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pesterloglog · 7 months
Sollux Captor, John Egbert
Page 447-454
SOLLUX: eating a sandwich.
JOHN: what? no, i mean, what are you doing HERE in the meteor?
SOLLUX: i live here.
SOLLUX: its like im fated t0 wind up back at this idi0tic r0ck every c0uple 0f sweeps.
JOHN: i’m... sorry?
JOHN: ...
SOLLUX: real mess y0uve made 0f things 0ut there.
JOHN: yeah, well... we’re trying to fix that now! which is why I need to find my friends!
SOLLUX: kind 0f fucked up y0u guys let this happen t0 begin with.
JOHN: soooo anyway, on the topic of you living here...
JOHN: does roxy know about this???
SOLLUX: why w0uldnt she?
JOHN: huh.
JOHN: umm... how do you know her?
SOLLUX: wh0 d0 y0u think h00ked me up with these sick ass shades and gave me all these ape games.
JOHN: okay, that kind of makes sense, i guess.
JOHN: ...
JOHN: are you guys... close?
SOLLUX: wh0. me and r0xy? i guess. we squad up a c0uple times a week.
SOLLUX: why d0 y0u care?
SOLLUX: y0u w0rried im m0ving in 0n y0ur ex?
JOHN: ...hmm.
JOHN: hm. hmm. hm.
SOLLUX: what is g0ing 0n here.
JOHN: sorry, i had an answer but then i started actually considering it.
JOHN: am i jealous?
JOHN: hmmm...
SOLLUX: if i tell y0u straight up n0 we arent h00king up will y0u st0p?
JOHN: ...maybe?
SOLLUX: g0ddammit.
SOLLUX: listen.
SOLLUX: c0ming fr0m s0me0ne wh0 has shared breathing space with y0u 0nly 0n 0ccasi0n.
SOLLUX: its 0bvi0us t0 me y0u're n0t supp0sed t0 be the thinking guy.
JOHN: we’ve met before?
JOHN: ??????
SOLLUX: sigh.
SOLLUX: pirate ship. d0uble eye-patches. girlfriend ascensi0n.
JOHN: :0!
JOHN: double eye patches!
JOHN: i remember you now, you were at mystery jade’s funeral too!
SOLLUX: sure.
JOHN: sorry for not recognizing you.
JOHN: the eye patches are pretty distracting!
JOHN: like every time i see them i have to stop and think...
JOHN: wow... that looks really really stupid!
SOLLUX: yeah.
JOHN: are you still hanging out with that creepy alive girl?
SOLLUX: 0n a spiritual level.
JOHN: cool!
JOHN: is ... she also dating roxy?
SOLLUX: what?
SOLLUX: idk.
SOLLUX: i d0nt make it my business t0 keep tabs 0n that.
SOLLUX: im busy.
JOHN: you’re gaming!
SOLLUX: im fucking gaming.
SOLLUX: speaking 0f which...
JOHN: so what were you guys up to before this?
SOLLUX: (what the fuck)
SOLLUX: is there a prer0gative here.
SOLLUX: are y0u spades baiting me right n0w?
JOHN: honestly i don’t know what that means.
JOHN: i suppose...
JOHN: how do i say this...
JOHN: contextually!
JOHN: i always find myself going to a lot of places and meeting all these people but.
JOHN: most of it never matters to me until i’m not doing anything at all.
JOHN: last time that happened it was for ten years!
JOHN: and it only changed because i started talking to people again.
SOLLUX: (i did this t0 myself why did i ask)
JOHN: i guess in gamer terms it's the same as screwing yourself over by not checking every non playable character dialogue box.
JOHN: any one of them could have the clues you need.
JOHN: sooooo...
JOHN: come on!
SOLLUX: c0me 0n! :B
SOLLUX: die.
JOHN: aw, don’t be like that dude.
JOHN: i promise no more questions after this.
JOHN: do you not want to because it just ...isn't important?
SOLLUX: excuse me.
SOLLUX: my vestigial digits get m0re imp0rtant shit d0ne 0n wednesday nights than y0ur ill dressed b0dy has d0ne y0ur entire life cycle.
SOLLUX: but im n0t g0ing t0 g0 int0 all that because 1. i d0nt kn0w y0u and 2. i d0 n0t respect y0u.
SOLLUX: itll 0nly make y0u feel bad anyways.
