#page in extremis agency
pageinextremisdigital · 11 months
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Charting a Greener Path: Navigate the Landscape of EPS Insulation with EUMEPS
In an era where eco-friendly solutions are not just an option but a necessity, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) emerges as a lighthouse of green transformation. 
EUMEPS is at the forefront of this movement, advocating EPS insulation as a material and a gateway to a more sustainable, energy-efficient Europe. 
Their engaging story, detailed on "The Perfect Green Fit" website, weaves together the narrative of EPS as both an economically savvy and environmentally accountable alternative, ideally in line with the EU's ambitious goals for a climate-neutral 2050.
Set sail on an enlightening expedition through the EUMEPS lens, uncovering a wealth of benefits that EPS insulation brings to the table in the construction and building worlds. 
From its superior thermal qualities and lightweight nature to its ease of application and potent carbon footprint reduction capabilities, the story is as captivating as it is instructive. 
EUMEPS doesn't just limit the EPS tale to insulation; it expands its role to encompass a broader scope where it becomes instrumental in paving the way for a greener, more energy-efficient tomorrow.
Far from being just an informational resource, the comprehensive overview of "The Perfect Green Fit" website is a clarion call. 
Individuals and enterprises must become active contributors to a sustainable future. 
Focusing intently on environmental advantages, economic practicality, and adaptability, the narrative finds common ground with all stakeholders in the construction industry, laying out a vivid, eco-conscious roadmap in line with the European Green Deal.
Take the plunge into the transformative world of EPS insulation via "The Perfect Green Fit" website. 
You'll find that adopting EPS isn't merely a choice—it's a meaningful stride towards constructing a resilient, environmentally responsible future.
In a true spirit of collaboration, the insightful narrative and eco-conscious roadmap presented on "The Perfect Green Fit" website results from a synergistic partnership between the communication team of EUMEPS and #pageinextremis. 
We're thrilled to have been a part of this vital initiative, adding our communication acumen to EUMEPS's industry expertise. 
Together, we've crafted a platform that's not just an informational resource but a catalyst for change. 
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Crafting a Magnetic Institutional Identity: Mastering the Art of Branding for Success
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) underwent a branding overhaul, entrusting the mission to revitalise its image to the innovative agency #pageinextremis. This was no small feat, as ESMA is a highly respected institution crucial in ensuring the stability and integrity of the EU's financial markets. But Page In Extremis was up for the challenge.
Working closely with the ESMA Communication team, they developed a visual identity that fully encapsulates the institution's strategy for the coming years, focusing on sustainability, technology, and data innovation.
Branding is much more than designing a logo when it comes to an institution, as it encompasses the entire process of creating and managing the public perception of that institution. A logo is just one aspect of branding; the broader concept involves numerous components that contribute to the overall identity of the institution, helping to differentiate it from others and forge strong connections with its stakeholders.
Some key aspects of institutional branding include:
Brand strategy: This involves helping to define the institution's mission, vision, values, positioning, and target audience. A well-defined strategy guides all branding efforts and ensures consistency across all touchpoints.
Brand identity: This includes the visual and verbal elements that represent the institution, such as colours, typography, tone of voice, and messaging. These elements work together to create a cohesive, recognisable, and memorable identity.
Brand experience: This refers to how stakeholders interact with the institution online and offline. It includes the user experience on the institution's website, customer service, facilities, events, and other touchpoints where stakeholders engage with the brand.
Brand reputation: This is the public perception of the institution, built over time through public relations, community engagement, stakeholder reviews, and word of mouth. A positive reputation is essential for building trust and credibility with stakeholders.
Brand loyalty is the emotional connection that stakeholders form with an institution, leading them to consistently support and recommend it. Building brand loyalty requires delivering high-quality services and experiences and engaging with stakeholders in a way that resonates with them.
Brand communication: This involves the various ways an institution communicates with its audience, such as through advertising, content marketing, public relations, social media, and other channels. Effective communication helps convey the institution's message, reinforce its identity, and shape its reputation.
