Feeling sad and nostalgic and all that. 💔 The nauseating thought that I may never find my canonmates, or if I do that they may not want to stick around, suddenly struck me while listening to the OST again. I've become a different person in this life, incredibly different. There are so many mistakes I made that I can't go back and correct, all I can do is move forward with the wisdom my past has given me. It's bittersweet.
Years ago I was listening to a guided hypnosis track that instructed its listeners to imagine themselves in a room with all the people they'd ever known. When I did, I pictured a room that was entirely grey, from the floor to the ceiling, with the only piece of furniture being a grandfather clock at the other end. There was a sea of people around me but I couldn't parse any details about them, they were just silhouettes, and the only thing in the whole room with enough detail for me to see clearly was that clock. The unrelenting march of time as it stands high above me, and a crowd of people I'm trying so desperately to see in focus but can't, is the perfect depiction of the way I feel now.
Anyway. I'm just being an edgelord lmao. Don't mind me. - 💜🥧☁️
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I am not a Toriel who raised Kris. I don't think. I am a Toriel who failed as a mother and could not protect many of my children in the underground.
As I play Deltarune, I want nothing more to keep Kris and their friends safe. But, based on how the story has gone so far, I'm not sure this is possible.
To all of my kids who I have lost before: I'm sorry. I should have been better for all of you. Stronger. I hope you have found happiness and peace in this life.
To every Kris: I hope, wherever you've landed in this life, you are safe and well. I hope things were not hard for you in your life as Kris. I hope you were safe.
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coffretskinhelp · 4 years
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A Toriel aesthetic for the best mom ever: @rebirthonthemarina!! I love you!!
Mod Coffret
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butterscotch-lush · 4 years
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toriel moodboard i made for myself,!!
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kinfoodie · 5 years
Hello, if it's not to much trouble would you please give me some homely comfort foods for a torielkin who misses cooking for her family? If you could give me some warm drinks as well that would be great. Thank you in advance. (Also your blog is great and reading through all the recipes makes me really happy!)
Hey anon!
Of course, I did a list of rustic-esque recipes and some warm drinks. ^-^ I’m also glad that my blog makes you happy! That’s the goal after all~!
Baked Pumpkin with Marinated Herbs and Gorgonzola
Apple Cranberry Crumble Bars
Pumpkin and Potato Gratin
Sauteed Tomato Breakfast Crostini With Poached Eggs
Eggs In Purgatory
Baked Chicken Meatballs in a Rich Tomato Sauce
Sausage, Egg and Cheddar Farmer’s Breakfast
Country Ribs Dinner
Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate
Hot Cider with Orange Twists
There ya go anon! I hope you enjoy and these fit the bill for ya. If not feel free to come back and ask again I shall refill as best as I can! Cheers and happy eating~!
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kin-poke-teams · 5 years
Hey there! Could I get a Pokémon team for Toriel from Undertale? :)
Absolutely! You’d probably like
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capramambrica · 6 years
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Hi! I’ve set this up to be a kin/aes blog! I hope to post art here too...
I’m Toriel! I don’t remember much yet, but I was very family oriented and driven! I was very protective over my kids and those I cherished and had a fond spot for baking and needlework. Not sure if I was more Undertale or Deltarune...
I’d love to talk with anyone else, doubles or AU’s! Maybe I can find out more about myself.
Thank you!
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Moodboard for Toriel with Themes of Fire for @mother-of-thots-returns!
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underkinfun · 6 years
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aesthetic for a toriel who loves and misses her children
art x
-Mod Poppy
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dreemurrkid · 6 years
CANON CALL (repost from my old blog)
If it seems familiar please message me, or reblog and I will message you!! (i cant tell if you just like the post because you could’ve easily done that on accident =/)
i have found my Frisk and am looking for Everybody else! (Note... my memories involving undyne and the rest will be in a reblog of this because i cant fit it all in here,)
+ i was around 10-15 in most of my memories
+ i was qpps (or that place’s equivalent) with frisk
+ there were quite a few neutral timelines, two true pacifist, and one aborted no-mercy.
+ i forced a reset during the no-mercy.
+ after the second true pacifist, me and asriel came back!
+ and we lived with mom! and dad?! maybe! but everyone visited a lot, or maybe we all lived together ?? i can’t really figure that one out, but it was a good time!
+ i was a very impulsive child, people had to pull me away from potential Mishaps a lot
+ i loves gardening and plants
+ and i liked knitting stuff for people it was fun cause they were like woah this is cool and I was like 😎
+ i mightve had some kind of magic after i came back on the surface
+ i Definitely had magic when i was a weird ghost thing considering i had the ability to reset if i tried hard enough and i could help frisk with like not dying
+ i had red eyes and i was kinda scrawny lookin tbh
+ me and frisk were Smal
+ i was adopted by the dreemurrs and i did cool stuff too bc yknow royal family got a lot of jobs
+ azzy was the PRINCE! he was gonna get the throne when he grew up
+ i was gonna be the advisor or somethin? idk
+ and frisk was the ambassador!!! and mettaton helped them with stayin out of the media and stuff
+ me and azzy and frisk mightve shared a room, or we just had a lot of sleepovers
+ i Know all three of us lived in the same house tho
+ good life man
+ we used to play in the backyard lots
+ i kinda lost my temper sometimes,, i cried when that happened
+ i was traumatized from when before i fell when i was on the surface. my bio parents were the worst
+ i don’t remember any of the fallen children other than frisk
+ i loved every one of my monster friends
+ we were all SO COOL
people-specific memories
+ umm before the buttercup debacle happened , me and azzy were super cool and lit
+ we liked to play on the ruins and pillars and stuff! climb on it and stuff
+ i was his sibling
+ all the dreemurrs were so fluffy? it was crazy dude
+ i was kinda jealous of that tbh. i want to be fluffy too
+ azzy was my best friend ever he was so so cool
+ when we did the buttercup thing... uh. well, i woke up kinda in the back of his head? i was like wtf and we were chillin then bitch ass humans do their thing and. why. i tried to convince him to fight back but he didn’t want to so we ran back home and. .....yeah
+ me and azzy and frisk played video games together on the surface
+ we were the ultimate squad goals tbh
+ he gave the best hugs
+ we laughed together a lot and i can remember that but i can’t remember what the joke was!!!
