maxmundan · 5 years
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Paduang Hill Tribe, Northern Thailand. #travel #travelphotography #traveltheworld #travelthailand #photography #photooftheday #photographer #naturephotography #landscapephotography #photographersofinstagram #photographersofig #majestic_earth_ #majestic_earth #thailand #thailand🇹🇭 #chiangdao #hilltribe #hilltribes #paduang #paduangwomen #paduangtribe (at Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai, Thailand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6NKWGpAkQb/?igshid=1a8pfuechb7g5
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youneedone2 · 3 years
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Paduang Tribe Woman with Long Neck Necklace jewelry, Burma/Myanmar by Yana Sirenko
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vedahaggarty · 2 years
Family’s History Impacting my Thoughts and Feelings
As I previously mentioned, my family’s past traditions may still be having an impact on shaping my thoughts and feelings. As an example, I think that spending time with family and friends is important and I love and appreciate them. My family’s traditions (which all involve gathering with family and friends) are likely why I value family and friends so much. Individuals living within cultures that do not tend to prioritize family and friends probably will not value them as much as I do. My family’s past ethnic group memberships may also still be having an impact on shaping my thoughts and feelings. Personally, I think that makeup is attractive on a woman. Being raised within a Western culture in which makeup is a standard is likely why I find it appealing. People living within other cultures, such as the Paduang in Thailand, think differently. Inserting an increasing number of brass rings as they grow up in order to elongate their neck is the standard of personal physical attractiveness within that culture. I do not consider this attractive because I grew up within a culture that thinks otherwise.
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haaniahhh-blog · 4 years
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Paduang lady weaving 
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weltentdeckerblog · 6 years
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Ban Nai Soi Dorf - Chiang Mai ____ Was sich dahinter verbirgt ,seht ihr in unserer Story und den nächsten Posts! ____ #bannaisoi #chiangmai #maehongson #maehongsonthailand #praduang #dorf #einwohner #traditionell #chiangmailife #paduang #longneckvillage #rice #nature #igthailand #igchiangmai #chiangmaitravel #asienreise #chiangmaiurlaub #reiseblog #thaistyle #thailife — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Xv0GjM
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unlock-curiosity · 7 years
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ALLURES😍 :Giraffe tribes Tribe living in Burma considers extra long neck as a sign of great beauty and wealth. For them beauty is not about changing with fashion, it is about being yourself and shine through. People said that these coils are their culture identification.These are the most spiritual people. It is remarkable because of the pressures they face and conform to the modern world. When asked in an national geography interview that why they are still have that traditions on, one of the Paduang answered “I have never denied my background or my culture.I have taught my children to embrace their Padaung culture." At the end , a new sense of beauty could be driven out. In this modern times, where nobody loses the chance of renovating their lifestyles , there are few groups who is still above all visual sense of beauty, culture and love. They choosed to be themselves in this dynamic world. UNLOCK CURIOSITY : "YOUR IDENTITY IS MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION. PROTECT IT." Note: This blog is written from the point of view to share their defination of beauty. This blog doesn't support or encourage the tradition of Burma.
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homensdehoje · 4 years
Método natural para aumentar o pênis
Informações Sobre o Uso de Pílulas, Extensores, Cirurgia, Exercícios e Outros Métodos de Como Aumentar o Penis Utilizados na Atualidade.
O tamanho do pênis sempre foi uma das maiores preocupações de homens em todos os países do mundo. Um pênis grande é considerado sinal de virilidade em muitas culturas, bem como de poder, vigor e saúde. A medicina e a tecnologia modernas oferecem respostas de como aumentar o pênis através de várias técnicas inclusive com argumentos de que é possível aumentar o tamanho do pênis com uso de medicamentos.
Como aumentar o volume do pênis, bem como o comprimento deste já não é mais questão discutível como um mito e com falatórios médicos de que não é possível. Temos guias de como aumentar o tamanho do pênis com exercícios, vários destes à venda, kits de aumento peniano natural e outros sistemas em uso, alguns dos quais com testemunhos claros de resultados impressionantes no aumento do tamanho bem como da grossura do membro masculino.
