#pardon the terrible pictures by the way I took them real quick and just kept walking
avocadolaw · 8 months
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Realized I forgot to post these! Well, it’s done and it’s been dropped off at a show, so we’ll see what happens.
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anagentinwriting · 5 years
To Catch a Thief - Part 10
Summary: Being an FBI field agent was your dream job but having been stuck behind a desk for most of your career you’ve almost given up. Fortunately, a series of robberies with minimal evidence forces you to assist a team in the field to help solve the case. But when the only thing left behind is a series of song lyrics, will you be able to find the perp? Or will the number of obstacles and lack of evidence keep you from solving the case?
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
Word Count: 3482
Warnings: Language
To Catch a Thief Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Gamora sat beside you in the interrogation room helping Peter finish the last few touches of his arrangement, which guaranteed his mother safety and him being pardoned for any crimes he committed.  Yondu thought it was best to give Peter something in this deal since he was the only one coming forward with information. With one last signature from him, Gamora left the room.
On the surface, Peter appeared calm and relaxed but underneath he had to be a little worried. He reached for the styrofoam cup filled with coffee and took a sip as you begin your questioning. “Now that everything's squared away, I want to know how you managed to pass the polygraph test even though you were guilty.”
“Out of everything that’s what you want to know?” The corner of his mouth turned up not being able to hide his amusement.
“To start, call me intrigued. Mantis is one of the best polygraphers in the country and she wants to know how you pulled it off.” You crossed your arms across your chest and leaned back in your chair.
“The short answer, I got good at believing my own lies.”
“That’s it?” A smirk spread across Peters' lips and he nodded. You didn’t believe him but decided to let it slide for now. “Why don’t you start from the beginning?” You leaned forward grabbing your favorite black pen and tilted the yellow notepad ready to write down any important details.
“Before I begin, I should tell you about my father J’son Quill. He was the infamous Ego.” Peter paused, expecting a reaction out of you but you gave him nothing. “He was apart of Thanos’ crew along with The Collector, but back then he went by Taneleer Tivan. Thanos taught my father and Taneleer everything they needed to know about thieving, and they became unstoppable. After Thanos went into retirement, Taneleer formed his own gang called The Collector and his Trinkets.”
“Did Ego help form this crew?”
“No, my dad didn’t like having big responsibilities, which included me,” Peter breathed. “He only started to come into the picture around the time I turned eight, but when he came to visit it wasn’t your usually father-son bonding time. We didn’t play catch or hit a ball around, instead, he trained me how to be the perfect thief. I was basically my father's protege.”
“What did your mother think of this?”
“She had no idea it was going on. My dad wanted me to keep it a secret because he wanted it to be a surprise for her, so I kept my mouth shut. But, she found out and man was she pissed,” Peter explained, his eyes growing big at the memory. “My mom told him to stop because she didn’t want me to be part of that life. He promised he would, but he was never good at following through with his promises.”
“How long would you say he trained you for? Did he take you on any jobs with him?”
Peter stayed quiet for a moment thinking it over. “I would say about two years. As for the jobs, my dad kept them small. He’d take me to gas stations or mechanic shops, where there was an unsupervised register. Sometimes we would walk down a street or in a park, and he taught me how to pickpocket,” he mentioned, scratching the scruff on his face.  “I guess, there’s only one big job I helped him with. He showed up at my school out of the blue after being gone for about a month. He told me I was ready for the big leagues. It was exciting, but I was a stupid little kid willing to do anything to get my father’s attention.”
“What was the job?”
“I’ll get there. Anyways, my dad took me to this abandoned warehouse outside the city. I didn’t know anything about the plan, but my father gave me an earpiece and ordered me to crawl through the ventilation system.  He told me what way to go until I reached a small office. I looked behind one of the paintings, and that’s when I found the safe.  My dad read me the code while I punched it in and it popped open.  I grabbed the box inside, but before I could get away the lights turned on. Turns out the warehouse we were robbing belonged to The Collector.”
“What was in the box?”
“Patience is key.” Peter tapped to his forehead and pointed at you. “Turns out that month my dad was gone he was working a job in London. This job was important to The Collector, so it was important to him.  Have you ever heard the name Erik Selvig?” You nodded, remembering the name on Gamora’s necklace owners list.  “Erik owned the Aether Infinity Stone necklace until my dad stole it, which put this all in motion.” Peter twirled his finger in the air.