+ he was cool!! i teased him sometimes but it was all in good fun
+ first of all, what a sweetheart!!
+ comforted me a lot
+ we were kinda inseparable
+ pretty good at secret-keeping (COUGHhairclipCOUGH)
+ did some regrettable things, but i think most of us did
+ genuinely a good kid
+ i mightve been kinda overprotective of frisk and azzy both,,
+ they had a bunch of tops with the same pattern, dork
+ wove flower crowns for me
+ also good at hugs
+ super kind
+ stuck with me through ALL OF IT
+ awesome
+ my mom! my mom!!
+ read to me sometimes when i was younger
+ healed me when i first fell and made sure i felt safe
+ she had to chase me off from doing incredibly stupid things quite a few times
+ i made drawings for her
+ i cooked with her sometimes too
+ just a wonderful person tbh
+ “chara, pls brush your hair” “UUGGGGHHHHH”
“would you like me to brush it for you instead”
+ i gardened with him!!
+ he was super happy when i gave him the mr dad guy sweater. that was one of the first times i called him dad
+ sometimes carried me and azzy on his shoulders (grown goat r BIG)
+ really gentle. i was fucking Perturbed by him fighting frisk
+ patted me on the head
+ my cool friend dunkle guy
+ sometimes let me wear his coat
+ pun buddies
+ i couldn’t think of puns as fast as him tho
+ basically family to me
+ helped me keep myself safe
+ also basically family to me!! think of a REALLY COOL UNCLE
+ awesome and nice and great
+ i thought he was really cool. super cool
+ could run pretty fast
+ carried me on his shoulders a few times
+ did puzzles together a few times too
+ i ate the spaghetti he made and it wasn’t bad in my opinion
+ i thought it was fun to make puns at both him and undyne, much to their dismay
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I really really love and miss my kiddos and???? 🥺 Also I miss having badass fire magic and being royalty and being a goat. Ah heem heem whimper - 💜🥧☁️
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Is it much to ask the kin gods, for at least one canon where I don’t have survivor’s guilt?— A Torielkin
Also at all of my children, I wish I had done more to protect you.
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general-kins · 6 years
Toriel kins!
Right now, it’s real Missing Mom hours. I’m a Chara kin and I just want some motherly affection like the good days.
I am a minor, if that bugs anyone, though I don’t mind talking to adults!
If canon matters, I generally went along the game’s canon for the most part. At some point,though, my canon splits off into dozens of timelines. Each reset, we would be in a new timeline and I could remember the old timelines. The most memorable one would be the second to last timeline. It was a timeline where everyone was on the surface, though I was with an abusive human mother with no other family. I was in a relationship with Frisk who was in a family with Toriel. I visited them regularly after high school and Toriel might as well been my real mom in that timeline, inviting me over all the time.
If anyone, not just Toriel kins, think that’s familiar, PLEASE message me!
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trashmouth101-blog · 6 years
Hey, you!
Yeah you! Are you okay with doubles, 19 or younger, and kin with a character from Undertale or it’s many AUs? If so, join the Underkin server! We’re always welcoming new people.
By the way, do you mind giving this little old thing a reblog? Thank you!
Sincerely,    Asriel Dreemurr 🌼
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quartzpills · 6 years
Sanses: All of you are brilliant and great in more ways than one even if you don't see it! You're puns are amazing and never fail to make others laugh or smile!
Papyruses: Hey, you are all the best and most amazing brothers and i love you so much! you always see the good in everyone and everything
Frisks: You always seemed to strive to do what was right, whether it was for others or yourself! you were a great friend to all!
Charas: Even if you did some not so good things, you've grown from your mistakes and i’m sure that you are a better person now!
Toriels: My favourite pun-buddy and the best mom ever!! you’re always so kind and caring and motherly towards everyone you meet! You’re super amazing!
Asgores: You waged a war on human kind because of what they did to your children. Sure, it might’ve not been the best decision but it made sense! You’re very caring as well, and a big, fluffy gentle giant!
Alphyses: A super cool reptile!! No matter what happened in the past with the experiments, you were trying to help monsterkind! and that’s a very brave thing of you to do!
Undynes: You’re super brave and extremely heroic!! Even though you’re impulsive you always tried to keep everyone safe from any and all dangers that made themselves present. You’re very selfless and so many monster looked up to you!!
Mettatons: All of you are absolutely fabulous with big hearts! You were always loyal to you’re friends and i respect you!!
Napstablooks: You’re all super talented musicians!! Even if you think you’re a bother, keep on pushing through!! You’ve got this!
Asriels: Don’t let what happened in the past bring you down! You are super amazing and valuable and you deserved to be saved!
And to everyone else who i didn’t mention or who is noncannon: I love you all!! You’re so grand and valid as heck! And even if you’re obscure, that doesn’t mean that anybody’s forgotten you or nobody cares, because we all do!!
Everyone deserves love and positivity, no matter who you were!! -Your Local Sans/Asriel
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