#page 5798
pesterloglog · 9 months
Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 5798
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TG: hay janey
TG: how u holdin up girl
GG: I feel like garbage. But otherwise, fine.
TG: you off urself yet
GG: No?
TG: ok good
TG: please dont yet
TG: i got a personal back stage pass 2 the jake english self loathing tour
TG: an im in no condition to take the full brunt of his lamentations but im the only one hes talkin to soooo
TG: need a lil support here from my bestie
GG: What is he saying?
TG: he wants me to relay an apology to you
TG: cause he thinks hes not brave enough to say it like ten feet away there on his stone bed and he thinks ur pissed @ him
GG: Aw man.
GG: I don't want to do this.
TG: do what
GG: An awkward "tell him I said" sequence of apologies through text messages.
TG: ok
TG: thats a sane answer
TG: what should i say
GG: Tell him I said we'll talk about it later.
GG: Like, after we're dead.
TG: k
TG: well maybe i wont say that last part but k
GG: How's it going over there?
TG: fine
TG: not a lot of progress on the dyin front
TG: dont look like dirk much wants to stab me with his manime sword...
TG: tbh waiting around to be buddymurdered and/or off oneself is even more awkward than you would think plus kind of a drag??
TG: specially w a headache blarg
TG: jane this is dumb
GG: Yeah. Call me crazy, but I don't think our candy-addled selves thought this through entirely.
TG: yo trixster mode sucks ass txt it
TG: jane u know what im sad about
GG: Hm?
TG: fefeta exploding
GG: Yeah. :(
TG: whyd she have to die again like that
TG: she was so sweet and perfect and my friend
TG: she would always just talk and talk about the funniest things from her life as two troll ladies and it always lifted my spirits
TG: am i cursed or somethin jane?
GG: Cursed?
TG: yeah
TG: its like
TG: i always seem to accidentally kill my cats
TG: or my half cat girls
TG: ummm
TG: who are part sea princess and also an alien ghost
TG: i dunno maybe this line o speculation has no particular coherence
TG: jane
TG: after we go god tier you want to help me have a funeral for her
GG: Of course, Roxy.
TG: i would like that
TG: i always wanted to go to a funeral
TG: is that weird? maybe thats weird i dont know
TG: i mean not like in an especially morbid or gothy kinda way i just think it would be cool to honor her memory
TG: i never did that for frigglish but i should have
TG: shit jakes buggin me again brb
0 notes
commander-krios · 9 months
A Divine Dream
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing: Rolan/Dammon Rating: Teen Summary: An invitation to a Grand Ball. A returning hero. And the man who'd gotten away. Words: 5798 Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Slow Dancing, Ballroom Dancing, Banter, Happy Ending, Love and Hope, Second Chances, Mild Language, Background Wyll/Karlach
Read on AO3
This fic was written for @Cozy_Bossi to go along with a piece of art they made a few months ago of Dammon and Rolan. I've attached the picture and their twitter on AO3 so that you can follow them for more wonderful art!
Also, I hit 200k words posted for 2023!
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Your presence is requested at a Grand Ball in honour of the rebuilding of Baldur’s Gate by his eminence, Duke Ulder Ravengard.
The invitation was written in elegant script, looped letters in golden ink that glittered in the light. He knew he should attend. Most likely, his absence would be noticed and considered rude among the upper circles of the city. He was the master of Ramazith’s Tower and Baldur’s Gate’s newest archmage, yet he had much to still do, even a year after the destruction of the Absolute. With a sigh, Rolan tossed the parchment on his desk amidst mountains of scrolls and books. 
The movement caught Cal’s eye. His brother glanced up from his book, scrunching his face in concern. “Another solicitor?”
“If only.” Untying his hair from the elaborate braid he’d started to wear recently, he brushed his fingers through the strands, combing the knots out. “There is a party for the Duke in a tenday. I’m expected to attend.”
“A party sounds fun.” Cal reached for the paper, glancing it over quickly before a grin appeared on his face. A grin that Rolan didn’t like the look of. “And Ravengard is fair and honorable. You might actually enjoy yourself.”
“The horror.” Rolan muttered, the sarcasm not lost on his younger brother. “I can think of a hundred other things I’d rather be doing than getting dressed up like a prized peacock and prancing around a dance floor.”
“Is it because you don’t have a date?” Cal teased, setting the invitation face up in front of Rolan again, the golden script mocking him.
“A date? Have you seen the type of person that tries to woo me? Hardly any of them are worth the time or effort.”
“So you’re saying that some of them are worth it?” 
“Please spare me.” The invitation sat open, a temptation despite his objections. How long had it been since he’d left the Tower to merely socialize? His work as archmage brought him to many drawing rooms in Baldur’s Gate, not to mention his travels across Faerun visiting with other archwizards. He wasn’t locked away in Ramazith’s Tower like his predecessor had been. No, he frequently took on apprentices, delved into research with other wizards in the Realms.
But his patience for frivolous things, for frivolous people, had waned in the last months. What use was making connections, social or otherwise, when the one person he wished to see had left for Avernus nearly a full year ago?
Cal shifted in his seat, bringing his book closer as if he planned to continue reading, but his eyes were fixed on a singular spot on the page. He knew what this was. Cal craved life outside of the tower walls. Lia was well established with the Flaming Fist. She had friends and dates and hobbies that kept her away for days at a time. Cal had put his life on hold to stay behind and help Rolan with the organization of the Tower, of everything Lorroakan had left behind. He worked in Sorcerous Sundries most days, only going out on the occasion when Lia insisted.
After everything they’d been through to get to this point, Rolan knew he owed his brother this.
With a sigh, Rolan rested his elbow on the desk, cupping his chin in his hands, his eyes fixed on his brother. “Cal.”
Cal glanced up curiously, the shadow of a grin twitching at his lips. “Yes, Rolan?”
“Did you want to go to the ball with me?”
In his excitement, Cal slammed the book shut hard enough that the entire table shook. Rolan cast a spell to stop the ink pot from tumbling to the floor. It floated, suspended in mid-air before he snatched it and returned it to the safety of the desk. 
“I know you’re excited, but please be careful.”
“Sorry.” Cal said with a sheepish grin. “Should we invite Lia?”
“I suspect she’ll be there.” Rolan cleared away the texts, standing and replacing them to their spots on the bookshelf. He didn’t want to discuss the ball, or the Flaming Fist, or anything when he knew how easily it could lead to places and people he wasn’t ready to talk about yet. Friends that were long gone and most likely would never return.
“Right. Flaming Fist and all.” Cal stood as well, stretching to relieve his muscles from sitting in one place so long. “Should I check in on Tolna before bed?”
“No.” He said, realizing his voice was sharper than was necessary. Forcing himself to be gentler, he turned to his brother, putting on his best smile. The frown on Cal’s face only proved he was still terrible at it. “I’ll do it. I should secure the vault and check in on a few things anyway. Go. Get some rest.”
Cal hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but decided better of it. “Alright. You’ll let me know if you need help, right?”
Rolan nodded, but he knew no matter how much help he needed, he wouldn’t bother his brother’s well deserved rest. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he gathered up his loose hair, tying it back like he used to do when they traveled the dangerous roads of the Storm Coast. If Cal noticed, he didn’t comment on it. “Of course. Now off with you. I have work to do.”
Cal knew better than to argue with him, it wasn’t worth the trouble. Even if Rolan was in the wrong, it took practically pulling teeth for him to admit it. When his brother finally exited through the portal, the wizard of Ramazith’s Tower was left in the echoey silence.
Duke Ulder Ravengard’s estate was lavishly decorated with red and gold hangings, perfectly shined silverware, the glow of hundreds of candles creating the perfect romantic atmosphere for the couples that had already taken to the dancefloor. Gowns made of delicate fabrics in colors of indigo and crimson, lavender and silver, each one more beautiful than the last, billowed and swayed with each movement. Elaborate beading, expensive jewelry, fashionably coiffed hair…
Rolan still couldn’t believe he was here with the nobility as an equal. All of his ambition and dreaming never prepared him for this new life: the opulence, the respect, the wealth of knowledge at his hands. He knew how lucky he was for such a chance, he’ll always be grateful to Wyll and his friends for helping him acquire it. 
With a wave of his hand and a quiet recitation of a well-known spell, stars sparkled across the ceiling, falling in wide arcs of light and color, and a smattering of applause went through the room at the sight.
Cal inhaled sharply beside him, eyes fixed on the magic until it disappeared, wonder and appreciation  on his face. “Wow. That never gets old, does it?”
Rolan smiled softly, clapping a hand to his brother’s shoulder, enjoying the way his eyes lit up at the light show. Almost like old times. “I’m glad you convinced me to come. Now, go. Enjoy yourself. I am going to see if Lia is here yet.”
Cal met his eyes, hesitating. “Are you sure you want me to leave you?”
“I can handle some nobles, Cal.” Rolan held back a laugh at the incredulous look on his brother’s face. “I’m not that insufferable, am I?”
Pushing gently against Cal’s shoulder, he wasn’t surprised when he burst into laughter. “Get out of here, you menace.”
Cal was still chuckling as he melted into the crowd, in search of whoever he knew among the guests. The Flaming Fist was here in force, silent watchers in the corners of the room, although most threats to the Duke or the city had long disappeared with the destruction of the Elder Brain and the deaths of the Chosen Three. Baldur’s Gate, like much of the Storm Coast, hadn’t experienced peace such as this in years. He hoped it lasted.
Rolan had no difficulty finding Duke Ravengard in the crowd, he and Counsellor Florrick speaking to nobility and common folk alike, neither being barred from the Upper City as was once the norm. Now, everyone had a voice in the rebuilding, in the life that was going to bloom here, and Rolan was grateful to be part of it.
Perhaps there was hope, after all. Hope for a better future, for a happier one. A future where he didn’t have to regret or question the choices he’d made.
A future where he finally made a life for himself.
His sister was at her post near the back of the room, the refreshment table not far from where she stood. When Lia noticed his approach, a smile spread across her face, waving in the direction he’d come from.
