#page 5214
pesterloglog · 6 months
Dirk Strider, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 5205-5217
DIRK: Hey. You're kind of breathing down my neck there.
TEREZI: (wh4t?)
TEREZI: (no 1m not)
DIRK: Yes you are.
DIRK: Are you sniffing me?
TEREZI: (no)
DIRK: It sounds like you're sniffing me.
DIRK: Do you really have to stand so close?
TEREZI: (wh4t 4r3 you t4lk1ng 4bout)
DIRK: You just inched a little closer. Just now.
TEREZI: (no th1s 1s f1n3)
TEREZI: (1 4m tot4lly r3sp3ct1ng your p3rson4l bound4r13s)
DIRK: Ok, you just took a big fucking sniff.
DIRK: Cut that out.
TEREZI: (no!)
DIRK: Wait.
DIRK: Shut up.
DIRK: Ok, something's happening.
TEREZI: (>:?)
DIRK: I feel weird.
DIRK: What just happened?
DIRK: Ok you really need to step off, troll girl.
DIRK: Holy shit you are loud when you're not whispering.
TEREZI: *SN1111111F*
DIRK: Does this mean you can see me now?
DIRK: Alright.
DIRK: Hey everyone.
DIRK: So...
DIRK: Here's the thing.
DIRK: I have to go.
DIRK: Like, right now.
DIRK: All of my friends are either dead, or lying on the ground unconscious, including me.
DIRK: So I have to try to wake up and fix everything.
DIRK: Sorry I can't hang around your bubble and shoot the breeze for a while.
DIRK: It's not like I don't want to.
DIRK: I guess I have to be this huge fucking wet blanket as usual because there's stuff that needs doin'.
DIRK: Also I'm just gonna steal her if you don't mind.
DIRK: She needs to come home.
DIRK: Tell the aquatic punk girl my idiot bro is sorry for beating the shit out of her.
DIRK: Ha ha, who am I kidding.
DIRK: She stone cold does not give a fuck.
DIRK: So, yeah.
DIRK: See you later.
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2wenty2wenty2 · 2 years
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From Anthony Darkstone: To round off our mini-series of The Darkstone Dossiers in a grand & Masterful style - our 3rd and final one in The Mentoring Series, I will have as my guests - John O'Riordan & Arthur Tivoli I always bring you the best and this is no different. 19 September. - 4PM (Eastern USA & Canada) - 9PM (UK) Check Google for your local time. All bona-fide Magicians are welcome. No Charge. Feel free to invite Members of your local Magic clubs. Academy of Illusions is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81652145664... Meeting ID: 816 5214 5664 Passcode: 303740 As always, there will be a meet & greet after The Show and you can mingle directly with my Guests. As often happens Zoom can filled to capacity and so, this will also be Live Streamed on The FB Page where you can comment in real time. https://www.facebook.com/academyofillusionsVisual credit: Jay Scott Berry
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elifsaglamm-blog · 4 years
Zeynep Tanbay Dans Projesi ©  (2012). Erişim adresi   http://www.zeyneptanbay.org/?p=bio
Mavidans Bale ve Dans Okulu ( 17 Kas 2012 ). Yıllar sonra  [CD]. Erişim adresi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMNac_zoUgU
Zeynep Tanbay Dans Projesi ( 23 Oca 2017). Keskin Bıçak-Sezen Aksu [CD]. Erişim adresi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jsjzxObr18
Alper Marangoz (Koreograf) ( 1 Ağu 2015 ), 4 Ayak  [CD]. Erişim adresi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq0fOR2Dcn0
Ayda ZORLU NEBİOĞLU (t.y.).  Mavidans Akademi ve DNA Dans Topluluğu Kurucusu.  Erişim adresi http://www.mavidans.com/34/Ayda-ZORLU-NEBIOGLU--Mavidans-Bale-ve-Dans-Okulu-Kurucusu.html
Nurhan NEBİOĞLU (t.y.).  Mavidans Akademi ve DNA Dans Topluluğu Kurucusu.  Erişim adresi http://mavidans.com/43/Nurhan-NEBIOGLU--Mavidans-Bale-ve-Dans-Okulu-Kurucusu.html
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Devlet Opera ve Balesi Genel Müdürlüğü. Alper Marangoz  [Arşiv]. Erişim adresi https://www.operabale.gov.tr/tr-tr/Sayfalar/artistdetail.aspx?ArtistId=5214
Akbank Sanat (11 Nisan 2019). Evrim Akyay  [Etkinlikler]. Erişim adresi https://www.akbanksanat.com/etkinlik/kedi-kedi
V4TR (t.y.) Evrim Akyay  Erişim adresi https://www.v4tr.org/fullscreen-page/comp-j98wwtjg/3a400099-ec04-411b-b829-0a966e54c0b2/0/%3Fi%3D0%26p%3D%26s%3D
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residentanchor · 6 years
A Lesson in Practicality 10
<<Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Summary:  Virgil and Logan try to mend their friendship a bit. Word count: 5214
Both Logan and Virgil had an earlier shift and had spent their time since arriving back home dancing around and avoiding one another. Logan had read through his book and even finished the puzzle from the other day before packing it away, not even feeling the sense of accomplishment when he had finished. Eventually, Logan grew restless and got up, knocking on Virgil's door. He stood there, hoping the other had heard when the door cracked open a bit.
He cleared his throat and looked through the small crack at Virgil who had his headphones on underneath a hood. "I would like to extend an invitation to watch something together in the living area."
Virgil raised an eyebrow up at Logan before the creak of the door opening a bit more broke the awkwardness. "This you fulfilling some promise to Patton at trying to be nice?"
"No. Well, yes and no. I wish to restart our friendship from the beginning with a clean slate. I thought maybe we could watch something the other likes in an attempt to get to know each other better." Logan's awkward tick of fixing his glasses when not needed kicked in. "Despite us living together all these months, there still is not much I know about you."
"Yeah, wonder what you can learn when we don't hide away from one another," Virgil spoke with pure sarcasm. "I kind of get it, though. Ignorance is bliss and all that."
"No." Logan shook his head. "As much as I hate to admit it, I should have thought of a way to mention something instead of keeping it all to myself."
"Like how? You shouldn't have done it in the first place, yeah, but I get why you tried to hide it." Virgil leaned against the door frame. "There really wasn't an easy way for you to tell us without the same thing happening anyway."
"Still, the absence of knowledge can do more harm than informing you all in some way could. Knowing and gaining more knowledge could never hurt, not like withholding it can."
"Doesn't really matter now, does it? Damage is done."
Logan tensed at the words and sighed. "Fair enough. If you would like the quiet instead..." Logan turned back towards his room. "I have been thinking I could perhaps share a bit of that journal then? I never shared it for fear of reaction when someone read it, but at this point, you have been informed of the biggest parts."
The door creaked again as Virgil opened it completely. "You don't have to do that if you're not ready to share."
"It's really not a big deal, the biggest secret it kept was that there was a fifth unknown person. Besides that, it's just observations and research. I was never one for 'diaries' as it were."
Virgil looked up and nodded, trying not to seem too eager. "Fine, and if we have time after, maybe we could watch Doctor Who?"
"You watch Doctor Who?"
Virgil shrugged and smirked a bit. "Trying to figure out how you can control time and space, yeah. Kind of figured I could look into it a bit. It has its charms, I guess."
"Is that a Nine reference?"
"Not important." Logan walked the few feet down to his door. "I'll get the things necessary and meet you there."
Virgil shook his head and went back to his room, removing his headphones and pulling down his hood before escaping back out into the kitchen.
He had only just reached for the remote when Logan walked in, carrying a few DVDs and the journal he had walked around with. He placed them down and slid the journal over before sitting. "Figured we can get this part over with first."
