#pangxie week
ohyka · 2 years
happy pangxie week everyone!
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have two dumbasses in some serious trouble
(don't worry, they're going to be okay)
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hils79 · 7 months
Title: Alone in the Dark
Fandoms:  盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei
 Relationships: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie
Summary: Just thinking about Wu Xie makes him happier than he ever imagined he could be, and since he’s going to die here, why shouldn’t he be nauseatingly corny about the man he loves?
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Deep down Pangzi has always known that one day a tomb he ventured into would end up becoming his own. It’s not that he has a death wish or anything like that. It’s a simple case of statistical probability. Wu Xie would be proud of him for using those words. It’s just a shame he’s not here for Pangzi to speak them aloud and impress him.
It’s true, though. The odds have always been stacked against him and you can only venture into so many trap-filled tombs and face down creatures that should only be myth before fate decides you’ve gone against her one too many times.
Pangzi has no regrets, though. He knew this line of work was dangerous. High risk, high reward as they say. And the reward has been far higher than Pangzi could ever have imagined.
He’d taken up this line of work to earn his fortune. So that he’d never again have to worry about where his next meal was coming from, or if he’d have a roof over his head that night. And, yes, he’s earned enough money to save the business his parents started before they died and purchase not just a house but multiple properties. He has everything he ever wanted, but he’d trade it all in an instant for Wu Xie. Meeting Wu Xie is the most precious treasure he’s ever found in a tomb, and he doesn’t care how cheesy that sounds.
Just thinking about Wu Xie makes him happier than he ever imagined he could be, and since he’s going to die here, why shouldn’t he be nauseatingly corny about the man he loves?
It’s not like he wants to die, but he has to be realistic about his circumstances. He’s fallen several levels down from where Wu Xie and Xiaoge are. The rocks and debris from the floor that collapsed beneath him have blocked his way out, and his left ankle is at best sprained and at worst broken. Even if there was a way out he can’t walk.
Still, as situations go, it could be a lot worse. He’s alone, which means he doesn’t have to die with anyone else’s deaths on his conscience. Wu Xie is safe, and Pangzi is sure Xiaoge will ensure that he stays that way. Really, that’s all Pangzi can ask for.
He has no regrets about pushing Wu Xie out of the way when the floor started to collapse. He’d do it again in a heartbeat. He’d do anything, give any part of himself, if it meant keeping Wu Xie safe.
“I’ll watch over you from Heaven,” Pangzi murmurs to the darkness that will become his final resting place. The air is getting thinner now, and the ankle that had been throbbing with pain earlier now barely hurts at all. It’s probably not a good sign, but at least he’s not going to die in pain. Eventually the air will get so thin that he’ll pass out and then he just won’t wake up again.
There are worse ways to go.
Read the rest on AO3
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stupid-lemon-eater · 7 months
Fandoms: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Relationship: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie Characters: Wang Pangzi, Wu Xie Additional Tags: Cute, Fluff, Humour, Old Married Couple, Established Relationship, Slice of Life, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Kinda, Accidental Dragon Acquisition, Implied Iron Triangle (relationship), no beta we die like pangxie's enemies
“Huh,” Wu Xie said, looking back at the object. “It looks like—” “A dragon egg?” Pangzi finished, nodding enthusiastically. Pangzi and Wu Xie find something unusual in a tomb, and decide to keep it.
For Pangxie Week 2023!
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pangzi · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie Characters: Wang Pangzi, Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Wu Sanxing, Pan Zi (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: First Kiss, Fluff, Youth, Pangxie week 2023, Flashbacks, Falling In Love, Talking About the Past, Getting to Know Each Other, Queer awakening, Violence, a little bit, Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst Summary:
Wu Xie and Pangzi enjoy a quiet evening together and talk about the time before they ever met — or so they think.
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scaredysap · 2 years
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Day 5: Longing, Distance, Memory
aka Brokeback Sand Dune
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lungache · 1 year
Title: Up On Melancholy Hill
Rating: M (implied content)
Pairing: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie
This fucking warehouse job has been killing Pangzi, and he’s not even the one working it.
