andreahuts · 5 years
TIMEFRAME: 31 July, evening
OPEN TO: Kitty Wilde @wildehq
Beth had always been careful when it came to alcohol. She knew that since her parents were alcoholics at one point, it’s very likely that she could easily become one as well. But today, she just really needed it. Sitting by the bar, she sipped daintily at her martini. “Do you ever think sometimes men are just all around terrible? They bait you in with their pretty words and time-limited gentlemen-like actions, but then the moment they trapped you down, they just --” She shrugged and gave a small head tilt. “You know?” 
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catferro · 5 years
who: Ryan Pierce & Kitty Wilde @wildehq
where: Downtown, LA
when: 3 July, 2019 - afternoon
Turning into the parking lot, Ryan gently tapped on the gearbox and shifted down to first gear before bringing his bike to a stop. Angling his bike just right and his left hand holding firmly onto the clutch, he rolled his bike back into the parking slot. Once parked, he made sure to check his surrounding before shifting gear back to neutral, kicking down the kickstand, and finally shutting off the engine. The whole process came naturally to Ryan with all the years of practice. 
Once the alarms are all set, Ryan hopped off his bike and took off his helmet before shaking his hair loose. Out the corner of his eye, he spotted someone distinctly familiar. With a rather excited grin, Ryan made his way towards the figure. “Hello, gorgeous! Fancy meeting you here.” He greeted Kitty while still clad in his riding gear and his helmet under his arm. 
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gail-hq-archive · 5 years
who: Gail Weston & Kitty Wilde @wildehq
where: IHQ
when: 1 July, 2019, night time
“I swear to god, if you continue to say stupid shit like this, you can find yourself a new lawyer to represent you. -- Nuh uh, and I can promise you nobody will put up with your shit like I did. So keep your mouth shut for the next few days or I will sew it shut. Understood?” Gail said sternly into her phone as she walked briskly down the corridor. What did I do to deserve these idiots as clients, honestly? She thought exasperatedly. 
Being so immersed in her phone call, Gail noticed a split second too late that she was about to barrel into someone much shorter than her. “I’ll call you when I have more information, don’t fucking call me before then.” She hung up her call and an apology was on the tip of her tongue when she saw who she bumped into. “Aren’t cats suppose to know how to land on their feet?”
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doublynn-up-blog · 8 years
Youtubeication || Kyder
Ryder had no idea what it was the struck the idea that staring a YouTube channel with Kitty was a good idea. It was one of those moments after watching YouTube fore countless hours that it subconsciously just slid into his mind. If Ryder was going to do this with anyone, it would definitely be Kitty. He wouldn't know where to start and Kitty would be the right person to get him focus rather than positing any old random crap without making him look like an idiot for the world. Kitty would also be completely honest with Ryder which he really appreciated from her and he admired it so much. Plus with their natural banterous chemistry off and probably on camera, the two would be raining in views, right?
After a quick top to the store to get some candy and other stuff for the two whilst they hang out and he got educated in a field he already thought he was pretty good at. He was surprise to a certain extent at how much Kitty knew about all these Youtubers but in the past, he’d be so wrong to pass  judgement on Kitty’s character that he didn't want to get to know her but they grew close. But now he could well and truly say that Kitty was his friend and a great one at that. He stood outside her room door, leaning against the wall after knocking with his free hand as the other carried his shopping of random things. He was actually pretty nervous at how much he actually knew and if staring this Youtube channel was as smart of an idea as he’d previous thought.
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Behind the Scenes // Kitty & Fitz
His lab was a cluttered mess, some of it piled up to the ceiling through various shelves- other pieces of tech were spread out across his counters, blinking, buzzing, or being scanned for various purposes. Coulson had gifted this space to him personally, he was going to make good use of it. 
It was probably because he was so used to having people pop in for a question or to bark an order that he didn’t immediately turn around when his door slid open. Without skipping a beat, Fitz continued to tighten the bolts on his holographic machine and called out behind him. “One sec- jus’ finishin’ up.” He chewed on his lower lip as the final screw was twisted into place, finally placing it aside to look at who had just come by. 
“Hey there. . .” He greeted, offering the woman a confused grin as he looked her up and down. “What can I help ya with?” Leo slid his magnifying glasses off and placed them on the counter beside him, standing to offer her a hand instead. “You’re. . . um, K-Kitty, right?”
