#paracosm: aurum argentum
swamplatibule · 2 years
ohnoesmytacos -> swamplatibule
psst. all my madd stuff is now at @scuttledusk bc i got mad at myself for being unorganized <3
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hello hello i’m Z/diogenes/killdeer! he/they/it
terfs can go suck a dick and leave me Alone
‼️commission information‼️
Shitty paracosm descriptions
Main Paracosms
(The big ones that take up most of my brain)
The Starwritten Society (Active)
Summary of Arcs 1-5
Arc 1 bullet summary
Arc 6 (Part 1)
Para Tracker
Hands for some reason
New agent pamphlet
Portrait series
Wicked Wheels (Active)
Summary part 1
Summary part 2
Voiceclaims for Team Red
Voiceclaims for Team Blue
House of Cards (In stasis)
Plot part 1
Nameless (Active)
Whatever the fuck this is
Killigan (Active)
Hypothetical movie poster
Summary part 1
The Menagerie (In stasis)
The Olympians (In stasis)
Aurum Argentum (Active)
The Narrator (In stasis)
Steel and Smoke (In stasis)
Starsailors (Active)
Ezra Blue Marina (Active)
Wisteria Academy For The Unfortunately Enhanced (Active)
Bite of the Badlands (In Stasis)
Less Main Paracosms
(The ones that, for whatever reason, are not considered “main”, such as the one-off daydreams that I still hold dear, ones that have ended, or ones that I don’t daydream much about anymore but helped me through a lot <3 Or it could just be that I don’t daydream about it enough to consider it main. Who knows?)
Zet Vitalia (Dead)
Ghosts (In Stasis)
Afterworld (In stasis)
Nebula (Dead)
Risk and Impact (In stasis)
Nicky Diamond’s Deal With Death (Dead)
Art piece <3
What’s Left Of August Crowe (In Stasis)
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swamplatibule · 3 years
Okay so I'm going to need some fun facts about 💥 because that sounds adorable and also 🌑 because I find it funny that we both have paracosms that have the word "Argentum" used in them.
💥 - Risk and Impact
We’ve got this dude, his name is Cyrus and he’s been a superhero for around ten years. That’s his job. However, he tends to prioritize it over literally everything else - his feelings, his health, relationships, etc. He stumbles across several children with powers (5 to be exact) and is suddenly stuck with the task of teaching these kids to be heroes. Problem is- he doesn‘t know how to raise a goldfish, let alone five kids with powers they don’t know how to use. So that’s a bit of an issue. Still, he manages to be a good dad. Also some people try to take over the world n shit and Cyrus and co have to stop them but that’s not the point it’s about the found family
🌑 - Aurum Argentum
HOO BOY this one. where to begin. There‘s this motherfucker named Argentum. He’s an extremely powerful sorcerer - the first one to master every existing form of magic, in fact. He‘s got all the time in the world, because he‘s literally unable to go anywhere. There’s a magic barrier over his home preventing him from leaving. It’s like that because he tried to murder the king of the Isles, who is both his brother and a tyrant, around 300 years ago. That may sound like a while, but in this universe, people age super slow. Ten years there is like one year here. The whole paracosm is about this dude chillin in his house with the three people that visit him (everyone else in the Isles avoids the house. probably because argentum is scary as fuck) - Taffeta, Shiv, and Adelio. Adelio is his nephew who practically lives with him since Aurum is a super shitty dad while Argentum is a really cool and caring uncle. So. As for Taffeta, she broke into his house one time and he was just like “…alright cool” and so she visits a bunch. Shiv is just there because he’s Taffeta’s brother. There’s also a guard dude named Cray who has a tragic backstory and starts out as a villain but gets both a redemption arc and like. a reverse glowup. (he starts out looking all clean and neat and tidy and in the end he looks like he lives in the sewers.)
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swamplatibule · 3 years
Argentum‘s whole gig is just being weird so here I’ve compiled a list
extremely powerful magic
about 90% of the Isle’s population doesn‘t believe he exists
those who do know he exists don’t know why the hell he‘s imprisoned
like they know he tried to kill Aurum but they don’t know how or when? And there was never a trial or a big announcement the guard just stuck him in there and called it a day
portal to another realm in his backyard (though he can’t get into it to escape because plot reasons)
talks in weird riddles more often than not
speaks 18 different dialects, 13 of which are dead languages he may well be the last person to know
talented alchemist, but chooses to make tiny explosions rather than revolutionary discoveries (who wouldn't tbh)
looks like robert downy junior
also sounds like rdj
is a dramatic bitch
literally just vibing in his lil corner of the universe. not trying to escape or anything just,,,, chillin
his reaction to finding Taffeta in his attic severely injured was “oh hi what’s up” and then grabbing what he needed and leaving the room
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swamplatibule · 3 years
Well since nobody asked me about Aurum Argentum I guess I just have to ramble huh (no offense to you guys you’re awesome)
No cuts this time we scroll like men
So this is like a fantasy world, there’s magic and the occasional dragon and also swords, those are cool.
