krispdreemurr · 5 years
What are your thoughts on poncho Kris?
you’re nobody. a villager on the outskirts of some nothing village, creepy, weird, outcast, on the sidelines. tensions between monsters and humans are rising, and the world is shifting around you, but what can you do - you with the wheezy voice no one seems to hear, you who’s burned all your bridges through pranks and cruel jokes, you who everyone’s sick of?
and then, one day--
--one day, red light spills from your chest, beautiful, and the elders whisper of the mark of the Angel, the blessings of Their will, and you hear your voice say, clear and bell-like, that you will fix things. that you will lead the way to a new future. that you will save humans and monsters.
and you find others, and talk to them in that clear voice, and they follow you, and at first you help with small skirmishes and you help improve local communities and you make things better and so--
and so, the first time you hear yourself give the order to kill you can’t believe it.
but by then, who would believe you, if you told them the truth, even at night when you’ve ripped Their will from you - who would listen to your stumbling, absurd ramble about how you think the Angel is cruel, lying to you? and what would they think, if you admitted that all along you’ve had no idea what you were doing, if you admitted that without Them you’re just--a scared kid, clueless, helpless? would they listen to you, or to Them?
and what do you do the first time you try anyways, and you see the faint red glow in their chest, and you know that it’s not just you who has been blessed, who is guided?
your choices do not matter.
at the end of the road, the mountain awaits.
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arceusbeta · 5 years
no one: | aisu: kris dreemurr eats markers
sdghjskdgg its hardly my fault they eat markers they just Do
4 notes · View notes
defaultsprite · 5 years
so what is the real meaning of Christmas?
* having an excuse to drink an entire carton of eggnog by yourself
* relatedly, the true meaning of new year’s eve is having an excuse to drink an entire bottle of cider by yourself
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Canon Call!
I’m Chara, and I really want to find my canon-mates! I’m good with anyone, but Asriel, Mom, Dad, Sans, and Papyrus in particular.
I was in a relationship with Papyrus after my resurrection.
I drank chocolate syrup from the bottle.
Asriel, Sans, and I were best friends before Azzy and I died.
I was a pacifist Chara.
I could speak, but preferred to sign.
I remember my family cuddling by the fire while Dad read to us.
I remember getting chocolate ice cream on the Surface with Azzy and Frisk.
Frisk was in a relationship with Sans when she/they (I can’t quite remember which one Frisk used, but Frisk didn’t use he) got older.
If you remember any any of this, please message me!
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bxckett · 5 years
Tumblr media
“Sometimes we’re too old to be in playgrounds...” - So I saw this vine and I decided to recreate it here. Comic: Dead end Nekophy-Tumblr Art: me ofc (Characters not mine) Dm me if u know who created the vine - - - - #undertale #undertalememes #killersans #chara #genocide #pacifist #papyrus #genocidechara #pacifistchara #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #foryoupage💙 #sansau #sansaus #charaau #comics #comic #meem https://www.instagram.com/p/B29JZX-ATjs/?igshid=1b1njugm0s15k
0 notes
astroni800 · 5 years
Since Sonic Twitter Takeover #4 transcription by pacifistchara is no longer available I reupload it here:
Sonic: Hey, what’s up, everyone? Sonic here, excited to be with you all for our fourth ever Twitter Takeover! You can ask me any questions with—
[knocking sounds in background]
Sonic: Oh, sorry, one sec. Yeah? Hello? Oh, Tails!
Tails: Hey, Sonic! Heard you were doing that Twitter thing again! Can I join this time?
Sonic: Of course! You, uh…you didn’t invite Knuckles, though, right?
Tails: Nah, just me! But, uh, I think Eggman was actually waiting outsi—
Eggman: Surprise!
Tails: [sighs]
Eggman: You didn’t think you could host another of these without me around, did you, Sonic? Ooh, and I brought a friend!
Shadow: I’m still not your friend, Doctor. I just felt this Twitter Takeover could use a little help from the Ultimate Lifeform.
Sonic: Ah. Well, it’s a bit crowded in here now, but we’ll make this work! Tweet us your questions today on Twitter with the hashtag #AskSonic, and you might get a special response from us!
Shadow: Wait. Why is it “#AskSonic”? I think it should be “#AskShadow”.
Eggman: Or #AskEggman! I do have a PhD.
Tails: Or #AskTails! I know all sorts of stuff, I’m really smart—!
Sonic: Guys, guys, guys. Guys! It’s just #AskSonic, okay? You can all answer, don’t worry!
Tails: Fine…
Eggman: [sighs loudly]
Shadow: [indistinct grumbling]
Sonic: So send us your questions here on Twitter for the next six hours, and you might get a response from us! Until then…
All: See ya!
Shadow: Hmph. It really should be #AskShadow.
~ #1 ~
Eggman: Let’s see…here’s a question from Sonicguy001. He says, “Tails, what’s the greatest thing you’ve ever invented?”
Tails: Oh, the greatest thing I’ve ever invented? Oh, man, but there’s so many! Uh…maybe the Tornado? No, no, maybe Miles Electric?
Shadow: “Miles Electric”?
Sonic: Oh, that little translator pad you keep with you?
Tails: Yeah! Or – wait, I know, maybe…the Sea Fox!
Eggman: None of these are really that impressive, in my opinion.
