#pale twitter header
niinfas · 2 years
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japanese breakfast
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urnderworld · 2 years
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headers :)
like if you save 
none of these pics/arts are mine. credits to all owners 
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grlsbian · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀ ╎ ֹ ִ phoebe moodboard ִ ֹ ★ ִ ⬦
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rottencage · 2 years
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Like or reblog if you use it.
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chakkyeonie · 1 year
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VIXX twitter headers (1/?)
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jonathzn · 1 year
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anjjos · 2 years
não importa a distância se há um céu que nos une
— (de alguém)
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oaksentinel · 6 months
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To celebrate 2 year anniversary of my twitter account in particular and rebranding in general I redrew my old header featuring the Pale Executioner (OC)
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alieinthemorning · 7 months
Fleeting Adolescence [Gojo Satoru]
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Content: Major Character Death, Angst, AU: No Curses, Blood and Injury, JJK 237 Spoliers
Pronouns: None
Previous: An Addition to Change
Header: @/nikki101pistar on Twitter
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work's concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Flashing red and waving navy blue faded into the background as your gaze fell onto something shinning amongst it all.
You approached it, wading through navy bodies and hands that shot out to stop you. You would not be halted, you would reach your destination.
Black hair, that usually shot out in every direction, spilled flatly against the pale forehead, soaked by the onslaught of rain. Usually vibrant violet eyes were now dull and stared beyond you. His usual dark ensemble of clothing was stained darker.
You kneeled down, reaching your hands out, and gently brought his head into your lap. You wanted to say something. There were so many things that you wanted to say, but every time you tried to say something, your brain stopped you. So you simply sat and stared into those once familiar violet eyes.
You don't know how long you sat there, but eventually someone rested their hand on your shoulder.
"Satoru." You whispered, pausing before looking up at him. "Where did I go wrong?"
You don't know what kind of expression you were making, but it was enough for his jaw to drop and to take a stumble away from you.
Your gaze fell back into the violet.
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Megumi was having a rough adolescence. You would consistently get calls from his school, detailing you about his latest fight and that he would be staying late as punishment. You simply apologized. There was no need to say that he wouldn't do it again, because you knew that he would do it again. No need to make an ass of yourself.
You would wait for him to get home and confront him over dinner.
His answer was always the same: "I'm just doing what's right."
But was it really right when he was cracking jaws with his knuckles?
You decided to have Satoru try his hand at calming him, but that only seemed to aggravate him. Suddenly he wasn't just beating up bullies and instead kids who "bothered him". He wasn't staying to himself anymore, and instead he began hanging around some upper classmen named Sukuna. He came home later and later, bloody and bruised.
You had your suspicions, and they were confirmed when you stumbled upon Sukuna and his...friends while running errands. His friends called him by name, and you quickly glanced in his direction. You didn't need to stare because the arm and face tattoos were enough.  
Sukuna was a gang leader,
and Megumi was a part of that gang.
You and Satoru's attempts to help guide him away from Sukuna's gang only lead him further and further away from you and closer and closer to ruin.
You only wish you could have known just how deep ruin was for your dear Megumi.
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"Satoru, where did I go wrong?"
One sentence that haunted him since it came from your mouth.
And when he looked at you.
You were crying, but your face was as blank as your gaze. Reminiscent of the violet ones that lay in the lifeless body in your lap.
He knew.
His worse fears had been realized.
Gojo Satoru was in fact not the strongest in the world. He was not a god who walked amongst men. He was human, he would die, and the world would move on without him.
Kuroo, one of the two dire wolves Megumi left behind, brushed up against him, whining softly.
He sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose as he screwed his eyes shut.
"Is this how you felt, Suguru?"
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There was a lot of present/past tense errors in here lol. A small bit of grammatical errors. And I changed a few things. Added the dogs into this (forgot I added them in the previous part).
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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vyrion · 1 year
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VOTE LUNADEYIS FOR @jrwi-nonbinary-swag-bracket TODAY !!!!!!
or not really today. polls start tomorrow. but i'm posting this early to try to convince people to consider lunadeyis rather than auto-voting ava <3
here's the artist on slide four on twitter and tumblr.
a six slide presentation with a dark blue space background. a pale blue-purple border and stars surround the edges.
slide one: header in all caps that reads "why you should vote lunadeyis." subheader reads "a (brief) presentation by tumblr user asteraeliana)
slide two: header reads "space themes." text reads:
do you even understand how much gender that thang contains [arrow pointed to the right]
on the right is an painting of a full moon on a cloudy night over the sea. it's outlined in the same blue-purple as the slide.