Let’s start with Aurum, shall we?
He’s the king of the Isles (It’s fully called the Leranian Isles, but everyone just refers to it as “the Isles” because I said so). And also? He’s a bitch. Fuck this guy. He sucks. The way Aurum rules the Isles tends to fuck over the people who actually need help in favor of keeping the wealthy happy. Those who support him are pretty much blind to that, but anyone who would dare even say a word against him are quickly taken care of by the guard. So clearly he’s Not A Great Guy.
And on the other end, we have Argentum. He’s Aurum’s younger brother (though only by a year and a half, and that gap seems to be wayyyy smaller when everyone lives for about 1,000 years) and also on what could be called magical house arrest for the rest of his life! For trying to murder his brother! How that works is that there’s this house, and there’s an enchanted dome around it. Anyone other than Argentum can go in and out of it as they please - which will be important later - but for him it’s just this invisible, indestructible wall.
Almost nobody goes near his house. Everyone on the Isles has been told that he’s insane, a complete madman, and would kill them in seconds if they were to step foot through the barrier. The frequent explosion noises coming from that direction don’t really deter that belief (He’s just a very talented alchemist, and also does a lot of experiments because there isn’t really a whole lot else to do). To be honest, Argentum would be very lonely in his lil house if it weren’t for the three different pled who actually talk to him.
Also, you’ll notice - Aurum and Argentum. Gold and Silver. Argentum’s always been second best, and I feel like the names highlight something about the two’s childhood that I can’t really name.
Anyway. Back to the three people.
First we have Adelio. He’s Aurum’s kid, but basically lives with his cool uncle because his dad sucks. Adelio walks with a pretty heavy limp that he’s had since he was born, and he usually walks with a cane. Aurum, however, would rather him use an illusion spell or something and walk without the cane so he didn’t appear weak to the public. And he knows full fucking well that it would hurt Adelio to walk like that, but he cares more about appearance. That’s the first of a long list of abuse.
Adelio went to check on Argentum’s house one day, just out of curiosity, and realized two things. One, his uncle is definitely not crazy, and is actually pretty cool and wayyy less of an asshole than his dad. Two, the man is really fucking bad at taking care of himself. He’ll go for a full week without eating anything because he has quote unquote “more important things to do”. So Adelio just decided that someone’s gotta remind Argentum to take care of himself (And also he just wanted to spend more time with his cool uncle) and started hanging around his house more.
Argentum didn‘t fully appreciate it at first, but Adelio grew on him. They care for each other, and the kid basically lives with him now. It’s... 🥺 I love them.
Aight forget that now it’s time for DUN DUN DUNNNNN Taffeta Vince! She’s... *sigh* where the fuck do I start? Taffeta is a thief-assassin combo, with a questionable moral compass and possibly more questionable number of knives on her at all times. She’s quite possibly the most wanted thief in the Isles, but most people are terrified of her and so they leave her alone. Taff is extremely sassy and chaotic and flirty and she will either kiss you or tear out your throat in seconds. Or both, in that order. You have been warned.
She met Argentum (who I will be calling “Gen” from now on because that’s his actual nickname anyway) wayyyyy before her reputation was as good as it is now. She was a beginner thief, got caught and had to run from a few guards, and went straight towards Gen’s house, not knowing who it belonged to. The guards abandoned the chase, figuring that she had basically just rung the underworld‘s doorbell and they didn’t feel like following. She broke in through a window and chilled in that room for maybe half an hour, until Gen came upstairs and found this heavily injured woman just vibing in his attic without any context.
So that’s how they met.
Shiv is Taffeta’s brother, though they were separated for a very long time and only met again and figured out they were siblings about 50 years ago. He’s a hired mercenary, and also a complete himbo sweetheart who I would murder everyone on this planet for. Very skilled with a bow. He met Gen and Lio through Taffeta, so here’s how he met her-
Long story short, he got hired to kill her. And then heard what her name was and decided to look into it. The two were twins, separated at birth, and Shiv never actually knew what his real name was. He was named by the Random Mercenary Dude who found him (that’s why he has an angsty-ass name) and took care of him. He did, however, know Taffeta’s name, because it was in a letter that was left with him. For some reason, Shiv’s name wasn’t in the letter. Just roll with it.
Taffeta knew she had a brother once, but she didn’t know his name. So when this guy, very bounty-hunter-looking, approaches her and asks for her by name, her first instinct is to attack. And so they’re just fighting and they figure out who the other is and I haven’t worked out the whole thing but it’s FINE i’ll figure it out.
Anyway so there’s Gen with his three friends, and OH YEAH! THIS MOTHERFUCKER!
Let’s talk about Cray Girani for a second.
He’s the captain of Aurum’s guard (Which is called the Gilded Guard, by the way) and also Taffeta’s nemesis. The times there two have clashed? Immeasurable. They’ve both given each other a number of scars and bruises, though Taffeta always gets away. It’s gotten to the point where he’s almost directly hunting her, because of all the shit she’s caused him.
