#paimon kite
tirsden · 4 months
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Lantern Rite has been a bit busy, what with four playthroughs doing probably everything and the minor fish/farm worlds/challenges doing just enough of the minigames to bag the outfit and character pick... but I would say the biggest impact is for the No Wishing challenge, because Xingqiu is finally home. He didn't get pre-farmed properly due to finishing off all current Traveler kits to at least 9 for every talent, but there is plenty of time to make pretty pastel chaos at Oceanid and talents will get their turn after water-boi is 90.
Character picks for the serious playthroughs:
Main account: Gaming F2P challenge: Chongyun C4 EU low-spenders: Yanfei Asia no-wishies: Xingqiu
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kurisuu101 · 4 months
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I drew this before Lantern Rite chapter 2 started and I'm thinking that Paimon will be a kite and I called it lmaoo~
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baeshijima · 4 months
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theyre so silly
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Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites - Genshin Impact (2 / 2)
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kitehaizaki · 1 year
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WiP I'm not sure when I'll get to finish
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Genshin Impact "Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites" Web Event Wallpapers Showcase: Set 2
Hello, Travelers! Paimon has prepared web event wallpapers from "Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites" for you to use~ Come grab your favorites now!
Click the link to download the wallpapers in different dimensions!
Dancing beasts to wave in the new, and soaring kites for blessings too!
The Lantern Rite is here, bringing happiness, prosperity, and good fortune~
Go to the "Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites" Web Event
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genshinpng · 4 months
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Assets from "Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites" - 1/? Logo, buttons, and chibis of Paimon, Aether, and Lumine.
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spumonibones · 3 months
Wind in Hand (XVN fic)
Was accepting prompts to challenge myself to write short stories! This was a suggestion by Kanonavi - thank you! Prompt: "what about Xiao and Venti flying kites together for Lantern Rite?"
“I’ll leave these two kites with you. Perhaps you can find a few friends with which to partake in the activity. You might find it to be an enjoyable use of your time.” Zhongli had spoken so casually, leaving names unspoken to alleviate unintentional pressure. The openness invited a multitude of options. There was the obvious hope the once Geo Archon carried, that Xiao would opt to eventually request himself and Hu Tao. A request that would, in time, be made. The other obvious choice was the Traveler and Paimon, a pair that drifted in and out of Liyue as frequently as the sun and moon traded places in the sky. One day the two were there, and the next resuming their travels to another place in Teyvat. 
Neither pair were the names that came to Xiao’s mind. 
None came to mind, really. Just a giant, blank emptiness as Zhongli had suggested friends. Xiao didn’t really have friends. His life had been, until recently, rather isolated. 
Yet as soon as Xiao found himself asking, “Oh, uh… Wait, who enjoys kite-flying?” The answer had already arrived. 
The day was still young, and there was yet time to watch the Xiao Lanterns and kites to rise when night fell. Once the conversation had ended, the yaksha traveled a familiar path. One he had traversed many times over the last two-thousand years. The reason never once wavering, though the explanation often did. A reason that always brought with him rationality using notes pure and comforting. The scent of flowers that only blossomed from the soft caress of crisp Monstadt winds followed his steps, sometimes mingling with that of apple blooms. It was always the wind that came to visit Xiao, for the yaksha could never leave Liyue. 
That did not mean the yaksha never found a place in the middle, a purgatory that existed solely for their meetings. 
The Ridge Watch domain was the more notable landmark for those less experienced with what the ruins around it had once been. Much to his chagrin, Xiao found two Fatui members chatting while they played cards. Scaring them away was surprisingly easy. The two had mistook Xiao’s scolding voice to be a commander, scrambling to get to wherever they were supposed to actually be. The scene would have been comical were Xiao not irritated that the pair were in their spot. Rolling his shoulders and controlling his breath, the yaksha tried to exhale the agitation. This was not how he wanted to greet the other. Once calmed, Xiao stood by the invisible line that separated Liyue and Mondstadt. He could not take a step further. Not without risking the contract that, though he was no longer held accountable for, still treasured too deeply to break. 
Someday, perhaps. When the idea didn’t threaten to break his heart all over again.
There had never been a need to yell or call out. All Xiao ever had to do was remove a qingxin flower, and carefully release it into the breeze. Allow the wind to carry the white petals along with it into Monstadt, a quiet calling card. If the other was among mortals, the wait could be awhile. Sudden disappearances tended to raise questions and suspicion. 
