#painting elective
k00280184 · 1 year
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Continuing my interest in colour studies, I did a page considering some contrasting colour combinations. Like in Holly Warburton's art, I was really drawn to orange and blue, so I decided to continue with that.
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The colours of this scan are very inaccurate unfortunately, but these are some oil pastel studies I did. The orange is lighter and while the overlapping orange and blue does appear green, it's not as deep as this in real life. I enjoyed making these, but I found it difficult to make them feel "finished".
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k00288091 · 1 year
Exploring Electives - Monochrome Painting
Following on from the workshop on Monday, and of course the previous artist research I conducted on Pablo Picasso, I decided to try and complete a painting following on from this.
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I began to think about what kind of painting I wanted to do, I first considered the gestural painting style we did on Monday, but I didn't really enjoy it.
When I was younger, I used to paint these images on glass sheets. Basically, you attach an image on the back of the glass and paint on top, but it's more about painting in shapes then blending, which reminded me of Monday's workshop and Picasso's cubism work.
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At the end, you're left with this really unusual image from building up layers that's actually pretty interesting. I ensured that while painting, I would use similar colours in the photo and through this, similar colours from Picasso's paintings.
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The final result isn't as nice as I wanted it to be, plus it's quite uneven in some parts and more messy looking than abstract. The only part I was particularly happy with was the bottom part of the carousel. Also, when I printed the photograph I completely forgot to invert it so it would come out the proper way around!
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Anyways, I'm glad I tried it out because I hadn't done a whole lot of painting before this. It was great to bring my photography elective into my painting work.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 21 days
Dog Democracy
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ID: Three African Painted Dogs facing the camera, holding the same stick. They have not a single thought between them. The dogs are mottled black, white and a pale brown/yellow. They have large ears.
Group decision making in the animal kingdom is always really funny to me, because there's so many surprising ways in which it's implemented.
Painted Dogs (aka African Wild Dogs akaka Cape hunting dogs) operate on a semi-democratic system when it comes to deciding when to go on an adventure (excursion). Unfortunately they don't have voting centres or ballot papers, mostly because they don't have opposable thumbs so holding a pen would be really hard.
Instead, they sneeze! If a quorum is reached within the group, they will depart to complete the task they need, which can range from hunting to exploring new territory. Much like human democracies, they're not quite equal: those individuals with higher social standing carry a greater weight in the vote, and thus a few high ranking sneezes are sufficient for a quorum, vs many inferior sneezes.
So Fuck Pericles, Fuck Athens, give credit where it's due, dogs had democracy long before humans did.
If you are in the UK and above the age of 18, don't forget to REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE GENERAL ELECTION by the 18th of June! It is our civic duty to beat the everloving neoliberal shit out of The Tories and The Tories Lite.
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gummi-ships · 9 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Halloween Town
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h0nk · 1 year
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Omg guys can yall believe she won tumblrwoman 2023 ? <3
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amuwo · 19 days
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Puru C4 and Haman D4 for this expression meme thingy
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renardsruses · 6 months
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Watermelon sugar!! 🍉
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phantasymistart · 7 months
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sorry i’ve been mia but school’s been killing me this semester😅 here’s a wip for a course project i’m working on
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showyouhowiswing · 17 days
Some chyan headcanons:
most people think they became friends during that summer at Lava Springs, after the baseball game and Ryan became more inmeshed with the general student body
it's true enough, kind of.
they weren't friends during junior year, before all that shit went down with Troy and Gabi and the school musical, but they were something
they hooked up a few times during Darbus's detentions, backstage where no one would ever find them and once in the rafters while they were supposed to be painting the top bit of a set
it didnt mean anything. they didnt talk about it. it just sort of happened numerous times. they were both totally chill about it and Chad definitely didnt spend many nights by himself, thinking about what it would be like to not be so lonely. Ryan didnt either.
the first actual night they spent together was after the infamous baseball game, and at some point lying in the dark, tangled up in each other, Chad admitted he didn't know why they hadnt done this before.
"No beds backstage, and we were on a timecrunch. Besides, you wouldn't have said yes if I invited you over."
once they really became friends, Chad spent most of his friday nights at Ryan's, even after senior year started.
it was only a little bit about sex.
Chad eventually confessed that Ryan was his queer awakening. Ryan refused to believe him because he knew he wasn't the first guy Chad had fooled around with.
it's true though.
sophomore year Ryan became the mascot, and the first time Chad saw him take the head off Ryan was drenched in sweat and his hair was sticking to his forehead. Chad went home that night and dreamt about it.
he did hookup with a guy on the track team, convinced that his fixation on Ryan was a fluke.
it wasn't a fluke.
Ryan knew about track team guy not because Chad told him, but because he also used to hook up with the guy and he saw some rather incriminating texts on his phone.
junior year Chad kissed Ryan first, but only because Ryan egged him on.
"If you dont want to chat, Danforth, maybe you should find something else for us to do."
yes it was because of the texts, no he didnt think Chad would actually do it. he was pleasantly surprised though.
after the game it was also Chad who initiated, although it went a little differently.
