#pagan goddess aphrodite
walkingwiththegods1 · 2 months
Aphrodite's Real Nature (...For Aphrodite's Birthday!)
Every 4th day of every month (according to The Ancient Attic Calendar), is Aphrodite's Birthday; and, for this reason... I need to clarified the aspect more important about Lady Aphrodite: Love.
Many people have said during centuries, than Aphrodite's Domain; is not as strong as the others Goddesses of The World (Or even... In The Greek's Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses), implying than Aphrodite herself; is not a very strong Goddess, and than her Power; is only over Physical and/or Romantic Love...
Both ideas... Are terrible mistaken!
According to the myths, Aphrodite is so powerful; than she can influences to the other Greek Gods and Goddesses, to fall in love of anyone she makes them fall in love (except to Artemis, Athena and Hestia: The Three Virgin Goddesses of The Olympic Pantheon); including to makes them feels Love, Passion and Desire; toward Mortals!
Another thing... People seems to forget than Aphrodite's Domain, make her powerful too; because all humanlike and human beings, have a soul made of a very important material: Our souls are made of Love. Why this is important to know?... Simple: Because all of us, spended our entire lifes in an endless search; of our purpose to live and being happy, and our main reason for happiness and being fulfill... Is Love.
You could be the most famous, rich; healthy, young, and beautiful young adult in The World; but... If you don't have someone at your side, than really cares for you; respect you and loves you beyond the fame, fortune; your now perfect health, your youth and beautiful looks... You will be the saddest being, over the face of the Earth: We all need Love, to feel happy in our lifes. (Don't matter if we lied, by saying than we can be happy; on our own... We simply are not made for that!)
Now... That means than you should starts to search a couple, to fulfill that desire of ''The Perfect Ideal of Happiness?!''... Not necessarially! That part, is not that simple; because not all of us, is gonna find fullfilment in a couple; and you need to takes your time alone, to find out that; 'cause we are so bombarded in a daily basis (in all kinds of Media), with images and/or audible stories about Romantic Relationships; and/or couples mindlessly kissing in the troes of passion, than; we forget than there are other Kinds of Love, than seems than The Media put in a second; third, in a last place; or, even... Is not even said, or put on the screen!
These other kinds of Love than Aphrodite's Rule (And, are important in the Life; too), are:
Self Love: Is the most important of all: People than called you ''Selfish'', for not doing what they want all the time (including putting your wellbeing/health/life in danger); and for having time to take care of yourself, have fun; rest, or have alone time for you; when you really needed it... Doesn't care about you, and... Doesn't love you, neither!
Filial Love: One of the first we experiences in our lifes, and we all need for our wellbeing.
Love for Friends: Is one of the purest form of Love, than elevate us to being better.
Fraternal Love: Is the bond beyond blood, than we have with our brothers and/or sisters. (If we have a very close friend we met, mostly in our childhood or teenage years... If could turns out to be as close, as our own brothers and/or sisters!)
Maternal/Paternal Love: The love than parents gives to their children/teens, which became stronger when the sons and/or daugthers; are raise with respect and healthy limits by their parents.
Agape: Is the inconditional and compassive Love than we feel for others, and makes us sacrifices ourselves by the wellbeing of our family; friends, for anyone weaker than us in danger, and; for our community. And, at last...
Divine Love: Aphrodite (when after she entrusted Adonis as a baby, and when she return for him... She saw him first time, as a grown and handsome young man), she felt in love of Adonis; despite he was a mortal, and they were together; until he died tragically in his youth. Also, Anchises (a Shepherd-Prince); was beloved by Aphrodite, which gave birth to Aeneas; a heroe of the Trojan War, and... The Founder of Rome. Butes (an Argonaut saved by Aphrodite, when he threw himself to The Sea to go with The Mermaids; and with which she had a son), and; Phaon (a boatman than was old and ugly, when Aphrodite came to his boat disguise, and after he told him than she didn't have to pay him... She rewarded him with beauty and youth; and many were captivated by him). Aphrodite's Divine Love, bestows many wonderful things; to anyone than she finds worthy at that moment of those gifts, be it Beauty; Love, Youth, Fertility, Protection of Harm; or, even... Saving your life, someday!
Aphrodite's Love, is at the reach of anyone than is different; too, as:
To The Asexuals: 'Cause they loves to their family and/or friends, and sometimes; to the couple than accepts them, as they are.
To the rest of the LGBTQIA+ Community: 'Cause they loves and loves themselves, despite the pressure they suffer everyday; to conformed to society.
To the ones than doesn't feel beautiful in their own skin: 'Cause they need reassurance to find that beauty hidden inside themselves.