Algumas vezes, tendo ao seu dispor uma grande variedade de opções, quem busca respostas para a pergunta “tem como aumentar o pênis?” fica completamente confuso ao deparar-se com títulos como:
Pílulas Para Aumentar o Pênis
Como Aumentar o Tamanho do Pênis sem Cirurgia
Aumento Peniano Sem Remédios etc.
Existem vários equipamentos acompanhados de manuais que ensinam técnicas de como aumentar e engrossar o pênis, mas nem todos produzem efeitos e é preciso ser cauteloso quando se trata de aplicar procedimentos e métodos que podem ser até danosos fisicamente. Alguns podem afetar sua saúde e outros são apenas enganosos e com objetivos de venda. Se você busca fatos e resultados sobre os diferentes métodos e quer realmente saber como fazer para aumentar o tamanho do pênis, pesquise e busque a solução adequada para o seu caso. Apresentamos soluções que podem lhe ajudar e, em pouco tempo, terá resultados de forma segura.
Este site apresenta artigos debatendo o tema do ponto de vista das pesquisas médicas na área que, embora existam poucas devido à classe médica acreditar que, métodos que ensinam como aumentar o pênis sem remédios ou cirurgias, não são de interesse, ainda assim temos especialistas no assunto que pertencem à esta classe e fazem pesquisas há décadas sobre o assunto.
Apresentamos abaixo a maioria dos métodos divulgados que ensinam como aumentar o pênis, desde usando medicamentos até aumento peniano com exercícios naturais. Não queremos apresentar os comentários como verdades absolutas, portanto leia e procure tirar suas conclusões sobre o assunto.
Como Aumentar o Pênis Através de Aparelhos de Tração Para Alongamento
Estes aparelhos, basicamente, aparentemente são a técnica mais comum utilizada. Aumentar o pênis de forma natural ocorre neste caso em reação à capacidade que os tecidos possuem de aumentar a multiplicação celular e a elasticidade quando submetidos a uma continuada força de tração.
O princípio da tração é utilizado na cirurgia plástica para expansão do tecido. A regeneração do tecido é usada para cobrir defeitos cutâneos, queimaduras e áreas de perda de cabelo. É também utilizada na cirurgia ortopédica para ampliar a diáfise dos ossos longos e falanges.
A resposta para “como faço para aumentar o pênis?” pode estar no princípio do tracionamento da mesma forma que este princípio é utilizado em culturas antigas para outras partes do corpo como o “Pescoço de Girafa” das mulheres da tribo Paduang em Burma, ou os lábios e orelhas de outras tribos Africanas e mesmo da Amazônia. São acrescentadas próteses externas ou pesos para o alongamento. Outro exemplo claro que sustenta a idéia de aumentar o pênis naturalmente através de aparelhos de tração.
Apresentamos informação sobre tais aparelhos tanto quanto métodos para você aprender como aumentar o pênis manualmente, com exercícios etc.
O que existe de benéfico com métodos de aumentar o pênis naturalmente
Aumento no Tamanho do pênis (comprimento)
Aumento na grossura do pênis
Correções em desvios ou curvaturas penianas
Melhoria da sua autoestima e confiança
Controle de Ejaculação Precoce
Melhoria na força da ereção de firmeza
Aumento na histamina e desejo sexual
O que podemos dizer de métodos que ensinam como aumentar o comprimento e a grossura do pênis manualmente
Além de serem métodos baseados em grande volume de testemunhos positivos, a grande vantagem é que aumentar o pênis com exercícios não é invasiva, não coloca seu físico e saúde em risco. Métodos que ensinam como fazer exercícios para aumentar o pênis permitem que você controle o processo e não necessite de acompanhamento médico, desde que sejam seguidos os procedimentos sem exagero e sem que este processo se torne uma atividade dolorosa que poderá causar danos irreversíveis.
Sobre aumentar o pênis com uso de medicamentos
Obviamente que quando falamos em medicamentos, falamos também em acompanhamento médico. Não baste a necessidade de acompanhamento por profissional da área médica já que a maioria destes produtos são vaso-dilatadores, também só irão funcionar se acompanhados de uso de aparelhos de tração ou exercícios obrigatórios. Este site não recomenda o uso de tais produtos sem acompanhamento médico constante.