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robertmccallistermd · 10 years
Therapy Take Two||Robert and Kitty
"Pregnant. She's pregnant. Which is great, but considering where we stand right now, and with what has happened in the past, it's not really the best time for a pregnancy to take place. Not to sound all negative and pissimistic, but part of the reason that we are fighting and almost got a divorce is because of the whole baby thing, and now Kitty's pregnant." Robert finished his short little ramble, and then ran his hand nervously through his hair. The two of them were back in therapy because now they had a new topic to discuss. He just didn't know what to do. They both didn't know what to do. They both wanted this baby, even Robert, but they didn't want to bring up a baby in their current situation. It wouldn't be healthy to do so. Which is why they were back in the two uncomfortable leather chairs, staring at the judgmental therapist with the beady eyes with the unfortunate wart on her nose. "We just don't know what to do."
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theonly-ryder-lynn · 10 years
They don't know about us| Kyder
Ryder always was close with his parents; things changed when he moved to New York and started his own adult life with job and paying rent, but never before he hid something big as his marriage. Mr and Mrs Lynn knew about Ryder and Kitty, Ryder was ready to bet they knew about his feelings for Kitty even in high school, but it was a month and they still had no idea that their son's wearing a ring on his finger. Ryder felt a little guilty about it, parents probably expected big beautiful wedding in church with outside ceremony and lots of relatives, but it felt so right there; the more he thought about it-the more he was glad they did it in ordinary clothes in Vegas where Kitty Wilde became Kitty Lynn just like he dreamed about all high school. Marriage found out even better than he expected, it felt a little weird to move in only after marriage, but they never were an ordinary couple. 
"Come here", Ryder took Kitty's hand and pulled her on his lap, wrapping arms around her waist. "Do you wanna go out somewhere for the dinner or just stay here? We could try baking something or try to make our own pizza."
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haileyberrys · 11 years
TAGGING: Hailey Berry & Kitty Wilde.
TIME FRAME: Around the start of training days.
SETTING: In those memory-making halls of the apartments where the tributes are currently residing in.
CONTENT: Hailey and Kitty bump into each other for the first time in the hallways. Trouble? I think yes.
NOTES: I'm not really sure when the time would make sense, so I'm just gonna go with the vague choice, and leave it unsaid.
Hailey had so recently arrived at the Capitol, and needless to say, she already felt like she was in a living hell. Well, not to say that she wasn't before, but the part about this hell that made it more fiery, was that everything was painted in gold, and everyone acted like it was an absolute heaven. But, no. Not Hailey. She hated everything about it. And not to mention, they were throwing her, as well as forty-seven others to their deaths. And, well, one of the forty-eight, might as well be dead. She's witnessed it first hand, with her mother. The games really screwed people up. Nevermind being happy, or in peace - you'd be constantly reminded that you'd killed someone, which meant somebody lost their child, or parent, or sibling, or friend. And that, that was the truth of it. It was utter misery, and the Capitol chose to force it upon one person a year, and, well, death for the rest of them. Now, to say Hailey was a bit opinionated, would be a complete understatement. When the female hated something, boy, did she hate it. That's how she grew up, feeling about the games. Seeing them being televised each year, her mother mentoring - it fired her more up than usual. Her life that was already on a low level, had quickly started downhill. She was being put in a death trap. With her sister. She was surrounded by people who completely fell for the supposed glory of the Capitol. Everything between Hailey and her sister blew up. You see, all Hailey had left was anger. The games already messed her up. The bubbling rage was the only thing that remained of the girl who used to be just that. A girl. But, perhaps, there was something beneath the surface. Hailey was a lot like an ocean - miles upon miles of water, but eventually, and the bottom, there was sand. Maybe, just maybe, there was something left down there. Fear, despair - but not as far as Hailey was concerned. She, of course, did what she does best. Push anything and everything away, whether it be emotions, or people - because, honestly, pain was not something she was too keen on.