To the ones than grows, or lives without friendship; or love: 'Cause they are the ones, than needed it the most. And...
To anyone than needs to find a couple to loves and be loved, forever: 'Cause they have keeps that love inside their heart, waiting to find that one person; than will loves them and respect them, for all a lifetime.
That's all for today: Happy Aphrodite's Birthday, to the World! And... So Be It!
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thegraveyardwitch · 4 months
Petition for the Greek Temples to be rebuilt, so that I can pray to the gods in all their glory
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seafoamsister · 2 months
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you were created out of sand from the palm of aphrodites hand. she formed your body, your soul, your life out of bits of the sea & shells. every curve, every hip dip, every dimple, & every freckle she placed upon you for the goal to show beauty in various ways. the back rolls you loathe every time you look in the mirror was once a pebble from the ocean that aphrodite saw beauty in. the mole on your cheek was once a grain of sand aphrodite walked in. you were made with honor honey, you were made with a purpose from blessed lady aphrodite. do not be harsh on yourself. love yourself, treat yourself as a sanctuary. so mote it be
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beautyofaphrodite · 2 months
What is Aphrodisia?
Aphrodisia is a festival to honor Lady Aphrodite, specifically Her epithet Aphrodite Pandemos (Lady of All)
When is Aphrodisia?
We don’t know exactly when Aphrodisia is or was in ancient times. Some things that came up in my research were: the third week in July to the third week in August, the summer solstice, and July 13. Because I personally need a specific date to celebrate, I will be celebrating on July 13, which happens to be tomorrow.
Traditional Celebrations
Traditionally, to start the festival, a dove was sacrificed to purify Her temple, and a statue of Her would be brought to the sea and washed, followed by a procession. Feasts were very common during Aphrodisia.
Modern Celebration Ideas
So of course we probably can’t sacrifice doves and parade a statue of Her from a temple to the sea nowadays, but there are many ways we can still celebrate Aphrodisia. These are a few ideas, you don’t have to do all of them or any at all.
🐚 Purify Her Altar
🐚 Spend time with Her
🐚 Bake something
🐚 Offer a libation or some sort of food
🐚 Do whatever makes you feel close to Her
🐚 Offer incense and/or light a candle for Her
🐚 Have a self-care day
🐚 Spend some time researching Her
I will be wearing a color that reminds me of Her, lighting Her candle, enjoying the small things in life, spending time with my partner, painting my nails, listening to music that reminds me of Her, and I may watch a romance movie. I will try to bake something or offer her something if I can.
Remember that no matter what you do for Her, or even if you don’t do anything extra at all, She will be happy. You do not need to do any elaborate celebrations or offerings in order to please Her. Just do what you can, Lady Aphrodite understands ❤️
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stardust-swan · 3 months
Everyday Ways I Honour Aphrodite
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(NSFW warning)
🌹Roses, roses, roses. Rose soap, rose lip balm, rose hand cream, rose lotion, rose perfume, rose oil on my pillow before falling asleep, rose candles, rose incense, roses in my garden, rosewater toner, rose face mist, rose shower gel, dried roses in the bath... Just roses everywhere you can fit them.
🌹Reading romantic books and poetry, watching romance films
🌹 Reading books and poetry about Aphrodite
🌹Making myself feel beautiful with pretty jewellery and makeup. Even just a swipe of tinted lip balm boosts my confidence (I use French Girl Rose Noir). I try to wear at least a little bit of makeup or jewellery daily, even if it's just a pair of studs or a subtle lipstick
🌹 Even if I'm just staying at home all day I'll spray perfume and put on jewellery and do lipstick just to feel sensual while I'm lounging around playing Animal Crossing (currently wearing a comfy embroidered nightie, small gold hoops, a pretty bracelet and a little bit of YSL Orange Perfecto lipstick as I write this)
🌹 Embracing my sensuality. Swaying my hips, feeling the softness of my body, dancing freely, engaging in self-pleasure, taking nudes, trying to unlearn the shame associated with sexuality from my upbringing. I don't watch porn often as I find most of it unhealthy and misogynistic (I only like this one random Japanese couple's channel and some vintage and Korean softcore), but I enjoy toys (my favourite is the rose), erotic literature, erotic film, audio porn (usually in other languages because I find a lot of dirty talk just makes me cringe but I still get enjoyment out of hearing little moans and silky low voices so I get that and avoid secondhand embarrassment from bad dirty talk by listening to it in languages I don't understand), and erotic fine art.