The journal was a little worn, but Logan had kept it in good condition. Virgil opened up the front and glanced down. "You really did start this out as a diary." He glanced down the front page of neat handwriting. "First page you just write to yourself because you just lost your memory." He flipped to the next page and grazed through everything quickly. "You talk about us, yadda yadda." He flipped to the next. "Oh?" Virgil looked up. "A whole page dedicated to Patton, huh?"
"I don't see why that's so important?"
"Oh, no reason. 'I do recall my first glance at Patton to be uninteresting until he spoke. He charmed everyone behind the counter rather quickly while-'"
"Yes, I know what I wrote, Virgil. Is that important?"
"Oh, I don't know." Virgil placed the journal in his lap and looked up at Logan. "Should I call Patton and start reading this to him? I'm sure he'd love it."
The smirk on Virgil's face grew at Logan grew more flush. "It is still my personal journal, Virgil."
Virgil couldn't help but throw his head back in laughter. "Yeah, I know. I get it, you're trusting me with this. I'm not gonna tell anyone, I promise." He glanced back down and flipped a few more pages until the format changed. "I'm kind of disappointed in you. This is kind of boring, I was expecting more, I guess." He glanced up. "You thought my power was teleportation?"
"The quick glance I got when I found you didn't reveal much because I was only looking, not prying. I did wish to respect your boundaries. My observations seemed that you could just randomly appear. To be honest, I still don't know how they quite work. You've only taken the other two through a demonstration once before."
Virgil flipped slowly through the rest of the journal. "Yeah, not really my style. Stopping time is nervewracking enough. Don't really want to go messing with it." He got to the end and closed the book before placing it on the table. "It's a lot of nonsense and theories, not what I was expecting. You could have just asked after we all found out."
"I have with Roman and we did that alcohol test on the roof. Patton has and we sorted out he was an empath. I've asked you and you declined my offer."
Virgil shrugged and picked up a DVD. "Don't know how things can change, right? I don't know what is and is not a fixed point. Things happen for a reason."
"That's rather counterproductive to your way of thinking." Virgil shot him a confused look and stopped reading the back of the DVD. "You don't believe in fate or destiny but you have been given the power to change and you feel it is not your place."
Virgil looked down at the table and placed the DVD down before leaning back. "Do you remember that episode where the Tenth Doctor goes to Mars? The Doctor changed a fixed point to save people even when he shouldn't and people still died. Then he realized he was in the wrong the whole time."
"That was not the point of the episode, Virgil. He saved people, yes, but he overstepped his bounds and abused his power." Logan leaned forward and laced his hands together. "I'm not saying go around and change everything you don't like. You let Roman go back and save someone and nothing bad came of it. Do you regret that?"
"No." Virgil sighed deeply and covered his face. "Of course not, but I can't guarantee it will always be like that."
"Of course not, but that is the same of everyday life is it not?" Logan stood and grabbed a case and opened it. "I'm merely pointing out a flaw in your logic, take from that what you will."
Silence fell until Virgil suddenly stood and strode into the kitchen, leaving Logan confused in his chair. He stood and placed down the disk case and followed. "Is everything alright?"
Virgil spun around and looked up at him. "I'm being an idiot."
"False, I'm sure whatever you are or were thinking is valid, Virgil."
"No, like..." Virgil rubbed the side of his nose and looked away. "I forgive you a bit about what happened, I guess. I can understand why you did it, even if I can't completely trust you. It's just..." He looked up and shifted uncomfortably. "Trust goes two ways and I've never tried reaching out towards you. Now that I have, you make sense, but I'm still anxious about the idea..."
"Virgil." Logan held his hands up as a sign of peace. "Whatever it is, we can just talk about it. I understand you keep people away. We can sit down and talk about this while watching tv if that helps."
Virgil spun around to face the wall and Logan let his arms drop. He saw Virgil glance over his shoulder and shake his head, muttering to himself. "Don't make me regret this, pocket protector."
"Regret what, may I ask?"
"Think of a happy place." Virgil suddenly slammed his eyes shut as Logan looked on confused.
Then stumbled forward, catching himself as Virgil held him up. "Welcome, nerd."
Logan blinked and stood up, noticing the distinct lack of sound. "Did you stop time?" Logan turned and saw the spot where he broke free. "Oh. Is that the portal you've spoken about?" He walked passed and stopped in the living room, glancing at the clock. "Oh, this is fascinating!" He turned to Virgil who tried not looking too terribly smug. "You didn't have to do this."
"Just a quick trip wouldn't hurt." He shrugged and motioned back toward the kitchen. "I don't like freezing time too long, we still age and everything."
"We do? How old are you really then?" Virgil shrugged and walked away. "How long have you spent in stopped time?"
"You really expect me to be able to measure time when time is frozen?" Virgil stopped in front of the portal Logan had made. "I have a terrible sense of time, I set alarms on my phone for absolutely everything." He slowly raised his hand. "So, where did you think of when we stopped time, hmm?"
Virgil stuck a hand through and saw it didn't come out the other side. "Is that how the portal dictates where to go? I'm not sure what I was thinking of."
"I said think of your happy place." Virgil carefully took a step and leaned forward before pulling himself out with the biggest smile Logan had ever seen on him. "Oh, Logan. How interesting."
Confused, Logan approached the ripple and Virgil stepped through, causing him to follow. He blinked and looked around, recognizing the area immediately. "The library? True, I guess the quiet atmosphere mixed with the access to knowledge is a happy place for me."
Virgil nudged Logan and pointed across the room, where Patton could be seen sorting through books, frozen in time. "The staff is friendly too, I hear."
"A coincidence, I assure you. If I was here for Patton, would we not have appeared closer to him?"
"I don't believe in coincidences."
Logan looked over at Virgil as a smile spread across his face. "I suggest you stop this senseless taunting or I'll have to return it," Logan teased.
Letting out a snort, Virgil looked back towards Patton without a second thought. "What can you do?" Virgil shot back in a lighthearted challenging tone.
"Virgil, you can't really be daring me to..." He turned and saw Logan standing there, eyes wide with confusion. "This doesn't make sense."
"Think of it as a thank you for letting me read that journal. I want to trust you, so take the chance while I'm offering. Just don't go digging around in there."
Logan stared down Virgil, looking for any sign of a trick before he blinked and his eye lit up. "I swear he better hurry, I'm not a patient person. Oh, he actually did it. Wait, don't think about anything embarrassing." Logan blinked and his eyes returned to normal. "That was only surface level, I can go deeper."
Surprisingly, Virgil let out a laugh and shoved Logan back, watching him disappear into nothingness that was the other side of the portal before following through. "I never outright said you could read my thoughts."
"You certainly implied it! Surface level thoughts are nothing. Now, if I wanted to find out if you had a secret or what you truly felt about someone, I could. However, I did not."
"Better not or I'll tell Patton about the love letter in your diary."
"There is no love letter."
"Exactly," Virgil smirked and laughed in an evil tone. "The damage would have already been done."
"You are insufferable sometimes."
Virgil squeezed his eyes shut. "Prepare yourself, the Earth is going to start rotating again."
Without a second to respond, time started up again and Logan stumbled back, barely catching himself. Logan stood up and pushed back the frames of his glasses as they threatened to slide off. "That certainly is a jolt."
Virgil walked away as if nothing had happened. "So, you still up for some Doctor Who?"
Patton returned home and saw Logan and Virgil sitting on the couch together. Virgil looked up and smiled, reaching for the remote and pausing whatever they had been watching. "How was work, Pat?"
"It was fine. Lots of organizing, lots of books. Same old." He crossed his arms and smiled. "You two seem to be getting along better."
"Virgil realized that he hadn't been as open as he should have been after my apologies and we tried making amends."
"Still not completely sold but I get it, at least." Virgil elbowed the other in the side. "We have made a wonderful discovery today."