In summary, branding is a comprehensive process that involves much more than just creating a logo for an institution. It encompasses a range of strategies, techniques, and elements that work together to build a strong, recognisable, and trusted brand identity that resonates with stakeholders and differentiates the institution.
Based in Brussels, #pageinextremis can help you define the essence of your brand and formulate your differences in a positive relationship with your environment and all your stakeholders.
#pageinextremis builds brands and strengthens the reputation of leading global and European organisations, associations, and companies.
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pageinextremis · 2 years
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How does Eucolight contribute to ensuring the circular economy in Europe?
The EucoLight Biennial Report, 2020-2021, covers EucoLight's priorities and summarises the publications, studies and projects developed. It also shows the public presence of the association and partner associations during these years. Finally, it presents the EucoLight board of directors, the chairs of the working groups and the EucoLight team.
WEEE is the fastest-growing waste stream in the world. In 2012, the EU adopted the recast WEEE Directive 2. It extends the liability of producers and distributors of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE), including lighting products, to the end-of-life phase.
Extended producer responsibility contributes to achieving a circular economy. It ensures the recovery of raw materials. Producers are responsible for waste and are encouraged to develop product designs that consider recyclability.
EucoLight is the European association of collection and recycling organisations for WEEE lamps and lighting.
Are you interested in EucoLight's activities?
Check out the 2020-2021 Biennial Report! The publication results from a close collaboration between the EucoLight communication team and the communication agency #pageinextremis.
#pageinextremis turns brands into valuable assets and ensures alignment with their strategic goals.
The communication agency offers integrated communication services: - The definition of your "brand strategy" aligned with your organisation's development strategy. - The creation or refresh of your visual identity with easy-to-use guidelines developed in a clear and concise guide. - Enhance your "Communication Program" by integrating integrated communication campaigns, extraordinary events, impressive publications and innovative digital solutions. - The creative development and production of innovative printed and digital communication tools.
Interested in a partnership with Page in extremis?
Based in Brussels, the communication agency makes EU associative brands conversational and helps organisations dialogue with their stakeholders and get their messages across.
For more information: www.inextremis.be
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joonsrack · 5 years
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+Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Kim Namjoon
+Genre: SFW (this chapter), E2L, attempt at crack, slow burn, WIP
+Word count: 1.2k (this chapter)
+Chapter: Prologue | 1 | ?
+Rating: General audience (this chapter; rating might go up as story progress)
+Warning:  No warning for now, except maybe the fact that i’m trying my hand at crack
Celebrity chef Kim seokjin needs to salvage his reputation after being dragged in the news paper as a heartless monster out to make people cry. Enters his agent with the worst idea ever and one Kim Namjoon, the worst cook ever.
(Or: Jin is a Korean Gordon Ramsay and Joon is the bane of his existence.)
+A/N: Hello. This is for the Luv Library Collab - Culinary & Cuisine, which was due like ten days ago.... anyways. This was supposed to be a one shot but i realized i wanted to explore this plot more, so it became a WIP. I’m really proud of what the prologue came out like, heres to hoping i can pull this off during the whole thing :P
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Seokjin slaps the paper down on his manager’s desk, looking like the perfect picture of confusion and exasperation. The phone is ringing in the background, as it has for the past twenty-four hours, slowly dragging him ring by ring down into insanity.
“Why are you showing me this? How is that any different than all the other times?”
Yoongi sighs deeply, not looking away from the new lamp on his desk; the fifth one this month.
Some people stress-clean, some stress-bake; Yoongi stress-shops light fixtures.
“This,-” he stresses, “is very different than all the other times” He purses his lips for a moment, finally sparring him a look after wiping away at an imaginary dust from the lampshade. “You made Jeon Jungkook cry.-”
“ Allegedly! ”
“- He’s the nation’s baby. The public wants your head” He says, picking up the magazine and waving it lethargically around for emphasis. “There will be blood to pay”.