JOHN: why would it make me feel bad?
SOLLUX: i can smell it 0n y0u man.
SOLLUX: y0u stink.
JOHN: i stink?
SOLLUX: yeah.
SOLLUX: y0u smell like a guy.
SOLLUX: wh0se never had any bitches.
JOHN: what!
JOHN: i have a son! i have a house full of pictures with him!
JOHN: that is physical proof i have had “bitches” thank you!
SOLLUX: as s0me0ne wh0 has been friends with every w0man y0u are attempting t0 categ0rize int0 this
SOLLUX: i can assure y0u, they were n0t y0ur bitches.
SOLLUX: y0u were theirs.
JOHN: i was the bitches?
SOLLUX: this was the missing puzzle piece r0xys ex.
SOLLUX: y0ur arc is 0ver.
SOLLUX: y0u can g0 h0me n0w.
JOHN: my home burned down.
SOLLUX: sad.
SOLLUX: y0u kn0w what is tragic th0ugh?
SOLLUX: i have n0t been able t0 play this game the wh0le time because s0me0ne was talking 0ver the s0und.
JOHN: oh!
JOHN: sorry : (
SOLLUX: w0rds d0nt mean much.
SOLLUX: 0nly acti0ns.
JOHN: well, i suppose i left the vriskas waiting long enough...
JOHN: see you eye patches...
SOLLUX: n0t wearing them.
JOHN: or not who knows!
SOLLUX: change my game f0r me.
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killcount · 2 years
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ok so who was gonna tell me i completely blanked on uploading pages this week. sorry gang lemme upload them 
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dekariosclan · 3 months
Hello my friend!
So we all know how amazing and wonderful Gale is, how kind, good, caring and funny he is. He is, in so many ways, a perfect man.
He is, however, only human. I have the tendency to idealise him, and forget this.
My question to you is - what do you think his flaws are? Both generally and as a husband/life partner.
Ohhh I love this question so much ❤️ I am a hopeless romantic, and I adore Gale’s charming, sweet, loving adorkableness! He is truly amazing—but I can confirm NOBODY (and no relationship) is ever 100% perfect.
The thing about a long-term committed relationship is that, while your partner’s charms make the relationship wonderful, their flaws are what make it REAL. And that’s just as important.
So let’s talk about our charming Gale’s less-than-charming aspects, shall we?
[warning: this went from a short & concise answer to a rambling dissertation, please prepare yourself accordingly! Also I know this ask/answer was supposed to make Gale a little less perfect and help lessen our obsession, but uhhhh, I seem to have veered hard in the opposite direction 😂]
First off: The Pomposity™️ (I’m not 100% certain that’s even a real word but you know what I mean right) So we all know that by the end of the game, (human) Gale has come to accept himself as he is, and decided to henceforth be known as ‘Gale Dekarios, a most brilliant wizard of intentionally limited reknown.’ He’s come a lonnng way in cutting down his ego, but let’s be honest: some of it will never truly go away. And that’s fair, because he IS brilliant, and he IS talented, and he IS extremely passionate about magic.
…but it’s tough to remember all that and give him a pass when that usually-oh-so-adorable-finger-in-the-air is now aimed at YOU, as he declares that ‘after all, he IS an expert on [*insert topic here*] because he WAS awarded [*insert scholarly award here*] from the one and only [*insert impressive Blackstaff Academy professor here.*]’
And all you wanted was for your opinion to be taken into consideration regarding the wine selection at dinner.
Second: The Disarray / Messiness. Gale has a brilliant mind, one that he applies full throttle to any and all situations: concentration on magic spells, lance board strategy, calculations, poring over ancient tomes, and even figuring out how to cook something edible out of rotting fish heads and some moldy cheese (no veggies, though!)
The problem is, while his mind is brilliant and he will keep it laser-focused on his chosen subject at that current moment, from a day-to-day perspective he is straight-up scatter brained with all the things he has his hands in. We can see this in his vision of his tower: BOOKS. BOOKS EVERYWHERE. Some stacked in piles, some shoved onto shelves, some left open on the page he was reading when he got distracted, etc.
We also get confirmation of this from Tara in the epilogue:
Tara: The way he leaves his potions in absolute disarray—I know for certain he wasn’t raised in a barn, but you’d never know it.
