clatterbane · 2 years
The next Redneck Brewing experiment in line!
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It's like the infamous Peeps Wine, only more Swedish. (Plus more...and even more.)
Also, involving fewer undissolved eyes and less lurid color unless I add in some sort of food coloring myself. I did consider basically just using them more or less as a sugar supplement in some nice juice, but nah that felt like cheating. We're going 100% marshmallow rabbit here.
Yes, I actually ordered a kilo box of these poor bunnies mostly to do terrible things to them with hot water and yeast. Getting started a bit late, but hey. I really doubt longer aging would improve the results that much. 😅 The plastic tub should come in handy, at any rate.
These are not bad at all just as candy. I purposely chose the Franssons over a bigger brand because these don't list any vegetable oil or carnauba wax in the ingredients. Just a shit-ton of sugary stuff, gelatine, and a little sorbitol.
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They also don't have any fruity flavor like the Cloetta are supposed to, just a more straightforward marshmallowy taste. This may be for the better or worse; we'll see soon enough, once I get my act together to actually mix it up later!
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strangetobehere · 1 year
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1: outfit
2: lunch
3: home for the second time since january, walked back to the hospital in the sun
4: candy, påskeskum
5: dinner
6: more candy, orange/chocolate påskeskum
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