🌹 I try to get really comfortable when I'm engaged in self love. Lipstick and perfume on, hair styled, lingerie or nightie that makes me feel sexy, a candle lit or rose, ylang ylang and jasmine oil in my diffuser, soft music playing. Then I'll position myself comfortably, and stroke my thighs, tease my nipples, squeeze my breasts, lick my juices off my fingers and use it like a lipstick, painting my lips and nipples or using it to lightly lubricate my clitoris. Running my hands all over my belly, thighs and breasts, experimenting with different types of pressure and stimulation. Just luxuriating in the sensual feelings I can bring to my beautiful female body.
🌹 Wearing jewellery with seashells, pearls, emerald, ruby, bronze, copper, gold, jade, garnet and iridescent beads
🌹 Enjoying apples, honey, figs, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, olives, lettuce, rosewater and chocolate. I like buying Guylian chocolates as they're seashell shaped, but any chocolate will do (my favourite chocolate bar to buy is white chocolate with strawberries). I also like foods that you can taste the rosewater in like rose macarons and Turkish delight.
🌹 Making foods with ingredients she likes, like honey cakes, Persian rose love spell cookies, rosewater nougat, Persian love cake, baklava, cornes de gazelle, mhencha, etc... I mostly stick to Mediterranean, North African, Arab and Persian recipes, as they commonly use ingredients like rosewater, honey, pomegranates, and figs.
🌹 Carrying rose quartz in my pocket and keeping rose quartz under my pillow
🌹 I use a rose quartz roller to massage oil into my face
🌹 I keep a mini Venus de Milo statue and a swan trinket box on my bedside table
🌹 Drinking a drink made up of honey, cinnamon, milk and hot water at night to relax
🌹 Wearing pretty lingerie under my clothes, even if it's a basic outfit
🌹 I often fall asleep to the sound of ocean waves
🌹 Gold highlighter swept on my cheeks and body shimmer on my collarbones, reflecting light like sun rays on the ocean
🌹 Doing little offerings, like spritzing her statue with perfume, or offering up a portion of food I'm eating that I think she'd like
🌹 Lighting incense in scents like myrrh, frankincense, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and jasmine
🌹 Drawing myself relaxing baths with fragrant oils and salts
🌹 Reading hymns, Sappho's poetry, and listening to Athanati Afroditi
🌹 Listening to music that's romantic or sensual (this is my playlist)
🌹 Carrying a hand mirror and admiring myself as I check my makeup
🌹 Adding honey to tea
🌹 Writing letters and poetry about love and beauty
🌹Admiring women I find beautiful without jealousy or resentment, just appreciation
🌹Using these emojis: 🌹🦢🌊🪞🍎❤️💘💗💕💋🕊️🫒💄
🌹 Wearing pink, red, aqua, and seafoam green
🌹 Being consistent in self care. No matter how low my spoons are, unless I'm so dog-tired I end up falling asleep on the couch at 8pm, I force myself to do my evening skincare routine - cleansing, toning, eye cream, moisturiser, oil. And I always feel better for it even if I was exhausted before. Much smaller but I'm also consistent in oiling the ends of my hair daily and spraying perfume before bed. And I keep up with getting my hair done and brows waxed every three months without fail.
🌹 Doing exercises that make me feel sensual. I'm really lazy tbh but I push myself because I know Aphrodite would want me to take care of my body. I pick exercises that make me feel good and desirable, like yoga flow, belly dance, and exercises that target my womanly attributes.
🌹 Giving compliments!
🌹 Doing a big self care day every Friday (the day associated with her). Hot oil hair treatment, foot soak and exfoliation, removing old nail polish and buffing and filing nails, face mask, teeth whitening....
🌹 Going to the pond in winter and admiring the swans
🌹 Going to an art gallery in my city just to look at the painting Venus and Cupid (Day) by Fragonard
🌹 Sleeping on silk sheets as they feel sensual (they're also good for your hair and skin)
🌹 Making my own diffusers and cosmetics from natural, aphrodisiac products. Homemade bath salt with rose petals and pink salt, homemade lip mask with olive oil and rose oil, and adding oil of rose, jasmine, sandalwood, and cinnamon to a diffuser as I find these scents stimulating and sensual.
🌹 And of course, thanking Lady Aphrodite every day.