He throws the magazine back at Jin, Jin catching it in extremis. On the first page is in big bold yellow letters: Celebrity chef Kim Seokjin bullies nation’s sweetheart Jeon Jungkook. Then in smaller characters: Has fame gotten to his head? There’s a screenshot of the tweet taking up most of the front page, looking very dramatic for what it really is.
“He asked me to rate his cooking and showed me dog vomit, what was I supposed to do?!” Jin asks, voice reaching high proportions. He doesn’t whine. He’s an adult. 
“Not asking him if this was the digested version would have been a good start.”
“And be kind to someone with an anime profile picture? In which universe?
“Couldn’t you see the little blue verified sign by his name?”
“ Anime. profile. picture. ”
Yoongi doesn’t answer, and Seokjin can’t hold back a groan. All of this happened because of the devil that is Jeon Jungkook. He knew exactly what he was doing, faking those tears during that live. Now his fans are onto him, making his life miserable.
“I merely told him his food looked like shit, but his fanbase- they’re” He pauses, shivers. Yoongi gets this unfocused faraway look in his eyes, probably going through some serious PTSD of all the time Jin set off idol’s fans. 
The phone rings, cutting through what probably is some very violent flashbacks. Yoongi fiddles at the lamp switch nervously, turning it on and off a few times to help keep his calm.
It’s the ring too many, and Jin rips the cord out of the phone in a flare of exasperation.
Under Yoongi’s startled stare, he lets his body sag on one of the couches, using the magazine to shield his eyes. Artfully, mind you; he’s not being dramatic, he’s being emotionally expressive. This situation is emotionally draining, and he needs to lay down for a sec. This probably the biggest crisis since he started gaining popularity, bigger than the time he accidentally asked Brad Pitt for nudes on twitter (Accidentally meaning he was drunk. Or so that’s what the public believes).
There’s a stretch of silence, both men contemplating every decision that led them here, in this office, with this pesky problem that is Jeon Jungkook faking tears on one of his lives to get back at Seokjin for calling his food ‘ animal regurgitation ’.
“Do you think this is the right hue for my office?” Yoongi asks distractedly, breaking the contemplating silence.
Jin sits up, letting his weight rest back on his elbow. “In all honesty it makes your head look big.” 
Yoongi’s eyes go sharp, taking badly to Jin’s criticism. He purses his lips, eyebrow arching to complete the look.
“Anyways, I found a solution.” he says, an evil glint appearing in his eyes.
“You did?” Seokjin asks, fully sitting up as confusion and worry mix in his guts. His agent waited all this time to bring it up, that just can’t be good.
Yoongi nods slowly, a mean smile stretching his lips. “I was unsure if it was the right one until now, but I think it just might be the thing to help us out of our little situation.”
“Oh?” Jin says, gulping loudly.
    “Oh, no.” Namjoon says, looking quite pale. “Absolutely not. I’ll get sued. We’ll get sued.”
“Come on now, Joonie. Think about it. It would be a good opportunity to promote your new album-”
“Playlist.” Namjoon corrects Hoseok, who ignores him.
“-Plus it’ll make you look relatable in the public’s eyes.” 
“How is me being an agent of destruction in the kitchen relatable in anyone’s eyes?”
“Look, all you have to do is go there, try not to chop your fingers off, make sure at least one of your dimples is visible at all times, and then you’re done.”
“Ok but what about my dignity? How can I ever rap about having an automatic dick if the whole nation learns I’m a useless adult.”
“Oh baby,” Hoseok says, a playful glint in his eyes. “You broke three pair of sunglasses in front of your fans last month. They already know.”
Namjoon grimaces.
“This is on a whole other level of public humiliation, Hyung. Me, in a kitchen, cooking.”
Hoseok sighs, rounding his desk he was leaning on to ruffle through the papers covering it. He’s usually a neat freak but they’ve been very busy with his last release. He grabs something from under a pile of paperwork, letting out a victorious ‘hah!’.
“There,” He says, holding out a brown envelope to Namjoon. “-It’s the proposal. Read it, and think about it, but I sincerely believe this could be a good way to promote your album.”
“Playlist.” He corrects, more resigned this time. 