“I knew you had to be here when the magic show lit up the room. Can’t stop showing off, can you?”
“I did it for Cal, if you must know.” He replied flippantly, reaching immediately for the Arabellan Dry and pouring a large glass full. “He is here, somewhere.”
“Probably searching for Lord Guthmere’s daughter.” She teased, pretending to be at attention when he glanced at her. “They’ve taken a liking to one another.”
“Please, Lia. Let’s not make enemies of the patriars of the city already. I don’t want to be chased out by a mob because you and Cal cannot be discrete.”
She was silent as he sipped the wine, watching the people of Baldur’s Gate flirt, dance, and stand a world apart from them. Even if he was considered among them, Rolan doubted he would ever feel as comfortable among the glitter and gold than he was in the Sundries library, discussing spells and history with other wizards, most notably Elminster and Gale, both of whom visited him frequently over the last year. It’d been quiet, informative, and immensely enjoyable.
“You look weird.” Lia said, barely concealed mischief flirting across her face. She wore her Flaming Fist uniform, the crimson fabric and silver iron looking right on her. He would never admit it aloud, but he was proud of the woman she’d become.
But that didn’t mean she didn’t still irritate him.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He brushed a hand over the rich blue robes he wore, enjoying how the golden threads shone in the light. Rolan had spent days searching for the perfect set of robes for the Duke’s ball, only to end up in Facemaker’s at the last moment to find something worthy of an archmage. “This was an expensive purchase.”
“You might want to ask for your money back.” She teased him, motioning to the ensemble. His frown deepened. “Half of it is missing.”
Rolan sniffed in irritation, lifting the goblet to his mouth again.“I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“Hells, you’re sensitive tonight.” Lia rolled her eyes so hard he was surprised they didn’t roll all the way into her skull. “I was joking, you idiot.”
“It’s difficult to tell when everything you say is a joke.”
She stared at him until his lips twitched, a smile curling his lips without his permission. Lia snorted a laugh, shaking her head but the expression on her face was approving. Figured.
“Why are you over here sulking, anyway? I’m sure there are plenty of people who would love to get to know the fabulous Master Rolan.”
He gazed into the wine glass, the dark burgundy liquid holding no answers to what plagued him. Only he knew and like hell would he explain any of it to his sister. 
He diverted her attention instead.
“Shouldn’t you be worrying less about me and more about protecting the Duke instead?”
Lia rolled her eyes, nodding to the Duke in question. “As if anyone is going to get past his entourage. Most of the Fist are here for the appearance of protection. Absolutely no one is going to hurt the Duke with a wizard prodigy, a Harper, and a damned vampire spawn protecting him.”
There was no doubt about that. The Duke’s son had left Baldur’s Gate to his father’s benevolent rule, but hadn’t left him alone. Many of his companions had either stayed in the city or visited frequently, to the point that they were welcomed guests at Ravengard’s.
“I suppose you have a point.” Rolan conceded before taking another sip of wine, refusing to meet his sister’s gaze. The last thing he wanted was to see her smug grin. She may have won this argument, but there would be plenty of those tonight and he wasn’t going to concede victory so early. “But then again, I am also here to protect our beloved Duke. Lest you forgot.”
“Could never forget a head that big.”
Rolan held his tongue when there was movement ahead, a gathering of the patriars and their guests as the familiar visage of Duke Ravengard appeared, calling for their attention as if his very presence didn’t immediately call for it. Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed even Lia had snapped to attention, her chin held high and her focus entirely on the man she worked for. He’d never seen her so disciplined before. 
Perhaps he wasn’t the only one to truly benefit from the time they’d spent in Baldur’s Gate.
“Now that everyone has gathered, it’s time I explained why I asked you here.” Ulder Ravengard stood slightly raised above the crowd, a goblet of wine in his hand, Florrick and a few of his closest council standing a few feet off, watching with much less anxiety than the rest.
Whispers broke out, speculation running rampant. Ravengard raised his hands in supplication, a genuine happiness on his face that Rolan hadn’t seen much of since Wyll left for Avernus, and the guests fell silent, waiting with bated breath for his announcement. Rolan sighed quietly, trying to still the anxious flutter of his hands. He folded his arms over his chest, tucking his hands against his body, trying to ignore the foreboding that tickled at the back of his mind. 
“It’s been nearly a year and yet, I never gave up hope that my son would return home to Baldur’s Gate. To us.” Rolan didn’t miss the whispered ‘to me’ that Ravengard spoke under his breath. “And for the first time since that day against the Netherbrain, he isn’t alone. Please aid me in welcoming back the Pride of the Gate, your hero, and my son. Wyll.”
Applause and cheers mixed among the patriars, all turning as one as the enormous ornate doors opened once more to admit their heroes. Wyll Ravengard stood at the front, looking as much the hero as the Blade of Frontiers ever had, dressed in an impeccable doublet of black and gold, a prince among patriars.
The tiefling barbarian, Karlach, stood beside him with their arms linked, a radiant force with her wide smile and affectionate laugh, eyes sparkling with a fire that always burned within her.
Rolan hadn’t heard a single scrap of news regarding the tiefling with the infernal engine until now. Her return to Avernus was kept quiet among the companions and the few people who knew of her affliction. Duke Ravengard’s mood had soured considerably after Wyll left with her, refusing to let the woman he loved suffer alone, but tonight, there was a new light within the Duke… within them all. A happiness that Rolan hadn’t seen in so long. 
Wyll’s infectious laughter and wit immediately drew people to his side as it always did. He was surrounded by his usual friends, those that had helped him end the Absolute plot. The silver-haired cleric held a goblet of wine and a rather beautiful smile on her face. The wizard of Waterdeep with his jovial laughter and light hearted, yet silly jokes. The pale vampire who was the life of the party, taking in the attention with the air of a man who’d done this sort of thing his entire life. The High Harper and the former First Druid stood side by side farther back, discussing something at length with the Githyanki, supplied with all manner of drink and entertainment, preferring to shield themselves from the golden light that radiated from the savior of Baldur’s Gate instead of basking in it.
But none of them held the allure of the one who stood within the confines of their circle, out of place among heroes but never far from Rolan’s thoughts.
A tiefling blacksmith with a heart of gold and a smile to match it.
Dammon’s radiant smile was all the more blinding with the joy reflected in his dazzling blue eyes. He watched Karlach and Wyll with the pride of a friend, the affection of a brother. They had been his constant companions for nearly a year and yet, Rolan was jealous of the bond he’d so clearly built with them. 
It was then that Rolan realized what their return meant. Karlach was no longer burning up, the fire of the infernal engine stifled in her chest. 
They’d done it.
“It sounds like father has been telling tall tales about our exploits.”
“If anyone deserves to be a hero, it’s you, darling.” Astarion cooed at him, lifting a glass of wine to his lips. “Just take it before he decides to build a statue or something. The man is relentless.”
Karlach laughed, a harsh loud bark that was full of so much love and joy that it nearly broke Rolan’s heart. How he missed her vibrant personality, despite how loud and perhaps a tad bit boisterous she could be. Wyll took her hand in his, pressing a soft kiss against her knuckles, a gesture that felt too intimate for the setting.
He ignored his friend’s teasing and instead, tugged Karlach closer, slipping his free arm around her waist, their combined hands coming up in the imitation of a dancer’s pose. “Let’s lead this dance, shall we, my love?”
Karlach responded, but Rolan didn’t care what it was she said, what any of them said, not when Dammon had noticed him staring. Realizing his mouth was hanging open, he snapped it shut, blush crawling up his neck and cheeks to the tips of his ears. Dammon smiled at him kindly and approached as the heroes of Baldur’s Gate continued to the dance floor, ignoring the two of them completely.
Rolan’s gaze swept Dammon’s body, taking in the new piercing hanging from his pointed ear, the dark blue doublet with fancy cloak, gold clasps glittering in the light of a thousand candles.
“I didn’t realize you’d returned. This is quite the surprise.” Rolan said, trying to keep his voice as casual as possible, but knowing he immediately failed when Dammon glanced at him, curiosity winning out over anything else. He swallowed with some difficulty, a lump sitting painfully in his throat. Might as well have been his foot.
“Yes. It was… recent. Very recent.” Dammon cleared his own throat, suddenly captivated by the sight of the dancers. Avoiding his gaze, most likely. “Karlach is doing much better than I expected. Better than I had hoped. I’m proud of how far she’s come. She deserves a happy ending.”
And what of us?
Rolan’s shoulders stiffened as his gaze sought out the subject of their conversation. She was laughing loudly, her voice carrying over the music and the chatter. Rolan could acknowledge that she deserved this, both she and Wyll did, but he was still angry that Dammon of all people took that responsibility on to himself. To leave for the Hells, the very place they’d escaped from such a short time ago, to put himself in danger for a woman he barely knew. Only because of the infernal engine she carried. 
He took advantage of Dammon’s distraction to study him. The doublet he wore was a rich ocean blue, only highlighting the azure of his pretty eyes. His blond hair brushed his shoulders when he turned, watching a particularly handsome couple spin across the dance floor. The corners of his mouth tipped up, his expression gentle, softening his features. Longing thrummed beneath Rolan’s skin, the desire to reach out and comb some of that blond hair from his face, to tuck it behind an ear, if only to trail one of his claws across Dammon’s jaw.
“I suppose they all do. They did save us, after all.” Rolan forced the words out, trying to bridge the gap between them, the one that he had created when they’d last spoken. Because despite Dammon deciding to help Karlach’s mission in the Hells, Rolan was the one who’d taken a step back, reexamined things. He decided to leave the fleeting touches and longing looks behind him.
Rolan didn’t want to be left alone picking up the pieces of his heart when Dammon didn’t return. For a year, he’d been right. Dammon was gone, he wasn’t coming back, the Hells had torn him apart or had broken him. And if he did come back, what would be left? Would the man he cared for even still be in there, somewhere?
Rolan knew he wouldn’t survive that. Not after everything they’d fought against, fought for.