Maybe the wind knew this would happen. Barely seconds passed, Xiao standing there with his eyes closed while feeling the light flutters of dandelion seeds fluttering across his face and hair. Gold eyes opened, turning to where the wind came from to spot Venti standing there next to him. Close enough to smell cecilias, apples, and the first hints of… Rice wine. A slight smile found its way onto Xiao’s face. Couldn’t help the fond amusement at how, even if not in Liyue, Venti still celebrated Lantern Rite. Knew the bard preferred the taste of apple-based ales over fermented rice, yet still drank based on the occasion. 
“Happy Lantern Rite.” Venti greeted, fond smile curving into his eyes.
“Happy Lantern Rite.” Xiao returned, his eyes softening from its more common biting gaze. Too many centuries chiding humans for traveling into danger made beautiful golds into something sharper, but this was not a person that needed chiding. Well. Exempting playful chiding, at any rate. 
“You seem well.” Venti commented, eyes of blues and greens filled with warmth that the karmic debt that tried to consume Xiao seemed almost quiet in the sunlit field. 
“I am. What you did last year is still helping. Is… Always helping.” Xiao murmured, unable to restrain the need to slide his hand into Venti’s. Ran his thumb in a circle within the bard’s palm, quietly regretted not taking his glove off first to feel the softness of the other’s skin. There were little laughs from Venti, his own fingers wrapping around the yaksha’s to return the hold. 
“That’s good! At first, I was a bit worried this was a call for help.” Venti admitted. “Does that mean… This is just a visit?” He asked, hope mingling with an almost playful tone. 
“Something like that.” Xiao admitted. At this, Venti raised a brow with one side of his lips twitching as it tried to switch from smile to grin. “They’re doing something… Different for Lantern Rite this year. Kites. Do you… I mean, would you like to…?” As Xiao fumbled over how he wanted to ask, more laughter tickled his ears. 
“Would I!” Venti declared, delight in his voice as he pulled the yaksha with him more into Liyue territory. Closer to the domain, and further away from where Dawn Winery stood in the distance. There was an old, rocky column held aloft by part of the wall it was still attached to, and a large boulder it had fallen onto. The length of it was at an angle, but could be used for sitting if either of them wanted to. The ancient beam was too high to lean against while they stood, but Venti apparently intended to stand on it. More than willing to roll with the bard’s antics, Xiao followed suit. These antics always ended up being entertaining, or enjoyable. An aspect that Hu Tao also had, and was a big reason he felt a certain fondness towards the funeral director. The mischief she carried, the love of poetry she had, these two aspects reminded the yaksha so much of Venti. 
A similarity that with as much Xiao enjoyed, he did not point out to Zhongli. The yaksha very much doubted that Zhongli would feel that same comfort if this was ever brought to his attention. Someone would, eventually, tell Zhongli that his search for familiarity led him to finding a boss that subconsciously reminded him of the windiest pain in his neck. That someone would not be Xiao.
“What kind of kites did you bring?” Venti asked eagerly, never once releasing Xiao’s hand as he all but bounced on his heels. 
“I… Well…” Xiao fumbled, suddenly self-conscious about the fact one of the kites was mechanized and needed no wind. This was the Anemo Archon. Had Xiao actually brought a no-wind needing kite… To the Anemo Archon? As the points of his ears turned red, the bard remained polite and didn’t comment on the growing blush. “These ones… Were given to me.” With his free hand, he pulled out the two kites. There was the one designed by Director Hu herself, designed with the shape of her mascot ghost with floral accents. That was the traditional kite. The mechanical one was that of the dancing butterfly design, the frame somewhat heavier due to the components versus its lighter, ghost counterpart. “Apparently there was some Fontainian influence this year, to make kites that… Can fly on their own.” He tried to supply, attempting to swallow back his anxiety. 
“Fontainian, hmm?” Venti echoed, humming thoughtfully as he ran fingers along the two designs. “Humans are amazing, aren’t they?” He asked, that fondness still in his eyes as he looked at the pair of kites. “Always marching towards the future, ever shaping and changing.” The two stood in silence, Xiao uncertain if it would be more rude or less if he offered to use the mechanical one. “I’ll bet you this kite would fly in Mare Jivari! Oh, but… Hmm. It might go up in flames instead, huh?” He murmured, gaze curious and thoughtful. “Do you have a preference?” The bard finally asked, pulling away from his thoughts to turn that gaze from kites to yaksha. 
“No. Not really. I just… Wanted to fly kites with… You.” Xiao finished, almost shyly. For as long as the two had known each other, for as many kisses the two shared, each visit always felt like the first. Yet the feeling was that of having known Venti forever, to no longer fathoming a time in which the bard wasn’t an integral piece of Xiao’s heart. The hand holding his swayed, and Venti bumped his shoulder against Xiao’s.