Shadow: I’ve never even heard of the Sea Fox.
Tails: Oh, right. We hadn’t really met you yet.
Sonic: Yeah, Game Gear days, my dude.
Eggman: Tails is responsible for the death of so many batteries.
Tails: Thanks for your question, Sonicguy! Between us, I hope my best invention is yet to come!
~ #2 ~
Shadow: TassaneeKunchai asks… If I pronounced that name wrong, change it. Anyway, they ask, “Eggman, do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?” Heh. This should be good.
Eggman: Ooh, I like this one! Let’s see, my hobbies include long walks on the beach, creating robot armies, and oh, of course – conquering the entire planet you live on.
Sonic: Seriously? Can you really call it a hobby if it’s something you fail at every time you try it?
Tails: Hahaha, are you talking about him conquering the planet or the long walks on the beach, Sonic?
Shadow: He means both. The doctor spends far too much time indoors.
Eggman: I do not! I get outside all the time. You guys, stop ganging up on me! Anyway, thanks for the question, Tassa… [stutters] When I take over this planet, unlike these three, you’ll be on my good list.
~ #3 ~
Eggman: Hope I’m pronouncing this right… LoveyDoveyii asks, “Hey guys, hope you’re all having a nice day. To Sonic, if you were to list everything you like about your little buddy Tails, what would it be?”
Tails: Aww, this one’s about me?
Sonic: Well, let’s see. Tails is awesome for a ton of reasons! But I’ll list the big ones. He’s always there for me when I need him, and—
Shadow: Sure. Just like that time you were sent in a capsule that exploded from the Space Colony ARK, right?
Eggman: Oh, right, I did do that.
Tails: Hey, no, I—!
Sonic: Plus he’s always optimistic, he’s a genius mechanic, and I know he always does the right thing. He once even saved all of Station Square from Eggman!
Tails: Haha, I mean, y'know…
Eggman: I wasn’t really trying, you know.
Sonic: So, anyway, those are just a few of the things about Tails that I think are great. You’re the best, man.
Tails: Aw, thanks, Sonic!
Shadow: I think I’m going to throw up.
~ #4 ~
Tails: Here’s one! Col0rsandmayhem asks, “What are some of your favorite snacks?”
Eggman: Oh, wonderful timing! We’ve just arrived at today’s Twitter Takeover Sponsorship! Here, Sonic, read this.
[paper rustling]
Sonic: Wait, do I really have to—
Eggman: Come on, just read it or I don’t get my free minifridge!
Sonic: UGH, fine. [in a bored monotone] “This Twitter Takeover is brought to you by Chaos Cola, the official cola of Chao Races and Chao Karate worldwide. Crack open a relatively chilled Chaos Cola today.”
Tails: Personally, I like their mint juice drinks better.
Shadow: You’re all such corporate sellouts. I say support indie drinks. There’s nothing cooler than supporting the little guy.
~ #5 ~
Eggman: Jirard the Completionist asks, “Hey guys, huge fan, all hail Shadow—”
Shadow: Ooh, yeah, I like this guy already.
Eggman: Shadow, let me finish, please. [clears throat] “What is your ideal chilidog? Does Eggman’s have egg on top?”
Sonic: Ah. Plain dog, hot chili, and cheese. Easy answer.
Tails: I mostly give my chilidogs to Sonic. But I think I get the same thing he does.
Shadow: First, bonus points for showing me the respect I deserve, Completionist. Second, I add peppers, and even more cheese than Sonic. Just to prove I’m better than him.
Eggman: Mine would have three eggs on top, all with little Eggman faces—
Sonic: Hey, Eggman, check this out. I was searching this dude and he’s got a band called “Big Bad Bosses” with you in it!
Eggman: Huh? That can’t be right. My musical career is kept remarkably secret!
Tails: Oh, wow, there’s a whole Eggman song and everything!
Shadow: If you’ll excuse us, Jirard, we’re about to watch this video and laugh profusely at Eggman. Thanks for the great question.
~ #6 ~
Sonic: Evil_Antho asks “Hi guys! Question for your glorious, egg-shaped mad genius…” You know what, I think we’re just gonna throw this one out.
[paper rustling]
Eggman: Hey, give me that! Let’s see. They want to know if I secretly keep a Chao Garden in my evil lair. “If so, would you please share your secrets to Chao care?”
Tails: Eggman, you have a Chao Garden in your evil lair?
Eggman: What? Heh, not at all, I wouldn’t do that! Even if the evil ones are surprisingly cute, and understand me at a psychological level far deeper than anyone else ever could.
Shadow: Doctor, last time I was at your lair, I could’ve sworn I saw little Chao toys all over the floor—
Eggman: Nononono, those were, those were…those were Tails’s.
Tails: WHAT? That is NOT TRUE!
Eggman: Anyway, uh, thanks for the question, Evil, but I most definitely do NOT have a bunch of secret evil Chao in my lair, haha. CUT THE MIKE! CUT THE MIKE!
~ #7 ~
Shadow: SlashClaws asks, “Eggman, have you ever used your tech for a non-evil purpose?”
Eggman: Good question! But of course, SlashClaws. I did help save the planet from a falling space colony once.
Tails: Yeah, but to be fair, you also kinda started all that.
Eggman: Okay, then how about…I once used it to stop the Deadly Six from also destroying the world.