Aumento Peniano com Jelquing
A palavra Jelq refere-se ao método milenar de alongamento peniano baseado em exercícios e toalhas quentes. Nos dias atuais os exercícios manuais de alongamento foram substituídos por aparelhos de alongamento, embora a técnica permaneça a mesma. Os métodos mais populares que ensinam a aumentar o pênis com exercícios baseiam-se nesta técnica ancestral. Um aparelho extensor é colocado no pênis flácido e usado por baixo da roupa no decorrer do dia, isto em casos extremos, na maioria dos casos bastam exercícios usando o extensor como apoio para facilitar. Este sistema provou-se efetivo e não reversível.
Um pênis de tamanho abaixo da média geralmente gera problemas psicológicos na maioria dos homens. Após seguir corretamente um método de aumento peniano comprovado durante alguns meses a maioria dos homens experimenta:
Aumento da autoconfiança
Aumento do desejo e vontade sexual
Orgasmos mais fortes e sexo mais intenso
Uma melhoria na vida social e na satisfação pessoal como um todo
Para aprender como aumentar o pênis, por favor, leia os demais artigos que publicamos no site e são dedicados a oferecer a melhor informação possível e os melhores métodos, gratuitos ou pagos, bem como aparelhos de ajuda e suporte.
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infopenis · 5 years
Even in the globalized world we live in, there are still differences between countries that makes them unique. The language, the culture and now as scientific research has proved, the size of the male sexual organ. Dr. Eduardo Gomez de Diego, CEO of Andromedical, a men’s medical company, decided it was time to confirm or deny the myths about the penis size around the world after treating more than 2,000 patients interested in enlarging the size of their penis. Dr. Gomez de Diego, the European Expert on such delicate issue, compiled scientific data from 15 countries. The study results showed that the average world size penis when erect is 14 centimetres (5.5 inches). The biggest averages were registered in France 16 cm (6.2 in), Italy 15 cm (5.9 in), Mexico 14.9 cm (5.8 in) and Spain 14 cm (5.5 in). In the United States, the average is 12.9 cm (5 in) while in Venezuela is 12,7 cm (4.9 in), and in Brazil is 12.4 cm (4.8 in). The smallest averages were found in India 10.2 cm (3.9 in) and South Korea 9,6 cm (3.7 in). Men not happy with their size may resort to several methods to increase or to make equal the size of their penis to the their country average. Massages, Vacuum Pumps, Pills or surgery are different options but the only method scientifically proven with high efficiency is the penile extender. Dr. Gomez de Diego, developer of the Andro-Penis®, the top sold penile extender in the world, explained, “with a penile extender the size of the penis can increase 1.2 to 2.0 inches (3-5 cm), with a 97.5 percent rate of efficiency. All this is achieved without an expensive operation, without pain and it is permanent.” Penile extenders place tension, through traction, on the penile tissues. The practice of elongating tissues for physical length is an age-old practice. In ancient cultures this principle of traction has been used to enlarge different parts of the body, like the neck of the Giraffe women of the Paduang tribe in Burma, or like the lips and ears of other African and Amazon tribes who attach prostheses or weights for elongation. The principle of traction is also used in plastic surgery for tissue expansion. The regeneration of new tissue is used to cover coetaneous, or skin defects, burns, and areas of hair loss. Andromedical S.L.® is an international men’s medical company leader and pioneer in the treatment of penis enlargement without surgery. Andromedical holds BSI Quality Certificates ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003. Andromedical ® is registered under D.A.P.S. 334/M Health Certification, handed out in Europe by the Health Authorities of the Autonomous Region of Madrid, Spain. Andro-Penis ® is an approved medical device classified as a Type 1 medical device and has CE Certification in Europe.