His album hasn’t been doing too well; not bad, but not good either. They’re having trouble gaining traction, his agency on the smaller side and struggling to be taken seriously. He’s grateful for everything Hoseok is doing, and this is no exception. He knows he needs to do this, dignity or not.
Until something catches his eyes in the first few lines. There’s the title of the show, the producer name, the dates of filming, a slight summary of what the show is about, and then:
MC: Kim Seokjin
Because life hates him. 
His heart goes double his regular rate, hands becoming sweaty under half a second. His clothes seem suddenly too tight, too warm.
He can still remember, on that faithful pre-debut evening, lounging in his bunk bed while watching his favorite youtuber talk about himself.
It was before Kim Seokjin went mainstream and landed himself his own cooking show. Back when Eat Jin, his channel, had under 400k subscribers, and it was mostly videos of him cooking his favorite food and then gorging himself. This particular video was a Q&A, and for some reason he couldn’t understand, Namjoon was fascinated by this man, so of course he was watching it attentively. He was funny, handsome, charmingly witty in his answers. 
But it only took one sentence from Jin for Namjoon to finally understand exactly why he was so obsessed with the man:
“I like it. When my mouth is full of food. Because when I swallow, a large amount of food goes down and it feels like I’m almost going to choke- I really like that feeling.”
Namjoon had dropped his phone from the top bunk, too busy having an epiphany to even notice the sound of it smashing on the floor.
His sexual orientation was never the same after that night. 
And now he was going to lose his dignity in front of his gay awakening catalyst.
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inextremisnews · 6 years
Page in extremis is glad to announce a new collaboration with IRU, the world’s road transport organisation
IRU leads solutions to help the world move better, supporting trade, economic growth, jobs, safety, the environment and communities. IRU’s work spans more than 100 countries. Their core constituents are national transport associations and transport operators. But they also work closely with business, governments, the UN and international organisations. At the heart of IRU are millions of journeys across the planet every day: people and goods moving to where they need to be, in buses, coaches, taxis or trucks, for all, or even just a small part, of their journey.
Located in Brussels, the communication agency, Page in extremis has extended experience in developing new media solutions and the implementation of web platforms.
More information: http://www.inextremis.be
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pageinextremis · 2 years
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How have automotive suppliers responded to supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19?
"Automotive suppliers have spent the last two years proactively responding to supply chain disruptions and chip shortages caused by the impact of COVID-19", states Thorsten Muschal, CLEPA President, in the Clepa Annual Report of Activities 2021-2022.
CLEPA President continues: "The (...) inflation period with massively increased costs, especially for energy, transport and materials, is intensifying an already stressed supply chain." And Thorsten Muschal finishes positively: "However, we are a resilient industry and always find a way to transform and adapt to changing circumstances".
CLEPA represents over 3,000 companies and covers all products and services within the automotive supply chain. Founded in 1959 and based in Brussels, CLEPA is recognised as a natural discussion partner by international organisations and fellow associations.
CLEPA brings together well over 100 of the world's most prominent suppliers for car parts, systems and modules and more than 20 national trade associations and European sector associations.
The Clepa Annual Report of Activities is an overview of what 2020-2021 has been for the association.
Let's have a view of what expresses by Sigrid de Vries, CLEPA Secretary General, about the last CLEPA period of activities: "In a year where being in crisis mode became the 'new normal', the CLEPA secretariat consolidated its role as the proactive voice of the automotive supply industry and further solidified itself as a trusted advisor for its members".
Behind the work performed, a committed team is carrying out proactive policy outreach and communications. #Pageinextremis is delighted to partner with this outstanding CLEPA team and is proud to have participated again in the creative development of the Report of Activities.
The result is a stunning publication made within an intimate, inventive dialogue framework involving the inspiring CLEPA communication team and the Belgian communication agency's innovative team.
The publication is released in 2 versions: a printed one and an online version that you can discover here 
Page in extremis enhances your communication programme by incorporating integrated communication campaigns, remarkable events, inspiring publications and innovative digital solutions.
