embedded in the mass before I turn to look at the man beside me.
" That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out" Owen says in near disbelief and Claire turns to look at us again.
" How would it know to do that?" She mutters as she turns to look back at the screen and so do I.
"She remembered where they put it in" I finally answered.
"It can camouflage!" The captain screams out as everything erupts into chaos as the Indominus rex seemingly appears out of thin air , quickly attacking the squad of men.
"Evacuate the park"
"We'd never reopen"
I feel my anger bubbling over as Claire continues to care more about money and image than the lives of others. " You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity," I say, my voice low," She is seeing all of this for the first time ."
"She doesn't even know what she is." Owen continues, building on top of my words," she will kill anything that moves."
" Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" Mr. Masarani ask is disbelief as he finally turns and acknowledges Owen and I.
I watch as yet another agents heart monitor flat lines on the screen. There are only two people left.
" She is learning where she fits in on the food chain and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out " I explained, my eyes meeting Masarani's ." Now, asset containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have a M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" I say, my voice is loud and demanding.
"We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of war zone." Claire hissed back at me .
" You already have"
"Mr. And Mrs.Grady if you are not going to help , there is no reason for you to be in here." The red head scoffs out as the walks over to one of the people who work in this room.
"I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there. That's no dinosaur" Owen huffs out before he turns and storms out of the control room. I look at the screen once more as the last heart monitor flat lines before following him.
Tag list:@kaykinotic ,@rubyxx16
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Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Rae Taylor/Claire Francois - I'm in Love with the Villainess by Inori
Oliver Marks/James Farrow - If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
Max Owen/Sean Moore - Magical Boy by The Kao
Dorian/Zachary Ezra Rawlins - The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern 
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riddlemewisp · 24 days
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universal infected me with the jurassic world brain worms, here's art
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bootyhoe-123123 · 6 months
I promise
summary: Owen and reader work together with the velociraptors. When the two find Claire and her nephews in the forest with the van she happens to attract one of them.
Disclaimer: Readers 18 so like 2 years older than Zach, Zach does not have a girlfriend in this so like he’s nawt cheating guys I swear, cursing, gun use, dinosaurs 😋
“Hoskins you can’t do this! Once Owen finds out what you’re planning he’s gunna get over here and beat your ass, you want that? Huh?” I confront Hoskins with my hands on my hips. He’s got some crazy plan to use the velociraptors to hunt down the escaped dinosaur.
“Sure he will (name), that is, if he gets here. How d’you know that dinosaur hasn’t gotten him already?” He laughed at me.
“Are you kidding me right now? How are you so sure it has?” Then, a jeep pulled up outside of the velociraptors enclosure. Owen stepped out of the drivers side. “Well would you look at that!” I threw my hands in the air and made my way to Owen, Hoskins trailing behind me. “I-I tried to stop him Owen I did, but he wouldn’t listen to me,” I explained frantically, my voice cracking. I already had a rough time with the people seeing me as someone who could be in control one day, and Hoskins will be my breaking point if I waste anymore time talking to him.
“You’re fine (name). I know what happened.” Owen held a hand up at me and I walked beside Claire. I had only met her a few times but I know she had something going on with my boss.
“Hey Claire, how you doing?” I looked behind me into the jeep and saw two boys. One that looked like he wasn’t even a teen and the other maybe a year or two younger than me. “They yours?” I looked at her.
“Uh- no,” she stifled a laugh, “ they’re my nephews.”
“Oh, alright,” we then turn around and watch Hoskins make his way up to Owen. Owen barely lets him speak before socking him right in the jaw. I let out a gasp and put my hands up to my mouth.
“Get the hell out of here, and stay away from my animals,” Owen spat at him, a stern look painting his face. He valued the raptors health more than his own sometimes.
“Hoskins you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch,” Claire stepped in next to Owen, I went on the other side of him.
“Oh, Jesus. How many more people have to die before this mission makes sense to you?” Hoskins looked at all 3 of us, a disgusted look on his face.
Barry came over to us, “it’s not a mission, it’s a field test.”
“This is an InGen situation now. Okay, there are going to be cruise ships, that show up here at first light, everybody’s gunna get off this island, you’re gunna watch a news story tomorrow, about how you all saved lives. No, no, no, better yet, how your animals, saved lives.”
It was my turn to step in now, “Hoskins, letting the raptors out of containment would just put the people in even more danger. They have never, EVER, been let out of there. Letting them free would just be a whole other problem.” Barry looked at me, then Owen.