Sonic: Yeah, but that was using your creation, Eggman. You started that one too.
Eggman: Okay, wow, you guys are just really being mean to me here. I’m not that evil—
Shadow: Don’t trust anything the doctor says, ever. That’s my motto.
Tails: I agree.
Eggman: I just can’t win with you people! Thanks for the question, SlashClaws.
~ #8 ~
Tails: Oh, I got a fun one here! maliasorce asks – sorry if I said that wrong, heh – “Sonic, what is the key to your positivity? What makes you so optimistic 24/7?”
Shadow: Yes, please tell us so I can finally put into words what bothers me about you so much.
Sonic: Hey, Malia! Great question. And, uh, ignore Shadow. [mockingly] He’s just grumpy because he hasn’t had a question in a bit.
Eggman: So what is it that keeps you so positive all the time, Sonic?
Sonic: Easy! Part of it’s my friends, like Tails and Knuckles, and part of it is knowing that no matter what, we can always overcome whatever life throws at us.
Shadow: Aw, how adorable. And remarkably cheesy.
Tails: He’s right, though! Everyone has bad days and rough times, but I think it always helps to know that even if they’re rough, things are going to get better someday.
Eggman: Thanks for the question, Malia.
~ #9 ~
Sonic: All right. Gushers asks, “Yes, hi, Sonic, sir!” Wow, so formal. “Why do people always send me this?” Oh, and there’s a…picture here…
Tails: It’s a picture of you, Sonic!
Eggman: Whoa, looks like an old one! What is this, Dreamcast days?
Shadow: It’s a little picture of you saying “I like Gusher”?
Eggman: Wait, I know what this is…
Shadow: Leave it to me, Eggman. I’ve been waiting for this moment. [clears throat] Silence, brand.
Sonic: Whoa, guys, chill out. I like their Twitter. Thanks, Gushers!
Tails: PS, if you wanna send us any free samples, my workshop’s address is 101 Mystic Ruins Lane, Suite—
Shadow: Tails, you’re doing it again. Stop being a corporate sellout. Listen, Gushers, if you send any samples out, you send ‘em straight to me.
~ #10 ~
Tails: Thomas Capella asks, “To everyone except Shadow, because he already answered, what’s your favorite anime?”
Eggman: Oh, mine’s a bit dark, you might not like it, it involves ghouls and the like…
Sonic: Ha, mine’s easy. Sonic X! Not that I’m biased or anything. How about you, Tails?
Tails: I like the one with the kid who becomes a hero. “One for All!”
Shadow: Mine’s still the one with the girl and the scissor blade. It’s the greatest anime of all time, and none of you will ever change my mind.
~ #11 ~
Shadow: _kimmyko_ asks “Hey, Eggman, where do I sign up to join the Eggman Empire? Is there a paid internship program or something? Asking for a friend.”
Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa, kimmyko, let me stop you right there. You really don’t want this internship, trust me.
Tails: Hey, I could use an intern! I mean, I couldn’t pay you in anything but gold rings, but—
Eggman: Would you two stop trying to poach my new hires? People wonder why HR can’t find quality candidates, and now I realize it’s you two! kimmyko, I don’t pay my interns because it’s the most evil thing I can do. But I’d be happy to have you join the Eggman Empire.
Shadow: Between us, I recommend going your own way. You don’t need Eggman or Sonic and Tails. Trust only yourself.
Eggman: Exactly. Trust yourself to ignore Shadow and follow me! Welcome aboard!
~ #12 ~
Tails: Hey, Eggman, what’s that one?
Eggman: Let’s see. SonicReikai asks, “For your Spanish fans, could you four please sing the Macarena?”
Tails: Wait, you guys sang last time?
Sonic: I mean, yeah, a little bit.
Shadow: You have no proof I sang anything.
Eggman: Well, they soon will. Let’s do it!
All: [a few lines’ worth of indistinct mumble-singing] Ay macarena!
Tails: [a few more lines’ worth of indistinct mumble-singing]
All: Ay macarena!
~ #13 ~
Tails: Heh, I like this one. Brandon Santiago asks, “To Shadow, if you’re the ultimate lifeform, how come you need your rocket shoes to run fast while Sonic doesn’t, hmmm?”
Eggman: Ooh, he’s going right in with that one, isn’t he?
Sonic: [mockingly] Yeah, Shadow, why do you need rocket shoes to run fast?
Shadow: What a presumptuous question from this “Brandon” person. I’m not just fast because of my rocket shoes, Brandon. I’m the Ultimate Lifeform. And you would be wise to respect my power!
Eggman: Whoa, he’s actually getting a little angry.
Tails: Do you think he’s upset because it’s maybe a little true?
Shadow: No, it’s NOT true! Tails, you couldn’t even come close to beating me if you tried. Especially if—
Sonic: Guys, why is Shadow glowing red?
Shadow: —especially if I—
Eggman: Oh, no, I’ve seen this before—
Shadow: Chaos—
Everyone else: [screaming]
Shadow: —Blast!
Everyone else: [screaming continues]
~ #14 ~
Tails: DarkNecroDizzy asks, “Hey, Sonic, what do you do with all the golden rings you’ve collected over the years, anyways?”
Shadow: Yes, what do you do with those, Sonic?
Eggman: Ha, he doesn’t have that many! I normally knock them all out of him.