Interested in partnering with #Pageinextremis?
We turn public brands into valuable assets and ensure alignment with their strategic objectives.
More information: inextremis.be
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pageinextremis · 2 years
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EU-Japan cooperation: Tackling the global challenges of the next decades
The Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE) represents the interests of 90 multinational companies of Japanese parentage operating in Europe.
The members operate across various sectors, including information and communication technology, electronics, chemicals, automotive, machinery, wholesale trade, precision instruments, pharmaceutical, steel, textiles and glass products.
Created in 1999, the Council works closely with the EU Institutions to strengthen the political and trade relations between the EU and Japan and develop a policy framework supporting fruitful and responsible business conduct.
Building a new era of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and Japan is the core of their activities performed under several committees focusing on: Corporate Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Digital Innovation, Environment & Energy, Standards and Conformity, and Trade.
The organisation’s 2021 Annual report is entitled “EU-Japan cooperation: tackling the global challenges of the next decades”.
The Communication Agency, #pageinextremis is glad to have participated in the design development of the JBCE Annual report.
The result is a comprehensive publication made within a genuine creative dialogue involving the JBCE communication team and the Belgian communication agency’s designer unit.
Page in extremis turns brands into valuable assets and ensures alignment with their strategic objectives.
Interested in partnering with the agency?
Based in Brussels, the communication agency makes brands conversational, helps organisations manage their communities, engage with their stakeholders and convey their messages.
For more information: inextremis.be
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pageinextremis · 3 years
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Are you aware of the changes to the new tyre label?
The European Union has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels.
Reducing CO2 emissions from road transport plays a significant role in achieving these goals. Choosing more fuel-efficient tires can substantially reduce transport emissions.
To help consumers make informed decisions, the EU introduced a new labelling system for tyres, which came into force on May 1, 2021.
The new label includes a QR code that can be scanned to see more information about the tire in the European Product Register for Energy Labeling (EPREL). The tire label can also be downloaded and printed in EPREL.
Consumers can access relevant tire information through the QR code displayed on the new EU tire label and download relevant information.
Since tire labelling was introduced in Europe, the most significant challenge has been the lack of market uptake of high-quality tires.
The study carried out by Lizeo Group between 2012 and 2020 reveals that tires rated A-A for both rolling resistance and wet grip represent less than 1% of the market. This data is in line with what the European Commission found in its assessment before the publication of the revised regulation. A tire label is still a young tool. The market has yet to fully appreciate using tires with the best rolling resistance (fuel efficiency) and wet grip (safety road).
Market surveillance is the cornerstone of effective enforcement.
ETRMA supports all measures that strengthen market surveillance through sanctions and penalties, increase the label's visibility, and introduce more substantial obligations for the Member States.
In its 60 years of operations, ETRMA has accompanied and assisted the tyre industry in its evolution towards greater sustainability and competitiveness, with the expert support of its increasing membership.
To find out more about the state of the matter, ETRMA has produced a publication whose graphic design has been entrusted to the communication agency #Pageinextremis.
Page in extremis has extensive expertise in communication with technical issues. The communication agency creates and refreshes brands and produces percussive digital and classic media.
Since 1994, the broad experience of the Belgian communication agency has advanced to more than eight hundred publications.
Be energised by our know-how; contact us!
More information: inextremis.be
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How to visually demonstrate the sensitivity to the environment at the brand level? The example of Spadel, a European and family-owned group.
Spadel produces and markets natural mineral waters, spring waters, and refreshing mineral water soft drinks. Firmly rooted in their natural parks and mountains of origin, the waters of Spadel — SPA, BRU, Carolla, Wattwiller, Devin — contribute to everyone's health through their ideal mineral content.
The Spadel group has, since its inception, expressed a pioneering spirit in favour of the environment. Spadel is aware of the impact of its economic activity on nature and is implementing ever more ambitious actions to preserve the environment.
The company has always advocated for the regional map: positioning itself as a leader in its field on a human scale, brands that are firmly anchored to their region, absolute respect for its sources' catchment areas, and the preservation of the natural and beneficial properties of its waters.