“Awe! Do you have a crush on me, Conqueror of Hearts?” Venti teased.
“Of Demons.” Xiao grumbled, the red on his ears creeping towards his cheeks. “Bar-...Venti, we’ve been dating for centuries now.” He reminded the other, despite knowing full well he didn’t need to. 
“We have?!” Venti gasped playfully, no longer bumping and now letting their shoulders simply touch. “I don’t have to be your secret admirer anymore? I can openly admire you?” He asked, leaning closer so that their noses bumped. 
“Only if you let me do the same for you.” Xiao’s answer was quiet, more a comment to himself than one he intended to share. 
“...Is that what you want?” Venti inquired, pausing in his impish banter to stare directly into Xiao’s. Their eyes were locked on each other, unspoken questions passing between the pair. 
“May I?” Xiao’s request was soft, a hesitation away from pressing closer. To not just feel but taste the bard’s breath.
“...Of course.” Venti finally conceded, the laugh not even leaving him before Xiao’s lips pressed into his. The two kites fluttered from a gloved hand, the bare fingers that had been touching them no longer able to. Instead Xiao wanted to hold something far better, one hand still clutching Venti’s while the other wrapped around the bard’s waist. There was time to fly the kites before lanterns rose into the sky. There would be many more days to fly kites together. But right then, Xiao didn’t watch to watch the wind - he wanted to hold it. To feel Venti lean into his hold, to have as many moments like this as he could. 
Moments that now, wouldn’t stop even if humans were around to witness it. 
NOTES: For the fic, rewatched some cutscenes, and could not find any showing what mechanical kite design Zhongli had to give Xiao. Thought about it being the scissor-tail swallow, but its symbolism was, “good fortune and different tiding,” with colour variations lending to other meanings. Keqing didn’t go into what different colours might mean. Meanwhile, the dancing butterfly design was, “freedom, happiness, or the desire to break free.” Which is more in alignment with Xiao and Venti.
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vesvosmozhno · 4 months
Lantern Rite is almost over but I'm still gonna mark this lil thread of my thoughts for spoilers
Paimon kite is my favorite thing ever
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thetravelerstale · 4 months
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Wishing for Peace and Rest
The night is full of lanterns, fireworks and stars. Kites had flown for hours thanks to Xianyun’s help though only a few close friends of the adeptus knew this. To most it had seemed as if another, much bigger kite had led the others back into the air. A weary traveler had long grown tired after the long day spent helping his new friend and he had retired early to indulge in a more personal matter.
He left Paimon to Zhongli’s care while seeking out the familiar temple, a meeting spot that's seen more frequent visits since his temporary stay in Liyue. He paid his respects to the statue of Pervaces, hands clasped in silent prayer that the next year may bring him peace.
“I've never been one to pray, perhaps knowing better than most that no god would ever listen…” He opened his eye to cast a side glance at the man that spoke, smiling softly when he saw the indigo haired puppet also bow his head. “I do however, have no qualms making a selfish wish if there's a chance it'd be granted.”
Aether nodded, his smile never fading as the two finished and walked outside together where they heard the soft whistling of a bird call. On the hill behind the temple stood Xiao, his clothes gently swaying in the breeze as the moon peaked behind him. For a moment the traveler thought he was facing a god, before the male beside him let go of his hand in favor of holding his hat as he turned away.
“I'll see you some other time then-”
“Wait,” Xiao called out, instantly in front of the puppet in a blink of an eye, “stay?” The man fumbled with his words for a moment, trying to find the right ones. “I… would enjoy the company of both of you.” To emphasize this, the adeptus held onto the puppet's hand, gloved fingers interlocking with ball jointed ones.
The puppet would have blushed at the sincerity of the gesture and he let out a sigh, shoulders relaxing. “You know I cannot say no to you, either of you.” He turns to give a knowing glance at the blond who only smiled before climbing to sit atop the hill. Xiao teleported back to where he had stood, bringing the puppet along with him and together the three sat on the edge and watched the stars.
After a moment, Xiao retrieved the lantern he had brought with him, his companions eyeing it curiously. “I… know it is crude looking. Menogias was much better at things like these, but I would like to release it with you both.”
“I have not participated in many festivals, but aren't you supposed to do this in the harbor?” the puppet asked with a tilt of his head, causing the adeptus to tense up for a moment.
“I would prefer to do this here, I am sure it will still count even if we are on this side of the mountains around the city.”