slide three: header reads "gender???" text reads:
"you think a GOD has ANY attachment to mortal ideas of gender ??? NO!!!!!!!
that’s the MOOM in the SKY. obviously she’s killing it <3 
i think mortals just slapped on their own understanding of gender to her and she went with it because. yeah"
on the right is an image of a full moon that appears to have rings around it. it is outlined in the same way as the last image.
slide four: header reads "cringefail." text reads:
"yes she is a powerful goddess who built most of Mana to her liking. HOWEVER!
she is so sad and silly and also in love with aster and just has soo much love for anyone who respects the seas… she mourned so hard the world changed how often do you see that"
on the right is a digital drawing of an interpretation of lunadeyis from the shoulders up. she is a dark-skinned person with black hair that transitions to various shades of light blue. she has pale blue fins rather than ears, with the same pale blue freckling her skin. she has a sideways symbol of a crescent moon on her forehead.
a caption below it reads:
"also look how sick this art is (by nullifi3d_ on twitter / nullifi-blr on tumblr)"
slide five: header reads "please." the text below gets smaller with every line, with the last line being difficult to read.
"pretty please
ava will probably win anyway so every vote is appreciated
there is one post in her tag and it’s my own i have a tag dedicated to her she deserves the world"
slide six: text reads "vote lunadeyis today!"
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Setting the “Gender Mood”
When we have genders that shift or change, we do things to accommodate those changes. For some people, that means dressing to present as their current gender or taking on pronouns that reflect it. But let's look at some more  unconventional ways to "set" the gender mood for ourselves.
How to set the mood
♥ Separate genders into theme songs:
Make a playlist on your phone or even several playlists.
Choose a song to be your Gender Song for the day.
Play your Gender Song while you try out the other things on this list.
♥ Change decor to reflect gender:
String up some colored lights.
Organize your desktop.
Paint something and then hang it up.
 Rearrange your belongings by color.
Decorate with less obvious things like plants or figurines.
♥ Incorporate gender with spirituality:
Make a gender altar dedicated to your gender.
Find spells or prayers that fit how you feel or what you want.
♥ Make a gender to-do list:
Write up some goals that are tied to your gender.
 Incorporate clothes, makeup, hairstyles, vocal changes, etc.
Try coming up with ways to be more masculine, feminine, or neutral even if it's just in how you walk or what hobbies you engage in.
♥ Engage in sensory input:
Play with sights, sounds, tastes, etc.
Have a soft gender? Try keeping soft things nearby, like blankets.
♥ Practice your own pronouns:
Write down some practice sentences using your name and different pronouns. 
Say your pronouns out loud as if you're someone else talking about you.
♥ Genderize your social media*:
Set your status to something that reflects how you feel.
Change the pronouns in your bio.
Change your profile picture or icon.
Change your profile header or banner.
Live-post about your gendered feelings.
♥ Color coordinate:*
Paint your nails different colors.
Wear clothes with a certain color palette.
Try changing something subtle like your shoelaces.
♥ Watch media that resonates with you:
Imagine yourself as a specific character.
Watch or rewatch moments that feel like you were there.
♥ Play dress-up with yourself*:
Try out new clothes and check yourself out in the mirror.
Take selfies and see what looks best.
Put on several types of outfits and remember which ones you really liked.
♥ Roleplay with friends:
Start a DM with a friend or two and have them call you by a certain name or pronouns.
Go back to your chosen piece of media and pretend to be a character who has your gender, name, or pronouns.
Roleplay as an animal if you'd like.
*Don't do anything that might out you to people who don't accept your identity. Keep things subtle and keep yourself safe. You can try out some of the less conspicuous ideas listed above, such as making yourself a playlist or watching certain types of media. You can even try to make yourself a private Twitter or Tumblr account if you know you won’t be discovered. The other things can be done away from home and with friends if you know you can do it safely.
♥ Having trouble figuring out what colors to use? Try out the color palettes listed below to tie them to different feelings of gender. A good go-to is to use colors from a specific pride flag to represent a gender.
Nonbinary - yellow, white, purples, black, gray, orange
Genderless - dark colors, gray, black, greens
Multigender - one color for each, a rainbow, or blended colors (such as teal or magenta)
Demigender - grays, pastels, white
Maverique - yellow, red, orange, white
Man - blue, indigo, red, brown
Woman - pink, lavender, yellow, pale green
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urnderworld · 1 year
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headers :)
like if you save 
none of these pics/arts are mine. credits to all owners. 