“Wait, The Collector already had one before all this started? That would mean he only needs one more necklace to find,” you exclaimed as the realization dawned on you. You remembered someone mentioning it the night you followed Peter to the warehouse, but it must’ve slipped your mind. “Were you and Ego trying to steal the red Infinity Stone necklace back from him?”
“Yes and yes,” Peter replied.  “Ego promised Taneleer he’d steal all the Infinity Stone necklaces for him. Shortly after he stole the necklace from Selvig, my dad decided to learn more about them. He came to realize how valuable they were so he wanted to steal them all for himself. He decided to start with the red stone which is where I came in.” Peter hesitated for a moment before he went on. “At the warehouse that night, I watched The Collector murder my father for his betrayal.”
Your eyes darted to his, but his eyes remained focused on the styrofoam cup in his hands. Peter saw everything. He watched his father die right in front of him. You couldn’t even imagine seeing the last look on your parents face before they died, but Peter did. “I’m sorry, Peter.”
He didn’t answer, but his eyes flashed up to yours for a quick second. “I didn’t cry when it happened. Should I have cried for him, since he was my father? Does that make me a terrible person?" Peter knitted his brows together forming a crease between them. “I could've been in shock and wasn’t comprehending it, or did I finally realized he never cared about me at all? He was just using me because I was a small kid that could fit into places adults couldn’t,” Peter confessed, pressing his lips together in a hard line.
You didn’t move. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. How did you not realize this before? You and Peter were in the same boat. Both of us were used and manipulated by someone we cared about. We were the pawns in other people’s schemes, but if he knew what it felt like to be used why’d he do it to you?
“No it doesn’t,” you whispered, and his eyes snapped up to you. You wanted to keep your emotions out of this, but seeing Peter in this valuable state was painful to watch. He’s always so charismatic and candid, but this was a side of him you’ve never seen before. “Not crying over your father, doesn’t make you a bad person. Yeah, he might’ve been your father, but that doesn’t make him your dad.” He nodded, and you watched his whole body relax as he let out a deep breath.
You didn’t want to continue questioning him. You wanted this to be over, but the few little tidbits about daddy issues, thief training, and The Collector wouldn’t be enough, so you had to keep digging. “Did anything happen after The Collector killed Ego? Did you talk to the police about what happened?”
“I don’t remember much. It all blurred together through the years,” Peter answered, rubbing his head. “The one thing I do remember was Yondu putting me into his squad car and bringing me to the station. He tried to get me to talk, but I wasn’t saying anything. Instead of pressuring me, he took me to his office, turned on the radio, and handed me some crayons and paper. He didn’t say anything he just sat with me. To this day, I still don’t know how the old man got me talking, but I told him everything.”
“Do you know how the Collector got away with it? I mean, how is he still walking free if you explained everything to the police?” You questioned with your eyebrows drawing together.
“The Collectors cousin, Carlo, admitted to it. He told the police he couldn’t live with the guilt. He ended up telling them exactly what happened, but the knife was in his hand instead of The Collectors. They believed him and ignored everything I said except for Yondu.  They didn’t look into it any further so case closed.” Peter gave a half shrug, shaking his head.
Carlo gave up his life to protect a guilty man even though Peter told Yondu the real story. They should’ve examined the evidence further and viewed this case from all points of view. This was lazy police work. “What happened after that night?”
“My mom and I moved around a lot never staying in one place for long. She got a job as a traveling nurse, so it helped keep us off The Collectors radar. Her worst nightmare was not being able to protect me from him.” He shifted in his sit folding his hands together in his lap. “About two years later, my mom got diagnosed with brain cancer. She started treatment, which forced us to move back to New York. When the treatment hit her hard, she couldn’t work anymore, so I stole to make ends meet. I knew it was wrong, so I left IOU’s behind signed by Star-Lord. Whenever I got money, I sent what I owed plus interest because they kept me from starving.”
“Did your mom find out about this?”
“No, but if she did she never said anything. I wanted her to focus on getting better and not be worrying about me. The day she went into remission was a relief, but this brings us back to the present, about 17 years later, and her cancer is back,” he sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“About four in a half months ago, The Collector finally caught up with us, and he took my mom hostage.” Your jaw dropped at his confession. “He promised me my mother would get the best treatment available, if and only if, I fulfill my father's unfinished promise.  He wanted me to pick up where Ego left off, and if I didn’t, he was going to kill my mother. I wasn't going to let that happen,” Peter admitted with his eyes boring into yours.
