#pa puffer
cuttyflammm · 2 years
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Kawamatsu! With a phrog!
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thesquishypenguin · 2 months
My Cuddlebug (SFW)
Maxime Le Mal in all his buggy glory!
Maxime x Reader fluff/comfort - 'Full' bug Maxime/cannon
? slight exaggeration of body features ig? i just feel like he should have more spines? teehee I just like the idea of you two working around his body :)
Just over 2k words!
Now on AO3!
Neither of you were..*shy* about Maxime Le Mal’s..powers. Both of you were quite comfortable with his skin, in fact. Maxime didn’t seem to mind having his lovely coat off around you at all, quite happy to flaunt his superior insectoid body. While he preferred being warm, usually he found you and you love to be an excellent source of it that kept him heated. You found it rather endearing that the more he lost his temper, the more twitchier and animated he got with his extra parts. Hence why during his latest rant on something-or-other you weren’t quite listening to, you were staring at the pair of antennae twitching irritability on top of his head. You remember a remark he made about them, a small smile twitching onto the corner of your mouth as you pretend to listen while thinking about something else entirely than your lover’s ire. He seemed to notice this too however, cutting his eyes at you with scowl. “‘Allo? Are you even listening to me?! ‘Allooooo?”he waved a hand in front of your face until your eyes were back on his. He gave you a thin smile and carried on now that he had your attention once more.
Only to stop again a moment later with a huff, putting his hands on his hips, his second set of limbs gesturing out towards you slightly. “*What* are you staring at, ma chérie?!”. His eyes went from yours, upwards slightly to his own face in almost a roll of his eyes, then back to yours. Clearing his throat he slicked back his hair and antenna, only for the latter to spring forward again back into view. “Now I ‘ave lost my train of thought..” He threw up a hand before wiping it down his face, then pushed his glasses back up his nose. Flopping down he took a seat rather sourly and pouty next to you, crossing both pairs of arms in a huff. Clearly he was still worked up and you hadn’t really done anything to help that, had you? If he’d been wearing his coat it probably would’ve swallowed him up with how scrunched up and tight he was sitting.
He was glaring off to the side still wrapped up in his thoughts and emotions when you made a move to get closer. Sensing it he practically leapt off the couch, flailing his hands frantically at you “No! Ne fais pas ça!! You.. crazy!” he looked mortified at what you’d tried to do and gestured at his own limbs as he breathed heavily from the surprise. His face softened from judgemental shock to a somber upset and longing. “I..I don’t want to ‘urt you..” Maxime explained, picking at one of the spikes on his forearms - razor sharp and like a needle, every single one. On a regular cockroach they were mostly for grip - but at his size..well, pricking you the wrong way with one would be..most unfortunate. Sure they wouldn’t hurt so much when brushed the right way as they would flex down..but the wrong way they were rigid spears ready to impale you! You couldn’t just! Move in like that!
“..Zhe only downside..eh?..” He remarked sadly as he brushed over his arms; that his form made the intimacy he craved with you a tad more difficult for the pair of you- the spines were only a small part, mostly delegated to his forearms and calves and thankfully none too many. But they would still hurt if he pricked you with them..and..he could think of nothing worse than hurting you. It was, quite honestly.. the one and only drawback Maxime could think of. Even the pronotum plate covering his shoulders and neck was riddled with spines.He cast his sad eyes back your way only to find you smiling softly. You hadn’t shied away so far and..you weren’t about to start. 
“I didn’t mean to startle you” you started, watching as he moved swiftly to snatch his embroidered puffer coat off the back of the chair to bring to you. “I was going to be careful - promise” you added, rising from your seat to stop him from draping the item over you as a barrier from his body, like he was about to. Pausing in his actions he looked to you, taking in the soft and loving look on your face. “I want to hold you, my little cuddle bug. Please? As you are”. Pursing his lips Maxime almost looked like he was about to cry; his adoration for you written all over his face as he stared at you, replaying what you said in his head. Not everyone appreciated cockroaches as much as he did and….he understood that might make him physically..unappealing.. to most. But..not you, apparently. He was..very grateful, to still have your love and affection, even with the changes he’d made to himself. Both sets of arms sagged, too caught up in his emotions to move for a moment - but he eventually pulled himself together and in a hurry placed the coat back on the chair, barely able to take his eyes off you. “You are a treasure  - Please, I would like zis very much so.”. 
“Thank you!” you chimed brightly “We’ll figure it out.” you sat back down on the couch and opened your arms. Fidgeting with his hands momentarily he looked over the way you sat and made an unsure nose. “Ehhh..slowly..let me..” he voiced his intention to be..very…very careful in the way he slinked over and positioned himself against you, his tongue stuck out in concentration the entire time. Slowly but surely Maxime sank into your side, his arms around your waist and the second set tucked up close to his own body out of the way. He sighed in relief as he managed not to prick you as you arranged your bodies together, though you had to be equally careful how or where you placed your arms around him to hold him close to you. He hummed with deep satisfaction as he nuzzled his face into your side, so happy to be snug as a bug in your arms. Other than cockroaches, he loved nothing more than *your* love. 
You certainly didn’t think it was as big of a deal as he did. Sure he was a little sharp in places and..his general form was rather..unconventional; but he was still your Maxime and you could (and were!) most certainly find even more ways to show each other your love. But clearly something nipped at the back of his mind about it, and how *you* might feel about it. Still, for the moment he was contently pressed into your side, sighing blissfully.
