gaffney · 1 year
lol This might be controversial but fuck it... it's true. The only reason that people ship Charlie and Adam is because Adam is a pretty white boy. They only have maybe one or two scenes where they have any tangible chemistry. Charlie has way better chemistry with both Jesse and Russ but I barely ever see anyone shipping them oddly enough (yourself excluded of course lol)
ho damn. i had to sit down for this one!!! 😭😭 alright, so… i feel like there’s a whole lotta layers to this, but, in a nutshell, i… both agree and disagree with this???
i feel like the thing is… charlie, adam, and–to a lesser extent–fulton, jesse, and russ, are the only (teen) characters who serve a real “purpose” throughout the movie trilogy. hell! charlie, adam, and jesse are the only characters whose parents we are introduced to. they have a character arc that helps to move the plot along vs. the rest of the ducks who don’t, and who only have an archetype (eg. “jester” for averman, or “the girl on the team” for connie). if you removed most of the rest of the ducks, it wouldn’t have a lasting impact (and this is why it was so easy to replace the kids from d1..). i, personally, am incredibly attached to these characters, but ask anyone who has only watched this trilogy once who guy germaine is and they’d come up blank. (sorry guy, ily)
so… i think it makes sense for people in the fandom itself to prefer to ship the people who have had the most development together (...which, admittedly, still wasn’t a lot). also, it helps that charlie and adam have shared quite a few scenes together that were poignant to adam’s character. and chemistry… well, i think they have it. but i also think it’s in the eye of the beholder. i know someone who abhors connie/guy and thinks connie/averman would make a great pair. i mean… you do you!!! 
but! i agree in the sense that i also think there’s something to be said about the fact that this trilogy, and its fandom (however small it may be), centers its white & thin characters. (like, it’s qwhite obvious why charlie and adam got most of the development from the white creator targeting a white audience...). and i do think there is a certain truth to charlie/adam being the fan-preferred couple because adam is a conventionally attractive white dude. i mean, fulton has been charlie’s ride or die since d1 (charlie even wanted them to run off to canada together!!) and yet i don’t think i have seen anyone ship them. the fact that charlie gave his spot up for russ, and not just adam, is barely spoken about. jesse might’ve disappeared after d2, but his friendship with adam is also frequently glossed over in favor of charlie. and, you know, a lot of that can be written off as shipper bias – we see what we want to see, even if it’s not always 100% accurate lol. i do it too! 
but! in the wise words of @astrosaur, “i don’t think it’s that controversial to say that fandom gravitates towards shipping thin white characters with each other.. racism/fatphobia/colorism/etc very much live on and that gets reflected in fandom and in the media itself”. and, well, ain't that something to think about. why do like 90% of fandoms always have a fan-preferred ship of two pretty white (and often straight) dudes? i think that’s a conversation people need to have more.
ANYWAY. i, for one, would very much love to read and see more of charlie/russ. please someone write it for me 🤲🏻
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