"Oh?" Patton perked up. "What did you learn?"
"The uncanny resemblance of Roman to one Captain Jack at times."
Virgil snorted out a laugh and hunched over chuckling. "They're both so dramatic and flirt with everything."
"You could say they are both 'extra'."
Virgil laughed harder and playfully pushed Logan away. "Don't try and be 'hip', it sounds wrong coming from you."
"Well, I for one am excited you two got along!" Patton clapped happily.
"We should stop here." Virgil stood up from the couch. "I believe it's my night for dinner, so I should get started."
"I would be more than happy to help." Logan shut off the tv. "I am rather enjoying your company." They walked into the kitchen and Logan leaned forward to whisper. "The other two can be a bit carefree, it's nice to be able to talk to someone more grounded."
Roman arrived home and announced his presence as he walked into the kitchen. Logan froze from placing a plate down as Virgil spun around from the stove. Suddenly, Virgil took a step back and covered his mouth, snickering. Logan soon joined and both burst out laughing.
"What is so funny?" Logan was the first to stifle his laughter as Virgil took a breath to calm down.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." Virgil spun back around and continued cooking.
Roman huffed and looked over at Logan, shooting him a confused glance that went unanswered. "I'm not the mind reader here, but if everything is going okay, then I'm not one to complain."
"Ohh!" Patton walked in and clapped his hands together. "That's a nifty idea! Roman, if you could have any superpower-"
"Patton." Roman placed a hand on Patton's shoulder, holding him down in place. "You need to relax and remember that we actually have superpowers."
"I know that, silly! What would you do if you could swap yours with any of ours, though?"
Roman looked back at Logan and Virgil with a thoughtful look. "Huh. Guess I hadn't thought about it."
"Can not having a power be an option?" Virgil turned off the stove. "It's too stressful, I'd honestly rather not."
"That is a rather interesting idea." Logan looked around with a thoughtful look, hand on his chin. "Either one of yours holds benefits I wouldn't mind having."
"Psh, you'd take Virgil's powers and run off to explore the world." Roman shot him a knowing look. "All the time and none of the travel sounds perfect, wouldn't mind it myself."
"This is why I'm thankful neither of you has my powers." Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets. "You're too reckless, the world would burn."
"You can just stop time, think of Paris, and walk through. How is that dangerous?"
Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman. "Exactly. How could showing up in the middle of another country with no proof of how I got there to be dangerous?" Roman make a face at Virgil who just stuck his tongue out as a response.
"I like my power, but I wouldn't mind swapping with Logan!" Patton pointed over to the other. "I'd be able to make friends with everyone and no shelf would be too high!" His face fell a bit. "Dunno if I'd like peeking at everyone's thoughts, though."
"It's a lot better after you learn how to turn it off." Logan looked over at Roman. "Yours would be useful, seeing as you seem to generate a source of energy. I find that to be quite useful."
"Yeah, I-wait! I am not just a battery, excuse you!"
"If I had no choice and had to choose..." Virgil glanced around the room before he pointed. "Patton."
"Aww, can you imagine more than one Virgil? That would be the best!"
Virgil huffed and tried hiding in his hoodie while looking away. Roman made a noise of disgust. "One is enough, Patton, thank you."
"Aww, and here I thought I was your Alfred." Virgil headed down the hall. "I even sketched out ideas for your costume. Just need the go-ahead to start working on it."
Roman was practically bouncing when Virgil walked back with a notepad in his hands, flipping through until he stopped and turned it around. Roman reached out and grabbed it, gasping in excitement. "Oh wow, you... can really draw! This is magnificent!"
"It's nothing, focus on the design."
"It's even more princely than before! I look like you plucked me from a Disney Studio!"
Virgil shrugged off the compliments as nonchalant as he could. "Yeah, well, a bit of cleverly placed cording and a little touching up, easy work."
"I can not wait, thank you, Virgil! I can get it for you right away."
"AFTER we eat, you two!" Patton perked up. "Food is important!"
Roman handed back the notepad and they eagerly set the table, not nearly as silent or awkward as the night before.
Virgil hopped off the bus and tucked his hands back into his pockets to hide from the chill of the morning. Making his way down to the little shop tucked away, he had awoken on edge after his relaxing night and couldn't quite figure out why. He shook it off and drank his coffee, knowing it wouldn't help his mood but he found it necessary for his early morning shifts. The wind picked up and he continued his pace, holding back the shiver that tried to overcome him. It wasn't too terribly cold, but he felt like he was waiting for something bad to happen.
Some days were like this and it was best to take them in stride. When he turned the corner and saw a cop car lit up just down the road, he could practically hear the sound of something falling in his head.
He picked up the pace and jogged down the street, the sense of dread increasing a bit before he saw the officer talking to the owners turn around and look up at him.
"Virgil! I didn't realize it had gotten to be so late." The man looked up at the officer and sighed. "I'm afraid we're closed for the day."
"W-what happened?"
"Break in." The officer spoke, turning his attention to Virgil. "Late last night. Alarm when off around 3 am, you know anything about this?"
"No, he works here. He's a great kid." The man spoke again to the officer. "I haven't called to tell him not to show, sorry."
"Is everyone okay?"
His boss nodded and let out a sigh. "We have to assess the damage inside and see where we stand financially. I'll call and let you know when you can come back to work. I'm sorry."
"No." Virgil shook his head, looking into the poorly lit shop. "It's not your fault. I hope it's not too bad."
"We can only hope, thank you."
Virgil nodded and said his goodbyes, turning and walking back towards the bus stop. He had a bit until the next one came through, causing him to think back. He needed this job, yeah, but who would break into a craft store in the middle of the night? The bus pulled up and he automatically approached and took a seat, still lost in thought. It was early and the bus was fairly empty. He grabbed a window seat at the front and watched the city fly by. He sat up, determined, and watched as his usual stop vanished, not tugging on the cord to alert the driver to stop. He had an idea, and he was going to need help.
Roman was shocked to see Virgil standing on the stage, standing tall with a look of determination cross his face. "Virgil? I thought you had work."
"I need a favor, Princey."
"Right now? I don't have the time, can it wait or is it important?"
Virgil shook his head. "Time isn't important right now."
Roman looked baffled and glanced around carefully. "Are you serious? What happened?" He walked up and grabbed Virgil's shoulder, directing him to the backstage. "Is everything okay?"
"My job got broken into last night." Roman gasped at the revelation. "They are good people, Roman. I need Princey to help them, they don't deserve this."
"You realize what you're asking me, right? You've been against this since the first time I mentioned it."
"I trust you." Virgil shuffled his feet and glanced away. "I'm trying to trust people more, but I know that when it comes down to it, I trust you, Ro."
"Ro?" Roman smirked devilishly at the other. "You're warming up to me, Virge. Better be careful, people might think we're friends."
"Shut it." Virgil smiled and playfully pushed Roman. "So, you up for it or not?"
"Of course I am! I'm not one to ignore a cry for help!"
"I didn't cry-"
"Just lead the way and let's get me suited up!" Virgil turned to walk away before Roman grabbed his shoulder once more. "Wait! You were fixing up my costume, I don't have it!"
"Roman. Portals. I can get it from my room, though it's not done. I did stop at a good spot last night with it."
Roman brought them to an empty spot in the theater and hid them from view. "Okay. I need you to think of my bedroom while I think about the crime scene, it's the fastest way to do this, alright?"
"Oh, Virgil." Roman placed a hand on his chest and fanned himself with the other. "Us in your room so soon?"
"What?" Virgil felt the blood rush to his face. "No, shut up." Roman laughed at him. "Now focus."
"Alright, alright, I promise." Virgil took a deep breath and Roman shouted. "Wait!"
"Gah, warn a guy, Princey. What's wrong?"