With a sly movement while he was thoroughly distracted, you brushed your hand lovingly against one of his antennae. The effect was immediate, Maxime tensing up and going rigid at the intrusion upon such a delicate sensory organ. You passed over it again with your hand, soft, gentle and warm. He was used to doing it himself but not so used to *you* touching him there, evident in the whimper that left his lip. You weren’t sure for a second if it was a good thing as he seemed to be holding his breath; tense in his arms in particular as his fingers curled up to ball his hands, grabbing fistfuls of your clothing. But you tried once more to see where it got you, brushing some of his hair down out of the way and running both antennae under your hands..feeling them twitch under your touch- even flicking back and feeling for you to try and stay in contact. Maxime finally let his breath out in a deep moan, a great deal of the tension and worry he was holding leaving his body. His head on your shoulder, peeing up at you he mumbled. “C-C’est le paradis..I ‘ave died  and gone to ‘eaven..surely..!” he sighed dreamily up at you, face smushed into your arm. 
“E-Encore..please…again…please do it again.”. With a warm smile at your lover you obliged, caressing his antennae again. Maxime tense up once more as your hand moved over them, then shuddered as the contact stopped. He moaned softly “*Oh*…*oh*!…Amazing…you are amazing..” he sang your praises even at the simple motion. You continued to pet him slowly, earning soft moans and mutterings from your French darling as each time he tensed up he released more of his earlier stress with a pleasant shivver. 
The delightful sensation of your love directed there in particular sent it thrumming all over his body. Maxime let out another deep moan as you gently twirled your finger around one of them, careful not to tug or wrap it too tight. Combined with a sweet kiss to the bridge of his nose it sent his wings into a little flurry behind his back and earnt you another whimper from him. Not fully out but enough to buzz them with his enjoyment - the sound of his much bigger ones and the breeze too much more noticeable than that of a little roach, it was impossible to ignore. Quite frankly he was a little embarrassed at the somewhat involuntary movement when he caught it, judging by the hot blush on his face and the sheepish chuckle he let out. “Ahaha..ha…ha…I-...ehh…” he trailed off, unsure what to say as he shifted himself around slightly and tucked his wings very firmly away again. “I think it’s sweet” you mused “Oh…pshh..come..” he tried to wave you off. 
You distracted him from his embarrassment with a soft kiss to his lips, one he eagerly returned as he slipped his tongue into your mouth to make out. Humming his delight just before you pulled away to talk, Maxime chasing after your lips with his own. “Let me try something..?” you asked after you pulled away from your kiss. “Hm?” he chuckled coyly, “A little adventurous today, no?.. I like it!”. Maxime seemed amused, animated and excited with the turn of events and your eagerness to explore him. “I trust you..” he let you proceed, if it was anything like they’d recently discovered he couldn’t wait! But a small frown came over his face as for the moment all you did was go back to petting his antennae - though it was hard to keep that emotion there, instead his eyebrows knitted upwards at the pleasure it was bringing him until he was back to a mewling whimpering mess. 
“Mon ange..Mon amour…*please*..” he pleaded with you for something a little more, for whatever it was you wanted to experiment with. “It feels so…so good..!” Words seemed to fail him as he couldn’t come up with anything more grandeur in phrase than that. Craning up slightly to oblige his sweet requests, you guided his antennae closer with your hands. Nuzzling into your chest he brought his head closer for you with another mewl of delight, huffing hot air through your clothing onto your skin. You very softly pressed your soft, warm lips to his sensitive antennae, bestowing all of your love to him and his unconventional parts. His arms clung around your waist tightly as he once again trembled, antennae shuddering under your lips before the rest of him followed and another deep moan left his lips. His grip on your waist tightened as he pressed his face further into you if it were at all possible, his glasses askew. 
“You..” he breathed “You are magnifique..! I-I love you.” Maxime gave you the most lovestruck and dopey grin as his arms relaxed once more, chest heaving with heavy emotions and the deep feeling of being in love and intimate with you. “I love you too, my little love bug” you cooed as you plucked his glasses to put them out of the way. Maxime scrunched up his face in delight and amusement, still blushing as he let out a little laugh. Smoothing his hair and antennae back for him he shuddered again, and he wagged a finger at you as he propped himself up, chin on your shoulder. “Ah-Ah-!…it is my turn, eh? Pucker up!” he practically cackled with delight before pursing his lips exaggeratedly and covering your entire face with fevered kisses.
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adoresia · 1 year
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Pairing : e42 Miles x FemHaitian!reader
Synopsis : You teach Miles how to kompa.
Sierra speaks : I was thinking of requesting this to another writer, but i was like nah, ima do my own thing ima right it myself 😋 I love Kompa so much (im not Haitian but im Congolese its close enough) it was so hard trying to explain how to kompa but alas.. enjoy pookiewookies !
Warnings ❕: Intimate dancing, kissing, slightly (? suggestive, cuss words, a sprinkle of spanish (im not spanish do correct me 🥲 using what i learnt last year), also not that proof read i skimmed through it. tell me if i missed out anything !
Listen too’s :
You sat in your swivel chair, decorated with pink faux fur and a curved lumbar support to rest your back on. The chair swung gently back and forth while you talked to Miles on the phone.
The face-time call had reached about 30 minutes, it was now 1:30pm in the afternoon and you did not really have any plans for the day so you stay stuck with the fact that you two would be conversing all day.
“What are your plans for today mami?”
“I don’t know baby, I was just gonna stay on the phone to you all day I honestly ain got nothing else to do soo.” you shrugged, almost choking on your words trying to get it all out in one breath.
“lentamente mami you boutta drown in your own words.”
“Ughhh im sooo bored.” you pushed your chair away from your chair gliding backwards and stood up stretching your arms.
“So im boring now?” he questioned sarcastically.
“Nooo Milo, you know what i meant.” You pouted jokingly while going to play some music on your tv.
Miles watched intently while you typed the name of the song into your tv, finally searching it up and clicking on the first video that popped up.
“Whatchu playin on yo tv?”
“Just a song, i feel like dancing.” you said swaying your hips as you walked backwards.
“i could watch you do this allll dayyy.” Miles said with a grin on his face, you laughed at him.
