#oxnard x pepper
Oxnard x Pepper? (I could do Ham ham ships alll day XD)
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I just love how the canon ships in Hamtaro are just so damn pure!
Thank you so much again and have an awesome day!!
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hevel1990-blog · 4 years
Certified Farmers Markets in Los Angeles County.
On a cool Saturday morning toward the finish of October the two flying creatures of heaven, Zel and Reuben, wore their beautiful VIP sweatshirts and traveled down the 405 to Wilson Park in Torrance. Their insightful task was to return to the Torrance Certified Farmers' Market and update their perusers on one of the biggest and best ranchers' business sectors in Southern California.
Z: Three words suitably portray the Torrance Farmers' Market: Success! Victory! Victory! Some time ago when Vegetarians in Paradise was an infant on the web, we started our visits to ranchers' business sectors with a review of the Hollywood, Santa Monica and Torrance markets. We thought every one of ranchers' business sectors resembled these three. Various raids into business sectors since have persuaded us that Hollywood, Santa Monica, and Torrance are the special case as opposed to the standard.
R: Our unique report on the Torrance Market showed up in our February 1999 issue and chronicled our January advertise understanding. We found a clamoring market with roughly 65 ranchers offering a wide cluster of new produce and blossoms just as food merchants to fulfill customer cravings for food or entice non-customers who were getting a charge out of Wilson Park. Quick forward to 2005 and there are as yet around 65 producers and very nearly two-dozen food merchants to take into account the six to 8,000 customers who visit on a run of the mill Saturday.
Z: Wilson Park has heaps of parking spots and a lot of room in the parking garage for various sellers to show their contributions, however that Saturday there was a touch of rivalry for parking spots since this was the center of banner football season. Our early introduction was that the market had become so fruitful that scanning for stopping resembled partaking in a fortune chase. As we glanced around, we saw the groups who were getting a charge out of the recreation center understanding and not shopping at the market.
R: Mary Lou Weiss, who has been advertise chief for a long time, has gotten one of the senior legislators, or should I say senior states ladies of market administrators. Individuals intending to begin ranchers' business sectors will frequently talk with her to gain proficiency with the privileged insights of her prosperity. "Perceivability and stopping are the two most significant things," she says.
PersimmonZ: She likewise guides persistence. "It takes 3 years for a market to create," she says. She may include that she has a network support and what business experts talk about: area, area, area.
R: Mary Lou admitted that she had a market disappointment in 1991. The Torrance Tuesday advertise had been in presence for a long time when she started a Thursday evening market. Notwithstanding the extraordinary area, perceivability, and stopping, the market just made due for a half year. It was practically overwhelmed by the cool evening ocean breezes. She tuned in to the network that was mentioning a Saturday morning market and opened this market in March 1992. The Saturday showcase is currently more fruitful than its Tuesday cousin.
Z: As a full-time representative of the city of Torrance, Mary Lou additionally deals with the city's 250 network gardens. Occupants can pursue 20 x 20-foot plots to develop their own nursery vegetables. The city even gives the water.
R: There's another entire story there that we'll need to investigate at some point. On this market visit we were submerged in persimmon paradise. Wherever we turned we were confronted with either a hill of Fuyus or slope of Hachiyas, yet for the most part Fuyus with 10 ranchers highlighting Fuyus while 6 offered Hachiyas.
Z: People perusing our persimmon article can get familiar with this delightful harvest time organic product. Fuyus have come to command the market since they hold up better and are less muddled to eat. Individuals appear to lean toward the Fuyu crunchy surface rather than the soft Hachiya.
R: We were shocked to locate that stone natural products were as yet accessible this late in October. Ken's Top Notch Produce from Reedley sold pluots (plum and apricot half and halves) alongside persimmons and Asian Pears. Arnett Farms from Fresno had green and red pluots just as purple Angelina plums. Their table likewise showed Pink Lady and Fuji apples, pomegranates, the two assortments of persimmons, and jujubes.
Z: No not that minuscule natural product seasoned candy with the gelatin surface! Jujube is the name given to Chinese or red dates. This organic product is the size of an olive and ordinarily has a rough skin that can be red, rosy earthy colored, grayish, or dark. The yellow tissue will in general be dry and crunchy.
R: Anyone needing a taste can venture into the bowl on our lounge area table. K and K Ranch in Orosi had jujubes just as Angelina and red plums, the two sorts of persimmons, pecans, pomegranates, dark grapes, Fuji apples, and guavas.