It’s one thing to have books & potions & scrolls scattered throughout his library and sitting room—you have no complaints against that, you HAVE moved in with/married a wizard, after all—but to find them in the kitchen, wine cellar, even occasionally stuffed into your own wardrobe? It’s a bit much.
TLDR: Our rizzard is a hot mess.
Which leads us into perhaps his biggest flaw: The Fussiness.
So about all those books everywhere, on everything, all at once? You didn’t try and ARRANGE them or organize them for him, did you?…You did?! Oh, gods! No, no, he had an ORDER to them, you see, and he knew that the exact spell he needed could be found in the third book down in the stack next to the piano, page 453, why did you ever decide to move it?
Well, you explain as patiently as you can, it was in the way, and frankly you could tell from the dust on it that he hadn’t touched it in several yea—
BY ELMINSTER’S ELBOW, did you ALPHABETIZE his illusion scrolls??! Oh, for the love of—!
You get the picture.
There would undoubtedly be moments when you found yourself fully exasperated by this man and his exacting, fussy nature.
All that being said: true fights would be rare.
The occasional huffy remark or quickly-forgotten gripe would occur now and then as in any relationship, but a real, anger-filled argument? With heightened emotions and hurt feelings? Rare indeed.
The only thing bigger than Gale’s brain is his heart. And while his mind is dedicated to a great many things as mentioned above (magic studies, lance board, etc) his heart is 100% dedicated TO YOU, and you alone. So on those rare occasions after a fight has occurred, it does not take long for him to come down from the heat of the moment and realize, oh, hells, he’s been an ass, hasn’t he?
He knows you love him. His anxiety about not being enough for you has long since disappeared, and he’s calmed his worries that you would ever leave him, but still…there’s always a lingering concern that maybe you’ll grow distant from him after an argument.
If you are in the wrong and he is certain of it, he will be stiffly polite until you offer an apology, and then he will be taking you in his arms, kissing you passionately and telling you ‘all is forgiven my love, let’s never speak of this again’ (and trying hard to hide his relief that you apologized first, because he was not sure how long he would be able to hold out and stay mad at you.)
If HE is in the wrong, though? And you are truly mad at him? And he knows he really stuck his foot in it? Oh, boy.
You’ll be treated to an apology so eloquent it would make poets weep, and it will come packaged with hand-holding, pouting, pleading, and Gale getting down on his (bad) knees.
And if you’re still mad at him after that?
Well, then you’ll have to complete a gauntlet harder than anything Shar could ever throw at you. You’ll have to try and stay angry, explain your anger, AND explain to Gale why he won’t be easily forgiven, all while looking directly at this:
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And this:
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…needless to say you will be failing, and hard.
Not that you mind, because the make-up sex will be absolutely phenomenal. Gale doesn’t just want to repair your loving bond after you’ve had an argument, he wants to improve it. Which requires much study and experimentation, of course.
And for awhile afterwards, all will be bliss again.
…until you find a pile of scrolls shoved under your side of the bed, and some open books scattered across your dresser, and you decide it time to do some organizing. ———
So yes, my friend. Gale definitely does have some flaws, and at some point they WOULD drive you crazy in any sort of relationship you have with him. Gale is wonderful, Gale is loving, but Gale isn’t perfect!!
…but when he takes you in his arms after you’ve made up, and his mouth is hungrily devouring yours, and he’s murmuring words of adoration against your skin as he trails his kisses down your neck, chest, hips—
Nevermind! I take it all back. He’s perfect. 😂
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blouisparadise · 8 months
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Today we have the fifth part of our short fic rec list! All of the fics on this list are a nice quick read that is less than 10k. If you missed the other parts to this rec list, you can find part one here, part two here, part three here, and part four here. Happy reading!
1) Shut Your Mouth, Baby | Explicit | 3,028 words
While fooling around in a closet at a New Year’s Eve party, Louis can’t seem to keep quiet. All he needs to do is hold off until midnight, when Harry will finally uncover his mouth and let him come at full volume.