You began to whine to the song, turning around. Your waistline moving in circles like water. The stringed beads that laid on your hips followed the pattern of your movements as you slowly lowered down the the floor with your arms either side of you.
Your boyfriend’s glued onto your waist, you span around quickly catching him staring at you so intensely.
“Miles stop staring at me nd-“
“What am i not allowed to stare at you now too?” He smirked, cutting you off.
“I was gonna say come over so you dont have to stay staring through a screen, but now you can stay your ass at home.” You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Nah im on my way baby, then I can watch you dance f’me.”
“really? what if I teach you to Kompa instead.”
“Say no more . I wanna see you do that dance again though, when i get there.”
Miles wasted no time slipping his shoes on and kissing his mom goodbye on the cheek before speed walking through 2 blocks to your house.
He texted your phone stating he was a few steps away from your front porch and you ran to your front door with a huge smile plastered on your face while you opened it.
“Miloooooo!!” You screamed, spreading your arms out so he could come and pick you up. You loved when he picked up, especially in his puffer jacket.
“Heyy baby.” He gave you a quick peck on the lips before picking you up. You swung your legs around his waist, bear-hugging him.
He closed the door behind the both of you and took off his shoes leading you to your bedroom and dropping you onto your bed.
“Where yo moms at?”
“Why cause you came here for her or for me?” you rolled your eyes flopping back into your bed.
“Don’t be like that ma, you aint tell me you were here on your own. I woulda been here earlier if I knew.”
“She just went grocery shopping Milo, she’ll be back.”
“Aight. You finna dance f’me then?” He laid back in your chair manspread. His elbows laid on your desk behind him.
“Oh right! watch the hips, you’ll needa learn this bit..” You restarted to music and threw the remote on your bed.
Miles licked his lips squinting at you with hooded eyes.
“Watch the hips…” You began whine again. This time you started off with a ‘tik tok’ motion, slowly moving into a slow circular motion with your hips. Your waist-beads moving along with you which made it all more intriguing for Miles.
You brought your hands to your hips caressing your shape up until you reached the sides of your stomach and came to a stop.
Miles was visibly in love with the way your hips moves so swiftly and like water. His eyes stayed stuck to your waist even after you stopped.
“Damn ma, youn tell me you could do all that.”
“Well now you know, and im finna teach you.. now get up i wanna show you how to kompa with me.”
You pulled Miles by his arm taking his puffer jacket off and throwing it onto your bed.
“Right first gimme your hands” You held your hands out to Miles as he placed both of his in yours. You lowered them down to sit on your waist.
“mmmm i like this already.”
“Shutup Miles.” You grinned at him
“Then.. i place my arms around your neck… like so.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and held your other arm with your hand since he basically towered over you.
“Now you look at me.”
“This is easy, I could look at you all day.”
“Miles stop, you can compliment me later.”
You brought his head down to lean against yours, he stared right into your eyes making your knees almost buckle. You tried to divert your gaze elsewhere so you could regain focus.
“Your meant to look at me back. Right? Eyes on me mami.” He lifted his hand up from your waist to tour chin, averting your gaze from the floor to his eyes. You felt as if you were going to collapse with the way he started so deeply into your soul.
“You lucky im holding onto you, you look like you abour to collapse.”
“Right, sorry baby.” he stiffled a laugh
For the next hour you continued to teach Miles as you guided his hands and hip movements with your waist.
“And thenn… turn.”
You slowly spun around both still holding onto eachother, swaying your hips to the music.
“Yeahhh.” You slid your arms down to his shoulders grinning at him, ecstatic that he was learning so fast.
“Now here comes the hard part.” You returned to the same position, this time swaying your hips into his instead of side to side.
“Oh shitt.” Miles lost all composure staring down at your hips grinding into his at a rhythmic pace. Your cheeks begin to heat up as you smile a little at what he said.
“You can do that right? same time.”
“Shit, of course I can.”
Miles spun you around, then closing the gap between the two of you. Your body pressing gently against his, fit like a jigsaw piece.
Your hips both meeting in the middle while you swayed them into eachother, both looking into each-others eyes as Miles held onto either side of your waist guiding it into his.
[ visual : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ4eeBRc/ ]
You were both absorbed im each-others gaze not even realising the music had finished, and you continued for the next half an hour. Dancing in each others embrace.
After a while had passed you pulled away from miles.
“Fuck, ian know you were so good at kompa Milo? I woulda taught you ages ago.”
“Not better than you baby, lost all composure when your hips collided with mine.”
He made it to your waist before pulling you in for a kiss, bringing you as close to him as he could while deepening the kiss as you giggled. While his breath mingled with yours, your tongues danced over one another. When he intentionally nipped your lower lip, you let out a gentle whine pulling away.
“Fuck I love you so much.”
Extra :
— reader calls miles ‘milo’ because it works well with her Haitian accent
— Miles is actually a really good dancer
— Your mom came back from the supermarket ages ago, she watched you both dance in your room with a smile on her face.
— you had Miles dancing kompa with his pillow when he got home
“Miles? the fuck are you doing…” Uncle Aaron walked in on Miles waist dancing with his pillow.
“Yoo wtf, youn never heard of knocking?” Miles threw the pillow as far away as he could, dusting himself off.
“Ian even gonna ask mane.” Uncle Aaron shook his head with a laugh, closing the door in reverse.
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© All rights reserved to @444morales on tumblr.
Please do not repost, translate or copy any of my work !
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idontknowreallywhy · 10 months
Commute day again! Today’s unedited train snippet is based on horrifying recent events in my own life.
I think it falls roughly within the fluffwhump category.
This was going to be a Gordon-centric fic but he didn’t quite experience the level of indignation I felt was merited, so big brother had to step up.
Hereby claiming “smirk” for Fluffember
Stress Relief
Scott stood frozen in the middle of the room and felt the last shreds of sanity slip from his fingertips.