The puppet nodded his head, a hand coming to rest on the base of the lantern beside Xiao’s followed by the traveler's and together the three gently pushed it into the sky. A weight settled on the puppet’s lap and he looked to find Xiao's head, eyes closed already as his breath began evening out, another weight leaned on his back as the traveler wrapped his arms around his shoulders and rested his head on his neck. He sighed, but only moved to brush his fingers though Xiao's hair with a soft smile.
“Rest you two. I will be here.” He turned to face the sky again as a shooting star streaked across, disappearing behind the northern mountains where the adepti live.
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iluvsnflwrs · 3 months
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N–No way! paimon kite but its smug bby oboi
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baeshijima · 4 months
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Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites - Genshin Impact (1 / 2)
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eternal-moss · 4 months
waaaaaaaaa this is the best Genshin update ever. I have so many thoughts. The family stuff… god I’m predictable but I loved it so so much. Xianyun :( her proud smile of Gaming…
DONT even get me started about Hu Tao Zhongli and Xiao. I’m actually in shambles. Of course Zhongli’s silly kite metaphor about looking after your children did nothing to me. Nothing in the slightest.
I’m running on 4 hours of sleep and I’ve done 2 exams today so my brain isn’t in the capacity to write some lovely prose or any coherent analysis about the event so far but god. Xianyun’s demo is the 2nd best, but her story quest was the best, Chenyu vale is the best region in the game, the best event and the best version. I feel so aauaiuauauuuu
Gaming. Gaming. My son. My son. Shenhe my lovely eccentric daughter. I laughed so hard at that part my dad thought I was crying from downstairs and I had to explain the plot to him. I’ve never actually laughed at any of the Genshin jokes before out loud but oh my gosh it was hilarious. Ganyu fixing her hair ☹️ So older sister I actually cannot. Ganyu’s capacity as an older sister is so relatable I love first born daughter characters (totally not biased in any way). Xiao……….. Hu Tao :(((( I cannot cannot cannot with those three. SILLY OLD DRAGON. SILLY OLD CRANE.
The voice acting this version has been PHENOMENAL. I know some people think the English localisations for Gaming are a bit awkward (which I get. But I think it suits him. My cringey son.) but I love both the cn and en voicing. MY SONNNNNNNNNNNN. AUGH,.,’”*#’#’
Qiqi and Yaoyao :( golden finch :( Yaoyao Shenhe Ganyu Shuyu. XIANYUN SILLY OLD CRANE UEUEUEEEEE.
FamilyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Liyue harbour. Üuuuuuuuuuuuuü. I can’t I just cannooooot. And now with Xianyun’s descension. They are all together. A. A a. A. aa A. A.
Familial ties are one of the key things that drew me to Genshin. Art, culture, mythology, music, gameplay, lore and found family is genuinely what keeps me tied to this game. Emphasis on the damned found family. Xianyun of course calls them her disciples. BUT ZHONGLI STRAIGHT UP CALLED THEM HER DAUGHTERS.
I had to take a moment to calm down from that. There were a lot of moments when I had to do that. Ohhhhhhhhhhh iaaiaiaiiaiiiiiii
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Genshin Impact "Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites" Web Event Wallpapers Showcase
Hello, Travelers! Paimon has prepared web event wallpapers from "Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites" for you to use~ Come grab your favorites now!
Click the link to download the wallpapers in different dimensions!
Dancing beasts to wave in the new, and soaring kites for blessings too!
The Lantern Rite is here, bringing happiness, prosperity, and good fortune~
Go to the "Dancing Beasts and Soaring Kites" Web Event
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licndcnced · 4 months
⚠️ Spoilers for Quest 2 of Lantern Rite ⚠️
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I adore the dynamic of Xianyun and Gaming as Xianyun sees him as a respectful young man and she was hoping to treat him to a meal for him going all the way to Mt.Aocang to assist with the kite making the others were doing, even going out of his way to look after Shuyu, Xianyun's newest disciple.
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Ganyu mentioning that it's rare for Xianyun to see someone making a good impression on her and for Xianyun to say that she has high standards means that she cares for Gaming very much like one of her own disciples! This is so precious! My heart!
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Shenhe then mentions to Xianyun that Gaming sees himself as a kite tethered to the ground by a string, unable to break free from his family situation.
Xianyun questions where Shenhe heard words like these and then Paimon says that Gaming ran away from home and never returned.
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Everyone was shocked to hear such words and want to hear the full story, when Paimon finally explained even though she was hesitant as she wasn't sure if Gaming be okay with letting others know about his situation.
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Xianyun was stunned, she didn't want to see this situation turn into a regret of sorts for a family so now, the group has a plan to make things right.
The plan isn't explained as the quest ends on a cliffhanger, Quest 3 is available in two days and I'm like "save the precious boy!!" 😭 😭 😭
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