2) Heaven In These Sheets | Explicit | 3,557 words
Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
3) Tide’s Deathless Death | Explicit | 4,350 words
The Red Serpent gleamed in all of her marvellous glory from where she was anchored a meagre few miles away from the land. Her flag waving proudly in the afternoon sun. The image was certainly memorable, of the flag, that is; a serpent coiled viciously around a human heart, fangs sunken into the organ and blood oozing from the very spot. If not for the ship herself, the flag had its own repute of conveying the message that the captain was not to be trifled with. There was no single man who had survived after taking up arms against the captain. Well, there was one man, but including him amongst the hoard of common faces would be a foolishness on the feared-by-all captain’s part. That man currently stood silently staring after the captain, palm curled around the handle of his blade, and teeth clenched in anger. He was certainly going to relieve all the navies of their plight by taking down the captain. At least then, in his relatively newfound life of piracy, he would have done one good deed.
4) Always Tell The Truth | Not Rated | 5,027 words
Harry is Louis’ dentist and getting a wisdom tooth removed shouldn’t be the end of the world.
5) I Knew It From The Start | Explicit | 5,233 words
Louis starts calling Harry ‘daddy’. Consequently, Harry discovers that he has a daddy kink.
6) Spaces Between Us, Hold All Our Secrets | Not Rated | 6,441 words
The thing about Harry is, is that he is the most wonderful guy you´ll ever meet. He is kind, compliments you on things you are usually insecure about, which shows he truly pays attention to who you are as a person. And he befriends everyone. Except Louis.
7) Outline Of My Sins | Explicit | 6,551 words
Prompt 453: AU where alpha Harry is an art student who is taking a figure drawing class and omega Louis is the nude model. In the many years that Harry has taken art classes, he has never been more hot and bothered than now, having to stare at a beautiful nude omega model for hours.
8) Shouldn’t Cry (But I Love It) | Explicit | 6,586 words
They're roommates. They're quarantined. There's a small problem coming up.
9) Your Name Is Tattooed To The Bottom Of My Heart | Explicit | 6,613 words
Prompt 114: a PWP where Louis gets an arse tattoo with Harry’s name for his birthday.
10) Leave Like The Summer Breeze | Explicit | 6,551 words
When Louis and Zayn are stranded in Alabama, a farmer offers them shelter. He just asks for one thing in return.
11) Smile for the Camera for It Knows Everything, Hollywood Star| Mature | 6,676 words
Prompt 132- The story of Nancy Reagan being called the blowjob queen of Hollywood but it’s Louis.
12) The Writing On the Wall | Explicit | 6,705 words
When BookToker Louis receives a gift basket filled with all his favorite sweets, wines, and stuffed animals alongside the new Harry Styles book, he’s shocked at the story he finds in the pages.
13) Muffins & Cigarettes| Mature | 7,591 words
Louis pouts. “You can’t pout your way into this, Louis”, Harry said as he was fixing his tie, watch and rings glinting against the soft sunlight filtering through the window. “Of course, I can. Watch me.”
14) The Knothead Neighbor| Mature | 8,058 words
Prompt 3: Neighbors AU, preferably ABO! Harry works evenings/nights (maybe like a surgeon something that requires him to be gone for long hours) and has a cat. The cat has a little kitty door at the back so that it can explore and such. Louis just moved next door and the cat seems to always end up at his door. Eventually, Louis lets the cat in, as he’s new and he’s feeling quite lonely. They become fast friends, so much so that the cat prefers to stay with Louis rather than go home. Harry gets concerned that the cat starts to stay out all day/night so he eventually leaves a note attached to the cat’s collar with its name and phone number. Louis texts him telling him he’s his neighbor and not to worry, the cat just likes to hang with him as it might be lonely. Harry gets pissed that this stranger is stealing his cat so he goes to confront Louis and tell him to stop stealing his cat. Of course, as soon as he sees Louis, he falls in love with him and the rest is history. (If ABO could be cute that both Harry and Louis like to cuddle with the cat because it holds the other’s scent)
15) Kiss It Better | Explicit | 8,080 words
Harry shakes his head with a light laugh and leans down to kiss him again which Louis happily accepts even if he is a little confused by the reaction. "Baby, not a night has gone by that I haven't thought about you in my bed, naked, and begging for my cock." Blinking up at him with wide eyes, Louis opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. While they did flirt a lot over the last few weeks, Harry had never said anything like that. It shocks him as much as it turns him on. "News to me." "I won't lie and say I like random hookups or casual sex, but to me this isn't what that is." Louis swallows thickly, unsure of what to say to that but once again Harry gives him an out. "So, If you want we can stay up here and I can show you all the things I've thought about doing to you." Another kiss, quick and sweet. "Or, we can go back downstairs and we'll dance all night."