How could this have happened?
It had disrupted his understanding of the universe, as if reality itself had finally betrayed him.
The only anchor to his old life, the innocent, trusting life he had lived up until this juncture, was Gordon. His beloved little brother who was writhing on the floor at his feet, shaking and crying…
And howling with laughter.
At him.
Scott opened his mouth to raise an objection to his brother’s frivolous attitude to this disaster but no words came out. Instead, he coughed and spat foul tasting green slime on to the carpet.
It glittered offensively at him.
“H….hooooow?” He croaked desperately.
No explanation was forthcoming - the slippery little fish had rolled on to his stomach and was beating the floor with his fist. Scott spat more slime at him. He probably deserved it.
Wait, did he? Had this been a prank?
Bewilderment was shunted aside by anger.
His brother looked up at him, eyes streaming:
“It wasn’t me, bro” Gordon gasped then bit on his own fist in an apparent attempt to regain some semblance of control “you’re not supposed to squeeze them that hard”.
A tiny seahorse figure fell from the end of Scott’s nose and Gordon dissolved into another fit of giggles.
Scott looked down at the slimy rubbery mess in his clenched fist and frowned, the confusion returning with backup.
“But isn’t… isn’t that… the… ENTIRE POINT?”
He waved the remains of Gordon’s puffer fish toy to emphasis his point and gloop splattered on to the ceiling. To join the rest of the gloop on the ceiling.
“It’s a stress ball! You squeeze the indestructible ball, it remains indestructible and you feel less stressed afterwards! THAT’S WHAT IT’S FOR!!”
Scott’s voice teetered on the edge of a whine.
“Yeah but none of them are really that robust big bro, particularly not in the face of Mr Big Cheese Businessman levels of stress.”
Uhoh. Scott looked down at the brand new, ridiculously expensive designer suit his PA had quietly handed him when he’d turned up ten minutes before the board meeting fresh off the back of a muddy rescue.
The suit oozed at him.
It was apt really. Some of the board members had oozed too. He’d just been sharing some of the ludicrous highlights with his little brother (who was always pleasingly sympathetic on the topic of corporate hogwash) and had absent-mindedly picked the actionably-falsely-advertised item off his brother’s bedside table to toss from hand to hand as he ranted.
He blinked rapidly as something slid into his field of vision. Gordon stood and gently plucked a tiny glittery shark from his commander’s eyebrow.
“Let’s get you cleaned up shall we?” Sympathetic tone and matching facial expression were being masterfully deployed.
“NOT my room. This stuff will ruin my nice carpet.” He sagged. “Honestly Gordo, it was such a tiny thing… how is there so much of this… ick?”
Brown eyes twinkled as Gordon smirked knowingly. “One of the mysteries of the cosmos, big brother.”
Gordon steered his slimy brother into his own en-suite and closed the door behind him, turning away to survey the sparkling chaos his brother had created.
There was a pause. Gordon could hear the shower switch on and some indistinct muttering from the other side of the door. Then a cough, followed by a snort, followed by a bark of laughter.
Gordon smiled to himself. Maybe not quite what the designer had planned, but the little toy might have had its intended effect after all.
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sorayume24 · 3 months
Ubu is cyan
Sakido is blixer
Sora is heli
That's all cannon jsab characters in this au
Fuyu and Hoshi are jsab ocs
Nami is siren
fugusa is puffer
ejiki is perry
midori is merry magica
umi is swish
that's all PA bosses in this au
the only pa oc is ai
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I later doodled actual characters from milgram because why not (I screwed kazui and amane up 😭) and I also love mikoto
I ship him with fuuta
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One of my good friend, Chris used to say that, “there is no such thing as bad weather here in England, only bad jacket!” And I couldn’t agree more. Indeed, one can never have enough jumpers, coat, jackets, puffers, fleeces, sherpas, thermal clothes and shackets!
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Hello, Autumn! 🍂 God, how much I dread winter ☹️ after few more weeks, winter na naman. I don’t know about you, but for me snow only looks enticing pero hindi nakakatuwa sa totoong buhay, very limited ang kilos at lakad mo just because you cannot stand too much cold when your outside, there’s nothing much one can do. Also, 4pm pa lang madilim na! They say that according to statistics, rate of seasonal affective disorder is massively increased during winter season.
Honestly, I feel extra sad and lonely during winter time, apart from the weather is so gloomy all throughout the month, I am spending holidays away from my family and loved ones. Like I cant wait to get over month of December and move past it, because it is what it is. They wouldn’t permit anyone to go for holiday or time off during Christmas season. 💔
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Oh, and one can never have enough trainers! 😍
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My date for today, mi madre mia ☺️
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life-with-my-three · 1 year
Lucy ended up in hospital a week ago. I’m still trying to process it. It seems these days I spend a lot of time trying to work out whether my feelings given a situation are “normal” and I have reason to feel how I do, or whether they’re a reaction to past trauma and I shouldn’t bring frustrations up to others.
The kids had all had a bit of a cold. Lucy had seemed to be on the tail-end. We left home at 7am for a 9:30 gastro appointment of Hattie’s in Melbourne. Lucy came with us. 2.5 hours of driving and we were still late. In the waiting room we gave Lucy a feed. It seemed to really exaggerate her effort to breathe, and make it a heap noisier. It was so noisy that Hattie’s gastro consultant told us to not go home straight away and to hang around the hospital for an hour or so and if it didn’t improve to go to emergency.
We hung around. Once the feed digested a little and wasn’t pushing so much on her lungs she improved a bit so we drove home. We had to drive straight to pick up Fletcher as he had a primary school transition afternoon. We took him to that, then went home. Hattie lost her special reward toy that she got for letting the doctor poke at her stomach (positive rewards for past medical trauma), somewhere between the kinder and home. We couldn’t find it anywhere. So I dropped all the kids at home with Aaron (he was home by this point). Went searching all the shops in the hope I could find another, miraculously did. Got home and Lucy had just had another feed and her breathing was bad again.