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squrrrrel · 3 months
Art depictions of Goddess, Aphrodite <3 part 2
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childofthewolvess · 3 months
some simple subtle every-day worship I do as an Aphrodite devotee!
always using rose-scented body soap
showering every single day to honor my body, even when i have no spoons left (i always feel better after, anyway)
lighting Her candle and facing Her altar as I do my nightly skin care routine
writing romantic scenes or poetry dedicated to Her (hear me out, writing is my comfort and coping method, it's not for everyone but i've been writing every night since i was 10)
wearing subtle makeup from Her altar that draws attention to my natural features (it's sparkly blush and eyeshadow bought from a local apothecary)
painting my nails a gentle sparkly nude color (Her favorite color nail polish sitting on Her altar!) and looking at them in the sunlight every day
paying attention to my body's needs throughout the day, being kind to myself by drinking enough water and eating even when i'm not hungry to keep my body healthy and happy
noticing romance in strangers, like a girl on the phone with her boyfriend on the bus after a long day; finding love and its energy in all that surrounds me
trying hard to fight my excoriation disorder and not pick at my face or head and each time i pull my hands away from myself, i thank Her!
avoiding putting labels on myself and letting myself be open to changes in my sexuality or romantic preferences—love knows no bounds and is constantly changing
may Mother Aphrodite bless everyone who reads this posts with her kindness and warmth 💗
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luvdov · 2 months
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Lady Aphrodite 🐚🌊💗🕊️🦢🦪
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whispersinthewaters · 7 months
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Can I get a Hail Aphrodite?
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flaroh · 3 months
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Aphrodite Emergent 🫧🐚🌊
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#1 & #2: A Greek Terracotta Aphrodite, Hellenistic Period, Circa 3rd Century B.C. from Christie's.
#3: "The Birth of Venus" an Italian carved and tinted and carved Carrara marble table lamp, Florence, late 19th century/early 20th century, from Sotheby's.
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Why we must treat to Deities in general, with respect? (...Or how talking about them in bad terms, could land you into a deep trouble!)
    If any of you have readed my first post of class about Paganism; called ''Paganism Class 101: 10 What to do, AND... What not to do.'', I mentioned in the point no 7; than I saw Aphrodite angry, once; so... Is time to tell that story in deep, 'cause people tends to see to Aphrodite; as only a Goddess than is only love and giggles, and people ignore the other side of Aphrodite; than is not ''so lovely and fluffy'', as they may think... (For a full info about Aphrodite's other Dominions and Powers, read my post of Pagan Misconceptions Clarified; called: ‘’Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Aphrodite, Is NOT; ''Only The Sexy Goddess of Love, Sex; Beauty and Sensuality?!'')
    This happened, when I was 19 years old; and this the story of why Aphrodite was angry that day, and the aftermath of it:
    I was with one of my siblings, talking of Greek Gods and Goddesses; in the afternoon of a day of June than was fresh, and we doesn't have energy in the house in that moment. (Which for lack of energy for the TV, or any devices for entertainment in the moment; and saving the Inverter for watching TV at night; justified talking of any subject, while we wait than Energy or The Night; came first) At some point, we started to talk about Aphrodite; and this is where my sibling, said what shouldn't never being said about Aphrodite: She said than she disagree about one thing about Aphrodite, and was about ''her behaviour in Love'', and... Than she was a Goddess of ''Questionable Moral...'' (This relative said it with pride, like she should be proud of still being a virgin in that moment; waiting for the right person to love: The last part, it wasn't a trouble: The insult... Definitly was the real problem in itself!) Moments later, I felt this huge energy at my left; while I was shocked of what my sibling said so carelessly about a Goddess, and when I looked at Aphrodite by the corner of my left eye... I saw Aphrodite, in a way I have never saw her before: She was, really ANGRY at my sibling's irrespectful words against her! As soon I saw Aphrodite's face and understand than the energy I felt, was agressive towards my sibling... I told to my sibling, very angrily her name; and then... She started to speaked in a more respectful manner about Aphrodite, and Aphrodite; disappeared a moment later.
    I will liked to say, than this is the end of the story... (But... You only just have readed, the beginning of this story!)
    My sibling, never apologized in any moment; about her irrespectful and awful comment. (I was angry too, 'cause even if you don't believe in Gods and Goddesses 100%; you have to respected them anyway, and I already had a close relation with Aphrodite; and hearing than comment, makes me felt very angry first; and a bit later, I felt hurt; too: Aphrodite never did nothing to this person... And she insulted her in the worst way, without knowing nothing about Aphrodite; except for a few lines about her in important dictionaries, and the mostly poor portrayals of Aphrodite in The Media: How, she DARE?!) I was only certain of something, after this sibling left to go to College: If you are desperately searching for Love... Making Aphrodite angry at you, is never a good idea...
   Time passed, and I even forget the blasphemy; from a long time...
    ...The sibling in question, got married after many years of searching the ideal person to fulfill her dreams of Love; leaved the country, and she was really happy in her wedding day: It seems than, she really had found the person worthy of her love.