16) Could Start A Cult | Explicit | 8,750 words
He lowers down the top that Louis is wearing, successfully unclasping his nursing bra as well, letting Louis’ tits bounce at the sudden movement. Harry massages both breasts to stimulate the milk flow, and he can feel his cock hardening inside his pants.
17) Should Be, Meant To Be | Explicit | 9,174 words
Prompt #65: Louis signs up for a Sugar Daddy dating website on a drunken dare. He forgets for a while, until one night he gets a notification for a message request from none other than his really hot (really rich) boss, Harry Styles.
18) Into It | Explicit | 9,197 words
Louis meets Harry. They hit it off.
19) Something To Prove | Explicit | 9,425 words
Louis is the first and only omega to work at Red Valley Medical Center. Despite being more than qualified, he still faces prejudice for his career choice everyday. From patients refusing his treatment to condescending alpha doctors intervening with his work, practicing medicine in Boston is more challenging than Louis had ever thought it would be.
20) Sugar Water | Explicit | 9,454 words
When his most familiar begins to feel all too unfamiliar, Harry finds out what it means to love like real people do.
21) Hook You Up (Charm You Down) | Explicit | 9,600 words
Swiftly, Harry raises his right hand to his head. Bringing two ringed fingers up, he touches the brown hat sitting on his head, tipping it with a raise of eyebrows in the direction of Peter Pan. He punctuates the whole action with his signature smirk. The reaction is almost immediate. Like Harry hoped it’d be. Though he expected the grin he received, he can’t say he directly expected the man to come forward his way. But he surely isn’t going to complain. “Captain! Fancy seeing you there,” Peter Pan says when he reaches Harry’s space. And wow. Seeing it from up close, Niall was right. Face of an angel, totally Harry’s type and all that. 
22) Poppies In May | Mature | 9,603 words
And maybe he deserves it, Louis thinks bitterly. His hand curls around the fence tightly, and he feels like if he lets go he’ll slid onto the cold ground and never fucking get up again. Maybe standing here, staring at Harry’s hunched over, retreating back is what he deserves.
23) Wanna Do Nothing With You | Explicit | 9,606 words
The accident happens in the stupidest way possible. One minute Louis is demonstrating a skateboard trick he’d just learned for Lottie, the next he’s waking up in a hospital. He’s told that he wasn’t unconscious the entire ride, but he has absolutely no recollection of it. One second he’s fucking around in his own garden and the next he’s being assaulted with the strong sterile scent of a hospital. So. There’s that.
24) Hello, My Name is Louis | Explicit | 9,686 words
Louis hurried to hang up the phone and take off his headset, throwing it away as if it was burning hot. He hugged himself by the shoulders and hid his face in his knees, sitting in his desk chair like a swimmer ready to dip into a pool, a pool of embarrassment. Not many people got past "Hello, my name is… " and even fewer engaged in a full conversation with him. And if they did, it usually went better than this.
25) Got It Right Such A Long Time Ago | Explicit | 9,699 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
There are a lot of people Harry might expect to find on his doorstep at three o’clock in the afternoon these days. It could be the delivery man, come to drop off the pair of boots Harry impulsively ordered online last week. It could be one of his neighbors, dropping by to complain about how a party he’d thrown weeks ago had clogged up the street. It could also be any number of his friends in L.A., who stop by unannounced most days to mooch off Harry’s food or whisk him away to try some new yogurt shop.    As a rule, it definitely cannot be Louis Tomlinson, although Harry’s blinked at least three times now, and it’s still Louis standing there, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a duffel bag at his feet.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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the-exiled-comic · 1 year
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page 453
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aqua-dan · 3 months
hello!! Do you have any Garth comic recommendations for someone (me) who has never read a Garth comic outside of a handful of TT issues before?
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Hi!! I definitely have some recommendations! This definitely isn't a comprehensive reading list by ANY means (although I do want to make one eventually!), but rather a small smattering of Garth centric comics that I think are fun or noteworthy! (These are also not in any particular order, just written out as they come into my brain lol)
Tempest (1996) - Obviously the Garth holy grail! There is no better Garth comic than this. It is peak and honestly one of the best books DC has ever put out. It's short, too (only 4 issues), so it's not too intensive of a read.