In 2012, the Spaded group selected the Page in extremis agency for a rebranding. The mission request is reinforcing in the visual identity the priority attention to its environmental impact and defining a set of rules likely to apply to the different locations of the group units.
The blue colour of the logo and its slight variations in blue intensity express an aquatic atmosphere reinforced by reworked typography, which suggests the idea of water drops. The green mark that underlines the name is handcrafted to present a sense of authenticity and uniqueness. The line emphasises the close link between Spadel and nature and its environment.
Spadel' strategy and products include the challenges of sustainable development at the heart of its commitments. Spadel' desire for a more sustainable world is illustrated by their practical and measurable actions towards environmental protection: reduction of their carbon footprint, emphasis on packaging recycling, conservation of biodiversity, the establishment of catchment protection perimeters, and security guarantees for employees and local stakeholders.
Numerous distinctions, awards, certifications and prizes attest to Spadel' determination - and they encourage it to go even further to protect, improve and rethink the world around them.
Page in extremis helps you clarify and define a brand strategy that expresses your organisation's very existence. The Belgian communication agency helps your organisation convey the appropriate messages consistently in all of your communication.
Ready to talk about the meaning of your brand? Let's get in touch! inextremis.be
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Why do you need to rebrand?
There are many reasons to review your brand's dynamics.
The scattering of your organisation's visual expression occurs almost naturally as your organisation grows. Fixing this scattering is the most common reason for a branding exercise.
A brand is like a living organism. It is born, grows, becomes an adult, and sometimes grows old.
When she grows up, her expression sometimes goes all over the place. Often, several people have to deal with different dimensions of its expression. Therefore, it is essential to define rules and principles that will apply to everyone to make the mark consistent and easily recognisable by those it addresses for each of its uses.
This disintegration of the brand's visual expression happened to the Belgian association Child Focus in 2011. This is why the communications director asked the agency inextremis.be to look into the issue.
The solution to giving consistency to the brand was to develop a graphic charter that included and explained all the rules and principles of using the brand's different components.
This Brand guide contained all the rules of use for all people in charge to use the visual expression of the Belgian association.
Page in extremis knew the association well because it has produced the annual Child Focus reports since its first edition.
The Foundation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children is an active public benefit foundation under Child Focus. Public funds cover one-third of Child Focus's needs. These funds are negotiated by project or annually—businesses and the general public fund the rest. Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, the Foundation works hard to find missing children and fight the sexual exploitation of minors online and offline.
In the years that followed, the inextremis.be agency continued to show its interest in sensitive childhood issues by providing its expertise in producing reports and brochures to the Eurochild network active at the European level.
Page in extremis helps you strengthen your brand's cohesion by developing guidelines that are easy to use and flexible enough so that your brand can express itself creatively and recognisably.
Do you want to know more? Get in touch with us!
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pageinextremis · 3 years
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Oxfam, a global movement of people fighting inequality.
In 1995 a group of independent non-governmental organisations formed Oxfam International to share knowledge and resources and combine their efforts in the fight against poverty and injustice.
Today, Oxfam is a global movement of people fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, Oxfam works with people to bring change that lasts. Oxfam work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding their asks in evidence and experience, Oxfam takes sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all its analysis, action and interaction.
Oxfam vision is a world that is fair and sustainable. - A world in which people and the planet are at the centre of just economies. - A world in which women and girls live free from gender-based violence and discrimination. - A world in which the climate crisis is contained, and inclusive and accountable governance systems allow those in power to be held to account.
Oxfam is working across regions in about 70 countries, with thousands of partners and allies, supporting communities to build better lives for themselves, build resilience and protect lives and livelihoods in times of crisis. Because Oxfam wants lasting solutions, it fights the inequalities that keep people locked in poverty and injustice - and campaigns for genuine, durable change.
"Fueling human rights violations: Consequences of EU and Belgian biofuel policies in northern Peru" is the title of an Oxfam-Belgium report. The communication agency Page in extremis has developed the publication in close collaboration with the Belgian Oxfam team.
