#pagan writer is angry as f*** for people judging to aphrodite so harshly
walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Why we must treat to Deities in general, with respect? (...Or how talking about them in bad terms, could land you into a deep trouble!)
    If any of you have readed my first post of class about Paganism; called ''Paganism Class 101: 10 What to do, AND... What not to do.'', I mentioned in the point no 7; than I saw Aphrodite angry, once; so... Is time to tell that story in deep, 'cause people tends to see to Aphrodite; as only a Goddess than is only love and giggles, and people ignore the other side of Aphrodite; than is not ''so lovely and fluffy'', as they may think... (For a full info about Aphrodite's other Dominions and Powers, read my post of Pagan Misconceptions Clarified; called: ‘’Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Aphrodite, Is NOT; ''Only The Sexy Goddess of Love, Sex; Beauty and Sensuality?!'')
    This happened, when I was 19 years old; and this the story of why Aphrodite was angry that day, and the aftermath of it:
    I was with one of my siblings, talking of Greek Gods and Goddesses; in the afternoon of a day of June than was fresh, and we doesn't have energy in the house in that moment. (Which for lack of energy for the TV, or any devices for entertainment in the moment; and saving the Inverter for watching TV at night; justified talking of any subject, while we wait than Energy or The Night; came first) At some point, we started to talk about Aphrodite; and this is where my sibling, said what shouldn't never being said about Aphrodite: She said than she disagree about one thing about Aphrodite, and was about ''her behaviour in Love'', and... Than she was a Goddess of ''Questionable Moral...'' (This relative said it with pride, like she should be proud of still being a virgin in that moment; waiting for the right person to love: The last part, it wasn't a trouble: The insult... Definitly was the real problem in itself!) Moments later, I felt this huge energy at my left; while I was shocked of what my sibling said so carelessly about a Goddess, and when I looked at Aphrodite by the corner of my left eye... I saw Aphrodite, in a way I have never saw her before: She was, really ANGRY at my sibling's irrespectful words against her! As soon I saw Aphrodite's face and understand than the energy I felt, was agressive towards my sibling... I told to my sibling, very angrily her name; and then... She started to speaked in a more respectful manner about Aphrodite, and Aphrodite; disappeared a moment later.
    I will liked to say, than this is the end of the story... (But... You only just have readed, the beginning of this story!)
    My sibling, never apologized in any moment; about her irrespectful and awful comment. (I was angry too, 'cause even if you don't believe in Gods and Goddesses 100%; you have to respected them anyway, and I already had a close relation with Aphrodite; and hearing than comment, makes me felt very angry first; and a bit later, I felt hurt; too: Aphrodite never did nothing to this person... And she insulted her in the worst way, without knowing nothing about Aphrodite; except for a few lines about her in important dictionaries, and the mostly poor portrayals of Aphrodite in The Media: How, she DARE?!) I was only certain of something, after this sibling left to go to College: If you are desperately searching for Love... Making Aphrodite angry at you, is never a good idea...
   Time passed, and I even forget the blasphemy; from a long time...
    ...The sibling in question, got married after many years of searching the ideal person to fulfill her dreams of Love; leaved the country, and she was really happy in her wedding day: It seems than, she really had found the person worthy of her love.
   A few years ago, she started to say than the relationship was totally happy... Until the first year of marriage: The things were so bad between them, than they had to search professional counceling. And during the first months of Pandemic, she said than the relation was falling apart; two or three years before this Pandemic started. (He didn't even tried to being a loving husband anymore, and she didn't even tried to look as when they met; anymore: They only standed each other for the kids, whose doesn't have the fault of anything in the marriage.) He was so apathetic, than after putting carelessly the welfare of one of the kids in danger, she decided than this was the last straw: She demanded the divorce, she foughted and gained the children's custody in an painful battle; and today; she lives with her kids, while she is now despising to the person she once loved; and that she swore to love, forever.
    After I while, I remembered that summer's day; and then I realized something: Aphrodite's punishment, was fulfilled. (Like I said, once: ''Aphrodite... Doesn't takes blasphemy, kindly!...'')
    This is the story of a very foolish young woman, than dreamt with marries in love of a good man; and remain married all of her life... And losed everything for falling in love with the wrong person, blamed him of anything wrong in marriage when she have flaws to work too; and... For never apologized to the only Goddess, than would have helped her to found someone less difficult, than would garantized her of keeping the Love alive in her marriage; if she only had said with humility and with all sincerity, from the bottom of her heart: ''I'm sorry, Goddess Aphrodite; and forgive me for my foolish words: ...I'm only an stupid human being!''
    Like I heared once in my favorite Anime, (My apologies to anyone than hated, or dislike the genre) ''A Human being, will never judge to another Human Being; like they were a God!'' Or... In this case, in particular: ''A Human Being, should never judge to a God; like they were too a God!'': The Gods and Goddesses, will never abused of their power; 'cause they are bound to respect Free Will, and they are very fair; but, speaking ill about them and without reason; or for feel a fake sense of proud, (like this person did, feeling so morale; than decided to speak of a Goddess in an very judgemental and derogatory way) and now; she is suffering the consecuencies for her foolishness, and for her inflated pride.
    As I have said, in my first post of Class of Paganism: ''Don’t disrespect a Deity, (Or, any other Spiritual Being) because is not of your Pantheon; culture, or… You dislike, or hate him/her/them: Is truth… You don’t have to love to ALL THE GODS, Ok?! (But… You have to respect them, and to the followers of the same God/Goddess/Gods; than you are so happy to dislike, or hate!) They are powerful beings, and The best way to live a happy life, is leave them be: If you said, or do something you shouldn’t; apologize sincerely, and... Don’t do it, again!''
   This is an advice I should have publicizes, a long time ago: If you are searching for love, don't be like my sister... And never insult to Aphrodite! (In fact?!... Let's don't say hurtful and irrespectful things to any Deity, even if you don't believes or likes that Deity; so we can live a less troubled life, Okay?!)
   Than respect to The Deities, becomes a part of your practices; for now on... So Be It!
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