#start saying shit online. just stop and think and dont interact with people assuming the worst of them!!
screamingay · 9 months
someone on here will literally say "encouraging plastic surgery for the sole purpose of conforming to eurocentric beauty standards isn't actually feminism" and 200 other people will come out of the woodworks and chant in harmony LET WOMEN BE HAPPY and WHAT ABOUT TRANS PEOPLE AND BURN VICTIMS as if the post wasn't clearly 1. about womens' self image & insecurities being strongly influenced by the richest and whitest of society and 2. not about trans people or burn victims at all
#ive thought about it a lot and i know the main argument is that it's bodily autonomy and also having it more widely available makes it#easier for the people who really do need it to get it#but like. first of all the industry (and it is an industry) spends SO much money convincing women their bodies look wrong#if it wasnt advertised everywhere and if the expectation wasnt there to look 'perfect' according to the most recent trends#the amount of women getting elective plastic surgery would be drastically lower#second of all. yeah having more surgeons out there means more experience and safer treatments for those who really need it..#as long as they have the money#and for trans people as long as they have money and/or good insurance and/or all the required medical documentation and/or therapy#and at the end of the day you can criticize just part of something but not all of it. i feel like a lot of people forget that when they#start saying shit online. just stop and think and dont interact with people assuming the worst of them!!#when i criticize the beauty industry im never calling any woman who's ever worn makeup or gotten a facelift evil it's an INDUSTRY#it's systemic!!!#almost reminds me of how criticizing the patriarchy and systemic misogyny as a lesbian will get u painted as some man hating terf#i love men! i dont blame individual men for the system we're all a part of i just criticize its existence and try to work to dismantle it#and i know complaining on the internet is like a little raindrop in the ocean but still. it needs to be discussed i think
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ghostbrawl · 3 months
sent the 🐯 - nono the thing is i do know you!! youre not a stranger im just... sometimes i get spooked off, from interacting so much. because sometimes i think people just hate me and only keep me around as to not make me upset :( and thats got nothin to do with you, you didnt do anything wrong. its me with my stupid thoughts and shit. i think youre really cool and i love your art and style and you seem so confident and dont give a shit about a lot of things. im intimidated by that
tried to answer this one privately and realized i couldn't because its an anon ask haha .. welp! i still want you to hear my input on this one so it's just going to be no reblog.
i'm going to put my response under the cut though for the sake of people's dashboards and because it's somewhat mushy. continue if you dare, followers - i'll be talking in depth about, like, emotions an shit.
so i sat on this ask for a while and really rolled it around my enclosure a little bit. full disclosure i need to just say for a long time i also felt this way - by that i mean feeling as though [people just hate me and only keep me around as to not make me upset] - for various reasons.
one reason was that i had experienced real world examples of this sort of coddling many times - people online and in real life would often entertain me to my face and talk about me behind my back, mostly until i got too annoying to bear and was openly lashed out at or shunned. most of these incidents occurred when i was 16 or younger, to be fair, but they did make a mark on me.
another reason was just anxiety - if i didn't know exactly what the people around me thought, it would be safe to say those thoughts were bad. it would've verified what i thought about myself- and assuming those people already hated me allowed me to empathize with the versions of my loved ones that i created in my head. i often mourned the fact that they had to deal with me before i even knew whether they were annoyed or not.
these were the two main reasons why i often felt like people hated me, but i'm sure there were more.
i don't have an EXACT read on who you are anon, though i feel like i have an idea (you don't have to tell me, but if you'd like, reach out and send me a dm) - but personally, if we know each other, and i've not yelled at you or blocked you or told you not to talk to me, there's an incredibly decent chance (99%) that i neither hate you nor think you're annoying.
if you're my next door neighbor from two years ago, i take that back. but if you aren't, keep reading!
other than in my deepest darkest worst moments, i've pretty much trained myself out of the kneejerk assumption that my friends and loved ones hate me. i'll try not to sound preachy when i talk about why, but trust me when i say i have a point here in talking about it.
anyway - here's how i stopped doing that.
#1 - i started to model my own understandings of people's attitudes toward others based on my own attitudes.
ok i know that sounds weird or isn't very easy to understand so let me just give an example.
a technique i used a lot was just thinking through how, when, and why i liked or loved my friends. i loved my friends because they have similar interests to me, because of the history we had together, because it was easy to communicate with them, because i loved their minds and ideas, because they enriched my life (even when i didn't talk to them as much), because i was excited to hear from them + learn about their life, because i cared about them and didn't want to see them sick or hurt, because they were fun to hang out with, etc. etc etc.
then, i'd think about how i felt when one of my friends messed up, was irritating, annoying, or made me angry in some way. depending on how egregious the ill was, i reacted anywhere from pretty much none at all (for most irritations or annoyances) - to 'angry in the moment, it fades later' (for high stress situations in which i had no excuses for that friend) - to 'we seriously need to work this out' (for ongoing situations in which i was building up the strength to address).
most of the time, the irritations i encountered fell into the first category. many times i couldn't even be annoyed - i loved those friends so much that it didn't even matter, either in the very second the irritation happened or in the grand scheme of things.
in the few moments that i encountered more grave irritations such as those in the last category, what usually would happen is either that me and the other person sorted out our grievances and both agreed to change our behavior, or we parted ways.... and many of the friends i parted ways with i found wanting their company again and reconnected with them.
in evaluating myself in the context of my friends, though i can never know how, when, or why my friends love me, i know for relative certainty that when i am irritating or annoying to them, it is incidental and fades just as quickly for them as it fades for me. my friends will never be as concerned with my small flaws and ills as i am - it simply doesn't affect them nearly as much as it affects me.
^ this idea is doubly true for acquaintances and people you don't know as well as to say "friends" -- at the acquaintance level people can choose whether to get closer or to drift, factoring in time, interest, hyperfixation, location, their jobs, etc.
but this first technique only worked when i had the self-esteem to internalize the fact that other people's inner worlds were both just as complex as mine (holding complex feelings about oneself and each other) and just as simple as mine (annoyed or not? and for how long? etc)!
so another thing that really helped me was
#2 - faking confidence until i could build it properly.
i know everyone says this shit and it seems so ineffectual when it feels much more grounded and real to be cynical, to be anxious and upset with oneself.
and in many senses, it IS ineffectual - immediately. faking confidence is something that only works over years of doing it, and in faking your confidence you must also identify very real parts of yourself to be Actual Confident(tm) about and work toward feeling that way for real.
faking confidence is the sandbox where i, personally, found actual things to be proud of myself for within. when i faked confidence in my voice, way of thinking, my art, and my personality, i eventually found actual things to like in each of those aspects of myself based on how people reacted to that "front" of confidence i put up about those aspects of myself.
for a while i faced an awkward phase where my faked confidence was so intense that it manifested as arrogance and aggression toward others -- avoid this if you can . facepalm emoji.
but in presenting myself as somebody who was equal (or even greater) than other people in social situations i was in, other people pointed out things to be praised about me.
at first i'd be skeptical, but i'd keep it in the back of my mind. but over time, i'd see over and over the success of those parts of myself in social situations, artistic circles, athletic contexts, etc, and start to think "maybe i am good at [x]" or "maybe [personality trait] about me is helpful and cool", and on and on and on.
confidence and self-like is a process that builds on itself and gets easier over time. the second i began to question whether traits i had were really harmful or bad, the more i started to see reinforcing evidence of the contrary; of them being productive, healthy, interesting, worth having rather than destroying.
and the further you progress in this avenue, the easier it is to #not give a shit about things - or to respond less to attacks on the psyche or personality.
and when i reinforced + gained a respect for the parts of myself i once hated, it became easier to believe that others could admire me as much i admired them - that others could brush off my shortcomings as easily as i brushed off theirs.
recently, i hate to admit, i've had to start this process of loving myself all over again as i've started to experience a major personality shift brought on by gaining different + new responsibilities in my life. i respond differently to new circumstances so many times that i'm becoming somebody different - somebody i'm not yet prepared to love. somebody that i'm much more inclined to loathe, because i've seen the effects of my new personality traits on myself and others; not in observing my own actions, but in observing the actions of people in my life with the same personality traits such as my family.
so for now my confidence in a lot of situations is much shakier than it used to be - but the foundations i created back when are still there. when i don't believe in myself or punch down on myself i can keep it relatively contained internally and not project it onto others - or if i can't avoid projecting it, i at least understand on some level that i'm being unreasonable... and i can still keep that outward confident look pretty seamlessly while working out new insecurities from within.
trust me - i give a lot of shits, and so does every other confident person you know. we just keep it to ourselves - not to say that keeping it to oneself is inherently better, but it just helps to keep oneself from spiraling into deeper and deeper self hatred. keeping that hate on the down-low keeps it from gaining significant power.
in terms of being intimidated by other confident people....
i have nothing really to say about that. i think it's something that both affirms and worries the confident person in question - to be intimidating is to be slick and cool and impenetrable. but to be intimidating is also to be impenetrable (/neg) - impossible to see the inner life of through that glare of coolness or confidence. i guess its a double edged sword, i dunno.
but i think it gets easier to see even the intimidatingly cool as dorky, regular people when you recognize that pretty much everyone has or had crappy self image at one point. people are less intimidating when you allow the idea that they too, are people who fuck up, who go through things, who break down, who hate themselves, and who are just trying their best to seem like somebody lovable and worthwhile. and do that in order to CHASE interactions with others - and that wanting those interactions doesn't reflect badly on you or them.
but idk. i get it if u don't wanna read all that.
TLDR: ur thoughts aren't stupid and we've all been there. and i'm just some tumblr user on the internet it's really not so serious or scary. i post incessantly about robot sex and wizards instead of getting groceries. and everyone is just as stupid and dorky as the worst person you know and that's totally fine.
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qllie · 2 months
therapists who complain about their clients online i am giving you the side eye...
like even if you're not using real names. what are you doing????? like "omg this idiot who trusted me with their personal struggles and who it is literally my job to help sucks man isn't that funny." like i actually do not care even if your client is the suckiest person in the world you still suck.
i saw a post where someone did that and it was weird because all the reblogs were positive? like did no one question "why the FUCK is a therapist sharing this?" like it's not yours to fucking share bro!!!!! i wanted to reblog and be mean but tbh i don't really want to start a fight. so.
like i googled for five seconds to see if it's legally fine and it seems to be? but the cases it mentions is like "mentioning to another client (without personally identifying details) for the sake for example or whatever" not like "sharing to your tumblr followers for the sake of clout." so i think it's still not very ethical even if it's allowed. because your job is to establish trust with your client in order to help them somehow. and you're talking advantage of that to gain INTERNET CLOUT by MAKING FUN OF THEM.
like imo the only time a therapist should share your info is:
colleague/supervisor for the sake of. work/advice or whatever idk
their own therapist (i assume this is allowed)
other clients for purpose mentioned previously (without identifying details/extreme close detail/not someone they know)
the typical stipulations like harm to self/others
like if i knew my therapist was whining about me online i would Stop Going
this article is interesting. i read it yesterday. it's really funny because the tiktok therapists are like "tee hee i love to help people. and we have consent forms" and the other people are like "i dont think signing one form in a collection of shit you don't read should allow your therapist to turn your trauma into tiktok content forever" and "this isn't about 'helping people' its about clout"
my favorite line from the article: "'If a physician on TikTok is having patients sign off to be content, they should consider leaving medicine and becoming a social media influencer instead,' said Dominic Sisti, an associate professor of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania." like so fucking true actually if you want to get tiktok famous be a tiktok star not a fucking therapist!!!!!!!!
therapists/nurses being fired/losing clients for being idiots online love to see it!!!!!!!! too bad the tumblr guy has no name or face on their account... or i would report them...
idk it seems like just taking advantage of the vulnerable people that you're PAID TO HELP. especially the guy i saw who was like "wow my client is so dumb isn't it hilarious???" like no you're not supposed to be making fun of them online you're supposed to be idk GIVING THEM THERAPY? like i'm not saying "oh therapists can't dislike their clients or think they're frustrating" but what i am saying is that they SHOULD NOT COMPLAIN ON A PUBLIC FORUM ABOUT THEM WHILST USING SPECIFIC DETAILS ABOUT THEM. like this is a person!!!!! not a funny story!!!! jesus christ!!!!!!
also like the blatant disdain for their client makes it seem like. they wouldn't actually be good at helping them? like there's a difference between like "i don't like this person as a person/i wouldn't want to interact with them in a differeent setting" and "this person is ridiculous and stupid and i want to make fun of them online"
pretty scary how petty middle school bullies can grow up to be nurses and therapists....
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iwadori · 3 years
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Haikyu boys when they make you insecure PT 1 (Kenma,Kuroo)
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Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6.
Word Count:3k 
genre: angst, fluff
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You and Kenma have been in a long distance relationship for a while.
Both of you stream, Kenma doing it seriously for his job and you just playing it for fun,
Sometimes you stream together of course but because of your difference in audiences and games you don’t do it all the time
“Bye guys! Hope you enjoyed todays stream” You wave off to the camera and shut off your PC taking a few sips of water.
Kenma: Hey.. nice stream today Y/N are you going to watch mine?