Page in extremis has extensive expertise in communication with sensitive issues. The communication agency creates and refreshes human-centred brands and produces percussive digital and classic media.
Since 1994, the broad experience of the Belgian communication agency has advanced to more than seven hundred reports.
Be energised by our know-how; contact us!
More information: inextremis.be
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#Re-building a brighter tomorrow is the title of the FIEC Annual Report 2021
Whether it is preparing the ground for future growth through investing in infrastructure, dealing with the threat of climate change, adapting buildings to make them more energy-efficient or planning cities to meet the changing needs of future generations, the construction sector is the fundamental partner to make the future a reality.
The sustainable Europe of tomorrow cannot be achieved without the direct involvement of the construction industry. 
Created in 1905, FIEC stands for the European Construction Industry Federation. 
Through its 33 national member federations in 29 European countries (25 EU & Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey), it represents construction enterprises of all sizes (from one person craftsmen and SMEs through to large international firms), from all building and civil engineering specialities, engaged in all kinds of working methods (whether operating as main or sub-contractors).
Thanks to its wide-ranging representativeness FIEC is the officially recognised Social Partner representing employers in the European Sectoral Social Dialogue "Construction".
The construction sector is a fundamental component of Europe's economic growth and a significant source of employment. It generates about 10% of gross domestic product (GDP) in the EU and provides almost 13 million direct jobs.
Want to know more about FIEC achievements? Discover the FIEC Milestones timeline 2020-2021 in the 2021 Annual Report!
The Communication Agency, Page in extremis, is honoured to be the communication partner of FIEC. One of the most exemplary results of this collaboration is the annual report 2021, an impactful online publication made within an intimate creative dialogue framework involving the Belgian communication agency's creative unit and the inspiring FIEC team led by Domenico Campogrande, Director-General.
The communication agency Page in extremis turns brands into valuable assets and ensures the alignment with their strategic objectives.
Interested in partnering with Page in extremis?
Based in Brussels, the communication agency makes brands conversational, helps organisations manage their communities, engage with their stakeholders and convey their messages.
For more information:
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pageinextremis · 3 years
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A brand new Essay series launched by CER
The CER Essays initiative features a series of essays that show the rail sector as contributing to EU transport policy and reaching different aspects of society. Topics covered by the publication will range from the modal shift, climate policy, infrastructure investment, high-speed rail, demography and more.
Each essay will feature a different topic and co-author a CER member CEO and a leading academic from the same country. CER will use the publication to spark debate among political stakeholders on the role of rail in the EU.
The first essay sees the fundamental contribution of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB). It is titled: 'The Swiss experience to support modal shift: Performance-based road-charging and efficient rail infrastructure'.
Vincent Ducrot (SBB CEO ) and Professor Konstantinos Boulouchos (ETH Zurich) wrote the paper. They show that Switzerland is a best practice example with its modal shift policy for cross-alpine freight transport since the 90s. More than 72% of cross-alpine freight traffic in Switzerland is now on the rail.
CER releases its first essay during a high-level debate with MEPs and other stakeholders at the Mission of Switzerland to the EU. The publication comes after the EU Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy redefined the Commission's approach to rethinking the modal shift objectives, granting rail a pivotal role in meeting the EU climate objectives set out in the European Green Deal.
CER has entrusted the communication agency Page in extremis with the design and production of the CER essay.
The result is a comprehensive publication made within a genuine creative dialogue involving the CER communication team and the Belgian communication agency's designer unit.
Page in extremis turns brands into valuable assets and ensures alignment with their strategic objectives.
Interested in partnering with the agency?
Based in Brussels, the communication agency makes brands conversational, helps organisations manage their communities, engage with their stakeholders and convey their messages.
For more information: inextremis.be
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Next UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh!
COP26 ended on Saturday 13 November with weak decisions in many vital areas, including adaptation to climate change, the loss and damage it causes and climate finance. There are, however, some crucial points in the text that allow countries to increase their short-term climate ambition and implement binding climate policies.