Dammon played with the edge of his cloak, the fine fabric shimmering with each movement. He was lost in his mind again, the revelry echoing in a sea of sound and color, a kaleidoscope of chaos. “Everyone here is a hero, in their own way. Even you, Rolan.”
He snorted, resisting an eye roll at the almost compliment. “Of course I am. My greatest achievements being almost getting killed by goblins and shadow creatures only to end up abused at the hands of a megalomaniac. You have a strange definition of hero.”
Dammon glanced up at his confession and Rolan realized too late what he’d admitted. He couldn’t meet the blacksmith’s gaze, this time he was the one to stare out into the crowd. “Lorroakan did what?”
“I… Karlach told me about the aasimar, but not-”
Rolan waved the concern away, trying not to feel embarrassed at how easy it was to talk to Dammon. Like old times, indeed. “It’s fine. I’m fine. If it makes it easier to swallow, I helped to throw him from the Tower.”
“It does not.” Dammon sighed, closing his eyes and breathing slowly as if to calm himself. “If I had known, if you’d told me-”
“It changes nothing. Lorroakan is dead and I’m the new Master of the Tower. It’s taken a lot of work but it is mine now. And the Realms’. Knowledge shouldn’t be hoarded.” 
Dammon made a noise low in his throat. A strangled laugh. At least, that’s what he thought it was.
“Is something funny?”
“I didn’t expect you to see the silver lining in such an awful situation. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve always had confidence in excess.”
“Confidence or not, I’ve had plenty of practice surviving. We both have, it seems.”
Dammon bit his lip, concentrating on the words for what they were, a truth that was impossible for him to refute. They’d both done quite a bit of surviving over the last few years. Together and not.
And that was the problem, Rolan realized. Despite everything he’d gained, the safety and security of his position, the wealth and knowledge at his fingertips, the wonderful lives that he always swore he’d provide for his siblings, he was still in survival mode. A difficult habit to break, for sure.
“Rolan, I-”
Clearing his throat, Rolan cut Dammon off before he could get anything else out. The last thing he wanted was a heart to heart in such a public place, with the man who he, once upon a time, wanted something more with. “I apologize, but I really must return to the tower. It’s excellent that you’re well, Dammon. Truly. Perhaps, in the future, you can regale me with tales of your fight in Avernus.”
A brief flash of uncertainty crossed Dammon’s face before he hid it behind a smile. The blacksmith was always levelheaded, more so than Rolan ever was.
Rolan turned away, intending to disappear into the crowd without another word, when a hand clamped down on his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks before he could take a single step. “Ah, here you are. The man I was looking for. Where are you off in such a rush?”
Wyll. Of all the people who could’ve caught his escape, it had to be the one whose disappointment would hurt most.
“I’m terribly sorry for leaving so soon… there are things I forgot that must be done, tonight-”
Wyll tsked, shaking his head with a frown on his face. For a brief moment, Rolan felt like a child again, being scolded by the matron of the orphanage he’d been abandoned at. The expression always rankled and this was no exception.
“The Archmage of Baldur’s Gate must stay for one dance. Come, I haven’t seen you in nearly a year and you’ve been standing here stiff as the statue my father said Lia had commissioned of you.”
“She did what?”
“I must insist that you enjoy yourself.” Wyll smiled kindly, nodding towards the dance floor. Rolan’s heart thudded dangerously fast in his chest at the thought of twirling among the other guests. Dancing wasn’t one of his strengths. He couldn’t recall ever having to do so. “Please. Think of it as a favor to an old friend.”
Damn him.
“I’m sure I can enjoy myself quite well with another glass of wine.” 
Dammon coughed, covering his mouth with a hand, eyes staring at his feet. Rolan easily saw the smirk he attempted but completely failed to hide. So this was an ambush, was it?
“You mustn’t leave us so soon, Rolan.” Wyll continued as Karlach joined them, the fitted ebony gown looking even more stunning up close. She slipped her hand into Wyll’s, the joy of being to touch her love clear on her face. “There is plenty of fun left to be had.”
“But, I don’t have a partner.” Rolan responded, a smug grin aimed in the direction of the blacksmith. Dammon’s eyes widened slightly, as if he realized where Rolan’s thoughts had gone. If I have to suffer this madness, then so do you.
“Crazy idea!” Karlach interrupted, a grin breaking out across her lips, excitement sparkling in those glowing golden eyes. “You and Dammon could dance. Together. Because if it’s one thing I know after all of this crazy shit, it’s that everyone needs a chance to find that special person that makes them better. And Dammon here,” Karlach nudged him with an elbow, a grin that could light the Hells on her face. “Well, let’s just say he hasn’t stopped thinking about you since we left for Avernus.”
A blush colored Dammon’s cheeks at the revelation. “Karlach!”
“Was it a secret?” She asked, seeming genuinely confused and Rolan might’ve laughed if he wasn’t so embarrassed. “Come on, the two of you are irritatingly obvious and if I have to throw you into a wardrobe until you finally just f-”
“What Karlach means to say is-” Wyll cut her off, tugging her away from the two of them with a laugh. But not before throwing one last look at them. “Enjoy yourselves.”
Karlach’s laughter faded into the murmurs of the crowd, the son of an Archduke and the tiefling barbarian he loved finding the time to enjoy their lives now that the latest crisis had passed. Rolan released a breath, feeling the tightness in his chest ease only a little, a new fear warring inside of him. With a quick glance in Dammon’s direction, he wasn’t surprised to see the blacksmith studying him. 
“I think that was the most polite threat I’ve ever had aimed at me.” 
Rolan laughed, feeling breathless, and perhaps a little dizzy. It was definitely a threat, but one he might actually not be afraid of the consequences of. “I guess we have only one option then. That is, if you’re amenable to a dance.”
Hells, was he really doing this? He didn’t even really know how to dance a proper waltz.
Dammon raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him. “Is that what you want?”
The man was so annoyingly handsome, with his light hair cascading around his face and striking blue eyes that haunted Rolan so many nights since their first meeting in Elturel. And here they were, both alive and settled in Baldur’s Gate, surrounded by friends, living the future they’d only dreamed about. Dammon was watching him intently, a soft grin curling his lips in a way that left Rolan’s insides feeling like pudding.
Holding his arm out in invitation, he tried to quell the erratic beat of his heart when Dammon linked their arms together, fingers brushing softly against his forearm.
Dammon was alive. After all of this time. The Hells hadn’t destroyed him, hadn’t changed him. His eyes were still kind, soft, beautiful. And to touch him after everything...
The room was too warm, too crowded, too bright, but when Dammon turned to face him in the midst of it all, everything faded to background noise. The only thing Rolan could see was the hypnotic azure of his eyes, a golden ring around his irises that was the same color as a noonday sun. There was a pink flush to his cheeks, the candles in the chandelier above highlighting the gold in his blond hair. Dammon was ethereal, dazzling, and too good for him.
The orchestra began its song, the music swelling around them as Dammon took the lead, free hand sliding to Rolan’s waist while the other gripped his hand gently. Then, without warning, they were moving, no, gliding, across the dance floor, their feet barely touching the ground as they went. Rolan knew there were eyes on them, he felt them burning into the back of his head, but the look of unadulterated bliss on Dammon’s face kept his attention.
There was nothing more beautiful to him than the sight of Dammon’s smile as they spun in the complicated dance, his face flushed in exhilaration, a laugh on his lips that came out awed, delighted. 
“You’re good at this.” Rolan said, forgetting himself in the moment. He felt weightless as Dammon changed direction, stepping even closer. Blush creeped up his neck at the soft brush of their chests and his breath caught in his throat. “Uh, dancing, that is.”
Dammon chuckled, barely able to hide the smile on his face. “You are kind to say that. I admit, it’s been a while.”
The music picked up speed, a tempo that had the rest of the dancers spinning madly around them. Dammon’s gloved fingers tightened on his hip, digging into his waist and if his hands weren’t protected by the thick gloves he wore, his claws would’ve drawn blood. Rolan clenched his hand against Dammon’s shoulder, letting the music distract him from the sudden uncomfortable feeling flooding through him. Closing his eyes, he let Dammon lead him through the dance, each twirl and sway of their bodies, each tap of their feet to the rhythm, each brush against the other’s body nothing short of intoxicating.
Rolan wanted to stay in this moment indefinitely, free of responsibility for the first time in months, with the air rushing by as he realized how much he truly did enjoy dancing. At least, he did in the arms of a man who clearly knew what he was doing. 
“Can I be honest with you?”
Dammon’s question pulled Rolan from his mind. He opened his eyes to find his friend watching him intently. His eyes begged for understanding, for a chance to be vulnerable. Rolan, at least, owed him that much. “
After a beat, Dammon realized his breath, tilting his head slightly to watch out for other revelers, focusing on everything but Rolan’s face. Almost as if he couldn’t bear to see his expression at his revelation. “I didn’t believe I would survive the trip to Avernus. I’d accepted that the Hells would be my tomb. That I would never see the sky again. Never see my friends from Elturel again. But whenever Karlach or I started to doubt, the Blade of Frontiers was there filling our heads with hope.”
“That does sound like him. Irritatingly so.”
Dammon laughed, a soft sound that loosened the butterflies in his stomach and he nearly felt as if he’d be sick. “If there is one word to describe Wyll Ravengard, it is hero.”
“A hero, yes, that’s for certain.” Rolan snorted, leaning forward to glance around them. Guests were still coming and going, and would be well into the night, and for a moment he contented himself with watching the glittering jewelry and fabric, the gilded gold and gemstones, the dancing lights above. It was lovely to behold, this moment of peaceful bliss.
“Do you have an issue with heroic types, Rolan?”
The question brought his gaze back to Dammon and the smile that greeted him there. He was teasing, eyes hooded and sparkling with laughter, and they twirled again, in their own world where no one else but them existed. “Depends on the hero we’re talking about. But to answer your question. No, I don’t have an issue with them. Not anymore.”
With a shake of his head, a breathless laugh escaped his lips, but he didn’t once take his eyes from Rolan’s. “Well, that’s excellent news because I’m dancing with my hero. To be fair, I almost feel like I'm dreaming.”