Peter was telling the truth, he wasn't in this for the money or the glory. He was in it for the sole reason to protect his mother as she did for him all those years ago. Everything finally connected into place. Peter left these lyrics behind to share his side of the story.  
Like in the lyrics, Peter had a rough upbringing, but he pushed through hoping things would get better. When they did, he accepted his past and was finally excited about his future. The last lyrics he left put everything into perspective. Peter was on the run from the police as well as The Collector.  Peter knew he would get caught at some point, but he wanted to make clear his mother was innocent. He may be guilty of committing these robberies, but it all goes back to Ego and what he made Peter into.
“Shit! I don’t... I had no idea.” You almost reached out to grab his hand, but you stopped yourself. He hurt you, but you still found yourself caring about him. Your emotions were all over the place, but you needed to buckle down and keep this professional. “We’ll do whatever it takes to get your mom back, and I promise….we promise we will keep her safe once this is all over.”
“Thank you,” Peter spoke up. “I know you didn’t see everything.” You tilt your head confused to what he was referring to. “Last night. After I handed over the necklace, I got to see my mom for a few minutes. If you saw her, you would’ve learned the truth.” Your eyes dart down to your notepad feeling a little guilty about this whole mess. “Hey, it's okay. I should’ve come clean the first time I came in it’s.....it’s my fault.”
You nodded, he was right. If he came clean earlier things could’ve turned out differently between the two of you, but it was too late for what ifs. You found out the truth in a bad way and it will take you some time to move on. The room remained quiet for a few more minutes before you continued. “We need to know more to help you.”
“What else do you need? I’m an open book ready to confess all the spoilers.” His eyes connected with yours. He seemed ready to give up everything if he had to.
“We need to know who was all involved in these crimes. More specifically who helped you?”
“There are four guys in charge of me. Ronan, the Collectors right-hand man, makes sure I show up to each thief and go thru with it.  Korath is the tech guy.  He’s super smart with technology, and I swear, it’s almost like half his brain is a machine with how fast he works. He was able to fiddle with the camera feeds to make sure I got in and out undetected. And to top it all off, he purposely messes up my code name, so that hurts.” Peter pressed his lips together shaking his head.
“Umm....theirs Retch but I don’t know what he does besides get bossed around by the others. The last guy is Taserface,” he laughed. “What kind of name is that? How he thought  that was a kickass name is beyond me?” You let out a quiet chuckle with him. “I think he may be extra muscle because he isn’t the brightest character. I mean, how could you be with a name like Taserface,” he chuckled again, forcing you to crack a small smile.
“How did you pull off each thief?” You clicked your pen, ready to take notes as you waited for him to answer.
“I was in Las Vegas for a Bachelor Party, that wasn’t a lie. The other obvious reason was to steal the necklace. I did a few days of recon myself before the heist because this was my first job with these idiots, and I didn’t want to get caught for something they missed. The day of Retch got me the same uniform as the guard, so all I had to do was wear the uniform, knock out the dude, take the keys, unlock the case, grab the necklace, and replace it with the hologram replica the Trinkets created. All while hiding my face from the many many cameras in that casino.
“The theft at Dr. Strange’s resistance was the most challenging because I didn’t get to recon it myself.  I had to trust the Trinkets, which is tough to do. Korath hacked into the cameras and alarm systems to turn them off, so all I had to do was crack the safe and get out of there.”
“How would you explain the alibi you gave us?” You asked, narrowing eyes because you heard him in his room that night. How could he be in two places at once?
“Oh, thattt--” he dragged out, flashing you a coy smile “--that was a recording!”
“You recorded yourself having sex.” Your face contorted in both shock and disgust.
“Not my proudest moment, I know--” he held up his hands “--but I had the lady’s consent. It’s not like I did it in secret.”
“Like that makes it any better.” You shake your head at his crazy antics.  “So, then when I was knocking on the door you were--”
“Crawling in through the window,” he answered before you could finish.
“That explains your delayed response. How about the necklace in Norway? I know you scoped it out a few weeks prior to you stealing it.”
“Yes, I went two times. I wanted to prepare for the worst case scenario if something went wrong. Ronan did most of the work on this one, but like I said I trust myself more than I trust the Trinkets. The day of Korath played the same video feed on loop for the security cameras and turned off the sensors in the case. I picked the lock then replaced the real necklace with the hologram replica. It was another easy in easy out.”
“Your alibi here was the Tales from the Galaxy Conference you attended in Florida. How do you explain being in the pictures there when you were actually in Norway?”