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dewabiz · 10 months
Plugin SEO WordPress - Menemukan host yang bagus untuk situs WordPress Anda pasti akan mempercepat dan meningkatkan peringkat SEO Anda. Namun, ada banyak lagi yang masuk ke dalamnya, termasuk kata kunci yang Anda targetkan untuk halaman produk dan posting blog, seberapa besar file gambar Anda, dan apakah konten Anda dapat dibaca atau tidak. Itu sebabnya Anda membutuhkan plugin SEO yang bagus untuk WordPress. Jika tidak, Anda akan terjebak untuk berjuang melawan persaingan yang pasti memanfaatkan beberapa alat ini. Untungnya, beberapa plugin SEO WordPress ada, dan banyak dari mereka benar-benar gratis. Selain itu, Anda dapat menemukan beberapa alat SEO pihak ketiga untuk menampilkan statistik yang kuat, peringkat kata kunci, dan informasi backlink. 3 Plugin SEO WordPress Terbaik (2019) Untuk memulai daftar, kita akan berbicara tentang plugin SEO untuk WordPress. Ini seringkali lebih mudah dipahami dan diinstal, dan Anda dapat memilih dari beragam plugin dengan fitur berbeda. Plugin terbaik menunjukkan kepada Anda proyeksi dan rekomendasi SEO pada halaman Anda dan editor postingan, sementara yang lain terbatas dalam rangkaian fitur mereka, tetapi mereka memiliki aset unik seperti opsi untuk memeriksa tautan yang rusak atau meminimalkan ukuran file gambar. Daftar rekomendasi yang cepat ditunjukkan di atas, tetapi kami sangat menyarankan untuk menelusuri ulasan yang lebih menyeluruh yang telah kami selesaikan tentang opsi plugin SEO WordPress terbaik di bawah ini. 1. Yoast SEO Yoast SEO memerintah sebagai raja plugin SEO WordPress, dan inilah yang kami gunakan di sini di blog Kinsta . ? Dengan peringkat bintang-5 16.700 yang menakjubkan pada saat artikel ini, Yoast terus memukau dunia WordPress dengan pembaruan yang mengesankan, antarmuka yang indah, dan opsi yang paling ramah pengguna untuk membuat posting blog dan halaman produk Anda menonjol. Terlebih lagi, Yoast SEO memiliki situs web sendiri dengan opsi dukungan premium, komunitas yang berkembang di bagian forum, blog informatif untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang SEO, dan kursus SEO untuk pemula, menengah, dan pengguna tingkat lanjut. Anda juga dapat memperoleh akses ke Yoast SEO premium dari situs web itu, yang menawarkan lebih banyak fitur canggih seperti pengoptimalan kata kunci untuk lima kata kunci pada suatu halaman, melihat pratinjau seperti apa halaman Anda di Twitter dan Facebook, dan saran tautan internal untuk mengirim pengguna ke lokasi lain di situs web Anda. Ingatlah bahwa itu adalah sebagian kecil dari fitur premium yang disediakan. Plugin premium dijual seharga $ 89 per situs, membuatnya menjadi kesepakatan yang diinginkan oleh siapa pun. Namun, mereka yang memiliki anggaran terbatas masih menerima plugin gratis, yang mengalahkan sebagian besar plugin WordPress SEO lainnya. Apa yang Membuatnya Salah Satu Plugin SEO Terbaik untuk WordPress? Ketikkan kata kunci dan analisis seberapa baik Anda telah mengoptimalkan kata kunci tersebut pada halaman dan posting. Lihat persis seperti apa hasil mesin pencari Google Anda nantinya. Dengan ini, Anda dapat menyesuaikan deskripsi dan judul meta untuk membuatnya lebih menarik dan kaya kata kunci. Pemeriksaan keterbacaan diselesaikan pada semua halaman agar Anda mengerti jika Anda perlu memecah paragraf atau menambahkan elemen seperti daftar atau header bernomor. Plugin mendeteksi jika Anda memiliki konten duplikat di halaman atau posting Anda. Yoast memiliki beberapa sumber daya dan dukungan terbaik yang pernah kami lihat dari pengembang plugin. Mereka juga memperbarui plugin setiap dua minggu. Plugin premium menyediakan manajer pengalihan, dukungan gratis, wawasan konten, dan antarmuka bebas iklan di backend. 2. Paket SEO All in One The All in One SEO Pack Plugin adalah pesaing terdekat untuk Yoast SEO, dan itu adalah pilihan yang sempurna layak bagi mereka yang ingin suite hampir lengkap alat backend SEO. Terlebih lagi, All in One SEO telah menawarkan fitur dan dukungan premium untuk ja