Sonic: Really? Good question, NecroDizzy. I save a lot of them, but I do spend a good amount on Chao and power-ups, too.
Tails: And I use them to fund my creations!
Shadow: I donate all my gold rings to those in need. Check out Global Giving, St. Jude, and Extra Life for some great places to send your gold rings, too.
Eggman: Shadow’s a philanthropist? Who knew? Thanks, NecroDizzy!
~ #15 ~
Shadow: LuckyPaola asks, “Dear Sonic, Tails, Shadow, and Doctor Eggman, what do you eat for breakfast?”
Sonic: Oh, hey, they drew a little image here.
Tails: Oh my gosh, this is so cute!
Eggman: Oh, hey, that’s me on the right there! Am I…am I flipping eggs or pancakes?
Sonic: It’s gotta be eggs, because you’re Eggman, right?
Eggman: Well, sure, but I actually really love making waffles for breakfast!
Shadow: Am I drinking tea or coffee?
Tails: Do you drink a lot of coffee, Shadow?
Shadow: No, I just eat the beans straight. Didn’t you listen to the last Twitter Takeover?
Sonic: Tails, we’ve got little breakfast chilidogs, I think!
Tails: This is my new favorite art ever! Thanks, LuckyPaola!
~ #16 ~
Shadow: Recko the Dark asks, “Well, Eggman, would you sell TV products? What would be the first one that would occur to you?”
Eggman: TV products, hmm… Well, that’s easy. I’ve got so many wonderful products I’ve made over the years.
Tails: All of them remarkably dangerous and definitely not safe for TV.
Eggman: Oh, that’s not true, Tails! I built the Hedgehog Trapper 9000, which is only dangerous if you’re the one being trapped.
Tails: That one has sawblades!
Eggman: Purely decorative, don’t worry! And I’m working out this neat design for a new Metal Sonic – he’s got rockets on both his hands and feet!
Sonic: Wait, whoa, this still sounds really dangerous.
Eggman: Oh, no, no, not for the people on TV, don’t worry. Only dangerous for you, Sonic.
Shadow: Recko, I don’t think we can legally allow Eggman to keep talking, so I’m going to cut the mike here. Thanks for your question.
~ #17 ~
Sonic: Oh hey, the Sonic Stadium – nice fansite name, guys – asks, “Many of our readers want to know, what is the secret to growing such a fine moustache?”
Tails: Wait, is that for all of us or just Eggman?
Eggman: I’ve got this, don’t worry. Listen, the secret is quite simple. First you need good product. I use a firming gel called “Adam and Sven”. Then you use a comb, and also carefully trim it to become impeccably stunning and handsome.
Tails: I wonder what Eggman would look like if we shaved his mustache off.
Eggman: Oh no, trust me, you really don’t wanna see that.
Shadow: I agree, Tails. Maybe we should shave it off right now.
Eggman: Shadow – no no no, please, guys, listen, I—
Sonic: Just grab him, quick!
Eggman: No, no, nonono, wait— [screams]
~ #18 ~
Tails: smoov22_sonic asks, “What’s Shadow’s favorite place to go shopping?”
Sonic: Oh, it’s gotta be that store with all the edgy clothing and goth stuff. What is it, Lukewarm Topic?
Eggman: I bet it’s the Halloween shop down the street! I saw him wearing a cape once.
Shadow: What? Those are both fine establishments, by the way, but I do my shopping at the local convenience store. It’s called “Maria’s”.
Eggman: [quiet intake of breath]
Tails: Oh, wait, um, Maria was…
Sonic: Oh, wow, sorry. I – I didn’t mean to—
Shadow: No. No, it’s fine. As long as I can keep supporting some Maria out there in the world, I…at least feel like I’m making it a better place.
Eggman: This question turned out to be quite the emotional rollercoaster. Thanks, smoov22.
~ #19 ~
Shadow: JadeUltra asks, “Where do you guys see yourself in the future?”
Eggman: Oh ho, that’s easy! Sitting atop my mechanical throne, ruling the world!
Sonic: Also an easy answer. Stopping Eggman from whatever plan he thinks he can pull off, and spending some more time on Twitter when I can.
Tails: I’d like to create more inventions that could support everyone.
Shadow: I’d like to open up a cat orphanage someday, for all the stray cats of the world, so they have a place to stay.
Everyone else: Wait, really?
Shadow: What? I have a soft spot for adorable little kittens. Don’t judge me.
Eggman: So judged.
~ #20 ~
Tails: TheHaasManWyatt asks, “What is your all-time favorite memory?”
Sonic: Oh, I like this one! For me, probably that time we all saved the planet together. Well, the one with the Biolizard, anyway.
Tails: My favorite memory is meeting Sonic for the first time. And after that, uh… My adventure on Cocoa Island.
Eggman: My favorite memory was finally beating Sonic, e-even though it happens all the time. What about yours, Shadow?
Shadow: My favorite memory was being dead.
Sonic: Wow, okay, that got dark.
~ #21 ~
Eggman: GottaPostFast asks – oh, I get that, that’s a reference – “Hey Tails, you probably get this a lot, but what does the fox say?”
Tails: Oh, uh… [quietly] Hey, Sonic, are the lawyers gonna get angry if I sing the song and stuff?