“What can I say?” He leaned back in his chair putting his hands behind his head. “When The Collector wants something, he will pull all the strings to make sure it happens. With this heist, his techs hacked the site and photoshopped me into the pictures. I wanted to make sure I was there for one whole day so I could talk to people attending the conference, too. This way if you questioned any of them, they could confirm I was there. As for the flights, I flew in and out of Florida, but my trips to Norway were on The Collectors private jet.”
“Of course they were.” You jotted down some notes before he started the story with the last necklace. He explained how it was like the Vegas heist, but it ended up going array in the end. It didn’t matter because The Collector and his Trinkets were able to pull through and have an answer for everything.
“Do you know how they pulled off the camera footage at the pharmacy because it was time-stamped at the time the necklace was stolen?” You asked, tapping your pen on the table.
“The Trinkets must’ve gotten their hands on it and worked their magic.” He wiggled his fingers out in front of him like he was performing a magic trick.
“What’s weird is no one came forward witnessing you at the museum? Like you said you ran into a kid named Ned Leeds, but he never came forward.”
"Best guess, the Trinkets either threaten him, offered him payment, or killed him. It's their tactic, preferably in that order. They do whatever they want without having to suffer any consequences. I've tried to stop it, but it doesn’t do any good," he explained. He was being honest, and you appreciated his cooperation.
“How were you able to find all these necklaces so fast? We had a hard enough time tracking down one.”
“The Collector and his trinkets found them over the course of 20 years. After my dad died, they scoured the Earth searching for necklaces until they found them.”
“Why didn’t The Collector start stealing the necklaces himself? If he knew where they were, why wait?”
“He tried to, but he failed. In all honesty, The Collector’s a terrible thief, and when he grew tired of failing, he decided to blackmail people into doing his deeds for him. He extorted a few fellas to try and steal them, but they failed, too, except for me of course.”
“How come no one has ever heard of his failures?”
“Nobody wants to admit they own an Infinity Stone necklace.” You nodded at his words, remembering Gamora saying the same thing once before.
“But, why go through all this hassle with making up your alibi if he only has one left to steal?”
“Because sweetheart, I’m the best in the business,” he winked at you as a small grin spread across his lips.
“Do you know where the last necklace is? What is it, the orange Soul Stone necklace?”
“No one knows not even The Collector. The books say Valkyrie was the last one to see it, but I don't think anyone has ever found the hidden world she speaks about. For all I know, it’s a myth, and the stories I've read in these books aren’t even true.”
“Okay. One more question, why leave the lyrics behind?”
“As an apology, mostly. I hoped at least one agent on this case would see past the lyrics, and understand I was doing this for a different reason. I’m lucky because I think one of you got my message,” Peter answered with his eyes on you.
AN: Oh snap! Sorry if your head hurts right now. I know this was a lot of information to process since I did get a little carried away....haha!! What did you think of his motive? Were any of you right? Do you think Peter came in to confess on his own free will, or do you think The Collector put him up to it? Anywho, thanks for reading! 
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thecrazydragonlady · 7 years
“All for Charity”- A ML One-shot
Synopsis: Ladyblogger Alya has an idea. A photo charity shoot featuring Paris’s favorite heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir! Just how well will things go for a girl who’s never modeled and model trying not to be discovered?
Notes: I'm catching up as promised! VICTORIA of AO3, here's your photo-shoot request! I died laughing at Chat's antics and poor Ladybug had no idea what hit her in the face. Anyway, I hope it's what you expected and I hope everyone enjoys!
When the Ladyblogger of Paris had approached the two teen heroes about having a charity photo shoot to raise money for the young boys and girls in the local hospital, superheroes Ladybug and Chat Noir couldn't find it in their hearts to say no. After all, how could they? They'd gone by the hospital multiple times in the past year or so to talk to the children and see how they were doing and the state most of them were in broke their hearts. Several times they'd gone back and children were missing. Without a good reason. Ladybug had to admit that she'd gone home and cried over the situation a couple of times. Chat too. The photo shoot was therefore right up their alley (Chat wiggled his eyebrows at the two girls who both groaned and face palmed).
In hindsight, maybe it wasn't such a good thing.
Alya had managed to organize everything spectacularly. She'd gotten in touch with a couple of organizations that were willing to help- a big name photo company, a poster making company, and even Agreste Industries agreed to help, giving them a place to do the shoot at, as well as offering to host a lavish charity banquet to auction off the posters to the highest donor. Alya even convinced them to let her save one or two of the posters to do a raffle on the Ladyblog to the follower who donated the most money to a Gofundme account she'd started.