ngka waktu yang lebih lama, sehingga Anda mungkin menemukan bahwa membayar untuk plugin ini akan memberi Anda lebih banyak sebagai imbalan. Namun, itu semua spekulasi. Yang mengatakan, plugin paket SEO utama All in One adalah gratis, tetapi Anda dapat membayar $ 57 untuk dukungan premium itu. Pengembang juga menyediakan lisensi bisnis (hingga 10 situs) seharga $ 97 per tahun dan lisensi agensi (situs tidak terbatas) seharga $ 419 per tahun. Salah satu alasan utama Anda mungkin ingin menggunakan versi premium adalah karena dukungan lanjutan untuk WooCommerce. Anda akan menemukan segala macam alat hebat lainnya seperti modul SEO video, dan SEO untuk kategori, tag, dan taksonomi khusus. Namun, sebagian besar startup dan blogger setidaknya akan mulai dengan plugin gratis, yang berfungsi langsung di luar kotak untuk pemula dan juga memiliki API untuk pengembang. Kadang-kadang bisa sedikit menakutkan dan kikuk, tetapi secara umum, sebagian besar fitur umum seperti dukungan sitemap, dukungan Google Analytics, dan URL kanonik lanjutan ditetapkan secara default. Apa yang Membuatnya Salah Satu Plugin SEO Terbaik untuk WordPress? Versi premium memiliki dukungan pelanggan yang luar biasa, termasuk pusat pengetahuan, forum dukungan premium, dan screencast video. Dukungan WooCommerce canggih layak untuk dilihat jika Anda menjalankan toko online. Semua peta situs secara otomatis dikirim ke tempat-tempat seperti Google dan Bing. Semua tag meta dihasilkan secara otomatis. Anda juga dapat mengeditnya sendiri. Ini bekerja untuk pengguna pemula dan lanjutan. Plugin ini diterjemahkan ke dalam 57 bahasa, membuatnya tersedia untuk sebagian besar dunia. Fitur-fiturnya hampir sama dengan Yoast SEO, jadi jika Anda lebih menyukai antarmuka All in One, ikuti saja. Yoast terlihat lebih terjangkau jika Anda hanya memiliki satu situs, tetapi SEO All in One paling masuk akal bagi agensi dan organisasi multi-situs. 3. SEO Framework Plugin SEO Framework melakukan trik untuk mereka yang menginginkan plugin SEO cepat dan ringan untuk WordPress tanpa iklan atau peningkatan penjualan. Ini menghapus beberapa lonceng dan peluit yang mungkin tidak Anda butuhkan dan berfokus untuk membantu mereka yang lebih peduli tentang menjaga kecepatan situs tetap tinggi sementara juga menghabiskan lebih sedikit waktu dengan artikel SEO yang membingungkan. Ini sering dianggap sebagai alternatif terbaik untuk Yoast atau SEO All-in-One, dan itu banyak berkaitan dengan sifat visual peringkat SEO-bersama dengan opsi yang lebih fleksibel untuk penargetan kata kunci. Apa yang Membuatnya Salah Satu Plugin SEO Terbaik untuk WordPress? Kerangka SEO tidak menjual apa pun kepada Anda. Ini cocok dengan sebagian besar fitur yang diperlukan yang Anda temukan di Yoast dan All in One, tetapi Anda tidak diharuskan membayar untuk ekstensi atau fitur premium. Pengukur / skala visual, berwarna memberikan cara yang lebih ramah pengguna untuk memeriksa apakah posting Anda akan berkinerja baik di Google. Ini memiliki ekstensi SEO lokal untuk perusahaan yang perlu mengatur dan menampilkan informasi bisnis lokal yang penting. Ekstensi spam komentar berkomentar menghilangkan perlunya plugin tambahan. Sebagian besar pengaturan SEO sudah dikonfigurasikan sebelumnya sehingga hanya ada sedikit pengaturan setelah menginstal plugin. Sementara plugin lain menggunakan kata kunci fokus, Kerangka Kerja SEO berfokus pada subjek fokus untuk mendorong penulisan yang lebih alami, dan karena fakta bahwa Google melihat sinonim dalam SERPs sebagai hal yang sama. Demikianlah beberapa plugin SEO terbaik untuk wordPress yang baik untuk Anda.
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rottencage · 2 years
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Like or reblog if u use it.
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ichiqo · 2 years
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i'm going back to 505, if it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive
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novsix · 3 years
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