Z: More stone natural products were in proof from Garcia Farms from Kingsburg. Once more, we were astounded to discover yellow peaches and Angelina plums. They additionally sold champagne and dark grapes, Fuyus, Fuji apples, tangerines, and three sorts of yams: gem, garnet, and Japanese.
Castilla SquashR: The Japanese yams are the ones I like to such an extent. They're typically rich yellow and strongly sweet. There were different merchants like Thys' Ranch from Fresno that sold more than one assortment of yams. H and R Citrus from Orange Cove had both Bette Ann red plums and the Angelina purples notwithstanding yellow peaches. They offered an incredible choice of grapes that included Red Ruby, Thompson Seedless, Sweet Crimson, and Autumn Royal dark. Their table contained pomegranates, Fuji apples, and Asian Pears. H and R was likewise the main wellspring of figs- - the lovely, stout Black Mission assortment.
Z: I'm so astounded by all these stone natural products still accessible. One of the producers ascribed this late yield to the heaviest downpours in more than 70 years followed by many summer days that were more than 100 degrees. Scattaglia Farms from Littlerock had late yield yellow nectarines alongside Fuji and Black Arkansas apples. We were astonished to discover that the Black Arkansas has just a fourteen day reaping season. They're more tart than most apples and are perfect for preparing.
R: There were various sellers offering tomatoes however Valdivia Farms from Carlsbad offered a significant determination of treasure tomatoes winnowed from their 75-section of land plot. While I wasn't looking, Zel filled her pack with at any rate one each of Bellmato, Ox Heart, Green Zebra, Brandywine, Pineapple, Cherokee Purple, Golden, and Pineapple White. The Bellmato is a serious novel treasure and could without much of a stretch numb-skull one into intuition it's anything but a tomato. Its shape takes after a yellow ringer pepper and however its flavor is obviously tomato.
Z: Since we're talking tomatoes, Valley Heights Ranch from Oceanside had Romas and green tomatoes just as Japanese tomatoes. Their sign trumpeted the low corrosive substance of the Japanese tomatoes. Valley Heights likewise had an extraordinary showcase of pumpkins and huge, fluted, sweet Castilla winter squashes.
R: Melons were accessible from three ranchers: Z Ranch from Costa Mesa, Tanaka Farms, and Smith Farms from Irvine. Zubair from Z Ranch showed melons, Galia melons, French Charantais, and Honeydew, and guaranteed orange-substance Canary melons in half a month. Tanaka likewise had French Charantais, while Smith Farms offered child round watermelons around 4 to 5 crawls in measurement.
Z: While you referenced the melons of Z Ranch, I continued contemplating the natural cranberry red okra he was selling. They were more thin than the recognizable green okra and had a glossy shine. He depicted the flavor as sweet and nutty. Likewise on Zubair's table were Rawaza, the little, round Indian eggplant about the size of my clench hand. Both of these needed to return home with us alongside a Galia and a French Charantais. Zubair gladly tucked a formula into our sack for Indian Eggplant Stir-Fry created by Zebunnesa, his significant other. Zubair
R: Always keeping watch for the strange, we found an avocado we had not seen previously. Crown 12 from Corona was offering the Teague assortment that won't almost certainly be found in the business sectors since it's anything but difficult to jab openings in the skin. The Teague is a combination of a Fuerte and a Duke. A couple of avocados on the table had skins that were at that point broke, a distinctive element of this assortment.
Z: Both Weiser Farms from Bakersfield and Zuckerman Farms from Stockton had their typical presentations of little potatoes. Zuckerman had their bright collection pack while Weiser sold fingerling assortments. Weiser included the Roman Candle Tomato that was unpredictably striped with green, red, and yellow and extended to right around three crawls long. They additionally sold squat Nantes carrots and jujubes.
R: At the tallness of the apple season Ha's Farm in Tehachapi held nothing back. They had the best determination of apples we have seen at any of the business sectors. Their variety included Fuji, Golden Delicious, Tsugaru, Mutsu, Winesap, Granny Smith, Gala, and Red Delicious. They likewise offered Asian pears, dried apples, syrups, jams and apple juice vinegar.
Z: Flower darlings had a lot of decisions that morning. Turner Seaside Farms had an alluring presentation including goliath yellow sunflowers, gerbera daisies, and alstromeria. Horizon showed those extraordinary orange and yellow stew pepper bunches alongside celosia and Asiatic lilies as a component of the game plan. Their splendid orange paper lamp bundles were works of art. For me the blossom feature of the day was the gigantic white and yellow mums at West Flower Growers from Oxnard. Their immense white mums matched 5 creeps over. They guarantee to be the main ones at the ranchers' business sectors to develop monster mums.