The background work was done. All that was left was the shoot.
Which is exactly where superhero Ladybug found herself one sunny Saturday morning.
She was nervous. She'd been eager at first to participate but the longer she stood on the sidelines of the building, watching the photographers and stage hands run back and forth, men and women alike getting ready for the day, she wasn't so sure how she was feeling anymore. It was for a good cause. That she recognized. However, her nerves were starting to get to her; she didn't know how to model! She was going to look like a board on camera and then everyone would really see how terrible and clumsy she was. What if she hurt Chat? The photographer? ALYA? A soft groan lodged itself in the back of her throat. She braced herself back against the wall, her head touching it lightly as she felt a wavy of dizziness wash over her. The longer she stood there doing nothing, the more uncomfortable she became. A soft cough next to her caught her attention. Leaning against the wall next to her, his hands up behind his head, his eyes closed, tail switching back and forth, was her partner Chat Noir. He opened one eye to smirk at her. "Having problems my lady," he asked.
"Not at all," she chirped. "Just... just nerves."
"Ladybug? Nervous? I can't picture it." She bit back a laugh. If only he actually knew who she was!
"Despite appearances kitty cat," she mused, turning to face him on the wall, "I am not cool and collected twenty four seven. Really though. I don't know why I agreed to this. I can't model. There's a reason why I want to be behind the camera and not in front of it." His ears perked at that.
"You want to be a camera operator?" She laughed this time, flicking his bell.
"No silly. I want to be a fashion designer. The best Paris has ever seen."
Chat's mouth dropped a bit. It was the first real piece of information she'd ever revealed about herself to him and it made him glow just a little bit. He coughed to clear his throat and hopefully return his cheeks to normal. "A- a fashion designer? The best in Paris? I have my faith in you my lady but aren't you going to go up against men like Gabriel Agreste? Doesn't that make you more nervous than standing in front of a camera?"
"No way. The fashion industry is more straight-forward than standing in front of the camera." He started to say something but was cut off by the photographer, a tall skinny Italian man who often did his own photo shoots for Agreste Industries, who came up to them, a wide grin on his face, rubbing his hands together.
"Pardon me but we are ready to begin the shoot. We will do individuals and then together. Which of you would like to go first?" Chat started to speak and say himself when he was cut off by a red hand shooting up into the air and a quick, "I'll go," coming from the mouth of Ladybug. All he could do was blink at her. His eyes narrowed as the photographer nodded and took off to get the camera finalized. Ladybug let out a sigh. She then quickly smiled at her partner and stated, "Well, at least I'll get it out of the way so it won't be too painful for everyone."
"You'll be fine LB," he assured her. She smirked but headed towards the shoot area when she was finally motioned to.  He watched from the sidelines as she got into place. Chat wasn't sure what she had been worried about; she was doing a wonderful job in front of the camera. She moved naturally and sexily, revealing her natural curves and everything about herself that made her beautiful. However, it didn't sit right on his stomach. His eyes narrowed the more he watched. She was doing everything in her power to be... well... BASIC was the best he could think of; some of the poses he remembered from having seen other female models and this did not go well with him. Ladybug was anything but basic. Plus, she wasn't even showing her true strength! Chat's tail twitched and his ears flattened. The longer he listened to the photographer go, "Yes! The beautiful lady has eaten the perfect amount of spaghetti and is totally happy!" the more annoyed he got. Eventually he was tapping his foot impatiently and had his arms crossed, a clear pout on his face. Ladybug noticed it and eyed him confused. She tilted her head to the side. The photographer stopped too, confused as well.
"What is the matter," he asked. She smiled at him.
"Nothing. I just need a break. Can we take a minute?"  He nodded, straightening up and fiddling with his camera. She skipped over to Chat who still looked like he had been abused by his owner or something. She flicked his bell.
"Chaton? What's wrong kitty? Did I do something wrong?"
He jerked in surprise and, staring wide-eyed at her, stuttered out, "No-not at all LB. You're doing a perfect job!" She tilted her head.
"Then what is it? You look upset."
"I'm not upset," he waved his paws in the air, "Just waiting my turn. Promise."
She hesitated. Ladybug knew that he was lying but she also knew that there was no point in fighting with him to tell the truth so instead, she turned back to the photo area, looking back at him briefly while saying, "Alright, if you're sure." Chat waved her off as she went back. However, once more, he began to pout as he watched her modeling. It was too graceful. Too perfect. This wasn't Ladybug! She wasn't... God she wasn't showing half of her amazingness and it needed to be corrected.