“She’s right. It’s crazy.” Hoskins then tells his people to move it out. Then he turns back around to Owen.
“This is happening, with or without you.” Owen then looks down at me on his right. I have my moment to think about it, then nod my head.
“Owen with you working with it, the raptors will be more under control than if this lunatic were to do it alone,” I pointed at Hoskins.
“Okay, come on then.” He grabbed my arm and we went with Hoskins and Barry to the tent across from the raptors enclosure. Once we were in there, there was a whole bunch of armed men. I was next to Owen as he pointed at a map, “We know that shes in sector 5, this is a game we call hide-and-seek, it’s a scent drill, we’ve done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters.” He nods on to me for me to continue.
“They like to herd the animal into a kill zone, that when we can make our move.” Owen smiled at me then gave me a fist bump.
“That’s right, get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you got. We got one good target gentlemen,” he turned to me, “and lady,” I give him a cheeky look, bowing my head. “Do not shot my raptors. Please.” We then make our way over to the raptors. I handle Charlie. She had always favored me, just like Delta was fond of Barry, and Blue only really listened to Owen. (A/n I dunno if Charlie’s a girl or boy so I’m just making her a girl sorry if she isn’t 😞)
“Easy babydoll, I got you,” I rubbed under her chin, “settle for me,” I then disconnected her head piece. I cooed at her and scratched her chin, she groaned at me in return, “Good girl! Good job Charlie!” I turned to look at Owen with Blue, “Look Owen!” he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.
“Good job kid. I’m lucky you work with me. She’s always been easier when you’re around.” I continued to mess around with her when I heard a voice.
“Owen!” I turned around and it was Claire’s nephews. Owen walked over to them. I felt the older of the twos eyes on me and wagged my fingers at him, and his cheeks dusted a pale pink, slowly waving back. “Are they safe?” The little one asked. I had forgot to get their names from Claire. I walk over alongside Owen, and give a face splitting grin at the boys.
“No, they’re not.” Owen looked at him seriously. The older one then spoke up.
“What are their names?” He looked at Owen, then turned to me. Owen looked at me.
“you can tell them.” He nudged my shoulder, making me laugh.
“That’s Charlie,” Owen cut me off.
“She listens to her the most. Which is surprising honestly. She’s always been more aggressive but when she started working here, Charlie changed her whole attitude around.”
“Well obviously,” I shrugged my shoulders, “anyways, that’s Echo, then Delta, and lastly Blue.” I put my hands in my hips then looked at Owen.
“She’s the beta.” Owen said. The little one spoke again.
“who’s the alpha?”
“You’re lookin’ at him, kid.” This caused them to smile at him. I waved at them both as they went to their aunt Claire. The older one looked at me, as if he were in a daze, and slowly waved back. ————————————————————————
Time goes by and Owen and I took the headgear off of the raptors and put them in their personal cages. Owen holds up a pound or so of meat from the Indominous rex.
“Sooo, do I get a gun?” I leaned on the wall next to Charlie’s cage. Owen looked at me.
“Yeah, probably, go ask them to give you a rifle or something.” I push myself off the wall and go out to the men with guns.
I tap one on the shoulder. He turns around and looks me up and down. “Can I get one of those guns? Maybe an AR or something?” He laughs at me.
“A girl like you? How old even are you?”
“18 and old enough to handle a man-eating dinosaur. I’m sure I can take a gun.” He looks surprised at me. “You gunna give me one or what?” He smiles and nods his head at me then leads me to the guns. “Alright, little girl, take your pick.” I pick up an AR and nod at them, putting it on my back. I leave the tent and see Claires oldest nephew looking at me again.
I smirk at him and wave. He’s cute. I peer from side to side and begin striding over to him. “Hey,” I stop infront of him.
“Hey.. what you do is pretty cool. For the raptors and everything.” He fiddles with his finger for a quick second before looking back up at me.
“Thanks, babe! You gunna make sure your aunts safe without Owen here?” I pop my hip out and tilt my head at him.
“yes, yeah for sure.” He leans back against the van, hands in his pocket.
“Alright, stay safe yourself hun.”
“you too,” he mutters quickly, I lift my chin to him and place my hands behind my back, before going to find Barry in front of the jeep. There was a four wheeler then two motorcycles. I get on one of the motorcycle. Owen comes over not long after and gets on the other. He looks up at the new guy, then nods his head. New guy nodded back, then pressed the button to open the cages and the raptors ran out.