Monster MumsR: Quite striking and lovely were their spiky safflowers in splendid tints of brilliant yellow and orange. Likewise significant were the brilliant red and burgundy Asiatic lilies with names like Monte Negro and American. Talking about names, I was taken by the cuphea plants from C Stars Nursery in Gardena. 
Torrance Certified Farmers' Market is the largest Farmers market in the South Bay, offers live music, prepared foods, pastries, fruit, vegetables and flowers.
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hamhamparadise · 6 years
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March 10th, Happy Birthday Sabu!
Sabu is one of the most mature Ham-Hams. He runs an oden-like seed stand and travels around the cities selling his seeds to hungry hamsters. However, we have never seen him actually set up shop so it might just be a way to feed hamsters in need and don't look too soft.
Sabu is a grey fur hamster with a mark that resembles an eye patch. He also has a notorious red nose that we don't see in any other Ham-Ham, making him a really unique character. However, he also shares some characteristics with Boss: he also has a cut on both her ears, a mark that resembles a beard and an X in place of his bellybutton.
Sabu's Japanese name is also Sabu, which was a type of warrior from the Edo period, and can also mean samurai.
Sabu appears in plenty of episodes, and is always a big help for the Ham-Hams when he shows up. Although his voice and the way he talks is a little rough, he is very kind-hearted and always helps everyone when he can.
Boss treasures Sabu a lot, calling him “Aniki”, which is a way to call someone “big brother” although you are not actually related. Everyone else refers to him as “Sabu-san”, being one of the few Ham-Hams they refer to by -san, which shows respect (it would be equal to “mister”).
Sabu is also a good friend to Hamtaro, he is a key role when helping Hamtaro find his Mom in the first OVA.
Sabu has a crush on Françoise, a white pigeon, which ends up finding him worthy of her love too after he shows how serious he is.
Episode 24 – Hamtaro, Please come Home!
Hamtaro gets lost after falling into a box on a transport truck, and can't get back home! On his way, he meets a new Ham-Ham called Sabu. Will he be of help with finding the way home?
Episode 91 – Boss Runs Away!
Sabu visits the Ham-Hams for the first time, and Boss is amazed by his manliness, so he decides to go on a trip to become just as manly!
Episode 110 – Stepping Ham-Hams!
Sabu teaches Oxnard how to play the drums in order to impress Pepper on the Ham-Ham Ondo Festival!
Episode 121 – Boss's Showdown!
Hamtaro and Boss get in an argument, but Sabu who just stops by tells them that there's no need to fight, but they should have a duel instead!
Episode 255 – Smell Strongly, Marron!
Marron gets angry at Sabu because he is being rude to her brothers vegetables saying seeds are better! The Ham-Hams will help the two make up.
We want to wish  Sabu a happy birthday!
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hamhamparadise · 6 years
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Episode 119 - Oxnard’s Pure Heart I want to thank Whippu for the amazing job he did on last episode timing it and also helping fixing a lot of those sentences I had problems with. His japanese knowledge sure comes handy on times like this! This time however, I am quite sure his always welcome help won’t be needed. This episode is one of those that made it to the valencian dub, so if I encounter any problem with any sentence, I can always confirm it with that dub!
This will be the third episode in a row I sub with Oxnard as a protagonist... what a trilogy! I think the couple Oxnard x Pepper is one of the most lovely ones in the anime. They were hinted early on and they kept building it up until the grand finale! And they are just so cute together. Another good thing that this episode throws at us, besides the absolute OTP, is that the good ol’ trio keeps going on adventures. That is Hamtaro, Boss and Oxnard for you. The best three friends. Hamtaro’s Three Caballeros (I let you decide which one is who)... It is surprising how just by having the three of them hanging around makes the series so much different than when there are 7 or 10 hamsters on screen.
Sorry for the spoiler, but this kind of reminds me of their travel during the first OVA.
So far this episode has been fairly straightforward and easy to translate, I hope it keeps up this way and I don’t need to check the valencian dub.
However, after this episode is done, there is a huge chance that I’ll either take a small break or I’ll keep it quiet for a while, preparing for Hamtaro’s bday. I’ve been subbing a lot really fast and although I enjoy it, it is starting to take a toll on me.
I don’t really have anything in mind for Hamtaro’s bday this year so I might end up working on something for that date instead of subbing. Who knows. For now, I just can’t wait to enjoy more of this super cute and romantic episode! Matta ne~
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