unironicallycringe · 1 year
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trying to take advantage of the creative energy bestowed upon me by my SkSw replay!
since Ikana is the "ancient version" of canon Termina, I wanted to make a Zora that hadn't fully evolved from the Parella. Especially since these in the Great Bay would be geographically separated from the Floria Parella, they'd be genetically distinct and could be "further along", so to speak. something something allopatric speciation. so I'm just calling them Zorella.
their legs aren't developed enough to get them onto land, so they don't interact much with the demons of Ikana except for the ones closest to their territory. those would be the Massu of Great Bay Island and Cragmaw Highlands.
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galaxcatconcepts · 11 months
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Linktober Day 29: Aquatic/Water.
I love the colours from Skyward Sword but the Faron region especially.
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abocador-memetic · 1 year
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link-is-a-dork · 2 years
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Parella: “The place was just perfectly peaceful for the longest time. Then weirdo people like you started showing up.”
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wayward-lotus · 1 year
Hey guys, I did a partner event called "Create an Original Character" with the awesome @lordsooga. The OCs are parella that are a part of a pen pal quest for Link. Their names are Fezz and Cora. Enjoy
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hyrulesunflower · 1 year
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here are some zelda races that are underrated that i have ocs for fjdksfjskfjkjcs
wish i had time to color or doodle more,,,,,
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senhorlevamepronto · 2 years
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negreabsolut · 9 months
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buddywhitecat · 1 year
From the Beginning to Love and Marriage: Link and Zelda's Love Story
Chapter 0: Prologue
In the beginning of the history of the magical world of Hyrule, even before the beginning of time, there was no heaven, and no earth. In fact, there was nothing but a void of chaos. Nothing or no one ever ruled over anything. The ouly source of life were three omnipotent and immortal Golden Goddesses. Their names were Din, Nayru, and Farore.
After creating space and the heavens, they decided to descend all the way down from the heavens, (with three flame auras, filled with red green and blue residue, which later became the three Sacred Flames, around their bodies) and into the chaos in order to create a world and fill in the void.
Din, the Red Goddess of Power, gave the chaos a physical form, transforming it into red earth, mountains, plains, canyons, and blue shores, creating the world of Hyrule as it would be known forevermore. Nayru, the Blue Goddess of Wisdom, utilized her immense counselling skills to give natural laws, order, morals, and thoughts to the beautiful land. Farore, the Green Goddess of Courage, created every form of life that would inhabit and protect it, as well as uphold the laws, including humans, other races, plants, and animals.
The Goddesses never intended to unite together all the regions, but the inhabitants had a completely free reign over the land for years. The Goddesses also each left a representative crest behind with their respective symbols engraved on them, placing them in any outdoor location related to each individual Goddess.
Finally, with their laborious work finally completed, the Goddesses were ready to ascend back up to the heavens. At the point where they slid up, one each created with all their mighty essences, their respective piece of an omnipotent, sacred, supreme, powerful relic consisting of three giant golden triangles. able to make wishes come true of anyone good or evil who touched it, to represent them on the earth called the Triforce. There was also its future resting place, known as the Sacred Realm However, only the first person to touch it would get their wish granted, so as to shape and influence reality as a means of fulfilling any desire whatsoever. It was said that the wish would always stay true until the end of the user's life. However, the Triforce was designed in such a specific way that neither the Golden Goddesses themselves nor any other high authority or divine being could ever use it, knowing that because it was as powerful as they themselves were, they would be incapable of doing so. Also it could never distinguish good and evil wishes, but the pieces could be used , whether together or apart. The Triforce had been designed so it could only be used by mortals with an unbreakable spirit and a balanced heart. This would require having a perfect balance of the virtues of power, wisdom, and courage combined. By undergoing sacred trials to demonstrate the virtues, one could witness the power of its might. There was no hope for the Goddesses themselves, but they left the Triforce with Farore's creatures as a way of giving them hope for peace and prosperity, and inspiring them.