Y/N: Of course I will 
Kenma: Ok talk to you later
Y/N: okayy <3
Kenma is what inspired you to stream, he also taught you all the ins and outs of streaming making sure you were set and ready. Your gaming style was very relaxed and friendly as you obviously weren’t streaming as a career just for fun and to make friends with your online viewers. The games you played were usually: minecraft, COD, Sims 4, Roblox, Animal crossing and *Insert your favourite game here* the way I literally named all the games I play 
You wait for Kenmas stream to start, kind of excited as you’ve always loved seeing your boyfriend in his ‘element’ when it comes to playing to games. As your boyfriends stream starts you see he’s already chosen what game he is playing today which is to your surprise Call of duty, since that was the game you were playing earlier.
As he gets into the stream you are entertained, as always since Kenma was being his usual self laughing at his own deadpan jokes and interacting with his viewers. He is currently waiting for his capture the flag game to start so as he waits he decides to read some comments in the chat.
You’re used to the usual ‘Kenma where is Y/N I miss your usual streams together’ or ‘kenma please RAIL me’ which always makes you laugh. You were also used to the common hate comments Kenma and You both got on your streams but you were definitely not ready for this..
@ Ihatewomanandiamadick : Hey Kenma did you see your girls stream today she is so dog shit at COD lmaoooo jhdfkjdrhdrr
“Well hello ihatewomenandiamadick” started Kenma “but yes I did see Y/N stream and obviously she is not the best at games and I would definitely NOT ask her to team with me for any serious gaming competitions ... but she’s fun to watch I guess” as he finished speaking about you his game loaded up so he focused his attention on that the words he just spoke going to the back of his mind as they end up at the forefront of yours.
You obviously knew you were no match for Kenma’s gaming expertise but you didn’t expect him to publicly agree with a hate comment let alone add more of his imput on you. Did he really think that about you? ‘She’s fun to watch I guess’ did he not even enjoy your streams that much?
You wanted to distract yourself, and you definitely couldn’t do that watching him so you close off of his stream and get in your bed deciding to watch your favourite show. 
Waking up at 6pm after your sad nap, you see that Kenma has left some messages to you,
Kenma: hey did you watch my stream?
Kenma: do you want to facetime later and play some minecraft..?
Kenma: y/n r u ok??
Y/N: oh hey cnt play minecraft w you rn not really in the mood..
Kenma: oh ok..
Time passed since then a month to be exact and you basically dropped off of the face of the earth, you weren’t in the mood to do anything let alone game and stream, which was a constant reminder of your boyfriend (something you didn’t want at the time.) 
You felt embarrassed over all the things he said about you and all the things you now think he thinks about you and the way you play. Maybe he thinks even worse things about you, beyond just how you game? What if he doesn’t even genuinely like you...or he has someone else...it does make sense, you do both live miles and miles away from eachother AND he’s a big streamer you see the amount of girls in his comments.
You shake your head to erase your protruding thoughts coming in your mind, but it doesn’t really help. You and Kenma haven’t spoken much over this month he tried to constantly reach out to you at first but you assume he got bored over your constant, repetitive dry texts. So you were almost content with you and Kenma not even being in a relationship anymore.
However on Kenma’s side, he was beyond worried about you. Since you haven’t been streaming or barely responded to his texts he thought something happened to you, but he didn’t want to be seen as ‘overstepping boundaries’ if there was nothing wrong at all with you and you simply were just ‘not in the mood.’ 
So here he is, in Kuroo’s apartment trying to get him to help him out on finding out what is wrong with you.
“So kenma can you remember what happened the day when Y/N went ‘ghost’“ asked Kuroo in a mock detective voice
“Y/N didn’t go ‘ghost’ Kuro, and take this seriously” said Kenma “I’m worried bout her”
“Okay fine, but for real what’s the last thing you remember before she started acting all weird.” 
“Umm I think it was around a month ago I did my saturday stream and I think she was on it but she didn’t leave her usual nice comments throughout”
“Ohh that was the stream when you sai-” Kuroo said before pausing his words as the memory of what Kenma said about you on his stream came in his mind, as even Kuroo thought it was a tad bit harsh for Kenma to say all those things “I think I know why Y/N has been so distant kiddo”
“What why?” Asked Kenma
Kuroo pulls out his phone and brings up the clip off what Kenma said and Kenma’s face cringes ‘did he really say all those things about you’ he thinks. 
“Shit.. I didn’t know I said all of that” he said quietly “how do I make it up to her?”
“There’s only one thing you can really do Kenma” said kuroo
You are woken up out of your sleep by a knock on the door. Getting out your bed like a zombie, you trudge to your front door only surprised by what you see. There in his 5′6 glory stood your ‘boyfriend’ Kenma with a controller and a kitten teddy in his hand. You were very tempted to shut the door in his face and get back to your dreamless sleep but you waited on him to speak.
“Hi Y/N” he said quietly “wanna play some minecraft...?”
“Why so you can ridicule me on how shit I am?” You ask bitterly ready to shut the door on him
“No! No not all” he said stopping you from shutting the door entering your place “Y/N i’m really sorry on what I said, I wasn’t thinking AT ALL... I love watching your streams and I think you’re great at playing games...I was just being a dick,”
You take a deep breath before tears pool in your eyes “what you said really hurt me kenma..” you say “ I know people say shitty things on the internet all the time... it’s the internet. But I wasn’t expecting you to agree with the hater and say even more shitty things on top of that.. I don’t think I want to even stream anymore”
Upon hearing that, Kenma’s mouth parts open with shock ‘you dont want to stream anymore’ were his comments that bad? Now he feel even worse as he should and is now more determined to make things right. 
He impulsively drags your arm into your game room, catching your surprise ‘what is he up too?’ you think. He stops for a second seeing your usual pristine gaming set up, collected up with dust. 
“What are you do-” you start 
“Just wait!” He says, as he rushes away turning on all your stuff and logging onto his twitch account as he sees the views go up he starts to speak
 “Hi guys, its me kodzuken and today I’m here on stream with my beautiful girlfriend and today I want to say..” he turns to you “Y/N im so sorry for the horrible things I said to you that day... I was just being a dick and I’m sorry I really am.”
You look at the chat and you see some confusion and some people recalling his words from last month. “It’s fine Kenma, I forgive you” you say giving him a hug”
“Okay Y/N, so what do you say... wanna beat my ass at bed wars?” He says with a smirk 
“When have I ever loss?” you return his smirk
Of course you did beat his ass as bed wars for rounds on rounds never losing proving yourself to actually be a good gamer girl. You enjoyed your time with Kenma, forgetting what he said before about you and moving on. 
Eventually, you guys moved in together and streamed together all the time and yes you still do play for fun but you’ve gotten way better at COD (some may say better then Kenma) but who is better didn’t matter to any of you, as long as you got to play together that’s all you both cared about.
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Kuroo and you have been together since you were in your first year of high school 
You met as friends first when you got him to tutor you in chemistry ( a subject you still aren’t that good at.)
Now you have your upcoming entrance exams for university in a month so your school has you doing mock exams in preparation for them.
You look down at your chemistry paper that your teacher just handed you. 20%. You’re surprised, very surprised since out of all your subjects (that you go 90+% on) you studied on the chemistry test the hardest ensuring Testurou, that you didn’t need his help at all. But I guess it turns out, you did.
This failing mock grade put a blunder on your day, you didn’t interact with anyone and didn’t want to see your boyfriend so you skipped your usual routine of meeting him on the rooftop and went to the library instead ‘might aswell start early on your studying’ you thought.
As you were going over your chemistry topics, you hear an ‘ahem’ next to you and you turn your head only to find your boyfriend and his friends next to you. Kuroo with his usual goofy smile on his face. 
“Hey kitten where were you at lunch?” he asked 
“Needed to go to the library, Chemistry is kicking my ass” you mumbled 
“Oya” he said as he noticed your chemistry test laying under your textbook “20%, well damn Y/N I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t know you were that stupid” he laughed doing his stupid usual hyena-like laugh.
Ouch well that hurt. You slightly flinched at his words, “Really your name, you didn’t know the molecular formula for ethanol, that’s first year work” he said continuing to laugh “I’m pretty sure that’s one of the first things I tutored you on when we first met” 
His overbearing laughter was not good for you, you were already having a bad day and yes you do know your not that good at chemistry but you didn’t need your chemistry-enthusiast boyfriend to make fun of you for failing. Kenma and Yaku stood there awkwardly obviously aware of how bad Kuroo is making you feel but they didn’t really know how to stop his friend in the moment.Whilst he’s still dying of laughter you decide to pack up your stuff and leave the library.
You managed to get your Chemistry tutor to let you retake your mock paper in a week so that means, extra hard studying with no distractions you definitely can’t fail again. Since studying on your own was definitely not a good option, and you couldn’t go to Kuroo (especially after he ridiculed you) you decided to ask the second smartest person you know to tutor you.
Y/N: Hey Yaku! Can I ask you a favour?
Yaku: Hi Y/N what do you need??
Y/N: I have my chemistry retake next week, and as you know from your loud-loud friend I failed my recent test so can you tutor me?? 
Y/N: Pleaseeee
Yaku: Ok Y/N why can’t you ask Kuroo you know that he’d be more than happy to help
Y/N: Yakuu pleasee just help me out 
So there you was, nearly a week done with your study sessions with Yaku and you’re feeling way more confident than before. 
“Y/N what is the functional group of a Carboxylic Acid” Yaku asked
“umm... COO?” 
“Great! that’s correct Y/N” he praises i dont actually know if it’s correct or not
You then hear a knock at Yaku’s front door and hear his mum let the person in, Kuroo then enters Yaku’s bedroom with shock plastered on his face surprised to see you here.
“Y/N...hey?” he says confused “what are you doing here?”
“Oh Mori-chan is just helping me with chemistry for my retake tommorow” you say nochalantly internally smiling at the twinge in Kuroo’s face at the purposeful use of Yaku’s first name.
“So why didn’t you ask me to help you know I’m a chemistry whiz” he asks
“Maybe I’m too stupid to be taught under your tutelage” you mumble “since I seem to forget whatever you teach me, even when it’s 3 years ago... but ok”
“Y/N I-” he starts 
“Oh save it Kuroo, I have studying to do” you say cutting him off
“But I-” he tries
“So Mori-chan COOH is the function group of ethyl ethonate right?” you ask ignoring your boyfriend who is now at a lost for words
“ummm yeah it is” says yaku who is clearly feeling heavily awkward at the tension in his bedroom.
Kuroo leaves and you and yaku finish off the studying for the night, you did feel a little bad for being a bit mean to Kuroo but it’s karma for him being a dick to you. 
You wake up the next day ready for your exam which was first thing in the morning, before you hand in your phone you see a message from Kuroo,
Kuroo: I know you’re still mad at me, but I think you’re going to do so well on this test. You’re not stupid at all, you’re really smart and I love you < 3 
Kuroo: Good luck Y/N
You don’t respond to the message but smile at the sincerity of it and thankful for the boost of confidence it gave you before you start your exam.
Finishing the exam with a smile, you were confident you did well as everything you and Yaku went over was on the paper and you’re almost certain you atleast got more than 75%. You have to wait an hour before your teacher can give you your results, so in the meantime you might aswell reconcile with Kuroo.
When you exit the classroom, standing there was Kuroo who seemed to have been waiting for you for the whole duration of the exam.
“So how was it?” Kuroo asked, apprenhensive as he assumed you would just ignore him like you did at Yaku’s house.
“It was fine, I think it went alright..” you say
You say simultaneously, he pauses for a second to let you speak “I’m sorry I was being so stand offish when we were at Yaku’s I just wanted you to see I could do it on my own, and when you called me stupid I really took that to heart since you and I both know that Chemistry wasn’t ever my best subject” 
“I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, and since it was only a practice test I didn’t think you’d take it to heart but I am sorry I know you aren’t stupid.”
Before you got to say anything else, your Chemistry teacher exited the room with your chemistry paper in hand. Kuroo grabbed your hand anticipating your nerves and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Miss L/N” said your teacher “Well done on your chemistry test” he turned your test around to sure a perfect 100%. Both you and Kuroo gasped, you were elated to say the least you wanted to jump up and down in excitement but a PERFECT 100%.
“I’d also like to add that you have now got the top chemistry score in the school beating the previous title holder Kuroo Testurou” said your teacher, this made Kuroo open his mouth even wider in surprise nearly making you giggle at his response. 
Your teacher took his leave, leaving you and Kuroo in the hallway “ I guess i’m the chemistry whizz now “ you say wiggling your eyebrows just as Kuroo did to you before at Yaku’s this made him chuckle as he came to put his arm around you.
“Y/N don’t get ahead of yourself now, you may have won this battle but I will win the war” he said smiling
In the final exam, you continue your winning streak also getting a near 100% and still beating Kuroo which didn’t matter to either of you, now you’re just like him cracking chemistry puns and jokes all the time which none of your friends appreciated but atleast Kuroo found them SODIUM funny.
AN: Please kill me for the last line of Kuroos, I didn’t really like Kuroo’s since it was a bit self indulgent with my hate for chemistry but what do you guys think?