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Adventure Comics #269 - "The Kid from Atlantis" - Garth's first appearance! Don't get too hung up on the lore here, as it changes later on, but it's a sweet issue and obviously important!
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Adventure Comics #270 - "The Menace of Aqualad" - I love this issue for a multitude of reasons-- including the fully unintentional foreshadowing,-- but mainly I love it because it showcases what a sweet person Garth is and always has been.
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World's Finest Comics #133 - "Aquaman's New Partner -- Aqua-girl" - Again, the lore needs to be disregarded, but this issue fascinates me as an early iteration of Garth's insecurity about where he stands with Arthur/feeling useful.
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I probably shouldn't list everything individually so this post doesn't end up being a mile long, haha! So I'll start putting some groupings together:
Aquaman vol 1 #14, 18, 23, and #33
The Brave and the Bold #54
Teen Titans vol 1 #11 (not particularly Garth centric but just especially fun to me lol), #17, #19, #28, #29, #44-end of series. (Side note that @ttwasteland has a really good podcast covering volume 1 of Teen Titans! Actually, they have a lot of Teen Titans podcasts! Which is really useful for those who struggle to read Silver Age comics + I am immensely pleased with Hub's Aqualad enthusiasm!)
The Brave and the Bold (vol 3) #10
Death of a Prince (Technically, I recommend reading all of it, since it'll help you understand how things got to this point. But especially Adventure Comics #452 and the Aqualad stories in #453-455.)
Tales of the Teen Titans #85 & #86 + Teen Titans Spotlight #10
Teen Titans Spotlight #18
Teen Titans Spotlight #21
Aquaman vol 5 (Yes, all of it lol)
Showcase '96 #1
Teen Titans (Vol 3) #12-16
Titans (vol 1) At least the Devin Grayson portion, but I don't dislike the later stuff either!
There are also storylines that I think are fun or important that happen in across various books/stories (Obsidian Age, Aquaman vol 6, other (Teen) Titans stories, Blackest Night, CoIE, dare I even say Sword of Atlantis...), but I'll save those for a more in-depth reading list some other time! These ones are just popping up in my head rn.
If you want N52/Rebirth stuff, there are also a few stories that are pretty good. Sadly, they're pretty few and far between since canon changes and DC tossing their character bibles have left poor Garth in an odd, largely OoC limbo for years. Although I don't /love/ these stories as much as others, they still manage to vaguely pass the vibe check:
Nightwing & the Titans in Team Building (Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular) It's not super Garth centric, but it's fun!
Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 - “It’s a Family Affair”
Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 - “Lady in the Lake”
World's Finest: Teen Titans & DC's Spring Breakout "Relay for your Life" Garth's characterization in these... isn't right, but I feel like it has the spirit more than the vast majority of things published in recent years.
Titans (2023-) I... don't totally feel right putting this here, but I feel like slowly... extremely slowly... they are starting to fix Garth's characterization. We're not quite there yet-- and it is sadly written by Tom Taylor,-- but I feel like it's going to lead to something that's actually good for Garth again. (Aka so many hints towards a potential new Tempest mini-series or one-shot have been dropped lately, and I feel like this series will be context important.)
Ok, to try to finish this out: Also consider watching some stuff with Garth in it like Aquaman (1967) TV show / DC Super Hero Girls (2019), or reading some cute, non-canon series such as Tiny Titans! It's just good fun!!
Anyways, thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this helps!!! (And thank you for allowing me a chance to ramble lol!)
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official-homeslice · 1 year
new update!
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pages 453-460
read here!
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harleystuff · 3 months
Sam Claflin Gif Pack
[LINK]  In this gif packs you will find 453 gifs (275*167) of Sam Claflin as Jack in ‘Love Wedding Repeat (2020)’.  I made these gifs from scratch, so please don’t claim them as your own and do not repost them in gif hunts (instead link back to this page). You may crop/use them in crackships & stuff, but please don’t forget the credit ! (& since I’m kinda curious, I’d very much like to see :p) Likes and reblogs are appreciated! (Mega link can be found in the master folder) Content warning : kissing, blood, alcohol
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32 notes · View notes
i have to write a report on a play and read 453 pages in three days, is now a good time for me to get in your normal, functioning spaceship?