Roman bit his lip and looked away. "Could we perhaps do this later today, not right now?"
"Wha- but... you just promised!"
Roman looked over his shoulder to see if they had gained any unwanted attention. "Look, I still will do this, it's just... it doesn't feel right." He looked back down at Virgil with a sincere look. "I want to make sure that this is what you want. You just found out what happened and this is the first thing you did, right? You need to think it through more."
Virgil got ready to shout before shaking his head and sighing. "Fine! Meet me back home and we'll do this if you're so sure."
In an instant, Virgil disappeared, causing Roman to flinch. He reached for his phone and pulled it out, sending a quick text.
'I promise.'
Virgil was pacing the apartment when Logan returned from work. "Are you quite alright?"
"No." Virgil stopped and spun around. "My job got broken into and in a rash decision I asked Roman to go back in time to stop it and he said yes but wanted me to think about it more so now I'm just anxious and worried-"
"Virgil!" Logan raced forward and grabbed the other's arm loosely. "Breathe, take it slow."
Virgil took a few shallow breaths before one decent one, nodding his head. "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts there. Kind of like a downward spiral."
"I understand, Virgil. I also understand what you were saying if a bit rushed. How do you feel now?"
Virgil shrugged and pulled his arm back, hugging himself a bit. "I'm glad he told me to think about it, but I kind of... still want him to? Like you said, I can take a risk and that doesn't mean the end of the world."
"Only do what you are comfortable with, you don't have to push yourself." Logan waited for a response but got a nod before smiling. "Good. I'll be in the kitchen with a crossword puzzle, feel free to come and talk if you need."
Virgil walked off into his room and played music to distract himself, working more on Roman's costume. He was altering the sash a bit when the door cracked open, bringing his attention off of his project. Roman's meticulously flawless head of hair popped in and he smiled, motioning him to remove his headphones.
"You still mad at me?"
Virgil finished what he was doing and flattened out the sash. "I'm not mad, you had a point. I wasn't thinking it through."
Roman nodded and kept a straight face. "So, you feeling more like yourself?"
Virgil got off the bed and stood up, tossing the jacket over to Roman. "We're doing this, Princey."
Roman caught it and perked up, running off to change. Virgil exited his room and saw Logan sitting at the table engrossed in a crossword. He looked up and saw Roman re-enter, masquerade mask covering his face and costume fully on in record time.
Logan stood up and walked into the living room. "I want no part in this."
"You're just jealous because I'm beautiful." Roman mocked and puffed out his chest, turning towards the darker dressed roommate. "I can tell you're not done but it's coming along nicely! I like the new shoulders, I should definitely get a logo though."
"You're still a dork, but I appreciate this, Roman. I don't know too much other than it was late last night, some time close to three in the morning according to the cop. I can bring you around the corner but don't make me wait too long. If nothing happens or it's too late, just come back."
"Got it!"
Logan shook his head and took a spot on the chair and glanced back down at his crossword. The front door creaked open and he glanced down at the entrance as a head poked through.
"Psst, Logan. Have I left yet?" Logan looked down at Roman as he peeked in, mask removed and hair more disheveled then he could ever recall. Logan leaned back in the chair and turned to look into the kitchen, seeing a more energetic and put together Roman talking to Virgil. He turned back and quietly shook his head. "Am I leaving yet?"
"Good luck, Princey." Logan looked back to see Virgil close his eyes, and Roman disappeared. Suddenly, Virgil was pacing frantically, hands running through his hair. "Damn it, Roman!"
Logan stood up and looked over at Roman confused as he entered the apartment. "Virgil?"
"Logan!" Virgil practically ran at the other. "I screwed up, Roman never came back. This is all my fault."
"It is not, Virgil, calm yourself." Roman approached, keeping his voice quiet. "I am afraid I must apologize."
"Roman!" Virgil ran forward, hugging the other. Before Roman could react, he pulled back and punched him hard in the arm. "You jackass! Do you know how long I waited for you? Oh wait, I don't, because time was stopped!"
Roman rubbed his arm. "Ow, that hurt! Last time I was punched it didn't hurt nearly that bad, what do you eat?"
"You've been punched before?" Logan inquired.
Virgil grit his teeth. "Roman!"
"Alright, sorry!" He walked over the couch and practically collapsed. "It was my fault, I found the culprit and stopped them before they got too far in and took anything. I chased them out and down the street, but I got lost. When I got back, the cops were there and I couldn't find the portal."
"So you've been doing what exactly since I've waited for you? Walked around? Couldn't tell me you were okay?"
Roman threw his hands into the air. "You're always talking about keeping safe and not messing with the flow of things, so I kept my distance and waited for the moment I disappeared to come back." Roman leaned forward and sighed, lowering his voice. "Virgil, I'm sorry, I really am. I know you trusted me with this and I blew it." He looked up and Virgil huffed. "I have good news, though."
"Oh yeah?"
"Guess who found the fifth mysterious person while walking around town today?"
"You know who it is?" Logan tensed up at the exclamation.
"What? No, I said I found him, not that I knew him. Total accident mind you, but perhaps we should wait for Patton before discussing all this?"
Virgil walked over and punched Roman's arm once more. "Don't freak me out like that, Princey."
"Ow!" Roman rubbed his arm. "Aw, you do care. I knew you liked me."
"Shut it!" Virgil stormed out of the room. "Let me know when Patton gets back. I need to be alone right now."
Roman looked out towards the entryway and turned to Logan. "He's cute when he's angry." Logan raised an eyebrow at the statement. "Not like that! Like an angry declawed kitten or something!" Logan made no comment and Roman huffed in annoyance. "Whatever, shut it!"
"Of course, whatever you say Roman."
Chapter 11>> Tag list: @cyberpunkjinx @phlying-squirrel  @equipodeleo   @ace-anx
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vinazan · 3 years
Quạt công nghiệp Vinazan chất lượng có tốt không
Quạt công nghiệp Vinazan là sản phẩm được sản xuất tại Việt Nam với độ ngũ kỹ sư giỏi. Máy móc hiện đại nhập khẩu từ Châu Âu. Các sản phẩm đều được kiểm tra nghiêm ngặt trước khi đến tay người tiêu dùng. Chế độ bảo hành lên đến 3 năm.
Chúng tôi tin rằng Vinazan là sản phẩm có chất lượng rất tốt, nên quý khách có thể yên tâm và tin tưởng mua hàng từ công ty chúng tôi
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songwriternews · 4 years
New Post has been published on SONGWRITER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://songwriternews.co.uk/2020/04/blinding-lights-feat-chromatics/
Blinding Lights (feat. Chromatics)
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thisdaynews · 4 years
Scottish League Cup final: Rangers v Celtic - build-up to Old Firm showpiece
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Scottish League Cup final: Rangers v Celtic - build-up to Old Firm showpiece
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Rangers v CelticBBC Radio Scotland FM
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Live Reporting
By Colin Moffat
All times stated are UK
7 mins
Post update
Rangers 0-0 Celitc
Celtic get forward for the first time but their momentum is broken when Borna Barisic stops Jeremie Frimpong in his tracks with a wonderful slide tackle.
5 mins
Post update
Rangers 0-0 Celitc
It’s all Rangers right now as Borna Barisic swings in a cross from the left. Scott Arfield gets to it first but the header lacks conviction.
Posted at 15:0415:04
Post update
Rangers 0-0 Celtic
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Pat Bonner
Former Celtic goalkeeper on BBC Sportsound
Quote Message: Exactly the start Steven Gerrard would have wanted. Getting high up the pitch, pressing Celtic.
Exactly the start Steven Gerrard would have wanted. Getting high up the pitch, pressing Celtic.
3 mins
Post update
Rangers 0-0 Celitc
Connor Goldson again. The Rangers defender is picked out by a James Tavernier free kick but the header is way off target.