“Aw here we go,” I said and rode right after Owen and Barry. The raptors had night vision cameras on the side of their head that I’m sure Claire and corporate could see.
“(Name)! You follow me alright?” Owen called out to me.
“Gotchu!” I raised a thumb at him, and raced quickly after, separating from Barry and the others. We managed to keep up with the raptors, me riding behind them, Owen between the four of them. ————————————————————————
(Quick) Zach’s POV
Gray and I looked through the window from the back to where Aunt Claire sat in the drivers seat. I looked over her shoulder at the I-pad in her hands where she could see Owen and the other girl riding with the raptors. “Your boyfriend’s a badass, and that girl too. What’s her name?” I reached out and pointed at the girl.
“That’s (name). She’s a few years older than you Zach,” Aunt Claire looked at me and raised her eyebrows.
“Yeah, alright I was just asking.” I held my hands up in defense, she rolled her eyes at me, smiling, but I quickly looked back to the girl, I now knew as (name).
(Names) POV
I looked ahead at the raptors and Owen. “They’re slowing down.” Barry said. I looked over at him and started coming to a slow myself. Then Owen stops. He holds his hand up in a fist and the soldiers get out of the cars with their weapons up. I get off my motorcycle and take my AR off my back. The soldiers rush ahead of me, Barry, and Owen and I follow quickly after looking around. We hide behind a fallen tree, me between Barry and Owen. I hold my gun up. The raptors wait. I can hear large steps being made and the Rex eventually travels itself from the trees.
“Holy shit-“ I whisper.
“Something’s wrong. They’re communicating.” Barry says as the Rex and Raptors make small roars at each other.
“I know why they wouldn’t tell us what it’s made of,” Owen says as he stares at the Indominous Rex.
“Why?” I say, and look at him.
“That things part raptor,” my eyes widen and I look away from Owen at the Rex. It starts backing up and the raptors turn around and look at us all.
“What are they doing?” I ask. Owen doesn’t respond. A soldier yells after I ask.
“Engage!” We start firing st the Rex and it backs away. A soldier lets off a rocket(I dunno what else to call it 😭) and the Indominous falls over. Everyone stops shooting. I stand up next to Owen. We keep firing and it ends up running away.
“On your six! Raptors got a new alpha!” Owen yells as we follow after the Indominous. I turn, back and forth looking for the raptors. They could come out at anytime. Then a soldier behind me yells, a raptor on top of him. I run close to Owen, soldiers around us getting attacked by the raptors. Owen and I stay quiet and we see a raptor eating someone. Becuase of the darkness I can’t make out which one it is. It looks up and stares at Owen and I. None of us make a move. Behind the raptor though, a rocket comes through the trees, blowing it up. I go flying back from the impact and shout.
We run towards our bikes and I see that the one I rode in was taken by a soldier. “Owen! My bikes gone,” he looks at me and pats the back of his bike. I climb on and we look ahead. I can hear Barry yelling but I can’t see him, he’s in the log I think. Blue is on top of it, trying to get to Barry. Owen starts revving the bike, distracting blue from Barry. He whistles and rides off, Blue filling after us. I hold on tightly to Owen. I turn around a few times. After one I noticed Blue stopped following us. “Blues not behind us anymore!”
“Alright, keep an eye out for her!” I nod my head and look around for her. I never see her but I also don’t see the other raptors. I eventually hear the raptors. The more we go the closer they sound. Then, I see the bright lights of a van, “isn’t that the van Claire and her nephews where in?”
“I think so.” Owen speeds up behind the van.
“Owen!” I hear 2 people yell. I look from behind and wave at them. They wave back and whoop. Owen rides up next to the drivers side.
“We gotta get indoors! Follow me!” He yells to Claire and drives in front of the van. We stop in front of the big volcano building. I get off the back of the bike and take my AR off my back. I run next to Owen and look behind me at the others. We then go inside the Hammond Creation Lab.
“Control room! That way!” Clair shouts as we make our way there. When we get in I stand in front of with Owen. I hold my gun up as we hear glass breaking in one of the lab stations. “They evacuated the lab.” Claire said. I looked at her and stayed behind as they walked forward so we had weapons in the front and back. When we got in the station, we looked at all the small reptiles. Then a door opened and people came out looking something away. “What are you doing?”
“I’m afraid that above your pay grade, honey.” Hoskins stepped out.
“you’ve gotta be kidding me,” I roll my eyes.