If the Triforce was ever touched by someone unworthy, the individual pieces would split up. The one who touched the Triforce, who was chosen by the Goddeses, would be allowed to keep the piece that personifued what virtue they valued the most. The same thing would happen to the other two pieces, except they would be held by two other individuals, also chosen by the Goddeses. A Triforce-shaped mark would then appear on the backs of three of their hands, with the pieces in their possession highlighted. The only way to regain its true power again was to find and reunite all three pieces. When they drew near each other again, they would resonate wihile trying to become together.
Together, Din, Nayru, and Farore also created a fourth goddess named Hylia, who was given powerful and unprecedented knowledge and magical abilities by the Golden Goddesses. They asked her to watch over the Triforce as a guardian so as to ensure it would never end up in the wrong hands, and potentially be misued. Hylia created a white dress, purple bracelets and sandals, as well as patterned hairbands to wear, and even created a personal harp. Over time, all of the races began to live in harmony with each other, even though they all preferred specific environments. There were now seven nations scattered all throughout the land. These were the Hylians, (humans,) the Gorons, the Kikwi, the Mogma, the Parella, and the Robots. The most loyal to Hylia were the Sheikah. The entire lush, magical, and beautiful land was then left in the care of Hylia, and under her watchful guardianship everything was peaceful and safe, especially the Triforce. But, eventually, all this peace ended for the time being, when the Ancient Battle broke out between Hylia and a creature said to have been the origin of all the evils and wars in the future Kingdom of Hyrule, a Demon King named Demise.
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cantoghalpon · 2 years
Amor si, pero a vaquiña polo que vale!
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l-ours · 2 years
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Couple, Dénia
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frie-ice · 2 years
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Here are the parts of Lake Floria. You are told how to get there by a Kikwi named, Yerbal. Then you open the door, dive into the water and there you will meet a Parella named, Jellyf, who is the leader of the Parella and the servant of Faron, the Water Dragon. Follow her that she will take you through under the lake and take you to Faron.
You can take the long way to get to Faron or to just go through the cave entrance next to the waterfall, AKA the entrance to the Ancient Cistern. These images can give you an idea of what the lake and the entrances look like.
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baileys-writing-desk · 7 months
The Afternoon Sun
Four was gravely injured in a monster attack, and it took everything Hyrule had to save him. Two days on, the smithy finally learns of the strange place he’s ended up in: Faron’s basin.
(This is concurrent with The Morning Sun, but it can be read on its own)
In Four’s brief moments of wakefulness, a strange blue creature towers over him…and there’s water all around…he’s in water. Why?
“Don’t worry, Link. You’re safe…”
He has no choice anyway, the smithy remembers as he floats in and out. He can’t leave…he doesn’t know what’s going on. Briefly he is met with the blurry face of the veteran standing in front of him, but even that doesn’t last long as his eyes slowly slip closed again.
“No- don’t fall asleep…yet…”
The next time he stirs, his body is still overcome with weakness, but he has gained just enough awareness to truly think, of what in Hylia’s name could have happened for him to end up here. He whines as his mind draws a blank.
Then a voice sounds from above.
“Ah! Back again, little Link. You with me, boy?”
Four slowly peels his eyes open. The familiar-looking giant blue creature from earlier- or at least a blurry distortion of it- peers down at him from above. He’s still partially submerged in water, with dark walls curving up over him in a circular shape.
Where…exactly am I?
What is that thing??
He grunts, trying and failing to blink the blurriness out of his vision. His body is still incredibly drained…although he must have been asleep for quite a while. The water drips and ripples slightly around him, as the creature extends her arm forward and dips what looks to be two fingers in. Testing the waters, he presumes. But why? Why is he in water?
Must not be regular water.
“Still warm enough…” it mutters, raising its arm back up. “Boy, please speak if you can hear me, will you? It does no good talking to myself.”
…But what kind of water is this?
Four hesitates. The creature wants him to speak; he must not leave it waiting.
“Wh- who are you…?” he croaks, voice incredibly dry. He tries to clear his throat but simply coughs instead. Damn…All this water around yet his mouth still feels like a desert.