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Misogyny in the Anime Community
I can’t even really believe that I have to type this shit but I guess life is full of surprises. Follow my trip down a fucking gigantic shithole. 
Since I’m a very sociable girl and I love Anime and I love love love the Tumblr-Anime-Community (except for some minor things but nothing’s perfect y’know) and so I decided to join some local Facebook-Anime-Groups. 
I was happy to gain new information about Anime and I was willing to throw myself into heated discussions about my favorite characters and shows. What I got instead was a shitbunch of misogyny and hatred towards “realistic female characters” that didn’t act like the **waifuuu** these guys wanted so badly. 
From the start I haven’t been as active in this groups as I was here on Tumblr. I didn’t interact as much even though I really tried to get into it something just put me off. Firstly, this was a men dominated group - like 85% AT LEAST were guys in their late teens up to early twenties and they all loved some good smashes in Anime and some hot girls with super big tits (there were even polls about which Anime girls more dudes would like to fuck or something). That was something that I could tolerate - I mean who am I to judge right? I, myself love me some hot pics of my favorite Anime boys and girls so no problem right? 
Unfortunately not. Most of the comments in these section were about what this men would do to this girl if they could have their way with her and I tell you what: these men are fucking disgusting. Actually using the word “rape” and “Taking advantage of” etc. in this context is in my opinion not okay. Especially when there are minors in this group (their parents probably failed to keep them under check because this group is not for minors). 
I still don’t know why I didn’t immediately leave the group (probably because there were like 5 good posts per month or because I wanted a daily reminder of how shitty men can be - of course not all men and women too!) 
Today I was refreshing my facebook page when said group popped up with a picture of one of my favorite Anime - NANA by Ai Yazawa. If you’re not familiar with it and don’t want to be spoiled then skip the next paragraph (I’ll try to not really spoil the plot only the relevant things? idk). 
NANA is a slice-of-life Anime about two girls named Nana, but one of them is frequently called Hachi and I’ll refer to her as Hachi. It’s a very mature and in my opinion realistic Anime and Manga when it comes to the plot and the actions of the characters. And the two female main characters - god forbid - have sex. Nana - presumably - has Sex with only one guy. Hachi on the other hand has sexual intercourse with a few different men. Which is okay and normal - HA! That’d what actual intelligent people would say, but not the dudes from this group. 
This one guy decided to watch NANA and I still don’t know how he even thought it would be a good idea to watch it because it’s about female empowerment and about finding your own path in this world as a girl and about even more but it always comes down to: females. 
And what happened to be popping up on my facebook page was this (I added ugly translations but so all of you understand): 
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At first I had to google what “Sharmuta” even means, but at first look I knew it wouldn’t be something like “brave young woman”. I looked it up and - surprise - it means slut, skank, hoe, hooker, whatever term you prefer. You get it. 
Not only is NANA my most treasured Anime/Manga, I’m also a girl who hates being told how to live my life. Especially when I’m told by men who 1. don’t know me 2. think women should hide in the kitchen learning recipes until their unknown husband picks them up to get them pregnant. Ok that was a little over the top but you know what I mean. 
Naturally I felt attacked. I felt attacked because this is one of the works I truly admire and because the reason I love it so much is because of the complex and realistic relationships. I love that it’s not this “ugh I’m a virgin waiting for my prince”-trope. I love that there are female characters who embrace their sexuality and needs because that’s what I struggled with for so long. It portrays strong women who make mistakes (like everyone does) but they stand up for themselves and they own their mistakes and learn to live with them in the best way possible. It helped me find peace with my body and mind and showed me that it’s okay to live as you please. You don’t need to be ashamed of anything and the last thing you should be ashamed of is who and how you love and that it’s not shameful to enjoy sex or anything involved with sex. It’s okay for women to still their sexual needs. 
So - of course I had to speak up. I think I knew from the beginning that this would be useless but I just felt so infuriated that a men can openly slutshame a character that stands for female empowerment (correct me if I’m wrong, but this was my feeling?). 
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Cucumber Guy: ok ...
Star Girl (me): I had to look this word up on google and the definition I found (slut) is - in my opinion - 100% not fitting. I’m sorry, but to call a girl who enjoys her sexuality and tries different things a slut is just wrong imo. What makes NANA such a masterpiece are the realistic dynamics and constellations between the characters and the lack of perfection. Hachi is not a slut and to call her that just shows your strange view of women. Of course, everyone can do as they like - but in this time and age it is so important to support girls in their decisions and to not always degrade them and question their every move. Stop slutshaming (even if it’s only a fictional character) : - ) 
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Mr-Know-It-All: This text only shows me that you can identify with her as a charcter ... maybe you even feel like I was talking to you but sorry - a person like this (with such a foul character) is nothing you can make appear good 
Mr-Know-It-All: Nothing but the truth. 
Star Girl (me): to be honest I expected something like this as an answer. I think it’s horrifying how much misogyny hides behind your words and is something that’s completely unnecessary in todays society. Reality will get to you soon enough and you’ll realize that women have needs and there is no reason for you to judge that. Because I know that I can’t convince you otherwise I’ll just save my energy for something else : - ) 
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Mr-Know-It-All: I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Don’t try so hard to defend yourself or that illusion you have. That you even said “how much misogyny hides behind your statement” is ridiculous. If someone has seen the Anime and then reads your comments about it he has to pity you no matter what. Our society is damaged and that you think behavior like this is normal shows truly what you are. 
Mr-Know-It-All: For people who read “this discussion” without knowing the Anime. Just watch it (it’s a good show). But just so you understand: SPOILER: This ******** has an affair with a married an (for a long time period) ... and that’s only the beginning XD XD it only gets better. 
SO, to break this down again: 
- at first he assumes I identify with this character and that would make me a slut too so .. my opinion is not really valid right? 
- I try to reason with him one more time even though I already saw him as a lost cause and he then proceeds to tell me (put bluntly) that my point of view is what’s wrong with society. 
- he then tries to justify his opinion by slutshaming the character even further 
Maybe you don’t see a problem with this. Maybe you think I overreacted, but to be honest: I’m fed up. I’m fed up about being told that I’m only worth something if I’m “pure and innocent” - whatever that means! I’m so fed up with men like him degrading women because of their decisions and actions. Why are men allowed to make mistakes, to learn from their mistakes and to move on - but women have to be haunted by theirs for the rest of their life and through all eternity? And maybe - just maybe - someone doesn’t even see having an affair with a married man as a mistake and if they don’t IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS TO COMPLAIN. Women’s lifes do not belong to men. We are not something you can dictate however you want. We live. We feel. Sometimes we need things even though we know they are bad for us. We do things that we know can get us in trouble. We are human and it’s heartbreaking to see how many men still don’t get the idea that women can live a life on their own. That they don’t need someone to overlook their every move. 
I want the Anime Community to be open-minded, to be inclusive to everyone. I want everyone to feel welcome and safe. And even though there are often discourses - let’s handle them the classy way. I want to feel welcomed no matter what my sexuality is or how often I have sex or how much I admire a sex positive character. Sex positivity is so important, especially for young women, so let’s work hard together to make it something that’s okay. Okay to be talked about. Okay to be admired. And also okay to not be practiced since it’s not for everyone but that is also okay.
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For the trans ask game, can I cheat and just say all of them.. because I am a very curious person and I want to know it all (or just the ones you feel like doing!)
Aaah yay thank you!!! I really loved this ask memeHow did you choose your name?So I had been using a different name for like a year when I first came out and I just wasn’t feelin it y’know??? Jason is close to my dead name so I knew my parent would appreciate that cause they love my dead name a lot. But also (and this is dumb forgive me) Jason Todd and Jason Grace were characters that I loved and identified with and I just sorta felt drawn to the name :)What gives you the most dysphoria? (Acknowledging that not all trans people experience dysphoria)Uuuuugh 100% how short I am 🙄 I hate it so muchDo you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria? Physical :P I’m short with a phat ass and thicc thighs and it’s a messWhat do you do to perform self-care when you're feeling dysphoric?This is probably more aggressive than typical self care but I force myself I stare at myself in a mirror and find every masculine thing about myself and focus on thatWhat was the first time you suspected you were transgender?I was around 7 I think and I was at the lake with my parents and a bunch of their friends. So my mom and all the wives were at the front of the boat and my dad and all the husbands were off the back of the boat! For some reason I identified a lot more with the men of the group and I have this weirdly clear memory of being really jealous of their armpit hairWhen did you realize you were transgender?I didn’t have a word for it but there was an episode of House where a little “girl” came in because of abdominal pain or something and they found out the kid was intersex and gave them the choice to live as a boy because of their genitals being more “male” or whatever and they did it! And I remember watching that as a kid and hoping that I would wake up one day and have a penis or a doctor would one day be like oh whoops! We messed up! You’ve been male this whole time! I was probably like 8 or 9 when that happenedWhat is your favorite part of being transgender?Belonging to a community where we are all united by this similar experience :) it’s like a familyHow would you explain your gender identity to others?I’m a guy like 100% How did you come out? If you didn't come out, why do you stay in the closet? Or what happened when you were outed?I slowly came out over a few years. I sat my mom down and told her and we cried and it was a mess, I sent my dad and step mom a 80+ slide PowerPoint, I sent emails to certain people! Fortunately I’ve never been outedWhat have your experiences with packing or wearing breast forms been?I ordered a packer a few years ago and it was so bulky and awkward and I just looked like I had a huge boner so I never worse it again 😂What are your experiences with binding or tucking?I’ve been binding since high school and my ribs are a little warped because of it :P luckily my chest is already pretty small (like a cup small) so I’ve gotten away with not binding in public if I just wear a big hoodie or shirt. Do you pass?About 99% of the time I do! But every once in a while I get called ma’am and I wanna dieWhat (if any) steps do you want to take to medically transition?I want top surgery so bad I wanna screamHow long have you been out?For about 8 years :)What labels have you used before you've settled on your current set?Ugh all of them basically! Lesbian, gay, pan, ace, bi. I’m the entire acronym lolHave you ever experienced transphobia?God yes 🙄 I had a boss at a job in college who would dead name me constantly and when I’d correct him he said if I wanted to “play make believe” I could do it on my own timeWhat do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in public?I’ve been exclusively using the men’s room for about 4 years nowHow does your family feel about your trans identity?Well I haven’t spoken to my mom in 3 or 4 years soooooooooBut my dad is cool with it!!Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth?I don’t think I know what this meansWhat do you wish you could have shared with your younger self about being trans? I wish I could just tell my self what being trans is cause my biggest problem as a kid was that I just had no idea this existed Why do you use the pronouns you use?I use he/him because they’re traditionally masculine or male and they make me feel like a man :)Do your neurodivergencies affect your gender?Sometimes my anxiety is like lmao you’re faking for attention or whatever and I’m like ???? I’m literally not What's your biggest trans-related fear?Being killed first off. But on a less extreme level, I’m terrified of being with a person romantically and they just treat me like a girl or like I’m not a real boy and tbh this has already happened to me a couple times. I just don’t want it to happen againWhat medical, social, or personal steps have you already taken to start your transition?I’ve been on T for three years now, I’ve been going my Jason for about 6 years, I present as male 100% of the time and in all of my work and school stuff everyone calls me jason and uses he/himWhat do you wish cis people understood?That I was never a girl, I wasn’t “born a girl” and then became a boy. I was born a boy but because of my body people just assumed I was a girl but I wasn’t and never was and never will be. Also you don’t have to be bi or pan to be attracted to me. If you’re attracted to men you can be attracted to meWhat impact has being trans affected your life?I’ve lost most of my family and I’m low key terrified all the time about being hurt or rejected because of itWhat do you do to validate yourself?Same mirror thing lolHow do you feel about trans representation in media?Well most of it is hell problematic and we deserve so much better. As a trans actor it especially pisses me offWho is the transgender person who has influenced you the most?I read Chaz Bono’s book my freshman year of high school and it really helped me understand a lot of things when I was first coming outHow are you involved with the trans community, IRL or online?Not as much as I would like to be :(How do you see yourself identifying and presenting in 5 years? Hopefully by then I’ll have had top surgery! Still presenting and identifying the way I do nowWhat trans issue are you most passionate about?Free or affordable access to medical transition stuff like hormones and surgeries. Also as an actor trans representation in the mediaWhat advice would you give to other trans people, or what message would you like to share with them?No one is worth your comfort. If someone stops loving you because of your identity then they don’t love YOU they love their idea of youHow do you feel your gender interacts with your race, disability, class, weight, etc. from the perspective of intersectionality?I’m thin and white and I recognize my privilege with thatWhat, if any, is the difference between your gender identity and your gender expression?I love makeup and “feminine” fashion and shit like thatDo you feel more masculine, feminine, or neither?Masculine but I love fem things so 🤷🏻‍♂️What is your sexual and romantic orientation, and what are your thoughts on it?I’m bi with a leaning towards men! I dunno it’s kinda whateverIs your ideal partner also trans, or do you not have a preference? I’ve dated two trans people and one cis persona and I totally preferred dating trans people just because they understand feeling cis people just dontHow did/do you manage waiting to transition? God it was horrible. I found my diary from when I was like 17/18 and all it was was me talking about how if I don’t get to transition I’d dieWhat is the place (blog, website, forum, IRL space) you get most of your info on being trans or on trans related things? Tumblr probably, also Twitter. Do you interact with other trans people IRL?I have one whole trans friend that I actively talk to :’) but I really value her friendship so muchAre you involved in any trans-related activism?Currently no but when I move to New York I plan on being more involved!Free space! Answer any question you want, or make up your own question to answer.When I came out to my dad I slept for 9 hours and he said it was like I could finally breath relax and rest after holding everything in for so long
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rabbtit · 7 years
How do I make friends?