“Where’s Henry?” Claire asks as Hoskins walks closer to us.
“Dr. Wu works for us,” he smiles at us.
“That’s not a real dinosaur,” the little boy speaks up as he looks at the monitor screen.
“No, it ain’t kid, but somebody’s gotta make sure this company has a future, imagine: that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. See, millions of years of evolution. Nature is the gift-“ he was cut off by a roar. “Oh shit!” A raptor comes out. “Easy, easy boy! Easy,” Hoskins was backed against a wall. I made sure the boys were behind me as Owen backed us up, away from the scene. “We’re- we’re in the same side, right? Right? Easy, easy, I’m on your side,” he held a hand out to the raptor. Slowly he pushed it forward but the raptor went to bite his hand. I gasped and turned to bring the little boy closer to me. Hoskins let out a bloodcurdling scream.
“Go, go,” I said as I pushed the little boy out from the room. We started running towards the center. The raptor is thrown out of the glass room and blocks our way from getting out. Claire turns us around and we go the other way. The little boy taps a hologram to distract the raptor so we can get out. We manage to get outside again but when we get out there Blue stops us, along with Delta. Then we have all three on each side of us.
“so that’s how it is huh?” Owen asks. He puts down his rifle. He holds his hand out to Blue. “Easy.” He undoes the strap along her head, “that’s it,” I smile. She seems to calm down. I nudge the older boy.
“Think you can do that?” I smile. He skates his head.
“No ma’am.” This caused me to laugh. Then the Indominous comes roaring from behind Blue. Blue looks back at Owen, away from the Indominous and starts chittering, almost as if she were talking to him. She then turns and roars at the Indominous. She roars back, much louder. She slams Blue away and Blue slams against a building. Owen starts backing us up and I grab into the older ones arm. He looks at me l, but quickly looks back ahead. Delta and Echo start roaring at the Indominous. Owen whistles and the raptors start running at the Indominous. They hop on top of her and while they distract her we run around them. Claire and her nephews climb into the window of an item shop while Owen and I stay out to shoot at the Indominous. As I reload my gun I turn around and see Claire running. I look at Owen, who sees her as well. Owen runs towards the boys in the item shop. I run right after him and hop inside. Owen shushes the boys while I reload just in case.
I look up and see the Indominous. She starts slamming against the item shop and breaks one of her arms in, clawing at the little boy. I shoot at its arm while the others go against a wall. It claws at the others and I run out of bullets, “Shit!” One of its claws gets ahold in the little boy. The older one reaches over and uncles his fanny pack and it the claw releases from the little boy. I crawl over to him. “Are you ok? Did it cut you anywhere? What’s your name?” I hold his face, and wipe away his tears.
“Gray, I-I’m okay.” I hics as he speaks.
“Ok, I’m (name). I’m so sorry that happened I promise I’ll try my best to prevent anything from happening to you again alright?” He nods his head. I look at the older one.
“And what’s your name?”
“Zach.” He says.
“Zach. Okay Zach. Great job. I saw you unclip his fanny pack.” I tap his leg. I look at Owen. He nods. He knew I was better at dealing with emotions than him. Then a red flare hits against the Indominous. I look outside the window of the shop. “It’s Claire! She just brought a whole ass T-Rex here!” I said laughing. Owen, Gray, and Zach come up next to me to look out the window. They start fighting and the Indominous slams the T-Rex around. She grabs the T-Rex’s head and slams it into the shop we were in. I hold onto Gray and Owen holds onto Zach. The T-Rex roars into the shop. And bites at us. I let go of Gray and look over at Claire.
“Run!” She shouts at us.
“Go, go, go!” Owen push’s us all out of the shop and we run to Claire. The Indominous holds the T-Rex down and is about to bite its neck before we hear another roar. it was blue. She jumped onto the back of the Indominous and saved enough time for the T-Rex to get up and but the Indominous, ramming it into the building. We ran into another building, the Dino’s fighting close to us. As we run through, the T-Rex and Blue seem to be dominating the Indominous. They get close to the mosasaurus’ enclosure and it flies up out of the water, biting the Indominous, dragging it underwater.
“Oh, shit!” The T-Rex and Bkue remain, staring at each other. We walk out from behind the building and Blue looks at Owen. He shakes his head, and she runs after the T-Rex. We walk out and look around. I walk next to Zach.
“oh, wow.” He says. I look up at him and reach for his arm.
“You alright?” I ask.