Rolan might’ve scoffed if the admission didn’t shock him. “Me? A hero? I think the Hells scrambled your brain.”
Dammon rolled his eyes, but sidled closer, their bodies touching again as they danced. “You saved us in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. I wouldn’t be here if not for you so… thank you.”
Rolan broke eye contact, staring at where their hands were entwined. Maybe… this was a second chance. Maybe there was more here than either of them expected. Perhaps, together, they could figure out what that was.
With a smile, he returned his gaze to Dammon, thoughts of a divine dream dancing in his head. A dream that he refused to imagine for so long that he craved it as much as he did the wine in his goblet. His hand tangled into the golden locks that brushed Dammon’s shoulders, enjoying the shiver that ran down his spine at the silkiness. 
“If you’re staying in the city, I’m certain I’ll need your heroics to save me. From a stuck cork in a wine bottle, perhaps?”
Dammon laughed, the sound a balm for the soul but did little for the erratic beating of his heart in his chest. “I’m sure I can handle that.”
Yes, quite the divine dream.
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gigivas · 3 months
1K GIGI Prompts Collections 'Monochrome Floral Symphony: Eyes and Emotion' 5798 Free 10 pages out of 1000 pages
Get Free 10 pages MTMEVE00551G_58_0001 – 1K GIGI Prompts Collections – Monochrome Floral Symphony, Eyes and Emotion 5798 10PagesDownload 1K GIGI Prompts Collections ‘Monochrome Floral Symphony: Eyes and Emotion’ 5798 series provides two documents, one document is 10 pages of prompts in 1000 pages, available for free download. One document is the complete 1000 pages of prompts, this is a paid…
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Nanny – Part Two
Featuring: Cillian Murphy x Virgin!Reader
Words: 5798
Warning: Smut, Age Gap
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A Small Surprise
Another week had passed since your encounter with Cillian at the theatre and you missed interacting with him, especially now that you broke up with Darcy once again.
Once again, Darcy had become verbally abusive towards you and you were devastated and upset about his behaviour. You became to realise that, most probably, he won’t ever change. You often thought about Cillian’s words. You were too young to be wasting your time on someone like this.
But, despite your breakup, Darcy called you at least ten times a day, trying to apologise. You ignored his calls, but, unfortunately for you, you still had to interact with him at theatre practice and art school.
At least, Anita was there for you and tried her best to prevent you and Darcy from having arguments while dealing with each other in a professional capacity. But it wasn’t easy.
Since your latest and hopefully final break up, Anita had also tried to hook you up with her brother, but you really weren’t interested in dating anyone after what you have encountered with Darcy.
Despite your disinterest in dating, you struggled to get one man out of your head and this was Cillian.
Since you became to know what he was doing for a living, you could evermore so understand his reluctance to get involved with someone your age. It would almost be cliché for an actor to date someone half his age. The backlash would almost be ridiculous.
In the same vein, you were really not keen on dating an actor. The ridiculous filming schedules, the gossip and the fact that people would look at you differently would certainly upset you and make you uncomfortable.
Yet, you couldn’t forget about him and the kiss you shared. The kiss he initially returned and which felt so amazingly good.
There was something about him that you hadn’t found in any man before. It was almost like you had known him for years and yet, you barely knew him at all. You felt comfortable in his presence and it felt natural to be around him.
With these thoughts on your mind, it was easy for you to let go of Darcy this time around eve though you knew that you could never have Cillian. Or could you?
It was a Sunday afternoon that Craig came home after spending some time at the pub celebrating a friend’s birthday.
He looked somewhat tipsy when he walked inside and Ella became rather frustrated with him. It was almost too funny to watch.
You noticed him carrying a paper back.
‘Y/N, this is for you’ Craig said as he handed the bag to you.
‘Uhm, thank you’ you said, surprised by his gesture.
‘Oh, don’t thank me. Cillian asked me to give this to you so thank him’ Craig said, unsure about what was in the bag. He believed Cillian’s gesture to be odd but didn’t dare to question it.
You walked into your room, curious about what was in the bag.
Unsurprisingly, it was a book entitled ‘The History of Irish Theatre’.
You and Cillian had talked about this book following your little incident at his house.
He thought that it was very educational for anyone who is interested in Irish literature and play writes and he said that, when he goes back to his house, he would get it for you so that you could read it.
You opened the book, very keen to read it.
To your surprise, Cillian had left you a note inside which, amongst other things, contained his mobile phone number and an offer to help you with rehearsing the play if you needed it and wanted an outsider’s opinion.
He also was kind to tag the pages relevant to your play in the 350 page book.
You took out your phone and saved his number before texting him to say thank you.
He responded almost immediately. His response was short but that is what you would have expected from a man in his 40s.
About an hour later, you received another text message from him.
‘I have four tickets to a play at the Abbey which I think you might like. You could go with some friends from your theatre group and your boyfriend. Unfortunately, it’s for a Sunday night though’ he texted.
You responded by thanking Cillian for the offer and telling Cillian that you had broken up with Darcy before taking the courage to ask him whether he would be interested to come with you to see the play.
An hour after your text, you still hadn’t received a response and you regretted asking him. After what happened between you, you thought that you must have taken it too far.
Another twenty minutes later, as you were in the shower, the phone rang.
You quickly jumped out of the shower and answered your phone while the water was still running in the background.
‘Hi, Cillian’ you said shyly as you shivered, still being wet from the shower.
‘Am I calling you at a bad time?’ Cillian asked, observing the background noise through the phone.
‘No no, not at all’ you said.
‘What’s that noise?’ he asked.
‘Uhm, I was just having a shower’ you said and, just after you said this, you realised how inappropriate your comment was once again. There was an awkward silence on Cillian’s end following your comment.
‘Right’ he said before taking a pause.
‘About Sunday, I have seen the play already with some friends but I am happy to take you if you want’ he said before taking another pause. ‘As a friend that is’ he added, qualifying his offer.
‘Of course, yes’ you said shyly.
‘I think that, if we go together, I should probably invite Craig and Ella and suggest that you come with them’ Cillian suggested, being mindful that, otherwise, this might awkward.
‘Yes, sounds good’ you said.
‘Great, I will let you get back to your shower then’ Cillian said with a laugh.
‘Alright…and thanks’ you said.
‘You are welcome’ Cillian responded before hanging up.
To your surprise, a day later, Cillian told you that Craig and Ella weren’t interested in the play but had no problem with you going to see it with Cillian and some other friends.
You felt somewhat awkward about Craig and Ella knowing that you were going to see a play with their mutual friend. But Cillian assured you that they didn’t think anything of it. In Ireland, everyone was friendly and welcoming and interactions like this weren’t suspicious. In fact, Cillian had even told Craig that he had offered to help you with your theatre project and that he believed that the play you were going to see would really help you with your perspective on contemporary Irish theatre. With Cillian being double your age, Craig simply thought that it was a nice gesture and Craig also knew that Cillian could do with some friendly company after yet another fight with his fiancée.
Instead of Craig and Ella, Cillian ended up inviting his youngest sister Janet and her husband John. They both enjoyed theatre and had recently returned to live in Dublin after spending five years together in London.
You met Cillian and his sister and her husband at the theatre and they were very welcoming. You thought it was going to be strange, meeting Cillian’s family, but it wasn’t at all. His sister was in her late twenties and you could relate to her.
You talked about many things before the play started and she was surprised when she learned that you were only 20 years old. According to her, you appeared very mature for your age.
Change of Mind
‘You know she’s nice, smart and very pretty’ Janet said to Cillian about you after you excused yourself to go to the bathroom right before the play started.
‘And she is 20 years old and I am still in a relationship’ Cillian chuckled in response to her comment.
‘And here you are, choosing to attend this play with her instead of your fiancée’ Janet giggled.
‘Because my fiancée and I are taking a break and Y/N is just a friend’ Cillian chuckled.
‘I think you already made up your mind about your fiancée. I know you brother. I am not blind either. I can see the way you look at Y/N. You like her a lot’ Janet said.
‘Janet, she is 20. Now can we change the topic please’ Cillian said firmly.
‘So what if she is 20?...I like her. She seems nice’ Janet said before her husband John had to comment just like a man would.
‘Just count yourself lucky Cillian. Not every man your age has a shot with a young woman like her. Also, you wouldn’t be the first actor who goes there trust me’ John said, causing Cillian to chuckle.
‘Enough now, please’ Cillian said just as you returned from the bathroom.
When you returned to the table where Cillian, Janet and John were standing, you finally heard the theatre bell. Cillian seemed somewhat relieved that the play was about to start and you made your way inside, taking your seats.
Just as you sat down, you saw Darcy with his parents and brother. Your heart sunk and you hoped that he would not see you. But he did, almost immediately.
The situation had officially become awkward and, just as Darcy saw you, his father spotted you and Cillian as well.
He came over to greet you and Cillian which, instantly, raised a lot of questions.
Cillian explained to Darcy’s father that you were a friend and, just as he did, the bell rang again, telling everyone to take their seat.
This was lucky, preventing Darcy’s father from asking more questions.
Darcy’s father excused himself and, luckily for you, Darcy was at his best behaviour with his parents being around.
During the interval, Darcy greeted you politely and that was it. He didn’t acknowledge Cillian, Janet and John and there weren’t any further interactions from his side.
After the play had finished, Janet suggested that you all go to Cillian’s house for a drink and some pizza. After all, you hadn’t had dinner yet.
You agreed and picked up some Pizza and a couple of bottles of wine on the way.
To your surprise however, Janet excused herself pretty much straight after dinner and a glass of wine.
‘Well, John and I have to get up very early tomorrow’ Janet said.
‘We do?’ John asked.
‘Yes darling, don’t you remember the thing at your work?’ Janet asked, giving John a nudge.
‘The thing at my work?....Oh right, the thing at my work. I forgot’ John said.
‘Well, we will be going, but you two should really finish this bottle of wine’ Janet said and you observed her winking at Cillian.
Cillian sighed before giving his sister a kiss on the cheek and saying goodbye.