"I'll do the show on two conditions, Evans. One, you go out for baseball this year. I don't care what your sister or anyone else has to say about it."
"And the second?"
"Take your pants off."
over the course of senior year, everybody kind of figured there was something going on with them, but it wasn't confirmed until the morning after prom. they all shared a handful of hotel rooms, except Sharpay who fucked off to god knows where, and Ryan who specifically got his own room to get away from the eventual chaos.
and Chad, who was of course the exception to the rule.
Zeke woke them up the next morning for brunch, and Ryan (in an attempt to be helpful) tried to cover and say he slept on the floor, obviously there was nothing indecent going on.
Chad, from under the duvet, announced that Rayn was a terrible liar because not only did they definitely have sex last night, it had been going on awhile, and also Chad was very bisexual and anyway they'd be down for brunch in half an hour.
he made a similar speech at brunch minus the duvet and specifics regarding the sex.
everyone was chill, though money did exchange hands. Kelsi was miffed they didnt wait until after graduation so she could win the pool.
they're happy together.
so incredibly happy.
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bonnieura · 26 days
.. On this day, May 29th 1917, the now 35th president of the United States John F. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. Kennedy, a fresh graduate from Harvard University in 1940, instantaneously joined the navy in 1941. During World War II, he commanded a torpedo boat and was severely injured in an attack by foreign forces. And whilst these injuries may have accompanied him his entire life, his heroic action earned him the Purple Heart. Kennedy was elected to the House of Representatives in 1946 at just 29 and the U.S. Senate in 1952 at 35. He then narrowly won over the republican candidate Richard Nixon by less than 100k votes in the 1960 election. To say that John F. Kennedy's robust image impacted the American public in more ways than one would be barefaced understatement– in spite of mainstream media, his life was fascinating as much as it was tragic and ill; his cause of death wasn't the only thing to him.. nor were the policies during the Kennedy administration. Today marks J.F.K's 107th .
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pt.2 / 1962
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k00280184 · 1 year
Life Painting
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This Monday's painting felt like it went much more smoothly for me. I think I learned from last week and my practice how I can approach it better. This week I managed to get the whole figure in and the plinth he was lying on, so I feel good about that! I think I still have a lot to learn here, but I'm enjoying seeing my work improve.
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k00288091 · 1 year
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Artist Research - Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso is famous for may of his iconic abstract works throughout the years, including his portraiture work.
After my painting workshop with Sylvia on Monday, I began to research different types of monochromatic artists, and came across this particular article.
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"Las Meninas (Infanta Margarita María)" (1957).
In this article, I was surprised to find Pablo Picasso as I really only remember him as being someone who used a lot of colour. I came across this particular piece that I found really interesting.
I was really interested in the way Picasso used the different black, whites and greys in this painting as there's such a large contrast between the darks and the lights. For example, the darkness of the left of the painting compared to the nearly all white corner of the right hand side.
I was thinking how the colours in this painting really reminded me of the colours in some of my pinhole photography, so I am going to try paint an abstract-esque piece inspired by the colouring and shapes of this painting.
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wiktorjackowski · 1 year
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election night, 2023, oil on canvas, 80 x 105 cm
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screamingay · 10 months
someone on here will literally say "encouraging plastic surgery for the sole purpose of conforming to eurocentric beauty standards isn't actually feminism" and 200 other people will come out of the woodworks and chant in harmony LET WOMEN BE HAPPY and WHAT ABOUT TRANS PEOPLE AND BURN VICTIMS as if the post wasn't clearly 1. about womens' self image & insecurities being strongly influenced by the richest and whitest of society and 2. not about trans people or burn victims at all
#ive thought about it a lot and i know the main argument is that it's bodily autonomy and also having it more widely available makes it#easier for the people who really do need it to get it#but like. first of all the industry (and it is an industry) spends SO much money convincing women their bodies look wrong#if it wasnt advertised everywhere and if the expectation wasnt there to look 'perfect' according to the most recent trends#the amount of women getting elective plastic surgery would be drastically lower#second of all. yeah having more surgeons out there means more experience and safer treatments for those who really need it..#as long as they have the money#and for trans people as long as they have money and/or good insurance and/or all the required medical documentation and/or therapy#and at the end of the day you can criticize just part of something but not all of it. i feel like a lot of people forget that when they#start saying shit online. just stop and think and dont interact with people assuming the worst of them!!#when i criticize the beauty industry im never calling any woman who's ever worn makeup or gotten a facelift evil it's an INDUSTRY#it's systemic!!!#almost reminds me of how criticizing the patriarchy and systemic misogyny as a lesbian will get u painted as some man hating terf#i love men! i dont blame individual men for the system we're all a part of i just criticize its existence and try to work to dismantle it#and i know complaining on the internet is like a little raindrop in the ocean but still. it needs to be discussed i think
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itsevansart · 11 months
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i'm having so much fun with their shapes & stuff
make my day by reblogging and not reposting!
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nando161mando · 11 months
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"The Exxon Mobil heatwave killed 3000 people this week..."
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