At this point I decided I’d take her to the local urgent care clinic in the hopes of avoiding emergency. Got to urgent care. They took her straight in. Stripped her down and looked at her breathing and decided she was really sick and needed the hospital. With how her breathing was they weren’t confident in me driving with her the 2 blocks so they called an ambulance. Her sats were lower 80s. Her feet were purple/mottled. As we were waiting for the ambulance (not long at all) there was a shift change. The new doctor agreed she needed the hospital asap and it to be an ambulance situation. The words “very sick” were used multiple times. They started putting numbing cream and stuff on her so that emergency could work on her asap.
We got to emergency. She was stick sucking her ribs and trachea right in. She had improved to her sats in the 90s though she was having to work hard for that. The paeds doctor came in and declared she was fine. Went to send us straight home. I mentioned about her sats being low at urgent care, to which they said oh I guess we should admit you for the night then. I was just going to send you home for the night. She’s giving everyone smiles, she’s just a happy puffer.
The night before Hattie came home from NICU, I brought up with the same paeds department that when feeding her she was stopping breathing and going blue. I was treated like I was just overly anxious, so accepted I’d seen her stop breathing so many times I probably was just anxious. Over the next 6 weeks she did it multiple times with feeds. I’d take her to emergency and we’d be told she was just a “happy puffer”. It didn’t matter how many times I tried to get her help, I was always given that same line. My kids struggle to breathe but still smile apparently! It wasn’t until I cracked it and drove to Melbourne demanding help did the Melbourne paeds look at her. We found out her milk was going into her lungs and we went to the feeding tube! It was only 6 months ago now that her Melb respiratory consultant told me in an appointment that she will never forget that first time she saw Hatt and how much she was struggling to breathe. The exact same breathing that local paeds just shrug off:
Anyway, Lucy seemed a lot better by the next morning, so I didn’t go all mumma bear on them like I was planning. I mean the doctors didn’t even see her. The nurse just came in and said if you’re happy the doctors are happy for Lucy to be discharged.
I’ve spent the week going over it in my head though. Am I so frustrated and annoyed at the doctors’ at local paeds because it’s bringing back up the trauma of Hattie’s experience? Or do I have every right to be so completely annoyed at them? Melb we’re concerned enough to tell us to go to emergency to a baby they didn’t even look at, was in the pram across the room, and not their patient. Two separate shifts of doctors/nurses at urgent care were extremely worried about her.
I don’t know. Lucy’s completely fine now. Back to her normal self. But far out, our local paeds department has requested two consecutive years to use Hattie’s story for the junior paediatric doctor exams to improve management of respiratory issues, then this shit happens!
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doctorababygirl · 4 months
Wish that call never ended, no? Its just like when we broke up. We have all this love for each other, it was just peaceful pero we both know saan patungo. Thats how it felt like when we were talking last night. Ayoko i-end kasi alam ko thats probably the last time we’ll ever get to talk and sobrang sakit knowing that yun na yung last. You are my bestfriend, Jed. I really dont think i will ever move on from you — you are my greatest love. You showed me what a kind, respectful, and patient love is like and i will forever be thankful & treasure sa lahat ng ginawa mo. I know we werent perfect, but i also know na we can overcome anything as long as we talked about it and im sorry na i didnt choose to fix our relationship and chose to be selfish. I know all my reasons for that is unjustifiable and unforgivable but i am really really sorry. Habang buhay ko to dadalin, i promise. Alam mo, when you said nagbalikan kayo, may kirot pero i knew naman kasi na i was ready regardless ano mangyare pero nung kinukuwento mo yung reason bakit kayo nagbalikan honestly ayoko na nga marinig pa haha kasi as much as possible i dont want to know anything about the people youve dated kasi masakit haha pero i genuinely hope masaya ka sa desisyon mo. Thats all i can give after everything — to be genuinely happy for you. Masakit pero okay lang talaga hehe i also got confused kasi it felt like you were giving excuses to why you chose her and na if seryosonh relationship ang gusto mo, ako lang din nasa isip mo. I dont know if i should wait, i want to but i think i cant do that to myself when you chose another girl instead of being alone na lang kaya siguro dun talaga nasaktan ako haha pero alam ko naman kasi wala ko magagawa and i brought it to myself so haha. I dont know ano mangyayare sa future but my love for you will always be there talaga. Im sorry for unfollowing you kasi kahit na im so curious about you and ofc dun ko na lang makikita si aurus, i think i had to for myself. Ang sakit na i just went to your house pero now i really dont think i should ever go there to visit aurus or sila tita, tito, yaya. Di ko ata kaya and mas mahihirapan lang ako haha. I love you and aurus so much. Sooooooo fucking much. Please dont ever forget that. I hope wag mo pakilala si aurus kung kani kanino lang 😤 hahahaha i will always be his mommy. Dapat first name basis lang sila nung papakilala mo ah!!! Haha tangina ang sakit haha love na love ko kayo. Eto na lang muna for now. I hope someday, when everything feels right, we could talk again. I love you, my puffer fish.
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El mismo cine de antes. Tu maní te había mandando es puffer de Nueva York y nunca te lo quitaste. Digo estaba medio frescita esa noche pero no pa tanto. You loved that puffer thought. And my shoes. Recuerdo tu te ponías a inventar y tratar de caminar con ellas puesta buscando darte un cocotazo. OMG I loved those shoes so much. I remember i wanted a pair just like them. Maybe I just wanted to walk in heels too like my big sister.
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kmp78 · 1 year
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Damn that Montcler puffer got a lot of mileage since then. No wonder the down feathers started sticking out when Thinnie last wore it.