im assuming youre asking for my opinion and how i make friends, so this is what im gonna give ya! hope this is okay ^-^
go out, socialize, meet, talk with as many people as you can. even small interactions can lead to something bigger. compliment someone on something, like a graphic band tee for example, then talk about that shared interest! “hey, nice gorillaz shirt. i love that band!” or something. im always at work, so most of my friends, right now, are at the workplace. if you stay inside all day it could be hard making friends, unless youre trying to do that online in which case, be ACTIVE in whatever social media platform you are using. dont be afraid to make personal posts. people arent gonna want to interact with some nameless, faceless stranger that doesnt  really talk about themselves from time to time, right? i think! 
honestly what a lot of people dont say about making friends/meeting people is...you wont always click with everyone. and thats fine. a lot of people wont be interested in you, and that...doesnt mean YOURE not interesting, or cool, or likable, it just means they dont connect with you. you HAVE to understand that
i had spent too much time wasted on a person that just had no interest in furthering a friendship with me so, we’re just acquainted. the sooner you realize that someone doesnt really (for lack of better terms) care about you, stop wasting your time, meet new people.
it’s just how you wont always be interested in everyone you meet. you might have someone that really wants to get to know you, but you find yourself bored to tears everytime they talk with you! and youre not a bad person for feeling that way, yall just dont click. sooner you realize that the better!
now, you meet someone and you find yourselves both easily engaging in a conversation. the feeling is mutual, wow! thats great. okay, so keep it up. yall dont have to talk every day. dont FORCE any interaction. if you try asking them to hang out, or messeng them in an app, and they’re already busy/preoccupied then understand that. try again later. talk about whatever’s natural. send them memes with no context (99% of how i interact w new friends)
if youre not good  at smalltalk thats probably for the best since nobody on this planet i know of likes smalltalk. talk about some deep shit, talk about pets (general subject that’s bound to start a long conversation). when i meet a new person at work i want to get to know, i ask them about their interests. i listen a lot. then  i share my own and we talk about our similar likes and dislikes! (bonus if theres something youre both passionate about). if you encounter a person that DOES NOT like to indulge in personal information right off the bat...dont force them. be understanding, and let them know that. 
if its someone you dont really know and wanna get to know better, ask if they can add you on facebook. that way you can keep up with eachother’s lives and see what eachother are up to without having to message eachother eveery single day, if thats too much of a hassle.
just remember that making friends is the hard part but youll greaten your chances of finding at least ONE person you can call a friend, the more people you meet.  sorry this was overly long and probably not what you asked for but...i hope i helped!♥ 
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lydiahopemoore · 5 years
Initial research
To understand my target market and what user’s I'll be focussing on I wanted to first search around Reddit. Reddit is a popular social sharing website that collects current news, stories, pics, memes and videos through specific communities (subreddits) that the user decides on what they want to see. Every post and comment that is made, people get to upvote or downvote it so the best content rises to the top. Every user creates an obscure username to make Reddit an anonymous platform. Therefore I wanted to use Reddit to find subreddits and posts that relate to my topic to get a general understanding of how people feel. I have collected a bunch of comments from posts which I will not mention their username nor I will use this information for presentations or the final video. ^ = upvotes. This is an effective way to know how many people agree/relate to a comment.
Female gamers! How do you handle sexual harassment?
“I don't reveal my gender when I'm playing online games and I only tend to play with a group of known friends.” 101 ^
“I mostly don't let people know I'm female until I know they aren't assholes.” 38 ^
“Two ways.
mute, report then block.
I don't play with the general public. Only with people I know and with people they know.” 17 ^
“I don't play with the general public. Only with people I know and with people they know.” 29 ^
“Honestly, in my personal experience so take it with a grain of salt, its not so much a gendered thing as it is an asshole thing.” 51 ^
“I don’t play games where I interact with people I don’t know anymore. Before that I’d usually ignore it and remind myself that my existence will never be as pathetic as theirs is in that moment.” 9 ^
“My voice is super girly so I cant hide the fact that I'm a girl. I normally record the audio or mute the offender. It happens a lot on Counter Strike and Rainbow Six” 14 ^
“The female gaming population there is pretty high, and the number of idiots is relatively low. Mostly I just tell people to fuck off if there’s an issue beyond specific skill and block/report them. 7 ^
That being said, my guild leader for one game mode is a massive misogynist and I just call him out constantly.” 7 ^
 “Mostly by not playing online games anymore” 4 ^
“mute/block them , i dont need to argue with sad lonely losers” 5 ^
“Iv never come across anything like it at all. In any game I’ve played” 8 ^
Gamers of Reddit, How do you feel about women who play video games and is the gaming community in all games really that toxic against female gamers?
“Female gamer here. It can be pretty toxic, but most times it's just amusing. As long as you know how to handle yourself in various situations it's fine.” 11 ^
 “I don't care who plays games. What pisses me off is how oblivious people are to leaving an OPEN MIC on with a tv going and your family shouting in the background.” 9 ^
 “I've been gaming for years but with games like Overwatch, PUBG, and Fortnite now including public voice chat, I've become shy and somewhat intimidated by the voice chat feature because I know as soon as I use it with a team, I'll either get mocked because I sound like a 12 year old kid or because I'm a girl. Though when I have used it, my team just assumes I'm a kid.” 6 ^
 “You know what? The opinion of "gamers" on women playing games doesn't fucking matter. Not to mention the fact that you have juxtaposed "gamers" and women, suggesting women cannot be gamers. Women play games. Women are gamers. Get the hell over it.” 4 ^
 “Not toxic at all, for me. Most people don't seem to care that I'm female, and it's never really affected my gaming experience. That being said, I hear a lot from other female gamers and it seems to be an issue for some.” 4 ^
 “The community is just as toxic to females as it is to males.” 3 ^
 “I don't think the gaming community is toxic toward female players. Not as a whole. There are lots if individuals who are toxic, though.” 2 ^
Female Gamers, what do you hate the most when people find out your gender in a game?
“No a female gamer but I hate how as soon as a female speaks in-game it turns into sexist trash talk that goes way over the top or pandering, both make me cringe hard. I feel bad for squeakers too cause not all of them are toxic or even bad at the game but they get hammered so hard.” 9 ^
 “When people randomly add me because I was pretty good or got a little aggressive on coms and they find it sexy. I do really enjoy getting free stuff in certain games though.” 9 ^
GirlGamers let’s talk about sexual harassment and abuse and what we can do to help improve our community. 
“It’s really hard to go into a game and even TALK, let alone mention I am a woman. I sound like an 11 year old boy so it masks it a bit, but when I mention i am a woman, damn. The language changes completely.” 143 ^
“I think one of the worst things about the gaming community is how guys refuse to acknowledge the sexism, and when they do it’s normally in a negative context. Or when a woman brings up sexism they’re told that they should just toughen up or ignore it. It’s not that simple, and a lot of the people who say that have never had to face people doubting their every move because of something they can’t control.” 102 ^
“I think we need to make more friendly spaces for women with an emphasis on lgbt women and women of color. There needs to be all women gaming conferences, classes, and discussion groups (much like this one).” 51 ^
“I think we would need to bring awareness to the issue with a viral movement. If we picked a day to stop hiding from voice chats and post any and all harassing situations that day with some trendy viral hashtag maybe it would get media attention and further shed light on the issue.”  23 ^
Why are there more male gamers than female gamers? Is this statistic even true?
“A: Oh! This is what I studied! I can finally contribute!
Q: Why are there more male gamers than female gamers? Is this statistic even true?
A: It's actually not true! The split between men and women in gaming is almost a perfect 50/50. If you include mobile gaming (which I do, but that's an entirely different debate) then women actually make up the majority of gamers!
Q: So what things in our societies push more men and fewer women to pick up video games?
A: There are a lot of compounding factors that come into play here. For starters, when video games were first becoming a thing, it was a primarily male interest. Only a small percentage of gamers in the 70s and 80s were women. As such, it was mostly marketed towards boys and men. When more people started taking an interest in gaming, many men felt that their hobby was being encroached upon by an "other". In this case, that other was women. So on top of being marketed mostly for men, the community itself was (and still very much is) incredibly hostile towards women. That's another factor that pushed women away.
When we look at the situation today, it still seems like more men are playing than women. This isn't because that's actually the case; it's because the anti-women toxicity present in the community never faded (and in some cases it's merely festered and grown more vile). As such, women that play video games are much less likely than men to make it known that they're active gamers.
So, to answer your second question, male gamers are the main societal factor that pushed more men and fewer women to publicize their gaming habits. In this regard, the gaming community is very similar to the tabletop gaming community and the comic book community.
Q: Are the numbers significantly different in various cultures across the world, where their society may be different?
A: Surprisingly, it's a similar situation pretty much everywhere: women play games, men treat them like garbage for doing so, and then women keep quiet about their gaming habits and rarely participate in official tournaments.
Overall, it's not that women are less likely to play games, it's that the community is so toxic towards women that very few are willing to out themselves, so to speak, as women while playing.
The entire history of women in gaming (both as gamers and as developers) is an incredibly interesting topic that's worth reading up on, but it can mostly be boiled down to "holy shit, calling the gaming community a hive of misogyny is probably a huge understatement.".”121 ^
I need to vent about female gamers in the gaming community for a second.
“I am a female gamer. No. I am a gamer who happens to be a female. I play everything from Animal Crossing, to Skyrim to LIMBO to CoD. I love gaming and it relieves stress and helps me relax. Gaming is a large part of my identity and I am not ashamed of it. Studies have shown that 48-52% of gamers are women, which is HALF. So why do we get so much shit for it? Women gamers, especially in communities like League of Legends and Magic the Gathering are shit upon. The view towards female gamers is ridiculous, and I am so sick of it. Women gamers are constantly underrepresented in both the games we play and when we are we are hyper sexualized. Even as a female gamer I am often sexualized. When people see a female gamer they accuse them of being illegitimate, and only doing it for attention. Even me, a female gamer, when I see a female gamer I think that "oh she doesn't look like a gamer" or "oh she isn't a real gamer, she's doing it for attention" and this is stupid. Why do I think this when I am a female gamer? Because I have been taught my whole life that games are for men, and if I am a woman I am doing it not because I enjoy it but because I am doing it for a man.” 69 ^
“I find myself often guilty of being quick to judge other people as a "gamer." I try not to label people, but it gets so shoved down our throats all the time that it just happens. For me, I'm half afraid its because I get called out as "not a gamer" or some other such nonesense and so in my defense I start to judge other people harshly. It takes a conscious effort to change the initial thought.” 3 ^ 
“I don't know if it's because the only "social" genre I play is mmos, but the majority of other female gamers I encounter fall into two categories; shy or attention-seeking.“ 2 ^
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Rules and Guidelines
Important Note: The icons I use for Hinata were made for me by my friend Foster at snakesage
1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape, at least not for kink and not without super heavy plotting and readmore for trauma 6. No Female/Female romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, theyre ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought, or at the very least IM me and tell me about your muse so I know what Im working with. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. Im not really into NaruHina here, in fact that’s the reason for this blog. I don’t hate the ship and Im not saying ill NEVER RP it, but understand that I may not be thrilled to RP it and you’ll have to have a better reason than “because canon” 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog. This means this is MY Hinata, she will act differently than Canon Hinata. I am ignoring 700+ but that doesn’t mean I wont interact with second generation muses. Just don’t act like Hinata is YOUR Boruto or Himawari’s mom, cuz shes not. Don’t complain that she doesn’t act “Like Hinata” because again, shes Canon Divergent. 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you, I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information:
1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but they’re never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. I may drop threads without warning if you aren’t giving me enough to work with. Again I can reply to one-liners if they give me something good to work with but if I start struggling for replies I may drop the thread 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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burmillamute-a · 7 years
Rules and Guidelines
Note: this is a side blog! All follow-backs will come from gentlegrace 
Rules 1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape, at least not for kink and not without super heavy plotting and readmore for trauma 6. No Female/Female romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, they’re ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought, or at the very least IM me and tell me about your muse so I know what Im working with. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. If you ship it, I probably do too. Just ask 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog, I state this because Boruto is still ongoing and I have NO IDEA what direction Wasabi’s character will take. Things on this blog might change, but some things will stay the same, diverging her from her canon. 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you, I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information: 1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but they’re never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. I may drop threads without warning if you aren’t giving me enough to work with. Again I can reply to one-liners if they give me something good to work with but if I start struggling for replies I may drop the thread 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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thevaguekatti · 7 years
thoughts im not sure what to do with, behind a cut cause its fucking long
for a while now, being a trans person, i can’t help but feel that trans people really aren’t welcome in the whole LGBT thing
like honestly, truly, 99% of the time you hear someone say “LGBT”, they really just mean “LGB”. most “LGBT friendly spaces” really only cater of gay, lesbian, and bi cis people. honest to god, i have been alienated and made to feel unsafe by so many so called LGBT friendly/safe spaces.
also just. some of the attitude that LGB cis people have towards trans people is just kind of...disheartening. i dunno. i’m sorry. 
some things:
- most gay/lesbian people i’ve met would not date a trans person. i straight up had a gay guy tell me once that he would never date a trans man because he wanted the “””real thing”””. same guy also told me that trans people are “liars” unless they tell everyone they meet about their genitalia. he basically thought that trans people were “traps” that lured people into having sex with them/dating them and then revealing they had the ~wrong~ set of parts.