Sonic: [quietly] Yeah, probably. You just have to come up with something else real fast.
Shadow: [quietly] What are you two whispering about?
Tails: N-nothing! The fox says, uh… um… I’ve gotta fly high!
Eggman: Wait, that’s just your theme song from Sonic Adventure—
Tails: So I can reach the highest of all the heavens!
Sonic: Nice save, bud.
Shadow: I’m very, very confused by all this. Thank you, GottaPostFast. Next question.
~ #22 ~
Tails: AshleyChan456 asks, “I’ve got a question to ask all of you. Seeing that summer is nearly upon us, I’ve gotta ask: What’s your ideal summer vacation?”
Sonic: For me, a nice, beautiful beach, a palm tree or two, an umbrella to block out the sun, a boombox to play some tunes…
Tails: A motorized surfboard so I can splash water all over Sonic on accident, then go out of control and try to rescue a big owl guy.
Sonic: I almost feel like we’ve done this before.
Shadow: My ideal summer vacation is a trip to somewhere dark and spooky. I might invite Rouge or Omega to join me.
Eggman: Mine would be in my evil lair, surrounded by my own creations, watching as my minions conquer and capture all the little animals of the forest and turn them into more robots.
Shadow: Wait, can I change my answer? Instead—
Tails: Nope, we’re outta time! Thanks, Ashley, and hope you have a great summer too!
~ #23 ~
Sonic: Menno asks, “Hello, Shadow! What would your ultimate day look like?”
Tails: [imitating Shadow] “Dear Diary, today I brooded. And brooded some more. And then raised some Chao.”
Eggman: Hey, that’s not bad, Tails.
Shadow: Quiet, fox. My ultimate day would consist of a nice two handfuls of coffee beans in the morning, followed by a playthrough of the world’s greatest video game—
Sonic: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric?
Shadow: No, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Tails: Probably should’ve seen that one coming.
Shadow: Then I head outside to do mysterious things, like saving people in need at the last moment, or picking up cool dark clothing that I’ll never wear.
Eggman: And then after that?
Shadow: Finally, I head home and put on a good movie, like Chao in Space 3, which features me. It’s much better than Chao in Space 2.
Sonic: …yeah. Well, thanks for the question, Menno.
Shadow: Wait, I’m not done y—
~ #24 ~
Sonic: [clears throat and proceeds to stumble over the pronunciation of the asker’s name several times] aoii91 asks, “How many chilidogs could a hedgehog eat if a hedgehog could eat chilidogs?”
Shadow: Let me get this straight. “How many chilidogs could a hedgehog eat if a hedgehog could eat chilidogs?”
Tails: A hedgehog could eat all the chilidogs.
Eggman: Well, if a hedgehog could eat chilidogs. I think they’re vegetarians.
~ #25 ~
Eggman: Hyper Potions asks, “What’s your favorite Team Sonic Racing track?”
Tails: Oh, man, we have to pick one? But I love so many!
Shadow: Do they mean track, or musical? Aren’t these some of the people who worked on the game’s soundtrack?
Sonic: Hey, I know these guys! Hyper Potions also made the trailer music for Sonic Mania! Well, to answer your question, Whale Lagoon for me.
Eggman: Personally, my favorite track is Final Fortress.
Shadow: Mine is Boo’s House. I love watching Knuckles get scared of ghosts.
Tails: Okay, then mine would be…Sky Road.
Eggman: There you go, Hyper Potions. Oh, and special thanks to the other musicians who helped make the soundtrack so amazing, too!
Sonic: Yeah, like Jun Senoue and Crush 40!
Tails: And Tee Lopes!
Shadow: And Tyler Smith. He also made the theme of Infinite, which I enjoy very much.
Eggman: And TORIENA!
Sonic: Thanks for the question, Hyper Potions!
~ #26 ~
Shadow: TheChaosSpirit asks, “To all of you, what do you guys like to do to stay motivated when the going gets tough?”
Eggman: Personally, I build more robots. Keeps my mind off things. And believe me, the going gets tough for me a lot.
Tails: I like to think about new inventions, or go outside.
Sonic: And I like to stay motivated by running. Anywhere, any place. Oh, and by blowing up Eggman’s robots.
Shadow: I look back on my past dark, traumatic moments, and use those to shield myself from the impending challenges of the future. No matter what may come, I’ve surely faced far worse before.
Eggman: And there you go! Always so optimistic, Shadow.
~ #27 ~
Tails: Ann Michal asks, “Hi, Sonic! Have you ever considered dyeing your fur black and red to look cooler?”
Shadow: Who is this girl? And why does she have such good taste in hedgehogs?
Sonic: I’m sorry, what? Dye my fur black and red? Pshht, no thanks. That’s a Shadow thing right there. I’m good with blue.
Eggman: Wait a minute, you guys. I looked into this person’s history and it says here she even gave a presentation about Shadow.
Sonic: Wow. That’s a lot of retweets, too.
Tails: Ooh, someone’s got an admirer!
Shadow: “An Exploration of Shadow the Hedgehog’s True Moral Compass (& Knuckles)”. Impressive. Very impressive. Nice work, Michal. Thanks for being one of my biggest fans.
Sonic: Blue quills are better.
~ #28 ~
Eggman: LiatrisBlossom asks, “So, Shadow, where was that fourth Chaos Emerald?”