Let´s just hope one of his dozen PAs washed it once in a while... 😳
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jpsportsinternship · 2 years
Entry 2
Finding My Feet- Completing initial tasks
As my first entry touched on, I found it quite easy to fit into the culture at OEFN and the initial task I completed was a tiring but enjoyable one.
This was paired with the task of attending said matches at Healesville on the Sunday and then writing reviews on each game. The football match previews and reviews were more in-depth than the netball matches netball games are shorter in length and have 11 less people on the court as football has on the field. In addition to this, possessions aren’t recorded in Netball (atleast not this level), like they are in football.
I drove down to Healesville, arriving around 8am, catching the 17&U game first, followed C Grade Netball. A few of the netball and football games clashed, occurring simultaneously, so I positioned myself in strategic places where I could witness most of the action of the two sorts at the same time.
This wasn’t simple, and I had to keep on the move at times, which was an enjoyable challenge.
By the time the second half of the reserves Grand Final, the Netball had been completed, so I could focus more easily, as it was just football now. I went into the commentary box and listened out for names and I got a copy the teams sheets. This certainly aided the recording of the finer details for my post-game reviews. The goals and score are there for anyone to see, however I was glad to be able to add my own view on the matches that went beyond the obvious. This is skill that is very important. Getting the basics right is a must but being more detailed and thorough than the basics is just as vital.
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Live in Commentary Van at Healesville 5th September 2022 - J Peeler
I helped with some of the packing up, mainly picking and rolling astro-turf mats that had been placed around the football oval and netball courts, before returning home.
That night I spent an writing the senior and reserves football matches reviews before writing the netball reviews across the following two nights (from home).
Altogether this didn’t take too long, just a few hours all up and I easily sent this through via email by the deadline.
Writing previews was fun, watching the players in action and now putting faces to the names was even more enjoyable. The writing of the post match reviews were reasonably simple because of the notes I was taking almost constantly throughout the Sunday at Healesville.
It took roughly three weeks to reach the 40 hour milestone and so far it’s been quite enjoyable. The Premier Division Grand Finals were a fortnight after the Division 2 ones, which game me ample opportunity to prefer and write the previews for them.
It was a day of horrendous thunderstorms, hail and lovely sunshine that the crowd down in Gembrook were treated to, not too unfamiliar to Melbournians. The A Grade Netball Grand Final was an absolute belter and I’m not talking about the rain, as it was bucketing down late in the game. It was a game that saw momentum swings and both teams looked like running away with the match at times. It went to extra time where Olinda Ferny Creek won by just 1 goal! They were the underdogs and pulled the win off against an absolute powerhouse of a club in Narre Warren.
The senior football final saw Narre Warren win after flipping the script against Woori Yallock , after trailing for most of the game.
Not to mention the game was delayed by 75 minutes due to the thunderstorms and used my macpac puffer jacket to cover the generator for the commentary/PA system at the Netball, to stop the rain damaging it.
This was a day to remember for the aforementioned reasons and one I’ll cherish and tell my future kids and perhaps grandkids about.
I’m looking forward to the rest of the internship and what it holds in store.
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pickledpascal · 2 years
St. Patrick’s Day
Chapter One: November Part 1
Summary: Jordan and her friends go to the annual tree lighting in Millenium Park and see an unexpected face.
Warnings: 18+ themes, swearing.
Word Count: 2.3k
St. Patrick’s Day Masterlist
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Being in a city like Chicago could be very dangerous but it could also be very memorable. For certain people, being in the city during the holidays was like finally making your way home after walking in the cold for hours. The warmth hits your face, cheeks still stinging from the cold, and you get that overwhelming feeling of home. Once you close the door, the warmth consumes you and suddenly you decide you don’t need all the layers you have anymore. The warmth fills your heart; it’s not just something your body needs to survive but the comfort that comes with it that helps ease your mind. Similar to listening to a slow Christmas song that makes your chest feel full with a bittersweet feeling yet you smile anyway, liking the memories that resurfaced as you listened.
That’s what Jordan Criss feels.
Every holiday season, the feeling grows stronger. Even more so when her friends come to celebrate the holidays with her. It’s been a tradition since they graduated college. Some went on to get doctorates, others went on to do the job they got their degree for. 
Jordan….. Not so much.
A Film and Religious Studies degree with an English minor; originally, Jordan wanted to make movies but that was a little harder than she expected so YouTube became her job. At least one of her friends was in the Hollywood film industry. But with the way Jordan was, YouTube was much easier than a film schedule would have been for her.
“Tu dois lui demander de sortir. Je jure que tu es un idiot.” Jordan shook her head in frustration at her taller friend, rubbing a hand on her head.
That friend, Chris, pursed his lips. “Tu ne comprends pas.” He grumbled back at Jordan as he pushed his hands into his puffer jacket.
“Tu as raison. Je ne sais pas!” Jordan hissed back as another one of their friends joined them and she suddenly smiled at Chris. The new addition was shorter than the two of them, by quite a few inches and was the aforementioned famous actress friend. Elle Parker. Jordan straightened up and gave her a smile, “Oh, bonjour!”
“Reset back to English. Yelling at each other in French again?” She joked softly as she handed Chris a to-go cup of hot cocoa, similar to the one she had in her own hands. “I swear, you’re like siblings.”
Almost in sync, Chris and Jordan shuddered in disgust at the comment. 
While the two of them butted heads occasionally, the only similarity they had was their height. Though, Chris was still taller than Jordan by about an inch. He had deep brown hair that was always swept to one side, dark eyes, and a light dusting of freckles across his nose while Jordan was much more colorful. She had very short, but wavy black hair with deep blue streaks near the front of her face, deep green eyes that were usually behind thin-framed glasses, and a heavy hand of freckles that covered her face and other parts of her body. 