- a VERY good chunk of gay/lesbian people base their sexuality entirely around genitalia. a lot of the gay dudes i’ve met talk about dicks like...all the time...maybe it’s just an “internet” thing but idk. its like. everything is about dicks. all the “positive” posts i’ve seen about mlm mention dicks somewhere. and it’s p much the same for lesbians, who will talk about pussy a lot or whatever. it just kind of sucks because there are girls who have penises and men who have vaginas. like, where do we fit in to all of this?
- the prevalence of....drag queens in LGBT spaces. most of the gay dudes i’ve met are into drag races, drag queens, etc. and its like. do these people not realize how hurtful the whole drag queen thing is? especially to trans women? drag queens put on this catty, misogynistic performance and basically make it hard for trans women to be taken seriously cause people just assume they’re also men in women’s clothing. the fact that society readily accepts drag queens and does not accept trans people really stings. as a trans man, it really hurts when my mom can tell me about how she went to go see a drag show and went on and on about how “beautiful” the drag queens looked. but then when i come out as a trans man, she can’t gender me correctly and tells me over and over how “hard” it is to come to terms with me being a man. it all just feels nasty. i hate drag queens.
- genderbend artwork. i used to think only straight people did this shit. noooo. there was this lesbian chick i used to follow, cause i loved the work she did for one of my fav games. she used to claim her page was LGBT friendly/safe, all that jazz. then she goes and starts reblogging genderbend artwork of a bunch of male characters, drawn with large breasts, long hair, overly feminine features, etc etc. and all her followers start talking about how many of the characters would be ~so much hotter~ if they were girls instead. all the genderbend artwork they reblogged was really...gross. like cis to cis genderbend type shit, if that makes sense.
- also let me tell you, i fucking hate seeing cis LGB peoples’ ~trans headcannons~. nearly every time, cis LGB people create a fictional environment where being gay, bi, or lesbian is completely normal and socially accepted, but being trans is still taboo. then they make all the tragic, cranky, short tempered, or unlikeable characters trans cause ~being trans explains why theyre so angry~ i guess. its either this or they make a really sexual or predatory character trans. which is also bad. i hate this. tl;dr: cis LGB people will be like “yah this character is gay, no explanation needed” but then will fucking need paragraphs explaining why a character is trans and they treat it like some kind of writing exercise. its weird. stop this.
- lesbians who fetishize trans men. yes. i’ve seen this. i hate it. fucking stop. i dont want to even get into this right now cause it makes my insides squirm.
anyways like i live in a small, conservative town so most of the LGBT spaces i’ve tried to interact with are online, which is all i can really access at this point. the IRL interactions i’ve had with LGBT people are honestly confined to more personal interactions with people i’ve happened to meet, so maybe the issues aren’t as widespread as i think but then. the internet kinda confirms my worries that this IS a widespread issue.
i’m just starting to feel like maybe trans people just don’t belong in the LGBT thing. it feels like we’re not wanted here, most of the time. but its like, if we tried to create our own movement, our voices would probably be drowned out. 
sorry, i’m rambling. i’m stressed. 
i just want a space where no one makes me feel like an oddity or less of man than i really am. 
im sorry.
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medicalmindhacker-a · 7 years
Rules and Guidelines
1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape 6. No F/F romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, theyre ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog. My Ino will act a little more different than Canon, by default she is NOT married or dating and does NOT have children. Do not assume your Inojin is my Ino’s daughter, she will act like she doesn’t know what youre talking about. Likewise if youre other Boruto: The Next Generation muses, don’t assume Ino has kids, she’ll be confused 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you (look for gentlegrace), I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information:
1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but theyre never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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aparoxysm · 7 years
✿  Does anyone in real life know about your RPing hobby and what, if anything, have they said about it?
My parents know, because for as long as I’ve been on the internet, they’ve known that I like to write and write with friends overseas. My dad still calls it fanfiction somtimes to other people, like he’s proud of me or something, and that’s enough to make me want to never talk to him again out of embarrassment, ha, but I deal with it. Because I truly do love writing more than anything. Other than that, my boyfriend knows, but he doesn’t care about it / ask questions and I don’t really like to tell him about it either. I’m not as embarrassed about RP as I used to be, but I still feel like it’s just something for me that other people wouldn’t really understand the mechanics of. The only times my boyfriend and I do acknowledge it is when I start talking about an RP friend he hasn’t heard about before like a real life friend, so he’s like who dat and im like oh, new rp friend from > insert country
That being said, he actually did surprise me the other week and I have been holding onto it for fear life. We were complaining about a friend who literally just sleeps and watches Netflix all day when she’s not working, and he’s like “I don’t get how you can do that” and im like “Well I have friends online who claim to do that a lot. Me, personally, I’d get too bored.” and hes like “I just don’t get how people can do nothing all the time? Like at least with you and your online stuff, that’s still doing something. I just feel like that’s actually a hobby.” and I kind of didn’t hear whatever else it is he said because he actually ??? referred to my RP addiction as something valid and worthy??? and all this time i’ve assumed he didn’t get it and thought it was dumb??? IDK, it made me feel good.
✿  Have you considered writing professionally or do you have plans to?
Always. But I never will, I don’t think.
✿  How do you handle the toxicity sometimes found in the roleplaying community, particularly in fandoms?How has roleplaying, specifically, impacted your life?
I use tumblr savior to blacklist a lot, because it really gets too much for me to be exposed to it a lot, and it makes me feel shitty and not want to rp with certain people because of how they behave, or makes me feel guilty for how I behave… I usually drift away from things that give me major negative vibes, otherwise I become in great, exponential danger of saying something i’ll regret. I’ve hated Tumblr RP a lot in this last year. It’s nowhere near as relaxed as it used to be, and I know there’s a lot of political debate on the topic of equality but I am not comfortable in a space where I have to edit everything I do and say or just not do or say it at all. When it gets like that level, a good dose of the unfollow button and keeping my mouth shut is what I find the most helpful.
✿  How has writing improved your life and do you see yourself sticking with it?
When I graduated high school, I went to college for art and animation, and it basically ruined my creative life. Before RP, I used to be an avid drawer, I sketched every day, I improved my skills and motivation so much, everyone knew me as the girl who drew in class instead of did her work, the girl who was going to grow up and be a famous artist, and when I went to college, it killed that for me. My ego took a big blow because the tech side of the course absolutely annihilated me, i couldn’t do it. so after that (and that was 2 years ago now) i haven’t really drawn since. but the silver lining was that I took on RP more dedicatedly after that, and found that I truly adored writing. Try as I might, I’ve never really comitted to a personal writing project, and it’s only in the recent times that I’ve taken the pressure off for me to do it, but. RP makes me happy, it makes me feel like I’m doing something good when I reply to people or make new friendships, it makes me feel like I’m wanted and needed, that my characters and plots are valid and that other people would care if I’m here or not. It was a big boost for my self confidence, and it’s also made me so much more privy to the creative world, which i needed after that. so yeah, i see myself sticking with writing.
✿  Is there a quote from a piece of literature that holds great value to you? What is it and why is it important to you?
She stood in front of her closet mirror in her T-shirt and twisted this way and that. What’s wrong with me? She wondered. There was nothing the matter that she could see. She was tall and leggy, like her mother, with full breasts, small waist, and slim hips that curved enough to show she was female. Her skin was gently golden; it was always golden, sun or not, and her tawny hair was thick and long and wild. So why was it that groups of girls stopped talking when she approached them at school and answered her openings with tense words that killed the conversations she tried to start? Was she too good-looking? Was that possible? Was that the threat they saw? 
Legitimately, this was the first and pretty much only female protagonist I had ever read about who fully and whole-heartedly loved herself where it mattered. Sure, she still had her shortcomings and moments of weakness, but god damn, Vivian was so proud of herself and what she stood for, and that was so refreshing to see during that period of young adult fiction. It’s why she became my first favourite character from a book. And has pretty much inspired me to write feirce, aggressive, self-assured female characters ever since. I was just so inspired by her way of thinking as a young girl, it appealed to me so much and so that moment in the book plus a whole lot of others, really stuck with me.
✿  What do you typically look for in a roleplay partner?
Cliche, but chemistry. And not always in the writing kind but a lot in the OOC kind. I like people who I can talk to super easily, who write in the same tumblr language I do, who reference memes and are not afraid to hit me up with IMs and head canons, etc. I just love it because it makes me feel comfortable with a person, and like I’m not being a bother. The better I get to know a player, the better I get to know their character away from IC interactions. Likewise, I adore it when players get to know me so well that they read the patterns in my characters easily, and I don’t feel like I have to explain them all the time? It’s like they just know, and they know what path I want to put them on. I also look for honesty, people who are down to tell me what they’re feeling about a situation or whether something bothers them, or is able to voice if I’m doing something wrong. Most importantly though, I look for decisive people. Not overly decisive but it’s just so important for me to have someone who is like “yes that sounds good, i can start a thing for you if you want” or “i dont think that really fits, how about this plot idea instead?” I really cannot stand sending IMs to people about plots and characters and them just agreeing off the bat the whole time, but never really deciding on anything either, and so it makes me feel like i’m just paddling in a circle until i make all the decisions for us. To me, that’s not what RP is about. It involves teamwork, and effort, and to me, that’s not putting in effort. It gets me really frustrated.
✿  What made you want to join the roleplaying community?
I kept seeing bios in celebrity tags, and so when i sussed out what group rp was on tumblr, i was like holy shit there is a name for the thing i have been doing with friends over email for so many years???? and you can use PICTURES? i gotta get on this.
so somehow, i found a group rp that allowed mythical creatures, i wanted to be a peter pan mermaid, and the rest is history~~
✿  What one piece of literature has been most inspirational/life changing for you? Why?
(( Blood & Chocolate, by Anette Curtis Klause — because of the main character, as per mentioned. She’s inspired me to write full-on, aggressive, assertive, don’t-tell-me-what-i-can-and-cant-do female characters without apology. ))
The Truth About Forever  by Sarah Dessen — it’s hard to explain exactly why, and it doesnt even just involve ONE of her books either, but they’ve kind of shaped my whole general character story directions?? her books always follow a pattern and i really admire that pattern, even if it is repetitive, and i am secretly a hopeless romantic so i really like how her love stories evolve. it’s always slow burning, the boy is usually a direct surprising love interest, and the girl always gains new friends and family out of it, and the stories always involve a nice little reoccurring theme. In the Truth About Forever, it’s a game that she and a boy plays throughout the entire book, which eventually leads to a shift from friendship to something more. THAT PLOT HAS APPEALED TO ME EVERY SINCE. the example of a teeny, tiny, otherwise-completely-average moment greatly impacting the rest of a characters life with someone else… i am weAK for this concept ok. her females are always usally feircely independent too and that gets me ♥
✿  Who are your top three favorite fictional characters and why?
Vivian Gandillon (Blood & Chocolate) — i swear i could go on repeat forever haha, but i’ve basically already mentioned why.
Jace Herondale (Shadowhunter Series) — back when the first like, two books had only been published, i super fell hard for this series and it was straight up because of the commentary done by Jace and his ability to senselessly bicker with everybody in his path. his comments to me, were always absolutely hysterical. i was so in love with his wry and witty comments, especially the way he kept at ease and casual through super distressing situations, and i really wish id kept reading the rest of the series as it was published, but i seriously fell behind. then the movie came out. then the netflix series. now i’ve grown too far out of it and having to see the cast on my dash every second of every day makes me want to burn the books.
Shane Collins (Morganville Vampire Series) — this is an oooold old series that i used to read religiously, and it was more in the style of anita blake and buffy vampires~ rather than twilight and true blood -esque content. it got really weird and complicated though so i gave up on it, but for a time, i adored it. and i loved shane because he was hilariously human, he hated everybody except his housemates (though sometimes that could be questioned) and nobody held a grudge better than him. he had a knack for getting in trouble, usually on his own accord, was feircely protective and spent most of his time just being a genuine nuisance and temper tantrum thrower. i saw a lot of me in him, and idk. i just like people with tempers, i think it makes them super fun to read. 
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tragedyloved · 3 years
3, 4 & 14 !!