Wu Xie comes home and Pangzi dotes.
Pangzi’s Week: Pink Apron/Cooking/Soup
Some melancholy domestic slice of life fluff for Pangzi’s Birthday!!!
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qinghe-s · 1 year
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Money rules tomb raiding; money was why Pangzi first started. Getting richer has always been the goal of every expedition — and then the Seven Star Lu Palace, and the underwater tomb, and Wu Xie who has such strong feelings and never seems to hold any of them back. Wu Xie who survives on luck and a good heart and is the antithesis to what Pangzi has come to know. Has anything ever mattered to him this way, the way Wu Xie believes in things with his whole heart?
or: a trip to myanmar, a budding love growing deeper, and big and little sacrifices easily made. a little fic belatedly finished for pangzi birthday week 2023 ♥
read on ao3!
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ohyka · 2 years
happy pangxie week!
have a little something inspired by THIS amazing scene in TLT2:
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Part 2 under the cut
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hils79 · 2 years
Title: Home Alone
Fandoms:  盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles - Xu Lei, 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV)
Relationships: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie
“We’ll only be gone a few days,” Liu Sang replies. “I’d say try not to do anything stupid while we’re gone but—”
Pangzi snorts. “You think we’ll have time to do anything stupid? I plan on taking full advantage of the fact that we have the house to ourselves for a few days.”
Liu Sang makes a face. “I don’t want to know.”
“We’re going to have sex in every room. Including yours.”
Or the one where, as usual, Pangzi and Wu Xie's plans don't quite go as expected.
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It’s dark when he wakes up, and his neck aches from where he’s slept with his head resting against Wu Xie’s.
“Tianzhen,” he murmurs because Wu Xie is still leaning against him, apparently sleeping deeply. “Tianzhen, wake up.”
“Don’t wanna,” Wu Xie murmurs sleepily. “Comfy.”
Staying there and continuing to nap is definitely a compelling argument but if it’s dark that means it’s late and if it’s late that means they need to eat dinner. His lunch has been sufficiently digested that he’s not hungry, exactly, but he could definitely eat something light.
He runs his hands through the curls of Wu Xie’s hair, smiling when he lets out a contented murmur. “What do you want for dinner?”
Wu Xie sighs and shifts away from Pangzi, causing him to instantly regret suggesting they eat dinner. He feels cold without Wu Xie pressed against him and he wants nothing more than to pull him back and go back to sleep.
“Come on,” Wu Xie says when Pangzi’s eyes start to drift shut again. “Food.”
He forces his eyes back open. They do need to eat, and as much as he’d like to nap a bit longer there’s no way he can trust Wu Xie to cook their dinner.
Wu Xie gets up and stretches, letting out a loud groan as several of his joints pop. Then he turns back and takes Pangzi’s hand, hauling him to his feet as well. Pangzi winces as he feels the muscles in his neck pull painfully. Napping on the sofa always sounds like a great idea until he wakes up.
Getting old really does suck.
Read the rest on AO3
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stupid-lemon-eater · 2 years
Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Relationship: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi Additional Tags: Brief Panzi cameo, Pre-Relationship, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, tombs, Not Beta Read, Pangxie Week 2022, Autistic Wu Xie
It was perhaps unsurprising to say that Pangzi’s first meeting with Wu Xie was… explosive, to say the least.
Pangxie Week let’s go let’s go let’s go!
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t-eyla · 2 years
Pangxie Week Collection
It's Pangxie week, but work has been a shitshow, so I won't get around to making anything new. I've made things in the past, though, so here's my Pangxie week collection!
First tombs fic I posted. First English language Pangxie on the AO3, which I will never not be smug about. 3k, explicit, old married men being old and married. The fic that @achray1 says convinced her to ship it.
A redraw of the UN hurt/comfort forehead touch scene with the LTR actors. Not, as I say in the Artist's Note, to replace the UN actors, but to suggest that this has probably happened at least twice, if not more often than that. It was a treat for @frith-in-tombs in the Sundial 2021 exchange.