One victory concerns the agreement reached on shorter-term commitments on climate action, alongside a reminder of the urgent need to halve emissions by 2030, in line to maintain warming at 1.5 ° C.
For the first time in history, the conclusions of COP26 refer to the end of coal and the disappearance of fossil fuel subsidies.
The final text recognises nature's essential role in achieving the 1.5 ° C target, encourages governments to integrate nature into their national climate plans, and establishes an annual dialogue on the oceans for mitigation actions and ocean-based adaptation.
The next climate summit, COP27, will be held in Sharm El-Sheikh.
Page in extremis is the communication partner with which the Belgian unit of WWF produces numerous print and digital publications. This collaboration started over 12 years ago.
During the COP26, WWF entrusted Page in extremis to develop a series of animated social media teasers.
Based in Brussels, the communication agency makes associations brands conversational, helps organisations engage with their stakeholders and convey their messages.
Contact us to get the conversation started: inextremis.be
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The SBGE changes its name: welcome to Hydria!
Thanks to the resumption of operation of the Brussels-South wastewater treatment plant, SBGE has become a genuine industrial operator in the water sector. To better reflect this new identity, the SBGE changed its name and became Hydria.
Damien De Keyzer, the CEO of Hydria, give us the key to the new name: based on the Greek root "hydro", which means "water", Hydria also refers to Hydria, a vase imagined in Antiquity to collect, transport and store water: a direct link with the activity of collecting wastewater.
This new name is accompanied by a logo that directly refers to the core business: wastewater recycling.
In addition to the name change, the SBGE website has been completely revamped!
The Hydria website is now an essential tool for providing the general public with helpful information about Hydria's activities and sustainable water management in the Brussels-Capital Region.
The communication agency Page in extremis is glad to have developed the Hydria website in close collaboration with Damien De Keyzer and his experts' team.
The high positive dynamics of this partnership have made it possible to create a nice-looking, engaging,  modern corporate website easily accessible to all those interested in sustainable management of water in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Page in extremis creates major web-based communications projects for many well-known international institutions and associations. Our communication and institutional reputation know-how make us a choice partner for many Brussels-capital region public institutions.
Our online projects set the standard for digital communications in the European and public affairs space as a leading communications agency.
We have defined a very smooth process, including monitoring and quality check particularly suited to provide the best results and maximum comfort to you.
More information: inextremis.be
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pageinextremis · 3 years
Metal Packaging for Sustainability: 10 Benefits of the Food Can
The food can is quickly sorted, efficiently recycled, and has a high end-of-life economic value. Food can is an excellent example of a sustainable packaging option that is well-suited for ‘real circularity’. 
When it comes to sustainable but also safe and versatile packaging, it’s therefore pretty hard to beat the food can.
The European association Metal Packaging Europe has developed an infographic that presents the ten advantages of the food can.
The infographic forms a whole that can be divided into ten visuals to share on social networks. Each shows an advantage in using the food can as packaging.
Metal Packaging Europe gives Europe’s rigid metal packaging industry a unified voice by bringing manufacturers, suppliers, and national associations. Their membership covers more than 760 companies, employing over 177.000 people. 90% of member companies are small and medium-sized enterprises.
The organisation represents the industry’s views and stakeholders’ opinions to understand how metal packaging contributes to the Circular Economy.
The easily understandable infographic results from a close collaboration between the inspiring team of the European association and the graphic unit of the communication agency Page in extremis.
The communication agency has over 25 years of experience providing Distinctive Communication for global institutions, European associations, and leading corporations. 
This experience, combined with an in-depth knowledge of marketing and communication theories and the inherent creativity of the team, makes them the creative agency of choice for the ‘Brussels Bubble’ and beyond.
The agency regularly develops detailed brand strategies and complex communication plans for many clients, including global, European, and regional industry, trade associations, and leading corporations.
As the chosen partner of several European and international institutions, Page in extremis has significant experience with EU- and publicly-funded projects.
To learn how your project can benefit from a big-hearted agency, contact them today! inextremis.be
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