Good pressure from Steven Gerrard’s side.
Posted at 15:0315:03
Post update
Rangers 0-0 Celtic
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Billy Dodds
Former Scotland striker on Sportsound
Quote Message: That was some chance for Connor Goldson because he gets above Kristoffer Ajer.
That was some chance for Connor Goldson because he gets above Kristoffer Ajer.
2 min
Post update
Rangers 0-0 Celitc
Corner to Rangers. Filip Helander gets his head on James Tavernier’s delivery but the ball shoots high up into the sky before Fraser Forster punches clear.
A second corner. This time Connor Goldson attacks it and sends his header high and wide.
Posted at 15:0015:00
Rangers 0-0 Celitc
Posted at 14:5814:58
Hampden roars
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
The teams are out. It’s noisy at the national stadium. Very, very noisy.
There are a few smoke bombs going off too, making it look like a heavy fog has descended.
Posted at 14:5614:56
Five minutes until kick-off
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Former Old Firm strikers Ally McCoist and Chris Sutton take turns at showing off the cup to both sets of fans at a rainy Hampden but are largely ignored.
Not long to go now…
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Shep:I’m watching in Aberdeen Uni Library while revising…
Posted at 14:5414:54
Gerrard coy on new contract talk
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Asked by BT Sport if reports he had signed a new contract at Rangers were true,Steven Gerrardsaid: “It’s not important right now. All our attention is on the next 90 minutes and beyond. I’ll speak to you on that if and when needed.”
You can make your own mind up on that one…
Posted at 14:5214:52
‘Important to nullify Celtic threat’ – Gerrard
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Rangers manager Steven Gerrardtells BT Sport midfielder Steven Davis “had no chance”.
“He’s got a calf problem and will probably miss two or three games,” he explains. “Barisic has pulled through, he’s in great form so that one was a no-brainer.”
On the match, Gerrard says: “You’ve got to defend well. Celtic have got good players, especially their front four who have got good movement. It’s important we try and nullify their threats.
“And when the game presents itself for us to go and show how good we are from an attacking point of view we need to go and execute. We’ve got good players as well. It’s important we play the game rather than the occasion. We need to get the best Rangers today.”
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SNSCopyright: SNS
Steven Gerrard and Neil Lennon with the trophyImage caption: Steven Gerrard and Neil Lennon with the trophy
Posted at 14:5014:50
Edouard ‘wasn’t comfortable enough to start’
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Celtic manager Neil Lennontells BBC Scotland: “We’ve been going with Lewis Morgan for the past three games, it’s not going to change that much. Odsonne Edouard said yesterday he didn’t feel comfortable enough to start, but he can hopefully make an impact later in the game.
“If we turn up and play we’ve got a chance. The wet pitch may suit us.Sometimes the quicker the pitch the better we play.”
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Celtic manager Neil Lennon inspects the Hampden pitchImage caption: Celtic manager Neil Lennon inspects the Hampden pitch
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J-R Bergevin-Marion:Montréal, Québec.
Posted at 14:4614:46
‘Hopefully, weather doesn’t impact game’
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Former Rangers defender Alan Huttontells BBC Scotland: “The weather is shocking, I just hope it doesn’t impact the game.
“It’s such a big occasion, probably more so for Rangers. It’s a massive game, hopefully they can do it.
“Obviously, Celtic have been used to winning, they’ve been dominant the past few years.”
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SNSCopyright: SNS
It’s not short-sleeve weather for spectator Alan Hutton todayImage caption: It’s not short-sleeve weather for spectator Alan Hutton today
Posted at 14:4314:43
Rangers looking for 28th League Cup
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Rangers have won the League Cup more times than any other team, lifting the trophy on 27 occasions.
They won the first final way back in the 1946-47 season with a 4-0 win over Aberdeen.
But Rangers fans haven’t seen their team lift the cup since 2010-11 when they were 2-1 extra-time winners against Celtic.
The competition was 10 years old before Celtic made their first final, beating Partick Thistle in a replay, and they have won it 18 times in total – including the last three.
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Gordon Smith (no10) is mobbed by Rangers teammates Sandy Jardine and Derek Johnstone after grabbing the winner in the 1978 final against CelticImage caption: Gordon Smith (no10) is mobbed by Rangers teammates Sandy Jardine and Derek Johnstone after grabbing the winner in the 1978 final against Celtic
Posted at 14:4014:40
Can Celtic cup run keep going?
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Celtic’s recent cup record is just incredible. As they chase a fourth League Cup in a row and a 10th successive trophy, their run in domestic knockout competitions stands at 30 consecutive victories.
Yes, 30! With an aggregate score of 95-11.
They are unbeaten since a Scottish Cup semi-final penalty shootout defeat at the hands of Rangers in April 2016 under the command of Ronny Deila.
Posted at 14:3714:37
Cheering on the coefficient
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
To keep the neck and neck rivalry going, both sides are proudly flying the flag for Scotland in the Europa League.
With victories home and away against Lazio, unbeaten Celtic are already through to the knockout phase as group winners.
Rangers will join them in the round of 32 if they avoid defeat against Young Boys at Ibrox on Thursday.
It all means Scotland are currently soaring in 15th place in the Uefa coefficient standings and heading for an extra Champions League spot in 2021-22.
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Olivier Ntcham celebrates a dramatic late winner against Lazio in RomeImage caption: Olivier Ntcham celebrates a dramatic late winner against Lazio in Rome
Posted at 14:3514:35
Tight at the top
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
This season’s Scottish Premiership title race looks like being a real humdinger.
Celtic opened a two-point lead over Rangers on Wednesday after several weeks of the sides being split only by goal difference.
Both sides have lost just once – Rangers to Celtic, whose sole slip up was at Livingston.
Will it remain nip and tuck all the way to May?
Posted at 14:3214:32
Jack v Christie
Rangers v Celtic (15:00)
Scotland team-mates Ryan Jack and Ryan Christie are in red hot form for their clubs right now.
Who will come out on top in that midfield battle?