Tumblr media
3. what current rp trend do you hate?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dude tumblr has been so dead for me that i dont even know what trends are going around right now.
4. How do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
For some reason, most people I've mentioned it to seem to kinda have some understanding of what it is and I'm always surprised. I think mostly everyone just figures it's DnD without the dungeon master. Or LARP through text. If they don't know like at all I'll just say it's basically collaborative story telling. One person assumes the role of one character, the other person assumes the role of a different character and you write a story together based on a mutually agreed upon plot. Like the adult version of kids taking figurines and pretending to be the characters in some made-up story they pull together. It's really not as difficult to explain. It's just a little embarrassing for some reason.
Fun story I mentioned recently, as in within the last few hours: when I was a few years into rping-- I started when I was 11 / 12 -- I was hooked to the family desktop, which turned out to be fine cause hardly anyone else used it. My younger brother was curious about what I was constantly talking about on this forum I was on and I told him "try it out" I had to be like 13/14 at the time, and he was 10/11 which was terrible of me but kids. He didn't get into it, but he did make two accounts on the forum and for the few hours he was amused he annoyed the shit out of literally every single person that posted in his thread because he chose to rp as Fred Fredburger from Billy and Mandy. and lemme tell you it was just a lot of "FRED FREDBURGER FRED FREDBURGER" and "I LIKE FROSEN YOGURT" "I LIKE NACHOS" for like 3 hours at everyone and they were actually trying to reply to this kid who was just trolling bc he found it so fucking funny.
14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
This is actually kind of a loaded question. I think on one hand it's fun. It's loads of fun. I enjoy reading people's writing, I enjoy writing replies, I enjoy thinking about characters and making plots and just the whole... interactivity of it. On the other hand, when I was a kid pre-rp, I used to write a lot of stuff in multiple notebooks when i was around 9 or so. I had a ridiculous Harry Potter fic where he had a twin or something. And a vampire story. And a quest about an elf in some society. I also wrote the beginning of the story for @edeioninkina 's universe. When I first got a computer I wrote terrible fanfiction on FF.net. Then I found rp and...I stopped writing a lot of the original content. I stopped writing fanfics. I didn't finish anything because I'd be working on plots and stories and stuff for rp instead of focusing on my own work.
I also made a lot of friends online, but that kinda ended up replacing real life friendships in some sense because I spent so much time inside on my computer. And that hasn't changed. None of it has really changed. I stay on here even when it's dead, refreshing, because I'm addicted to tumblr specifically, i can't even say social media.
But like in a positive aspect: I'm pretty damn good at characterization I think because of it, dialogue is fantastic, interpersonal relationships between characters is good also. So in that sense my writing is better (and worse in some aspects) because of rp. I think if I can just find that middle ground where I can disengage for a while and then come back to it, it would be better, but I havent been able to do that.
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internetdetectives · 4 years
11/11/19 - Chat with Erika
Erika_XP💚: "Oh my lord I am so sleepy”
Slinky Stinks△: "Dudes”
Slinky Stinks△: "I can't stay up untyl 11/11”
Slinky Stinks△: "I'm too sleepy”
Xenquility: "Dude
Xenquility: "sleep now and wake up later”
Xenquility: "If you're gonna sleep do it early”
Xenquility: "Cause it's only 4:30 est
Erika_XP💚: "I was supposed to sleep a while ago but I cant actually bring myself to sleep I am so excited and worried”
Xenquility: "Probably a good while till jid starts”
Slinky Stinks△: "B r u h”
Slinky Stinks△: "I gotta go 2 school”
Xenquility: "o”
Slinky Stinks△: "I can just stay up and drink redbull tho”
Slinky Stinks△: "That was my summer plans for two weeks”
The Sun: "All who get cancer from my radiance weren't born to bear the gifts I give unto them. :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:”
Erika_XP💚: "Those things are rubbish”
Erika_XP💚: "poison really”
Slinky Stinks△: "I'm so brave, I sunbath WITHOUT CREAM”
Slinky Stinks△: "brUH”
The Sun: "Wtf is an erika”
Slinky Stinks△: "THAT COMEBACK WAS”
Slinky Stinks△: "LMAO XEN UR DED”
Slinky Stinks△: "SHE KILLED U”
Xenquility: "She uh”
Xenquility: "said”
Erika_XP💚: "Im sorry are you ok”
Xenquility: "ur mum”
Xenquility: "If that's a comeback I'm jumping off a roof”
Xenquility: "Why am I doing this anyways”
Xenquility: "What's life anymore”
Slinky Stinks△: "Shut up xen ur ded”
Slinky Stinks△: "She got chu”
Erika_XP💚: "I did not know my own strength on that one I feared I shattered you”
Slinky Stinks△: "Well then prepare for the day your skeleton gets freedom”
Slinky Stinks△: "It is uncomfortable inside a meat vessel”
Erika_XP💚: "I have delt with scarier”
Erika_XP💚: "I once watched the regiminis video but at 11:11 at night alone outside on my laptop”
Xenquility: "ok you do not exist”
Xenquility: "you are not real”
Erika_XP💚: "I think I passed out for a moment but I think  may have just woken up in time to make sure Tyler is ok”
Erika_XP💚: "@IIIII Tyler I am sure you are busy and can't see this but GOOD LUCK I have been saying prayers for you this whole day”
ADULT_LINK△: "just a uh”
ADULT_LINK△: "suggestion”
IIIII: "Jesus h christ fuck off”
ADULT_LINK△: "people tend to get annoyed when ya ping em needlessly”
Erika_XP💚: "I just wanted to make sure you were ok I am sorry”
Eevee Reborn: "Erika has severe stokholm syndrome”
Erika_XP💚: "Would you kindly sod off”
DensO Burton: "Oh god”
Ross the Claus 🎄: ":0”
Eevee Reborn: "Erika: exists”
Eevee Reborn: "Tyler: rabid foaming mad demon”
Xenquility: "It's like watching a disaster in slow motion”
DensO Burton: "Ok erika how do u imagine tyler's d”
DensO Burton: "Sorry”
Erika_XP💚: "I beg your pardon?”
DensO Burton: "Just a joke”
Erika_XP💚: "Sorry I am really socially awkward ^^;”
DensO Burton: "Don't worry it wss a BAD joke”
/Mr. Circle\: "i'm ashamed of the voice i read erika's messages in after "sod off"”
DensO Burton: "Lol”
/Mr. Circle\: "soteetos”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 10:56 PM: “ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴇᴇᴍᴇᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʀᴜᴅᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ.”
otherLiam 10:57 PM: "I’m surprised you joined us in here. Not worried about our chats being monitored?” 
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 10:58 PM: "sᴇᴇᴍs ᴘᴏɪɴᴛʟᴇss ɴᴏᴡ.”
Densgivin 10:58 PM: "Hey”
Ross the Claus 🎄 10:58 PM: "hey ghost”
Xenquility 10:58 PM: "Nice role….”
otherLiam 10:59 PM: "Anything interesting going on?”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:00 PM: "ɪᴛ ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ, ɪ ᴀssᴜᴍᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴅʀᴏᴘ ɪɴ.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:00 PM: "ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏʟᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴘᴇʀ, xᴇɴ?”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "Just the name”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "Mainly the /”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "and the \”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "Anyways, seems more than coincidental the "Time to drop in” is 11/11”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:02 PM: “ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇɴ.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:02 PM: "ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴛɪsꜰɪᴇᴅ?”
Xenquility 11:03 PM: "Very”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:04 PM: "ɪ'ᴍ ɢʟᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ɢɪꜰᴛ.”
Xenquility 11:05 PM: "Im dumb”
Xenquility 11:05 PM: "no surprise there”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:05 PM: "ɪ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴛʀᴀᴅᴇᴍᴀʀᴋ ꜰᴏɴᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ.”
Xenquility 11:06 PM: "Yeah I got it now”
Xenquility 11:06 PM: "My brain likes to act before I think”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:06 PM: "ɪ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴅɪsᴄᴜssɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʏᴇᴛ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴄᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʙᴀsᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴇxᴛ.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:06 PM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴍʏ ᴏᴡɴ ᴜɴsᴀᴛɪsꜰᴀᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ᴘᴀʀᴀɴᴏɪᴀ ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ.”
Xenquility 11:07 PM: "No, my original text was me snarkily saying "What gift?” before I realised it was the video”
Xenquility 11:07 PM: “I’m surprised there aren’t as many people here right now”
Xenquility 11:07 PM: ”(Everyone here raise your hand)”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:09 PM: “:raised_back_of_hand:”
Xenquility 11:09 PM: "Liam was here but has disappeared in the past two minutes or so”
Eevee Reborn 11:10 PM: "Hand”
Xenquility 11:11 PM: "Hey Ghosty, just to confirm, what day and year is it for you?”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:11 PM: "11/11 2019”
Xenquility 11:11 PM: "Good”
Xenquility 11:11 PM: "Should we be doing anything to help those in the past?”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:12 PM: "ɪᴛ’s ᴀʟsᴏ 11:11”
Erika_XP💚 11:12 PM: ”@IIIII  This is the pivitol moment I always assume. TYLER LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE OK”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:12 PM: “fucking stop”
IIIII 11:13 PM: "not only is it 11:12 but you are single handedly the most annoying little fuck to ever grace this group”
Erika_XP💚 11:13 PM: "Im just glad to know you are ok”
otherLiam 11:14 PM: "this has now crossed over into obvious trolling”
IIIII 11:14 PM: "were yuo expecting a fucking video?”
Xenquility 11:14 PM: "Can we just ban them at this point”
IIIII 11:14 PM: ”@Erika_XP💚”
IIIII 11:14 PM: “@Erika_XP💚”
IIIII 11:14 PM: ”@Erika_XP💚”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:15 PM: “ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜʏ.”
IIIII 11:16 PM: "Fucking a yuo dumb bitch dont worry there will be a video tonight its just going to be late now because I had to sit here and call you an annoying cunt for distracting me”
ADULT_LINK 11:18 PM: "oof”
Erika_XP💚 11:18 PM: ”@ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ I dont think he is usually like this I think he is just having a bad time considering the day. I will harden myself as well!”
ADULT_LINK 11:19 PM: “snrk”
Erika_XP💚 11:19 PM: "what is this short for?”
otherLiam 11:21 PM: "Assuming you aren’t trolling because I’m bored, it’s not short for anything. It’s the sound of someone holding in a laugh.”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "oh shit I missed soem shit”
otherLiam 11:23 PM: "not much”
otherLiam 11:23 PM: "mostly just ghostbabel joined”
otherLiam 11:23 PM: "and tyler yelled at erika for being annoying”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "well I also see someone got chewed out lol”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "astounding”
QuoteBOT 11:26 PM: "Ok erika how do u imagine tyler’s d”
ARGdov 11:26 PM: "ive heard its quite a lot for most to manage tbh”
ARGdov 11:26 PM: "so Im wondering too”
Erika_XP💚 11:27 PM: "Ok I get that I am annoying, I remind myself of this often. But I see no reason for all the awful aggression. I only excuse it because of who we are talking about here and considering the situation.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:27 PM: "ɪ sᴇᴇ ɪ ᴀᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ.”
Eevee Reborn 11:27 PM: "The fuck”
Xenquility 11:27 PM: "Actually you are needed”
ARGdov 11:27 PM: "nope”
Xenquility 11:27 PM: "We always need you”
IIIII 11:27 PM: "You were literally never needed”
ADULT_LINK 11:27 PM: "hi ghost”
ARGdov 11:27 PM: "as usual we are capable of tearing ourselves apart on our own”
ADULT_LINK 11:27 PM: "howsit goin”
otherLiam 11:27 PM: "okay hang on what is happening here”
IIIII 11:27 PM: "can you stop fucking larping”
ARGdov 11:28 PM: "Im lost”
ARGdov 11:28 PM: "if tylers fucking ooc why is ghost not ooc”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:28 PM: "ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ?”
otherLiam 11:28 PM: "That’s what I’m wondering”
Eevee Reborn 11:28 PM: "This went from trial of fire to full on…. dammnit, Dov’s watching”
ADULT_LINK 11:28 PM: "oof”
ARGdov 11:28 PM: "lol what did I do now”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:28 PM: "ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs, ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏ, ᴀᴅɪᴇᴜ.”
IIIII: "Oh trust me I would fucking love to dumbass”
otherLiam: "Is this ooc?”
ARGdov: "night, ghost”
Eevee Reborn: "Oof”
ARGdov: ".....if it is Im confused.”
otherLiam: "I can’t even fucking tell anymore.”
ARGdov: "but also if I start asking Tyler questions I feel like it'll annoy him more lol”
Erika_XP💚: "what does ooc mean?”