“More like an old married couple, then.” Zach suggested with a smug glint in his eyes. Elle cocked her head at him, an unreadable expression in her eyes.
Zach was the ‘class clown’ of the friend group, always trying to joke to lighten the mood. Although most of his jokes were bad, that’s what made them funny. He had black, shoulder length hair and his eyes were a similar color.
Jordan full on gagged, “I sure hope not.” Chris simply shook his head at Zach with a blank face. “Chris isn’t my type.” She said, winking at her friends.
“Yeah your type is men who are old enough to be your father.” Another chimed in, Jayme, as they walked. 
They were the resident man-hater of the group. Interesting considering half of their friends were men. They were the third tallest of the group, at 5 foot 8 inches. They had curly ginger hair and blue eyes.
Matt shook his head as he laughed, “There’s a simpler word for what you’re describing. A dilf.” He nudged Jordan who just shrugged with a smile.
They were in the middle of making their way to the tree lighting in the huge park next to the Cloud Gates, also known as where the Bean is sat. On their way, they stopped at a nearby shop to get some hot chocolate. Well, that’s what Jordan got; she didn’t really listen to the other orders. 
“It’s fucking cold. Remind me why I accepted to come here again?” Jayme shuddered as they rubbed her knees a little to get their legs warm as they drank a bit of tea from their cup. 
Ellison rolled her eyes, “Because you love us?” Jordan and Ellison had a townhouse together and were the only ones that lived all the way up North. It’s become a tradition for the rest of them to come up for the holidays for a reason; they were like their own little family.
“Still too cold, why can’t climate change work faster!” Jayme complained, earning them a disappointed look from Matt.
“Shhh! It’s starting!” Jordan interrupted, nudging the friends on either side of her–Jayme and Chris. She saw some movement out of the corner of her eye, fixing a few lights and wires.
While Jordan was distracted, Elle noticed a man in front of them and gasped slightly once she recognized him. The man wore everyday winter clothes but he was quite recognizable when Elle shifted her head a little, masked by the attention that was on the tree. She smiled slightly to herself as she traded places with Jayme who gave her a confused look until she rested her head on Jordan’s shoulder.
The action wasn’t uncommon amongst them. Jordan could be quite a comfortable pillow when she wanted to be and Elle, well, she needed physical affection. But this was only a small part of a plan.
One somewhat hard but gentle push and suddenly Jordan was crashing into the man but a warm hand was quick to steady her as the lights finally flickered on. Thankfully, none of her hot chocolate spilled or else the situation could have been much worse. 
“Are you alright?” A British accent? That’s weird. Jordan hadn’t heard a British accent in real life since high school. She was some Goth girl that hated it in America so she went back to England. Couldn’t blame her.
Jordan adjusted her beanie once she was steadied, “I’m so sorry, I don’t–” She finally looked up and, as realization set in, her eyes went blank and wide. 
Hugh Dancy. Jordan literally bumped into Hugh Dancy. In Chicago. What are the chances of that? She thought she had a better chance of that in New York or LA but Chicago? That city was known for being the home of Fall Out Boy, that’s about it. What the fuck was he doing here?
“It’s alright.” He smiled warmly, his eyes sparkling from the multi-colored lights. That smile filled Jordan’s chest with a fluttering feeling of security. 
Hugh’s eyes were a light blue that held a million different emotions in them, his hair was a deep brown that poked out from his beanie and curled around his face, and it seemed his facial hair grew out more than usual with a few grays around his jaw. And Hugh’s hand was still lightly touching Jordan’s back to keep her upright.
Jordan gave him a light smile, backing away slightly. “Thank you, um, yeah.” She said softly, averting her eyes from Hugh as she adjusted her glasses and began to walk away from the tree. She didn’t wait for her friends as she passed them.
Hugh cocked his head as he watched Jordan leave. For the few moments he was able to, he admired her. The girl had a dark style yet there were small splashes of color, he noticed the deep blue in her hair in the colorful lighting. It wasn’t something he’s particularly seen on an everyday basis, he was sure she got a lot of unwanted attention for it. As Jordan disappeared behind a few people, Hugh’s sight was obscured by a familiar face. 
His lips quirked up into a smile and waved slightly. Hugh had worked briefly with Elle Parker. 
Elle and Jordan made their way inside their favorite coffee shop. It started off as a normal day but it seemed Elle was adamant on getting her favorite tea that day so she forced Jordan to get up much earlier than she would have wanted. Bundled up in their winter clothes, they walked to the shop. It was much easier than trying to get their cars to work in the snow and plus, Elle was a little afraid to actually drive in the city. Most of the time, she walked places. 
“We’re earning it.” Elle winked up at Jordan, rubbing her gloved hands together to create some more warmth. She felt her fingertips start to go numb. It wasn’t a good feeling.
Jordan shook her head as she looked at the menu and adjusted the baseball cap on her head. She really didn’t try to get dressed that morning, looking more like a 30 year old man in his casual attire with an oversized jacket on, jeans, and some boots. “Whatever, let’s just get your tea and my latte.” She sighed. 
Elle pouted slightly, letting out a small laugh before she noticed the man in front of them. Seemed to be a pattern now. She gently nudged Jordan who looked at her weirdly before she jutted her head in his direction. That’s when realization dawned in Jordan’s eyes.
“¡Fuiste tú! Lo hiciste a proposito!” Jordan hissed softly at Elle, shaking her head as she rubbed a hand on her head. 
The different language was something Jordan used when she didn’t feel like having some random person listen in on certain conversations and, well….. That certain person was right in front of them.
Elle sighed, pursuing her lips slightly. “No lo notaste, así que tuve que hacer algo.” She shrugged innocently. “¡Él está justo ahí! Tienes que hablar con él.” Elle pleated softly.
Jordan glanced at Hugh then quickly diverted her eyes back to Elle, a nervous glaze in the forest of her eyes. It was like a haze that settled over a mountain of trees. “Realmente no puedo.” She sighed.