Video content
Video caption: Watch: Jack v Christie – League Cup final midfield battleWatch: Jack v Christie – League Cup final midfield battle
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adelaidecity · 5 years
SA Government 'capitulated' to upstream states on Murray-Darling Basin Plan, commission finds
Updated February 01, 2019 07:40:05 The Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission has accused the SA Government of surrendering to the Federal Government and has suggested the state's Water Minister David Speirs breached ministerial code. Key points:A deal with upstream states was "totally antipathetic" to SA interestsThe commissioner said Mr Speirs "almost certainly" breached his code of conductMr Speirs said he was disappointed by that commentary Commissioner Bret Walker SC's scathing commentary related to a ministerial meeting in December, where South Australia joined with other states to agree to terms on how environmental water would be returned to rivers. The meeting agreed to return up to 450 gigalitres (GL) of water to the environment, provided it did not have a negative socio-economic impact on river communities, based on criteria agreed to by the states. In return, South Australia received $70 million of funding from the Federal Government to spend on rehabilitating the struggling Coorong wetlands. However, in his report Mr Walker found the decision to support the agreement was against the state's interests. "It is nothing short of a capitulation to the interests of the current Commonwealth Government, and those of Victoria and New South Wales," he said. "It is so contrary to the interests of South Australians that the decision by the Minister responsible is almost certainly a breach of at least [clause] 2.5 of the South Australian Ministerial Code of Conduct. "No minister acting reasonably could consider these changes to the criteria to be anything but totally antipathetic to the interests of South Australia, and the South Australian environment." That section of the code states that ministers should not make official decisions without considering the "impact the decision is likely to have" on the interests of the "citizens of South Australia". SA Premier Steven Marshall said he did "not accept" the royal commissioner's criticisms. "I think that the Minister has done an excellent job negotiating with the Commonwealth," he said. "We've been in Government for 10 months. We've been able to secure more money to [come] into South Australia to support the Coorong." Mr Speirs said he was disappointed with the commentary in the report. "It is an isolated comment that doesn't consider all the other things that occurred, that we did get New South Wales and Victoria to the table for the first time in history, that we did get 450 GL of water," he said. "We did get $70 million for the Coorong that concerns South Australians so much. "The ministerial council in December was incredibly successful for South Australia and it got that pathway forward." Desalination plant would have 'little impact'
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Photo: The 746-page report of the Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission. (ABC News) The royal commission report also questioned the State Government's decision to agree to investigate whether the Adelaide Desalination Plant could be used to offset water diversions elsewhere. "Why the South Australian Minister agreed to this proposal is not clear," Mr Walker said. "This is particularly concerning, given that the relevant South Australian department received a comprehensive, independent cost-benefit analysis in June 2016, that determined the desalination plant should only be used when temporary water market prices reach a critical pricepoint, namely above $510 per megalitre. "On that analysis, it should therefore not be used as a permanent 'support' to annual water recovery targets. "Either the Minister was unaware of this report, has determined it is deficient in some way or has simply chosen to ignore its existence. "All of these scenarios are concerning." Mr Walker said Adelaide's urban water usage represented about 1.25 per cent of basin-wide diversions. "Running a desalination plant for Adelaide's metropolitan water usage, therefore, could have little impact on upstream diversions." Report raises 'extraordinary questions' for Premier
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Photo: The SA Government has not ruled out water buybacks as a solution. (ABC Open contributor mickw78) The Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission was announced by the previous state Labor government in 2017. Labor leader Peter Malinasukas said today said the accusation that Mr Speirs had breached the ministerial code of conduct was "nothing short of extraordinary" and put Premier Steven Marshall "front and centre about what sort of Government he is going to lead". "David Speirs went over to Canberra, politely agreed with everybody in a way that was fundamentally contrary to the interests of South Australia, that is not standing up for our state," he said. Mr Malinauskas stopped short of demanding Mr Speirs be sacked, but said Mr Marshall should "do what he promised he'd do and that is hold his ministers to account". "Every South Australian can remember how hard we all fought for that extra 450 GL and then within months of coming into office they've sold it away," he said. "They've agreed to things that almost certainly ensure that we'll never have that water delivered, that is genuinely heartbreaking." Mr Speirs said it remained "absolutely critical" that the 450 GL was secured for the environment, and there was Federal Government money which did "enable buybacks to occur potentially in the future". "However, there are many regional communities concerned about buybacks because they have a particular economic and social impact," he said. 'Colloquial terms' used at notorious restaurant meeting The royal commission also shed light on the infamous exchange between former South Australian water minister Ian Hunter and his federal and state counterparts in November 2016.
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Photo: Ian Hunter told Barnaby Joyce to "leave his jurisdiction". (Carl Curtain) At the time, it was reported that Mr Hunter repeatedly said "f*** you" to Victoria's Water Minister Lisa Neville and called her a "c***" before storming out of the dinner at Adelaide's Rigoni's restaurant. He also reportedly told the gathering, which included then federal water resource minister Barnaby Joyce, "f*** you all". Mr Hunter later denied using "some particularly inappropriate words", but admitted to using "inappropriate language" and issued an apology. The royal commission report stated that a "hard conversation" took place at the restaurant. "The South Australian minister made his, perhaps the then state government's views, known to his interstate and Commonwealth colleagues in unambiguous terms, with Minister Hunter apparently telling Minister Joyce, in colloquial terms, to leave his jurisdiction." Topics:murray-darling-basin,rivers,environment,law-crime-and-justice,royal-commissions,federal---state-issues,states-and-territories,government-and-politics,water-management,irrigation,federal-government,environmental-management,adelaide-5000,sa,wilcannia-2836,broken-hill-2880,shepparton-3630,menindee-2879,bourke-2840,australia,goolwa-5214,renmark-5341,st-george-4487,mildura-3500,wagga-wagga-2650,toowoomba-4350,qld,nsw,dirranbandi-4486,albury-2640,griffith-2680,dubbo-2830,wentworth-2648 First posted January 31, 2019 18:48:50 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-31/murray-darling-royal-commission-condemns-david-speirs/10767156
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rycolfan · 7 years
AO3 Stats Meme
So I was looking at my AO3 stats last night and I remembered this meme. I’ve done it before, but I thought I’d do an updated version because the answers will have changed for at least some of them, and it also helps me to feel better about writing.
Your 3 fanfics with the most kudos:
Bound To You (16,753 words, HP, Snarry) - 506 kudos
Three’s A Crowd (15,241 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - 304 kudos
Muted Pleasure (22,144 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - 252 kudos
Your oldest fanfic (Ao3):
Stepping Out (HP, Snarry) - posted 12th of June 2012
Your 3 fanfics with the most comments:
Absolution (23,418 words, WIP, Whose Line RPF, Rycol) - 77 comment threads
Three’s A Crowd (15,241 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - 56 comment threads
Muted Pleasure (22,144 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - 45 comment threads
Your latest fanfic:
The last fic I updated was my multi-chapter story Muted Pleasure (22,144 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto)
The last one-shot I posted was Sinful Secrets (1,079 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto)
Your proudest fanfic:
Probably What Darkness Conceals (76,651 words, Whose Line RPF, Rycol)
Your longest fanfic:
What Darkness Conceals (76,651 words, Whose Line RPF, Rycol)
Your 3 fanfics with the most hits:
Bound To You (16,753 words, HP, Snarry) - 6972 hits
Muted Pleasure (22,144 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - 5487 hits
Three’s A Crowd (15,241 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - 5214 hits
Your 3 fanfics with the most bookmarks:
Bound To You (16,753 words, HP, Snarry) - 134 bookmarks
Three’s A Crowd (15,241 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - 72 bookmarks
A New Leaf, A New Page, And The Beginning Of Always (14,910 words, HP, Snarry) - 54 bookmarks
Your favorite character to write in fanfic:
Idk... I have a few. Snape’s always a lot of fun!
Bonus round: a fic you love that isn’t listed above:
The Wedding Date (18,393 words, Star Trek RPF, Pinto) - this one was a labour of love for a Big Bang and, although it took way longer than it should have, I’m really happy with the result.
Interesting that the same three crop up quite a bit... I’ll have to do this again in a year or so and compare. 