“I’m alive,” he chuckled. I smiled up at him.
“Yeah.” I rub his arm then let go, looking at his forehead. I lift his hair up a little bit, “just a little cut right there,” I brush over it and he holds my arm lightly. “Alright I’ll see you later alright?” I then walk over to Owen.
Claire took Zach and Gray to the shelter where all the visitors were staying. Owen and I worked around the shelter, making sure people got what they needed, be it water, food, bandages, etc. in the morning, Zach and Grays parents showed up. I was with Owen and we were working with an old woman when he looked over at Claire. I noticed him looking. “Let’s go over there,” I say, “I’m sure Zach and Grays parents wanna meet the hero that helped protect their kids the whole night,” I punch his arm lightly.
“Alright, come on,” we head over to their cot. Owen stays behind with Claire and they talk while I go get to Zach and Grays cots.
“Hey,” I say, their parents looking at me. Gray stood up and hugged me tightly.
“(Name)! Mom, dad, this is (name) she helped protect us with Owen and Aunt Claire yesterday. She’s also the one that helped us patch up our injuries,” Gray told them as he continued to hug me. I laughed and looked at Zach
“I didn’t do to much,” I rubbed Grays back and he let go of me.
“Oh my goodness, I can’t thank you enough just for being there with them,” their mom came over and embraced me in a hug, their dad following suit. When they let go I sat next to Zach.
“Hey babe,” I rested my arm on his shoulder.
“Hey (name), uh can I talk to you, somewhere else?” I look up at him.
“yeah sure come on,” we went to a more private place so we could talk. “What’s up?”
“(Name)… I think you’re really cool and I wanna get to know you more so could I uh- could I get your number?” he held my hand while he spoke softly rubbing it. I smiled and bit my lip.
“Yeah sure. I’ll write it down for you.” I pulled out my mini notebook from my shorts and the pen I always have attached to it. I wrote my number and my name down then tore it off and handed it to him. I grabbed his shoulders and stood on my tiptoes giving him a kiss on his cheek. “Bye Zach. Call me when you get the chance alright?” I waved bye to him as he was left with a smitten smile on his face. ————————————————————————
Hi everyone! This took me a day or so cuz like I had to rewatch the movie for it to make more sense like what was happening I was thinking abt a part 2 but idk how to so if yall do want a part to lmk 😊😊😊💕
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dearinglovebot · 1 month
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#hes just like me for real
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car9723-t · 8 days
Watching Jurassic World 1 and 2 on TV, I found that Owen and Claire had a similar vibe to a possible route of Dipcifica in some ways. An outdoor-oriented professional man and an executive-type woman getting together to work with and eventually establishing a more genuine relationship.
So, I thought that Dipcifica fans could take notes from them for writings. When both are extremely different, including their own fields, it could probably suggest how to have them into adventures and making families.
For example, remember how Claire had to join Owen to save her nephews? She initially wasn't pleased with Owen's strong words, but once she had to follow and work with him directly, she decided to act and learn better for the goal - her family.
If you want to have Pacifica join Dipper, especially when you want adventure and mystery to work on, it could be one of the ways to take notes.
Sometimes, characters you guys want to ship are so different that you have to come up with things they can do together. Common interests, events that they should work together, common goals, and the list go on.
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Wes Anderson movies + text post part 4/11 (or until I give up)
The Royal Tenenbaums edition
Bonus (because I already used it for The Darjeeling Limited but my god does Wes Anderson love his dysfunctional family trope)
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jurassicsickfics · 4 months
Happy 2 years Jurassic World Dominion!!!😁🎈🎉🎊🎆🎇
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Claire: You're such a fucking idiot, Owen!
Owen: well you're dating me, so who's the REAL idiot here?
Claire: You are not allowed to use this relationship against me!
Owen: I am 100% allowed to use this relationship against you!
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maisiesbike · 9 months
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Jurassic franchise as whatever quotes pt.3
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catis15 · 4 months
I'm not completely sure if the timelines match up, but my personal theory is that Bens mystery girlfriend is Maisie Lockwood from the movie series.
I think it'd be a cool way to merge the two series at least. Especially because I would love to see both casts working together :))
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fruitiebee · 3 months
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Does anyone else love them like I do
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ivy-plays · 11 months
We'll be alright part 2
Summary: you've been married to Owen Grady as well as training a pack of velocsrapters at the New Jurassic World for two years now. So what happens when the two of you are asked to check on the paddock for a new dinosaur only for things to go sideways and send the entire park into chaos?