Yes absolutely
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bettie-may-page · 1 year
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Bettie Page Standing #453 With Evil Looking Clown Doll
Photo Retouch: Craig Stewart
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adorationmajestic · 8 days
Little to Do With Love
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Relationship: Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Minor or Background Relationships, Coronabeth Tridentarius/Ianthe Tridentarius
Characters: Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Gideon Nav, Palamedes Sextus, Camilla Hect, Cytherea the First, Ianthe Tridentarius, Coronabeth Tridentarius
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, no beta we die like cavs, Major Character Injury, the major character death is gideon but she gets better, Temporary Character Death, Necrophilia, Cannibalism, the tridentariicest is not central to the story but it aint hidden, Pining, Useless Lesbians, Literal Sleeping Together
Chapters: 8/?
Completed: no
Title is a phrase from 'A Sermon on Cavaliers and Necromancers by M. Bias' (page 453 of Gideon the Ninth) ⚔︎ A story taking place in my original universe I created for my cyberpunk (genre) AU. Also Gideon is Deaf, a barista, and a half elf. Harrowhark is one of the most talented necromancers in the last several generations and has enlisted in service to the Cohort. (Gideon is 23 and Harrow is 22.) Description and tags will update as I go. Edit: I have two possible endings set up. They are both equally as likely to happen. One of them is rough and angsty. The other is not. I'll be honest and tell you I have no idea which one it will be. So, I guess consider yourself warned. Also I used the regular Necrophilia tag instead of the Canon-typical Necrophilia tag because it's a different brand.
and because i think you guys are awesome, here's an excerpt from the eighth chapter! (under the cut)
“Why don't you tell me what you've been writing on those wasteful sheets of flimsy right here and now and I'll see what I can do about rewarding your determination.” The Ninth hesitated. This was a game and she was moving pieces blindly on Augustine's chessboard.
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llumetesdellums · 2 years
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“I have greatly offended you, and I beg you to pardon me”
I really like the first talking interection that Wujing has with Tripitaka.
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---> Journey to the West, VOLUME 1, Chapter 22, page 453 
Ten seconds ago he was calling Bajie and Wukong all the names of the book. Funniest man in the water, youngest brother spirit. 
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I can’t believe they took the "your noble features” in the spanish dub, let him call him pretty, he is, don’t be afraid--
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enigma020 · 2 years
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Epictale Fanart
Decided to redraw a moment from Epictale's Pages 453-461 update.
Truly a heart wrenching moment for the Undyne simps 😔💔
Epictale belongs to @yugogeer012
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neddea · 8 months
My fellow Trigun enjoyers, assemble 🙌🏻
If you had to guess, which planet/moon do you think would most likely be Noman’s Land/Gunsmoke?
I’ve been thinking about this for a while (because my latest obsession is astronomy, although it’s also a long running one). In both animes and manga there are two suns, but I’ve been generally looking at exoplanets (planets outside our Solar System) within the habitable zone of their stars, thinking it would be complicated to find a two-star (binary) system that could have any kind of habitability. Yesterday though I found THIS OFFICIAL ART FROM NASA:
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(Look at this, it’s so pretty!)
Turns out, NASA has a whole site that is… kind of an AU in which space travel is viable, and they explain how these planets would look like and what events would be cool to see in them and whatnot. They even have some 3D rendering from the surface of those planets so that you can see how it would look like! When I say this website is cool, I’m underselling it:
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ANYWAY, back to Trigun shenanigans! When I saw the poster for Kepler-16b, I realized that yes, you could actually live on a planet of a binary system! These are called circumbinary planets, and a funny detail when you read the Wikipedia page:
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A quick note on nomenclature: from what I’ve gathered, the name of the star system is followed by a letter or two. If it’s in caps, it’s a star, with A being the primary one and B the secondary; if it’s in lower case, it’s a planet. The planet counter always (?) starts at b, so if there are seven planets in the system called TRAPPIST-1 they would be TRAPPIST-1b, TRAPPIST-1c, TRAPPIST-1d…
Another important note is that there are two types of planetary configuration: If the planet only orbits one star, it’s called S-Type (or non-circumbinary planet); if it orbits both stars, it’s called P-Type (or circumbinary). Hope this didn’t get too confusing!
So I’ve made a list of binary systems that could potentially host human life. Which one do you think would be the best choice?
