idolblaine-blog · 5 years
📲 kitty ⇄ blaine
Blaine: I need someone to talk me out of something which is in all likelihood dumb.
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sophie-hq · 5 years
texts 📲 sophie & kitty
SOPHIE: Wanna go somewhere with me this week??
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fashionmiahq · 5 years
📲 Kittia
Mia: Hey. I had a question about your time on the bachelorette-- if you don't mind.
Mia: Did you guys have stylists? Were you given a wardrobe or was it what you brought with you?
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connorhq · 5 years
texts 📲 ( connor/kitty. )
CONNOR: do you hate me?
CONNOR: or, do you at least wanna slap me or something?
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mjrhq · 5 years
TEXT 📲 Kitty x Micah
MICAH: On a scale of one to abso-freakin-lutely
MICAH: How much have you missed me?
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theclaringtonhq · 5 years
📲 the wild kitty ⇄  the hunter
Hunter: I've been thinking all week about something fun we could do for men tell all week. I mean... granted.... /nothing/ could top the fantasy suite.
Hunter: But what about a tell all of our own? Hunter tells all. Your subscribers can write in questions and I'll do my best to answer them. And you can refute my answers or back them up as you see fit.
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andreahuts · 5 years
TIMEFRAME: 31 July, evening
OPEN TO: Kitty Wilde @wildehq
Beth had always been careful when it came to alcohol. She knew that since her parents were alcoholics at one point, it’s very likely that she could easily become one as well. But today, she just really needed it. Sitting by the bar, she sipped daintily at her martini. “Do you ever think sometimes men are just all around terrible? They bait you in with their pretty words and time-limited gentlemen-like actions, but then the moment they trapped you down, they just --” She shrugged and gave a small head tilt. “You know?” 
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catferro · 5 years
txxt ;; kitty 'n ryan
RYAN: Pssst.
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gail-hq-archive · 5 years
who: Gail Weston & Kitty Wilde @wildehq
where: IHQ
when: 1 July, 2019, night time
“I swear to god, if you continue to say stupid shit like this, you can find yourself a new lawyer to represent you. -- Nuh uh, and I can promise you nobody will put up with your shit like I did. So keep your mouth shut for the next few days or I will sew it shut. Understood?” Gail said sternly into her phone as she walked briskly down the corridor. What did I do to deserve these idiots as clients, honestly? She thought exasperatedly. 
Being so immersed in her phone call, Gail noticed a split second too late that she was about to barrel into someone much shorter than her. “I’ll call you when I have more information, don’t fucking call me before then.” She hung up her call and an apology was on the tip of her tongue when she saw who she bumped into. “Aren’t cats suppose to know how to land on their feet?”
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puckmanhq · 5 years
who: noah puckerman & kitty wilde ( @wildehq )
when: july 31, 2019 early morning
where: the IHQ campus gym
why: because ladies talking to ladies is what brings joy and dopeness to the world
warnings: puck, like that’s a valid warning right?
It was maybe on purpose that Puck always made his way toward the punching bags after his own workout. Turns out there’s a feisty blonde he likes surprising. Clearly dude doesn’t give a fuck about getting socked in the face. Smile already on his face as he watched her finish a combo, he snuck up behind her as she was resting and gave her ass a playful smack, “Hey sweetcheeks, pretending that’s anyone’s face today?” Boy, didn’t even move to avoid potentially getting an elbow to the jaw, but he figured no one else greeted her like that and that kind of made him happy. It was just a him thing. Now the question was, was he going to get an eye roll, pushed away, or a menacing arms crossed over the chest. Maybe today would be the day he got the trifecta.
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sophie-hq · 5 years
texts 📲 sophie & kitty.
SOPHIE: Just a small update on my life.
SOPHIE: I hooked up with Ryan again.
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connorhq · 5 years
DATE & TIME: July 5th, evening. 
LOCATION: Kitty & Marley’s apartment. 
OPEN TO: @wildehq
With a bottle of wine in hand, Connor made his way to the apartment Kitty shared with Marley - while it wasn’t a mimosa or sangria, it was enough to get their little ‘party’ started. Truly though, he hoped Marley wasn’t around. Acting like things weren’t bothering you was much easier if you didn’t have to face the problem literally head on. It wasn’t time for that yet. They still had to figure out their music video and whatnot. Gently, he tapped his knuckles against the door, then looked down at the bottle in his hand with a smirk. It was one of his favorites and always got the job done, especially when all you wanted to do was drink your problems and worries away. He hoped to be able to do that with Kitty. 
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theclaringtonhq · 5 years
DATE & TIME: July 25th 2019, late afternoon
LOCATION: Campus bar
OPEN TO: @wildehq
WARNINGS: none for now, will tag as it progresses if needed
The high Hunter had been riding for the last day and a half started ebbing away the closer it got to meeting up with Kitty.  This wasn’t a conversation he was keen on having but it was necessary.  To make matters worse, he’d never been one who could easily open up about his relationship with Jamison to begin with.  And there was a long complicated history there that not everyone needed to know.  Spotting Kitty already at a table, he made his way over to her.  “Hey, thanks for meeting me.  How’s your week been?”
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catferro · 5 years
who: Ryan Pierce & Kitty Wilde @wildehq
where: Downtown, LA
when: 3 July, 2019 - afternoon
Turning into the parking lot, Ryan gently tapped on the gearbox and shifted down to first gear before bringing his bike to a stop. Angling his bike just right and his left hand holding firmly onto the clutch, he rolled his bike back into the parking slot. Once parked, he made sure to check his surrounding before shifting gear back to neutral, kicking down the kickstand, and finally shutting off the engine. The whole process came naturally to Ryan with all the years of practice. 
Once the alarms are all set, Ryan hopped off his bike and took off his helmet before shaking his hair loose. Out the corner of his eye, he spotted someone distinctly familiar. With a rather excited grin, Ryan made his way towards the figure. “Hello, gorgeous! Fancy meeting you here.” He greeted Kitty while still clad in his riding gear and his helmet under his arm. 
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sophie-hq · 5 years
texts 📲 sophie & kitty
SOPHIE: We have to celebrate our win!!! AND we need a girl's day together ASAP please and thanks. Both things need to happen soon, I miss our vent sessions.
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theclaringtonhq · 5 years
📲 huntitty
HUNTER: I have a plot twist for you...
HUNTER: Have time for a drink or coffee soon?
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