Series: jerassic world
Pairing: Owen Grady x reader
Warnings: blood, death, cursing. As usual if I missed anything let me know in the comments.
Raiting: pg13
<previous - ch.1
A cool breeze drafted throughout our small bungalow on the other side of the island from the park. I hummed quietly to myself as I chopped up some potatoes for our dinner ,every now and again looking up and out the kitchen window at Owen who was outside working on his bike. I smirked to myself as I watched how his muscles flexed as he tightened a bolt on the tires.
The next time I looked up it was because I heard the sound of tiers grinding against our gravel driveway. A white Mercedes Benz had come to a stop just in front of our house."what does she want?' I think to myself as I put down my knife and wipe my hands off on a towel before heading outside., to see what Claire could possibly want that couldn't wait until tomorrow.
" What do they want now" Owen says with an exasperated sigh as he wipes the oil from his hands and I come to a stop beside him.
"no clue. I just want to know what's so damn important it couldn't wait until tomorrow" I say as I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. I watch as Claire walks up to the two of us and is trying not to trip in her heels which I have to hold back a laugh from.
"Mr. Grady" the red head says as she comes to a stop in front of us and I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes at the fact she only addressed Owen. Claire never could get over the fact that Owen dumped her and got with me instead. We were friends before from the navy, and eventually feelings grew and here we are today almost two years later.
"it's nice to see you too Claire" I say with a fake smile and Clair cuts her eyes to look at me
" Mrs. Grady. " She said stiffly before looking back at Owen " I need you to come take a look at something."
"why are you calling us Mr. And Mrs. Brady?" Owen asks as he leans back against me and I rest my arms on his shoulders.
"Owen" the red head says" if you're not too busy-"
"we're pretty busy" I cut her off coldly which earned me an amused smile from Owen.
"we have an attraction" Claire continued completely ignoring me
" that's not what you said the last time I saw you " Owen says being the one to cut her off this time.
"I'm talking about the dinosaurs Mr. Grady" she continues with an irritated tone .
"Owen" Owen corrects with a sigh. He was no happier about seeing Claire than I was. Her holier than thow attitude really grates on my nerves.
" A new species we made,"
" you just went and made a new dinosaur?" I say with a raised brow as I was blown away by her nonchalant tone when she said they just up and made a new breed of dinosaur.
"yes that's kind of what we do here" Claire says with matter of fact tone and a fake smile as she rebuts what I asked. She once more turned to look back at Owen.
' This bitch' I think to myself," who does she think she is just ignoring me and talking to my husband like I'm not even here?"
"The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks . Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you." She explained as she swatted some nats away from her .
" Do you want to consult here or in our bungalow? " I say with a smirk as I wave a hand to our home.
"that's not funny"
"it's a little funny" Owen interjects with a smile.
"we'd like you to evaluate the padlock for vulnerabilities" Claire stated with a clear tone of irritation sleeping into her attitude.
"why us?" Owen asks as he goes back to working on his bike completely uninterested in this conversation.
Claire lets out a sigh," I guess Mr. Masrani thinks since you're able to control the raptors " Claire began to explain before once more getting cut off by Owen . " It's a relationship. It's built on mutual respect. That's why you and I never had a second date." My husband says as he wipes his hands off with the rag he had in his back pocket before walking the bike to sit closer to the bungalow under the awning.
" I'm going to go inside and finish up dinner. So don't be too much longer dear. " I whisper to Owen as I place a quick kiss on his chapped lips before going inside.
It wasn't long after I came inside that I heard the front door open and close. " That was quick. So has Claire left?" I called out to my husband who had walked straight to our bedroom upon coming inside. It was silent for a moment until his voice called back
" no. She's insistent that I go look at this padlock. Well we but she would prefer only Me" he says as he walks up to me while he's finishing pulling on a new and clean shirt.
" Dinner is gonna have to wait baby. I'm sorry but I promise as soon as we get back we're doing nothing but eating our dinner together and cuddling while watching some shity new movie on Netflix. " Owen says as he gently cups my face in his warm and calloused hands. I let out a sigh but leaned into his touch.
" well then let's make this quick. "
An: I finally wrote another chapter of this story!! I'm getting back into the movies and subsequently owen as well. So sorry for such a long wait. I honestly forgot about the series until someone messaged me asking me to write more for this story lol.
Tag list:@kaykinotic ,@rubyxx16
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