I won’t tag anyone, but consider yourself tagged if you’d like to do it. :)
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gomezmicheal · 4 years
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mytultulkutum · 5 years
New from the blog:
New from the blog:
New from the blog: New from the blog: New from the blog: Shri krishna 205 to 206 //pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: “ca-pub-5214… More info @ https://ift.tt/2rJC7ku Automated post from Tultul Kutum Axom Page – https://ift.tt/2znmjsa December 18, 2018 at 01:42PM
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souqbladek1 · 6 years
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cristoph00cdc · 6 years
Cristoph De Caermichael - Private / Confidential (2)
Dear Leslie  Young - Global News- I am in the midst of dying from a horrible infection - Leptospirosis in Malaysia. I am Canadian but according to Justin Trudeau - And Canada's consular division - not Canadian enough to be rescued. Malaysia refuses to treat me - and I collapsed many times - became bed ridden ad occasionally surfaced and begin to fight for my life. Its now a very complicated story and I am now having to appeal to a selected few countries to fight Canada's King's Prerogative that JT insists - he can use to block my care - But that means  will die -or succumb to the infections myriad - smorgasbord of illness- all leading to death. So I am appealing to the Vatican- France - England - Australia - Germany & Sweden for Refugee Status - based on urgent medical grounds - as the disease increases - i will have no choice - Yes, the laws support my only decision - and as I will be on deaths door in the next few weeks. I either die here in Malaysia in bed - disowned by Canada - and as I have been warned - Malaysia is so horrific that more than likely - after I am deceased- Malaysia can actually just dump my body anywhere. I did alert Interpol in the event - The Vatican finally responded and now i must wait for directions as to how to proceed and which countries will take me. Italy, England - Sweden - France - Germany are all positioned to accept me - once The Vatican proceeds. I am just not sure I am going to make it. Cristoph De Caermichael
https://forwhomthebelltolls00.wordpress.com/2017/12/09/canadian-in-deep-doo-doo-in-malaysia-death-on-the-menu/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/12/03/a-hitch-in-my-giddiup-canadian-legal-system-a-world-exclusive/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/canadian-applying-for-urgent-asylum-canadas-deadly-kings-preoragative/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/10/07/dangerous-murderous-malaysia-2017/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/11/02/death-watch-leptospirosis-malaysia-2017/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/11/15/the-lepto-weils-ancillary-files/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/08/27/if-it-bleeds-it-leads-prosecutor-of-the-international-criminal-court-your-honor-fatou-bensouda-oude-waalsdorperweg-10-2597-ak-the-hague-the-netherlands/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/canadian-applying-for-urgent-asylum-canadas-deadly-kings-preoragative/
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Justice The Rt Hon David Lidington MP 102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9AJ @MoJGovUK [email protected] Minister of State Dominic Raab MP secondments at Liberty
Parliamentary House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 3432
Fax: 020 7219 2564
Constituency 100 Walton Street, Aylesbury, HP21 7QP
Tel: 01296 482102
Fax: 01296 398481
Email: [email protected] Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs
[email protected] [email protected] Charlie Falconer, Baron Falconer of Thoroton Direct Communications Unit 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF Email Telephone House, 2-4 Temple Avenue, London, EC4Y 0HB United Kingdom
[email protected] New Scotland Yard
MPS. Metropolitan Police Service New Scotland Yard Broadway London SW1H 0BG. Tel: 020 7230 1212. Fax: 020 7230 4276. Email: [email protected] · INTERPOL General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon France
Parliamentary House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW The Labour Party Labour Central, Kings Manor Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6PA
Il Papa, PETITION -INTRODUCTION Papa si prega di salvare la mia vita.Papa si prega di salvare la mia vita.Papa si prega di salvare la mia vita. The following anecdotal information, though I am not a lawyer, these thoughts, concepts are paradigmatic principles that offer me rays of hope in this bleak twilight of my life. There is much written about the Vatican's history, its laws, its tenants. So much that it gives me insight but fear, as the law can be a sword of Damocles. I beseech you not to allow me to die and to defend my life against the infidels that spew hatred and bile at me for no good reason. Why must I die from Malaysia and Canada's corrupt reality?
Pope Francis - all this to me means, is that only you possess the Power to Save my Life. Further, the power relationships between Pope, Roman Catholic Church, Vatican City, and Holy See are influenced by the Pope. As Head of the Roman Catholic Church and the Head of the Vatican Government, it is The Pope who decides on the hierarchical relation between the Holy See and the Vatican Government. ( A simplified concept)
.Its possession of full legal personality in international law is evidenced by its diplomatic relations with 180 states, that it is a member-state in various intergovernmental international organizations, and that it is: "respected by the international community of sovereign States and treated as a subject of international law having the capacity to engage in diplomatic relations and to enter into binding agreements with one. The recognition of a number of states is important evidence to acknowledge the legal personality of the Holy See, so that, today, it cannot be denied The international legal personality of the Holy See is based mostly, but not only, on its unique spiritual global pastoral role. Araujo notes, for instance, that "it is generally understood that the Holy See’s international personality emerges from its religious, moral and spiritual authority and mission in the world as opposed to a claim over purely temporal matters. Trudeau prefers he and his government are sued to provide which other countries, Italy included - see as normal counselor duties. Trudeau prefers the incredible grandstanding - of The supreme court of Canada and the gaze of the world in what should have been a routine Canadian matter. But I do not make the rules, Trudeau, Canada and Malaysia has by breaking all what is to be seen as normal conventions.
The papacy can act in its own name in the international community. It can enter into legally binding conventions known as concordats. In the world of diplomacy the Pope enjoys the rights of active and passive legation. Furthermore, this personality of the Holy See is distinct from the personality of the State of Vatican City. One is a non-territorial institution and the other a state. The papacy as a religious organ is a subject of international law and capable of international rights and duties.
The current legal personality of the Holy See is a remnant of its preeminent role in medieval politics. In as much as Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is using the remnant legislature in its 1800's, The King's Prerogative, and by uttering the very Nazi phrasing, I am not Canadian enough to be saved from a deadly assault. He has sentenced me to death. Thus Arangio-Ruiz noted that the Holy See has been an actor in the evolution of international law since before the creation of strong nation states, and that it has maintained international personality since.
The international personality of the Holy See arises solely from its recognition by other states. In this sense, Brownlie argues that the personality of the Holy See “as a religious organ apart from its territorial base in the Vatican City” arises from the "principle of effectiveness", that is, from the fact that other states voluntarily recognize the Holy See, acquiesce having bilateral relations with it, and in fact do so, in a situation where no rule of ius cogens is breached. As well as the tenants of the Catholic Faith as determined in the ten commandments makes Murder, Manslaughter and the acquiescing of an innocent Canadian as political fodder not only a crime but a Mortal sin as well. Its a form of Russian roulette. Allowing a Canadian citizen to die by the hands of another in Malaysia is not only cruel and ruthless it breaks so many laws as to be unconscionable. This King's prerogative interpreted by the trudeauian philosophy, circa 2017 is close to a similar credo in Hitlers third Reich. https://thebookof25.wordpress.com/2017/03/19/the-return-of-the-plague-cocobay-port-dickson-malaysia/comment-page-1/#comment-1297 Amnesty International Malaysia Phone: +603 7955 2680 Fax: +603 7955 2682 Mail: [email protected] Our address: D-2-33A, 8 Avenue Jalan Sungai Jernih 8/1, Section 8, 46050, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Shamini Darshni Kaliemuthu Executive Director Amnesty International Malaysia Address: HIGH COMMISSION OF MALAYSIA 60 Boteler Street Ottawa K1N 8Y7 Ontario   Host Country: new window CANADA Telephone: +1 (613) 241-5182 (Consular) +1 (613) 241-5210 (General) After hours Emergency line for Malaysian citizens : +1 (613) 712-5182 Fax: +1 (613) 241-5214 Email: [email protected] Contact Us Andrew Khoo Chin Hock Print Member, Bar Council
Address: Andrew Khoo & Daniel Lo 26 Lorong Abang Haji Openg 1 Taman Tun Dr. Ismail Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 60000
Telephone: 012-3730500 Fax: 03-77268504
Information: andrew_khoo[at]akdl.com
Co-Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee | Co-Chairperson of the Trade in Legal Services Committee Bar Council Human Rights Committee co-chairman Andrew Khoo In 1967, a moratorium was placed on the death penalty. But it was not until 1976 that Canada formally abolished the death penalty from the Criminal Code, when the House of Commons narrowly passed Bill C-84. By then, Canada had hanged 710 people since capital punishment was enacted in 1859.Mar 16, 2009 Canada has been a fully abolitionist country since the 10th of December 1998. The abolition of the death penalty is a significant development in the advancement of human rights. Everyone's right to life is enshrined in Section 7 of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This fundamental right is also enunciated in Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
[vii] Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 189 United Nations Treaty Series 150
[viii] 500 United Nations Treaty Series 95 Canada–Malaysia relations refers to bilateral foreign relations between the two countries, Canada and Malaysia. Canada has a high commission in Kuala Lumpur, and Malaysia has a high commission in Ottawa.[1][2] Both countries are full members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Canada has a long history of close and friendly bilateral relations with Malaysia[3] and was the first country to recognise Malaysia's independence.[citation needed]
The current High Commissioner of Malaysia to Canada is Her Excellency Dato' Aminahtun The claim that follows from this is that the international order is a legal order – to the extent that states want it to be. There is a domain of international responsibility, but it is delimited in certain respects and vague in others, all of which serves to connect state interests – which are defined in terms of power – with international legal norms, which are allowed to operate within a particular bandwidth of acceptability On one side, state responsibility is marked by soft law, which consists of agreements between states, often couched in terms of policy declarations or guiding principles, for which states incur no legal responsibility (Kolb, 2017: 36). On the other side of the state responsibility are serious breaches of international law, with respect to international peace and security, self-determination of peoples, prohibition of genocide, slavery or apartheid and protection of the environment. Article 19 of the 1996 draft version of the ASR categorized these breaches of international law as international crimes (p.55). This formulation elicited support from some quarters but criticism from others. Several are worth noting here. Assigning criminal liability to states misreads the civil rather than criminal nature of the law of state responsibility. The point of civil responsibility is the restoration of a status quo ante, presumed to be a lawful state of affairs. Any breaches of primary obligations, spelled out in innumerable treaty obligations between states, must be wiped clean through some form of reparation. “If you unlawfully disturbed the position that I was in,” writes Kolb, “you should reinstall me in that position” (p.153). He adds: “we are in a context of civil responsibility: no one wins, no one loses and everything is brought back, to the extent feasible, to the original position” (p.153).