Probably the fluffiest vid I have ever made. A Festivids gift for @condnsdmlk, who asked for Pangxie, so Pangxie I delivered. Making this vid was a delight, and I really enjoy rewatching it.
That's it for Pangxie specifically! I have much Pangzi and Wu Xie interaction in my fic, but all my other stuff is Iron Triangle OT3. Anyway, happy Pangxie week!
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pangzi · 2 years
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(text version of the prompts and extra quotes below the cut)
Thank you @scaredysap​ for making this lovely graphic with the prompts. And thank you all of buiscuits and @hils79​ for helping out with the prompts ♥
Pangzi/Wu Xie (Pangxie) Week - 21st-27st November 2022
Any fics/art created can be added to the AO3 collection here
As we have been graced with their wonderful relationship since the very beginning, we thought it would be fun for this week to celebrate their journey throughout the years. Of course, the following prompts and quotes are just meant to inspire you. You are more than welcome to just create whatever you want as long as it celebrates Wu Xie and Pangzi’s relationship.
A text version of the prompts and extra quotes is below:
21 NOV: The Lost Tomb: first meetings, tomb raiding skills, appraisal Quote: “Is it destiny that brought us together again?” 22 NOV: The Lost Tomb 2: honeymoon, my fault, flower Quote: "What is our strength?" "Looking pretty." 23 NOV: The Lost Tomb 2 Season 2: conflict, betrayal, marriage Quote: “Listen, after getting married, after getting the marriage certificate, we’re…” 24 NOV: Ultimate Note: fairy tales, protection, instant noodles Quote: “Believe me, I will bring you back alive.” 25 NOV: Sha Hai: longing, distance, memory Quote: "Romeo, Romeo, this is Juliet, you need to wake up" 26 NOV, The Lost Tomb Reboot: retirement, trust, always by my side Quote: “Who should I trust if I can’t trust you?” 27 NOV: Free day
If these prompts aren’t enough to inspire you yet, here are five more quotes from the shows that might do the trick instead!
“You are my treasure” “After going through thick and thin, we’re tied together. We should move forward together.” “Will we be like this when we are old?” “Why do I care about you so much?” “If we die, we die together”
Have fun, I cannot wait to see everything created this week!
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katamaricule · 2 years
Rating: Mature Relationship: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie Characters: Wang Pangzi, Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling Additional Tags: drunk, Drunken Flirting, they're old and married, Dirty Talk, no sex actually happens, Iron Triangle OT3, The Iron Triangle | Wang Pangzi & Wu Xie & Zhang Qiling, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Words: 2192
Summary: Pangzi has plans for a lot of sex.
If you like Reunion-era Tomb Boys guys being snuggly and sappy at one another, this one's for you. With a tiny bit of bonus Xiao Ge at the end (thought not in a sexy way, in case that's not your thing).
Got to make a shout out here to @scaredysap for this wonderful image, which was what I was thinking about while I was writing this.
Happy PangXie Week, everyone!
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scaredysap · 2 years
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Day 3 and 4 of PangXie week are for sketches of some kisses, charged and tense for TLT 2.2 versus sweet and sad for Ultimate Note
Tumblr will ABSOLUTELY mess up the resolution so I encourage you to open up the images to enjoy them properly
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lungache · 1 year
Title: To Hold and Be Held
Rating: T
Pairing: Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie, Wang Pangzi/Xiaoge
Four times Pangzi used his magical bear hugs to heal everybody's woes plus the one time he gets one, instead.
Pangzi Week: Hugs
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w2writesstuff · 6 months
What W2 Wrote in 2023
Considering that I'm prrrrrobably not going to manage to put out anything else this year, yeah, let's do a roundup now while I've got a moment. (Note: Only includes fun stuff; no professional shit here.)
I can't even remember January. Nothing happens in Januaries.
to the beat of your heart, ch. 3 (MDZS) The ongoing adventures of a self-indulgent happy-ending everybody-lives-and-also-bones WangXian canon-divergent AU; a joint project between my wife and me.
It’s Hard to Say “I Do” When You Don’t (@shousetsubangbang) Original story about a guy whose long-time crush asks him to pretend to be his boyfriend at a family wedding. Fake dating ensues.