‘Uhm that was strange’ you giggled just as Janet and John left. ‘I just finish this and will call a taxi’ you said, pointing to your full glass of wine.
‘Yes, my sister is strange indeed’ Cillian chuckled, knowing exactly what his sister had in mind.
‘So how did you like the book?’ Cillian went on to ask to change the topic.
‘It’s fantastic. In particular the actor’s notes on the scenes. Although, there is one thing no one really talks about and I have been trying hard to find material on it’ you said.
‘And what is that?’ Cillian asked curiously.
‘How do you act a scene where you have to kiss someone. I mean, do you actually kiss them on stage? How about on screen? I mean, you would have the answer to this wouldn’t you?’ you said.
‘I do’ Cillian laughed.
‘Well then please enlighten me. I am curious’ you said.
‘On screen, depending on the angle of the camara, you most often don’t get around kissing. Your lips touch. It’s as simple as that’ Cillian said.
‘But is it different from a normal kiss?’ you asked.
‘Not really’ Cillian said. ‘But, in saying this, for theatre, no one from the audience will be close enough to see what you are doing so just give the guy a peck if you feel too uncomfortable to kiss him’ Cillian laughed, knowing that the play you were doing included a scene just like this.
‘I am glad you can laugh about it’ you said sheepishly.
‘Well, I know for a fact that you’ve kissed a man before so I think you will be fine. Just don’t think about it as a kiss. Think about it as an act. I guarantee you that, when you are in character with a complex script like yours, it will just come naturally’ Cillian said.
‘I suppose you are right. I mean, at least it’s not Darcy who I have to kiss on stage’ you laughed.
‘Well, there you go’ Cillian said just as an awkward silence erupted between you again.
‘Speaking of which, I have actually been thinking about our kiss more often than I should have’ you said shyly.
‘Y/N, we agreed that we would forget about what happened that morning’ Cillian said.
‘We did. But I can’t’ you said before taking a pause. ‘Can you?’ you asked.
‘I’ve been trying’ he chuckled, causing you to smile.
‘Perhaps you should stop trying and kiss me again. Just once more and I will never mention it again’ you said as you walked over towards him.
‘I am twice your age Y/N. You do realise that, right?’ Cillian said as you took his hands suggestively, indicating that you wanted him to stand up.
‘Yes, I do and I like it’ you giggled before biting your lip. Your comment made Cillian raise his eye brows and laugh.
‘You could be with someone your own age Y/N. I am sure you get plenty of offers. So why me?’ he asked as he stood up in front of you, running his hand over your cheek and moving part of your hair away from your face and behind your ear.
‘Because you are intelligent, kind and not afraid to be yourself. I like that. Despite, I also think that you are incredibly attractive’ you whispered shyly.
‘But, if you don’t like me then just tell me and I accept that’ you added after Cillian didn’t respond to your comment.
‘I like you alright. But I know that it would be a very bad idea if were to get involved with each other’ Cillian said quietly.
‘Maybe. Maybe not’ you said and, just like this, Cillian leaned forward and pressed his lips on to yours.
The kiss was gentle and Cillian caressed your face with his warm hands while his soft lips explored yours. Your lips moved in sync with his for a moment until he pulled away slightly.
‘We should not be doing this’ Cillian said and, just after he did, you decided that, this time, he wouldn’t get away that easily and you crashed your lips back onto his.
He accepted the kiss, giving into you for what felt like an eternity until he pulled away again.
‘Are you sure this is what you want? Because there will be implications if…’ he said and, before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted.
‘I know and I am prepared to deal with these implications as they arise’ you said before pressing your lips back onto his. You knew that, most likely, you would have to keep your interactions with Cillian a secret at least for a little while and you knew that, later down the track, this might cause issues with Craig and Ella.
Despite these intrusive thoughts, you managed to switch off and get lost in the moment and kiss between you soon became heated as Cillian gently slipped his tongue in between the opening of your lips.
You gave in and let his tongue dance with yours as if it was the most natural thing to do. He was such a good kisser. Gentle and passionate.
‘Now do you want me to stay for the night or call a taxi?’ you asked as, after at least ten minutes, your lips drifted apart.
‘If you were to stay, what would you be telling Craig and Ella?’ Cillian asked.
‘That I had some drinks after the theatre and ended up staying at a friend’s house’ you said, causing Cillian to laugh.
‘I guess you are staying then’ he said as he ran his hand over your cheek again before giving you another kiss.
‘Alright’ you said shyly. ‘I will go and have a shower then’ you said nervously.
It felt different this time around and you didn’t know how far he wanted to go. You had never had sex before and intimacy didn’t come naturally to you.
After you both had showers, separately, you met in bed just like the last time when you stayed at Cillian’s house.
Just this time, neither of you bothered getting dressed for the occasion.
Bed Time
Cillian was lying there, under the doona, wearing nothing but his black Calvin Klein briefs as you walked into the bedroom.
You, on the other hand, wore even less. A black thong. That was it and you could see the appreciation on Cillian’s face as you walked into the bedroom.
But, in addition to your naked body, your tattoos and piercings, he could also see the nervousness on your face as you climbed into bed next to him.
‘You are beautiful’ he said as you got under the doona.
‘If you say so’ you smiled shyly before giving him a kiss.
It wasn’t long until he gently pulled you closer towards him and began running his masculine hands over your body, including your breasts and all the way down to your naked ass.
His lips never left yours and you enjoyed the warmth of his body pressed against yours. The little amount of his chest hair brushed against your breasts and, as he held you close, you could feel his erection grow beneath his breaths.
You knew he wanted you, all of you and, whilst you wanted to be with him, you weren’t quite ready to take this step yet.
‘Cillian, I am…I never had…’ you said and, before you could finish your sentence Cillian withdraw his hand from you.
‘You are a virgin?’ he asked somewhat surprised, causing you to nod. Whilst you hinted on this previously when you talked with him about Darcy being pushy when it came to your relationship, you never actually told him that you never had sex. It all made more sense to him now and made him dislike how Darcy had treated you even more.
‘I am sorry. I didn’t realise’ Cillian said.
‘Are you disappointed?’ you asked, noticing Cillian’s reluctance to touch you again the same way he was before you told him.
‘Why would I be disappointed?’ he asked, running his hand over your cheek.
‘Not sure. Perhaps you expected something else tonight?’ you said shyly.
‘Well, the truth is that I didn’t expect anything tonight. Not kissing you, not lying next to you or getting to touch your beautiful body. So, I am getting way more than I had bargained for’ Cillian said.
‘You are so kind Cillian. What I meant was that, once you got a woman into bed, you probably didn’t expect this’ you said somewhat embarrassed.
‘At my age, probably not’ Cillian laughed. ‘But, I am not disappointed Y/N. We will just take things slow, move at your pace, alright? Despite, there are so many things other than sex in the conventional way that are enjoyable and I am just happy to lie here with you and kiss you all night’ Cillian said before pressing his lips back on to yours.
‘Things other than sex in the conventional way?’ you asked curiously after your lips drifted apart.
‘Yeah, you know, like other things’ Cillian chuckled. He clearly was out of your comfort zone having to give you a sex ed lesson.
‘Hmm, like what?’ you said cheekily. ‘Can you show me?’ you asked nervously. Whilst you weren’t quite ready to take things all the way, you felt an overwhelming desire for this man and you trusted him and you certainly wanted him to continue to touch you.
Cillian chuckled at your comment but reluctantly agreed. After all, he just promised you to take things slow and what he was about to do didn’t exactly fall into the category of taking things slow.
‘Alright, but you are in charge. Promise me that you will tell me if you want me to stop, ok?’ Cillian said reassuringly.
‘I promise’ you said before he leaned in and gave you another kiss before guiding your back down on to the mattress.
After you lied down comfortably, Cillian kissed you once again before his lips began trailing down your neck, kissing all over it, while his hands wandered over your naked breasts.
In this moment, you felt somewhat vulnerable. You weren’t exactly blessed with a large bust but Cillian seemed to like what he saw as he kissed down your beautiful body, his lips and tongue exploring and enjoying the sweetness of your flesh.
Eventually, his lips found their way to your perky breasts and lingered at a taut, pierced nipple, the tip of his tongue rolling around it, over the tiny bumps on your areola. He drew it into his mouth, eliciting a soft sigh from you as he sucked.
It felt amazing, much unlike what anyone else had ever done to you before and you could feel an unexpected tension build up in between your legs. The moisture within you was building and you trusted Cillian even once his lips began to trail further down your body.
His lips soon found the swell of your belly, and he showered it with soft kisses. His tongue played a moment in your pierced belly button before he continued his downward journey.
Then, suddenly, his lips touched the top of your lace panties causing you to let out a surprisingly loud moan.
No man had ever been this close to your mound before with anything else but their fingers.
With his fingers, he hooked into the ream of your lace panties before sliding them down all the way past your knees and then down over your feet before letting them drop over the bed.
There you were, completely naked, in front of the man you were so desperate for.
With his head moving back in between your legs, you felt vulnerable and excited at the same time.
The scent of your hot sex was now filling his nostrils, making him crave the taste of you.
His lips first touched the inside of your thighs, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. Again, you couldn’t help it but moan unexpectantly loud at the sensation.
Your reaction made Cillian smile against your thighs and he moved his head slightly inwards.
You could feel his warm breath on your vulva just before his lips touched your naked mound for the first time.
‘Oh god’ you inhaled sharply, making him smile again. He clearly was doing all the right things and took it slow, much slower than he would usually take it.
After kissing your most intimate body part a couple of time, he finally let his tongue lightly trace down the folds of your flesh.
It felt insane and you moaned loudly before you started to squirm when his tongue ran through your folds for the second time.
Cillian soon felt your fingertips caress his hair as he teased you.
He ran his tongue up and down those lips, enjoying the wetness between them.
‘Oh god Cillian’ you moaned just as you gripped his hair tighter as he pushed his tongue inward in between your lips, savouring the sweet taste of you.
By this point you were dripping wet as his tongue went as deep as it could, his face awash with your warm juices.