ARGdov: "out of character”
ADULT_LINK△: ":eye::eye:”
Eevee Reborn: "I'll ask him a question”
IIIII: "@Erika_XP💚 it means none of this is real and you are a stupid cunt brb”
ARGdov: "gosh”
otherLiam: "ok so he is ooc”
otherLiam: "but is talking to characters”
ARGdov: "weird”
ARGdov: "still dunno what you mean by this xD”
otherLiam: "by the way eevee, it’s become clear this is a troll”
Eevee Reborn: "You guys are brutal”
ARGdov: "this is certainly a new form of trolling tbh”
ARGdov: "acting like a fangirl who wants sempai to notice her”
ARGdov: "this is forwarding the field of trolling quite a bit, it used to be you barged in and called people slurs and made them mad”
Eevee Reborn: "Quick, let's play bolero of fire so Erikas epic trial of fire has a soundtrack”
ARGdov: "this is much more subtle”
ARGdov: "much more sinister”
otherLiam: "where’ve you been, trolling has advanced quite a bit”
ARGdov: "much more traditionally feminine”
ARGdov: "she deserves an award”
otherLiam: "i’m gonna laugh when it turns out this is just wolfcat on another screen”
Erika_XP💚: "I dont know where this "trolling" idea comes from”
Xenquility: "Honestly the wolf idea has come to my head a few times”
Eevee Reborn: "Feminine troll”
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 I present to you this honorary doctrate in trolling”
ARGdov: "oh my gosh”
Xenquility: "fuckdsf”
ARGdov: "this being Wolf”
ARGdov: "that makes a lot of sense”
ARGdov: "but also like”
ARGdov: "I dunno if he'd do that”
ARGdov: "after he got in trouble for gamejacking”
Xenquility: "They did  just freak out after being accused of being wolf”
otherLiam: "he totally would”
ARGdov: "they did yes”
ARGdov: "which makes me wonder if they are”
Xenquility: "Also wolf has never been online with her”
Xenquility: "Or interacted with her”
ARGdov: "shit yeah”
otherLiam: "lmao”
otherLiam: "good bit wolf”
ARGdov: "@Wolfcat WHERE ARE YOU”
otherLiam: "10/10”
ADULT_LINK△: "what iff....”
ARGdov: "you got us all lol”
ADULT_LINK△: "this is ALl canon”
otherLiam: "that’s a good fuckin bit”
ADULT_LINK△: "im :high:”
ADULT_LINK△: "fuck”
ARGdov: "thorin”
ARGdov: "you're always high”
ARGdov: "and you've lost track of the story”
ADULT_LINK△: ":eye:”
ADULT_LINK△: ":eyes:”
otherLiam: "we’ve all lost track of the fuckin story”
mfgreth: ":thinking:”
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 because you're wolf we're revoking your honorary doctrate”
Eevee Reborn: "Quick Dov, we need your wise ideas. Ideas that have NEVER lead us astray.”
otherLiam: “greth pls help”
ARGdov: "yes, listen to me”
ARGdov: "clearly I have always made the right decision in this ARG”
Xenquility: "We need to post a screenshot of the future to the past”
Xenquility: "bomb plans 8.9”
otherLiam: "brilliant”
otherLiam: "then we play the oath to order and summon all the giants”
Eevee Reborn: "We look Dov. Our overlord”
Xenquility: "Then song of storms 10 hours which we never turn off”
otherLiam: "but then we use the giant mask to make them bigger”
Xenquility: "then .root”
otherLiam: "then we >c_connect johnisdead.com”
Erika_XP💚: "who is wolf?”
ARGdov: "uh no we dont need to use the giant mask to mkae them bigger”
ARGdov: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWbkxaTU1Z0”
ARGdov: "we'll just use the rita repulsa method”
otherLiam: "damn u rite”
mfgreth: "You wan erika banned???”
Xenquility: "yes”
Xenquility: "please god”
otherLiam: "prolly a good idea”
otherLiam: "before tyler’s head explodes”
Xenquility: "holy shit the tags on the pumpkinpology video say "erika"”
Xenquility: "no jk”
otherLiam: "...holy shit there’s no way.”
Xenquility: "no”
Xenquility: "I'm kidding”
ARGdov: "ahahahhaha”
otherLiam: "fuck off”
otherLiam: "dont do that to a man when he’s already hurtin”
ARGdov: "in any case I need a magic wand to go make whatever the fuck grow”
Eevee Reborn: "Penor”
Erika_XP💚: "Why should I be getting banned???”
ARGdov: "because you're Wolfcat”
otherLiam: "because you’re either a troll, wolfcat, or way too young to play this game.”
mfgreth: "Im not gonna ban erika”
mfgreth: "I dont see a reason tbh”
ARGdov: "or alternaively because you are a naive nusiance and for once we're gonna nip a problem in the bud before it gets too large”
Eevee Reborn: "And being wolfcat is NOT a victimless crime”
Xenquility: "(They might not actually be wolfcat lmao)”
otherLiam: "I mean she literally poked tyler until he was forced to drop character
with weird fan worship”
ARGdov: "see the one thing is about her being wolfcat Im not sure about is”
ARGdov: "Tyler was super pissed at him literally yesterday”
ARGdov: "why would Wolf decide to try and troll him”
otherLiam: "im mostly memeing, i doubt it’s wolf”
Erika_XP💚: "Maybe you are naive actually, just last night I was linking one of you a video none of you had technically ever seen and now you are acting like this”
ARGdov: "Im pretty sure we had seen that video actualy”
otherLiam: "wat”
ARGdov: "just because it ws unlisted doesnt make you special”
Eevee Reborn: "Wolfcat likes to start drama. Big drama starter always. Yup”
ARGdov: "actually Im next to POSITIVE we have”
otherLiam: "What video was it?”
Xenquility: "Yknow if this is a troll they've succeeded”
Xenquility: "We're all fighting over nothing on 11/11”
otherLiam: "I mean, nothing’s happened yet.”
otherLiam: "Other than the Greths poking us”
Xenquility: "If they aren't getting banned we can't do anything about it”
otherLiam: "and GB joining”
mfgreth: "I can protect erika with communism”
otherLiam: "people cant even protect their own families with communism”
ARGdov: "this was the video”
Xenquility: "Yeah we've seen that”
ARGdov: "Im aware”
ARGdov: "Erika claimed she was the first person to find it”
Xenquility: "It's been on the ID channel for months”
ARGdov: "my point is literally just that she was wrong”
otherLiam: "Not only have we seen that”
otherLiam: "we’ve also solved the ciphers on it” 
ARGdov: "yup”
mfgreth: "Rood”
ARGdov: "look, if shes not Wolf, then idk what her deal is”
ARGdov: "because she clearly knows to some extent that this isnt real. earlier yesterday she asked if the issue was "gm stuff"”
otherLiam: "listen slinky’s a kid, but at least he just endearingly screws up instead of weirdly worshipping Tyler.”
Xenquility: "I think we should just drop the issue for now. We're not going to be reaching a resolution anytime soon and to be fair, if this is a really young kid, we've kinda just mobbed on her like a lynch mob”
otherLiam: "this is clearly a plant from the lunar children”
ADULT_LINK△: "i bet yall bitches never seen THIS video”
otherLiam: "if you post rickroll”
ARGdov: "or its Raven”
ARGdov: "or Suxx”
ARGdov: "honestly I would buy it being Raven”
ARGdov: "...”
ADULT_LINK△: "and now nobody else gets to see the video”
ARGdov: "Im not sure if we have seen this”
ARGdov: "Ive opened it”
Xenquility: "oh my gid”
Xenquility: "I love this”
ARGdov: "oh my gosh”
ARGdov: "its a monica vid”
ADULT_LINK△: ":hylotl_eyes:”
ARGdov: "of course”
otherLiam: "tfw you will never have tyler because his heart belongs to monika sempai”
Xenquility: "Some say video 2 only appears once a year”
otherLiam: "just monika”
ARGdov: "always”
ARGdov: "just monika”
ARGdov: "only monika”
otherLiam: "Just Monika”
otherLiam: "Just Monika”
otherLiam: "Just Monika”
ARGdov: "smack Liam”
otherLiam: "neck snaps at 90 degree angle”
otherLiam: "runs at screen”
ARGdov: "pulls out fairy in a bottle”
ADULT_LINK△: ":honl:”
ARGdov: "heals you”
ADULT_LINK△: ":fairy:”
otherLiam: "dov have you played this dumb game”
Xenquility: "what the hell he gets a sledge hammer”
ARGdov: "I have but I didnt finish it tbh”
ARGdov: "but I know its deal”
Xenquility: "this usb is indestructible”
otherLiam: "takes too long to get going imo”
otherLiam: "act 1 should be like, a day shorter”
ARGdov: "eh, whatever”
ARGdov: "its god shit either way”
Xenquility: "LMAO I didn't see the "Game" part and I thought you were talking about the video”
ADULT_LINK△: "im gonna keep smoking and open my  f o u r t h  e y e “
ARGdov: "this reminds me”
otherLiam: "no im talking about ddlc”
otherLiam: "also man”
ARGdov: "I should keep palying Dream Daddy”
otherLiam: "it’s almost not 11/11 anymore on the ec”
ARGdov: "but it was so wholesome it made me gag”
ARGdov: "rip”
ARGdov: "somethings coming”
mfgreth: "Yeesh”
Eevee Reborn: "Me :sweat_drops:”
Eevee Reborn: "Now if anyone is going to obsessively fangirl over a hottie, jontron is it”
otherLiam: "he got married”
Eevee Reborn: "Jontron > Tyler”
ARGdov: "what if I wanna fangirl over someone else”
mfgreth: "Happy 11/12”
ARGdov: "Lestat the Vampire > Jontron”
ARGdov: "he can suck me any day”
otherLiam: "but something’s” 
otherLiam: "changed”
otherLiam: "Changed”
otherLiam: "Changed”
otherLiam: "CHANGED”
mfgreth: "Lestat is a punk bitch”
ARGdov: "or any night, I guess”
ARGdov: "well yeah and thats why hes great”
Eevee Reborn: "Lestat? But he's french.”
ARGdov: "I can forgive him for that”
Erika_XP💚: "11/11 is over @IIIII Tyler are you safe? I hope so”
ADULT_LINK△: "oh goddamn it”
otherLiam: "erika”
otherLiam: "stop spamming tyler”
Erika_XP💚: "Whatika?”
Eevee Reborn: "Oof”
ADULT_LINK△: "i had the song i wanted to hear earlier downloaded :dabeangery:”
ARGdov: "no one likes getting that manys pings”
Erika_XP💚: "Im not spamming him”
ARGdov: "also”
ARGdov: "NONE”
otherLiam: "he’s been pretty clear he wants you to stop”
ADULT_LINK△: "quit pingin him”
ARGdov: "Tylers not in character right now”
ARGdov: "in fact, do you know whats happened to Tyler in-game?”
Eevee Reborn: "Ben is real Dov, stop ruining the emersion”
ARGdov: "Tyler was kidnapped”
ARGdov: "and taken to another dimension”
ARGdov: "and we dont know whats happened to him”
IIIII: "I'll show you something real”
ARGdov: "so before you spam, read the fucking wiki for starters”
Xenquility: "LOL”
Xenquility: "She's gone”
IIIII: "Fucking stupid bitch”
Eevee Reborn: "what happened”
mfgreth: "What the heck”
ARGdov: "what?”
ARGdov: "no shes still here for me?”
ADULT_LINK△: "why u so aggresive over the dum fangirl”
ADULT_LINK△: "yeesh”
otherLiam: "she’s a troll”
ADULT_LINK△: "like i get she's annoying you but like”
ARGdov: "dumb fangirls tend to do that topeople”
ADULT_LINK△: "still, we didnt get this hostile towards raven”
ARGdov: "um”
ADULT_LINK△: "at least, not this quickly”
ARGdov: "we sort of did? after awhile?”
mfgreth: "Wow”
mfgreth: "Tyler”
ARGdov: "like I literally told her to fuck off”
IIIII: "What”
Eevee Reborn: "Is she kicked or something?”
ARGdov: "granted I didnt call her a bitch but still”
mfgreth: "Banned”
ARGdov: "no shes still here, Im p sure”
otherLiam: "man i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she really did kinda reach that point real fast”
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 testing”
Eevee Reborn: "OOF”
ADULT_LINK△: "she got kicked”
ARGdov: "oh ok”
ARGdov: "well”
ARGdov: "we did try and explain to her multiple times she was acting inappropirately but she refused to listen”
ARGdov: "so, even if we were pretty harsh on her overall the ban still seems deserved”
otherLiam: "just constantly pinging tyler and asking him weird shit”
ADULT_LINK△: "damn”
Eevee Reborn: "Wow, Tyler. Wow”
ADULT_LINK△: "fuckin brutal yall”
mfgreth: "Thats fucked up imo”
mfgreth: "I am not down with that”
otherLiam: "she referred to him as “my Tyler”.”
ARGdov: "and called him 'handsome'”
mfgreth: "Shes probably 12”
mfgreth: "Or 14”
ARGdov: "wait no she didnt but she said something close to that”
Eevee Reborn: "My tyler? Handsome? That BITCH”
otherLiam: "slinky is 13”
mfgreth: "What if she has some sort of spectrum disorder?”
otherLiam: "he doesnt act like that”
ADULT_LINK△: "she sounded older than 12/14”
ARGdov: "I was an obnoxious needy 14 year old and I wasnt this bad”
ARGdov: "you know”
ARGdov: "she may have been on the spectrum”
otherLiam: "what if she does? who cares? i hold people to the same standard of not being assholes.”