He’s very cold, angery boi, calculating and sharp and doesn’t waste time on being nice. Cray is very commanding and a good leader, definitely, but he’s... there’s some shit going on with him. The man has issues. Maybe he’ll get a redemption arc, but who knows.
And there you go! Just two hours of typing nonstop! Wonderful! Anyway my asks are still open if you wanna know anything about these six~
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swamplatibule · 3 years
send me an ask and I’ll ramble about these fuckers (affectionate(mostly))
I will also answer specific questions if asked
🗡 - Taffeta Vince
🏹 - Shiv Kindred
🌑 - Argentum Hanover
🌕 - Aurum Hanover
🐺 - Adelio Hanover
🦅 - Cray Ginari
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swamplatibule · 3 years
Oh boy howdy I’ve created not one but TWO new paracosms in the last three days and I even have a title, playlist, and meme playlist cover for one of them hot damn
Anyways say hello to:
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*slaps roof of AA* This baby has everything, from a chaotic neutral lesbian thief/assasin combo to a tyrant king to the tyrant king’s brother who’s imprisoned in a really weird way for trying to murder said king to the king’s son that has a horrible relationship with his dad and gets basically adopted by his uncle to the assassin lady’s best friend who’s really good at archery and is also a criminal. And there’s magic!
I’ve only had this paracosm for a day and a half and if anything happened to it I would kill everyone on this site and then myself
Buckle up, folks, Aurum Argentum is gonna be one wild motherfucking ride
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swamplatibule · 3 years
New update in Aurum Argentum - are we seeing a Cray redemption arc? Is that what this is? Enemies to lovers with Shiv? And he CUT his HAIR oh boyyyy
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swamplatibule · 3 years
is it normal to have a huge number of various paracosms and have your “fave” or “main” change from day to day? because let’s see here...
The Starwritten Society
Risk And Impact
Smoke And Steel
Thieves Guild
Aurum Argentum
Zet Vitalia
The Olympians
The Iris Order
Lion League
Hexes and Home Runs
Midnight Blue
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swamplatibule · 3 years
shitty descriptions for just about all of my paracosms (fandom daydreams not included) along with the emojis to send me in an ask if any of them are even slightly intriguing
🃏 House of Cards - four gay people overthrow capitalism through the power of murder
🗝 The Menagerie - steampunk 1920s with a fuck ton of magic but also people frequently get thrown into the fucking void for breaking laws
💎 Killigan - a hired assassin and his therapist try to rescue a kidnapped child, but she’s trying to kill them and it somewhat complicates things
🎭 Nameless - a serial killer gets kidnapped by a secret organization to fight another completely unrelated secret organization
⚙️ Afterworld - 18 years after the literal zombie apocalypse, you are now the protagonist
⚔️ Zet Vitalia - ritual combat is encouraged by everyone, including a very strong 14 year old
🏛 The Olympians - Greek myths but a sitcom
💥 Risk and Impact - a local superhero adopts several children despite not knowing jack shit about being a father
🪐 Nebula - a magic child steals a dude’s shit and ends up with a father figure. Also they’re in space.
🌑 Aurum Argentum - an older man is put on magic house arrest for three centuries after he attempts to kill his brother
🪄 The Narrator - a reluctantly immortal being with a magic cat attempts to romance a man for the vine and everything goes to shit
🛸 Steel and Smoke - four gay people overthrow capitalism part two electric boogaloo (in space!)
🦄 Camp Leto - a bunch of magical creatures go to a summer camp run by a child to avoid the law
🌊 Tides - two middle aged men get isekaied, fall in love, and adopt a fish boy, not in that order.
🛼 Flipsides - extremely queer superheroes
🏰 A Royal Mess - a lesbian queen takes care of her three adopted children and defeats people in several different forms of combat.
⏱ Society of Thieves - an army of morally grey gay people once again destroy capitalism
🗡 Lightfoot - a prince joins a group of assassins and murders the fuck out of his shitty dad
💍 Champions - it’s the demon hunger games but more fun and they use Earth as an arena
👻 Ghosts - a single dad and his two kids somehow get roped into performing several excorcisms with a british guy
⭐️ The Starwritten Society - god buddy I couldn’t explain all of this if I tried.
☄️ Starsailors - A fascist empire is attempting to take over the galaxy and you and your ragtag team of random people you did favors for have to stop them
🏎 Wicked Wheels - Sword art online but cars
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swamplatibule · 3 years
Brain: Cray’s a hardened son of a bitch. He‘s rough, cold, doesn’t let himself feel things because that’s how he’s gotten hurt in the past. He thinks it’s easier this way. He keeps himself locked up, and nobody gets to see past the stoic wall.
Also Brain: he teaches combat lessons to kids in his spare time and he doesn’t even get paid for it, they just ask him and he’s like “aight let’s go”
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