Then, Cillian pulled back slightly, moving his tongue up and down, side to side, not wanting to leave any part of your sex untouched.
At the top, he found that sensitive nub of flesh, now fully extended. As his tongue flicked against it, he felt you give a little shiver of pleasure. His tongue swirled around and around, and then his lips engulfed it, sucking it gently as you began to moan even louder.
‘Cillian, fuck’ you moaned as you let your body take in the fullest extend of this sensation and closed your eyes.
Just as you closed your eyes, you could feel one of Cillian’s fingers run over your wet slit while his tongue continued to swirl around your clit.
You took in a deep breath but tried to relax as much as possible, thinking about what he might be doing next.
And, just like this, he carefully slipped a finger into you, watching your cues closely for any pain.
‘Oh god, fuck’ you moaned again at the sensation. To your surprise, it felt nice, very nice.
After your body relaxed again Cillian began moving his finger in and out in a slow, steady rhythm as his tongue played a staccato on your pulsing clit.
He loved your taste, your scent, your sounds, he was in his happy place, and your pleasure was his goal.
He kept going, making love to you with his lips and tongue and fingers. Your sounds intensified in volume; the grip on his hair tightened; your hips rose as you squirmed beneath his ministrations.
After several minutes of pure extasy, Cillian carefully inserted a second finger while he gentle sucked on your clit.
You tensed up once again at the intrusion but, following some mild discomfort, were able to relax again. The slight amount of pain quickly turned into pleasure and your breathing was becoming heavier.
You felt full, just by his fingers and they moved in and out of you in the perfect rhythm.
With your moans becoming louder and louder and your walls becoming tighter around his fingers, he could tell that you were close. He pushed his fingers into you deeper, hooking them slightly upward and touching that other magical spot you never knew existed.
Your moans turned into screams of pleasure and your hips bucked as he pushed you over the edge.
Cillian lifted his eyes so he could look up at you and see your head thrown back, eyes closed, and mouth open with your moans and screams of pleasure filling the room.
You were totally lost in the ecstasy of the moment. His tongue was still dancing against your pulsing extended clit.
Your hips bucked one more time, and then you grasped his hair and pulled him away. It was too much, too intense.
He would have kept going for as long as you would let him, but your body had reached the point of pleasure saturation, and you needed to catch your breath.
While you were breathing heavily, coming down from your high slowly, Cillian kissed his way up your body until your lips met, and you shared one long deep kiss.
‘Are you alright?’ he asked as he could see small tears building up in your eyes. You looked completely exhausted and somewhat confused.
‘Yes, it’s just… I think I just had an orgasm’ you laughed.
‘Well, that was the idea’ Cillian chuckled. But you didn’t laugh at his joke. You were entirely overwhelmed.
‘Have you not had one before?’ Cillian asked somewhat surprised by your reaction.
‘What, an orgasm? No…But I read it’s normal for women not to have orgasms’ you said shyly.
‘If that was true then that would be pretty disappointing’ Cillian chuckled as he took you into his arms.
‘How about you get some rest alright?’ Cillian said with a smile as you seemed somewhat besides yourself which he thought was cute.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep in his arms. You felt so safe and secure next to him.
But for Cillian, it took a little longer. Whilst he promised you to take it slow and was prepared to stick to his promises, deep down inside, he wanted you, all of you.
Good Morning Mr Murphy
The next morning, your alarm went off at 7am. You had to attend art school which was due to start at 9am.
You would have rather stayed in bed with Cillian, but this wasn’t an option.
When the sound of your alarm ripped you out of your dreams and your eyes shot open, you noticed that Cillian wasn’t lying next to you.
As you got up to look for him, you heard the shower running in the bathroom. He was up early and it surprised you.
‘Can I come in?’ you asked as you knocked on the bathroom door.
‘Uhm, yes sure’ Cillian yelled out. He clearly was still in the shower.
‘Good Morning’ you said as you walked inside, not being able to see Cillian through the steam covering the door of the shower.
‘Good Morning… I will be out in a minute’ Cillian said, his voice sounding somewhat hasty.
‘No need, I just come in’ you said.
Without asking permission, you opened the shower door and stepped inside.
Your lips instantly met Cillian’s lips as you stepped closer towards him. But he seemed somewhat uncomfortable with your quick approach.
As you went to press your body against his soapy chest, you could feel something in between you and, just as you did, you looked downwards.
This was the first time you saw Cillian’s most intimate part and it was quite a sight.
‘Sorry’ Cillian said with some embarrassment as his erection pressed against you. He had struggled with it on and off since the previous night.
‘Now I am no expert, but I think that your reaction down there tells me that you like me, a lot’ you giggled as your hand reached for his hard cock.
Cillian moaned at your touch and you slowly began stroking him.
‘Now, I have never done this before so just tell me if I do something wrong alright?’ you said as your hands moved to either side of his hips.
‘Done what?’ Cillian asked and, just as he did, you dropped down to your knees right there in front of him.
‘This’ you said as you took hold of his cock again and guided it towards your mouth.  
You could hear a soft moan come out of Cillian as your tongue touched his shaft for the first time.  
You first licked the side of his shaft tentatively. Your heart was pounding as you did and you continued licking the sides and worked your way to the top of his cock.
Swirling your tongue around the head of Cillian’s cock and then working your way back down the shaft, you felt like you found yourself in another world, one you had never been in before.
Cillian groaned again and you felt his hands on your head as you continued licking his cock and then finally taking him into your mouth as far as you could go.
You didn't have a clue what you were doing, never having done this before, but you started bobbing up and down his shaft.
As Cillian’s moans became louder and steadier, you started bobbing up and down his cock even faster. You could taste his per cum on your tongue and then felt his hands hold on to the hair on your head even tighter.
You were in control but it was almost like he needed to hold on to something, grab something with his hands.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he moaned and you could tell he was getting close.
Before he could say anything else, you looked up at him.
‘I want you to come in my mouth’ you said before taking him back inside your mouth.
He looked surprised but didn’t dare to argue and, after a few more head bobs, he let go.
You could feel his cock begin to throb in your mouth and, just as you did, his hot sweet cum began to flow steadily from his shaft into your mouth.
You stopped bobbing your head as he came down from his high and let go of his cock before looking up at him and opening your mouth.
He could see his cum in your mouth and the disbelieve on his face made you laugh for a second, causing you to spill some but swallowing the rest.
‘Are you sure you never done this before because I never had a woman do this last bit’ Cillian chuckled as he helped you up.
‘No…never’ you said. ‘But, I’ve watched porn before’ you laughed as you wiped your mouth before giving Cillian a kiss.
After your intimate encounter, you both cleaned yourself off and got dressed before Cillian gave you a lift to art school.
Unpleasant Surprise
Your day at art school was good but you couldn’t get Cillian out of your head that day.
You went as far as to cancel your date with Anita that same afternoon so that you could surprise Cillian at his house later.
It was probably for the better you thought as Anita had many questions for you that day after Darcy had told her that he saw you at the theatre with Cillian.
At 4.30pm, after picking up some food and clothes from at home, you made your way to Cillian’s place.
You knocked on the door and, eventually, Cillian opened.
‘What are you doing here Y/N?’ Cillian asked surprised. You came by unannounced and thought that, maybe, it wasn’t a good idea after all. Perhaps he didn’t like surprises.
‘I am sorry, I should have called. I just wanted to surprise you’ you said before asking Cillian whether you could come inside.
‘It’s not a good time Y/N’ Cillian said and, in this moment, you could hear a female voice from inside his apartment.
Through the crack of the door, you could see a blonde woman. She was pretty, probably in her late thirties, wearing a black dress and heels. It was obvious to you that Cillian and her were close.
‘Can I call you later?’ Cillian asked.
‘Right, sure’ you sighed as you handed him the bag with the food and walked off.
As you walked towards the elevator, tears were building up in your eyes and you felt overwhelmingly anxious and upset. Perhaps he wasn’t different than other actors and you were just another quick fling.
You didn’t pick up his calls that day. You’ve been hurt enough by men in the past.
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autumnblogs · 4 years
Day 50: Trickster Shenanigans
Getting an early start today, because I want to do some catch-up for the last few missed days, so we’ll see if I can get to the end of Disc 2 today.
So if we view a lot of the beats in the Alpha Kids’ story as corresponding to beats in the Beta Kids’ story, and Jane as a character who is emotionally parallel to Rose in a lot of ways, Trickster Mode basically represents the same emotional beat for her as Grimdark Mode did for Rose. Jane is at her emotional nadir here, thinking that her Dad is dead, and alienated from all of her friends.
More after the break.
I think what is so unsettling about the Tricksters is the way in which all of their actual personality traits are overridden - they’re just happy. They make us question the nature of happiness in general, because their happiness is artificial, it overshadows their actual selves - all of the things about them that make them who they are - and makes them bombastically enthusiastic about things as they are, while giving them borderline absolute power to warp reality and give them something TO be happy about.
Their recovery from trickster mode, and Andrew’s narration makes it clear that Trickster Mode is not good for humans, because like a sugar rush, it just provides temporary relief from the genuine emotional problems that the literal material problems of Sburb parallel. Solving the material problems is not a proxy for solving the emotional problems, and progressing through the plot at hyperspeed without doing any of the actual emotional work ultimately leaves the kids’ development stunted, and unprepared for what comes next.
The happiness is fake - the euphoria is a real sensation that they’re experiencing, but it’s provoked externally, it’s a cheat. This whole episode has tones of substance abuse, but I think that what it’s ultimately about on the whole is wish fulfillment as a coping mechanism, as the Alpha Kids ignore their actual problems and escape into a fantasy where they just don’t have any.
Dirk’s response to all these shenanigans is kind of... complicated. Like, he’s right that this isn’t solving anything, but his reaction is less about actually wanting to solve his problems in a constructive way, and more I think that Dirk doesn’t want to not be miserable. Maybe on an intellectual level, he gives assent to the fact that it would be good to make progress and change as a person, but emotionally, Dirk can’t let go of the idea of himself as a static person who just is a certain way, and has to be who he is. Changing would mean ceasing to exist. The person who is Dirk is miserable, but he’s too terrified to be anything else.