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lindseyteal-blog · 6 years
Blog 7 for Cultural Psychology
While reading onto chapter 11 of the textbook, it discusses interpersonal attraction and close relationships. This chapter goes on to discuss how certain people are attractive within certain cultures. This may be true within that specific culture but when it comes to another culture this may be proved untrue. Even some people within the same culture may have different expectations of attractiveness depending on the culture they were raised in by their families. I know myself I have a specific definition of attraction and that may differ from someone else’s definition of attraction. For instance, on page 445 of the text it discusses how some cultures alter their appearance, it talks about how the Paduang women in Thailand who wear brass rings along their neck to elongate it for when they become older because the longer neck is considered beautiful in their culture. Whereas here in Canada we do different things that we believe make us stunning. Some of these things include women may sun tan because a sun kissed darkened body is considered beautiful, or go to the salon to have their nails and hair done. Regardless of the differences for what is thought of as beautiful throughout cultures, something all cultures have in common is the fact that a clear complexion is thought of as attractive. A face free of blemishes and sores is thought to be beautiful across cultures because this skin is thought to go with that of a healthy person. In summary, I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, just that the only difference is that different cultures have different variations of what is attractive to them. 
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joetographr · 6 years
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A young paduang tribe lady at Lake Inle, Burma #burma #lakeinle #paduangtribe #longneckvillage visit joetographer.com
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micaramel · 7 years
The most distinguishing feature of Paduang women are the brass coils that are placed around the neck, appearing to lengthen it. Girls first start to wear rings when they are around 5 years old. http://bit.ly/2BSQn16
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zedcm · 7 years
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Testing the weight of some of the brass rings the Paduang (Long Neck) ladies wear. I honestly dont know how the Padaung (Kayan/Karen Long Neck Ladies), can cope with the weight of the brass rings. What I tried on is a fraction of the weight they cope with. I can see how it would easily distort the shoulder bones. They are also all a fraction of my height and body weight. My range of vision was distorted due to the immovability of my neck. Truly mind boggling. This place we visited is called Huay Pu Keng, where Kayan and Kayaw tribes stay together. They are actually in real need of a volunteer English teacher, as they have school facilities, but no teacher currently. Visiting these places is controversial, but Huay Pu Keng appears to be set up more for the tribes-people than purely to be "gawked" at. I am researching more about it. These people are state-less refugees, who may never get to return to Burma/Myanmar, due to the ongoing political situation. A terrible situation for these people..and truly heart breaking. I hope there will be a resolution to their issues within my lifetime..and for generations to come. Part of a 4 day Mae Hong Son Loop ride that took in some interesting POI's, including a WWII Japanese Museum, a longtail boat ride to a rural "Long Neck" village, and a crossing at a sensitive Burmese border town...and much more! You can read about it on my website: www.motogirlthailand.com . . #motogirlthailand #zedcm #biker #Thailand #motorbike #motorcycle #ride4life #womenwhoride #motogear #girlsonbikes #girlrider #bikerchick #powerwomenrider #bikersofinstagram #bikerchicksofinsta #adventure #supermoto #livetoride #bikergirl #bikelife #girlpower #blog #blogger #motoblog #bloglovin #travel
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aucreativenetwork · 7 years
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#bnwweek🏁 #kristiandowling @kristiandowling #AuCreativeNetwork . . . . #repost "A portrait of a Karen (Paduang) woman from the 'long neck' tribe North of Thailand. Photo possible compliments of K.Pom. Taken on the @leica_camera M Monochrom with the original 1955 Konica 60/1.2 L-mount lens shot at f/1.2. Assisted by @skaman306 " #leica #leicamonochrome #leicam #konica60 #konica6012 #longneck #longneckkaren #chiangmai #thailand #blackandwhite #Australianphotographer #photographer #bnw #photojournalism #vscophoto #photooftheday #vscobnw #🏁 — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2yGH9Qk
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greggory--lee · 7 years
History of Ear Gauging in Tribal Civilizations
A study of the history of ear gauging indicates the practice to be as old as recorded human history. For males, this form of ear piercing has been a symbol of status, while for women, in addition to being used as means of bodily decoration, it has also been employed to signify the attainment of womanhood.
Ear gauging, which is also referred to as ear stretching, is the stretching of ear lobe piercings to larger diameters than that of the original piercing. It is a form of body enhancement or beautification that many young western people adopt to look ‘different’ from the usual crowd. However, this is not a modern form of body piercing, since it has been around for as long as archaeological records exist.
In many cases, ear gauging has been used historically to indicate the standing of members of a specific tribe, and in many respects this is still the situation today. Stretched piercings have been, and still are, a reflection on the individual’s sexual capability and also their superiority over other males in the tribe. The larger the stretching, the more important the individual.
