#pagan idol
koredzas · 2 years
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Giovanni d’Alemagna - Saint Apollonia Destroys a Pagan Idol. 1442 - 1445
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illustratus · 7 months
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Triumph of Christianity | Triumph of The Cross fresco (detail) Sala di Costantino, Vatican Palace.
by Tommaso Laureti
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lunegrimm · 1 month
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The tapestry test print finally arrived!!! I'm really happy how it came out :D Since this piece is going to be remade this will most likely be the only time this version will be available! The pre-0rder form is also ready go, so now I'm just waiting for the rain to stop so I can take some nice pictures of all the available designs outside!
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blackmetalnature · 2 years
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Pustozerk, Narayan mar, Russia.
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the Goat
wouldn't it be fucked up that when the Goat gets the Purple Crown he immediately hunts down Lamb and violently tries to attack them., screaming and shouting they did this to him.
Then the Goat freaks out and starts hyperventilating and crying when the reality of the situation sinks in.
He's not happy the Purple Crown picked him, he's fucking scared and terrified of what this means. Instead of accepting that he's been chosen for his true nature, he wants to blame the Lamb for it all. After all, he talked to them a few months ago, their godlike germs must've gotten on him. Or they released the Purple Crown to be cruel.
He was rather violent and hot-headed as a doeling, he nor his parents knew why he was so aggressive. He threw tantrums, broke horns, broke limbs, and pushed and punched fellow kids. He even once bit a Priest when they mistakenly called him by the wrong name. A cold fire burned within him, and his parents were afraid (and deep down inside he was too) he'd never live a normal life, and would someday be banished from the community. But he couldn't stop himself, he was just so... so... angry at nothing. At everything.
However when he was chosen by his successor, her Master (which is the same species as the Mystic Seller) he was taught discipline and ways to calm himself. He grew out of his temper and roughness thanks to schedules and discipline, though he is rude to those who worship the Gods.
He's devoted to his Master because it pretty much soothed his rage, gave him not only powers, a halo, but a new title and shed his old identity. He was essentially reborn and would gladly spend a hundred years being its mouthpiece until it desired a new Messenger. He knew its true name, he knew its prayers inside and out.
After all, it is an ultimate being, one who can see the threads of the worlds, time means nothing to it, it can never age or die, even if it is forgotten about. Heretical Gods and entities that lurk in the world are beneath it and its kind. To become a worshipper of a God is a sin and heavily frowned upon.
So to lose his halo, to lose his title of Messenger, is horrifying on its own, he is now a false idol that the Priests lectured against. But... he's lost the one thing he turned to to help curb the aggression within him. He cannot remember its name, for mere mortals and Gods cannot comprehend its true name, nor the true name of the others,
He's also lost his community, a sadistic twist to what he feared all along. What his parents had worried about came true, just not in the way they expected.
And worst of all, the thing he once called 'My Lord' and sent prayers to, said absolutely nothing before his halo was replaced by the Purple Crown in his sleep. It essentially iced him out, and he'd later learn it only picked him to instill piety and discipline within him for the cycle that will never be broken. It nudged him to learn about the past and the mistakes that had been made by his predecessor. He had essentially been groomed to become a better God of War, not a Messenger.
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just for the record, the Lilith myth undermines so much of Christian theology as to be on par with Dan Brown's myth of Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene. No Christian is obligated to 'respect' it or regard it as anything but cheap, no matter how Jewish or medieval it is.
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sag-dab-sar · 1 month
Throughout history, cult statues in the Near East had an extraordinary position that was markedly different from the status of cult statues in Greece and Rome. In Mesopotamia, cult images were considered living entities that could breathe, eat, and sleep, whereas in Greece and Rome they functioned as a potential point of contact between the god and his worshippers. In the ancient Near East, priests were in charge of the sacred nature of these statues, and together with the king they safeguarded the sacred lore concerning the outward appearance of the gods. The iconography of such statues was often considered god-given and was thus slow to change.
From: Representing and Naming the Gods. Iconography and Nomenclature of the Goddess Allat in Palmyra and Hatra by Lucinda Dirven LINK
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talesofwhimsy · 5 months
I'm 100 pages into Moby Dick and they just got on the goddamn boat
This book actually kinda fucks hard it's great?
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ambienvisions77039 · 2 months
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1five1two · 7 months
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My goddess could kick your god's ass. Your bigoted religion and gender binary will not survive the revolution. Your grandchildren will be enby pagans, and they will hate what you are.
Hey there, thank you for this ask. It's been a while since I've received such one as this. Well, your idol could try to but I doubt that would be possible.
If anything my religion is more tolerant than most, but I can understand that you'd have such a preconceived opinion. As for the gender binary not surviving the revolution, oh my, if that were so I do think that the human race would have been extinct long ago. Imagine it still continuing to this age and the next, but how horrible it is that the human race is being forced to go on because of pitiful gender binary.
Thank you for that, I rebuke it and bind it in the name of Jesus Christ amen 🙏🏼✝️. May the Heavenly Father bless you though, take care 🙂.
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koredzas · 2 years
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Giovanni d’Alemagna - Saint Apollonia Destroys a Pagan Idol. Detail. 1442 - 1445
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explicette · 5 months
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ire-ethereal · 1 year
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Dian Cecht
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ancestorsalive · 4 months
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The Shigir Idol, discovered in the peat bog of Shigir on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, near the village of Kalata, is the oldest known wooden sculpture in the world. It was carved during the Mesolithic period, shortly after the end of the last Ice Age, making it twice as old as Egypt's Great Pyramid. The wood it was carved from is approximately 12,000 years old.
The sculpture was discovered on January 24, 1890, at a depth of 4 meters. It was extracted in ten parts and reconstituted to a height of 2.8 meters. Some researchers suggest that the original height of the statue was 5.3 meters. Unfortunately, some of these fragments were lost, so only drawings of them remain.
The initial radiocarbon dating gave an age of around 9,500 years. However, a later German analysis gave an age of 11,500 years, making it the most ancient wooden sculpture of its kind known in the world. In 2021, researchers published the results of a series of recent AMS-results dating the Idol close to the beginning of the Holocene (c. 10,000 cal BC) or about 12,000 years before present.
The Shigir Idol is a nine-foot-tall totem pole composed of ten wooden fragments carved with expressive faces, eyes, and limbs and decorated with geometric patterns. It represents the oldest known surviving work of wooden ritual art in the world. More than a century after its discovery, archaeologists continue to uncover surprises about this astonishing artifact. It is displayed in the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore in Yekaterinburg, Russia. 
- Source: Pagan Trader ThePaganTrader.com
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castilestateofmind · 1 year
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"Truth suffers from too much analysis". 
-Ancient Fremen saying. Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah. 
By attempting to approach any metaphysical experience from a scientific perspective, one will degrade such experience,  because the scope of it is far superior to the scope science can pretend to obtain.  One cannot have any scientific knowledge of a metaphysical experience since it is the metaphysical experience the one that will have you.
* Iberian Eye Idols
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