Tails: Yeah, Shadow, did you ever find that thing? It’s kind of a meme on the internet, you know.
Shadow: No, Tails, I never found that [bleep] fourth Chaos Emerald. I tried searching for the [bleep] Chaos Emerald many times, but I never found it.
Sonic: Wait, are you censoring yourself on purpose, Shadow?
Shadow: What? No. I just said exactly what I said in the game. You know, that [bleep] fourth Chaos Emerald.
Tails: Holy cow, he’s being censored in real time!
Eggman: That is some pretty impressive tech, SEGA.
Shadow: You may think you can stop me, SEGA Twitter team, but if I said it in the game, I’ll find a way to say it on Twitter. That [bleep] fourth Chaos Emerald – argh! [bleep] fourth Chaos Emerald! …Curse you, SEGA.
Sonic: Sorry, Shadow, but this was the only way the ESRB would let us continue. Thanks for understanding.
~ #29 ~
Sonic: Sam’s Procrastination Station asks, “Hey, @sonic_hedgehog, do you mind finally explaining to the general audience why you’re in a car in games like Team Sonic Racing? People still ask this question for some reason, so I think this is the perfect time to address it.”
Tails: Oh, that’s an easy one! He’s in a car in Team Sonic Racing because—
Sonic: Because if I was on foot, I’d win instantly. Exactly, Tails!
Tails: Aww, I wanted to answer that one, Sonic!
Shadow: Hold on a second. If you were on foot, you’d still lose just as badly to me, Sonic.
Tails: Hey, I can run too. Doesn’t anyone remember Sonic R on the Saturn?
Eggman: The car makes things even, Sam. But let’s be honest, even in Sonic R, I’m still the best racer by far. Thanks for the question!
~ #30 ~
Eggman: snowcanine asks, “If you guys could change one thing about yourselves, what would it be?”
Sonic: Good question! I’d like to be able to know exactly where the Chaos Emeralds were at any time. Would make stopping Eggman much easier.
Tails: I’d like to be able to keep flying without ever getting tired.
Eggman: I’d get rid of that silly sense of mercy that keeps stopping me from ever finally defeating Sonic. It’s just a weakness, really.
Shadow: I wouldn’t change a thing. Our mistakes make us who we are, and I’m comfortable with my identity.
Sonic: Yeah, I feel like Shadow’s answers are either the most depressing or the most inspiring, depending on the question. Thanks, snowcanine!
~ #31 ~
Tails: Barry Kramer asks, “You guys are in the business of moving quickly. What’s the best way to keep your shoes on? Laces, hook-and-loop fasteners, or, uh, other? Thanks.”
Sonic: Good question, Barry! Personally, I’m all about the buckle. Had it since the classic days.
Shadow: Other. I don’t really need a buckle. My shoes were specially designed and fit my feet perfectly, no matter how fast I’m going.
Tails: I actually don’t use one either! But I totally modified my shoes a bit so they’re a perfect fit too.
Eggman: I, um…I don’t do much running. A genius like me can conquer the world from the comfort of his own chair!
Sonic: Well, thanks for the question, Barry! And hope your next project comes out amazing.
~ #32 ~
Shadow: LTDork asks, “Sonic has become pretty notorious for his terrible taste in puns. Are there any specific jokes you guys like?”
Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now, hang on, terrible taste in puns? That’s not entirely true—
Tails: But what about the games, Sonic? It’s definitely kinda true there.
Sonic: Yeah, but those are totally different writers! I’ve got a script to follow! Twitter Takeovers are way easier because I can just…be myself.
Eggman: I’d just like to add that I appreciate all of my writers, no matter the script. Please keep casting me as the villain!
Shadow: Suckup.
~ #33 ~
Shadow: Elsie Fisher asks, “Why do you guys always wear gloves? What are you hiding?”
Eggman: Uh, hands, mostly.
Tails: Hey, Sonic, have you ever tried taking off your gloves?
Sonic: What? No, why would I? They’re super comfy.
Tails: I dunno, like…for science and stuff?
Sonic: Huh. Well, all right, let’s see if I can— [grunting] Huh. Wow. That thing is – yeah, it’s really stuck on there.
Tails: Wait, Sonic. Rrrgh… My gloves won’t come off either!
Sonic: But Tails, what if I have, like, creepy blue hands under these!?
Tails: Uh…
Shadow: Would you both stop panicking? Elsie Fisher, thanks for your question, but we wear gloves because they’re comfortable and cool, and there’s absolutely nothing hidden underneath. …wait, wait. Can she – can she see that I’m winking right now, or is that not going through?
~ #34 ~
Tails: RubberNinja asks, “On a downward incline, would Eggman’s top speed while rolling surpass Sonic?”
Shadow: Wait a minute. That’s Ross. He’s one of the Grumpy Guys or whatever they call themselves. I was a grumpy guy before it was cool.
Sonic: The Game Grumps, Shadow. But this one’s easy, so I’ll answer it. There is absolutely no way I’d lose to Eggman at anything. Especially a speed competition.
Eggman: Hold on, hold on. Let’s think about this scientifically. From a momentum perspective, since I weigh more than you, I would almost certainly eventually—
Shadow: But your body is clearly not built for spin-dashing, Doctor. I don’t think you’d have nearly as smooth of a roll downward.