It focused on the death penalty. The death penalty has been abolished by law or de facto in around two-thirds of the world's countries. ... During the drafting of Rome Statute for the ICC, several such countries pushed for the International Criminal Court to have the power to impose capital punishment http://www.thehagueinstituteforglobaljustice.org/events/the-death-penalty-and-international-law/
While during the 71st session of the UN General Assembly in September there would be a reconsideration of the adoption of a resolution on a moratorium on the use of the death penalty, Turkey’s President Erdogan said he is preparing to bring back the death penalty following last month’s coup. Support for the death penalty is disproportionately common in Muslim-majority states, which often cite Sharia law as a justification for its imposition. During the drafting of Rome Statute for the ICC, several such countries pushed for the International Criminal Court to have the power to impose capital punishment. This proposal was rejected at the Rome Conference and none of the other international criminal tribunals impose the death penalty. However, while most Rome Statute State Parties would never extradite anyone to stand trial in a country that uses the death penalty without assurances that it would not be used, there is currently nothing in the Rome Statute of the ICC to preclude the judges from ruling a case inadmissible at the ICC, thereby permitting trial in a country that applies the death penalty.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Abu Dhabi GP build-up: Hamilton to Ferrari?
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/abu-dhabi-gp-build-up-hamilton-to-ferrari/
Abu Dhabi GP build-up: Hamilton to Ferrari?
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Abu Dhabi Grand PrixBBC Radio 5 live1:55:00
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By Michael Emons
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Posted at 15:0615:06
‘Super grateful’
Lewis Hamilton,who wins his 11th race of the season, says: “Honestly I’m proud, definitely, but super grateful for this incredible team and all the people at Mercedes who have continued to push this year – and who would’ve thought at the end of the year we had the strength and we’ve learned and tried to extract more out of this beautiful car.
“I’m so grateful to Team LH. I travel around the world to different countries and I get to see people who inspire me and send me messages that lift me up. Thank you for watching, thank you for supporting. I feel so happy today, man.
“These guys… there’s a lot youngsters coming through… it’s great to be in a period of time wheres there’s lots of youngsters coming through and I’m privileged to be here while they come through.”
Posted at 15:0415:04
Radio message – Norris
Lando Norris:“From the bottom of my heart I want to say a massive thank you for everything you’ve done.”
Engineer Andrew Jarvis, who is leaving McLaren:“I’m not one for speeches, but thank you you’re an absolute legend, and you’ve had a tough year.”
LN:“Are you crying, I think I’m crying.”
Posted at 14:5714:57
Get Involved
Carlos Sainz sixth in drivers’ championship #bbcf1
Joanna Harren:Last minute excitement, Carlos in the points and getting sixth in the championship. Yes!!!!
Posted at 14:5514:55
Post update
Late drama for Carlos Sainz to secure sixth in the championship. What a season for McLaren after a couple of difficult years.
Posted at 14:5414:54
Doughnuts time
Hamilton, Verstappen and Leclerc all give the crowd something to enjoy with some fancy dougnuts. Hamilton manages to park in the number one spot, while Verstappen and Leclerc leave their cars on the straight and just walk back down the grid.
There’s only been one car in it, so fitting that there is only car in the right spot on track at the end.
Posted at 14:5214:52
Get Involved #bbcf1
Can Hamilton overtake Schumacher’s race win total?
Rachel T:I never thought any driver would get within 20 of Schumacher’s 91 – but then along came Lewis Hamilton It’s on!
Jared Maobe:Hamilton will need only 7 wins next season to catch MS’s 91. He will get past 91 next season.
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Posted at 14:5114:51
Hamilton gets one closer to Schumacher
Posted at 14:4914:49
The points scorers
We wait to see if Leclerc’s third-place will stand because of a potential fuel infringement. Daniel Ricciardo in 11th is next in line for a point.
Posted at 14:4714:47
BreakingDominant Hamilton wins Abu Dhabi GP
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant from Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes.
That’s win number 11 of the season for the world champion and win number 84 of his career.
In a different class to everyone else today.
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Posted at 14:4614:46
Radio message – Vettel
Lap 55/55
“He would’ve crashed into me if I hadn’t had opened the door.”
He’s referring to Albon…
Posted at 14:4614:46
A good battle for fifth between Sebastian Vettel and Alexander Albon. The Ferrari man, aided by DRS, gets the position.
Remember those glory days, about 80 minutes ago, when we didn’t have DRS and they had to get ahead the old fashioned way.
Posted at 14:4414:44
Superb once again from Mercedes. Absolutely flawless from Lewis Hamilton.
Posted at 14:4314:43
Meanwhile, Max Verstappen’s still moaning about something.
Posted at 14:4314:43
Radio message – to Leclerc
Lap 52/55
“Bottas behind at 4.4 sec we think with this pace he will catch us with two laps to go.”
Oooh. That’s for third on track. Leclerc may be penalised anyway later on, but at least we’ve got some on-track action in the last three laps.
Posted at 14:4114:41
Verstappen +17.1
Leclerc +41.1
Bottas +45.3
Albon +61.5
Vettel +65.3
Norris one lap
Perez one lap
Kvyat one lap
Hulkenberg one lap
Remember Charles Leclerc and Ferrari have a trip to the stewards later on with a potential fuel infringement.
Posted at 14:3914:39
Get Involved #bbcf1
Can Hamilton overtake Schumacher’s race win total?
Lee Robinson:One more season at Mercedes, get the record then off to Ferrari…
D.A.N:I think Hamilton may eclipse Schumacher’s win record but to me Schumacher was the better driver. There were less races per season in Schumacher’s time and also he managed to be on the podium 100% during one of his seasons. Hamilton is ace but Schumacher is still the god!
Posted at 14:3814:38
Eyes on the prize
Lap 50/55
Posted at 14:3714:37
Radio message – to Norris
Lap 50/55
“OK Lando, give it everything mate we want to race Perez to the end.
“We have nothing to lose so let’s use this tyre and keep Sergio [Perez] behind.”
Posted at 14:3714:37
Raikkonen is 12th at the moment, but he’s working on it.
Posted at 14:3514:35
Lance Stroll is out. If you care.
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, 1 December 2019
=Fastest Lap
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