   A few years ago, she started to say than the relationship was totally happy... Until the first year of marriage: The things were so bad between them, than they had to search professional counceling. And during the first months of Pandemic, she said than the relation was falling apart; two or three years before this Pandemic started. (He didn't even tried to being a loving husband anymore, and she didn't even tried to look as when they met; anymore: They only standed each other for the kids, whose doesn't have the fault of anything in the marriage.) He was so apathetic, than after putting carelessly the welfare of one of the kids in danger, she decided than this was the last straw: She demanded the divorce, she foughted and gained the children's custody in an painful battle; and today; she lives with her kids, while she is now despising to the person she once loved; and that she swore to love, forever.
    After I while, I remembered that summer's day; and then I realized something: Aphrodite's punishment, was fulfilled. (Like I said, once: ''Aphrodite... Doesn't takes blasphemy, kindly!...'')
    This is the story of a very foolish young woman, than dreamt with marries in love of a good man; and remain married all of her life... And losed everything for falling in love with the wrong person, blamed him of anything wrong in marriage when she have flaws to work too; and... For never apologized to the only Goddess, than would have helped her to found someone less difficult, than would garantized her of keeping the Love alive in her marriage; if she only had said with humility and with all sincerity, from the bottom of her heart: ''I'm sorry, Goddess Aphrodite; and forgive me for my foolish words: ...I'm only an stupid human being!''
    Like I heared once in my favorite Anime, (My apologies to anyone than hated, or dislike the genre) ''A Human being, will never judge to another Human Being; like they were a God!'' Or... In this case, in particular: ''A Human Being, should never judge to a God; like they were too a God!'': The Gods and Goddesses, will never abused of their power; 'cause they are bound to respect Free Will, and they are very fair; but, speaking ill about them and without reason; or for feel a fake sense of proud, (like this person did, feeling so morale; than decided to speak of a Goddess in an very judgemental and derogatory way) and now; she is suffering the consecuencies for her foolishness, and for her inflated pride.
    As I have said, in my first post of Class of Paganism: ''Don’t disrespect a Deity, (Or, any other Spiritual Being) because is not of your Pantheon; culture, or… You dislike, or hate him/her/them: Is truth… You don’t have to love to ALL THE GODS, Ok?! (But… You have to respect them, and to the followers of the same God/Goddess/Gods; than you are so happy to dislike, or hate!) They are powerful beings, and The best way to live a happy life, is leave them be: If you said, or do something you shouldn’t; apologize sincerely, and... Don’t do it, again!''
   This is an advice I should have publicizes, a long time ago: If you are searching for love, don't be like my sister... And never insult to Aphrodite! (In fact?!... Let's don't say hurtful and irrespectful things to any Deity, even if you don't believes or likes that Deity; so we can live a less troubled life, Okay?!)
   Than respect to The Deities, becomes a part of your practices; for now on... So Be It!
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seafoamsister · 1 year
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┊ ➶ 。˚ "mighty aphrodite rising out of the sea foam" henry courtney selous (1803-1890)°
happy april 3, this is dedicated to aphrodite !! blessed be ♡
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beautyofaphrodite · 1 month
When someone is choosing an outfit to wear for the day that makes them feel good, Aphrodite is there.
When someone kisses their partner, Aphrodite is there.
When someone walks hand in hand with a partner or friend, Aphrodite is there.
When someone goes over to their friend to comfort them, Aphrodite is there.
When someone smiles at their appearance in the mirror, Aphrodite is there.
When someone is gifted a bouquet of flowers, Aphrodite is there.
When someone writes their loved one’s name in the sand on a beach, Aphrodite is there.
When someone stands in the ocean, taking in its beauty, Aphrodite is there.
When someone is inspired to create something because of a loved one, Aphrodite is there.
When a child has their first crush, Aphrodite is there.
When someone finally feels love for the first time, Aphrodite is there.
When people dance together to a special song, Aphrodite is there.
When long-distance friends, partners, or family finally see each other in person, Aphrodite is there.
When people go on dates, Aphrodite is there.
When someone finally breaks off a toxic relationship, Aphrodite is there.
When someone sees the beauty in themself, Aphrodite is there.
Aphrodite is there for all of our beauty and love- filled moments. She loves us, and is always there for us, in the good, and the bad.
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valuesofold · 3 months
Hello everyone!
With my exams officially over, I am back to posting.
Today, I bring to you an info sheet on Aphrodite! Hope you all enjoy it!
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squrrrrel · 3 months
Art depictions of Goddess, Aphrodite <3 part 3
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