“En realidad, puedes.” Elle said simply, shoving Jordan again. Just enough to bump into Hugh again instead of actually falling over. He had quickly set a hand over Jordan’s arm to make sure she was okay.
Hugh’s face was blank for a moment before realization dawned in his eyes. He slowly let go of her and smiled, “We seem to keep meeting like this.” His voice held no indication he was bothered by the amount of time Jordan bumped into him. It was only twice but that seemed like too much to her. 
“Uhhh, yeah I guess I do.” An embarrassed blush spread across Jordan’s cheeks as a thought crossed her head. She looked like a boy, most of her hair was covered by the hat and hadn’t put any of her usual makeup on. Not to mention the height difference between her and Hugh made her look even more masculine in that moment. 
Hugh seemed to have read her mind because he gave her a light, comforting smile and said, “Would you like my number? So maybe next time you bump into me, we can plan it?” He joked softly.
“Sure.” Jordan’s mind went on autopilot. This…. Couldn’t be happening. Sure, Jordan had met famous people before but no one she admired like this and they definitely didn’t ask for her phone number like this. She shook her head slightly and grabbed her phone, giving it to Hugh. “Just…. Yeah.” She felt like an idiot. There wasn’t a reason for it, not really, but it was there all the same.
Elle, on the other hand, was silently celebrating this victory. She’d never seen Jordan blush so hard in her entire life before. It was refreshing, considering Elle was very easy to get flustered.
Hugh easily punched in the numbers as well as his name in Jordan’s contacts and soon handed her phone back over. “It’s nice to meet you.” He hummed softly.
“It’s, um, Jordan.” She said simply, putting her phone back in her pocket.
“Hugh.” He exchanged his name too but he had a feeling she already knew that.
Jordan nodded and pushed her hands into her jacket, “Nice to meet you too, Hugh.” She let out a light breath of air. This was real. Hugh Dancy was right in front of her and now she had his number. 
Elle chuckled from behind them, quickly clearing her throat to not garner their attention. She knew Jordan would have to…. Live in the moment.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Hugh asked, cocking his head slightly as he looked up at Jordan. “I wasn’t sure what I wanted yet so maybe I’ll take note of whatever you get.” He said kindly, shrugging slightly. There were a lot of options, ones he wasn’t sure even existed.
Jordan took a deep breath to calm herself. He was just being nice, right? Surely he wasn’t flirting. She wasn’t the best with…. Actual romance or anything like that directed at her. “I get a latte, usually. With some maple in it.” She shrugged slightly like he did, a light smile making its way to her face.
Maybe her brain didn’t quite catch up yet, but Jordan’s body could tell the good things to come regarding this new addition to her life. That warm feeling she’d get each time she came home after being in the cold for so long wasn’t just an exception for winter anymore. It’d last for years.
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sakkstyles · 2 years
Website : https://www.sakkstyles.com/
Address : 506 Avenue of the States, Chester, Pennsylvania 19013
Phone : +1 484-756-5458
Located in the heart of the city Downtown Chester Pa, SAKK meaning Skylar, Asaad, Kasira, and Kenyah, is a cherished Fashion Designer Boutique that is proud to have a family of loyal customers who return time and time again for more of their favorites. Founded in 2017, we sell high quality, affordable items that you are sure to love.We add new styles on a regular basis each with care and customization from the designer and founder Kenyah Harbin, so no matter how often you visit, you’ll always find something new. Visit us in person to experience our incredible customer service and runway-inspired products and enjoy the flavors and comfort of SAKKSTYLES difference for yourself.
Business mail : [email protected]
Keywords: red puffer jacket wrangler jeans for women womens sweat suits sweatsuits for men women sweat suits bubble coat mens calvin klein jacket men tommy hilfiger shoes women sweat suits for men sweatsuit for women blue puffer jacket calvin klein shoes women orange puffer jacket camouflage cargo pants men's mens camo cargo pants black bubble coat adidas stella mccartney shoes camouflage pants for men dickies pants near me us polo assn shoes crop top jacket men's sweat suits men sweat suits nike women sweatsuit harem pants for women mens designer sweat suits waxed denim jeans tommy hilfiger women dress army fatigue shorts chi chi london dresses jack and jones clothing karl lagerfeld mens shoes men's sweatsuit set camo shorts womens sweatsuit for men
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kenyahOwnz/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sakkstyles_llc/
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leederpfucker · 4 years
Finally properly introducing myself after all this time
 You know, after all the years I’ve been on Tumblr, I’ve never properly introduced myself. So, let’s do that. 
Hi. I’m Cj. I’m bisexual and have ADHD and social anxiety. I don’t like to share my age online unless I very personally know you so all I’ll say is this: I’m in high school. That’s all you need to know. This is a 13+ blog as I sometimes swear, make suggestive jokes, make dark jokes, and may go into some pretty dark and sensitive topics. If any of those don’t sound appealing, feel free to leave. I won’t mind. I’m in many fandoms (If you want to know if I’m in a certian one, either check my blog, ask me, or look at who I follow), but my main fandoms are BFB and Project Arrhythmia (specifically the Black Heart line-up because of course I’d hyperfixate on that).
Here’s my DNI (do not interact) list:
Animal abusers
Abusive people who believe they’re in the right and/or abuse for selfish reasons
Neo Nazis
Skinnyphobies (if those exist)
If you were these things, but have changed than I welcome you
I also rp so if you want to rp with me, dm me and we’ll discuss the details.
And, to close this all off, here’s some of my art. (I don’t know how to compile it into little boxes on pc. I’m sorry)
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madelinereneaperez · 2 years
Yep.. it’s my Birthday 🥳
(Celebrating my Birthday with my favorite characters from different fandoms)
Hope u like🎉🎂🎉
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