Kintsukuroi (DMBJ) This heihua piece may be the best thing I've written all year? Look, I'm just very proud of how I made it exactly what I wanted it to be.
Head (@shousetsubangbang) This was a last-minute fill because the story I wanted to write failed to make itself writeable. Oh well! Still a funny and cute blowjob.
to the beat of your heart, ch. 4 (MDZS)
I want to be where all the stupid shit I say sounds so romantic and true (Guardian, WeiLan) Someday I will write a longer and more complicated series of Guardian sex pollen shenanigans, but until then, enjoy this one.
The Rightful Ruler (The Blood of Youth, Lei Wujie/Xiao Se) Still the only English-language story on AO3 for this pairing! Includes maybe the funniest line I wrote all year? You make the call!
The Doctor is In (Psych-Hunter) I know nobody watched Psych-Hunter, and with good reason, but I did, and I think Jiang Shuo should get to spy on the sexy gay doctor if he wants to.
A Single Explosion (DMBJ, Pangxi + Xiao Ge) For PingPang Week, with @pangzi in mind. Here's the missing part of Ultimate Note, where Pangzi takes care of Xiao Ge in the hospital.
Dog (The Disguiser, Ah Cheng/Ming Lou) This was actually written before I saw the post going around about how the sexiest thing one guy can be is another's dog. But it's true!
And I am green, and you are wood (DMBJ/Mystic Nine) Another exchange fic, where Liang Wan gets a chance to meet all of Zhang Rishan's old (boy)friends, especially Ba Ye.
Reverse Cowgirl (Not Gay as in Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, Queer as in Dude Ranch) (@shousetsubangbang) Is this the hottest thing I've ever written for SSBB? Might just be. Lesbian ranch hands recruit a city girl.
Stay (Beyond Evil, Oh Jihwa/Yu Jaeyi) Because you know what that show needed? Small town lesbians.
Little Spear (The Blood of Youth, Sikong Qianluo/Xiao Se) This show has some cute het, but how it would work in bed is another matter entirely; or, two gay people try to have straight sex.
动须相应 (live-action Hikaru no Go, Yu Liang/Shi Guang) It's hard to get much gayer than the actual show without adding explicit sex, so ... here you go! Post-series boyfriends.
One Quiet Night (Kingdom, Seobi + Lee Chang/Yeongshin) This is the other thing I'm really proud of, because it too came out pretty much exactly the way I envisioned it. A nurse, a prince, and a scrappy piece of shit more or less all fall in love.
Hooks in My Sides (Beyond Evil, JWDS) This certainly was the most popular thing I've written all year. It's unfortunately easy to write poor Juwon having a gay meltdown.
A World Made Up of Silver and Copper (@shousetsubangbang) A prince-and-pauper scenario, this time focusing on the prince's adventures in being mistaken for himself. (Hint: they are sexy.)
...Funny how the first months of each semester are usually a complete wash for me creatively, huh?
to the beat of your heart, ch. 5 (MDZS)
Over My Dead Body (@shousetsubangbang) Nothing like the romance of possessing a corpse only to find he's not actually dead. (Note to DMBJ fans: This should taste like heihua.)
A fair amount of November was spent writing something that I just couldn't finish for December's SSBB, once I realized how long it'd have to be and how little free time I had. Maybe next year!
Antivenin (@shousetsubangbang) A mean bisexual and an even meaner lesbian team up to distract their gay boss from his terrible crush.
And that's it! It always feels kind of weird to see it all gathered in one place, like ... wow, that's not nearly as much as I thought it was. But at the same time, it involves a couple of pieces I feel very good about, so overall I'm going to take the win.
The most fun I had was doing my Small Fandom Summer thing, where I wrote fic for fandoms that had <1000 English-language works on AO3. Maybe I'll do that again next year!
Anyway, if you do wind up reading something, especially the original stuff, thanks. A lot of this can be a very lonely process, especially when there's not much of a built-in audience. Saying you liked something makes me feel a little less like I'm screaming into the void.
Onward to 2024!
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