Even as miserable as all this is, it’s kind of cathartic to see Dirk break free from his own aloofness and experience some kind of emotion, even if it’s just anger. This is one of those times where I’m not actually entirely clear how I feel about a story development.
On the one hand, Dirk’s emotions about the whole situation are real, and valid, but like... I’m not sure if he’s right to make those emotional demands of Jake. And I’m pretty sure he’s not. By all accounts, Dirk has been a possessive, physically abusive boyfriend to Jake, if we take into account the fact that their rough-housing is pretty one-sided if the Brobot’s conduct is anything to help us understand.
But I still feel sympathetic toward Dirk, and I guess what makes me feel that way is that he’s being emotionally honest for once in his life, and the emotion that he’s being honest about is pain. I have a hard time not feeling pity for people who are in pain, even if that pain is largely self-inflicted.
The language here very directly compares the trickster situation to the Grimdark situation, so I guess I was either remembering that, or just spot on.
Dirk and Jane are both over Jake at this point, and there’s an extent to which they are both legitimately over him, and for good reason. Even as a friend, Jake’s not really willing to do any emotional labor whatsoever.
On the other hand, I think they both realize, to some extent, that they’ve been making unfair emotional demands of Jake, based on the chagrin that they feel in terms of the way they’ve been behaving toward him.
Yup. That is exactly what they’re feeling.
I think the answer to who is in the wrong is this situation is; pretty much everyone.
Roxy probably the least; she is luckily pretty divorced from these emotional shenanigans. I’m sure we could find something to blame Roxy for, but I don’t really feel like it - she’s only a part of this love triangle tangentially, and the main thing that she’s been doing is going against her nature as a Rogue of Void by keeping everyone’s secrets from each other.
They dragged her into it to, and made her a part of it. So maybe if we can blame Roxy for anything, it’s not speaking out about how terrible and unhealthy this whole situation is before things got this bad, after she helped push Jake into a relationship with one of her other best friends? But even that feels like a stretch.
Ah yup, there we go, not only did Roxy fall off the wagon, she started sexually harassing Dirk again.
There’s what I was missing. I was so busy focusing on the Jake English Love Triangle that I forgot about that.
While it should be pretty obvious without stating it, this little sequence is just another continuation and exploration of the theme of alienation that the whole comic is about - the impossibility of human unmediated communication because of the way that exposing our true selves makes us vulnerable to pain.
The emotional effort they have to make to talk to each other is too great.
They are not strong enough.
I wish I had more to say commentary-ways, but everyone here is being pretty emotionally honest! There’s not a lot of motive-sensing necessary when everyone is just laying their cards on the table.
Parallel to the way all of the other kids so far have had their ascension to Godhood arranged, nefarious actors intercede to kill them without any action on their part; and the way that Caliborn arranges for this through Lil Cal, juxtaposed with the imagery of the Trickster Lollipop in his eyes suggests to me that if we fully decode this sequence of events for meaning, it’s an exposition on the theme we got the first time around we were dealing with the God Tiers;
We might call the God Tier principle this; There is no spiritual significance to seeking, acquiring, or having power; it is as easy or easier for the spiritually deaf and blind to acquire power as it is for the awakened.
And we might call the Trickster Corollary this; Wish fulfillment fantasy is the attempt to unify spiritual significance with the power of action, and is false storytelling.
I think that this is actually a pretty fine plae to stop. I really powered through around 200 pages without having a whole lot to say, in no small part because the Trickster “arc” if it can be called that really stops being so cagey and ironic for a while to actually just be refreshingly emotional candid. There’s a bit to unpack from the conversations that the characters have with one another, but the long and short of this fallout is that the characters have all failed to not only be supportive of each other, but to even be supportive of themselves.
The Alpha Kids can’t figure out how to love each other, because they don’t love themselves.
Cam signing off early! I might try to do this stuff earlier in the day more like this, since I’m feeling mentally invigorated and ready for work now at the end of my session, instead of worn out from trying to juggle work and hobbies.
For now, Cam signing off, Alive, and with a Cat in my lap.
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weirdmageddon · 5 years
my favorite dirk interaction was with the one with jane after the trickster trip when they both agreed to stop lusting after jake after realizing how confusing and bad they acted with him. i was really sad when the epilogue completely erased their character development there
these two pages..so fucking good
TT: I guess the real problem is our clique was too small.
TT: Poor Jake was the only viable romantic target. I mean, considering our respective orientations.
TT: Maybe we just never knew enough people?
GG: Perhaps.
GG: Or maybe we just don't need anybody.
GG: As anything other than friends, I mean.
TT: In the interest of appeasing the bitterness gods, let's go with the latter.
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onieoak · 4 years
in the past three days I have written 5798 words across 9 pages and I know that’s not a lot (i mean idk) but its a lot for me. it’s a lot for someone who has barely written anything for YEARS. I feel like I’m twelve again and knocking out fics left and right. I really want to keep this energy
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gomezmicheal · 4 years
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eklausmeier · 5 years
Contribution to scientific publications in GPUGrid
Contribution to scientific publications in GPUGrid
Looking at my account page in GPUGrid I notice that my computations have lead to some publications. Nice. 3063rd/3113Giorgino et al, J. Chem. Theory Comput, 2012cancer3389th/5798Sadiq et al, PNAS 2012hiv1801st/1995Venken et al, JCTC 2013hiv1886th/3349Buch et al, JCIM 2013cancer3741st/4477Pérez-Hernández et al, JCP 2013methods564th/2163Bisignano et al. JCIM 2014methods369th/1283Doerr et al.…
View On eklausmeier.goip.de
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officialshojobeat · 7 years
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Behind the Scenes 4 favorite scene Ranmaru fled his fishing village for college because he felt he didn't fit in with his family. In the first chapter of volume 4, we get to meet his mom, dad and older sister and it turns out Ranmaru is cut from the same cloth, he just hasn't had a chance to fully embrace his true spirit. Hopefully his time with the Art Squad will make holidays back home a little more tolerable for poor Ranmaru. 
The way the Kurisu family is finally unveiled suits them perfectly! After a cat and mouse chase through busy streets, we get a big reveal panel where they all pose in their fashionable clothes. And on the next page we get quick blurbs about their personalities and histories. I won't spoil it, but I'm impressed by their credentials! And even though meeting the rest of the Kurisu's made the Art Squad pity Ranmaru, I think that once some of Goda's self-confidence rubs off on him, Ranmaru will find his place in the family and enjoy his weird folks.
What do you think? Irreconcilable differences, or will Ranmaru eventually become a true Kurisu?
-Editor Pancha
Free preview: https://www.viz.com/read/manga/product/digital/behind-the-scenes-volume-4/5798?read=1
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coin-river-blog · 6 years
Imperatriz Leopoldinense, a prominent Brazilian samba school, has chosen money as the theme of its performance during the 2019 Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro, which will be held in the week of March 2 – 9. Its dancers will tell the history of money, from the first metal coins and paper bills to modern day cryptocurrencies.
Also read: Localbitcoins to Introduce New User Verification Rules
Samba School Chooses Money as the Theme of Its Show
The samba school is betting on Bitcoin to impress the spectators at Marquês de Sapucaí Sambódromo, the venue that hosts the famous carnival in Rio de Janeiro, hoping to win the competition this year. Imperatriz Leopoldinense was created in 1956 and has been proclaimed champion of the festival many times. But that hasn’t happened since 2001 and the stakes are high.
According to its website, the school’s performance this year has been named “Give Me Some Money,” the Brazilian crypto news outlet Portal do Bitcoin reported. It will be dedicated to the relationship between money and humanity, from the invention of the first currencies in ancient times to the present when they appear in digital form.
“Our story is about money and its relationship with humans from their invention to the present time. It is, without a doubt, one of the most important instruments in the economic life of nations and people,” the samba school explains. “Imagine what life would be without money. How could we buy and sell, receive and pay, stock up and save for the future, if it did not exist?”
From the First Coins to Digital Coins
The narrative covers various periods of human history and important developments such as the minting of the first coins in the ancient kingdom of Lydia, in the 7th century BC, and the issuance of the first paper money in China during the 10th century. Then it portrays the first exchange relations between South America’s native population, the Indians, and the European discoverers, as well as the first Brazilian mint that produced coins used in the slave trade.
The choreographers will draw attention to the saving and investing of money through bank deposits, financial instruments and other means. They will also highlight with humorous critique many of the socio-economic challenges of societies such as social divisions and income inequality that countries such as Brazil continue to face. The lack of quality healthcare, high unemployment, increased violence, and government corruption are among its most pressing problems.
Imperatriz’s dancers will conclude their performance at the Rio Carnival with the topic of Bitcoin. “We’ll end the parade talking about a future already present through cryptocurrencies – a digital resource system designed to function as a medium of exchange,” the samba school says in the announcement, noting that a growing number of companies on a global scale have begun to use Bitcoin in the years since the creation of the cryptocurrency.
Carnival Hit by Financial Crisis
The samba school’s decision to choose money as the main theme of its show this year has been criticized by some participants. According to 82-year old Mário Monteiro, who performs along with his sister Cacá Monteiro, 64, it’s a great irony to talk about money when the carnival goes through its longest period of financial difficulties, Brazilian online edition IG reported.
“It’s a challenging job. We are using old materials and optimizing all we can in order to save,” he said, noting that the narrative exploring the relationship between money and humans is a precedent for the annual parade in Rio. However, he believes the lack of money will not stop his dance group, insisting: “It’s time to put the sadness in the drawer and take the joy out of the closet, because it’s Carnival!”
What do you think of the theme chosen by the Imperatriz Leopoldinense samba school for its performance at the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro? Tell us in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Imperatriz Leopoldinense.
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Tags in this story
Bitcoin, Brazil, carnival, choreography, Coins, Cryptocurrencies, dancers, Imperatriz Leopoldinense, money, N-Featured, Performance, Rio, Rio de Janeiro, samba school, theme, Topic
Lubomir Tassev
Lubomir Tassev is a journalist from tech-savvy Bulgaria, which sometimes finds itself at the forefront of advances it cannot easily afford. Quoting Hitchens, he says: ”Being a writer is what I am, rather than what I do.“ International politics and economics are two other sources of inspiration.