Chat stomped up to her on the photo area. Ladybug jerked in surprise and the camera stopped clicking, the photographer looking up at him, "Chat Noir! The doubles shoot isn't for another hour or so."
"I know," he mumbled. He kept his eyes on Ladybug as he hissed, "Your poses are too generic my lady. Allow me to help you correct that." She started to protest when suddenly her partner was behind her, gently grabbing her arms, and pushing them forward so that she looked like she was in a muscle-demonstrating pose. She blinked. He came back around, looked her up and down, nodded, and got out of the way. He smirked as he left saying, "Don't move my lady!" Her face dropped. The photographer didn't seem to mind the new position as he clicked off a couple of photos. When that was done, Chat came back and readjusted her, this time making her show off her muscles by turning her around, raising her arms in the air and turning her face in profile.
She was confused but went with it.
Apparently the new poses were well received. She could hear people whispering off to the side about how "ripped" she was and how great muscles looked on her. Ladybug blushed at the praise. She knew that her body had undergone some changes in the last year or so with her powers and everything, but she hadn't realized how effective it had been in changing her; the muscles especially since she didn't often stop to check herself out in the mirror or anything like that. It had just come with the territory. After what seemed like forever, the photographer finally gave her the clearance to move. She let out a sigh of relief and walked off the set. Chat greeted her with a towel and some water, both of which she took gratefully, swallowing down some of the liquid. She brushed her forehead with the towel. "Thanks Chat. By the way, what was with that stunt you pulled? I thought you said I was doing alright."
He smirked, "You were doing alright... with the basic poses. But they were too basic LB! You weren't showing off what makes you amazing so I had to step in and correct it." She rolled her eyes as she sat the towel around her shoulders. Crossing her arms and throwing out a hip, she eyed him up and down, "Alright then, if you can do better, then by all means. Show me." His smirk grew even wider and he moved uncomfortably close to her; their noses almost touched but she didn't dare back down even though her face flushed a little.
"Then how about a bet?"
"Oh? What do you have in mind kitty cat?"
"I show you I know what I'm doing behind a camera and I get to take you for ice cream afterwards."
"Now that's not much of a bet. You get embarrassed and I have to pay!"
Chat stood up straight, his smirk never dying, as he started to head off towards the camera. "You're under the assumption I don't know what I'm doing. Don't worry my lady! Today will be a win-win for you. You get a show and free ice cream!" Ladybug rolled her eyes but walked over to stand next to the camera. No way was she going to watch Chat Noir embarrass himself from a far; this was an up-close-and-personal kind of event.
Ladybug would have never guessed how wrong she was.
He was a natural. He knew which ways to stand that showed off the best of him; he moved without prompting and always in time with the clicks. It was nearly like watching some exotic dance happening and there was no way she could avoid the absolutely smoldering look he gave the camera which sent her face into flames. Even the photographer was impressed. He kept encouraging the boy to continue "eating his mama's spaghetti" as he twisted and moved. She was frozen. Whatever spaghetti he was eating, she wanted a bite for sure. When it finally ended, Chat sauntered up to her, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he noted the red in hers. He waited for her to say something but when she didn't, he patted her on the shoulder and went to get some water, calling out, "Ice cream's on me my lady."
She was never going to live this down uh?
Shaking her head, she finally let the reality of the situation set in and she found herself smiling like a fool before walking over to her partner to discuss their obvious later plans.
The photo shoot was more than successful. Thanks to all the work everyone did, the hospital was able to purchase nearly brand new equipment, toys, and make desperately needed repairs to the building.
Adrien stood in his bedroom with two brand new posters hanging on the wall. He smirked at both of them. One was of Ladybug by herself. It was the pose he'd first put her in; it showed every muscle the girl possessed and it was his favorite for the absolutely adorable look of confusion on her face. The other was of him and her together; in the couple's pose they were standing rather heroically, bodies angled towards each other but their outside hands extended with their weapons in them. They couldn't look cooler even if they tried.  Plagg rolled his eyes and disappeared off to eat some cheese, muttering something about how much of a loser he was for purchasing the posters. Adrien shrugged. It wasn't every day he got to do a photo shoot with his lady and so, he wanted something to remember it always.
Even if his favorite was the photo on his phone with Ladybug laughing at some ice cream she'd managed to get on the tip of her nose.
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