Eggman: Oh, no, no, we can just do the math here, let’s see. On a downward incline, assuming Sonic begins with a spin dash—
Tails: And also assuming Eggman has no bones to slow him down—
Eggman: Wait, what?
Tails: Eggman would eventually pass Sonic after roughly 7.8 miles.
Eggman: Hold on a minute, what was that about no bones?
Shadow: Well, there you have it, Ross of the Grumpy Grumps. That’s just science.
~ #35 ~
Tails: Chris Scullion asks, “Do ghosts and spirits of our deceased loved ones exist, or are they merely mental projections constructed in our own minds as a coping mechanism, as knowing they still have some presence (albeit a merely etherial one) gives some comfort?”
Shadow: Don’t worry, I got this one. Yes.
~ #36 ~
Sonic: SakataLouis asks, “Can you all say Happy Birthday to my little brother Diego? He’s seven years old today and he really likes you guys, especially Shadow.”
Tails: Aww, that’s adorable! Yeah, we can do that!
All: “Happy Birthday to my little brother Diego. He’s seven years old today and he really likes you guys, especially Shadow.”
Shadow: To Diego, one of my ultimate fans, happy seventh birthday.
Eggman: Thanks for being a good brother, SakataLouis.
~ #37 ~
Tails: Ooh, listen to this one, guys! From Lisamellow1, “An innocent question for Sonic, if he doesn’t mind. I’ve read in a book that it is confirmed by the Sonic Team that Sonic has feelings for Amy, but he’s too nervous to admit it! So, is that true? Also, have this very quick doodle of Amy I made.”
Eggman: Oh my. Is that true, Sonic?
Sonic: Whoa, what, what? A-Amy? Why are you guys asking me this all of the sudden?
Tails: Hey, the fans just wanna know! And you did say they could ask you anything…
Sonic: Yeah, but, well – listen, I don’t really feel comfortable talking about that on Twitter right—
Shadow: Are you afraid, Sonic? Are you running away from your feelings now, too?
Sonic: I just really don’t want to – I’ll be right back!
Tails: …Wow, he’s not normally like that. Well, one thing’s for sure now, the Sonamy fans are gonna go nuts.
~ #38 ~
Tails: theminemanner2 asks, “Doctor Eggman, how long did it take you to come up with the plan of luring Sonic and company into a false sense of security by joining the Twitter Takeover?”
Eggman: Good question, minemanner. Let’s see, how long has it been now…approximately six hours. Surprise, Sonic!
Tails: Oh, if you’re talking about the traps you placed, i already disarmed all of those.
Eggman: What?
Shadow: And the robots you were trying to hide above us were all destroyed when I used Chaos Blast earlier.
Eggman: H-how?
Sonic: And we totally had Knuckles trash your lair while you were doing this. Actually, this was just a plan to get you away from your base, Eggman.
Eggman: Are you kidding me? No! This is not okay! Rrrrrgh…
Sonic: Well, all’s well that ends well! Let’s keep the questions going.
~ #39 ~
Sonic: All right, here’s one! BluSlashed asks, “Who’s the best driver between all of you? You can only choose one.”
Shadow: Is that really a question? It’s well-known that I’m the best driver in this room.
Eggman: Oh no you aren’t, Shadow! You may be fast, but I could outsmart you any day.
Sonic: Ha, didn’t any of you guys watch “Team Sonic Racing: Overdrive”? Tails and I clearly won because we worked together.
Tails: Yeah, it’s all about the real superpower of teamwork!
Shadow: I was winning. You were all slow and had to rely on that Team Ultimate to save you.
Eggman: You know, it’s strange, but I really don’t have much recollection of what happened after that race.
Tails: Oh, uh, yeah, that’s, uh…probably for the best.
Sonic: Should we tell him?
Tails: No way!
~ #40 ~
Shadow: egoraptor asks, “Sonic, have you and Tails just straight-up forgotten how evil Robotnik is? I find it very disturbing to see y'all pal around with this joker.”
Sonic: Y'know, it’s a fair point that Eggman is pretty evil sometimes.
Tails: And he has tried to ruin our lives on multiple occasions.
Shadow: And risked the lives of the entire planet.
Sonic: But he’s more like…a lovable kind of bad guy, you know? There’s just something about him. Well, that and he just shows up uninvited all the time.
Eggman: Dear Arin Hanson, interesting question. I see you’ve chosen poorly when it comes to selecting your allies. I’ll be in touch. Very soon.
Everyone else: Dun-dun-dunnn!
~ #41 ~
Eggman: Caddicarus asks, “So hey, @Sonic_Hedgehog! Why do you collect rings when an anagram of your name is 'coins’?”
Sonic: They’re rings! Way bigger, way better, and you can throw them over your arm, too.
Shadow: Who would even collect coins, anyway?
Tails: All sorts of people, Shadow! I mean, there are people in the street, coin collectors, and that one plumber guy we ran into, y'know.
Sonic: In my humble opinion, Caddicarus, gold rings are way better than coins, and a much better investment, too.
~ #42 ~
Tails: Whew, I had no idea there’d be so many questions coming our way!
Eggman: Well, buckle up, fox boy, it’s normal. I’ve done this for years, trust me.
Shadow: Don’t worry. Eggman’s just upset because we’ve got more questions than he did.