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TT: Speaking personally, I'd probably run this sword through my own dick before I could bring myself to kill Roxy. Even for her own good.
GT: I think i might be an asshole. GT: All of my friends hate me now. GT: Are you sure im not just an asshole and never actually realized it? TG: well maybe youre an asshole sometimes but its always on accident and most people are accidental assholes a lot of times anyway so who cares
i love all these kids so fucking much.
page: 5798
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giveawayplan · 4 years
Hershey Family Dollar Reese's Lovers Sweepstakes - Win Peanut Butter Cup Bars
Hershey Family Dollar Reese’s Lovers Sweepstakes – Win Peanut Butter Cup Bars
Family Dollar Reese’s Lovers Sweepstakes is inviting you for a splendid chance to win one case of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup standard bars with total ARV of all prizes offered is $8,640. Entrants of the sweepstakes are United States and ends on June 6, 2020. All relevant details regarding prizes and timing are provided in rules of the sweepstakes.
Sweepstakes Entry Page Sweepstakes Rules
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31calendars · 5 years
Calendar 2019 October November and December Tumblr
Calendar 2019 October November and December Tumblr
Print your Three month Calendar 2019 October November and December Tumblr and create your daily and future schedule. We have collected 4 different types of templates here, which can be printed through this page. If you need your own customized calendar template or you want to have One, two, Three, Four and Six-Month Calendars, then you need to contact us here.
Also Check Out : Three Month Calendar
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dorkdiplomacy · 7 years
Digital Touchpoints
A digital footprint is an interesting concept as it is implying that all of your digitalized actions can actually be traced quite literally like an actual footprint. This is especially true when these actions are done in an online environment that keeps traces of every little detail of almost every action done by participating users, with or without your consent. While it is true that every little action you do in real life is also tracible, but not as easy as a digitalized one. Recording logs of every interaction I’ve done with a digital technology over the course of 24-hours isn’t going to be visually presentable, as some of them are not even recorded on my computer nor a smartphone. However, what I do have below is a sample of my computer’s action log from Sunday 24th September 2017. This will simply show you what program I ran at what time?
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Action Time             Description             Filename Full Path  More Information   File Extension        
2017-09-24 3:05:11 PM Run .EXE file               chrome.exe                C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\Google\Chrome\APPLICATION\chrome.exe              Google Inc., Google Chrome, Google Chrome, 69.0.322.103           exe          
2017-09-24 1:56:55 PM Run .EXE file               GAMEOVERLAYUI.EXE   C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\Steam\GAMEOVERLAYUI.EXE    Valve Corporation, Steam, gameoverlayui.exe,     EXE          
2017-09-24 1:56:50 PM Run .EXE file               dota2.exe   C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\Steam\STEAMAPPS\common\DOTA 2 BETA\game\bin\win64\dota2.exe                      exe          
2017-09-24 1:56:49 PM Run .EXE file               X64LAUNCHER.EXE      C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\Steam\bin\X64LAUNCHER.EXE Valve Corporation, Steam, x64launcher.exe,        EXE          
2017-09-24 1:56:46 PM Run .EXE file               Steam.exe  C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\Steam\Steam.exe   Valve Corporation, Steam Client Bootstrapper, Steam Client Bootstrapper,             exe          
2017-09-24 1:56:28 PM Run .EXE file               SKYPEBROWSERHOST.EXE             C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\Skype\Browser\SKYPEBROWSERHOST.EXE                Skype Technologies, Skype, Skype Browser Host,      EXE          
2017-09-24 1:52:03 PM Run .EXE file               SYSTEMSURVEY.EXE     C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\BLIZZARD APP\SYSTEMSURVEY.EXE           Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., SystemSurvey, SystemSurvey,          EXE          
2017-09-24 1:52:02 PM Run .EXE file               BATTLE.NET HELPER.EXE               C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\BLIZZARD APP\BATTLE.NET.9397\BATTLE.NET HELPER.EXE                                EXE          
2017-09-24 1:52:01 PM Run .EXE file               BATTLE.NET.EXE           C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\BLIZZARD APP\BATTLE.NET.9397\BATTLE.NET.EXE       Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard App, Blizzard App,       EXE          
2017-09-24 1:52:00 PM Run .EXE file               BATTLE.NET.EXE           C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\BLIZZARD APP\BATTLE.NET.EXE Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard File Switcher, Blizzard File Switcher,    EXE          
2017-09-24 1:51:59 PM Run .EXE file               Agent.exe   C:\PROGRAMDATA\Battle.net\Agent\AGENT.5798\Agent.exe            Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Update Agent, Blizzard Update Agent,        exe          
2017-09-24 1:51:58 PM Run .EXE file               Agent.exe   C:\PROGRAMDATA\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.exe              Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard File Switcher, Blizzard File Switcher,  exe          
2017-09-24 1:51:58 PM Run .EXE file               BATTLE.NET LAUNCHER.EXE           C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\BLIZZARD APP\BATTLE.NET LAUNCHER.EXE Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard App Launcher, Blizzard App Launcher,          EXE          
As thoroughly summarized by the computed logs: I’ve logged into a game launcher, Battle.net from Blizzard Entertainment, to run a game called Overwatch.
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A few hours later I’ve also logged into Steam from Valve Corporation, another well-known gaming client, from which I launched another game called Defense of the Ancients 2 (Dota2). 
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A few more hours later, I ran NVIDIA Settings to adjusted a few things for the visual ratio. I’ve also launched Google Chrome a few times in-between these logged actions, usually I always keep a few browsers up in the background. Of course, these are just a few samples of my computer logs, I’ve definitely done more than that, but to put all of the logs I did in one day just from my computer alone would take 15 pages. This is not even considering my other device, my faithful smartphone that goes Nexus 5. I recalled texting my friends a few times through Facebook Messenger, Textra, LINE, and Snapchat. I didn’t go outside today, so I’ve only interacted with my computer and cell phone throughout the day. Some other digital technologies that I’ve interacted with today at home are the air conditioner, and a microwave. They are digital in a sense that you’re inputting the parameter of instruction digitally whether it’d be adjusting the temperature or heating up food. Even on a day where I just stayed home, the usage of digital technology is unavoidable and is definitely prevalence in modern lifestyle. Even though it is just a matter of ease of access and comfortability, digital technology would be considered a necessity to some that have no idea how to do these tasks manually, especially for the latest generation.
0 notes
itiskhalsa · 7 years
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You could see that just as a result of we place on Google, you clicked on our website and also discovered us today. If you select us for the SEO of your website after that we can likewise bring you on the leading ranking on Google and Website Designer Scotsburn Victoria 3352 Australia web design courses Scotsburn Victoria.
  Did you view the females show up in the informing as well as starting about our solutions? If yes then we could produce that type of solution where your clients could enjoy a video clip when they come down on your website Website Designer Scotsburn freelance web designers Scotsburn Victoria.
  People can contact you similar to you called us today by an easy Google search. There are lots of other reasons that Khalsa Website Designers is the best website designing business in Scotsburn website build Scotsburn Victoria.
Website Designer Scotsburn and SEO in Scotsburn
There is absolutely nothing which we do not offer in website designing market in Scotsburn 3352. We as Khalsa Website Designs can give you whatever you need for your website. Web design Scotsburn Victoria As Khalsa Website Designers is the best SEO provider company in Scotsburn and Website Developer Scotsburn you obtain the very best lead to your city and also Victoria. Toll Free Number for Scotsburn:- 1800 630 724.
We are refrained from doing yet. Prior to beginning your website we will send you some demos to check as well as choose layouts The Best Website Designer Of Melbourne
Website design Scotsburn Victoria 
Once you pick the style, we produce your website just as the demonstration you picked from the demo designs we gave in the email. 
  Our Contact Number: 1800 630 724
    For Scotsburn: 1800 630 724
  Website Designing In Scotsburn 3352: We produce your website just as the demo you selected from the demo styles we offered in the email Website Designing In Scotsburn. You can pay us after the website completion. I suggest to state that you can also pay after any of your task like SEO or Video has been finished. With us you get the liberty. We benefit you and we provide you tips too Website Designing In Scotsburn. Due to the fact that we are not starters. We are in Website Designing industry considering that 2008 Website Designing In Scotsburn search engine optimization Scotsburn Victoria graphic design Scotsburn, SEO Scotsburn Victoria, social media Scotsburn.
The Best Website Designer Of Scotsburn Victoria 3352 Australia
I have been doing website designing in Scotsburn 3352 from last few years Website Designer in Scotsburn. As I was in Australia from 2008 to 2012 Website Designer in Scotsburn. I found out a lot. I studied in Australia as well as return to India Website Developer in Scotsburn. Considering that 2008, I have actually been doing methods for website  developing in Scotsburn Victoria. Many of all website designers as well as SEO service providers in Scotsburn does not have much experience that is the only factor why a young boy from India is rating on the top in your city for website designing and also for SEO services online marketing Scotsburn Victoria.
  Toll Free Number: 1800 630 724 For Victoria
To conclude Khalsa Website Designers is giving lots of services connected to internet making, design Scotsburn Victoria SEO and mobile application designer in Scotsburn. Let me tell you that we offer every single service in Infotech (IT) Industry in your city digital marketing Scotsburn Victoria.
  For even more information do not think twice to call us on our toll free number in Scotsburn 3352 Victoria Australia. design development Scotsburn Victoria , if you have any inquiry you can email us or you can merely click on the live chat symbol billow.. Web development Scotsburn Victoria I will be the one who will certainly help you and reply all your message, calls relevant to sales and support.
We give Designing and Search Engine Optimization services in Scotsburn for unbeatable price content management Scotsburn Victoria.
I request you to conserve our toll free number right into your smart phone. Thanks for seeing our website design services Scotsburn Victoria.
Toll Free Number For Scotsburn Victoria: 1800 630 724.
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