Otzi the Iceman is a prime example of mummies known to have stretched ears. This is the earliest known example of ear gauging, Otzi having 7-11 mm ear piercings during 3300 BC. It has been suggested that the stretching of the ears noted in depictions of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha, may have been caused by the weight of the gold jewelry he wore, but this is mere supposition.
It is supported, however, by the fact that the Masai tribe of Kenya and the Lahu and Karen-Paduang people of Thailand use this ‘gravity’ technique to stretch their piercings. Let us have a look at the ear gauging practices used today by various cultures.
A. Mursi Tribal Women
The Mursi is an Ethiopian tribe where the women are obliged to wear plates in their gauged ears and on their bottom lip. About a year prior to her marriage, or at about 15 years of age, a Mursi girl’s lip will be pierced by her mother and a wooden peg pushed through the incision.
Once healed, the peg is changed for a larger diameter one. Eventually, the peg is replaced by a plate of clay or wood, and this plate is successively changed for larger diameter ones until the required diameter is attained – from around 8 – 22 cm in diameter (3 – 9 inches). Once these plates have been secured, she receives a higher degree of respect than those without them, and is known as a ‘Bhansanai’.
These lip and ear plates need not be worn permanently, but are an expected adornment during special occasions such as during weddings and other celebrations, and when they serve food to men. Today, young women can generally make their own decision as to whether or not they follow this tradition.
B. The Masai People of Kenya
The practice of ear gauging has been common among Masai men and women for thousands of years. In recent years, however, most young men have not been following this custom, although you will still find many Masai women wearing ear decorations made from stones, cross-cut elephant tusks, wood and animal bones.
The original piercing is carried out using a thorn, sharpened twig or a sharp knife point. Once healed, ear gauging is then carried out by wearing increasingly heavy jewellery that pulls the lobe down and stretches the piercing. This is the traditional way of gauging ears in the more primitive cultures, although many Masai today will use proper ear gauging techniques, such as their own versions of insertion tapers or taper spikes. Beads are a common form of ornamentation, although plugs made from bone, tusks and wood are also used.
C. The African Fulani Tribe
Fulani women from Nigeria and Central Africa tend to use smaller diameter ear gauges, and decorate them using large gold domes or hoops carrying earrings. A Fulani child will have her ears pierced at around 3 years old, although they may not be stretched until she is older. The gauges used by Fulani women are relatively small compared to the Masai and Mursi, although the jewellery can be larger.
D. Asian Hill Tribes
Of the various hill tribes, the only two known to practice ear gauging are the Lahu from Thailand, and the Karen-Padaung (Longnecks) from Myanmar (Burma) and also the Phrae province in Thailand. That latter tribe are best known for their neck rings, offering the appearance of long necks, but both cultures believe the ear to be sacred and the more jewellery they can wear on the better. By gauging their ears, they are able to wear the maximum amount of jewellery they believe possible.
E. Mexican and Central American Civilizations
In Mayan and Aztec society, ear gauging was regarded as desirable for males. There are many Mayan representations of men with flares and ear plugs (ear spools) in gauged ears, and the material used was indicative of the social standing of the wearer. Jade ear plugs were worn by the higher classes, while the rest would use bone, stone, wood and other materials. In central Mexico, the craftsmanship of the Aztecs is evident in the ear gauging plugs and ornaments of gold and silver, though the lower classes would adorn their stretches earlobes with shells, copper and wood among many other imaginative materials.
Ear gauging has been carried out worldwide, and among other notable areas involved in this practice are Japan, where the Ainu used ear jewellery made from shells, bone and a ball and ring known as Ninkari. There are many other cultures worldwide where ear gauging was a part of their life, and even today many people regard ear stretching as a fashion statement and a way of expressing their own personality and individuality.
Source by Mark Z Wilson
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/history-of-ear-gauging-in-tribal-civilizations/
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Myanmar | Padaung women making a roof in 1956
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mackledee-blog · 9 years
I tried for ages to upload this video on the road but wasn’t able. A quick compression back here on my home machine and it’s good to go. 
I asked to play her guitar and strummed out a few notes. When I handed it back this is what she played for me.
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