Sonic: Guys, there’s even more questions still coming in, but I think time’s up.
Tails: Well, we’ve gotta stop somewhere. Thank you all so much for sharing your questions with us today, and for inviting me to join in!
Eggman: As always, a huge thank you to my adoring fans.
Shadow: And to the supporters of the world’s greatest hedgehog.
Sonic: Aw, you shouldn’t have, Shadow.
Shadow: No, no. I meant me.
Sonic: Oh. Well. That’s typical.
Eggman: So, what about all the people whose questions we didn’t get to answer? We have to come back for a fifth Takeover someday, right?
Sonic: Whoa! I mean, guys, we just finished the fourth!
Tails: Yeah! And let’s invite someone else next time, too! Like Rouge, or Big, or Amy – oh, maybe Cream—
Sonic: Nononono, uh, Tails, listen—
Shadow: From all of this in this cramped little room, please accept our appreciation for hanging out with us today.
Sonic: Yeah. Thanks, everyone!
Tails: Thank you!
Eggman: 'Til next time!
Shadow: Chaos Control!
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cearroshitblog · 9 years
game theory on their alt channel are doing a let's play of the Halloween hack and titled it "the origin of Undertale" I can't even anymore.
I know right, I would watch it to see if they reacted to toby’s tweets and see if they realized they messed up their theory but I just can’t make myself watch that.
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krispdreemurr · 5 years
First impression: oh my god depressed cat plushie shopkeeper. love
Impression now: this poor poor sad cat......
Favorite moment: "You too, will begin to realize the futility of your actions. Ha ha ha... At that time, feel free to come back here. I'll make you tea... And we can toast... to the end of the world!"
Idea for a story: seam decides to follow jevil to freedom, and what results from that
Unpopular opinion: not an opinion, but just a fact: seam doesnt use pronouns!
Favorite relationship: im. weak for cat kissin a clown
Favorite headcanon: i LOVE the take where like. seam and jevil’s games were pure fuckin calvinball
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krispdreemurr · 5 years
fields of yellow flowers deep enough that you could sink into them and be forgotten; scraped knees, scraped elbows, scraped hands; the feeling of cold metal beneath your fingers, fading to your body temperature; sweet scents of chocolate and citrus choked under dust and iron; thick, worn-down fabric against your skin; the darkness when you close your eyes; a family dinner for one too many, or one too few
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krispdreemurr · 5 years
Deltashuffle Ralsei and Lancer leaving the Dark World after their first visit?
“So I talked to mom, and she said she’d help me, uh, figure out this whole ruling thing,” Kris says, hands behind their head as they walk. “And Susie, you’re sticking around, right?”
Susie blinks, tilting her head. “...I mean, I guess? For, uh, what?”
“As my right-hand man!” They grin. “C’mon, you and I against the world! Fighting the man!”
“Kris, I think you’re the man now.”
“Fighting the me!”
“Yeah! Fight the Kris!” Lancer cheers. “And I can help out with a bunch, like, building cool wheels for your new throne, and...”
Kris and Susie look between them, hesitate. Finally, Kris reaches out to ruffle Lancer’s fur.
“You’ve gotta head home for now. Bet people are missing you.” They smile, weakly. “But... hurry back, okay?”
Susie nodded. “You two need to seal the Fountain, and... that’ll take you home.” She glances at Ralsei, wordless.
Lancer’s face visibly falls a little. “...So you don’t need me around...?”
Kris hesitates, then - pushes the half-mask they’re wearing up onto the top of their head. 
Their eyes are brilliant cyan, and full of tears.
“Lancer, you’re... the coolest kid I’ve ever met.” They smile, wiping at their face. “And I’ll miss you like crazy. But we’ll still be the Formerly Dark Heartbreakers, together or apart, right?”
Lancer hesitates, then nods. “Y-yeah! Ex-Dark Heartbreakers forever!” He leaps for Kris’ arms, and the two hug, holding each other tight.
Susie looks at them for a second, then looks at Ralsei again.
“...Think about what I told you,” she murmurs.
Ralsei says nothing, just looking back, red eyes just barely visible in the shadows over his face.
“Right.” Susie sighs, glancing at the embracing duo. “C’mon, nerds. Let’s get this done with.”
And they walk, all together, towards the Fountain, towards the end.
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krispdreemurr · 5 years
just realized that if the Poncho Kris in UT + Frisk and Chara averting the war in DR timeline theory is true, it might have some. implications. for how Kris's quest is gonna play out.
kris seals their entire town in an inescapable barrier
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krispdreemurr · 5 years
Came for the respecting nonbinary characters, stayed for the literally everything
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krispdreemurr · 5 years
First impression: is that electroswing. this is a jam
Impression now: cute....... cute pal
Favorite moment: definitely blooky showing you around their house
Idea for a story: hmm. maybe something w like mtt offering blooky a body like his and blooky explaining that, actually, they’re fine just as they are....
Unpopular opinion: i dont. think i have any...?
Favorite relationship: blooky and mtt best cousins
Favorite headcanon: secretly lets a bunch of snails free
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arceusbeta · 5 years
that one character who seems more or less normal but also knows way more about Secret Plot Stuff than they probably should
oh hell yea i wanna be weird and mysterious
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arceusbeta · 5 years
you're a cool person and an amazing writer!
hey ur gay and too kind
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