“Ah, I suppose I have yet to introduce myself. Now that you seem coherent enough, I shall.” The creature’s blurry face begins to focus a little, showing dark eyes and purplish lips against the pale blue. Two long string-like antennae wave around the sides of her head. “I am Lady Faron, the Water Dragon and warden of the woods. You, young boy, are in my hall within the lake. Now don’t worry, you’re safe here with me.”
Faron…He’s heard that name before. But where…?
The smithy frowns, raising a hand out of the water to touch his forehead. “…And why am I-“
“In my basin, you ask?” Faron chuckles. “That one’s easy. It’s to heal you. In case you don’t remember, you were gravely injured.”
A faint memory drifts in, of his inability to parry a monster’s sharp blade. I was stabbed.
“I…I do.” Four groans, eyebrow furrowing as he starts to make out more of Faron’s features. “You…saved me?”
“Now, boy, don’t give me all the credit here. Another of your companions used all his magic to close your wounds. That is what saved you. But you were still far too weak….” She pauses. “The water you are lying in is my sacred water, which acts as a healing bath.”
Another of your companions…
Hyrule. It had to be Hyrule.
He drops his hand back into the water, noticing the tingling effects of the dragon’s magical substance.
“So tell me, little Link…how do you feel?”
“I’m…” The questions swim through his head. Where’s Rulie? Why does Faron sound so familiar? “…I’ve been better, just so tired…”
Is Rulie okay?
“Are you in any pain?”
Slowly and gently, he shakes his head, being mindful of the dull ache. “Where’s…Hyrule?”
“Oh, him? He’s resting with the Thunder Dragon in his domain. Don’t worry, he’s in very good hands. Lanayru’s grown quite attached to that boy.”
This must be Sky’s era, he realizes.
And something comes to mind about three guardian dragons…Lanayru, Eldin?…and Faron. Of course. Water Dragon. He blames his muddled brain for not putting the pieces together earlier.
“Is…anyone else here?” he manages. “…Legend?” Yes. The vet was here, right?
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow.” Faron frowns, glancing around the rest of the hall which Four cannot see from the basin. “It’s only you and me. Well…and my Kikwis.”
Your- what??
A small splash comes from his right. Slowly the confused smithy turns his head, as far as he can without dipping his face in the water. Something is there next to him. Something like…a very weird-looking- what?? It stares at him with cute eyes and chuckles, opening its bird-like beak slightly.
“Wh-“ Four startles. “-what the hell is that thing??”
Faron only laughs. “Ah, little Link, I assume it’s your first Kikwi encounter. Now don’t worry, he won’t harm you. If he does, boy, tell me and he’s dinner!”
He coughs from the effort of raising his voice, gazing at the little Kikwi playing in the shallow water. What even are those??
And what was that about dinner?
“No…I won’t eat that…whatever it is.” Four mutters, turning his head back to face Faron.
“Oh, you wouldn’t be eating him!” The Water Dragon grins mischievously. “I will.”
Suddenly it all clicks.
It’s her. Faron. That bitchy dragon who eats things smaller than her. And Four is quite a bit smaller—
Oh no.
This can’t be good.
Too weak to sit up fully, he flails his hands and attempts to scamper back, startling the poor Kikwi. “Nonono…” he squeaks out. “Donteatmedonteatmedonteatmedont-“
“Hey, relax!” Faron’s eyes widen. “Did I say I was going to eat you?”
“No, but…I’ve heard things-“
“Of course you have. My Link must have put that idea into your little head.” She scoffs. “Four, I won’t eat you. Take my word.”
The smithy takes a deep breath, laying back down into the water, exhausted from the energy he had just used. Beside him the Kikwi chortles.
“You promise?” he asks, almost in a whisper.
“On my life.”
Wow. She’s serious about this. He still doesn’t quite know if he can trust her…but it’s not like he has much of a choice. The walls of the basin are far too high for him to climb out, and she most likely wouldn’t let him leave in his condition.
He lets out a long sigh. “…Okay.”
I guess I’ll trust you.