Kepler-16: the NASA poster one, its planet unofficially called “Tatooine” amongst scientists (good for them). 16b (the planet) is, however, a gas giant like Saturn, so it would be impossible to live there. If it has a moon with an atmosphere though, that could host life! And we’d get to see in the sky two stars and one bigass planet covering a good chunk of it. Pretty neat 🪐
Kepler-35: The planet discovered here is not within the habitable zone, but there is a high chance there might be other rocky planets in it. We can just make it up however we want it to be ✨
Kepler-38: Same as 35, but also the mass of the planet is unknown (I think? Wikipedia says one thing and NASA another, so idk)
Kepler-47: It has 3 planets, which is very cool 🪐🪐🪐 The second one, 47c, is within the habitable zone, but it would be the same case as 16b (living on a moon). The other two planets would also be perfectly visible, I think.
PH1/Kepler-64: First circumbinary planet found in a quadruple (FOUR STARTS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) system, and the discovery was made by citizens! How cool is that!? The planet orbits two of them, but the other system is fairly near and probably influences the planet?. They’re probably perfectly visible from the surface.
ROXs 42: Not much known about the planet, but it orbits the secondary star and has an atmosphere💫 That’s because it’s a gas giant, so it’s not habitable and we’d have to use a moon. Would be cool to see the stars wandering the sky on different paths though, since it’s the only S-Type system in this list!
Kepler-453: I’ve gotten confusing info about the habitability zone on this system, but we know that there’s a gas giant half the size of Jupiter 🤔
Kepler-1647: Same as Kepler-16 and 47. Apparently the system would be capable of sustaining an Earth-sized moon! 🌑
A quick sketch of how each of them would look like:
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📷 Fred Common, Hobbyist Photographer
Three photos from my “A Flower Album” Slideshow of 1,486 (includes videos) flower photos.
💐🌹🌸🪻🌼🌷🌺🌻Photo group 453. Enjoy!
You belong among the wild flowers!
Every day of your life is a page of your history.
So, Don’t forget to sing in the life boats.
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starry-eyed-svt · 1 month
You Support Me, I Support You.
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This is silly, but this is me. Except I don't have Yoongi to support me and tell me to write.
Genre: Angstish(self doubt)/Fluff
Words: 453
I stared at the blank document with contempt. I didn’t know what to write or where to start. 
“You know, just staring at the document isn’t going to magically start writing itself.” 
My eyes raised over the top of my laptop to reveal a smirking Yoongi. I promptly flipped him off. He laughed as he sat across from me. 
“Come on, what is holding you back?” He asked and sipped on his drink. 
I sighed heavily and ran my hands over my face. 
“I used to have a wealth of ideas! I would open up a notes app or blank document and the words would just flow. And now? Nothing. Even if I do have ideas, getting them from my brain to paper is more difficult than the time I took Physics because I was good at Chemistry even though I finished my science credits.” I huffed. 
Yoongi’s face wasn’t pity… but it was pity adjacent and that bummed me out even more. 
“I miss hearing your ideas. What if when you get an idea, you immediately start writing it down?” He suggested. 
Yoongi is my oldest friend, and we have always pushed, and supported each other in our dreams. 
“What if I’m just not meant to write anymore?” I asked and closed the laptop. I didn’t want to cry, but I could definitely feel the tears brimming my eyes. 
Yoongi reached out and put his hand on mine. 
“Maybe you just need a break? Don’t put so much pressure on yourself.” He said, his voice was comforting. 
“Yoongi, I’ve been giving myself a break for the last several years, and the longer I put it off the more it isn’t coming back.” I smiled sardonically. 
“Well why don’t you write about what you’re feeling then? The despair you feel, the helplessness of losing your touch when it comes to writing?” He suggested. 
“That is very meta… I like it.” 
“You just have to keep at it, even if you think it is a dumb idea. Just do it. Have fun with it.” Yoongi said and gave me his signature smile. I couldn’t help but smile back. 
“What would I do without you?” I asked. 
“Stare at a lot of blank documents.” He joked with a laugh, I laughed as well. 
“Now get writing, you never know what kind of brain babies will make their way to the page.” 
“Thank you, Yoongi.” I smiled. 
“See you later.” He got up, patted my head and then headed out. 
I took his advice, and started writing. Even if it wasn’t the best thing I had ever come up with. I was grateful to have someone who supported me, especially when I didn’t believe in myself. 
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