Hailey had become entirely wrapped up in her thoughts, that she wasn't quite paying any attention to her direction in the hallway. When someone had bumped into her, she abruptly spat out, "Watch it," with one of her finest death glares, as her eyes shot up. When the brown orbs met with the object of disruption, realization swept over her. It was the girl, that she'd met over tumblr, previously. They hadn't had the chance to actually meet just yet, but over the website, she'd gotten an idea of what the female looked like. Slowly, but surely, and sly smile creeped onto her complexion.
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robertmccallistermd · 10 years
Robert finally glanced at his watch after hours and hours of signing off old cardio charts. 4:28. Crap. He was going to be late. Late for therapy. He really didn't want to go to couple's therapy with Kitty. Couple's therapy were for those who liked to talk about their problems. Couples who aren't like Kitty and Robert. Robert wasn't one to share his issues with the world, especially with someone who was paid to analyze people for a living. It just wasn't his style. He much rather hide out and focus on his career. It was easier, and it was what he was used to doing. But he couldn't completely do that right now. Right now, their marriage was on the line, and it just wasn't his fault. It was both of their faults, and now, they needed to work together to try and get back to where they used to be. And Robert was willing to do anything to get his wife back. Even if that thing was therapy.So here he was, four thirty-two, sitting next to his wife, and staring into the eyes of a man he just met two minutes ago, and now he was supposed to open up to this man. Here goes nothing.
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badasssugarrae · 11 years
Happy, Happy Birthday, Baby || Kitgar
Tagging: Sugar Motta and Kitty Wilde
When: Tuesday, May 28; After School
Where: Kitty's House
General Notes: Sugar goes to Kitty's house to get her final birthday present.
Sugar changed out of her slut-fit and into some jeans and a J'dore Dior tshirt before heading out of her house and to her car. She set her ipod and made her way down to Kitty's house, which wasn't terribly far from her own. She pulled in front of Kitty's and parked her car, getting out she strode up the walk to Kitty's front door and knocked. She had no idea what to expect, if Kitty would be nervous or make a big deal of it, if she had some kind of plan of if she would just plant one on her when she opened the door. She wasn't sure if they would be hanging out before or after or if she was just meant to get her kiss and leave. Sugar smiled at herself, she'd never been so nervous for an innocent little kiss before.
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hummke · 12 years
Dancing Queen [Kurt & Kitty]
Tagging: Kitty Wilde & Kurt Hummel
Time: January 31st, 2013, Wednesday evening Location: Dance studio Notes: Kitty is going to teach Kurt to dance.
It was difficult not to be excited for his putting tonight. In fact, he was pretty sure one of the biggest reasons was because he actually had an excuse to wear his leg Warner's and if that didn't make him gay, he had no idea what else could-- okay, he had plenty of ideas but that was besides the point. Having something to do other than focus on one of the biggest reasons he felt completely separated from the rest of society would be nice. Whether it was dancing or cheer leading or just having a friend to hang out with like Kitty or Blaine. 
For a darkling Kitty really wasn't all that bad. In fact he connected with her so much easier than he anticipated. It very well could have been because he caught her on a good night, though. It didn't matter. He was prepared to have fun and he would make sure it happened. Pushing the door open to the dance studio, he took a deep breath. It was cold outside but just as chilly inside so he was grateful for the hoodie he'd picked instead of something a bit more revealing. 
"Hi, Kitty!" He beamed excitedly. Kurt put his bag down near her's and took a drink from his water bottle. "I know I'm going to look like a fool but hopefully we can work on that. And making me more flexible," Kurt cleared his throat and looked a bit bashful before straightening his spine. "Where do we begin?"
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robertmccallistermd · 10 years
Dinner Date||Robert&Kitty
It has been two weeks since Robert flew to Seattle, trying to save his marriage with Kitty, and well, it's been a rocky two weeks, but rocky is better than divorced. They were both still sharing a hotel room until they could find something better, but the tension was still very evident whenever they were both in the same room together. And not necessarily the good type of sexual tension, but the awkward fighting tension. This was why Robert decided to try and woo Kitty with a fancy dinner date in a nice italian restaurant right by the hospital. He had off today, and she had to work, so he planned on picking her up at the hospital, and then they would travel to the restaurant together. Throwing on his suit jacket in the back seat of his car, he made the short drive to SeattleGrace Hospital, and parked the car in the lot, slowly making his way to the lobby where he texted Kitty that he would meet her there after her shift.
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