“Well! I’m glad we got that sorted out.” The Water Dragon laughs, then pauses to think. “You’ve been in my hands for over a day, it would be a shame if we didn’t get along, now, wouldn’t it?”
Four slowly nods his head, feeling the sacred water continue to gradually lessen the ache. The Kikwi steps closer to him and taps his cheek.
“And me too! I’ve been by your side, kwee!”
Wait. Did that Kikwi just talk?!
He gasps in surprise, wide eyes staring at the small creature. “You…you can talk too??”
“Ah yes, they can.” Faron answers first. “I suppose that’s a detail I should have mentioned before.”
The Kikwi giggles. “Sorry to startle you, little Link. I’m Machi, kwee!”
Machi. What an interesting name.
“H-hi…Machi. It’s nice to meet you, um…” The smithy hesitates. “You can call me Four.”
“Like the number, I know! How peculiar. Where did that name come from, kwee?”
Oh Hylia…Four groans in displeasure. Now is not the best time to explain the whole story of the Four Sword and how he can split into four people, it's…Too much. Far too exhausting.
“Now Machi, don’t overwhelm him.” Faron’s voice, for once, relieves him. “He’s too weak for explaining, that can come later.”
Thank goodness.
“Oh…my apologies, kwee.” Machi’s eyes droop slightly, and Four briefly reaches out to pat its belly.
“It’s okay,” he mutters. The small Kikwi smiles before stepping back to glance up at Faron. Why do they say ‘kwee’ all the time?, he wonders. These little creatures are quite peculiar.
Four takes a deep breath, resting his eyes and letting his body relax once more. Normally he would be able to deal with all these new discoveries; he would be fascinated at Faron and the Kikwis and their ways of life. He would ask Faron why this basin is clearly made for her, and if she’s ever had to use it. He would leave the hall and take a swim for a while, studying the marine life in this unfamiliar region and telling Hyrule excitedly about his findings.
But he is far from strong enough…nowhere near his full self. That will all have to wait, too.
“Little Link, you still look quite drained.” Faron comments. Yep, sounds about right. “Perhaps I shall leave you some space. The more you rest, the quicker you will be healed, boy.”
He blinks his eyes back open, giving the Water Dragon a slight smile. “...Fair enough.”
“I’m sure Lanayru will come by soon. When you’re better, he can pick you up and take you back to your little friend…Hyrule.”
His heart flutters at her mention of the Traveler. Magic exhaustion, he remembers. Rulie has never been out for more than a couple days…he should be waking up soon, right? I hope he’s okay.
“How- how long will this take?” he mumbles. “...To heal, I mean.”
“I’ll be straight with you, Four, the wounds you sustained were severe. Your friend’s healing saved your life, but I estimate several more days before you can be up and around.”
Well, that’s just great. Looks like he won’t be leaving this basin anytime soon.
At least Faron and Machi are decent company. He’s heard scary stories about Faron and her threats to eat almost anything, but at this point she clearly won’t do it to him. The Kikwis, weird as they are, seem quite nice. And he can still hope for visits, from one of his brothers or Lanayru.
“...Okay,” he answers, nodding slowly. He can hear Machi playing in the water, still by his side, while Faron grins.
“You’re a strong hero, little Link,” she assures him. “I have faith in you. Now…I’ll be right back, boy. Please let yourself rest, and don’t go anywhere.”
Four chuckles at her comment. “I won’t, thanks.”
Unless someone comes to take him from the basin, he is most definitely not going anywhere.
He waits for her to disappear out of sight, listening to the sound of her diving underwater, before letting out a long sigh. The lingering tiredness is beginning to win over once again…
You’re safe now. You’re okay.
As he slowly drifts off, he pictures the day when he can finally reunite with Hyrule and the others.
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tortilla-of-courage · 6 months
so like did faron put those big fish bulls that want to kill you on sight all over the flooded faron woods with a Purpose or was it specifically to fuck with link. where did they come from
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tornoaserjo · 2 months
Elon musk te quiero muerto
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ofcowardiceandkings · 2 months
there are so many one-time Zelda races that would be SO welcome in another title but man i loved the kikwis a lot
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