Eevee Reborn: "No, you've gotten badder”
ADULT_LINK△: "when i called her young she said something about who said she was young”
mfgreth: "I feel like yall are gonna do the usual fucking thing start speculating i was erika trolling like you did wolf”
mfgreth: "(Bs btw)”
mfgreth: "But im not cool with that”
mfgreth: "Im out.”
otherLiam: "that was mostly a joke”
ARGdov: "but even people on the spectrum can understand that when you're told "you should stop this" multiple times will usually stop”
ADULT_LINK△: "whys everyone bein so fuckin hostile tho jesus”
otherLiam: "wat”
ARGdov: "oh I dont think shes you”
ARGdov: "I mean”
ADULT_LINK△: "shes not mugen, she's just some random chick whos a bit odd”
Xenquility: "Wha-”
Xenquility: "Holy fuck”
ARGdov: "I dont think greths totally wrong tbh”
ADULT_LINK△: "aaaand greth left”
ARGdov: "Tyler got out of hand”
ADULT_LINK△: "goddamn it you guys who the fuck gave everyone angery pills”
ARGdov: "welp”
ARGdov: "wait shit”
Xenquility: "Welp”
ARGdov: "...oh ok right other people are mods”
/Mr. Circle\: ":angery:”
Xenquility: "If they're a troll, they sure as hell succeeded”
/Mr. Circle\: "this emoji is massive??”
ADULT_LINK△: "emoji's are bigger when alone!”
ADULT_LINK△: ":notzelda:”
ADULT_LINK△: "i love it”
ADULT_LINK△: "makes gif ones easier to see”
IIIII: "So tonight”
IIIII: "is finally the end”
ARGdov: "I do think Tyler got out of hand and honestly I probably did too, but, also....yeah she needed to get banned.”
ARGdov: "the end?”
otherLiam: "The end?”
IIIII: "I hope you are excited”
/Mr. Circle\: "the end?”
ARGdov: ".....nope now Im nervous”
otherLiam: "arg ends in a rickroll”
IIIII: "I have been for years”
otherLiam: "is this real? We’re really ending it?”
ARGdov: "no way”
otherLiam: "the final death of the id’s”
ARGdov: "its not ending like this.”
otherLiam: "jk i’ll fuckin start something if it really is”
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Wednesday Friendsday Mission Logs: Goblins in Suburbia
Keeper Representative #298:
Interparty Communication Hub Rules
1-no explicit nsfw content such as overtly explicit text or imagery
2-more rules will be added as the need arises
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens.
🚐Jevans🎷: thats jevans mate
whats up?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: i have a mix CD. Can i bring it?
🚐Jevans🎷: depends
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: on what?
🚐Jevans🎷: whats on it?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: you know. Good music.
-posts link to bass boosted "Down Under" by Men At Work (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC-dS7JmCbY)
🚐Jevans🎷: is there anything else but that song on it?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: absolutely not
🚐Jevans🎷: good
oh oh
El 🐍: do you mean you have twelve to fourteen of the same song on one CD?
🚐Jevans🎷: im pickin you up first sweets
El 🐍: also, um, Mr. Evans? Is it okay to bring food in your car?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B]
🚐Jevans🎷: so long as theres enough for your driver
El 🐍: okay, well. I'm not sure but my sister ordered Chinese food. She may finish it before you get here, though. Would you like the fortune cookie?
👊Dee Foster thats the best part though el!!!!!
El 🐍: they gave us two... I was thinking he could have mine.
Jev: sure ill polish yer leftovers
👊Dee Foster BUT
fine he can have it -frowny imp emoji-
El 🐍: did....did you want them both?
🚐Jevans🎷: hey dee can have it
i read the docs and dont want her mad at me
👊Dee Foster NO you have it L.O.L.
i was only teasing!!!!
-XD emoji-
🚐Jevans🎷: alright hahahahsdfsdaf
El 🐍: Mr. Evans, would you like any of this ma po tofu?
🚐Jevans🎷: only if yer not eatin eat
its ahrd to eat when im driving with passengers
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: are you texting whilst driving??
El 🐍: are you implying our driver would break the law???
🚐Jevans🎷: hahahaha
👊Dee Foster O.M.G. he better not be!!!!
🚐Jevans🎷: HAHAH
El 🐍: :\
🚐Jevans🎷: absolutely not
speech-to-text mates
Nelherin: that can still be distracting!!
El 🐍: Wow your dictation software must be very advanced to know to capitalize your laughter with emphasis!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: magic SIRI
El 🐍: oh my gosh, if Mr. Evans has a magic phone, i want one.
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : is it okay with everyone if i photo document our adventures?
🚐Jevans🎷: this is expensive hardware, you gotta work a long time to get it
but all in good time El
and so long as you dont flash in the vehicle sure
El 🐍: I mean, i've got an iPhone, but it isn't magic.
Nelherin, I'm fine with that, as long as you don't make them available publicly online. Last semester one of my students posted a picture of me on Facebook and tagged it "That Weird Nerd" and I thought that was really unkind.
El 🐍: It was super unflattering too. :(
👊Dee Foster -three red angry emojis-
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i won't release them publicly! I think that might get me in trouble with the keepers, hah...
El 🐍: okay, that's fine! If you tag me, please tag me as EL SHRIVER.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: i have stickers
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : okay!
What kind of stickers?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: stickers for a scrapbook
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : oh i love scrapbooking!
Maybe i could photodocumennt with a scrapbook!
El 🐍: I have stickers for coding my planner! There are different ones for meetings, classes, study sessions, and even a little cup of coffee! I'm coding these missions as "gym" so that Dee thinks I'm exercising.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: well now she knows
El 🐍: Oh shoot.
🚐Jevans🎷: no one tell el they can delete messages
El 🐍: Oh this isn't a static record of our communications?
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : you just told them by saying that??
jevans; well yeah im the cool driver
and no el its not static
El 🐍: Well. I still think we should be keeping some record of what we do and if I just go back and edit what I say, that's like changing history.
🚐Jevans🎷: you could hop over to Keeper Chat and bug 298
👊Dee Foster HEY!!!! I JUST SAW THAT!!!
🚐Jevans🎷: they could prolly change it for you
👊Dee Foster next time i go to the gym youre going with me el!!!!
El 🐍: oh... oh boy.
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : do you think the keepers would be okay with it if i photo document our adventures?
🚐Jevans🎷: dunno
i mean
i snap all the time
no ones said nothin yet
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : in my experience, if anything... strange shows up in pictures, most people usually assume its just photo editing and sfx makeup, so i don't think there should be a problem? But i don't wanna get in trouble!!
🚐Jevans🎷: i dont think theyd mind
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : okay!! i dont think anyone outside of this group will be seeing most of the pictures, but i wanna be safe just in case!!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens do you have snapchat
🚐Jevans🎷: yee
that statement is a BITCH to get speech-to-text to get properly
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : did you have to spell it out??
🚐Jevans🎷: nah i gotta say it like just right
like if i go too much towards yeah itll get that instead
but yeah doesnt have the right spirit yaknow?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: incredible
avery: so like is this the chat or whatever?
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : yep!!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: hi miss avery
its me, the green one
avery: am i supposed to talk to you guys
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : if you want to!!
avery: um
who are you
El 🐍: Nice to meet you, Avery! The dossier says you're a student?
Avery: who are any of you
yea i guess
i'm in high shook
school whatever
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: im sweet. Sweet ghoulman. We've met. With the wizard?
👊Dee Foster O.M.G. hello!!!!
avery: oh you're the creepy guy
cool i guess
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: oh, thank you.
El 🐍: ... that isn't very nice. :\
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : why is sweets creepy
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: nelherin you havent met me yet
avery: wait if you're in this chat im gonna have to like. Interact with you
i guess i'm not very nice
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : uhm, you're free to call me henri instead if you wish
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: miss avery we're on this mission together
avery: just avery's fine dude
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: avery we're on this mission together, you have my condolences
but i made a mix cd so it should be fine
El 🐍: I feel like this is an inappropriate use of the word "mix."
🚐Jevans🎷: shhhhhh
itll be a surprise el
unless avery reads from the start
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i agree with el...
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: only jevans understands me
🚐Jevans🎷: but i dont think avery has that much interest in seeing what weve talked about
El 🐍: thank you! Henri? May I call you Henri?
🚐Jevans🎷: sweets want my snapchat?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens can i have your #
yes absolutely
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : you can!
Avery: wait we're allowed to have snap chats?
🚐Jevans🎷: alright buddy ill shoot it at you privately mate
avery: dammnit i deleted mine
🚐Jevans🎷: oops
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B]
avery: can i curse here
🚐Jevans🎷: what kind of curse????
avery: is that allowed or whatever
like can i say fuck
🚐Jevans🎷: cuz like i know yer a wizard-ankle-biter
oh ye
fucking say fucking fuck as many fucking times as you fucking want
avery: literally the fuck now i have to make a new snapchat
god fucking damnit
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B O
👊Dee Foster -BO emoji-
🚐Jevans🎷: sweets i read that as bow and thought odd but afreed
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B0
avery: oh not emojis
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : what's wrong with emojis??
avery: come on y'all are older than me right
👊Dee Foster -frowny imp emoji- WHATS WRONG WITH EMOJIS????
🚐Jevans🎷: that one is slightly less bow
like a quieter bow
soft bow
avery: just childish
🚐Jevans🎷: avery yer like 12 chill
avery: but if you wanna play it that way then be my guest
El 🐍: I read it as B.O. and was hoping I wouldn't be the only odd-smelling person on the trip...
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : but emojis are fun
👊Dee Foster -worried emoji, anguished emoji, frowning emoji-
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: emojis... are timeless
youll be in good company el
🚐Jevans🎷: except for -watch emoji-
avery: bad joke jevans
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i thought it was funny!!
El 🐍: L O L
👊Dee Foster L.O.L.!!!!
🚐Jevans🎷: eeeeeeeeeh henri can sit in the front
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : yay!! :D
avery: can i bring my headphones to wherever we're going
🚐Jevans🎷: -another different watch emoji-
sure mate
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens is great
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : jevans, will you be picking anyone up soon??
🚐Jevans🎷: OH SHIT
right yeah
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : ...
🚐Jevans🎷: ill be-CALCULATING
fuckin gps
avery: who're you getting first
🚐Jevans🎷: uuuuuuh
right sweets
okay sweets im gonna be like swinging by you gotta hop in through the window
not comin to a full stop either you gotta just jump in
El 🐍: WHAT???
avery: UM WHAT
👊Dee Foster CAN I DO THAT TOO!!!!!
Avery: wait a fcking second im a fucking vampire
never fucking mind my caps lock
👊Dee Foster -flexing arm emoji followed by mischievious imp emoji-
🚐Jevans🎷: nah only sweets
if i run sweets over hell be okay
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: thanks
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : uhm....
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: im flexible. Roll down the passenger window
🚐Jevans🎷: didnt you guys get the psych profiles and background check documentaion?
Avery: the what
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : no??
dee, you might get hurt
El 🐍: I read them all very thoroughly
avery: will there be a test on that
El 🐍: Don't worry! I have an annotated copy!
Avery: or um anything actually
oh. gee. How exciting. Thanks
El 🐍: Will there be a test?? : D
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i'm a little bit scared...
🚐Jevans🎷: okay sweets
like five minutes
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens just snapchatted me a picture of a rolled down suv window
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : does your car accomidate tall people??
El 🐍: not a concern for us! : D
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : it is for me
El 🐍: Yes, I know.
Avery: how tall
like 6'0"?
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : exactly
avery: whatever i'm like 5'6"
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : ... am i the tallest one??
🚐Jevans🎷: okay one down
henri youre next
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: i landed a little bit on the stick. Its fine i dont bruise
🚐Jevans🎷: ill stop properly
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : okay!!
El 🐍: Are the doors locked?
🚐Jevans🎷: not when I stop
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : this music is... strange
El 🐍: Oh, man, someone down the street has a really intense subwoofer situation.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: thanks
avery: what music
are y'all near each other
🚐Jevans🎷: dont worry avery
youre the furthest out
might be a bit before we can get you
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: youll hear it soon miss avery
🚐Jevans🎷: but dee and el, ill be there in a mo
avery: of course i'm the last one. Of fucking course
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: move into town avery
avery: couldn't have gotten me first huh?
El 🐍: Oh okay. Never mind about that subwoofer thing.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B]
avery: am i the only one left
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: MADE IT!!!!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: you'll hear us coming
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : dee landed on the floor!!
avery: are y'all like in the city city? It's gonna be fucking while before me then
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: we are going very fast though
almost inadvisably fast
🚐Jevans🎷: yeah were looking at like thirty mins or so?
👊Dee Foster avery do you want something from 7/11!!!!
avery: dr pepper
and a honey bun
👊Dee Foster good choices!
🚐Jevans🎷: nvm were gettin you first avery give us five mins
🚐Jevans🎷: i want a six pack of something!
someone get me something
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens what can i get you
🚐Jevans🎷: nah not juice
six redbulls
or something like that
i got twenty bucks
0 notes